新人教版学高中语法专题被动语态教案必修英语 解析版

新人教版学高中语法专题被动语态教案必修英语 解析版
新人教版学高中语法专题被动语态教案必修英语 解析版



被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式,被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do 为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为:

(1)am/is/are + done(过去分词)一般现在时

(2)has /have been done 现在完成时

(3)am/is /are being done现在进行时

(4)was/were done 一般过去时

(5)had been done 过去完成时

(6)was/were being done 过去进行时

(7)shall/will be done 一般将来时

(8)should/would be done 过去将来时

(9)shall/will have been done将来完成时(少用)

(10)should/would have been done 过去将来完成时(少用)



如:The baby should be taken good care of by the baby—sitter.


如:His mother gave him a present for his birthday.可改为He was given a present by his mother

for his birthday.

3当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不动。例:Someone caught the boy smoking a cigarette.可改为The boy was caught smoking a cigarette.4在使役动词have,make,get 以及感官动词see,watch,notice,hear,feel,observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to。

如:Someone saw a stranger walk into the building.可改为A stranger was seen to walk into the building.


例:The meeting is to be put off till Friday.


v.+ing 形式及不定式to do也有被动语态(一般时态和完成时态)。

例:I don't like being laughed at in the publiC.




如:My bike was stolen last night.


如:I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should accept the offer.


例:The wellknown person got on the bus and was immediately recognzed by people.(一个主语就够了)

It is said that从句及其他类似句型

一些表示“据说”或“相信”的动词如believe,consider,expect,report,say,suppose,think等可以用于句型“It+be+过去分词+that从句”或“主语+be+过去分词+to do sth.”的有:

It is said that 据说

It is reported that 据报道

It is believed that 大家相信

It is hoped that 大家希望

It is well I known that 众所周知

It is thought that 大家认为

It is suggested that 据建议

如:It is said that the boy has passed the national exam.(=The boy is said to have passed the national exam.




如:This kind of cloth washes well.


试比较:The door won't lock.(指门本身有毛病)

The door won't be lockeD.(指不会有人来锁门,指“门没有锁”是人的原因)

⒉表示“发生、进行”的不及物动词和短语,如:happen,last,take place,break out,come out,come about,come true,run out,give out,turn out等以主动形式表示被动意义。

如:How do the newspapers come out?这些报纸是如何引出来的呢?


如:Your reason sounds reasonable.




如:The house needs repairing(to be repaired).这房子需要修理。


如:The picture—book is well worth reading.(=The picture—book is very worthy to be reaD.)


如:I have a lot of things to do this afternoon.(to do与things是动宾关系,与I 是主谓关系。)


如:This problem is difficult to work out.(可看作to work out 省略了for me).


如:This book is too expensive (for me)to buy.

⒍在there be…句型中,当动词不定式修饰名词作定语时,不定式用主动式作定语,重点在人,用被动形式作定语,重点在物。

如:There is no time to lose(to be lost).(用to lose 可看成for us to lose;用to be lost,谁lost time不明确。)

⒎在be todo结构中的一些不定式通常应用主动表主动,被动表被动。然而,由于古英语的影响,下列动词rent,blame,let等仍用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。

例:Who is to blame for starting the fire?




⒈"under +名词”结构,表示某事在进行中”


under control(受控制)

under treatment(在治疗中)

under repai(在修理中)

under discussiorn(在讨论中)

under construction(在施工中)

如:The building is under construction(is being constructed).



beyond belief(令人难以置信)

beyond one's reach(鞭长莫及)

beyond one's control(无法控制)

beyond our hope.我们的成功始料不及

如:The rumour is beyond belief=cant be believeD.


如:His honest character is above all praise=His honest character cannot be praised enough.


如:for sale(出售),for rent(出租)等。

That house is for sale.(=That house is to be sold).



in print(在印刷中)

in sight在视野范围内)

如:The book is not yet in print(=is not yet printed)



on sale(出售)

on show(展出)

on trial(受审)

如:Today some treasures are on show in the museum(=are being showed).

