

Table of Contents

ⅠIntroduction……………………………………………………………………….. ⅡSocial attributes of Color……………………………………………………………

2.1 Color and history……………………………………………………………….

2.1.1 Clothing color symbolizes the throne………………………………………

2.1.2 Construction and Clothing color reflects ranks……………………………

2.1.3 Clothing colors reflect the professional……………………………………

2.2 Color and ritual practices………………………………………………………

2.3 Color and politics………………………………………………………………

2.4 Color and the economy…………………………………………………………ⅢDifference Implications of Colors

3.1 Red…………………………............................................................................

3.2 White………………………………………………………………………….

3.3 Black………………………………………………………………………….

3.4 Y ellow………………………………………………………………………..

3.5 Green…………………………………………………………………………

3.6 Blue…………………………………………………………………………. ⅣEnglish translation of basic color words

4.1 Direct translation of color words……………………………………………

4.2 Changing color words………………………………………………………

4.3 Abandoning color words……………………………………………………

4.4 Adding color words…………………………………………………………



Word which is to express the color with each national language in the world is different and also has different classification. The classification about basic color words in Chinese-english nation is basically alike as using seven divided method which means red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet. Translating those words related to the amount of basic color in English and Chinese language correctly, the key is to grasp these color words cultural connotation. This article discusses the general rules of the color words translation and generalizes the four basic translations by comparing the chinese and english basic color words in cultural conotation.

Key words Basic color words; Connotative meaning; cultural connotation; translation

Cultural differences between China and the west as revealed

in color words and their translation


The boundless universe is full of all the colors of the rainbow. Sunrise of the east, the bright moonlight, cerulean sea, green fields, the golden waves of the wheat,the place to thrive and grow and the foundation of the development of civilization is provided by the flowery and profuse human nature.There are abundant color words in English and Chinese languages. The color words form a special word group which is a subsystem in their vocabulary system.English and Chinese color words can be divided into two categories, namely basic color words and real color words. The basic color words are those specifically used for showing the colors of the objects, such as black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, purple in English.汉语中的黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝、紫。Real color words at first are just some name of the objects. But for these objects have some outstanding color, they have derived some new meanings, which is not only showing these things, but also having the prominent color on the objects. Such as gold, silver, violet, orange and coffee in English and the Chinese words like golden, silvery white, pink, orange, cream-colored, etc. 汉语中的金黄、银白、桃红、橙色、米色等.The vocabulary of the color is becoming plentiful in correspondence with the continuous development of the human civilization.the meaning which is alleged "connotative meaning" also derived from a certain color which showed simply before.

Translation is a kind of special language exchange activity, A famous translator Eugene Nida summarized it into four basic process:(1)the original analysis;(2)translate the source language into the target language;(3)redress the translation;(4)invite a representative reader to check the translation.Among them, the original analysis is disposing carefully the signified and connotation associative meaning of words and

researching syntax and text structure in translation, most of the mistakes are not good because of this process.If the translator really understand the meaning of the original text, and can control the source language with facility, translation will be a natural process with ease.Therefore to translate the expression of the color in both English and Chinese language, a pivotal link is to grasp the connotative meaning which showed by those words in the two social context of the culture. That is "cultural connotation" of the color word.

ⅡSocial attributes of Color

Color words are "cultural qualifiers”, with strong national culture characteristics and each nation has its own color conception.

In different cultures, the same color expresses different cultural psychologies, causes different associations and has different cultural connotations.

2.1 Color and history

2.1.1 Clothing color symbolizes the throne

"Yellow" and "Purple" are two common colors, but they have different symbolic meanings in the history of different nations. In the traditional conception of the ancient Chinese Han nationality, 〝Yellow〞 represents the kingship.

In western countries people advocate "Purple" more. In ancient Greece and ancient Roman, emperor, archons, lawman and Gen. wearied purple robe. "Purple" is the emblem of grandee, dignity or kingship. Someone who gets a purple robe means he is promoted to a prominent position. So in English there are idioms like "to rise to the purple”, “to be born in the purple”, “to marry into the purple" and so on.

2.1.2 Construction and Clothing color reflects ranks

In the Ming and Qing Dynasty, it was required by the government that only the palace of the royal family, the tomb of the royal family and temples for granted of the king were permitted to use yellow glazed tiles. Prince and other high-ranking aristocrats can only use green to build their roof. Blue, purple, cyan and other colors were used in the houses of other officers and eunuchs.

In ancient Tang Dynasty, robes for officers had different colors according to their rank: Rank six-Dark green; Rank seven-Light green; Rank eight-Dark cyan; Rank nine-Light cyan.

A poem "琵琶行(Pi pa Xing)"(斜体,首字母大写)by Bai Juyi said "座中泣


"青衫" in the poem means green robe, Bai Juyi was a sesame small officer in that time.

2.1.3 Clothing colors reflect the professional

It is popular in western countries to represent the types of employment by clothing color. The most obvious examples such as: white-collar workers(Those who have received specialized education or technical training);blue-collar workers(Ordinary manual workers);grey-collar workers(Service industry workers);pink-collar workers(Career woman groups);golden-collar personnel(Complex talents which have professional skills and also understand management)

2.2 Color and ritual practices

Red, symbol of "auspiciousness and celebration" is a traditional Chinese wedding color. The bride wears red clothes, covered with red headscarf. Windows, doors and the wall must affix the red Chinese character "囍".So the wedding is also called "red wedding”. But at the funeral, as the influence of Buddhist salvation to Chinese people, they regard the demise of old people as "white funeral”. So the funeral family members must be dressed in white, we are a white hat, tie white belt or white flowers to mourn. Chinese people have handed down the folklore for thousands of years.

