





There are three butterflies in the garden. They are red, yellow, and white.


The sun is rising.


I’m the red butterfly. I’m the yellow butterfly. I’m the white butterfly.


Look, the sun is rising.


What a nice day!


Let’s dance together.


One day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly it’s raining.



I’m coming.


Oh, it’s raining, what should we do?


Find the shelter.


Look, it’s the red flower sister’s home. Let’s go!


They are flying there.


Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves.


The red butterfly looks like me, please come in!


We are good friends.


We stay together, we leave together.


It’s raining harder. Three butterflies are flying in the rain.



It’s raining harder.


What should we do?


Oh, Look, it’s the yellow flower sister’s home. Let’s go!


They are flying there.


Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves.


The yellow butterfly looks like me, please come in!


We are good friends.


We stay together, we leave together.


It’s raining harder. Three butterflies are flying in the rain.



It’s raining harder.


Find the shelter.


Oh, Look, it’s the white flower sister’s home. Let’s go!


They are flying there.


Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go into your leaves.


The white butterfly looks like me, please come in!


We are good friends.


We stay together, we leave together.


Three butterflies are flying in the rain. They can’t find the shelter, but they want to stay together. At the moment, the sun is coming. Dark clouds go away.


Go away, go away, Stop raining.


The weather is fine.



2019年英语话剧剧本范文 篇一:白雪公主的英文话剧表演剧本 人物:白雪公主、老王后、新王后、猎人、七个小矮人、王子、小动物(5个)。道具:小动物头饰、皇冠、枪、矮人帽、七张板凳、七个杯子、魔镜、洋娃娃、一张桌子、苹果(一半红一半绿)、头巾、篮子。 演员表:老师根据本班孩子性格特点自定。 剧情: (幕启) 老王后:(怀抱洋娃娃,哄小孩,戴围巾don’tcry音乐) 旁白:It’ sacoldwinterday.Ababy,hernameisSnowWhite,wasborn.Sheisveryb eautiful. 仆人:(上场,围住老王后,手摸娃娃脸)旁白:Thequeenlovesher.Everybodylovesher.(播放音乐LazyMary,人们、

老王后下场)(点击下载背景音乐LazyMary)(音乐起,动物和公主跳上场,老王后上场睡床上) 旁白:Theanimalsloveher,too.(音乐渐弱) 仆人:(一个人上场)SnowWhite!SnowWhite!Yourmotherisill.(焦急)白雪公主:Mum!Mum!(边跑边下,动物跟下)(公主上台围在床前,小动物上) 白雪公主:Oh!Mum.No!No!What’swrongwithyou? 老王后:(摸公主的脸)Mydear.Iloveyoufor…ever…(手垂下,脸歪,死去)(音乐悲伤,抬老王后下,公主坐地上哭) (音乐欢快斗牛,新王后上,围公主走一圈,瞟一眼)旁白:Anewqueenes.Sheisbeautifulbutbad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)魔镜:(音乐邪恶37,上场)旁白:Thisisamagicmirror. 新王后:Mirror,mirror.Whoisfairestofall? 魔镜:Notyou.SnowWhite.


幼儿童话剧剧本《有朋友真好》 幼儿童话剧剧本《有朋友真好》 时刻:早晨 地址:大树下 人物:小公鸡小白鸭小黑鸭小白兔小黑兔小白蜗牛小黑蜗牛小蟋蟀 大树下,小公鸡在捉虫子。 小公鸡:“一只两只三四只,五只六只七八只,哈哈,这么多!” 小白鸭走过来,眼睛笑眯眯的,捧着一束鲜花。 小公鸡:“早晨好!小白鸭,你要去哪里?” 小白鸭:“早晨好!小公鸡,我要去看我的朋友小黑鸭,把我刚从我的花园里摘的花送给它。再会。” 小公鸡望着小白鸭的背影。 小公鸡:“有朋友可看,可真好!” 大树下,小公鸡持续在捉虫子。 小公鸡:“一只两只三四只,五只六只七八只,哈哈,这么多!” 小白兔蹦过来,眼睛笑眯眯的,拎着一篮子胡萝卜。