⒎“out of+名词”结构;表示“超出……之外


out of control(控制不了)

out of sight(超出视线之外)

out of one's reach(够不着)

out of fashion(不流行)

如:The plane was out of control (can't be controlled)。


例:He took two days off within the teacher's permission




⒈如果强调动作或句中有介词by引导出动作的执行者,该句一般为被动语态,否则为系表结构。如:The glass is broken(系表结构)

The glass was broken by the boy(被动语态)


如:The door is locked(系表结构)

The door hasalready/just been locked(被动语态)


如:The machine is being repaireD.


高中英语语法“虚拟语气”的教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是结合外研社版高中英语教材选修6中有关虚拟语气的语法内容,进行高三虚拟语气的复习,教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重复习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。 二、学情分析: 在高一和高二英语学习基础上,高三学生已经掌握基本的语言结构和一定程度的听说读写能力。在高三语法复习的过程中,结合学生原有的知识掌握水平,巩固基础强化正确使用语法知识,提高学生运用语言的深度和难度.但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学重点: 1.复习的重点---语法虚拟语气的句型结构. 2.语法虚拟语气的运用 四、教学难点: 1.结合复习的语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。 2.虚拟语气在真实的生活语境中的使用。 五、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 引导学生掌握情态动词在虚拟语气之中的使用。培养学生通读,分析,理解,综合的能力,教会学生体察语境,结合上下文,附和逻辑推理和合理的想象,结合语法和题干中的语境解决高考题。在运用语言过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 2.能力目标: 利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,规范学生运用英语知识准确表达的能力,同时,发展学生综合语言运用的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生自主学习。 3.德育目标: 用情态动词和虚拟语气的句子结构表达思想感情和正确的世界观、人生观。 六、教学策略:


(英语)高考英语被动语态练习题及答案 一、单项选择被动语态 1.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ________ each year. A.is washing away B.is being washed away C.are washing away D.are being washed away 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 本题考查现在进行时的被动语态和主谓一致。解题步骤:1. 确定谓语单复数:根据quantity的用法,quantities of和a quantity of后面都可加不可数名词与可数名词复数,但它们作主语时,quantities of...后面的谓语动词用复数,而a quantity of...的谓语动词用单数,故排除A、D项。2. 确定第二空:随着森林的被毁,土壤正在被冲走,故应该用现在进行时的被动语态。句意:随着森林的被毁,大量的优质土壤每年都被冲走。综上,故选D项。 【名师点拨】 quantities of和a quantity of后面加可数名词复数,做主语时后面的谓语动词用复数形式;quantities of后面加不可数名词,做主语时后面的谓语动词用复数形式;a quantity of后面加不可数名词,做主语时后面的谓语动词用单数形式。https://www.360docs.net/doc/5116598488.html,rge quantities of money have been sent there大量的钱已经被送到那里;A large quantity of money has been wasted.大量的钱已经被浪费;2.A large quantity of books have been offered to us.大量的书已经提供给我们; Quantities of nuts are on the table.大量的坚果在桌子上。 2.—Are we about to having dinner? —Yes, it ________ in the dining room. A.serve B.is serving C.is being served D.has been serving 【答案】C 【解析】考查时态和语态。句意:——我们准备去吃饭吗?——是的,饭菜正在餐厅被供应。it是指饭菜,和动作serve之间是被动关系,且动作正在进行,四个选项中只有C项是现在进行时的被动语态,故选C。 3.To my ________, he was not a little ________ at the news that he had won the first prize in the English speech contest, for he thought that he didn't perform so well. A.astonishment;astonishing B.astonished;astonishing C.astonishment;astonished D.astonish;astonishment 【答案】C 【解析】


