


Part II. Listening Comprehension

Short conversations

1.Woman: When was the last time you dusted the apartment?

Man: When was the last time my mother came over?

Question: What does the man imply?

2.Woman: Hurry up Mark, there’s a bus co ming now。

Man: Why run? There’ll be another one in 2 or 3 minutes。

Question: What does the man mean?

3.Man: Laura, it seems that you are up to your neck in work, how come you’ve been so busy?

Woman: Ms Smith has asked for a sick leave, and I have to take over her work for a couple of days。

Question: What do we learn about the woman?

4.Woman: Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring。

Man: Why don’t you quit and deliver the flowers with me?

Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?

5.Woman: Rod, you said you’d take this package to the post office yesterday。Man: Oh, no, it must have slipped my mind.

Question: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?

6.Man: I’m not surprised that you didn’t like that movie. I find it reall y scary myself. Woman: So did I. I don’t care much for horror movies as a rule.

Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

7.Man: My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too.

Woman: Your words remind me of the saying honey is sweet but the bee stings. Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

8.Man: How many more chairs should I bring in for the forum, six or seven? Woman: Bring in all you can find. I’m expecting at least 20 participants. Question: What are the speakers talking about?

Long conversations

Conversation 1

Man: Do you think there's discrimination against women in England today? Woman: Certainly, and not just in education and work either, in many other fields as well. The tax situation for women is very unfair, for example。

Man: Are women better off in other countries then?

Woman: It depends on the country. There's certainly much less discrimination in Scandinavia, and maybe in America, too。

Man: Do you think the position of English women will improve?

Woman: In some ways it will of course. I'm sure more women will go out to work in the next 20 years. But the women have a much greater problem than this to solve。Man: What's that?

Women: The problem of men's attitudes. We can earn more money in the future, but I'm not sure we can change men' attitudes. You see, most men really think that women are inferior. Maybe we are physically weaker, but I don't think this means we are inferior. Then there's another problem。

Man: Yes?

Women: The problem of women's attitudes. Lots of women are unhappy with their present situation, but most of them probably don't want to fight for change. It could be that the women's liberation movement has to spend more time changing women's attitudes than it spends in changing men's。

Man: One last question, some supporters of the woman's liberation movement believed that marriages should be abolished. You agree?

Women: No, I don't. It can't happen. What may and should happen is that we teach men to spend more time looking after children and doing housework。

9. Where are women said to be less discriminated against?

10. What will happen in England in 20 years according to the conversation?

11. What does the woman think the women's liberation movement should do?

Conversation 2

Man: Cheers, Shirley

Women: Cheers, Paul. What a lovely place for a business lunch. I hope I can concentrate in this heat。

Man: I will sure you will when I tell you about my ideas。

Woman: You know, I must say I was pleased to hear from you, but from what you said on the phone, everything is so sudden。

Man: Well, my father-in-law, who is also the managing director of J.R. Motives, has given me two weeks to prepare a report on the possibility of moving into the export market。

Woman: Ah, now, just one thing Paul. Have you really thought the whole idea through?

Man: Of course I have。

Woman: Now the key thing in the whole operation is to get a good import agent, and you say the bank will help?

Man: I'm almost sure of it。

Woman: Preliminary studies are very good, Paul. But if the product can't sell, then there's little use in expanding the factory。

Man: Yes, I realize that, Shirley. But we have a very good product. The chief designer has just completed a new improved model。

Woman: I know your bikes have a very good reputation here, but you have to build up a reputation and mark it in Africa。

Man: Yes, of course. But the immediate problem is that my father-in-law wants a detailed report by next Monday. Two weeks isn't enough time to prepare a report, so I need your help。

Woman: OK, Paul, you've convinced me. I must say I admire your determination。

12. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

13. What do we learn about the men's father-in-law?

14. What does the woman think is important in the whole operation?

15. What does the woman admire in the man?

Passage 1

Scientists know how twins were born, now though, they are trying to explain how being half of the biological pair influences a twin’s identity. They want to know why many identical twins make similar cho ices even when they don’t leave near each other. For example, Jim Springer and Jim Louis are identical twins. They were separated when they were only 4 months old. The two Jims grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. When they finally met, they discovered some surprising similarities between them. Both men were married twice, their first wives were named Linda, and their second wives were both named Betty. Both twins named their first sons James Allen. Scientists want to know what influences are personality. They study pairs of identical twins who grew up in different surroundings, like Jim Springer and Jim Louis. These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology. Researchers at the University of Minnesota, studies 350 sets of identical twins who did not grow up together. They discovered many similarities in their personalities. Scientists believed that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are not result of environment. These characteristics are probably inherited. Scientists continue to study identical twins because they are uncertain about them and have many questions. For example, they want to know ‘can twins really communicate without speaking’, ‘can one twin really fee l another twin’s pain’. Perhaps with more research, scientists will find the answers。