小公鸡:“早晨好!小白兔,你要去哪里?” 小白兔:“早晨好!小公鸡,我要去看我的朋友小黑兔,把我方才我的菜园里拔的萝卜送给它。再会。” 小公鸡望着小白兔的背影。 小公鸡:“有朋友可看,可真好!” 大树下,小公鸡持续在捉虫子。 小公鸡:“一只两只三四只,五只六只七八只,哈哈,这么多!” 小白蜗牛爬过来,眼睛笑眯眯的,托着一片树叶。 小公鸡:“早晨好!小白蜗牛,你要去哪里?” 小白蜗牛:“早晨好!小公鸡,我要去看我的朋友小黑蜗牛,把我刚找到的树叶送给它。再会。” ...... 小公鸡不能持续捉虫子了,它在大树下来来回回地走,不停地叹息。 小蟋蟀飞过来,眼睛笑眯眯的,扛着一把小提琴。 小蟋蟀:“小公鸡,你为什么总叹息啊?” 小公鸡:“我没有朋友,正为这事烦着呢!” 小蟋蟀:“我是你的朋友啊,来,我把刚学会的一只曲子演奏给你听。”



幼儿英语童话剧——拔萝卜 角色:小兔Rabbit、小狗Dog、小猴Monkey、山羊Goat characters: rabbit, dog, monkey, goat 画外音:小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃。找呀,找了半天。忽然发现小路边的地里长着一根萝卜。 (Rabbit is hungry,she wants to find some food. look for a moment, Suddenly, she find a radish in a filed beside the road.) 兔:啊,一个萝卜!一个大萝卜!我把它拔出来。 R:Oh, a radish! A big radish! I'll pull it out. 哎——嗨——呦!哎——嗨——呦! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! 这萝卜太重了。我拔不出来。 The radish is too heavy. I can't pull it out. 狗:我是小狗。我饿了。哦,兔小姐,你在干什么? D: I'm a dog. I'm hungry. Oh, Miss rabbit, What are you doing? 兔:你好,狗先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我拔不出来。 R:Hello, Mr. Dog. A radish, a big radish. It's too heavy. I can't pull it out. 狗:我帮你。咱们一起拔。 D:I'll help you. Let's pull it together. 兔:谢谢你。咱们一起拔。 R:Thank you . Let's pull it together. 兔和狗:一、二、开始!哎----嗨----呦!哎---嗨---呦!哦,这萝卜太重了。我们拔不出来。 R&D:One, two, begin! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! Oh, the radish is too heavy. We can't pull it out. (小猴走了过来) 猴:我是小猴。我饿了。哦,你们在干什么? M:I'm a monkey. I'm hungry. Oh, What are you doing? 兔和狗:你好,猴先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我们拔不出来。 R&D:Hello, Mr. Monkey. A radish, a big radish. It's too heauy. We can't