高中英语语法课被动语态教学反思 人教版高中英语必修二第二单元开始出现了被动语态,在本单元的语法被动语态授课中,我围绕被动语态这条主线,本着以学生为主体的角度来设计教学内容,活动的设计前后相连,层层深入,使教学呈阶梯式层层推进,并积极采用现代化的教学手段——运用多媒体辅助教学,提高教学效率。在各项活动中,学生的大脑始终处于一种激活状态,整个学习过程都是积极主动的,学生获得的不仅仅是现成的知识,还有语言运用的能力,并在完成任务过程中体验成功的喜悦,获得成就感,实现自我价值。学生在本节课中不但明白了英语动词有主动语态和被动语态两种语态,而且掌握了被动语态的结构,并做到了主动与被动的互相转换,这正是教学目的的所在。课前让同学们在愉快柔和的歌曲声中轻松进入了本节学习,上课后首先展示了教学目标,同学们明白了本节的学习任务。整节课我精神饱满,情绪高涨,自然激励了学生们浓厚的学习兴趣。授课过程中始终贯穿一个主线——被动语态,层次清晰,脉络清楚且层层深入,学生活动量大,思维敏捷,充分体现了学生为主体,教师为主导的教学原则。尤其是练习与巩固任务中体现了以点带面,使得同学们即复习了学过的知识,又巩固了本节的新知识。 总之,整节课气氛活跃,师生情绪激昂,重点突出,实实在在,非常适合农村孩子的口味。本节课是一堂语法课,本来枯燥无味,但我利用多媒体教学手段使得本节课生动有趣,圆满完成了教学任务,

达到了预期效果,是非常成功的一节语法新授课。 但也有不足之处,学生活动范围小;课堂上使用的语言文字较多。今后,我要不断的提高自身素质,多和同学们沟通,发挥学生的聪明和智慧,总结出通俗易懂的规则运用到自己的教学当中,课堂上让学生全员参与,尽量使用课堂用语,不断反思自己教学中的不足,更新观念,与新课程共同成长。


高中英语语法虚拟语气 教学设计 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

高中英语语法虚拟语气教学:The subjunctive mood 厦门第十中学吕瑞珠 一、概述 本节课是高中英语语法教学课,授课内容为虚拟语气,授课对象是高三年学生。从呈现、加深记忆、巩固到实践并将语言项目运用于写作中并做适当的点评,大概需要两课时。但我这里着重阐述的是第一课时的教学内容、教学策略等。 通过本节语法教学课的学习,学生重新整合自己的有关虚拟语气的知识,复习已知的虚拟语气的表达形式如:I wish I could fly freely in the sky like a bird; It is high that you got up.等等,并学习新的表达形式如:The English teacher suggested that we should read the English newspaper every day; I would have passed the English exam if I had worker harder in the past 20 days.最为重要的是,学生在学习完虚拟语气的表达形式后,要在写作中运用。 虚拟语气在高中英语语法的难点之一,多数学生感到费解,因此也更需要老师的指导与相应的实践与运用,并且较好地掌握虚拟语气的表达形式,有助于扫除学生阅读过程中对个别句子的理解。 二、教学目标分析 1.知识与技能 1)复习学生已掌握的虚拟语气表达的句型: I wish I were… / I could … It is high time that you did your homework.. If I were you, I would… 2) 学习虚拟语气新的表达方式,尤其是if引导的虚拟条件状语从句,掌握与现在事实、与过去事实、与将来事实相反的三种虚拟语气的表达,特别是主句与从句时态的呈现;还有引导出的宾语从句需要运用虚拟语气的动词,如suggest, insist, propose, demand and so on. 3)培养学生运用所学知识表达自己的思想的能力。 2.过程与方法 1)引导学生在欣赏英文歌曲An Angel的情景教学过程中,开启对虚拟语气表达已有的知识记忆。


被动语态 一、语态的基本概念和种类 语态是动词的一种形式,用来表明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。谓语动词为主动语态的句子叫主动句,谓语动词被动语态的句子叫被动句。一般来说,主动语态侧重于行为者,被动语态侧重于动作的对象或动作本身。如:主动句:They built this bridge.他们修的这座桥。 被动句:This bridge was built by them.这桥由他们建造。 二、' 三、被动语态的构成 被动语态由“be+及物动词的过去分词”构成,助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作为系动词的变化完全一样。 英语主动语态的时态共有十六种,而被动语态只有十种。 四、主动语态变被动语态 主动语态转换成被动语态分三步走:第一步是将主动语态中的宾语放在句首,第二步是将主动语态中的谓语变成被动形式,第三步是将主动语态中的主语放在被动句的谓语之后,在前面再加上介词by,引出动作的执行者。简言之,主动语态变被动语态时,主语与宾语交换位置,谓语变为被动形式,执行者前加by。 主动语态:We speak Chinese. (主语) (谓语) (宾语) ( Chinese is spoken by us. (主语) (谓语) (宾语) 主动语态转换成被动语态分三种情况: 第一种句型:主语+谓语+宾语,主语与宾语交换位置。例如: I sent an email last night.昨天夜里我发了一封电子邮件。(主动结构) An email was sent (by me) last night.一封电子邮件昨天夜里(由我)发出了。(被动结构) 第二种句型:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语,将其中任意一个宾语与主语交换位置。例如: … My parents bought me a new computer.我的父母亲给我买了一台新电脑。(主动结构) A new computer was bought for me.有人给我买了一台新电脑。(被动结构) I was bought a new computer.有人给我买了一台新电脑。(被动结构) 第三种句型:主语+谓语+复合宾语,将其中的宾语提到句首,而将宾语补足语仍留在原来的位置。例如:


