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A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too DBCBA A characteristic of American ABDAB

A dolphin(海豚) is always well D A


A film was at the Circle Five Ranch DB


A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. D


A few years ago it was common to speak A A D


A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. CDDCD

A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. CBDAD

A friend’s grandfather came to America from AADDB

A story is told about a soldier


A Group of frogs were traveling D



A guide dog is a dog especially trained to .ACDCA

A young man who lived in London



A young boy was playing with a ball in the street ABDBD A Romanian man plans to complain C C D


A pretty ,well-dressed young lady AABDC

A public house which was recently bought by Mr. BCDC

B A tired-looking young lady


A traveler came out of the airport(飞机场)BCCDA

A traveler came out of the airport. BCADA

A very old lady won a million




A very new, young officer was CABBD

A Japanese is sitting near the window



A Laxyer ,an astist and a musician A A C C B

A man came into a pet shop C


A man got into a train and found himself sitting BCA BB

A man was telling one of his friends why CDDAC

A million tourists go to Barcelona C


A million tourists go to Barcelona every BDD Acting is such an over-crowded A D D


According to a Xinhua News Agency B C D C D

All over the world people enjoy sports D A D D A

All big cities are quite simlar A C B A D

Albert Einstein had a great effect on CDCBC

Almost every family buys as C A D C A

Although English is not as old C D D C C

Although the United states covers C C A B C

After having lived for over twenty D C B D C

After having lived for over twenty years in the ABBBC Americans is business are like people who CBADC Americans are big tippers C C D B A

Americans enjoy sports. The three national CDBCB Americans with small families own D A B C A Americans, like many people elsewhere DBACC

Amy Tan,the American-born daughter C B D D C

Are some people born clever, and CCABB

Australia is nearly as large as B C A B D

As price and building costs keep rising A B D A B

As long as the sun shines, DBCBA

As long as the sun shines, the earth will DBCDA

As she walked round the large shop ABDBD

At some time in your life you may C D B A B

An old man died and left his son a lot of money CDBBC An English traveler found himself in BADAD


Baths and bathing have long B B B A C

Background music may seem harmless D A C B D Beauty has always been regarded as A B D D C

Before you go to another country it is a great help CBBAD Britain and France are separated D D A D C

Bob was happy. He was at new school B C A A C

By definition, heroes and heroines CDDCB

Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and ADDBD

Can tress talk? Yes , but not in words B C B A D

Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be CACBB Community service is an important B C A D B

computers are useful machines B A A B C

Computers are useful machines. They can BCABC Computers can injure you. Most other CBBAC

Children in the United States are C C A C C

China’s former volleyball star lang ping BDBB D

Clowns like to make people laugh. DDACD

Dear mrs.huggett you may remember D B D A B

Down-to-earth means being honest C B C A D

Down the entrance hall of B B C C D

Dieting to lose weight has become C D C A C

Dr.Harvey Gates,the noted scientist B D C D C

Driving a car at high speed D A B C A

Do you know Yahoo? A D C A D

During the meal,you’d better be careful C D B C A

E-mail is one of the biggest threats CADB

E-mail is one of the biggest threats (威胁)

Earthquakes may rightly be ranked D C A B C Education is the United States B A C A B

Education is not an end ,but a means to D A D B C

Every country has its heroes ADBCC

Everyone knows what a needle is B C A C C

Everybody talks about the weather B A D A D

Every day our world becomes smaller D D D A C

Fifty volunteers were alphabetically在其中C B D C A From the time I was a little C D A D D

Fred was a young soldier in a big camp B B A C B Foulsham House is a fine, large house DBADC

For any Englishman,there can never C A C A B

For several years, Americans have enjoyed BCDAC


Grandma was a wonderful story-teller D A C A B

Great changes have been made in BDCDC

How often one hears children DDCBB

How to apply for a free mailbox A D B C A

How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA

Have you eaten too much over D C A C A

Have you ever listened to young children BADBC

Here is a piece of history B C A C B

Here is a story told about an American general ADBDC Herman had worked for the bank of Ruritania BBCDD

High in the Swiss Alps D B B A C


I am going to tell you a story about two BADDA

I began to smoke when I was in high C B B D A

I can’t count how many times C D B C A

I was very disappointed not to B A C B A

I was due to take my driving B A D C B

I love Charles Barkley like a A D A B B

I often find myself trying to explain D C A B B

I often dreamed about piss when I was D D C B D

I never used to go anywhere without C D B B A If you like looking at more places A B B A D

If you are like most learners C A A D B

If you travel by air across ABDCB

If you travel by air across the center of . AADCB

If you do not use your arms or your B D B A C

If you do not use your arm or your legs CCCCB

If you've been joining in D A C B A

If you ask Daniel Radcliff who acted Harry ACDBD

If you ask most Americans, they would say their DDCBA

If we were asked exactly what D D D B A

If U.S software companies don’t pay D D A B C

In any society that needs child labor D A D C B

In the last 500 years,nothing about A C D A B

In the water around New york city C D A C B

In the eighteenth century young D A A B C

In the world, soccer or football A D B D C

In the United States 84 colleges A B A D B