In the western weddings, the bride always wears a white dress-symbol of purity precious love, giving a beauty of holy and elegant. But at the funeral, people are dressed in black robes to express condolences to the decedent. Therefore, because of the difference conception between wedding and funeral in China and Western Countries, Chinese "red weddings and white funerals" must not be translated according to its literal meaning, but only to be translated interpretatively-"weddings and funerals". 2.3 Color and politics

In our country, the colors tend to have strong and distinctive political overtones. The most typical is the "red" color; it symbolizes the revolution, the proletariat and the socialist. And "white" means the counter-revolutionary, bourgeoisie and capitalism. “Black" symbolizes death, decay and decline of the things.

There are a variety of political parties and factions in the world, and some political parties and factions, the army and organizations are named after the color words. Such as:

Black Hand(Secret organization of an Italian immigrant in the United States to engage in criminal activities);Green Panther(A radical environment protectors group);Gray Panther(An American radical elderly party);Red Army(The former Soviet army).

2.4 Color and the economy

Color words are frequently used and extremely active in economic terms. Such as: red ink(Deficit);in the red(At a loss);in the black(Profit);black market; green field project(New launched project or emerging enterprises in need of funding);gray area(Serious unemployment areas).

Since the reform and opening up in our country, with the incensement of economic and the establishment of market economy, a number of economic terms with color words also appeared. Such as: black goods (Smuggled goods); grey incomes (Incomes obtained through improper ways); red profit (Dividends) and so on.

ⅢDifference Implications of Colors

Thanks to the effect of the general character in human culture and mutual penetration in culture which tend to be identical, different nation usually endow a certain color with a same signified meaning. Red is enthusiasm and shows joyous and courageous. Green is a color of life and demonstrates youthful energy and vigorous vitality. White symbolizes pure and simple and contains the immaculate and simple natural meaning. Blue is quiet and gives people with a profound and relaxed feeling.

3.1 Red

No matter in China or western countries, "red" has something relevant to joy and happy. In china for example, to celebrate the new year, Chinese people stick "红对联" to both sides of their doors and hang"红灯笼"outside .When young people have a traditional wedding ceremony, the bride is going to put on red clothes and stick red "喜" word to the wall.

In western countries, people get Christmas and other holidays to be called red-letter days, showing a meaning of "joy and memorial". When people meet the head of state at the airport, they always spreads the red carpet as the highest treatment.

In ancient China, people commonly used "红颜" or "红粉" to allege a beautiful face of woman, and used“红闺”or“红楼”to indicate a daughter's attic in rich house.

Words of color red in English don't have a extended meaning with "woman", so when translate the above words into English, we can't do a literal translation and we can avoid the "red" and translate into figurative meaning. Translate“红颜”into“a beautiful girl”or“a pretty face”,Translate“红粉”into“a gaily dressed girl”.Moreover, Translate “红闺”or“红楼”into“a lady’s room”or“a boudoir”.

3.2 White

Association caused by white is n is more similar in the English and Chinese language. Both refer to 纯洁(purity)or清(innocence).But word "white" in some phrases in English does not like "白" in Chinese. Like “a white lie”does not mean“白色的谎言”but“无害而善意的谎言”;And like "the white coffee", not“白咖啡”, but“牛奶咖啡”.

There are many words containing "white" in Chinese don't mean color. It has nothing to do with "white" when translating into English. It makes up a phrase with other words together.

“白菜” (Chinese cabbage)、

“白熊” (polar bear)、

“白蚁” (termite)、

“白卷” (unanswered examination paper)、

“白痴” (idiot)等。

Some "white" in phrase also means“单纯的、不掺杂的”,like“白开水”(plain boiled water)、“白纸”(a blank sheet of paper) 等。

"white" often means“徒劳、徒然” (in vain)or“无代价”(without cost),Like“白费事” (all in vain,a waste of time and energy)、“白搭”(no use,no good)、“白送”(to give away free of charge,for nothing)、“白手起家”(to build up from nothing) 等。

3.3 Black

Black is a sad color in both Chinese and English, which stands for sadness. People in England and the USA always dress in black when they attend a funeral to show their mourning to the dead, which is the same as in China. But beside that, in other situation, European societies consider black represents serious and solemn. So there is no surprise that black suit and black dress is the most favorite conventional garment of the westerners.

Black has the connotation of “dark, unfair, sinister, terror” in both English and Chinese language. “black”usually indicates bad gays

and bad things. Like“黑市、黑名单、黑心肠、黑户、黑钱、黑社会、黑帮、黑幕、背黑锅”in Chinese.“black market”黑市、“black list”黑名单、“black - hearted”黑心肠的、“black guard”恶棍、“black art”妖术、“black sheep”败家子、“black news”坏消息 in English.

And in English “black Friday”refers to the Friday that Jesus suffered from tribulation before the Easter day. It is a depressed day. “Black tiding”means doom or something unsatisfied."Black" in Chinese has the connotation of integrity, Bao Zheng, an upright official in the Song dynasty, his opera masks is black .In the daily life people describe the behavior of daring to insist the principle to handle affairs as "sing black face".