高一英语必修三语法复习——被动语态教案 重难点讲解: 高一英语必修三中的主要语法点有:被动语态,动词不定式和定语从句,另外还涉及了主谓一致、间接引语及连接词的用法。 被动语态专题复习 (一被动语态的构成形式 1.被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式,被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为: (1am/is/are+done(过去分词一般现在时 例Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. (2has/have been done现在完成时 例All the preparations for the task have been completed,and we’re ready to start. (3am/is/are being done现在进行时 例A new cinema is being built here. (4was/were done一般过去时 例I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. (5had been done过去完成时 例By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing. (6was/were being done过去进行时 例A meeting was being held when I was there. (7shall/will be done一般将来时 例Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes. (8should/would be done过去将来时


高中英语语法专题复习教案大全(15个教案) 语法复习专题一——名词 一、考点聚焦 1.可数名词单、复数变化形式 (1)规则变化。 ①单数名词词尾直接加-s。如:boy —boys, pen —pens。 ②以s、x 、ch 、sh结尾的单词一般加-es。如:glass —glasses,box—boxes, watch —watches, brush —brushes。 特例:stomach —stomachs。 ③以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。如: baby —babies, lady —ladies, fly —flies。 ④以“o”结尾的多数加-es。如:tomato —tomatoes, potato —potatoes, hero —heroes。但以两个元音字母结尾的名词和部分外来词中以o结尾的词只加-s。如:radio —radios, zoo —zoos, photo —photos, piano —pianos, kilo —kilos, tobacco —tobaccos。 ⑤以“f”或“fe”结尾的名词复数形式变“f”或“fe”为“v”,之后再加-es。如:wife —wives, life —lives, knife —knives, wolf—wolves, self —selves, leaf —leaves等。特例:handkerchief—handkerchiefs, roof —roofs, chief —chiefs, gulf —gulfs, belief —beliefs, cliff —cliffs。 ⑥改变元音字母的。如:man —men, mouse —mice, foot —feet, woman —women, tooth —teeth, goose —geese, ox —oxen。特例:child —children。 ⑦复合名词的复数形式。(A)在复合词中最后名词尾加-s。如:armchair —armchairs, bookcase —bookcases, bookstore —bookstores。(B)man和woman作定语修饰另一个名词时,前后两个名词都要变成复数。如:man doctor —men doctors, woman driver —women drivers。(C)与介词或副词一起构成的复合名词应在主体名词部分加-s。如:brother-in-law —brothers-in-law, passer-by —passers-by。 ⑧有的名词有两种复数形式。如:zero —zeros 、zeroes, deer — deers 、deer。penny的两种复数形式含义有所不同。如:pence(便士的钱数),pennies(便


