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Chapter 1 Geography and Population

1. Where are the UK and the USA respectively located?

2. What are the similarities and differences in the physiographical features between the UK and the USA?

3. What are the major rivers and mountains in the UK and the USA?

4. What is the possible significance of the geography of the USA to the development of the economy in the country?

5. Which, geography or human beings, is more important in the development of a country? Justify your point of view.

6. Compare the population of the UK with that of the USA. (e.g. composition, distribution, etc.)

7. Compare London with Washington D.C.

8. Who were the natives in the UK and in the USA?

9. What are similarities and differences of concentration of population in the UK and the USA? Chapter 2 History

1. Compare the beginnings of the UK with those of the USA.

2. How did the Normans establish the first House in Britain?

3. Why was it important to discover America?

4. How and why did the Puritans come to North America?

5. How did France, Spain and England divide North America after the discovery of America?

6. What were the conflicts between England and American colonists?

7. What are the contents of the Magna Carta? What is its nature?

8. What is the nature of the Hundred Y ears’ War? What are the consequences?

9. Why could the Industrial Revolution first take place in the UK?

10. How did the Wars of the Roses proceed?

11. What led to the outbreak of the War of American Independence?

12. What is the significance of the American Civil War?

13. What are the causes of the First World War?

14. What roles did the UK and the USA play in the Second World War?

15. Why did the USA experience the six economic crises while the UK did not?

16. What did the UK nationalization mean and why was there nationalization in the UK?

17. Why was the UK no longer a world major power after the Second World War and what did the labour government try to do in order to catch up?

18. What is the real problem of the Northern Ireland and what is your suggestion of solution to the problem?

19. Why does the USA remain an economic power in the world?

20. When and how did the Civil Rights Movement happen in the USA and what is its significance?

21. Why was there a Cold War after the Second World War? What is its consequence? What lesson can we draw from it?Chapter 3 Political Systems

1. What is the political system of the UK? What is the political system of the USA? Compare them.

2. Comment on “She (the Queen) reigns but she does not rule.”

3. Why do we say that “the members of the stronger party in the House of Commons are the