3.4 Y ellow

Chinese people used to symbolize those bad and vulgar contents with "yellow". Literature and arts which have the tendency to serious pornography are demoted for yellow movie, yellow music and books. With the popularization of computer software, some yellow software appears. Words in English "yellow" of Chinese words should be "pornographic(色情的),filthy(淫猥的),vulgar(庸俗的、下流的),obscene(淫秽的、猥亵的)”等.About the color of the English words, blue is often used to say in the Chinese language "yellow", namely "dirty, obscene, obscene" meaning, Such as "blue jokes" (dirty joke), "blue revolution" (性解放), "blue films" (黄色影片), "blue software" (黄色软件), etc. In Chinese language there are some phrases have nothing to do with yellow in English such as "黄道吉日" (good luck), "黄毛丫头" (a silly little girl), "黄花"(clay lily), etc.

"Yellow Pages" in English translated as "the Yellow Pages phonebook", it is a book for phone number checking according to different stores, career, enterprise and the classification of the authority.

In English, "yellow" implied "betrayal, evil, timid" connotation.

"Yellowdog" is for the mean guy, "yellow belly" and "yellow livered" refers to a coward, "yellow union" refers to the trade union of destructing specialized workers' strike, which is a puppet organization controlled by the recipient.

3.5 Green

Green in Chinese culture is a mixed color, implied despised and unorthodox.It also has a "lascious women" content.In Han dynasty servants dressed a green hood. after Yuan dynasty prostitute must dress a green coif. "Green cloud(绿云)" refers to the women's black hair, "green window(绿窗)" is the window of the boudoir. It is often called "wearing a green hat" that Wife's infidelity made her husband humiliated.

The "green" in English has a "money, jealousy, lack of experience, fresh" connotative meaning. In the United States, the bill is green, so in the United States, commonly used green refers to "money" or "economic strength" . The American dollar bill is called "long green", "green power" means the power of money, "green-eyed" means jealousy. "Do you see any green in my eye?" means "do you think my eye?" An entry-level beginner is called "green hand", "green wound" is a new injury, a man with no experience is called a "green horn", "green goods" means fresh goods, "green meat" means the fresh meat, "a green old age" is hale and hearty.

3.6 Blue

Blue in English and Chinese language can be used to refer to color of the clear sky, and give a person with vaster, quiet and detached feel. Blue in Chinese has a less extended meaning, but blue in English has more extended meaning. It is used to refer to a person's "gloomy mood", "displeasure ", such as the phrase "in a blue mood", "to have the blues" Blue means" depressed ", "boring", and "bad luck ".

Holiday blue means winter Holiday depression, especially refers to the coming Christmas. With flying snow , people is trapped in the home and felt lonely; Also refers to before Christmas, people looks sad and

the mood is very sullen because financial difficulties make them cannot buy special purchases and gifts.

Blue will also be used to refer to "yellow," "dirty", such as "a blue film" means "yellow movie", "to make a blue joke" means "tell a dirty joke".

Blue also means "royal and nobility, faithful and justice," Blue blood "means noble blood. " Blue-ribbon "means the first-class," Blue book "is social celebrity collection."

ⅣEnglish translation of basic color words

The purpose of translation is to realize the cross-culture communication. To have a correct understanding of the implications of words, is on the base if translating them fluency, and expressively. Thesis, roughly divided 4 methods to convey those meaning. They are: direct translation of color words, changing color words , abandoning color words , adding color words.

4.1 Direct translation of color words

When color words in English and Chinese cultural connotation is equivalent in similar, it can be directly translated. For example: 黑市 black market, 黑名单black list、黑心肠的black - hearted、红色警报red alert 、为欢迎总统铺上红地毯to roll out the red carpet for the President.

4.2 Changing color words

The color word has nothing to do with the color in another kind of language. Sometimes, color words in one language relate to colors, while in translating into another kind of language to correspond to none color words. When we encounter with those color words that have nothing to do with color, the only way we need to do is to change it, and substitute with a word which can convey its meaning.

1)她对他的成功感到眼红。She is green - eyed with his success.

2)现在这些赌博游戏场正改作电影俱乐部,这往往意味着他们要放映黄色电影。Now the bingo halls are becoming cinema clubs , which normally means they show blue films.

4.3 Abandoning color words

When we can’t find a corresponding color word to substitute the color word of the origin text, we can try to translate it abandoning the color word in origin text, and find another word which get a total same or similar meaning to this color word. Through we miss the color word, we can still

express the emotion and deliver the information as much as possible. The following examples can give us very evidence.

1)这位歌星现在正红得发紫。This pop star is now at the height of her popularity.

2)约瑟夫的父亲看起来很保守,但他的思想却是挺激进的。Josephine's father looks very conservative , but his ideas are very red.

4.4 Adding color words

Adding color words means there are no color words in the origin text, but we can add color words when translation them into the target according to the same meaning. Then we can achieve the same effect. We can see some useful examples as follows:

1)他家里的白色家电(冰箱、洗衣机之类)消耗的电量占到80%。White goods consume 80 percent of the electricity in his apartment.

2)远惭西子,近愧王嫱。若非宴罢归来,瑶池不二;定应吹箫引去,紫府无双者也。(《红楼梦》第五回)She should put His Shih to shame and make Wang Qiang blush Verily she has no peer in fairyland , no equal in the purple courts of heaven.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)


Color is abundant. The corresponding of the meaning of English and Chinese color words is various. And the symbolic significance of a kind of color is not single, but multilevel. Some is close, some is different, some is even completely opposite. so the translation of color words often make the translator hesitated and confused. Translation should deliberate and dispose carefully. All in all, put aside the literal translation situation for the color word meaning is the same concept, color word literal translation situation is less relatively. the method of changing, abandoning and adding the color is more common. But no matter using what method, the purpose is to be faithful to the original intention and express vividly, according with the expression custom of the target language. This is the basic principle of translation.


