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Passage 1

16. 主被动

17. 连词:看两句话意思关系

18. 名词不可裸奔(冠词)

19. 代词

20. 副词的用法——修饰动词/修饰形容词

21. 定语从句——修饰名词

22.be resistant to sth介词搭配

23. 非谓语

24. far less sticky 比较级

25. while表对比

Scientists have developed a non-stick chewing gum. The new gum can ____16be removed____ (remove) (easily from pavements, shoes and clothes). It’s the result (of polymer (聚合体) research)(at the University of Bristol) and could be launched commercially (in 2008). ____17If____ it catches on (流行), the product will solve ____18a____ major headache(for present authorities)(around the world).

“The advantage (of our Clean Gum) is that _____19it_____ has a great taste, it is easy toremove and has the potential to be ____20environmentally____ (environment) degradable (可降解的),” said Terence Cosgrove, a professor (of chemistry) ____21who/that他____ helped to found a company (called Revolymer)(to commercialize the technology).

Today’s chewing gums are made from synthetic (人工制造的) latex (植物的乳汁), which is resistant ____22to____ the weather and is strongly sticky. The new gum adds a special polymer to modify (修改,改变) its properties (特性), ____23making____ (make) it far ____24less____ (little) sticky.

(In two street trials), other commercial gums remained stuck (to the pavement) ____25while____ Clean Gum came away (脱掉,脱落) naturally (in all cases).

Passage 2

16. the first/second person (to do sth).第一/二个做某事儿的人

17. 名词不可裸奔

18. help sb do sth

19. sb was born (into a … family).

20. 数词

21. weigh v. 重达

22. 时间状从

23. 定从


25.副词的用法…, 副词,….

They called her “the Black Pearl”, “the Black Gazelle” and “the fastest woman (in the world).” (In nineteen sixty), Wilma Rudolph became the first American woman ___16to win___ (win) three gold medals in one Olympics. She was __17an__ extra ordinary American athlete. She also did a lot (to help young athletes ___18succeed___) (success).

Wilma Rudolph was born __19into___a very large, poor, African-American family. She was the ___20twntieth___ (twenty) of twenty-two children. She was born too early and only ___21weighed___ (weigh) two kilograms. She had many illnesses ___22when___ she was very young, including pneumonia(肺炎) and scarlet fever(腥红热). She also had polio (小儿麻痹症), ___23which___ damaged her left leg. When she was six years old, she began to wear metal leg braces because she could not use ___24the/that___leg. With her family’s attention and care, ___25luckily___(lucky), by the time she was nine years old, she no longer needed her leg braces.







Passage 3

16. for + 时间= 过多久

17. sth need to be done= sth need doing = 某事儿需要被做

18. be worth it to do sth. = 某事儿值得做

19. 名从



22. 修饰something/somebody时,形容词放后边:something interesting

23. 状从连词

24. 冠词(名词不可裸奔)

25. 介词:by +n/doing表方式

One day a farmer’s donkey fell down (into a well). The animal cried piteously___16for___ hours (as the farmer tried to figure out what to do). Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed ___17covering/to be covered_ (cover) up anyway; it just wasn't worth ___18it___ to save the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors (to come over and help him). They all grabbed a shovel(铲)and began to shovel dirt (into the well). (At first), the donkey realized (__19what__ was happening) and cried horribly. Then, (to everyone’s amazement), he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He __20was astonished___ (astonish) (at what he saw). (With each shovel of dirt)(__21that/which__ hit his back), the donkey was doing something ___22amazing___ (amaze). He would shake it off and take a step up.

(__23As__ the farmer’s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal),he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed (as the donkey stepped up over __24the__ edge)(of the well) and happily ran off!

Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just (__25by__ not giving up) ! Shake it off
