

Unit 5 Music

Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading



◆To learn to talk about kinds of music

◆To learn to read about bands

◆To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)

◆To learn to write an e-mail


I. Warming up

Warming up by describing

Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture.

Warming up by discussing

Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture.

Classical music Country music Rock ‘n’ Roll

Rap Orchestra Folk music

Yes, you are right. I’m sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel? Why do you like to listen to music? Let’s discuss these questions in small groups. Try to share your opinions with one another.

II. Pre-reading

1.Thinking and saying

Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you can.

For reference: I’ve heard about “The Beatles”, “Back Street Boys”, “The Eagles”, “West life”and “Pink Floyd”.

2.Listening, talking and sharing

Let’s listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the group leader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class.

For reference:I am from Group 1. Our group likes “The Beatles”best. We like their style of performances. Listening to their performances, we will feel relaxed, amused, and their performances make us think a lot about life.

Do you know anything about “The Monkees”?

For reference:“The Monkees” is a band that was first popular in the 1960s in America. Unlike

III. Reading

1.Reading aloud to the recording

Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text T HE BAND THAT WASN’T. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.

2.Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

3.Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph

Skim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph.

4.Reading and transferring information

Read the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formed a band and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a real band.

How do people get to form a band?

Members High school students

Reasons They like to write and play music.

Places They pr actice their music in someone’s home.

Forms They may play to passers-by in the street or subway.

Results They can earn some extra money. They may also have a chance to dream of becoming famous.

How was The Monkees formed and became a real band?

The Monkees in 1968 (left to right): Micky Dolenz, Peter

Tork, Mike Nesmith & Davy Jones

beginning of the band It began as a TV show.

style of the performance They played jokes on each other as well as played music.

first music and jokes Most of them were based loosely on the band called “The Beatles”. development of the band They became more serious about their work and started to play

their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band.

They produced their own records and started touring and playing

their own music.

changes of the band The band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.

They produced a new record in 1996, which was a celebration of

their time as a real band.

5. Reading and understanding difficult sentences

As you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentences are difficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficult points to me.

IV. Closing down

Closing down by doing exercises

To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Closing down by having a discussion

Do you think the TV organizers were right to call “The Monkees” a band when they did not sing or write their own songs? Why?

Do you agree that the jokes were more important than the music for this band? Give a reason.

Closing down by retelling the form of the band The Monkees.

I shall write some key words and expressions on the board. You are to retell the form of the band according to these words.

Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language

(The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom).


To help students learn about the Attributive Clause with a preposition in front.

To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions.

To help students discover and learn to use some useful structures.


I. Warming up

Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions

Turn to page 35 and do exercises No. 1, 2 and 3 first. Check your answers against your classmates’.

II. Learning about grammar

1.Reading and thinking

Turn to page 34 and read with me the text of THE BAND THAT W ASN’t. As you read on, pay attention to The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom), that is, the attributive clauses with a preposition ahead of the relative pronoun shown in the sentences.

2.Doing exercises No. 1 and 2 on page 35

Turn to page 34. Look at the two sentences:

The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, “The Monkees”started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band.

Pay attention to the structure: preposition + relative pronoun. Usually only two relative pronouns --- which and whom--- can be used in the Attributive Clause, with a preposition put before the clause. That can’t be used. Look at the screen. Here are more examples on this kind of structure.

Now go on to do Exercise No. 2 on page 36, that is, to sort out the sentences.

III. Ready used materials for The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)

In formal styles we often put a preposition before the relative pronouns which and whom:

?The rate at which a material heats up depends on its chemical composition.

?In the novel by Peters, on which the film is based, the main character is a teenager.

?An actor with whom Gelson had previously worked contacted him about the role.

?Her many friends, among whom I like to be considered, gave her encouragement.

Notice that after a pr eposition you can’t use who in place of whom, and you can’t use that or zero relative pronoun either:

?Is it right that politicians should make important decisions without consulting the public to whom they are accountable? (not --- the public to who they are accountable.)

?The valley in which the town lies is heavily polluted. (not --- The valley in that the town...) ?Arnold tried to gauge the speed at which they were traveling. (not --- the speed at they were traveling.)

In informal English we usually put the preposition at the end in attributive clauses rather than at the beginning:

?The office which Graham led the way to was filled with books.

?Jim’s footballing ability, which he was noted for, had been encouraged by his parents.

?The playground wasn’t u sed by those children who it was built for.

In this case we prefer who rather than whom(although whom is used in formal contexts). In restrictive attributive clauses we can also use that or zero relative pronoun instead of who or which (e.g. ...the children (that) it was built for).

If the verb in attributive clauses is a two-or-three-word verb (e.g. come across, fill in, go through, look after, look up to, put up with, take on) we don’t usually put the preposition at the beginning:?Your essay is one of those (which/that) I’ll go through tomorrow. (rather than...through which I’ll go tomorrow.)

?She is one of the few people (who/that) I look up to. (not ... to whom I look up.)

In formal written English, we often prefer to use of which rather than whose to talk about things: ?A huge amount of oil was spilled, the effects of which are still being felt. (or...whose effects are still being felt.)

?The end of the war, the anniversary of which is on the 16th of November, will be commemorated in cities throughout the country. (or...whose anniversary is on...)

Note that we can’t use of which in place of whose in the patterns described in Unit 71B:

?Dorothy was able to switch between German, Polish and Russian, all of which she spoke fluently. (not..,all whose she spoke...)

We can sometimes use that...of in place of of which. This is less formal than of which and whose, and is mainly used in spoken English:

?The school that she is head of is closing down. (or The school of which she is head...)

Whose can come after a preposition in attributive clauses. However, it is more natural to put the preposition at the end in less formal contexts and in spoken English:

?We were grateful to Mr. Marks, in whose car we had traveled home. (or...whose car we had traveled home in.)

?I now turn to Freud, from whose work the following quotation is taken. (or...whose work the following quotation is taken from.)

IV. Closing down by doing exercises:

Join the sentence halves using which or whom after an appropriate preposition. (A)

a.I would never have finished the work.

b.It was primarily written.

c.We know nothing.

d.They got a good view.

e.He learned how to play chess.

f.Dennis scored three goals in the final.

g.She was born.

h.It was discovered.

1.They climbed up to the top of a large rock.

2. I would like to thank my tutor.

3. She has now moved back to the house on Long Island.

4. The star is to be named after Patrick Jenks.

S. This is the ball.

6. He is now able to beat his father.

7. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as children.

8. There are still many things in our solar system.

Are these correct or appropriate? If they are, put a√. If they are not, give a reason, correct them and give alternatives if you can. (A)

I. It's a piece of jewelry across which I came in an antique shop. --- which I came across in an antique shop. (‘came across’ is a two-word verb.)

2. The extra work which she took on was starting to affect her health.

3. My mother, after whom I looked for over 20 years, died last year.

4. The people whom I work with are all very friendly.

5. Some of the criticisms with which they had to put up were very unfair.

6. He had many friends with whom he had a regular correspondence.

7. The woman to who he is engaged comes from Poland.

8. The forms which I had to fill in were very complicated.

Rewrite these sentences so that they are more appropriate for formal written English. Use preposition + which or preposition + whose, as appropriate. (B)

I. Tom Sims, whose car the weapons were found in, has been arrested. Torn Sims, in whose car the weapons were found, has been arrested.

2. Tom Ham, whose novel the TV series is based on, will appear in the first episode.

3. Dr Jackson owns the castle whose grounds the main road passes through.

4. Tessa Parsons is now managing director of Simons, the company that she was once a secretary in.

5. Allowing the weapons to be sold is an action that the Government should be ashamed of.

6. The dragonfly is an insect that we know very little of.

Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language Aims

To read the story about Freddy and then enjoy and understand Beatles’ songs.

To use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing.


I. Warming up by listening and writing

Turn to page 37 and read these sentences before listening to the tape. Then listen to the tape and decide true or false.

II. Guided reading

1.Reading and translating

Read more about Freddy’s life and translate it into Chinese paragraph by paragraph.

2.Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.

3.Doing exercises

Now you are going to do exercises No. 3, 4 and 5 on page 38 following the article.

Ex3: Here are the incorrect sentences which should be crossed out.

1.Freddy and his band always loved being pop stars.

2.His favorite program was “Top of the Pops”.

3.Things went wrong because Freddy and his band hid themselves.

4.They realized they had to go because they were painful.