Comparison and Translation of English and Chinese Color Word Abstract The tendency of worldwide economic globalization has been intensified, and people have close exchanges in almost every fields. The role of culture in the interaction between people from all nations is becoming extremely crucial. This paper discusses the translating and contrast of color words in China and the West, which mostly involves three sections, the definition and the differences of color words, the contrast with color words and methods used in translation in English and Chinese. Meanwhile, the first part contains three respects, namely, the definition, categories that consists of basic color words, color words with colors of objects and color words in shades, as well as the reasons for the discrepancies in color words, which includes the different ethnic beliefs lead to differences in color words, influence of different modes of thinking and representation on color words and influence of different political systems and social differences on color words. And the second part mainly covers six respects, namely, the various implication and usage of color words in these two languages, such as red, black, white, yellow, blue and green. Ultimately, the last part involves two respects, namely, literary translation and free translation that contains cultural equivalence and functional equivalence. By comparing and translating color words about these two kinds of languages, this essay, for one thing, will aim at making a profound analysis of the discrepancies about the utilization of color words about the two languages and the reasons for the discrepancies; for another, the writer expects to offer tiny advice and references on color words in the future. Key Words: Chinese and English color words, comparison, translation 摘要 随着世界经济全球化的发展,各国人民在政治、经济和文化之间的交往日益密切。文化在各国人民相互交往过程中的作用变得越来越突出。本篇论文主要是针对英汉颜色词的翻译和比较,主要包括三个方面,即色彩词的定义和不同,英汉色彩词的对比和英汉色彩词翻译过程中所使用方法。同时,第一部分包括三个方面,即定义,分类,其中包括基本色彩术语,色彩词的对象色彩和色差颜色词,和造成英汉色彩词差异的原因,其中包括不同的伦理信念导致色彩词的差异,关于色彩词思维和表达差异的影响和政治体制和社会差异的影响。其次,第二部分包括六方面的内容,即英汉色彩词内涵及使用的差异,如红色,黑色,白色,黄色,蓝色和绿色。最后,第三部分包括两方面的内容,即直译


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商务英语翻译技能等级考试英汉词汇表 (以英语字母顺序排序) 翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5 高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4 助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3 翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+2 A 4 权力委托 5 旷工,旷职 2 绝对配额 3 绝对值 5 吸收,减轻(冲击、困难等)作用或影响 3 吸收游资 5 ; 摘要 2 承兑费 2 不记名承兑 3 承兑信用证 3 抽样认可 4 ; 承兑银行 4 进入市场(的机会) 5 意外事故 3 无法控制的意外事故 3 意外事故保险 4 意外损坏 4 设施;住宿;欠单 3 顺民意;合民情 5 会计帐目 4 账户结金 5 账本(账册、账簿) 3 客户经理(常指广告公司) 5 解释;说明 4 账目编号;账户号码 2 结欠清单 5 账户名称 5 会计工作;会计行业 5 会计 5 会计长 5 会计学 3 会计档案 5 往来帐目 2 账目不清

3 应付账 4 应收账 2 ; ; 应付费用 4 累计资本 3 资本积累 2 累计佣金 5 收购 5 行动计划 2 盘活基础设施存量资产 5 畅销 3 出口加工贸易 5 成交活跃的股票 3 ; 贸易顺差 5 业务类型 3 实际成本 4 实际交货 4 时价;实际价格;实价 4 实际全损 2 ( ) 从价税 3 ; 附加费用 4 额外投资 2 附加保险费 2 追加税 2 ; 防范和化解金融风险2 充分需求 4 核算 3 海损理算书 5 ; 实施,经营,行政 4 行政预算;管理预算 2 行政开支;办公费 4 行政保护 5 预付费用 2 a 预付定金 4 预计货样 5 预付工资 4 预收货款 4 规模经营优势 3 贸易逆差 5 公布;做广告 5 广告业 3 通知行 3 信用证转让通知 3 吁请团,游说团体


英汉颜色词的翻译 On English Color Words and Their Translation into Chinese 班级:04级外语学院2班 姓名:谢彦仁 学号:2004141060

英汉颜色词的翻译 摘要 英汉颜色词是英汉词汇中的一笔财富,它们是色彩与英语语言的结合,既反映了人类对色彩的感知,又体现了英语的独特性。由于文化内容、文化传统和文化心理的差异,很多英汉颜色词的文化内涵差异较大,这些特定的文化内涵意义是不同民族在不同的环境下铸就而成的,英汉颜色词在两种语言中的意义就有相同和相似之处,也存在很多差异。在分析差异产生的原因上,提出了克服差异所产生的障碍,对顺利进行跨文化交际和英汉双语翻译有一定的指导意义。本文对照分析了相当数量的颜色词的翻译实例,总结了译法,阐述了深刻了解颜色词的文化内涵在翻译实践中的重要性,强调在学习英语的过程中了解不同颜色词在英汉两种语言中的文化背景,风格习惯和历史地理背景,旨在促进跨文化交际的顺利进行。 关键词:颜色词习惯用法翻译 Abstract English color words are the treasures of English vocabulary,and they are the connection between colors but also embodying English peculiarities.Because of different cultural issues,Cultural and culture psychology.The cultural connotations of the English and Chinese color words differ greatly.As a result these particular cultured connotation meanings are cast under different environments by different nationalities.There are a lot of similarities and differences on the