16. What are scientists trying to explain according to the passage?

17. What do we learn about the twin Jims?

18. Why are scientists interested in studying identical twins raised in different families?

Passage 2

Today I’m going to talk about tents. Camping is still one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. And each year, over 3 million people take camping vocations, either here in Britain or aboard, mostly on the conti nent. Obviously, camping can’t be as comfortable as living in a permanent house, but modern tents can be very comfortable indeed, with windows, bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms. The most popular tent sold in Britain is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent of water-proofed fabric and a lighter inner tent or tents with a built-in ground sheet. The outer tent fits over the frame work. This is made of metal poles which are fitted together. The inner tent is attached to this frame. Generally, the inner tent is about half the area of the outer tent. The other half of the outer tent is the living area. This doesn’t usually have a ground sheet but you can buy one to fit, though it costs extra. The ordinary 4 bed frame tent doesn’t usually have a separate kitchen area, but the larger ones often do. You can buy a kitchen extension for many tents, and it’s worth buying one if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days.

19. What does the speaker say about camping?

20. What does the passage tell us about the most popular tent sold in Britain?

21. What does the speaker suggest buying if you plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days?

Passage 3

Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world, is located high in the mountains between France and Spain. The country covers only 179 square miles. That is less than half the size of New York City. High, rocky mountains surround Andorra. Until the 1930s, travelers had difficulty in reaching the country. Up until that time, people in Andorra lived in the way they had lived for centuries. Most Andorrans worked as farmers. Things did not change quickly. When roads were built from France and Spain to Andorra in the 1930s, life picked up speed. Tourist began to visit the small country. These tourists brought in a lot of money to spend while visiting. Many people in Andorra found new jobs in shops or hotels. These changes helped to keep young people in Andorra. There were many more jobs than before the roads were built. Today tourists provided 80 to 90 percent of A ndorra’s income. More than a million people visit each year. They come to view the rough mountains. They enjoy the quiet way of life. Most people are also interested in the ancient buildings. There are many shops for tourists to browse in, clothes, watches, wines and other items are

sold at low prices in Andorra. Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy the inexpensive shopping. Most of the businesses in Andorra are owned by its citizens. There are not many foreign businesses. Some Andorrans still farm and raise sheep and cattle. But most are now involved with the tourist trade。

22. How big does the speaker say Andorra is?

23. What can be said about Andorra before the 1930s?

24. What event changed the situation in Andorra?

25. What do most people do in Andorra do nowadays?

Compound Dictation

Don’t take may English courses, they won’t help you get a decent job. Sign up for management classes, so you will be ready to join the family business when you graduate. Sound familiar? Many of us have heard suggestions like these put forward by parents or others close to us. Such comments often seem quite reasonable. Why then should suggestions like these be taken with caution? The reason is they relate to the decisions you should make. You are the one who must live with their consequences. One of the worst reasons to follow a particular path in life is that other people want you to. Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions. Decisions you make after you’ve considered various alternatives and chosen the path that suits you best. Making your own decisions does not mean that you should ignore the suggestions of others. For instance, your parents do have their own unique experiences that may make their advice helpful and having participated in a great deal of your personal history. They may have a clear view of your strength and weaknesses. Still, their views are not necessarily accurate. They may still see you as a child, and need care and protection. Or they may see only your strength or in some unfortunate cases, they may focus only on your flaws and shortcomings. People will always be giving your advice, ultimately, though you have to make your own judgments.