Exercise 4 Answer these questions:

1.This is an open question by which students are asked about their opinions.

Answers may vary.

2.Answers may vary but there is information in the reading passage that may include:

--- becoming rich;

--- doing a job you want to do;

--- having many fans;

--- people enjoying your music.

3.Answers may vary but information may include:

--- peaceful and quiet;

--- a private life away from crowds;

--- a personal life which others do not discuss.

Exercise 5: The main idea is No. 3. This is a story about a band that became famous and did not like it. Only No. 3 best summarizes the main idea, while all the others reflect just part of the main idea. At first, Freddy and his band wanted to be famous, but when he became famous, they were always being followed wherever they went, which they found painful.

III. Guided writing

1.Writing a letter for advice

Please turn to page 38 writing. Let’s read the instructions.

You’d better do some brainstorming in small groups before writing your letters. You should follow the procedure for brainstorming and outlining introduced in Module 1 Unit 2.

2.Reading Freddy’s reply

Let’s read Freddy’s reply and answer the questions:

--- How was Freddy’s band formed?

--- What advice does Freddy give?

3.Writing a note and a paragraph

Please turn to page 74. Now in pairs you are going to decide on the best way to tell a foreign friend about one kind of Chinese folk music. What do you think they need to know before they can enjoy it? Why do you like it? Who are your favorite singers? Discuss it with your partner and write notes to remind you of your most important ideas. Then write a paragraph telling your foreign friend about the type of Chinese folk music you have chosen. Use a dictionary and other reference books to help you.

IV. Further applying

Finding information

Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on music and musicians. Take notes of your findings and report them to your group mates next Monday morning.

V. Closing down by filling a form

Make use of the text and others to fill in the form below.

Closing down by describing a band

To end this period, I am going to have two of you to describe to the class a band whom you appreciates. Who’d like to speak first?

Part Two: Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源) Section 1: A text structure analysis of THE BAND THAT WASN’T

I. Type of writing and summary of the idea

Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing.

Main idea of the passage The band The Monkees was formed in quite a different way.

It started as a TV show, with musicians played jokes on each

other as well as played music, based loosely on the band

called The Beatles. As time went on, their attractive

performances gained fiercely support from their fans. With

their own particular style of performing their band at last

became very popular in the USA.

Topic sentence of 1st paragraph Have you ever wanted to be a famous singer or musician?

Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph Most musicians meet and form a band because they like to

play music.

Topic sentence of 3rd paragraph However, there was one band that started in a different way.

Top sentence of 4th paragraph Their attractive performances were copied by other groups

and their fans supported them fiercely.

II. A tree diagram

Dreaming of

being a famous

musician or




form bands. How The

Monkees got

their start.

How The Monkees

became serious

about the music


III. A retold passage of the text

1. A possible version:

Being a famous singer or musician may be the dream of many people. Becoming a member of a band may help you realize the dream. But just how can people form a band?

Most musicians often meet and form a band for they are congenial with each other. High school students may also form a band to practice music together or sometimes play in the street to passers-by to earn some extra money, which is also a chance to realize their dreams of becoming famous.

However, There was a band which was started in quite a different way. The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other and played music, loosely based on the Beatles. Their exciting performances were copied by other groups and were fiercely supported by their fans. That band was The Monkees. After a year or so, The Monkees became more serious of their work, playing their own instruments and writing their own music. Though it broke up in 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and is still popular today.

Section 2: Background information on music, musicians and the band The Monkees

I. Different types of music:

Folk music

It has been passed down from one generation to another. At first it was never written down. People learned the songs from their families, relatives, neighbors and friends in the same village. These songs were about the country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people’s lives.

Pop music

It is a kind of modern music with a strong beat and not of lasting interest, especially just favored for a short time by younger people

?Rock ’n’ Roll

It is also called rock and roll, a kind of modern music with strong beat, played loudly on electrical instruments, in which the singer repeats the same few simple words.


Jazz was born in the USA around 1890. It came from work songs sung by black people and had its roots in Africa. Jazz started developing in the 1920s in the southern states. Soon it was played by white musicians, too, and reached other parts of the USA.

African music

It plays an important part in people’s lives, especially for work, and at festivals and weddings, when people dance all night long.

Indian music

It’s not written down. There is a basic pattern of n otes which the musician follows. But a lot of modern music is also written. India also produces films with music, and millions of records are sold every year.

Music in the Caribbean

The slaves who were brought from Africa developed their own kind of music. West Indians make musical instruments out of large oil cans. They hit different parts of the drum with hammers to produce different notes. This type of music has become very famous in Britain and is very good music to dance to.

II. Famous musicians:

Joseph Haydn(1732-1809)was an Austrian composer and is known as “the father of the symphony”. Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn, but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra.

He was born in a village in Austria, the son of a peasant. He had a beautiful singing voice. After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he became director of music. Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)was a composer, possibly the greatest musical genius of all time. He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music.

Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. His father Leopold was a musician and orchestra conductor. Wolfgang had musical talent from a very early age. He learned to play the harpsichord in a concert for the Empress of Austria.

By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin,

as well as for orchestras. While he was still a teenager, Mozart was already a big star and toured Europe giving concerts. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him. “He is the greatest composer the world has known,” he said. The two were friends until Mozart’s death in 1791.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)was born in Bonn, Germany. He showed musical talent when he was very young, and learned to play the violin and piano from his father, who was a singer. Mozart met Beethoven and was impressed by him. “He will give something wonderful to the world,” he said. Beethoven met Haydn in 1791, but was not impressed by the older man. After they had known each other for many years, Beethoven said, “He is a good composer, but he has taught me nothing.” However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stayed there for the rest of his life. As he grew older, he began to go deaf. He became completely deaf during the last years of his life, but he continued composing.

III. Musical instrument 乐器

saxophone electrical equipment piano

guitar flute

V. What are the functions of music?

?Make things more lively and inter esting

?Make things better for people to understand and enjoy

?Express people’s feeling

?Make people feel good

?Help people forget their pain

?Attract people’s attention

?help people to remember things well

VI. The introduction of the band The Monkees

The Monkees were a four-person band who appeared in an American television series of the same name, which ran on NBC from 1966 to 1968. The Monkees were formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, California and disbanded in 1970. At their peak they were one of the most popular musical acts of their time.

Several reunions of the original lineup have taken place. The first reunion lasted from 1986 to 1989, and a second regrouping took place between 1996-1997. The Monkees last worked together for a brief period in 2001.

Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit 5 THE BAND THAT WASN’T

I. Words for Reading


adj.(of music)put together and arranged(composed) with serious artistic intentions; having an attraction that lasts over a long period of time(as opposed to popular or folk music)(音乐)古典的Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. the classical music of India/ the classical symphony


vt.&vi.1. to (cause to) move along by turning over and over(使)滚动We rolled the barrels of oil onto the ship. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. 2. to move steadily and smoothly along(as) on wheels(车轮)滚动;转动The train rolled slowly into the station. The waves rolled over the sand. 3. (of a ship)to swing from side to side with the movement of the waves摇摆;摇晃The ship rolled so heavily that we were all sick.4. keep the ball rolling: to keep things active and moving(使事情,工作等)继续进行下去;不松懈5.set the ball rolling: to be the first to do something, hoping that others will follow带动;带头(希望他人跟随)I’ll sing a song first, just to set the ball rolling.


adj. of, connected with, or being music or any other art that has grown up among working and/or country people as an important part of their way of living and belongs to a particular area, trade, etc., or that has been made in modern times as a copy of this(音乐;艺术)民间的;民俗的folk music/ folk songs/ Chinese folk art/ give a folk concert/a folk singer

jazz n.爵士音乐traditional jazz/ modern jazz/ jazz music/ a jazz band

musician n.音乐家a fine musician


n. 1. a group of thoughts, images, or feelings experienced during sleep梦2. sth. imaged, not real, but believed in or greatly and hopefully desired理想;梦想v.梦见;梦想dream of/about (doing) sth./ dream a dream


vi.鼓掌Clap one’s hand in time to the music/ clap sb. on sth./ clap sb. on the back/clap eyes on sb.

be honest with = be frank with/ to tell you the truth


vt.&n.(使)组成;形成form some ideas or opinion about sth./ form a nation/ form a line/ form good habits/ in the form of/ in form/ fill in the form/ take the form of

passer-by n. 过路人;行人passers-by/ ask the passer-by


vt. 1. to get (money) by working赚;挣(钱)He earns $10000 a year(by writing stories).2.to get(sth. that one deserves)because of one’s qualities博得;赢得He earned the title of “The Great” by his victories in the war. earn money/ earn one’s living / earn sb. success

loosely adv.宽松的;松散的loosely speaking/ loosely translated


n. also ad--a notice of sth. for sale, service offered, job position to be filled, room to let, etc., as in

a newspaper, painted on a wall, or made as a film广告the advertisement page/ advertisement for sb./sth./ put an advertisement

actor n. 男演员;行动者actor and actress/ an excellent actor


adj.having the power to attract有吸引力的The idea is very attractive. sound attractive/ at attractive price


n. 1.扇子turn the fan on 2.a very keen follower or supporter, as of a sport, performing art, or famous person迷;狂热者fan club


n.工具;器械;乐器play an instrument/ the instruments of the orchestra/ a ship’s instruments II. Words for Learning about Language


n.(演出等)成功;打击a direct hit on an enemy ship/ a final score of two hits and six misses/ a hit with everyone/ His film is quite a hit/ They sang their latest hit./ make a hit


n.& vt.种类;类别;分类;整理the sort of person I really dislike/ What sort of paint are you using?/ sort sth. out (into) sth./ sort through sth.