浅析文化差异与黑、白两种颜色词翻译 岳阳职业技术学院李蜜 在汉英语言中, 表示各种不同颜色或色彩的词 都很丰富。由于我国与绝大部分英语国家相隔万里, 自然现象、历史背景、审美心理等千差万别, 人们对于颜色的感受和表达不尽相同。这样, 颜色的象征意义在中西文化之间自然又会产生很大的差异。所以, 了解英汉文化的背景知识, 掌握表示颜色的词语在两种语言中的深层含义, 才能进行更好地翻译。一、颜色词的象征意义及社会人文因素 “色彩的象征性是色彩的联想被固定为一种社 会观念时形成的, 这种象征意义是色彩内涵性质的外延, 与该社会的历史、文化等人文因素紧密相连。”影响颜色词象征意义的中西社会人文因素主要在以下几个方面: 1、民俗民情 在中国文化传统中, 颜色的生成具有神秘主义 意味和丰富的文化内涵。与中国的宇宙观和五行学说密切相关。如对红色的崇拜来源于对日神的崇拜, 对白色的禁忌源于对月神崇拜。 西方人则不同, 他们个性意识发达, 具有悲剧性 的崇高审美观, 因而没有那些五花八门的迷信。对

于他们来说只有black( 黑) 和white( 白) 两色才真正具有某些代表意义, 前者代表庄严肃穆, 后者代表清白素雅, 真正具有民俗文化色彩和内涵。 2、宗教信仰 颜色词的文化象征意义带有明显的宗教色彩。 在中国、印度等佛教国家, 佛教的色彩美学有着丰富的象征寓意,如把恶行引起的果称为“黑”,而把善行所引起的果称为“白”,白色在佛教中是圣洁的象征。因此,体现佛教内容的纹样往往用“白色”来象征菩 提之心。 在中世纪的英国, 颜色在基督教徒们的宗教思 想中扮演了重要的角色, 一些教义甚至明文规定了 不准对颜色词的滥用。如基督的衣服在他初始阶段 也要画成蓝色的, 在复活时却要画成白色的或红色的。这些约定无疑是英语国家人们的宗教想象所决 定的, 因为在基督教中黑色代表着耶稣与黑暗使者 的遭遇, 而红色和白色都代表着神和上帝的本性: 智慧与爱。 3、政治变迁 在不同的政治历史阶段, 不同的社会生活中, 人 们对颜色的熟知、理解和运用不尽相同。在我国几 千年的封建文化里, 位于高贵的颜色如黄、红等在传


颜色词“红”的汉英对比及翻译 (郑州大学河南郑州 450001) 摘要:作为文化中的重要组成部分,颜色词在英汉两语言中被广泛使用,其物理属性对各民族一样,但受不同历史背景、文化传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、思维方式、民族心理的影响,两民族对颜色词产生的联想、象征、申义大不相同。本文从颜色词“红”着手,探其文化根源,分析它在英汉语言中体现的文化内涵并提出相应的翻译策略。 关键词:颜色词;红色;文化内涵;翻译 中图分类号:h313 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1006-026x(2012)09-0000-01 abstract: as an important part of culture,color words are widely used in english and chinese.their physical properties arouse same response to all nations,but their associative,symbolic meaning and connotation rendered by english and chinese are quite different due to different historical backgrounds,cultural traditions,customs,religious faith,ways of thinking and national ideology.the paper aims at exploring the cultural sources and connotations reflected by “red” in english and chinese,and proposing relevant translation skills accordingly.


OUTLINE Abstract Key Words I.Introduction 1.1 Definition of Basic Color Terms and Cultural Connotations 1.2 Background of Research on Color Terms 1.2.1 Research on Basic Color Terms in Foreign Countries 1.2.2 Research on Basic Color Terms in China II. Basic Color Terms 2.1 Chinese Basic Color Terms 2.2. English Basic Color Term III. Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms in English and Chinese 3.1Black 3.2White 3.3Red 3.4Yellow 3.5Green 3.6Blue 3.7Purple 3.8Gray IV. The Translation of Color Terms 4.1Translation and Culture 4.2Literal Translation 4.3Annotation and Contextual Amplification 4.4Free Translation 4.5Zero Translation V. Conclusion Bibliography 中文标题、摘要、关键词

The Cultural Connotations and the Translation of Color Terms in Chinese and English Author:Number:Tutor: Abstract: We live in a colorful world. There are many color words in the world. Color words have rich cultural connotations. Resulting from different social cultures, historical processes and geographic conditions, English and Chinese color terms reflect the difference in the cultural aspects such as social values, customs, color preference etc. Therefore, it is of significance to have a study on the cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese. The thesis deals with cultural connotations of basic color words in English and Chinese and introduces several translation methods by several examples. By the contrastive study of cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese, we can know more about what is going on in people's mind, in their language and culture. Therefore, in translation practice, what is important is to break the cultural barriers and convey the source cultural faithfully and effectively. Keywords: color terms; cultural connotations; translation I. Introduction 1.1 Definition of Basic Color Terms and Cultural Connotations We live in a colorful world. To satisfy our daily necessities, people use a great number of color terms to represent colors. For instance, it is seemed that there are over three thousand color words in English. Moreover, our eyes can be able to distinguish seven million colors, for most of which we do not have any expressions available at all. Generally speaking, the color words in English can be divided into two categories: basic color terms and object color terms. There are so many color terms in English and Chinese that we cannot discuss all of them, thus in this thesis, the discussion will focus on the field of basic color terms. However, it’s difficult to give a accur ate definition to basic color terms. There are many versions of definition to basic color terms, among which the most acceptable is given by Berlin and Kay. In their Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution, Berlin and Kay lay out four basic criteria to judge whether a color word is basic or not.