高一专题系列一被动语态 ●学而时习 语态是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。 ●知识点精讲透析 ●考点一主动语态“变性”被动语态 1、主动语态变为被动语态的步骤: (1) 将主动句的宾语变为主语,如果主动句的宾语是代词,需变为主格。 (2) 将动词改为“be+过去分词”,be与新主语的人称和数一致,时态不变。 (3) 将主动语态的主语前加by放在谓语动词后,如果原主语是代词,要变为宾格。如: They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held(by them)yesterday. 他们昨天开会了。昨天举行了一个会议。 They won’t forgive me. → I won’t be forgiven by them. 他们不会原谅我的。我不会被他们原谅的。 2、主动语态变为被动语态的注意事项: (1) 主动句中的主语如果是people, we, you, they, somebody等含糊地表示“人们”、“大家”等,变为被动句时,通常删去“by…”,除非强调原主语。如: They set up this hospital in 1975. → This hospital was set up in 1975. 这所医院建于1975年。 Only he can finish the job. 只有他能完成这项工作。→ The job can be finished only by him.这项工作只能由他来完成。 (2) 含有双宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语的句子,每个宾语都可变为被动语态的主语,即其被动语态有两种形式,但多以间接宾语作主语。 Jack told us the truth.杰克告诉了我们真相。We were told the truth by Jack. The truth was told (to) us by Jack. (3) 含有宾语+宾语补足语的句子,变成被动句后原来的宾语补足语就成了主语补足语了;注意:不带to的不定式作宾语补足语时,变成被动时要加上to。 I heard Emily sing the song just now. → Emily was heard to sing the song just now. 我刚才听见艾米莉唱这首歌了。 (4) 含有宾语从句的主动句变为被动句,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,把宾语从句后置。 We have determined that the plan should be carried out soon. It has been determined that the plan should be carried out soon. 我们决定这项计划必须马上实施。 (5) 双重被动结构: 当某人或物成为两次动作的承受者时,要用双重被动结构。如: Parents often ask their children to do too much homework. The children are often asked to do too much homework. Too much homework is often asked to be done by the children.

高中英语 现在完成时的被动语态学案

高中英语现在完成时的被动语态学案 (语法复习) 1、复习被动语态1) 被动语态的结构:be + p、p、2) 一般现在时被动语态的结构:am/is/are (not)+p、p、3) 一般过去时被动语态的结构:was/were (not)+p、p、4)含有情态动词被动语态的结构: can/could/may/might/will/would/shall/should/must/need(not )+be + p、p、5)一般将来时被动语态的结构:will (not)/be (not) to+ be+ p、p、 2、用所给词的正确行使填空1) Running races (hold) on the playground yesterday、2) Food (serve) between12:00 and14:00 every day、3) Nobody can (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket、4) Whoever breaks the law, he (punish)、Suggested answers:1) were held2)

is served3) will be allowed4) will be punished Step2 语法学习 1、DiscoveringLook at the following sentence, paying attention to the underlined part、EXAMPLE: Over time I have been changed a lot、 Go back to page18 to read the passage Who am I ?, pick out the sentences in the present perfect passive voice and translate them into Chinese、 2、ThinkingLet students look at the tense used in the sentences they picked out and think over this question: What is the structure of the present perfect passive voice? 3、 Summing upThe structure of the present perfect passive voice is “have/has+ been + p、p、”、 It is a combination of the present perfect tense (have/has + done) and the passive voice (be + p、p、)、Turn to page87 and look at the chart of the present perfect passive voice、现在完成时的被动语态的构成(以动词ask为例)肯定式 否定式疑问式I havebeen asked…You have He/She/It hasWe haveYou have They haveI havenot been asked…You have He/She/It hasWe haveYou have They have Have I Have you


高中英语语法教案 6.动名词 动名词是非限定动词的一种形式,由动词原形+ing构成。它既有动词的特征,又有名词的特征,故称。动名词也有时态和语态的变化,如表所示(以及物动词write为例),不及物动词没有语态的变化。 时态/语态主动被动 一般式writing being written 完成式having written having been written 动名词作主语、宾语和表语 1)作主语。例如: Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。 2)作宾语 a. 有些动词可以用动名词作宾语。例如: admit 承认appreciate 感激avoid 避免complete完成consider认为delay 耽误 deny 否认detest 讨厌endure 忍受enjoy 喜欢escape 逃脱fancy 想象 finish 完成imagine 想象mind 介意miss 想念postpone推迟practice 训练 recall 回忆resent 讨厌resume 继续resist 抵抗risk 冒险suggest 建议 face 面对include 包括stand 忍受understand 理解forgive 宽恕keep 继续 例如:Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please? 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗 The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这松鼠幸运得很,刚逃避了被逮住的厄运。 b. 有些结构后面可以用动名词作宾语或其他成分。例如: admit to prefer…to be used to lead to devote oneself to object to stick to no good no use be fond of look forward to be proud of be busy can\'t help be tired of be capable of be afraid of think of burst out keep on insist on count on set about put off be good at take up give up be successful in 3)作表语,对主语说明、解释。例如: Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children. 她的工作是洗刷、清扫和照顾孩子。 比较:She is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children. 4)作定语,一般表示所修饰名词事物的用途。例如: a writing desk=a desk for writing 写字台 a swimming pool=a pool swimming 游泳池 有些动名词作定语,与所修饰的名词关系比较复杂。例如: boiling point=a temperature point at which something begins to boil 沸点 a walking tractor=a tractor which a driver can operate while he or she is walking behind it 手扶拖拉机 worth 的用法 worth, worthy, worthwhile都是形容词,意为\"值得\"。