III. Words for Using Language


adv. later; after that以后;后来Let’s go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.


vt.& vi. 1. to do; carry out(a piece of work)实行;做The doctor performed the operation. 2. to fulfill (a promise, order, etc.) 履行;执行(允诺,命令)3. to give, act or show(a play, a part(role)in a play, a piece of music, tricks, etc.) esp. before the public表演perform a task/ perform one’s duty/ perform an operation to save one’s life/ perform the piano/perform skillfully on the flute/ perform live on television/ perform a ceremony


n.表演;履行faithful in the performance of one’s duty/ the evening performance/give a performance of “Hamlet”/ in performance


vi 1. to (cause to) be fixed with a sticky substance粘贴;张贴Stick a piece of paper over the old address and write the new one on it.stick to one’s fingers/ stick a stamp on a letter 2. stick to: to refuse to leave or change/stick up a note on the note-board/ stick the pen behind the ear坚持;固守stick to one’s plan/to stick to one’s promise


n. power and skill, esp. to do, think, act, make, etc.(尤指工作, 思考,行动,创造等)能力a machine with the ability to copy with large loads/ have the ability to do the work/ a woman of great ability/ have a great musical ability


n.话;俗话‘More haste, less speed,’ as the saying goes.


n. (an) opinion held by others(about someone or sth.); the degree to which one is well thought of 名誉;名声: a school with an excellent reputation/ a good reputation as a doctor/ have a reputation for laziness/ ruin sb.’s reputation/ make a reputation for oneself/ live up to one’s reputation unknown

adj.& n. 不知道的;未知的人或物unknown forces/ an unknown actor/ unknown to sb./ a journey into the unknown


高一语文必修二教学反思 《我与地坛》教学反思: 《我与地坛》是史铁生的代表作,课文节选了一、二两个部分。史铁生在《我与地坛》中以自己的亲身经历为基础,叙述了他多年来在地坛公园沉思流连所观察到的人生百态和对命运的感悟,讲述的中心是人该怎样来看待生命中的苦难。作者最终由个人严酷的命运上升到生命永恒的流变,超越了个体生命中有限的必然,把自己的沉思带入到了生命全体的融会之中。 教学中我采用的是“诵读——体悟”法,诵读学生很投入,可是对文中的感情学生很难体悟到。学生不明白作者为什么能从地坛中感受到生命的律动。我要求学生从第5、7节的描写中寻找答案,费了不少时间。分析第二部分时学生虽诵读了,但不能进入作者的情感世界,体悟不到作者对母亲深挚的感情和伟大而深切的母爱。我建议学生找出文中关于母亲心理活动的语句和思考作者对母亲的态度经历了哪几个阶段。 反思这篇课文的教学,我认为学生在理解文本时不能将自己的生活经历和生活体验带到文本中去,再有就是学生缺少那种人生经历,不能和文本产生对话。更主要的是我们的学生生活中情感缺位了。他们对父母为他们付出的一切已经习惯了,他们已经溺死在父辈爱的潮水中了。通过这篇文章的学习,部分学生已经串连起自我的生活体验,体会到了生命的可贵,母爱的无私与伟大了。 《最后的常春藤叶》教学反思: 《最后的常春藤叶》是欧亨利的一篇小说。这篇文章采用文本探究的方式,用一连串的问题来和学生们一起来理清情节,分析人物,理解主题。教学思路是很清晰的,也便于学生对于文章的理解。问题的预设与探究能够加深学生对文本的理解,就这个角度是成功的。尽管课前经过了充分的准备,由于缺乏实践的原因,实际还是存在不少问题的。 《最后的常春藤叶》所属的专题是精神支柱,所在的板快是珍爱生命,所以同样一篇文章放在不同的地方有不同的含义。琼珊在这里可以作为不热爱生命的反面典型。另外贝尔曼画常春藤叶如何体现出他那种“牺牲自我,成全他人”的精神的。实际上作者在文章的前面都处作了铺垫。通过这样一节公开课我受益匪浅,认识到了自己的不足,积累了经验,明白了作为一名合格的语文教师还有很长的一段路要走。 《假如给我三天光明》教学反思: 我一直在积极探索“低起点,高落点”的课堂教学策略,它的评价依据是:教学是否注重与学生已有知识、经验的联系;是否注重教学环节的层递性;是否注意教学基点提高的灵活运用;是否注重教学反馈的方式方法与效度。我觉得我的这堂课还是可用这些依据进行评价:开篇对圆和水的联想就很好的联系了学生已有知识、经验;理解,品味,感悟本身就是一个由浅入深,层层递进的教学过程;散文语言的品味,句式的套用就是教学基点提高的灵活运用,材料阅读后的谈感受以及“人生”的话题作文的写作实际上就是一种学习后的反馈。


离骚 [导标显示屏幕] 1.学习掌握有关屈原和楚辞的文学知识; 2.重点理解屈原的爱国精神和人格节操; 3.学习理解本诗以比喻、象征为主的表现手法及所与作者理想的关系; 4.背诵全诗。 [导学点拨窗口] 【作家作品】 屈原(约前339~约前278),中国战国末期楚国人,杰出的政治家和爱国诗人。名平,字原。楚武王熊通之子屈瑕的后代。丹阳(今湖北秭归)人。屈原因出身贵族,又明于治乱,娴于辞令,故而早年深受楚怀王的宠信,位为左徒、三闾大夫。屈原为实现楚国的统一大业,对内积极辅佐怀王变法图强,对外坚决主张联齐抗秦,使楚国一度出现了一个国富兵强、威震诸侯的局面。但是由于在内政外交上屈原与楚国腐朽贵族集团发生了尖锐的矛盾,由于上官大夫等人的嫉妒,屈原后来遭到群小的诬陷和楚怀王的疏远及顷襄王的放逐。流放江南,辗转流离于沅、湘二水之间。顷襄王二十一年(前278),秦将白起攻破郢都,屈原悲愤难捱,遂自沉汨罗江,以身殉了自己的政治理想。 屈原的作品计有《离骚》、《天问》、《九歌》(11篇)、《九章》(9篇)、《招魂》,凡23篇。其中,《离骚》是屈原的代表作,也是中国古代

文学史上最长的一首浪漫主义的政治抒情诗。屈原的作品是他坚持“美政”理想,与腐朽的楚国贵族 集团进行斗争的实录。他的“美政”理想表现在作品中,就是“举贤而授能兮,循绳墨而不颇”(《离骚》)。与此相关,屈原的作品还深刻揭露了楚国政治的黑暗、楚国贵族集团的腐朽和楚王的昏庸,表现了他坚持“美政”理想、坚持节操,“虽九死而犹未悔”的斗争精神;同时表现了他忧国忧民、爱国爱民、矢志献身于祖国的决心。屈原的作品充满了积极的浪漫主义精神。其主要表现是他将对理想的热烈追求融入了艺术的想象和神奇的意境之中。屈原的作品还以一系列比兴手法来表情达意。如他以鲜花、香草来比喻品行高洁的君子;以臭物、萧艾比喻奸佞或变节的小人;以佩带香草来象征诗人的品德修养。这种“香草美人”的比兴手法,使现实中的忠奸、美丑、善恶形成鲜明对照,产生了言简意赅、言有尽而意无穷的艺术效果。屈原的作品形式上参差错落、灵活多变;语言上采用了大量楚地方言,极富于乡土气息;其方言土语大都经过提炼,辞藻华美,传神状貌,极富于表现力。 屈原是中国文学史上第一位伟大的爱国诗人。是浪漫主义诗人的杰出代表。作为一位杰出的政治家和爱国志士,屈原爱祖国爱人民、坚持真理、宁死不屈的精神和他的人格,千百年来感召和哺育着无数中华儿女,尤其是当国家民族处于危难之际,这种精神的感召作用就更加明显。作为一个伟大的诗人,屈原的出现,不仅标志着中国诗歌进入了一个由集体歌唱到个人独创的新时代,而且他所开创的新诗体——楚辞,突破了《诗经》的表现形式,极大地丰富了诗歌的表现力,为中国古代的诗歌创作开辟了一片新天地。后人也因此将《楚辞》