Table of Contents ⅠIntroduction……………………………………………………………………….. ⅡSocial attributes of Color…………………………………………………………… 2.1 Color and history………………………………………………………………. 2.1.1 Clothing color symbolizes the throne……………………………………… 2.1.2 Construction and Clothing color reflects ranks…………………………… 2.1.3 Clothing colors reflect the professional…………………………………… 2.2 Color and ritual practices……………………………………………………… 2.3 Color and politics……………………………………………………………… 2.4 Color and the economy…………………………………………………………ⅢDifference Implications of Colors 3.1 Red…………………………............................................................................ 3.2 White…………………………………………………………………………. 3.3 Black…………………………………………………………………………. 3.4 Y ellow……………………………………………………………………….. 3.5 Green………………………………………………………………………… 3.6 Blue…………………………………………………………………………. ⅣEnglish translation of basic color words 4.1 Direct translation of color words…………………………………………… 4.2 Changing color words……………………………………………………… 4.3 Abandoning color words…………………………………………………… 4.4 Adding color words………………………………………………………… ⅤConclusion………………………………………………………………………


翻译英汉颜色词的浅析 摘要:众所周知,色彩与人类生活紧密相连,是人类认识世界的一个主要途径。色彩不仅属性广泛,还蕴含其丰富的文化内涵和延伸意义。然而,受到地理环境,历史文化,思维方式,宗教信仰,社会制度及生活习惯方面的影响,不同民族表 达颜色的含义又有所不同,而颜色词也展现出不同民族独特的文化。本文旨在以 颜色词为载体,对影响中英颜色词异同的原因举例进行比较,总结并分析了英语 颜色词翻译的方法。力求能够通过这些合适的翻译方法,将中英颜色词所承载的 信息和社会文化意义真实地呈现以达到交流的目的。 关键词:颜色词;翻译方法;异同点 A Brief Analysis of Translating English and Chinese Color Words Abstract: It is well known that color is closely connected with human life and an main path of human understanding of the world. It not only has a wide range of properties but also contains abundant cultural connotations and extended meaning. However, because of the various geographical environments, historical cultures, ways of thinking, religions, social systems and lifestyles of the nations all over the world, the implications of color words are affected by the diversities as well as show some unique culture. This paper aims to use color words as the carrier to study the factors resulting in similarities and differences between Chinese and English color words, summarizes and analyzes the translation methods of color word. Through these appropriate translation methods, the information and social cultural significance of Chinese and English color words can be truly presented so as to achieve the purpose of communication. Key Words:color words;translation methods;similarities and differences 词汇是语言中最活跃的因素,人类生活在五彩缤纷的世界中,离不开各种语言里的丰富 词汇。在日常生活中,颜色词是人类为了满足表达的需要从生活中提取出来的,并非由语言 学家随意发明。人类所表达的需求越多,则颜色词的意义就越大。颜色词在英汉语中使用频繁,较之其它类型的翻译,其隐含意义也相对复杂一些,因此,处理好颜色词的翻译是英汉 翻译的一个重点。在世界某些地区,相同颜色词可表示相同含义,但也可能代表不同语言或 文化中的差异。为了促进跨文化交流,笔者通过选取了一些基本颜色词进行分析,并试图通 过找出合适的翻译方法来解决这些文化差异。 一、颜色词概要 颜色词作为人类词汇的一部分,扮演着重要角色。根据成分和亮度的不同,颜色可分为 原色,混色,亮色,深色。然而,现代语言具有稳定的基本颜色词,可作为形成其核心的根源,产生大量的颜色词,形成众多丰富的颜色词群。根据以上构成,又可把颜色词分为以下 几类: 1.基本颜色词。 通常简短,易于记忆,方便使用,并以简洁的形式直接表达颜色。例如:“red” (红),“orange”(橙), “yellow”(黄),“green”(绿), “blue”(蓝),“purple”(紫),“grey”(灰), “brown”(棕),“white” (白),“black”(黑)等等。这些词可独立使用,若添加属性,则变成其他词语。为了生动而准确地表达色彩效果,人们总是以多种形式来展现。这种颜色 词通常是为了表达具体的颜色程度。比如“bright red”(鲜红色),“grey blue” (灰蓝色),“dark brown”(深褐色) 等。无论这些颜色词怎样丰富,它们都以基本颜色词作为延伸。 2.客观颜色词。 就是所谓的实物颜色词。这些词语在自然界中已存在,其本义主要是表示事物的名称, 这就很容易使人联想到物体的颜色。渐渐地,描述物体的词语变成了颜色词。例如,“silver”(银色), “cherry”(樱桃红), “bronze”(古铜色), “ruby”(宝石红), “jade”(翡翠色), “chocolate”(巧克力色), “coffee”(咖啡色)等。 3.情感色彩词。 自古以来,颜色词与情感息息相关。它们可代表不同的情绪。人们可通过颜色词巧妙地

英汉对比与翻译期末论文 (2)