被动语态专项练习 一、选择题(2×15=30分) ( ) a new library _____ in our school last year A. Is; built B. Was; built C. Does; build D. Did ; build ( )2. An accident ____ on this road last week. A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened ( )(棉花)____ in the southeast of China. A. is grown B. are grown C. grows D. grow ( ) far, the moon ____ by man already. ? A. is visited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. was visited ( ) talk on Chinese history _____ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives ( ) many trees ____ this year A. are planted B. will plant C. have been planted D. planted ( ) lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now. A. are doing B. are being done C. has been done D. will be done ( ) ___ this kind of computers______ --Last year. A. did; use B. was; used C. is; used D. are; used ( ) Great Wall ____ all over the world. A. knows B. knew C. is known D. was known ( ) _____ this book _____ A. did; written B. was; written by C. did; written D. was; written ( ) story _____ by Granny yesterday. A. was told us B. was told to us C. is told us D. told us ( ) monkey was seen _____ off the tree. A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump ( ) school bag ___ behind the chair. A. puts B. can be put C. can be putted D. can put ( ) people ____ well. A. looks after B. must be looked after C. must look after D. looked after ( ) teacher ______ carefully. A. should be listened to B. should be listen C. be listened D. is listened 二、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。(1×20=20分)(请注意时态和语态两 ......... 个方面噢 ....) 's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build)in two months.


非谓语动词(三) 一、本质 不定式:强调动作,具体的,一次性的;目的状语,出乎意料的结果;将来; adj + to do 动名词:习惯 分词:状态 现在:主动,进行 过去:被动,完成 分词做状语 If your giving more time, I will… 四、with的复合结构 with + sb./ sth. + to do (无被动) doing done With lots work to finish, we … 含有介词to的常考短语 ●be addicted to doing 沉溺于 ●devote oneself to doing sth.=be devoted to doing sth.致力于 make contribution to doing sth. e.g. Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. ●be equal to doing sth. e.g. This is equal to saying that he knows her well. She didn’t feel equal to receiving visitors. ●object to doing sth. = have an objection to doing sth. e.g. He objected to being treated like a child. ●be opposed to doing sth. e.g. I am opposed to telling him the news at once. ●reduce sb. to doing sth. e.g. Hunger reduced then to stealing. ●pay attention to doing. 注意做某事 ●be used to doing sth. = be accustomed to doing sth. ●get down to doing sth.


一、被动语态的构成形式 1. 被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由“be+过去分词”构成,be 随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为: 1) am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现在时 Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 2) has /have been done 现在完成时 All the preparations for the task have been completed, and we're ready to start. 3) am/is /are being done 现在进行时 — A new cinema is being built here. 4) was/were done 一般过去时 I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. 5) had been done 过去完成时 By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing. 6) was/were being done 过去进行时 A meeting was being held when I was there. 7) shall/will be done 一般将来时 | Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes. 8) should/would be done 过去将来时 The news would be sent to the soldier's mother as soon as it arrived. 9) shall/will have been done 将来完成时(少用) The project will have been completed before July. 10) should/would have been done 过去将来完成时(少用) He told me that his new clothes would have been made very soon. 2. 被动语态的特殊结构形式