人教版高中语文必修二 《归园田居》教学设计及反思

《归园田居(其一)》教学设计教学目标 知识与能力朗诵诗歌,学会用诗眼来解读诗歌内容;让学生在诗意的想象中诵读诗歌。 过程与方法通过反复诵读,师生共同把握诗人心情的转变;通过对诗歌意象的解读,把握作品的意境。 情感态度与价值观领悟诗人的田园情怀,体会田园生活的情趣;领会田园风光的意境,领悟诗人的田园情怀,追求自由独立的精神品格。 教学重点难点 1.运用想象与联想来描摹诗歌画面。 2.领悟诗人的田园情怀,追求自由独立的精神品格。 教学时数 1课时。 教学过程 一、课堂导入 一、课堂导入 师:有人说,他是“百世田园之主”,有人说,他是“千古隐逸之宗”,大家说他是谁?(陶渊明) 初中,我们邂逅了从东晋时代款款而来的田园诗人——陶渊明,回顾他的作品,并背诵《饮酒》其五。 “此中有真意,欲辨已忘言”,今天就让我们带着一颗纯净的心走进陶渊明的《归园田居》其一,去领悟这其中的真意。 二、合作探究 1.解题 俗话说“眉目传情”,但凡对于诗歌来说,题目是很重要的。它往往能传达或暗示许多信息,“归园田居”这个标题的题眼是哪个字?

“归”。 全文围绕“归”字来写了哪几个问题?作者又是如何来回答这些问题的?从诗中找到依据并加以解说。 解说的时候可以从诗句中的关键字着手。请同学们自由诵读诗歌,思考这些问题。 学生自由诵读诗歌,提出问题,解答问题。 叫一生读课文(纠正字音)。 全文围绕“归”字来写了哪几个问题?哪位同学来归纳一下。 小结:从何而归?为何而归?归向何处?归去如何? 2.具体分析 (1)从何而归? 明确:尘网、樊笼。 追问:尘网、樊笼比喻什么? 明确:官场生活。 (2)为何而归? “少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山”:表明自己的性格与世俗官场生活不适应。“适俗”就是适应仕途中繁缛礼节的限制和尔虞我诈的权势之争,诗人说自己缺乏应酬官场的气质和情操,显示了不同流俗的高尚情操,第二句写自己流连山水喜爱田园,表明归隐田园的意向。 “误落尘网中,一去三十年”:沉痛悔恨误入仕途的生活。用上“尘网”一词,足见他对勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的官场的极端厌恶。“误”字显出诗人的悔恨之深。“一去三十年”(实应为“十三年”用夸大了的数字,说明了时间之长,痛苦之深。) “羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊”:“羁鸟”、“池鱼”比喻官场中的诗人,“旧林”、“故渊”比喻诗人久违的田园。运用对比和衬托,说明自己跟它们一样早有想摆脱官场束缚,返归田园的愿望了,现在终于做到,并保持了自己的本来面目。表达了一种摆脱官场束缚的强烈愿望。


人教版高中语文必修二第一单元教案 教学园地 10-10 1950 : 人教版高中语文必修二第一单元教案 安工大附中高一备课组 本单元教学设想: 一、了解本单元的编写意图 本单元重点学习写景状物的散文 本单元包括三篇散文:《荷塘月色》《故都的秋》《囚绿记》 这些散文名篇的共同特点,一是写景优美,情味浓厚。二是意蕴深,可以引发学生对自然、人生、社会的多方面思考。三是语言美。 二.把握本单元的总体教学目标 以课程标准中的“知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度价值观”三个纬度为坐标,根据“积累整合”“感受鉴赏”“思考领悟”“发现创新”这个学科能力目标确定本单元的总教学目标。 三、实施本单元的教学建议 1、分析写景 2、体会情感 3.注重审美 4、品味语言 5、读写结合

四、单元教学安排 《荷塘月色》2课时,《故都的秋》2课时,《囚绿记》2课时,表达交流2课时 《荷塘月色》教案 教学目的 一.学习《荷塘月色》中细腻、传神的语言,体会新鲜贴切的比喻表达效果及移觉修辞手法的运用。 二.掌握《荷塘月色》刻画景物及情景交融的写法,体会其严谨结构。 三.了解创作的心情以及这种心情的社会内容。 四.通过朗诵欣赏体会《荷塘月色》的韵味。 教学设想 1、教学重点放在文章的结构安排、写景层次、语言特色上。 2、安排二课时。 教学内容与步骤 一、请两位同学分别用几句话描绘一下自己印象中的荷塘景色,然后引入课文。 二、解题 1、荷塘,指朱自清先生当时任教的北京清华大学清华园里的荷花池,是本文所要描绘的特定处所。月色,则点明了时间,是一个有月亮的夜晚。 2、写作背景 问题预设:本文写于1927年,这段时期中国历史上发生什么事情? 问题解答:朱自清在青年时代曾参加过“五四”运动,向往过俄国十月革命,后来也投身过反对北洋军阀的斗争。1927年蒋介石叛变革命,中国革命处于低潮,蒋介石、汪精卫的法西斯暴行激起中共党人和广大革命人民的奋起反抗,同时引起一部分正直的知识分子的不满和谴责。朱自清是一位有正义感的作家。他不满于反动派的血腥屠杀,但因受阶级的局限,没勇气正视血淋淋的现实,只能用消极态度表示不满和反抗。《荷》正是通过“我”在荷塘月夜的独


高中语文必修二《采薇》教案 高中语文必修二《采薇》教案一松柏 高中语文必修二《采薇》教案 一、导入 《诗经》是人类文明的春天,是文学天地的源头清水,从诗经中走出的女子袅袅娜娜,从诗经中走来的男子豁达坚毅,从诗经中流传出的故事哀婉凄美。 今天,让我们用真挚的情、善感的心,吟诵《采薇》这古老的歌谣! 二、简介 《采薇》选自《诗经小雅》,是西周后期作品。当时诸侯相争,周室衰落,犬戎、猃狁等外族也经常入侵,周亦兴师反击,造成连年战乱不止。人民特别是出征将士对战争有着复杂的多元感情。 今天我们就要走进他们的情感世界。 三、检查预习 (一)基础知识(齐读) (二)整体把握 1.这首诗的主要内容是什么? 这首诗是用兵士的口吻,在战后归家的途中,追述、倒叙戍边作战时的苦况, 四、诵读课文 请同学记齐读。 诵读提示:《诗经》基本上是四言诗,节奏为“二二”式。读起来有一种音乐的和谐之美,我们不仅要把握诗歌外在的音乐节奏,更要把握内在的情感节奏.下面先由老师给大家读一遍吧!请大家注意体会这位战士的情感变化. 教师配乐朗诵 五、品味经典 缘情入文轻吟低唱 刚才老师在诵读的时候,同学们体会到了感情的变化吗?走进任何一篇诗经的作品,我们总会被种种情思所缠绕,这首采薇也不例外,请同学找出这位战士的情感脉络. 板书:悲伤—喜悦---悲伤 1-3节:悲 一开篇,我们就感受到浓重的悲伤,我们不由得思考,此时这位战士身在何方,又为何而悲? 身处何时:莫—阳 身在何方:驻地边的旷野(说具体些“我戍未定”说明是在驻地边上) 为何而悲:思乡厌战仇恨 如何表现:直抒胸臆 借景抒情—意象薇(如何用薇来表情达意呢?从艺术手法的角度考虑) 重章叠唱: 当人们产生了强烈的感情冲动的时候,“言之不足故嗟叹之。嗟叹之不足故咏歌之”。对深化意境,强化感情起到了很重要的作用。同时,它还有效地增强了诗歌的节奏感、音乐感。 比 兴:作—柔—刚比喻时间流逝 朗读 4-5节:壮 战士的情感发生变化.此时他又身在何方?为何而壮?