英汉对比与翻译——词汇三境 [摘要]:本文将英汉语言中词语分布做了对比,并就词汇翻译提出了“意译”、“义译”、“化境”三个要求,从而得知,词汇翻译的地道性很大程度上取决于语境的还原程度。 关键词: 译意、译义、臻化、词汇、语境 正文:英国语言学家George W.W ilk ins在《语言教学中的语言学》一书中指出:“没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,表达为零。”由此可见词汇在英语中所居的重要地位。在翻译时,即使一个译者已经掌握了大量的词汇与句法,还是会遇到总不能够突破的瓶颈,这个障碍往往是由词汇,甚至是简单词汇所引起的。例如:“He is a perfect stranger in the city.”这里对于什么是一个“perfect stranger”的理解与处理会造成译文层次的不同,同时也是考量一个译者的水平。如果仅翻译字面意思,翻译成“完美的陌生人”,译文显得晦涩难懂;当我们进一步理解“perfect”这个词的含义,并进入意义层面, “perfect”就是“完完全全”的意思,那么“perfect stranger”该译为“完完全全的陌生人”,“他是这城市中完完全全的陌生人”意思准确但是和全句契合不够完美,同“in the city”在搭配上略有滞涩;所以,我们将其转化,将“完完全全的陌生人”这一名词词组转化为动词词组,意为“对……完全陌生”,这句话就可译为“他对这城市完全陌生”,这样的搭配显得协调,不但译出了源语言想表达的意思,“疏离”这一

语境也得以完整地保留了。 以上例子就体现了英汉互译中一个很重要的规律,即词性转换。世界上的语言,不管其各有多少词类,名词和动词都占最大的比例;不管有多少句型,都能归纳为静态与动态两类。总的来说,汉语呈动态特征,英文呈静态特征。在词汇的使用上,汉语的动态表现为:汉语的动词丰富,使用频率高;而英语中,名词、介词等非动词性此类的使用频率很高。据周志培(2003:390)统计显示截选如下:(1)“邓小平在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点”及英译 语言总 数名 词 介 词 动 词 助 动 非限 定动 词 代 词 形容 词 副 词 数 词 连 词 量 词 冠 词 汉语词数636 167 11 186 27 41 70 70 39 17 8 % 26% 2% 29% 4% 7% 11% 11% 6% 3% 1% 英语词数907 238 99 105 19 30 98 104 43 28 5 84 % 26% 11% 12% 2% 3% 11% 11% 5% 3% 7% 9% (2)“英国首相撒切尔夫人在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话”及汉译文 语言总 数名词介词动词助动非限定 动词 代词形容 词 副词数 词 连词量词冠 词 汉语词数324 99 9 72 5 36 22 42 15 13 2 % 31% 3% 22% 2% 11% 7% 13% 4% 4% 0.6% 英语词数366 91 49 41 1 9 39 50 22 13 23 28 % 25% 14% 11% 0.2% 2% 10% 14% 6% 4% 6% 8% 上述结果表明,若要在英汉互译中,若要翻译出地道的T arget Text,就应当尽量符合Target Language的表达习惯。这必然包含必 要的词性转换。在进行英译汉时,根据需要将英文中的名词,介词等


浅谈颜色词的英汉差异及翻译 【摘要】颜色作为一种视觉效果,从理论上讲,人们对它的感知应是一致的。但由于英汉民族不同的地理位置、宗教信仰、民族心理及思维习惯等,这些颜色词的文化涵义也存在差异。所以,本文通过研究多种颜色词在英汉中的差异,探讨在颜色词翻译中如何做到翻译的最佳效果,并且提出了直译法、意译法、改色法、增减色法为主的翻译方法。 【关键词】颜色词;英汉差异;翻译 1.颜色词的英汉差异对比 对颜色的认知,是人类最基本的认知范畴之一。由于汉语和英语两种语言的文化差异,许多颜色词汇蕴涵了不同的民族感情色彩,在翻译和交际过程中可能产生偏差和误解。 1.1黑色(Black) 黑色在汉语中常与不好的、邪恶的事物相联系,如有:“黑钱”、“黑社会”、“黑市”等都是贬义词。在英语文化中,black的联想意义与汉语大致相同,表示“阴险、凶恶、不光彩和悲哀”等涵义。如:black guard (流氓/恶棍),black mark (污点),to look at someone (怒目而视)……黑色代表了庄严和肃穆。在正式场合,人们通常是着黑色正装,这点在中西文化中也是共通的。 1.2白色(White) 汉族文化中,白色常与死亡相系。如古代亲人死后家属要穿白孝服、设白灵堂。白色也象征失败、愚蠢、无利可得,如战败的一方总是打“白旗”投降。还有“白费力”、“白忙”等词。西方的white表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘穿的白婚纱,象征着爱情的纯洁美好。还有white-handed比喻“正直的、无辜的、廉洁的”,a white war 指“不流血的战争”。当然,在英语中,也有a white elephant(无用的),a white night等贬义短语。 1.3红色(Red) 红色是中国文化的基本崇尚色,它体现了中国人对物质和精神的追求。在汉语中, 红色常是褒义,象征着革命、进步、喜庆等。汉语中有“红运、红榜、红军、红星、红火、红人”等词语均表示好的方面。在英语文化里,red既有褒义也有贬义。它可以表示信仰、博爱、献身、坚忍不拔,同时还含有暴力、流血、不贞洁等贬义。如go into red (出现赤字或发生亏损),red-letter day(纪念日、高兴的日子)。 1.4黄色(Yellow)


