大学英语三人对话 全了

大学英语三人对话 全了
大学英语三人对话 全了


Will power意志力

Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates

Scene----in the college dorm

Danny is playing a computer game on his laptop. Tommy is sleeping. Mike came back from a morning jogging.

M: hi, Dan, what are u doing

D: I am playing war craft.

M: Where is Tommy

D: Shiiiii!

M:What What's the matter

D: Don't u see He is still sleeping.

M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class

D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft. M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!

T:five more minutes, please.

Mike: No way, Jose. Time really still have a lot to do. Hurry up.

T: (Tommy sits up in his bed) Can I lie down two more minutes, please, just two more minutes when Danny finishes his game, I will be fine.(Yawns) I

don't know why I am so so sleepy. (Tommy lies down again.)

M: Guys!!! I am really angry now. Time waits for nobody. If you two don't stop what you are doing now, I will find somebody else to be my partners.

D and T: all right. All right. We listen to u.

M: That's more like it. We need will power.

D and T: what is will power

M: Will power is trying hard not to do something that you really want to do.

D: You mean like trying not to play war craft

Mike: right.

T: you mean like trying not to stay up late

M: right.

Danny turns off his computer. Tommy gets up and goes to the bathroom. Two minutes later the three maskeetters are working on their assignment. Danny: Mike, can I take a little break Let me play one round and we will continue our work

Tommy: Mike, Can I lie down a minute My back hurts.

Mike: No! No! No! Let's finish our work first before we do anything. We need will power!!!

Danny and Tommy: that's true. We need will power! We listen to you Introducing an Acquaintance


Mr. Lee: We’ll get Miss Lewis’ opinion on this, I think.

Lee先生: 我们来听一听Lewis小姐的看法。

Mr. Jones: Miss Lewis … I’ve heard that name. Oh yes! I heard she is one of the secrets of this company’s success. Everyone was raving about what a great job she’s done in motivating the … (interrupte d by Mr. Lee) Jones先生: Lewis小姐……我听说过那个名字。哦,是的。听说她是公司的大功臣之一。每一个人都对她优秀的表现赞不绝口,她善于激励……

Mr. Lee: Uh, Mike … speak of the devil… the famous Miss Lewis is standing right behind you. Mary, let me introduce our new Accounting Manager, Mike Jones. Mike, this is Mary Lewis.

Lee先生: Mike……说曹操曹操就到,赫赫有名的Lewis小姐就站在你的身后。Mary,请允许我向你介绍我们新财务经理Mike Jones。Mike,这位是Mary Lewis。Mr. Jones: So you’re the famous Miss Lewis! So nice to meet you at last! I’ve heard so much about you.

Jones先生: 你就是那位Lewis小姐!终于见到你,十分高兴!我常常听人提起你。Mis s Lewis: All good, I hope. It’s nice to meet you, too.

Lewis小姐: 希望都是说我的好处。很高兴认识你!

Mr. Jones: Yes, I assure you, it was all good. What do you do in Human Resources

Jones先生: 我向你保证都是好事情。你在人力资源部做什么工作

Miss Lewis: I’m the General Manager of Human Resources. I took over from Jim when he stepped down a few years ago. And how long have you been in

the Accounting Department

Lewis小姐: 我是人力资源部的总经理。几年前Jim离职后我就接替了他总经理的职位。你在财务部有多久了

Mr. Jones: Just started, I’m afraid. But I hope to see more of you in the future. It was so nice to finally meet you.

Jones先生: 我刚来。希望以后多多见面。能认识你,真的很高兴。

人物: Xiao Ling (X), Yani,(Y) Songtao(S)

地点: 校园

Xiao Ling is on her way to the dormitory. She drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind her, pick up the book and give it back to her.

Y: Excuse me, is this your book

X: Thank you so much.

Y: You are welcome. Are you a new admit

X: yes. I just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you.

Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao.

S: hi! We both came from xxx.

X: really I am from there too. We are all town fellow s aren’t we. It’s such a small world.

Y: absolutely. We both majored in computer science. What’s yours

X: accounting. I don’t really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on.

S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future.

Y: Well, I don’t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes.

X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of short of money.