人教版高中语文必修二教案 “秋兴”这个题目,意思是说因感秋而寄兴。这兴也就是过去汉儒说《诗经》的所谓“赋比兴”的“兴”(在四声应读去声)。晋代的潘岳有《秋兴赋》,也是一篇感秋寄兴之作。一起看看人教版高中语文必修二教案!欢迎查阅! 人教版高中语文必修二教案1 一、说教材 《秋兴八首》是杜甫寓居四川夔州时写下来的以想望长安为主题的一组七言律诗,它是杜集中七律的代表作。 “秋兴”这个题目,意思是说因感秋而寄兴。这兴也就是过去汉儒说《诗经》的所谓“赋比兴”的“兴”(在四声应读去声)。晋代的潘岳有《秋兴赋》,也是一篇感秋寄兴之作。但《秋兴赋》的体裁是属于辞赋类。而杜甫的《秋兴八首》则是律诗,是唐代新兴的一种诗体。若论它们创作的成就和对后世发生的影响,杜甫的《秋兴八首》当然不是潘岳的《秋兴赋》所可比拟。 这八首律诗是组诗,它从夔州的秋天景物说起,抒写了对长安想望的种种心情。而以第一首为全诗纲领。它的开头四句:“玉露彫伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森。江间波浪兼天涌,塞上风云接地阴。”这正和宋玉《九辩》所说的“悲哉秋之为气也,萧瑟兮草

木摇落而变衰”的感叹相同而沉深郁勃过之。接着写诗人留滞峡中的凄紧情状。而“孤舟一系故园心”句,就已经隐约地说出对长安的想望。第二首第三首虽然仍旧是写夔州景色。而“每依北斗望京华”句已明白指出望京,可以说是为整组诗点出了主题。“匡衡抗疏功名薄,刘向传经心事违。同学少年多不贱,五陵裘马自轻肥。”也就是由望京所引起的对诗人自己身世遭遇的回忆和伤叹。到了第四首就直接转入长安,是这组诗的大转捩。“闻道长安似弈棋,百年世事不胜悲”等句,表明了对“安史之乱”后局势的无限感慨。这以下数首都是着重对长安想望的描写。 诗人想望长安,当然首先要回忆起往年疏救房琯①这一件具有重大政治意义的事。因为诗人在这次政治斗争中所遭受的打击是他生命永远不可磨灭的伤痕,所以在诗里用匡衡、刘向②自比,而发出了“功名薄”和“心事违”的感叹。匡衡、刘向都是以直谏而遭到当时统治集团排斥,这里用来作譬是具有它的深刻意义的。 一提到长安,也不能不使诗人想到大唐的宫殿以及昆明池、曲江和渼陂诸名胜。特别是曲江,它给予诗人的印象更其深刻难忘。“花萼隔城通御气,芙蓉小苑入边愁。”把“通御气”和“入边愁”③联系起来说,这就可以想见诗人对时事的感慨是多么深长!天宝祸乱的爆发不是没有原因的。前人曾经认为杜甫的《秋兴八首》可以当得庾信的《哀江南赋》(王梦楼语)。而其实,《秋兴》

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师:大家好! 作为一名新课标下的英语老师,让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,希望各位老师指导我的说课,是我更加自信的完成老师的使命。 一、说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第五单元。本单元的话题是Music,它是中学生日常生活中比较感兴趣的话题之一。它中心话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”,单元的各项活动的设计都是围绕着以音乐类型和不同音乐对人的影响展开的。而对于音乐和音乐家,这种学生感兴趣的话题、与切身相关的情节,很容易就会引起学生们的极大兴趣,因此他们学习的参与性和积极性也会较高。在引导学生阅读前,让学生对不同种类的音乐的英文说法加以熟悉和理解,开阔的学生的视野。而在阅读后,结合现在学生中普遍存在的“选秀热”这一热点问题,引发学生的反思。 我的教学对象是高一学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。 二、三维教学目标 根据《新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际,我把教学目标设定为以下几个方面: (一)知识目标和能力目标 学习一些相关的单词、短语和句式,特别是关于音乐种类的词汇和表达对音乐感受的词。比如:动词prefer,feel,enjoy,appreciate,find.calm,形容词 relaxed,sleepy,cheerful,energetic,lively。能用英语表达建议、偏好和爱好。 学生熟悉掌握不同的音乐类型。学会灵活运用课文中的句式,自如的表达自己对音乐的理解和感受,并且从更深一层上去把握不同音乐所表达的不同意义。 (二)情感态度 1.熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养 2.从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,利用所教句型和所学知识积极与同学进行真实交流,提高交际策略,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。 三、说教学目标和教学重难点 这一课的重点有两点: 1.新课标要求在语言教学的同时必须能够深化学生的德育教育。因此,如何调动学生的积极性,使学生理解成功来之不易本课的重点之一。在教学过程中教师利用多媒体视频介绍音乐人经过多年的准备和磨练终于取的成功的例子启发学生思考自己的人生:要想拥有美好的人


人教版高一语文必修二《诗经两首——氓》教学 设计 一、教学目标 (一)知识与能力1.分析女主人公的情感变化,感受人物形象,能够较准确地表达对人物形象的感受与思考。 2.在感受鉴赏活动中,能够辨析出运用了比兴手法的诗句,了解比兴手法的基本特点,较为准确地说出其表达效果。 (二)过程与方法通过自主、合作探究活动,以及通过诵读品味、交流质疑和书面表达等方式,感受诗中女主人公复杂的情感变化以及在变化中表现出的人物性格。 (三)情感态度与价值观感受女主人公善良真诚的心灵之美、自由独立的人格之美,培养自身健康人格。 二、教学重难点1.分析女主人公的情感变化,感受人物形 象,能够较 准确地表达对人物形象的感受与思考。 2.在感受鉴赏活动中,能够辨析出运用了比兴手法的诗句,了解比兴手法的基本特点,较为准确地说出其表达效果。 三、课型 新授课。 四、课时 第2 课时。 五、文本简析

《卫风?氓》选自《诗经》,是人教版高中语文必修二 第二单元的第一课。学习此单元意在让学生对中国古代诗歌的发展脉络及经典诗作形成整体认知,感受其思想与艺术魅力,体会中华文化的博大精深、源远流长。教师在本课教学中,不仅要引导学生了解我国古代诗歌两大源头,感受其不同的艺术风格,也要致力于帮助学生学会鉴赏古代诗歌,增强古代诗歌鉴赏能力,更要激发学生对古代诗歌优秀作品的阅读兴趣,为学生今后的个性化学习奠定基础。而《氓》作为《诗经》名篇,显然是“先秦诗”一课的重点内容,它对于引导学生了解我国诗歌的一个重要源头《诗经》的现实主义风格、主要表现手法,感受其思想与艺术魅力都有着重要作用。 六、教学过程 (一)新课导入1.联系上节课的内容导入。2.引导学生了解本节课的学习目标。【设计意图】让学生带着有准备的头脑进入学习。 (二)体会、鉴赏女主人公的情感变化及人物形象1.组织学生按照小组进行自主、合作探究活动。题目:我感受到的她是的心绪,我的依据是(诗中具体词句);我看到了一个(填形象特点)的她。 要求:①先个人独立完成,再小组交流。②小组成员间确定分工,梳理好表达时的文字。③回答问题时需要一名同学先诵读出相关章节,再由一名同学给出结论和依据。