儿童英语话剧 拔萝卜剧本

Pulling the carrots 角色: Bird (小林),Monkey(小明),Tiger(贝贝),Snake(宝宝), Frog(小浩),Rabbit A(丽丽),Rabbit B(花花), RabbitC(小燕)Big carrot(小米) (背景:森林里) 旁白(Molly):One day, Three rabbits are playing in the forest,They are happy. (三只小兔子出场,一起拎着自己的小篮子,欢快的采着小花,哼着自己喜欢的儿歌。) Rabbit A: Look,A red flower.I like red. (跑向红花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) Rabbit B:wow,A pink flower,I like pink. (跑向粉花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) Rabbit C:wow,A blue flower,I like blue. (跑向粉花,采了放在篮子里,开心的继续找寻。) (随意的采一些花后,坐在一起,分享自己的花,一起开心的说着) RabbitA:What colour do you like? RabbitB:I like … RabbitB:What colour do you like? RabbitC:I like … (RabbitC:What colour do you like? RabbitA:I like … 一起欢快的起来边跳“编花篮”边唱歌) (儿歌“What colour do you like?”) 旁白(Molly):At that time,They are hungry.They want to find some food. (三只小兔子唱完歌曲,摸摸自己的肚子。) RabbitA:Oh,I`m hungry. RabbitB:Me too. RabbitA:Let`s find some food,OK? RabbitC:OK. RabbitB:Look,carrots! RabbitA:Let`s pull it out. RabbitB&C:OK,let`s pull it out. Carrot:(瞪他们一眼,狠狠的说了声“哼”然后扭过身,稳稳的坐在地上,下决心决不被他们拔走。) RabbitA & RabbitB:one,two,three,pull! Carrot:(使劲的往后退,不让他们拔走)No,I don`t like you! RabbitA & RabbitB& RabbitC:(互相看了一眼,互相鼓励,点点头继续)one,two,three,pull!Carrot:(使劲的往后退,然后松开,故意把兔子们闪倒)Hahaha,I don`t like you! (Carrot 站起来抖抖自己的胳膊,腿,神奇的走一圈) Carrot:I am strong!I am strong!hahhaha. (跟着音乐唱和跳“Head,shoulders,knees and toes”的儿歌) (唱完后狠狠的瞪了小兔子们一眼,继续蹲在地上,稳稳的坐着,挑衅又可爱的看着


幼儿童话剧剧本(英文童话剧) 小熊请客 第一幕: (旁白) :在美丽的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的 生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。 (音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场) Tree: I’m Tree. Tree: I’m green. Tree: I’m Tree. Trees: We’re the forest. (树后退至背景处) Bear1: Happy New Year. My name’s Pat. I’m big brother. Bear2: My name’s Frank. This is my car. I can drive a car. Bear3: I’m Bob. I’m a good boy. I’m a good boy. Bear4: I’m Tom. I like riding a bike. Bear5: I’m Joe. I like playing football. Bear6:I’m Ken. I’m a little boy. I can draw. (熊爸爸,熊妈妈上场) Dady:I’m their father. Mumy:I’m their mother. Bears: Morning, Mum. Morning, Dady. (Bears唱 My mother,my father.) Mumy:Let’s have a rest, OK? Children Bears: OK! Yes! (下场) Mumy Dady:Today’s new year. We are going to play a host. Let’s get ready. 第二幕:小熊的朋友上场。 1. 音乐起,花上场。 Flower: I’m red flower. Flower: I’m yellow flower.

童话剧灰姑娘 英文 剧本

灰姑娘(Cinderella) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家 旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are coming. 后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) 后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点)Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘) 后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子) 后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW , you are our servant.(很凶的样子) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊) 旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活)She was more and more dirty. 第二场布景:灰姑娘家 旁白:one day,the king held a party for the prince to choose a girl he loved.every maid in the town was invited to the party. (士兵在门外敲门) 后妈: Who is it? 士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam! 后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. 后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen! 后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!! 后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too. 两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来) 灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I… 后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly,you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。 灰姑娘:dad,mom ,i relly miss you!now,who can help me ? 仙女:oh,my dear!don’t be cry! I can help you let me see,you need a beautiful dress,a beautiful shoes! 灰姑娘: oh it is too beautiful!it likes a dream!