S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay parents for what they do for me.

X: yeah. I agree with you.

S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you ! X: let’s keep in touch, ok

Y: ok. Here is my cell phone number.

X: this is mine. I am so glad to meet you. Take care!

Y and S: bye!


: What do you think about the fate and destiny of our life

B: I do not believe in fate.

C: Why

B: Because I believe everything in life can be controled by ourselves. A: I do not agree with you.

C: Me too.

A: I believe in fate and destiny. I think there are something in life that are beyond our control.

C: I think our fate and destiny is determine by God.

B: I don't think so.

A: Why do you say so

B: If we believe that everything is determine by God then we will never improve. Nothing around us will change.

C: Then how do you explain abou life and death Isn't all these are predetermined in our life

A: Yes I agree with you. Life and death is a very good example for predetermined fate.

C: I think if God wants someone to die somehow that person will die. This is fate.

B: Maybe both of you are right.





“新北京、新奥运”是北京申奥的口号,英文为“New Beijing, Great Olympics”。其中的“新”包含3色奥运的意思。请看下面的情景对话来更好地理解其意义。Dialogue

A: Let's talk about Beijing bidding for 2008 Olympic Games.


B: Okay.


A: Bidding for the Olympics is, in a way, a image-creating undertaking. 申办奥运在某种程度上是一个创造形象的重任。

B: Yes. I agree with you. Beijing must attract others by it unique image. 是的,我同意你。北京必须用自己独特的形象吸引人。

A: So Beijing gives their theme: New Beijing, Great Olympics.


B: In my opinion, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.


A: Why do we call it like this


B: Because the city's green area will make up 40% of its total till 2008. 因为到了2008年,这个城市的绿化面积将占城市总面积的40%.

A: I heard that along the Fourth Ring Road million trees and over I million

acres of grass will be planted.


B: Yeah, a green Beijing will be achieved.


A: And yellow Olympics


B: We are all the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Therefore, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Olympics.


A: Then red Olympics


B: Red is the color of double happiness, representing joy, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity.


A: In your mind, by 2008, Beijing will be a sea of red.


B: Yes. Our Olympics will be a unique one.


A: Let's look forward to that moment.



英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。 Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma. 亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。


1. A; Are you enjoying your time at university? B: It's okay, but not as much as I expected. A: Really? Why not? B: I thought that the subjects would be easy, and I would have lots of time to play, but actually I have many assignments. A: What type of assignments are you having problems with? B: I find my accounting assignments very difficult. A: Have you considered asking a tutor to help? B: Hmm, I guess I could. Where would I find one? A: You can often find them advertising on the notice board in the library. B: Thanks, I'll go and check that out. Provided I don't get distracted on the way and end up in the gym instead! A: Ha! Have you joined a sports team? B: Yes, I'm playing for the university volleyball team. A: Hey, so am I! Which team are you on?


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.



B:I think that we should study enough hardly, more knowledge may make us be easy on our studies. C:Not only learn the knowledge in class, but also learn the skills in our life. B:Yes, you are right. D:Study is not the only in universities, I think. We also need to get well along with our classmates, and we need to exchange with our parents heart by heart. A:Then, I think we should not compare with others. D:Yes, we should find out our advantages, we should try our best to enrich ourselves. B:Believe that you will success, and work hard for your dream. C:Go your own way, let others talk. A:That is right. And what are your views about the pressures of future career? B:We should do well in our major courses. C:I think we can go to some factories attached to a school. D: In a word, we should perfect ourselves and make full preparation.