2014年6月英语四级仔细阅读真题(第一套)及 答案 Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. When young women were found to make only 82 percent of what their male peers do just one year out of college, many were at a loss to explain it. All the traditional reasons put forward to interpret the pay gap-that women fall behind when they leave the workforce to raise kids, for example, or that they don't seek as many management roles-failed to justify this one. These young women didn't have kids yet. And because they were just one year removed from their undergraduate degrees, few of these women yet had the chance to go after (much less decline) leadership roles. But there are other reasons why the pay gap remains so persistent. The first is that no matter how many women may be getting college degrees, the university experience is still an unequal one. The second is that our higher education system is not designed to focus on the economic consequences of our students' years on campus. Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place. It is not. Studies show that while girls do better than boys in high school, they start to trail off during their college years. They enroll in different kinds of classes, tend to major in less rigorous (非常严格的) subjects, and generally head off with less ambitious plans. As a result, it's not surprising that even the best educated young women enter the workplace with a slight disadvantage. Their college experience leaves them somewhat confused, still stumbling (栽倒) over the dilemmas their grandmothers' generation sought to destroy. Are they supposed to be pretty or smart? Strong or sexy (性感的) All their lives, today's young women have been pushed to embrace both perfection and passion-to pursue science and sports, math and theater-and do it all as well as they possibly can. No wonder they are not negotiating for higher salaries as soon as they get out of school. They are too exhausted, and too scared of failing. 56. Traditionally, it is believed that women earn less than men because ______. A) they have failed to take as many rigorous courses B) they do not feel as fit for management roles C) they feel obliged to take care of their kids at home D) they do not exhibit the needed leadership qualities 57. What does the author say about America's higher education system? A) It does not offer specific career counseling to women. B) It does not consider its economic impact on graduates. C) It does not take care of women students' special needs. D) It does not encourage women to take rigorous subjects. 58. What does the author say about today's college experience? A) It is different for male and female students. B) It is not the same as that of earlier generations. C) It is more exhausting than most women expect. D) It is not so satisfying to many American students. 59. What does the author say about women students in college? A) They have no idea how to bring out their best. B) They drop a course when they find it too rigorous. C) They are not as practical as men in choosing courses. D) They don't perform as well as they did in high school. 60. How does the author explain the pay gap between men and women fresh from college?


2013年12月大学英语四级听力真题 PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A) The woman is now working in a kindergarten. B) The man will soon start a business of his own. C) The man would like to be a high school teacher. D) The woman is going to major in child education. 2. A) The furniture has to be rearranged. B) The sound equipment has to be set up. C) The conference room has to be cleaned. D) The video machine has to be checked. 3. A) She is exhausted. B) She is near-sighted. C) She cannot finish work in time. D) She cannot go straight home. 4. A) The woman is too particular about food. B) He would rather have a meal an hour later. C) The woman should order her food quickly. D) He usually prefers ice-cream to sandwiches. 5. A) He is not a good mechanic. B) He doesn't keep his promises. C) He spends his spare time doing repairs. D) He is always ready to offer help to others. 6. A) Sam has a big family to support. B) Sam is not interested in traveling. C) The pay offered by the travel agency is too low. D) The work hours in the travel agency arc too long 7. A) International trade.


2014年12月英语四级真题及答案第三套 Part I Writing ( 30 minutes. ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more. than 180 words. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Part II Listening Comprehension ( 30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B., C. and D., and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A. Give his ankle a good rest. B. Treat his injury immediately. C. Continue his regular activities. D. Be careful when climbing steps. 2. A. On a train. B. On a plane. C. In a theater. D. In a restaurant. 3. A. A tragic accident. B. A sad occasion. C. Smith's unusual life story. D. Smith's sleeping problem. 4. A. Review the details of all her lessons. 、 B. Compare notes with his classmates.


2019年12月英语四级听力真题(卷二原文) 2016年12月英语四级听力真题(卷二原文) 短篇新闻 Section A - 2 Rescue efforts were underway Thursday morning for 17 miners who were stuck in an elevator below ground at a Cargill rock salt mine near Lansing, New York, according to Marcia Lynch. Public information officer with Tompkins County’s emergency response department, emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio. And they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department’s assistant director. Crews have managed to provide heat packs and blankets to the miners so that they can keep warm during the rescue operation, Verfuss said. Details about what led to the workers’ being trapped in the elevator went immediately available. The mine, along Ne w York’s Cayuga Lake, processes salt used for road treatment. It produces about 2 million tons of salt that is shipped to more than 1,500 places in the northeastern United States, the rock salt mine is one of three operated by Cargill with the other two in Louisiana and Ohio. Q3. What does the news report say about the salt miners? Q4.What did the rescue team do? Section A - 3