预习导学 Unit 5 Music 第一课时Warming up ﹠vocabulary 本单元重点单词,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1.classical 2.folk 3.jazz 4. musician 5.pretend 6.attach 7.form 8.passer-by 9.earn 10.extra 11.instrument 12.perform 13.performance 14.pub 15.cash 16.studio https://www.360docs.net/doc/54402907.html,lionaire 18.actor 19.rely 20.broadcast 21.humorous 22.familiar 23.attractive 24.addition 25.dip 26.confident 27.brief 28.briefly 29.devotion 33.sensitive 30.afterwards 34.painful 31.invitation 32.beard 本单元重点词组,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1. d ream of 5.play jokes on 2. t o be honest 6.rely on 3. a ttach…to 4.in cash 7.be/get familiar with 8. a bove all 9. s tick to 10. or so 11. break up 12. by chance 13. in addition 14. sort out 实战演练 一、词汇学习 1.古典英语5. 民乐9. 蓝调13. 轻音乐 2. 摇滚乐 6.乡村音乐 10 嘻哈音乐 14. 乐队 3. 说唱 7. 交响乐 11. 流行音乐 15. 音乐家 4. 爵士乐 8.合唱 12.西方音乐 二、根据首字母填写单词 1. The ball r down the hill. 2. A the stamp to the front of your letter. 3. Many fans were once impressed by Jay’s wonderful p . 4. As babies, we r entirely on others for food. 5. I’m very sorry. To answer this question is beyond my a . 6. He’s a f figure in the neighborhood. 7. As far as I know, Miss Gao enjoys listening to f music very much. 8. His d to his wife and family is touching. 9. They s all that they had when they were abroad. 10. You are far too s about her words. 预习导学 一、根据课文的内容填空 第二课时Reading If we are ourselves, most of us have being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and a band .Sometimes they play in the street to so that they can earn some money and this also gives them a to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different


人教版高中语文必修二教案 《短歌行》 教学过程: 师:上一个星期,一个同学跟我说过,她有一篇很好的文章要给我欣赏,我看了,我觉得有一些不足,但是的确不错,至少作者的阅读面和思考值得大家学习。 生:(他是我哥哥), 师:噢,你告诉他我很佩服他。他这篇文章,本来她读,他身体不适,我就代劳了 教师读学生哥哥的文章〈酒的遐想〉 酒的遐想 很偶然的灵感,想到了酒。 第一个闯进脑海的是“把酒问青天”的苏轼,那个当年在月光下起舞弄清影,感叹出“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的苏轼酷爱饮酒,他说:“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物”,非凡的气概啊!是酒赠与他的吗?“人生如梦,一尊还酹江月”,还是默默地与江水、明月抒情吧。 喝醉了,美也,愁也。 醉?“醉翁之意不在酒”的欧阳修真的醉了吗?如果他没醉,柳永一定醉了:“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节!今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月。”哦,他好象已经醉醒。那江头的屈原一定醉了,彻彻底底的。“众人皆浊而我独清,众人皆醉而我独醒。”我好象又错了,屈原说他没醉,恩……哦!酒醉的人总说自己没醉……

让我仔细想想,一定有人醉过…… 有了!辛弃疾醉过!“醉里挑灯看剑”,对!是他!他“梦回吹角连营”、“沙场秋点兵”。哦……还有那位“独上兰舟”“这次第,怎一个愁字了得的李清照也醉在酒里。醉是酒的魅力,那愁思呢? 愁?不应该责怪酒吧?曹操说:“何以解忧?惟有杜康。”李白说:“抽刀断水水更流,举杯销愁愁更愁。”看来酒不是愁的梦…… 慢慢咀嚼,细细推敲品味。 突然想到范仲淹,他说酒可以化作“相思泪”,为何?因为“酒入愁肠,化作相思泪”。 古人好象总醉在酒里,醉在梦里,醉在愁里…… “水调数声持酒听,午醉醒来愁未醒”。看来醉里的人很容易醒来,但愁呢?“古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名”,李白的话道出了真理,就让咱们“今朝有酒今朝醉”、“酒不醉人人自醉”、“会须一饮三百杯”吧! 望着祖国大好山河容易醉,望着英雄当年“雄姿英发”容易醉,望着曹雪芹勾勒的儿女情长容易醉,醉得太多,醉得太美,醉得值得!又想起那句俗话:“酒逢知己饮!”就让我们为友人一醉方休吧! 思绪随意自然地来到那座小城----------布达佩思东北一百多公里的埃盖尔。在这块大地下藏着许多美酒,几百年……冷冷的静静地醉卧在地下,余秋雨说那是秘藏的醉意,连裴多菲和纳吉的热血都没能改变它的恒温,连两次大战都没能干扰它的美梦,埃盖尔醉得是何等的固执和执拗啊!

人教版语文必修二 《囚绿记》 教案

囚绿记 教学目标: 1、联系当时的社会环境,明确作者在抒写对绿的挚爱之情中,表达对生命的爱,对光明、自由的向往,对坚贞不屈的抗敌精神的歌颂。 2、巩固把握散文主旨的一般方法:从品味关键句——凝聚着作者感情体验和理性思考的语句入手。 教学重难点: 1、明确“绿”的象征意义 教学方法: 从圈划、品味凝聚着作者感情体验和理性思考的语句、含有言外之意的语句入手,把握本文的主旨,提高感悟能力。 教学时数:1课时。 教学过程: 一、导入新课 今天我们一起认识陆蠡。作家曾这样评价他,说他有“优美的性格”和“黄金的心”,同他说话,“仿佛听完一曲贝多芬的交响乐,因为,我是和一个崇高的灵魂接触了。”下面,让我们一起拜读他的这篇代表作,去触摸他崇高的灵魂,并一起去享受一株常春藤带给我们的感动。 二、研读课文 1、本文题为“囚绿记”,意思是记述“囚绿”的经过。 ①“囚绿”是什么意思?课文中哪几段写“囚绿”的? ②“囚绿”之前、之后主要写了哪些内容? 2、文章自始至终紧扣一个“绿”字,快速阅读课文,明确行文线索 恋绿(1 —7 ) 囚绿(8 —11) 释绿(12—13)

念绿(14 ) 3、学生朗读“囚绿”的经过,同时思考以下问题 ①作者为什么要“囚绿”? ②常春藤具有怎样的特点? 蓬勃、固执、向阳 ③面对挚爱的绿,作者有怎样的体验与理性思考呢?(明确绿的象征意义) 生命希望、向往光明自由、坚贞不屈的抗敌精神 4、找出文中描写“囚绿”后“绿”的形象的语句。 (1)绿的枝条悬垂在我的案前了。它依旧伸长,依旧攀缘,依旧舒放,并且比在外边长得更快。 (2)可是在每天早晨,我起来观看这被幽囚的“绿友”时,它的尖端总朝着窗外的方向。甚至于一枚细叶,一茎卷须,都朝原来的方向。 (3)它渐渐失去了青苍的颜色,变成了柔绿,变成了嫩黄;枝条变成细瘦,变成娇弱,好象病了的孩子。 (4)临行时我珍重地开释了这永不屈服于黑暗的囚人。我把瘦黄的枝叶放在原来的位置上,向它致诚意的祝福,愿它繁茂苍绿。 三、拓展延伸 常春藤的“永不屈服于黑暗、顽强抗争的精神”给你什么深刻的人生启示?请用凝练、富有哲理的语言表达你的理解。能撷取一个事例加以佐证将更好。同学交流,分享成果。 1.浩瀚的大海正是因为有了礁石,才激起了美丽的浪花 2.生活的磨难,是人生的一笔财富! 3.在苦难面前抬起你自信的头颅!永不言败。 4永不屈服于黑暗!永远向着阳光生长! 事例: 1.司马迁,受宫刑,却能忍受这世间最大的耻辱,因为他心中有未完成的《史记》。 2.张海迪,高位截瘫。以顽强的毅力自学了小学、中学、大学及研究生的专业课程。其间克服病痛和困难进行创作,至今已出版大量的作品。