关于新年晚上开Party的:(这个段子英语不是很地道,改了下也不知道是不是可以) A: "Hey, what are you planning to do on New Year's Eve?"(新年晚上你有什么打算?) B: "I don't know. Maybe go to a party or something."(我也不清楚,参加一个Party或者其他什么的) A: "What about your girlfriend? Aren't you going to spend it with her?"(你的女朋友呢?你不跟她一起过吗?) C: "His girlfriend is spending the New Year's Eve with her family. Like always."(他女朋友要跟她的家人一起过,像往常一样。) B: "Well. What's your plan for that day then?"(好吧,那你的计划呢?对A说的) A: "Ummm..Acturely I don't konw yet."(嗯,其实我还不知道呢) C: "IWait,I remember that you parents will go countryside for visiting your grandparents that day,right?"(等一下,我记得你的父母在那天要去乡下看你爷爷奶奶是吗?) A:"Yes,you're right.So what?"(是啊,没错,怎么了?) B: "So you get the house all by yourself?"(所以你们家那天晚上没人?) A: "Yeah." C: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"(你在想我想的事吗?) B: "I don't know. What are you thinking?"(我也不知道,你在想什么?) A: "Have a party!!!!!"(办Party!!) C: "You read my mind."(你懂我) B: "I think we can do that. I have any plan yet."(我觉得我们可以那样,我正好没安排) A: "Well. That sounds good. I will call you guys for details later."(好吧,那听起来不错。我待会打电话给你们讨论细节) B: "Alright. I will see your later. I have to do something others now."(好吧,那再见吧,我还有一些其他事要做) C: "Talk to you later."(那再聊吧) A: "Bye."


大学英语情景对话 What kind of soup do you have tonight 你们今晚有什么汤? Cream of mushroom and clam chowder.忌廉蘑菇汤和蛤蛎浓汤。 Clam chowder, please. And I’ll have a baked potato and carrots.请给我蛤蛎浓汤。我还要一份烤土豆和胡萝卜。 I’ll be right back with your soup and salad.我马上给你们上汤和沙拉。 Thank you. 谢谢你。 Excuse me. Could you help me I’d like to exchange this sweater.打扰了。你可以帮我吗?我想换这件毛衣。 What’s the problem with it 它有什么问题吗? It was a birthday gift, but I don’t really like it.它是我的一份生日礼物,但是我真的不喜欢它。 I think I want something plainer.我想要简单一点的。 I see ,Well, why don’t you look around 我明白。额,你为什么 不随便看看呢? I like these two, Allen. Try them on.艾伦,我喜欢这两件。试穿一下。 OK. So, which one do you like 好的。那么,你喜欢哪件? I like the red one much better than the black one.跟黑色那件相比,我更喜欢红色那件。 How are you 你好吗? Fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。 How is Helen 海伦好吗? She’s very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。


你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK,Shawn,I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say,green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah,have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh,really. OK. Um,what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring,cause it's a combination of warm weather,at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who,how-should-I-say,triumphs over,how-should-I-say,over very overpowering conflicts. It's,um,plus,I'm a bit of an action movie buff. I know it's sad to hear but,it's definitely an interesting movie. 第1页/共1页


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


校园英语情景对话:与真理为友 真理是是很多人都愿意接受,愿意听的一种东西。以下是给大家整理的与真理为友的校园英语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Hans home. H; Why dont you have a look at my new home. Come on in. H:不如看看我的新家,进来吧。 L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus. L;谢谢。有点小但感觉很舒服,我就不得不住在学校。 H: Then you have the chance to know more people. H:那你可以有机会认识更多人。 L: Thats true. L:那倒是。 H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee? H:请随便,荼还是咖啡?

L: Just water, please. Thank you. L:水就行了,谢谢。 H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email, H:失陪一下,我要査收一下邮件。 L:Dont mind me. L:别管我。 (After a while) (过了一会儿) H: Its my older cousin, she complains about her life, again. H:是我表姐,她又在抱怨她的生活。 L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks? L:她遇到很多挫折吗? H: Not really. Shes a graduate student. She said shes in a dilemma. She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money. H:也不是。她在读研,说现在处在一个两难境地。她想学习,但又担心将来,因为她的同学好像都在忙着赚钱。


情景对话 一、询问姓名、年龄等 1.What‘s your name? What’s your English name? My name is … My English name is… 2.What’s your mother’s name? Her name is….. How long have you learned English? Six years. 3. What’s your father’s name? His name is… 4.What Grade/Class are you in? I’m in Grade Six/Class…. 5.What/Which school are you from? I’m from Shiyan Xiaoxue. 6.Where are you from? /Where do you come from? I’m from Pingyuan. I come from Pingyuan. 7.Are you from Wangmiao ?Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 8.How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 9.How old are you ? I’m 12. 10. How old is your father/mother? He/She is 36. 11.How many people are there in your family? There are 3 Who are they? They are my father, my mother and I. 12.How many bananas are there in the picture? How many days are there in a week? How many hands do you have? 13.Do you often go to the zoo? No, I don’t. 14. What colour do you like? I like red/pink/green/black.