第二章被动语态(一) 语态也是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的关系。英语有两种语态:主动语态(active voice) 和被动语态(passive voice)。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,而被动语态则表示主语是谓语动作的承受者。 一、被动语态的构成 被动语态是由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成,如果有必要强调动作的执行者,动作执行者可以由介词by引出的短语表示。助动词be随主语的人称、数、时态和语气的不同而变化。 A. 十种常见时态的被动语态 1. 一般现在时 主动语态:do 被动语态:amisare done We clean the classroom every day. 我们每天打扫教室。 The classroom is cleaned by us every day. 教室每天都由我们打扫。 Such songs are usually sung by girls. 这些歌通常是女孩子们唱的。 Russian is not taught in our school. 我们学校不教俄语。 Are many goods shipped abroad every day 每天都有许多货物运往国外吗 2. 一般过去时 主动语态:did 被动语态:waswere done We cleaned the classroom yesterday. 昨天我们打扫了教室。 The classroom was cleaned by us yesterday. 昨天教室被我们打扫了。 The window was broken by my son. 窗子是我儿子打破的。 Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday 昨天山上种了许多树吗? How much money was stolen in all 一共被偷了多少钱? 3. 一般将来时 主动语态:willshall do 被动语态:willshall be done We will clean the classroom soon. 我们很快要打扫教室。 The classroom will be cleaned soon. 教室很快要被打扫了。 The work will be done immediately. 这工作将马上做。 Will the school sports meeting be held next week?校运动会将在下星期举行吗? When shall we be given a lecture on the Internet 什么时候给我们作有关因特网的讲座? 4. 一般过去将来时 主动语态:would do 被动语态:would be done We told him that we would clean the classroom soon. 我们告诉他我们马上就打扫教室。 We told him that the classroom would be cleaned soon. 我们告诉他教室很快就会被打扫的。 He said that a new trade center would be built in the centre of the city. 他说一个新的贸易中心将在市中心建起来。 She asked whether their plan would be considered with great care. 她问他们的计划会不会得到仔细的考虑。


一般将来时的被动语态教案 一、教学目标 知识目标:让学生在初中被动语态学习的基础上认识学习一般将来时被动语态的结构和用法。 能力目标:通过演绎归纳法让学生能够结合真实语境正确应用一般将来时被动语态。 情感目标: 在学习过程中,让学生学会探究合作,小组讨论等,以培养学生的集体合作精神;并且能够产生对于英语语法的兴趣。 二、重点难点 如何让学生更好的掌握一般将来时被动语态的结构和用法以及如何培养学生自主学 习和提高学生对于语法学习的兴趣。 三、学情分析 学生在初中阶段已经学习了被动语态,但是并没有将将来时被动语态单独提出来讲解,所以可能会有所混淆。更有甚者,可能有些学生将被动和主动都没有分清楚。 四、教学方法 演绎归纳教学和任务型教学 五、教学过程 Step1 Grammar revision Ask students what the form of the passive voice is and show them on the blackboard. 基本结构:be + p.p. 一般现在时被动语态:am/is /are + p.p. 现在进行时被动语态:am/is/are + being + p.p. Then ask students to fill in the following blank with correct passive voice. 1.Their house _________(paint) and they have to live in their parents home. 2.Visitors _________ (request) not to take photos here. 3.In some parts of the world, tea _______(serve) with milk and sugar. 4. A new railway ________(build) at present. Step2 Grammar learning 1.Show some sentences which use the future passive voice and ask students to observe the underlined parts. 1)The 31th Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. 2)Many athletes are going to be sent to there to compete for medals. 3)These desks and chairs are to be repaired tomorrow. 2.Ask the students what tense is used in these sentences. And then tell them they use the future passive voice. Show the form of the future passive voice on the blackboard. 将来时被动语态:shall/will + be + p.p.或者am/is/are + be to + p.p. 或者am/is/are + going to be + p.p. 3.Ask students to turn back to page9-10, and try to find the sentences which use the future passive voice from pre-reading and reading. If necessary, they can translate the sentences into Chinese. 4.Finish Exercise2 on page 13 and learn about the rule for the Olympic Games. Step3 Practice 1. I promise that this matter _____ next week. A. will be taken care B. will take care of
