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fluidized-bed roasting , crude zinc , soda ash

eutectic structure , gangue minerals , metal value

pyrite , pulp density , acid curing ,autoclave

bauxite , electrochemical equivalent , unit activity

fused salt electrolyte , sodium cyanide


复合材料 , 提取冶金 , 鼓风炉

硫酸 , 优势区域图 , 王水

均相成核 , 贵金属 , 阳极泥

堆浸 , 电极电位 , 电流效率

浓差极化 , 活化能 , 槽电压


1. Material science refers to that branch of applied science concerned with investigating the relationship existing between the structure of materials and there properties, and it concern with the interdisciplinary study of materials for entirely practical purpose. (3分)

2. Process metallurgy is continually challenged by the demand for metals, which have not been produced previously or are difficult to produce; by the depletion of the deposits of the richer and more easily processed ores of the traditional metals; and by the need for metals of greater purity and high quality. (3分)

3. The advantages of high temperature for metallurgical processing are several: chemical reaction rates are rapid, reaction equilibrium change so that processes impossible at low temperature become spontaneous at higher temperature, and production of the metal as liquid or a gas facilitates physical separation of metal from residue. (4分)

4. The advantages of hydrometallurgy are applicability to low-grade ores (copper, uranium, gold, silver), amenability to the treatment of materials of quite compositions and concentrations, adaptability to separation of highly similar materials (hafnium from zirconium), flexibility in term of the scale of operations, simplified materials handling as compared with pyrometallurgy, and good operational and environmental control. (4分)

5. Calcination involves the chemical decomposition of the mineral an its achieved by heating to above the mineral’s decomposition temperature or by reducing the partial pressure of the gaseous product below that of its equilibrium partial pressure for a certain constant temperature. (3分)

6. Nickel-copper-iron mattes are produced from nickel ores and are converted into copper-nickel mattes during nickel extraction, i.e. FeS is blown out, Cu2S and Ni3S2 form an eutectic which can be produced coarse enough for the constituents to be separated by flotation after crushing. (3分)

7. To allow these functions to be adequately fulfilled, slags must possess the following properties: they must be sufficiently fluid to allow easy separation from the metal and to increase the rate of mass transfer to and from the slag/metal interface. (3分)