高中人教版语文必修二教案_ 第一单元- 故都的秋

故都的秋·教案 【教学目标】 一、认知目标: 1、引导学生深入体会故都秋的特点。 2、引导学生把握文中情与景的关系及文章的结构。 二、能力目标: 让学生初步掌握以情驭景、以景显情的写作方法。 【教学难点与重点】分析情与景的关系。 【教学过程及步骤】 一、以事例导入,点明学习重点。 今天,我们要学习郁达夫《故都的秋》,下面我们先来分析一个事例,假如你今天心情很好,一出门就遇见阔别多年的老朋友,那么,当你现在坐在公园的长凳上听着耳边的鸟鸣时,你就会觉得鸟的叫声非常的悦耳。换一种心境,假如你今天比较倒霉,在马路上不小心摔了一跤,这时你听到鸟的叫声就会觉得心烦。对相同的景,不同心情的人对景的感受就会不一样,那么写出来的景当然就会不同了,这就叫做“景随情异”(板书)。可见,情与景的关系非常密切,弄清情与景的关系,也是我们今天学习《故都的秋》的一个重点。 二、通过比较阅读,体会故都秋的特点。 下面我们先来看几首同样也是以秋为描写内容的诗歌: 材料一:孟郊《秋怀》 秋月颜色冰,老客志气单。 冷露滴梦破,峭风梳骨寒。 席上印病文,肠中转愁盘。 疑怀无所凭,虚听多无端。 梧桐枯峥嵘,声响如哀弹。 材料二:刘禹锡《秋词》 (一)(二) 自古逢秋悲寂寥,山明水净夜来霜, 我言秋日胜春朝。数树深红出浅黄。 晴空一鹤排云上,试上高楼清入骨, 便引诗情到碧霄。岂如春色嗾人狂。 1、分析孟郊《秋怀》 一问:这是一首写秋天的诗,那么诗中都写到了哪些秋天的景呢? 明确:诗中写到了月、露、风和梧桐。 二问:这些景具有什么样的特点? 明确:月——冰,露——冷,风——寒(峭),梧桐——枯, 梧桐甚至是“声响如哀弹”,意思是秋天梧桐脱落,风吹枯叶,瑟瑟作响,听去好像谁在弹奏悲哀的曲调。 三问:那么,这样的秋天给我们什么样的感觉? 明确:悲凉。 2、分析刘禹锡《秋词》(两首) 一问:在这两首诗中,哪些地方体现了作者对秋天的感受? 明确:如“胜春朝”、“引诗情”、“山明水净”、“清如骨”等。 二问:那么,这样的秋天给我们什么样的感觉?


荷塘月色 【教学目标】 1.品味语言,学习赏析散文的艺术手法。 2.通过把握本文的情感脉络,学习鉴赏抒情散文。 【教学重难点】 1.让学生走进作品的情感世界,体会作者颇不宁静的感情。 2.学习作者运用语言的技巧。 【教学方法】 通过听录音、默读,让学生读文入境。 通过反复诵读、感知,品味作品语言。 通过提问思考讨论,体会作者的感情教学设计: 本课教学计划采用六个步骤“自读感知,思考提问,查阅信息,讨论交流,熟读成诵,存疑留问”,两个课时来完成教学任务,“存疑留问”放在课外完成。整个教学过程始终以学生为主体,学生自读感知,学生思考提问,学生查阅信息,学生讨论交流,学生熟读成诵。教师在这过程中主要起引导点拨的作用。 一、自读感知 要求学生自读课文,整体感知整篇课文,了解作品的基本内容,初步把握作品的基本结构框架和作者的感情。 首先自读课文,疏通文句,借助注解和词典,弄清以下词语的读音和意思: 幽僻、蓊蓊郁郁、弥望、袅娜、宛然、凝碧、斑驳、峭楞楞

借助注解和词典读懂《采莲赋》。 其次给文章八个小段标上序号,找出文章主要写景的段落和抒情的段落,找出文章抒情的语句。 明确: 文章主要写景的段落是第四段、第五段、第六段。 文章主要抒情的段落是第三段。 文章抒情的语句主要有: 第一段:这几天心里颇不宁静。 第二段:没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。 第三段:我也像超出了平常的自己,我爱热闹,……也爱冷静;爱群居,也爱独处。……便觉是一个自由的人。……我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了。 第六段:但热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。 第七段:这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在早已无福消受了。 第八段:这令我到底惦着江南了。 再次请学生用自己的话把文章的主要内容复述下来,注意段落之间的联系。 明确:因为这几天心里颇不宁静,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在满月的光里,总该另有一番样子,于是就想去看看,沿着荷塘的路平常是有些怕人的,但今晚却很好,我可以享受这无边的荷香月色。荷塘月色的确很美,月光下的荷塘美景清幽淡雅,荷塘上的迷人月色朦胧和谐,令人心醉。荷塘四周非常幽静,只有树上的蝉声和水里的蛙声最热闹,而我什么也没有。忽然又想起采莲的事情来了,那真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在早巳无福消受了。采莲令我惦着江南了,这样想着回到了家里。

人教版高中语文必修二 《氓》 教案

《氓》教学设计 前言: 本单元学习的是先秦到南北朝时期的诗歌,通过这个单元的学习,我们可以一窥唐以前诗歌的风貌,了解中国诗歌的源头。 这单元教学重点是使学生在熟读背诵的基础上,领悟诗歌所传达的思想内容及情感,同时能够对诗歌的表现手法有所了解,帮助诗歌学习。 一、教学目标 1、文学常识积累 关键词:《诗经》别称《诗经》内容《诗经》成书《诗经》六义《诗经》章法结构四言诗现实主义 2、《氓》 关键词:情节情感手法主题(现实意义) 3、培养学生自主学习,以及鉴赏文学作品的能力 二、教学重点 1、准确诵读诗歌,把握四言诗的节奏特点 2、理解诗歌内容,理清诗歌情节 3、《诗经》表现手法的运用 4、诗歌主题的呈现

三、教学难点 1、《诗经》手法的艺术效果 2、学生自主学习及鉴赏文学作品能力的培养 四、教学方法 诵读法、讨论法、点拨法、探究法 五、课时安排 2课时 六、教学过程 1、导入 中国是诗的国度,我国诗歌源远流长,那么我国诗歌的源头到底在哪里呢?我国诗歌的源头就在我们今天要学习的《诗经》中。 2、《诗经》常识 别称: 先秦——“诗”或“诗三百” 汉——“诗经”(儒家经典,汉董仲舒“罢黜百家独尊儒术”)内容: 西周初年到春秋中叶500年间的诗歌。包括反抗压迫剥削,爱情婚姻,劳动生活,政治讽刺,古老史诗。

成书(来源): 采诗——周朝“采诗官”或“行人”每年春天到各地去采诗,然后交予宫廷乐师配乐,奏唱给天子,使他们能够了解民情,巩固统治。《国风》主要成书方式。 献诗——周国公卿列士(贵族官员和知识分子)献诗,表达自己对王朝统治的颂美或讽谕。 删诗——司马迁《孔子世家》中说到,《诗》有三千篇,孔子删诗至305篇。(不可信) 分类: 按内容分:《风》、《雅》、《颂》 《风》——又称“十五国风”,大部分为民间歌谣,160篇 《雅》——分《大雅》和《小雅》,宫廷乐曲歌词,105篇 表现手法: 赋:“赋者,敷陈其事而直言之者也。”直接叙述事物,铺陈情节,抒发感情; 比:“比者,以彼物比此物也。”打比方,利用事物间某些相似之处来打比方,启发想象 兴:“兴者,先言它物以引起所咏之词也。”又叫“起兴”,先借别的事物或景象,用以引入所要描写或歌颂的事物。 句式与章法:


高中语文必修二《诗三首》教案 教学博苑 2011-11-30 0546 5d56b7b40102dt96 高中语文必修二《诗三首》教案 【教学目标】 一、知识教育目标 1.鉴赏汉、魏、晋诗歌的情趣和艺术魅力。 2.了解五言诗的特点,有感情地诵读并背诵这三首诗。 二、能力培养目标 培养学生鉴赏诗歌形象、语言、表达技巧的能力;鉴赏可以突出重点,不必求全。 三、德育渗透目标

引导学生接受诗中高尚而纯真的情感熏陶,培养学生健康积极的人生态度。 《涉江采芙蓉》 一、导入 (板书“钟嵘《诗品》‘惊心动魄,可谓几乎一字千金。’”) 大家知道这个评价说的是什么吗?它指的是《古诗十九首》的语言已经达到炉火纯青的程度了。今天,我们将要学习其中的一首——《涉江采芙蓉》,体味一下这“一字千金”的语言魅力。 二、文学常识介绍 《古诗十九首》是梁代萧统《文选》“杂诗”类的一个标题,包括汉代无名氏所作的19首五言诗。清代沈德潜说“古诗十九首,不必一人之辞,一时之作。大率逐臣弃妻,朋友阔绝,游子他乡,死生新故之感。或寓言,或显言,或反复言。初无奇辟之思,惊险之句,而西京古诗,皆在其下。”评价如此之高,而后世也多有仿者。西汉陆机曾逐首逐句地摹仿了其中的12首,而东晋的陶渊明,南朝宋代的鲍照等,也都有学习“古诗”手法、风格的《拟古诗》。 三、朗读课文 1、教师范读 2、自由朗读 3、个人朗读 四、(一)读完这篇文章,你认为这首诗主要表达了什么思想感情? 明确游子思乡之情。 (二)具体分析这篇文章,看文章如何表达出这种情感的! 涉江采芙蓉,兰泽多芳草。 主要意象是什么?对全诗意境的营造有什么作用?


