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Unit 1 III

1.Ups and downs: Martins?upbringing shaped his whole life, with so many ups and downs every now and then. 波折,盛衰,哭了,浮沉

2.Go through: At that period, South African was going through

a period of unchangeable events as the Blacks were fighting for equality.发生

3.Close an account: The world is changing rapidly, our plans must change accordingly. Otherwise, we should close an account with the harsh market economy.遭遇失败

4.Misfortune: Julia has been made to undergo physical and psychological misfortunes for her inability in having children.


5.Put through: She wouldn?t want to put them through the suffering of a huge ceremony.经受,经历

6.Throw one?s mind back to: Throwing our mind back to1978, we should not be surprised about some of Mrs. Thatcher?s comments, bearing in mind the party she

belonged to. 回想起

7.Address oneself to: The famous orator addressed himself to the public to promote his newly-published book which could add to his reputation. 向……讲话,着手做……,致力于

8.Yield to: Parley yielded to general pressure from the society and bitterly took the child to a specialist.屈服Unit 2

1.Stake a claim: Ronald?s success staked a claim for his place in Germany?s world championship team.罗纳德的成功使他在德国世界冠军队里有一席之地。公开声明对……拥有所有权;证明自己应该拥有(某物)

2.Be proportional to: Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.与……成比例;体重的降低和病情的恶化直接相关。

3.Attribute …to: Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as assistance from friends. 把……归因于……

4.Sidle up: As I was about to leave the restaurant, a young man sidled up to me and said, ”May I help you?”悄悄地走进,偷偷地侧身挨近

5.Plow into: A young lady and her little son were seriously injured when a car plowed into them on a crossing.撞上

6.Tread on: My job is to challenge, but not threaten them. So I must be careful not to tread on their toes.我的工作是对他们提出挑战而不是威胁。所以,我得小心不要伤害了他们的感情。


7.Carve out: Not satisfied with the present position in the company, he is trying to carve out a much greater role for himself.寻求

8.Breathe down somebody?s neck: In contemporary society, most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks in order to secure their financial balance.现代社会里,大多数农民都有银行经理人密切关注着,确保他们的财务平衡。


Unit 3

1.At the expense of: Edward Stuart became a brilliant scholar, but only at expense of his health.以……为代价

2.Prior to: According to the Federal Bureau of Inspection, a man seen hanging around the area prior

to the shooting could have been involved in the assassination of the President.据联邦调查局透露,开枪之前,有人看到一个男子在那个地区徘徊,他有可能涉嫌暗杀总统。先于,在……之前

3.Give…pause to think:An opposition statesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause to think about the futility of violence.反对派的一名政治人物说,他希望协议能让他们思考暴力的无益。思考

4.Take advantage of: In order to gain the utmost amount of benefit, this corporation took advantage of the exceptional opportunities open in exports.利用

5.Be available for: Two tennis courts and a swimming pool are available for the regular members of the club, but the season tickets are only valid for three months.可用的,可利用的

6.In earnest: It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by catholic writers, which proved to be a great success.认真地,真正地

7.For the better: John?s mind is always full of fantasies. He dreamed of changing the world for the better. 有所好转8.Be confronted with;The corporation was determined to push forward the policy of reform, but