2014年6月大学英语四级作文真题汇总分析及范文2014年6月的大学英语四级考试已经落下帷幕,大家最关心的英语四级作文话题也已经面世。 四级写作题目一: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your hometown. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目二: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your campus. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 四级写作题目三: Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your China. What is the place would you show him or her and why? 与去年的图画作文模式不同,今年又重新回到了话题作文的形式,并且所给话题也是考生非常熟悉的,很容易展开思路。更令人惊奇的是今年的作文虽然有三个话题,但是话题设定的背景信息是趋同的,都是说外国朋友要来中国或来你的家乡或来你的学校,让你介绍一下中国/家乡/学校的特色,目的还是为了推介我们本土的文化特色,看来出题人是越来越看重中国传统文化的弘扬了。去年的翻译题当中就出现了一系列的对中国传统文化的介绍,像中餐,中国结,茶文化,中国园林,中秋等等。所以说,文化题材,特别是有关中国文化特色的题材要成为以后大家复习的重点内容。以后备考四六级的同学一定要多联系这个文化题材的翻译和写作。


2010年12月大学英语四级听力真题的试题与答案, Section A 短对话(11~18) 11. M: Oh my god! The heat is simply unbearable here. I wish we’ve gone to the beach instead. W: Well, with the museums and restaurants in Washington I’ll be happy here no matter what the temperature. Q:What does the woman mean? 12. M: How’s the new job going? W: Well, I’m learning a lot of new things, but I wish the director would give me some feedback. Q:What does the woman want to know? 13. M: Can you help me work out a physical training program John? W: Sure, but whatever you do be careful not to overdo it. Last time I had two weeks’ worth of weight-lifting in three days and I hurt myself. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 14. M: I have an elderly mother and I’m worried about her going on a pl ane. Is there any risk? W: Not if her heart is all right. If she has a heart condition, I’d recommend against it. Q: What does the man want to know about his mother? 15. M: Why didn’t you stop when we first signaled you at the crossroads? W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine? Q: what do we learn from the conversation? 16. M: I’m no expert, but that noise in your refrigerator doesn’t sound right. Maybe you should have it fixed. W: You’re right. And I suppose I’ve put it off long enough. Q: What will the woman probably do? 17. M: I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment. Now, I have enough money to buy that piece of land I’ve had my eye on and build a house on it. W: Congratulations!Does that mean you’ll be moving soon? Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


2014年12月英语四级真题及答案(文字版) 考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对 Part I Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the followin 作文题一:印象最深的活动 AA campus activity that has benefited most. 作文题二:印象最深的课程 A course that has impressed you most in college. 作文题三:印象最深的同学 A classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college. Section C Stunt people(替身演员) are not movie stars, but they are the hidden heroes of many movies. They were around long before films. Even Shakespeare may have used them in fight scenes. To be good, a fight scene has to look real. Punches must (26)______ enemies' jaws. Sword fights must be fought with(27)______ swords. Several actors are usually in a fight scene. Their moves must be set up so that no one gets hurt. It is almost like planning a dance performance. If a movie scene is dangerous, stun people usually(28)______the stars. You may think you see Tom Cruise running along the top of a train. But it is(29)______ his stunt double. Stunt people must(30)______ the stars they stand in for. Their height and build should be about the same. But when close-ups are needed, the film(31)______ the star. Some stunt people(32)______ in certain kinds of scenes. For instance, a stunt woman named Jan Davis does all kinds of jumps. She has leapt from planes and even off the top of a waterfall. Each jump required careful planning and expert(33)______. Yakima Canutt was a famous cowboy stunt man. Among other stunts, he could jump from a second story window onto a horse's back. He(34)______


2020年7月英语四级听力真题原文(完整版) PartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. News Report One …parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday, ' this is what he said to us. The orange warning may be raised to red in some areas. That is a warning for snow


