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1. Inflectional affixes are those affixes that are attached to the end of words to indicate .

A. lexical relationships

B. grammatical relationships

C. functional relationships

D. syntax structure


2. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

A. A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound.

B. A grapheme is the smallest unit of writing.

C. A sememe is the smallest unit of meaning.

D. A morpheme is the smallest unit of a word. 答案:D解析:(P38)词素是最小的、有意义的语言单位。换句话说,词素是“在词语的构成中最小的、起作用的语言单位”。

3. Which of the following is a case of suffixation? A. Hemisphere .B. Attempt .C. NATO. D. Respondent.

答案:D 解析:(P48~49)后缀法(suffixation)指的是通过给词干(stems)加后缀而形成新词的方法。题目中的“respondent”意为“应答者;被告”,是由respond通过增添后缀形成的。“hemisphere”是通过前缀法(prefixation)形成的;“NATO”是首字母拼音词(acronym);“attempt”是通过转类法形成的。

4. The characteristic of native words is . A. neutral in style B. formal in style C. informal in style D. slangy in style

答案:A 解析:(P17)和外来语词不同的是,本族语词具有“文体中性”和“使用频繁”的特点。

5. __explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word.

A. Etymological motivation

B. Semantic motivation

C. Morphological motivation

D. Onomatopoeic motivation


6. The differences between synonyms boil down to the three areas: .

A. denotation,connotation and intensity

B. connotation,intensity and application

C. denotation,connotation and application

D. connotation,implication and application


7. Antonyms are often used in proverbs to __

A. form antithesis to achieve emphasis

B. express ideas easily

C. form metaphors

D. express ideas economically

答案:A 解析:(P116)反义词(antonyms)常常被放置在一起形成对偶(antithesis),以此起到强调的作用。许多格言、谚语都有此特征,例如:more haste,less speed(欲速则不达)。

8. The sentence "He is a big wheel." means .A. he has a big circle B. his legs are long C. his car has big wheels D. he is a very important person 答案D解析:(P174~175)题目中的“big wheel”是个习语,意思是“重要的人物”,多用于口语。

9. According to the textbook,the best-known unabridged dictionary is .

A. The Word Book Dictionary

B. The Encyclopedia Americana

C. Websters New World Dictionary

D. Websters Third New International Dictionary答案:D解析:(P186) 最具知名度的一本完整版大词典是《韦伯斯特新世界词典》(第三版),它拥有词条450,000个

10. Which of the following can be said about a British dictionary?

A. It is always better than an American dictionary.

B. One can always expect to find American usages in it.

C. One can never expect to find American usages in it.

D. It tends to include more