人教必修二《短歌行》教学设计 教学目的: 1、从历史的高度认识曹操。 2、理解曹操的“忧”的内涵,学习曹操积极进取、重视人才的精神风貌。 教学过程: 一、导入 俗话说:“乱世出英雄。”东汉末年,天下大乱,豪杰并起,最终形成了三国鼎立的局面。“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。”说到三国英雄,人们往往首先想到孙权、周瑜、诸葛亮等人。苏轼推崇周瑜,“遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。”(《念奴娇?赤壁怀古》);辛弃疾崇拜孙权,“千古江山,英雄无觅孙仲谋处”(《永遇乐?京口北固亭怀古》);唐代大诗人杜甫仰慕诸葛亮,他在《蜀相》中这样赞美诸葛亮的功绩:“三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。”陆游也以诸葛亮自况,“出师一表真名世,千载谁堪伯仲间。” 周瑜等人固然称得上英雄,但人们却忽略了一个重要人物——曹操。 曹操在东汉末年“挟天子以令诸侯”,曾是中国北方的实际统治者,是一个在当时叱咤风云的人物。他堪称英雄,但历来得到的评价并不高。易中天教授在百家讲坛概括了人们对他的三个称谓:英雄、奸雄、奸贼。那么曹操到底是一个什么样的人呢?) 幻灯片: 曹操简介—— 曹操(155-220),字孟德,小名阿瞒,沛国谯郡(今安徽亳县)人,东汉末年的政治家、军事家、文学家。他“外定武功,内兴文学”:统一中国北方;他知人善察,唯才是举;也是建安文学的开创者和组织者。 但历来人们对他毁誉参半。当年,汝南名士许劭(三国曹魏时名士,喜评人物,)称之为:“治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄”。陈寿在《三国志》中:“抑可谓非常之人,超世之杰矣。”戏曲舞台上常把曹操塑造成白脸奸臣,成为一个阴险、残忍、狡诈、狠毒的人物。 我们应站在历史的高度看待曹操这一历史人物,承认他对历史的推动作用,肯定他的贡献。把握他的三个称谓:政治家、军事家、文学家。今天语文课,咱们就主要分析作为文学家的一面,他的作品中必然会反映他作为政治家的抱负和情怀。 幻灯片: 曹操诗歌现存20余首,大致分为两类。 ①有的反映当时社会动乱,军阀混战给人民带来的灾难。如《蒿里行》:“白骨露于野,千里无鸡鸣。生民百遗一,念之断人肠。” ②有的抒发个人的政治理想和抱负。如《步出夏门行?龟虽寿》:“老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。”又如《短歌行》。 这些诗继承了《诗经》《楚辞》和汉乐府的现实主义传统,但又有自己的创造。汉乐府诗大多叙事,而曹操常用乐府旧题抒写感情和抱负,内容和形式上多有创新,气魄雄伟,情感深沉,于质朴自然中带有慷慨激昂的悲壮情调。代表了“建安风骨”的特色,推动了五言诗的发展。


《诗经》两首 【教学目标】 1、了解有关《诗经》的常识:包含了那段时间的诗歌、内容、写法和其在中国文学史上的地位和作用。 2、了解每首诗的内容、中心、艺术特色和表现手法。 3、通过三首诗了解“国风”的写作内容,体会民间的歌谣的特色。 4、了解卫、秦、邶三地不同的文化背景,体味独特的文化内容。 氓 【教学目标】 1、通过本文,了解卫地的风土人情,体会男女主人公的生活经历。 2、了解课文的内容,熟悉课文中的人物和他们之间的关系。 3、透过事情的表面,挖掘人物独特的内心体验,总结人物的性格特征。 4、学习独特的语言表现手法,对照古今不同,掌握古词的含义和不同的表现方式。 【课时安排】两课时。 【教学过程】

第一课时 教学目标: 1、请学生自己读课文,不要老师来示范,让他们自己亲自体验,老师不要代劳他们的工作。 2、明确字音和个别词语的意思并牢记。 3、请学生示范读课文,进一步明确字音和意思,请大家识记,当堂课掌握。 教学过程: 一、导入:(2分钟) 爱情永远是不会变老的话题,有人的地方,就会书写不同的故事,今天,我们走进遥远的公元前的卫国,聆听一个古老的故事,体会一下那时、那地,发生的那件事,他和她是我们要结识的来个人,还有在那时的另外一些人。让我们走近他们! 一、新授: 1、请一位学生读文题。(2分钟) (可能出现两种情况: 第一种情况是①读对了字音,méng,及时表扬,大家齐读。通过注释②,了解词语的含义,明确这是“古今异义”,把“古今异义”四个字写在注释处。 第二种情况是读成了máng,请其他同学纠错,通过注释②,了解词语的正确读音和含义,读音和意思古今都不同。)


人教版高中语文必修二全套教案 荷塘月色朱自清 教学目的 一、学习《荷塘月色》细腻、传神的语言,体会新鲜贴切的比喻表达效果及移觉修辞手法的运用。 二、掌握《荷塘月色》刻画景物及情景交融的写法,体会其严谨结构。 三、了解作者创作的心情以及这种心情的社会内容。 四、通过朗诵欣赏《荷塘月色》的韵味。 教学设想: 1、教学重点放在文章的结构安排、写景层次、语言特色上。 2、安排三课时 第一教时 教学要点:整体感知课文学习文章第一部分 教学步骤: 一、导入课文 作者介绍:朱自清(1898—1948.8),原名自华,字佩弦,号秋实。祖籍浙江绍兴。1903年随家定居扬州,所以自称“我是扬州人”。1916年中学毕业后考入北京大学预科班,次年改名“自清”,考入本科哲学系。毕业后,在江苏、浙江等地中学任教。1923年发表长诗《毁灭》,震动了当时的诗坛;1929年出版诗集《踪迹》,1925年任清华大学教授,创作转向散文,同时研究古典文学。1928年出版散文集《背影》,成了著名的散文家。朱自清是诗人、散文家、学者,又是民主战士、爱国知识分子,毛泽东称他“表现我们民族的英雄气概”,著作《朱自清全集》。 二、释义: 蓊蓊郁郁:草木茂盛的样子。 踱:慢步行走。 弥望:满眼。弥,满。

袅娜:柔美的样子。 脉脉:这里形容水没有声音,好象深含感情。 风致:美的姿态。 斑驳:原指一种颜色中杂有别的颜色,这里有深浅不一的意思。 丰姿:风度仪态,一般指美好的姿态。也写作“风姿”。 碧:青翠欲滴的样子。 大意:大概的轮廓 三、听录音朗读,并注意体会其中的语言、思考如何划分层次。 整体把握,明确结构,写出大意: 全文分三大段: 第一部分(1—3):月夜漫步荷塘的缘由及来到荷塘的感受。(点明题旨) 第二部分(4—6):荷塘月色的恬静迷人。(主体) 第三部分(7—8):荷塘月色的美景引动乡思。(偏重抒情 简要分析:从内结构看,情感思绪是从不静、求静、得静到出静,是一个圆形;从外结构看,从作者出门经小径到荷塘复又归来,依空间顺序描绘了一次夏夜游。 感情变化是:“心里颇不宁静”→淡淡的月光下,有淡淡的哀愁→在自然美景中,有淡淡的喜悦→发出“我什么也没有”的慨叹→惦念江南,欲超脱而不可得。作者在文章中体现了一种复杂的思想情感,即“淡淡的忧愁,淡淡的喜悦”,这可从文章中的景物中见出。 作者的路线可总结为:出家门走小路观荷塘观四周回家门 (1段)(2~3段)(4~6段)(7~10段) 四、讲读第一部分: 1、第一段点拨分析:开篇第一句“这几天心里颇不宁静”确定了全文的感情基调。一个“忽然”,引出了作者精心绘制的荷塘月色图画,构成了一个恬静幽美、清香四溢的世界。实处落笔,渗透一个“静”字。“悄悄”、“轻轻”。悄悄出门,轻轻进门,一是为了不影响家人,二是表现了一种孤寂的心态。 全文的第一句是文章的“文眼”。