童话剧本1 《pull up the turnip》(拔萝卜) 适用于幼儿园小班、中班 角色:Grandpa Grandma Granddaughter Cat Dog Mouse 道具:大萝卜、各个角色的头饰、服装 目标:1. 幼儿能大胆的模仿扮演各个角色,锻炼幼儿的表现力 2. 幼儿能清晰地说出简单句型“pull up the turnip”“I’m coming”“It’s so heavy” 3. 培养幼儿的合作意识 剧本: C1:(老爷爷边拔萝卜边说)“ Turn ip , a big turnip, pull up the turnip!One, two, three,Oh! I t’s so heavy!” (老爷爷回头招呼老奶奶)“Grandma, Grandma,come here!L et’s pull up the turnip!” C2 : (老奶奶挥挥手说)“I’m coming! ” (奶奶抱着爷爷的腰,爷爷抱着萝卜,一起边拔萝卜边说) “One, two, three,Oh ! I t’s so heavy!” (爷爷和奶奶回头招呼小孙女)“Granddaughter , come here!L et’s pull up the turnip!” C3:(小孙女挥挥手说)“I’m coming” (小孙女抱着奶奶,奶奶抱着爷爷,爷爷抱着萝卜,一起边拔萝卜边说) “One, two, three,Oh ! I t’s so heavy!” (爷爷,奶奶和小孙女回头招呼小狗)“Dog,Dog , come here!L et’s pull up the turnip!” C4: (小狗挥挥手)“I’m coming” (小狗抱着小孙女、小孙女抱着奶奶,奶奶抱着爷爷,爷爷抱着萝卜,一起边拔萝卜边说) “One, two, three,Oh ! I t’s so heavy!” (爷爷,奶奶、小孙女和小狗回头招呼小猫) “Cat ,Cat , come here!L et’s pull up the turnip” C5:(小猫挥挥手)“I’m coming ” (小猫抱着小狗、小狗抱着小孙女、小孙女抱着奶奶,奶奶抱着爷爷,爷爷抱着萝卜,一起边拔萝卜边说) “One, two, three,Oh ! I t’s so heavy!” (爷爷,奶奶、小孙女、小狗和小猫回头招呼小老鼠)“Mouse,Mouse , come here!L et’s pull up the turnip!”


童话剧:《三只蝴蝶》 角色:太阳公公、乌云、红花、白花、黄花、红蝴蝶、白蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶 旁白:花园里有三只美丽的蝴蝶。一只是红的,一只是黄的,还有一只是白的。 (蝴蝶随着音乐自由飞) There are three butterflies in the garden. They are red, yellow, and white. 太阳:太阳出来了。 The sun is rising. 三只蝴蝶:(轮流介绍)我是红蝴蝶,我是黄蝴蝶,我是白蝴蝶。 I’m the red butterfly. I’m the yellow butterfly. I’m the white butterfly. 红蝴蝶:你们看,太阳出来了。 Look, the sun is rising. 黄蝴蝶:天气真好! What a nice day! 白蝴蝶:我们一起跳舞吧!(它们非常快乐地在花园里跳舞、游戏。) Let’s dance together. 旁白:有一天,它们正在草地上玩,突然下起了大雨来。 One day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly it’s raining. (乌云将太阳赶下台) 乌云:我来啦! I’m coming. 白蝴蝶:哎呀,下雨了,我们怎么办? Oh, it’s raining, what should we do? 黄蝴蝶:快找找避雨的地方呀! Find the shelter. 红蝴蝶:瞧,前面是红花姐姐的家,我们一起去问问吧? Look, it’s the red flower sister’s home. Let’s go! 旁白:它们一同飞向红花那里,齐声向红花请求说 They are flying there. 众蝴蝶:红花姐姐,红花姐姐,大雨把我们的翅膀淋湿了,大雨把我们淋得发冷了,让我们到你的叶子下避避雨吧!” Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves. 红花:红蝴蝶的颜色象我,请进来!黄蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来! The red butterfly looks like me, please come in! 三只蝴蝶(互相看了看)齐声说:我们三个是好朋友,相亲相爱不分手; We are good friends. 要来一块来,要走一块走。 We stay together, we leave together. 旁白:雨下得更大了。三只蝴蝶在雨中飞舞着。 It’s raining harder. Three butterflies are flying in the rain. (乌云在场地中间做下雨状) 白蝴蝶:雨下得更大了。 It’s raining harder. 红蝴蝶:怎么办,快想想办法。 What should we do?