2014年6月英语四级真题听力短文答案解析及音频原文 短对话 1. A. See a doctor about her strained shoulder B. Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. C. Replace the cupboard with a new one. D. Place the tea on a lower shelf next time. 2. A. At Mary Johnson?s B. In an exhibition hall C. At a painter?s studio. D. Outside an art gallery. 3. A. The teacher evaluated lacks teaching experience. B. She does not quite agree with what the man said. C. The man had better talk with the students himself.z D. New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4. A. He helped Doris build up the furniture. B. Doris helped him arrange the furniture. C. Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves. D. He was good at assembling bookshelves. 5. A. He doesn?t get on with t he others. B. He doesn?t feel at ease in the firm. C. He has been taken for a fool. D. He has found a better position. 6. A. They should finish the work as soon as possible. B. He will continue to work in the garden himself. C. He is tired of doing gardening on weekends. D. They can hire a gardener to do the work. 7. A. The man has to get rid of the used furniture. B. The man?s apartment is ready for rent. C. The furniture is covered with lots of dust. D. The furniture the man bought is inexpensive. 8. A. The man will give the mechanic a call. B. The woman is waiting for a call. C. The woman is doing some repairs. D. The man knows the mechanic very well. 长对话conversation one 9. A. She had a job interview to attend. B. She was busy finishing her project. C. She had to attend an important meeting. D. She was in the middle of writing an essay. 10. A. Accompany her roommate to the classroom. B. Hand in her roommate?s application form. C. Submit her roommate?s assignment. D. Help her roommate with her report. 11. A. Where Dr. Ellis?s office is located. B. When Dr. Ellis leaves his office. C. Directions to the classroom building. D. Dr. Ellis?s schedule for the afternoon. Conversation two: 12. A. He find it rather stressful. B. He is thinking of quitting it. C. He can handle it quite well. D. He has to work extra hours. 13. A. The 6:00 one B. The 6:30 one. C. The 7:00 one D. The 7:30 one 14. A. It is an awful waste of time. B. He finds it rather unbearable. C. The time on the train is enjoyable. D. It is something difficult to get used to.


2016年6月大学英语四级真题(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A)The International Labor Organization's key objective. B)The basic social protection for the most vulnerable. C)Rising unemployment worldwide. D)Global economic recovery. 2. A)Many countries have not taken measures to create enough jobs. B)Few countries know how to address the current economic crisis. C)Few countries have realized the seriousness of the

最新 2014年12月英语四级翻译答案及评分标准:大熊猫-精品

2014年12月英语四级翻译答案及评分 标准:大熊猫 Part IV Translation 大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,长着独特的黑白皮毛。因其数量极少,大熊猫已被列为濒危物种。大熊猫对于世界自然基金会有着特殊意义。自1961年该基金会成立以来,大熊猫就一直是它的徽标。大熊猫是熊科中最稀有的成员,主要生活在中国西南部的森林里。目前,世界上大约有1000只大熊猫。这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。因此,确保大熊猫的生存比以往更重要。 答案:Giant panda is a kind of tame animal with unique black and white fur. Because of the small numbers, panda is listed as endangered species. Panda has a special meaning toward the WWF. Since the founding of the fund in 1961, panda has been its symbol. Panda, which lives in the forest of the south-west of China, is the rarest in bear species. Nowadays, there are approximately 1000 pandas in the world. These animals whose food is mainly bamboo are under serious threat. Thus, the survival of panda is much more important than ever before. [] 附:翻译评分标准 本题满分为15分,成绩分为六个档次:13-15分、10-12分、7-9分、4-6分、1-3分和0分。各档次的评分标准见下表: 档次 评分标准 13-15分 译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 10-12分 译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重大语言错误。 7-9分



Part II Listening Comprehension Section A News Report One 【话题预测】由college students,sleep,problem,stress,psychological 等词可推断,本则新闻与大学生 睡眠或心理健康有关。 【正确答案】1—2 B D 听力原文 You probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can wreck a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind. Texas Tech University is even offering a class called “Improving Your Sleep Habits”. People suffering from sleep loss are at an increased risk from obesity, psychological problems and car crashes. Students who don’t get enough sleep have poor attendance and lower grades. On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off


四级听力 Section A: 1.B Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. 2. D Outside an gallery art. 3.D New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation. 4.C Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves. 5.D He has found a better position. 6.A They should finish the book as soon as possible. 7.D The furniture the man bought is inexpensive. 8.B The woman is waiting for the call. 9. A She had a job interview to attend 10. C Submit her roommate's assignment 11. A Where Dr. Ellis's office is located 12. C He can handle it quite well 13. B The 6:30 one 14. C The time on the train is enjoyable 15. A Reading newspapers. 16. D Get key information by reading just once or twice 17. A Choose one's own system of marking 18. B By reviewing only the marked parts. 19. D Everybody needs some sleep for survival. 20. C It is a rare exception 21. B His mother's injury just before his birth. 22. C She developed a strong interest in finance 23. D She inherited a big fortune from her father 24. A She was extremely mean with her money 25. B She built a hospital with her mother's money Section C: 复合式听写: 26. identical