颜色词的翻译 [摘要] 词汇在语言中最活跃, 词汇中的颜色词意义丰富。自然界是色彩斑斓的, 各民族在长期的历史沉淀中都形成了各自独特的颜色观,折射出绚丽多姿的民族文化。文化制约了颜色词的意义演变,颜色词的文化意义又折射出了丰富的文化内涵。由于文化内容、文化传统和文化心理有异,很多英汉颜色词的文化内涵差异较大,这些特定的文化内涵意义是不同民族在不同的环境下铸就而成的。英汉颜色词在两种语言中的意义既有相同和相似之处,也存在着很多差异。了解一些基本的方法,对顺利进行跨文化交际和英汉双语翻译有一定的指导意义.本文对照分析了相当数量的颜色词的翻译实例,总结了译法。同时在学习英语的过程中适当了解不同颜色词在英汉两种语言中的文化背景、风俗习惯和历史地理背景,旨在促进跨文化交际的顺利进行。 [关键词]颜色词;翻译;方法;文化内涵 颜色与人类的生活息息相关,我们无时无刻不在与颜色打交道。大千世界的颜色种类无穷无尽,有各自的独特物理属性,在语言中也有鲜明生动的体现。对颜色的认知,是人类最基本的认知范畴之一。人类对颜色的认知,是有很明显的共同处的。反映在语言上,虽然各种语言表达颜色的词汇数量差别较大,但是表达颜色的基本词汇,如黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝等,在很多语言中都是相通的,是非常一致的。不过,由于各民族文化风俗,地理位置,历史传统,宗教信仰,民族心理,思维习惯等方面差异,颜色词语有时有表现出各民族独特的“个性”,带有显著的文化烙印。这就使得颜色词语的翻译,可以采用不同的方法。 一、英汉两种语言中一些常见颜色词汇的异同 英语中有11种基本颜色词,即:white(白色)、black(黑色)、grey(灰色)、brown (棕色)、red(红色)、green(绿色)、yellow (黄色)、blue(蓝色)、purple (紫色)、pink (粉色)、orange(橙色)。汉语中的基本颜色词与英语基本对应,惟独“青”较为特殊。下面将对主要基本颜色词的文化内涵作一些比较和相关词组列举一下。 A. red(红色) 无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。因此,red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。 红色还指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。于是就有了这些词组:red ink:赤字 in the red:亏损 red-ink entry:赤字分录 red balance:赤字差额 除此之外,还有如: :一分钱;red gold:纯金;red tip on stock market:指股票市场的最新情报汉语中常用的带“红”字的词语,翻译成英语,可不一定用“red”。例如: 红糖:brown sugar 红茶:black tea 红榜:honor roll 红豆:love pea 红运:good luck 红利:dividend


Between..and…在..之间 Country of origin and manufacture生产国别和制造厂商 Time of shipment装运期限 Port of shipment)装运口岸 Port of destination 到货口岸 Be liable for 对…负责 On account of由于 Attribute to 造成 Take measures采取措施 Shipping mark唛头 Gross weight毛重 Net weight净重 Do not stack up side down此端向上 Handle with care小心轻放 Keep away from moisture切勿受潮 Terms of payment付款条件 Payment by L/C信用证付款 Payment by collection信托付款 Payment by M/T信汇付款 In case of在情况下,以某种方式 Freight to collect运费到付 Insurance policy/certificate保险单/证明 War risk兵险 Breakage and leakage破碎渗漏 In the event of在发生情况下if Upon arrival of在到达之时 Invoice of quintuplicate发票5份 Packing list in duplicate装箱单2份 Certificate of quality质量证明 Technical document技术资料 Foundation drawings基础图 Wiring instructions布线说明 Terms of shipment装运条款 Shipping agent装运代理人 In the matter of如有。。if Be free from defects不存在缺陷 For a period of 2 years from the date of purchase自购买之日起两年内Warranty 保修期 Batch number批号 Forwarder 代运人 Shipment date装运日期 Design specification设计规格 Risk assessment风险评估


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/564106248.html, 浅谈中英翻译中颜色词的异同 作者:杨艳艳 来源:《现代交际》2013年第12期 [摘要]我们生活在多姿多彩的颜色世界中,颜色赋予生活丰富的文化内涵和延伸意义。在不同的文化中,同一种颜色会使人产生不同的联想,在翻译颜色词时,我们应该充分考虑其中的文化差异。 [关键词]颜色词汉语英语翻译文化差异 [中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2013)12-0026-01 英汉这两种各具特色、大相径庭的语言,其表达方式与文化习惯存在一定的差异。这些五彩斑斓、丰富多彩的表达方式与纷繁复杂的习惯差异是由于汉民族文化与英美文化之间存在着民族历史、社会制度、道德信仰、文艺艺术、心理特点、风俗习惯、价值观念、思维方式、生活方式以及地域风貌等差别。其中表示各种颜色的词在人类生活中占据着举足轻重的位置。英汉语言习惯不同,风俗各异,表示颜色的方法和用词也不尽相同,就是对同一颜色的理解与使用也有差异。本文就英汉两种语言中色彩词的差异列举例子予以分析研究。 一、白色(white) 对于多数中国人和西方人来说,白色所表达的意思有一些是相近的,但是汉语中的“白”是不等于英语中的“white”的。比如:purity(洁白),innocence(清白无辜)。 还有在涉及到人的种族时,我们可以说the black people(黑人)、the yellow people(黄种人)、the white people(白人),但说到人的肤色白时就不宜译成 white skin,而通常译为:fair skin/complexion。即在涉及到人得肤色时汉语的“白”与英语的fair相对应。 另外,汉语中有愈多含义有“白”的词语根本不表示颜色,翻译成英语时与“white”毫不相干,而只是与其他字一起构成词组表示事物名称,如:“白痴”(idiot)。 英语中也有类似的现象,“white”并不表示”白”的意思,如:white elephant,昂贵又无用之物“白费事”(all in vain,a waste of time energy)。 二、黄色(yellow) 在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如: A yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人