儿童英语童话剧《大海的女儿》剧本132 旁白:在碧蓝色的海底里,有一座雄伟而壮丽的宫殿,里面住着龙王、龙母和他们的美人鱼公主。今天是龙王的生日,大家都高兴的聚在一起为龙王庆祝。 全部小朋友:Let’s welcome the king and the queen. 龙王:hahahahahaha, I’m so happy today. 龙母:My daughter, come on. 美人鱼公主们:Father, mother, I’m coming. Father, mother, long live the king. 龙王:haha,thank you, my dear daughter. 龙母:Where is the little mermaid? 扮作人鱼公主的小朋友们:Little mermaid, little mermaid. 小美人鱼:Father, mother, I’m coming.Sorry, I’m late. 龙王:It’s OK. 全部小朋友:Y our Majesty, today is your birthday, we have preapred a great activity, please enjoy. 龙母:Let the great dance begin. 全部小朋友:Let the great dance begin. 扮演海螺的小朋友跳舞。 旁白:海螺献出了优美的舞蹈为龙王助兴。 龙王:haha, good, good, very good, give rewards to everyone. 全部小朋友:Thank you, Your Majesty. 旁白:龙母也让女儿们借着龙王的兴致提出自己的要求。龙母:My daughter, your father is so happy, if you have any dream, tell us. 龙王:Yes, tell us. 人鱼公主1:Father, I’ll marry a handsome man. 人鱼公主2:Father, I want to be a lovely girl. 人鱼公主3:I want to have a friend. 人鱼公主4:I want to be happy every day. 人鱼公主5:I want pretty clothes. 旁白:有的女儿希望更美丽,有的想要更多的衣服,可唯有小女儿希望上岸去看另一个世界。 小美人鱼:I very want to be sixteen, so that I can go to the land. 其他人鱼公主:Oh my little sister, don’t go there. 人鱼公主1:The land is not as good as you said. 小美人鱼:Really? Why? 人鱼公主2:All the beaches are surrounded with rubbish and smells bad. 人鱼公主3:The land is becoming dirtier and dirtier. 旁白:姐姐们知道岸上的人们乱扔垃圾,已经变得越来越脏了。 龙王:Yeah, what you say is very serious. 龙母:Listen, what’s wrong.? 旁白:忽然,一阵狂澜,大量的垃圾涌入海洋。 扮演垃圾的小朋友们:haha, I am so happy, I am so happy.(重复) 旁白:慌乱中,小美人鱼跌倒在岸边晕了过去,垃圾们欢呼跳跃,海底顿时沸腾起来。 扮演垃圾的小朋友们的舞蹈。 旁白:而此时,岸上的人们却继续投着垃圾,善良正直的王子赶来阻止。


幼儿园英文童话剧 《喜羊羊与灰太狼》剧本(幼儿园运动装)英文童话剧《喜羊羊与灰太狼》?6?7Happy Sheep & Big Big Wolf?6?8 一、主要角色(Main Roles):喜羊羊(Happy Sheep)美羊羊(Pretty Sheep)沸羊羊(Strong Sheep)暖羊羊(大肥羊学校的班长)(Warm Sheep)懒羊羊(Lazy Sheep)慢羊羊(羊村的村长、大肥羊学校的校长)(Slow Sheep)灰太狼(Big Big Wolf)红太狼(Red Wolf)二、剧本的主要内容(Main Content):1.经典台词(Classic Lines): 喜羊羊:我有办法了!(I?6?8m Happy Sheep: I have got an idea!)美羊羊:喜羊羊,救命啊!(I?6?8m Pretty Sheep: Happy Sheep, help me!)沸羊羊:灰太狼,我饶不了你!(I?6?8m Strong Sheep: Big Big Wolf, I can?6?8t forgive you!)暖羊羊:遇上灰太狼了吧?(I?6?8m Warm Sheep: Do you meet Big Big Wolf?)懒羊羊:先睡个觉再说吧!(I?6?8m Lazy Sheep: Firstly, I will go to bed!)慢羊羊:你们等等我!(I?6?8m Slow Sheep: You have to wait for me.)灰太狼:我一定会回来的!(I?6?8m Big Big Wolf: I will be back!)红太狼:灰太狼!羊呢?(I?6?8m Red Wolf: Big Big Wolf! Where?6?8s the sheep?)2.具体场景(Specific Part):场景一:在羊村的大肥羊学校里慢羊羊(羊村的村长、大肥羊学校的校长):早上好,孩子们。欢迎来到学校。Slow Sheep: Good morning! My children. Welcome to school. 小羊们(一起说):早上好,校长!Little Sheep: Good morning, Master! 暖羊羊(大肥羊学校的班长):快点,到时间上课了啊。Warm Sheep: Hurry up, it?6?8s time for class. (课上,校长慢羊羊拿出一块“蛋糕”)慢羊羊:这是什么?Slow Sheep: What?6?8s this? 喜羊羊:这是蛋糕。Happy Sheep: It?6?8s a cake. 美羊羊:这个蛋糕好漂亮啊。Pretty Sheep: It?6?8s a very nice cake. 懒羊羊:我想吃呀。Lazy Sheep: I want to eat it. 沸羊羊:我们一起吃蛋糕吧。Strong Sheep: Let?6?8s eat cakes together. 场景二:在狼堡里(红太狼在狼堡的屋里走来走去)红太狼:灰太狼!我饿了!Red Wolf: I?6?8m hungry. 灰太狼:亲爱的,吃个苹果吧。Big Big Wolf: Darling, have an apple. 红太狼:(很生气)我不想吃苹果!我想要吃羊!Red Wolf: (angry) I don?6?8t want to eat an apple. I want to eat the sheep. 灰太狼:老婆,我也想吃羊啊。Big Big Wolf: My wife, I want to eat the sheep, too. 红太狼:抓羊去!!!Red Wolf: Catch the sheep! 灰太狼:好的。好的。咱们去!Big Big Wolf: Ok. Ok. Let?6?8s go! 场景三:在羊村里喜羊羊:我们喜欢学习。Happy Sheep: We like studying. 美羊羊:不喜欢玩。Pretty Sheep: Don?6?8t like playing. (灰太狼和红太狼来到羊村抓羊)沸羊羊:狼啊,快走开,走开。Strong Sheep: Wolf, get out. 暖羊羊:别想来吃我们。Warm Sheep: Don?6?8t want to eat us! (众羊群起围攻狼,灰太狼和红太狼急忙逃走)灰太狼和红太狼:羊羊们,你们等着。我们会回来的!Big Big Wolf & Red Wolf: Wait us! Sheep! We will be back.


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班英语童话剧剧本《三只蝴蝶》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

幼儿园大班英语教案英语童话剧剧本《三只蝴蝶》,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助,仅供参考。 故事背景:红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶他们是形影不离的好朋友,在一个阳光明媚的夏天,三只蝴蝶来到花园里玩。 剧中人物:红、黄、蓝三只蝴蝶,红花、黄花、蓝花、五色花、太阳公公、云、雨、花草等等。 道具:服饰、背景音乐等 (四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are ! 红花:Hello ,I am red flower, 黄花:I am yellow flower 蓝花:I am blue flower 五色花:I am colorful flower . (太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha , 太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning . 合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning . 太阳公公:Are you happy today? 合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)

幼儿园大班英语教案 英语童话剧剧本《三只蝴蝶》

幼儿园大班英语教案:英语童话剧剧本--《三只蝴蝶》故事背景:红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶他们是形影不离的好朋友,在一个阳光明媚的夏天,三只蝴蝶来到花园里玩。 剧中人物:红、黄、蓝三只蝴蝶,红花、黄花、蓝花、五色花、太阳公公、云、雨、花草等等。 道具:服饰、背景音乐等 (四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are ! 红花:Hello ,I am red flower, 黄花:I am yellow flower 蓝花:I am blue flower 五色花:I am colorful flower . (太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha , 太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning . 合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning . 太阳公公:Are you happy today? 合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置) (三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,p lease don’t take my sunshine away ! 红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly 黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly 蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly. 合:We are good friends 红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园大班英语教案《英语童话剧剧本(三只蝴蝶)》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

大班英语教案英语童话剧剧本《三只蝴蝶》,希望对幼儿学习有所帮助。 故事背景:红蝴蝶、黄蝴蝶、蓝蝴蝶他们是形影不离的好朋友,在一个阳光明媚的夏天,三只蝴蝶来到花园里玩。 剧中人物:红、黄、蓝三只蝴蝶,红花、黄花、蓝花、五色花、太阳公公、云、雨、花草等等。 道具:服饰、背景音乐等 (四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are ! 红花:Hello ,I am red flower, 黄花:I am yellow flower 蓝花:I am blue flower 五色花:I am colorful flower . (太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha , 太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .

合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning . 太阳公公:Are you happy today? 合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置) (三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away ! 红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly 黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly 蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly. 合:We are good friends 红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day ! 黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers ! 蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ? 合:Ok ! 背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。。。。。。太阳公公下,乌云上,然后雨上


幼儿英语童话剧 ──拔萝卜 山东省寿光世纪学校王英红隋秀芬 角色:小兔Rabbit、小狗Dog、小猴Monkey、山羊Goat characters: rabbit, dog, monkey, goat 画外音:小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃。找呀,找了半天。忽然发现小路边的地里长着一根萝卜。 (Rabbit is hungry,she wants to find some food. look for a moment, Suddenly, she find a radish in a filed beside the road.) 兔:啊,一个萝卜!一个大萝卜!我把它拔出来。 R:Oh, a radish! A big radish! I'll pull it out. 哎──嗨──呦!哎──嗨──呦! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! 这萝卜太重了。我拔不出来。 The radish is too heavy. I can't pull it out. 狗:我是小狗。我饿了。哦,兔小姐,你在干什么? D: I'm a dog. I'm hungry. Oh, Miss rabbit, What are you doing? 兔:你好,狗先生。一个萝卜,一个大萝卜。它太重了。我拔不出来。 R:Hello, Mr. Dog. A radish, a big radish. It's too heavy. I can't pull it out. 狗:我帮你。咱们一起拔。 D:I'll help you. Let's pull it together. 兔:谢谢你。咱们一起拔。 R:Thank you . Let's pull it together. 兔和狗:一、二、开始!哎----嗨----呦!哎---嗨---呦!哦,这萝卜太重了。我们拔不出来。 R&D:One, two, begin! Ai---Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo! Oh, the radish is too heavy. We can't pull it out.


tom, nick, emma, cathy cathy: hey guys! you won't believe it, i just won the running competition! nick: wow congratulation1!! i'm not a fun of running thoughemma: i love running, what sport do you like then? nick: i like soccer and badminton. tom: i like soccer too, but i absolutely hate badminton! emma: how can you hate badminton? it's so much fun, and it involves a lot of exercises! cathy: yeh, i have to agree with emma. nick: and it also involves a lot of team effort. tom: fine, i will try to like badminton from now on. Scene1(At Salesman’s home) N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu ……He is coming! S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why. The foolish students always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……Oops! It’s time to make candies now.(看表)First, put the flour on the table. Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做) Now press, press…… Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it!(满不在意的神情)Press, press…… Oh, my god!Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe……Now let me cut it into pieces! 1 congratulation n.祝贺,庆祝;(复数)贺词 参考例句: I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation.我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺。 He has received many letters in congratulation of his birthday.他收到许多祝贺他生日的信件。