第一篇(这篇有挑战性,题材很棒,自己看着办哈) This is Lance,Grace,Anne,and David’s conversation 大体情景就是A买了个东西(mp3),第二天就坏了,A的朋友B陪A 一起去退货,结果售货员支支吾吾一直不肯退,最后叫出来经理依然支支吾吾,然后B佯装打315求助,经理才给退了货。后面四句加了个joke 就是中间打的不是315 是10086。 情景:A bought sth yesterday in the Buynow Mall(百脑汇),but it doesn’t work now. At this time ,A’s friend B is coming. B: Good afternoon,A. A:Good afternoon,B,what did you do yesterday.I was planning to ask you for helping me to buy the mp3… B: that’s what I’m going to talking about, how do you like your new mp3,I also want to buy a new one. A:Don’t mention it.it worked very well yesterday,but now it doesn’t work。 B:It sounds incredible。Have you checked the batteries? A:Actually,I have checked all the things including batteries,but it still doesn’t work。 B:Let me have a look。 A: Here you are。 B:Er…..I think we can go to the mall and ask for returning. A:Let me pick the receipt.(发票) B: It’s a must. Then A and B go to the mall,C is the clerk and D is the manager. C: Can I help you? B:Yes,We’d like to return this mp3. C:Is there something the matter with it? A:Yes,I bought it yesterday,but it doesn’t work now. C: I think our production’s quality is always very good.Maybe you did something bad to it. Hmm,let me have a check,perhaps we can repair it for you freely. B:Oh,nonono..you didn’t get it,we want to return it,not repair it. C:Hmm,I know your idea,but you checked it yesterday and at that time ,it worked well. I’m sure you have do something bad to it. A: I’m very sure than I did’t.What’s more, I remember it clearly that you said I can return the mp3 in three days and exchange it in seven days. C:Hmm. I need to ask instructions from my manager. B:Can we talk to your manager face to face? C:Wait a monment. C ask instructions from the manager D C: May I come in? D:yes,what happened? C:Two students bought a mp3 from our mall yesterday,and it doesn’work now,they want a returning. D:Haven’t you made them realize that asking for returning in our mall is a stupid action?



英语口语 Jack: Good morning .sir .what can I do for you?琳达:早上好。先生。我能为你做什么呢? Robbie: Good morning .My name is Robbie Stewart. And this is Alex Pappas. 罗比:早上好。我的名字是罗比·斯图尔特。这是亚历克斯·帕帕斯。Alex: Hi .Good morning. Yesterday we found dog named Gemma. 亚历克斯:你好。早上好。昨天我们发现这只名叫Gemma的狗。Robbie: We have thought many ways to find it is host, but we don't succeed ultimately. 罗比:我们认为许多方法来发现它的主人,但我们不能成功最终。 Jack: Oh, wait a while. You know I must make a record in terms of rule. 琳达:噢,等一会儿。你知道我必须做一个记录。 Robbie: No problem. 罗比:没问题。 Jack: OK .Your name will do Mr. Stewart. Then, please tell me your address? 琳达:好的。你的名字将会做什么,Stewart先生。那么,请告诉我你的地址吗? Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale. 罗比:林登街46,Riverdale。 Jack: Where did you find the dog? 琳达:你在什么地方找到这条狗的? Alex: Speak exactly , not we found her . It's she found us in Robbie `s house. 亚历克斯:讲到底,不是我们发现她。这是她发现我们在罗比是房子。Jack: Have you tried calling the number on the collar? 琳达:你试着打领子上的号码吗? Robbie: Yes, but the number is no longer in service . So we only call for you. 罗比:是的,但是号码也不再服务。所以我们只有你的电话。 Jack: And there is no address on the dog tag? 琳达:并没有地址在狗身上的标签? Alex: There is no other information. 亚历克斯:没有其他信息。 Jack: No ID number. Without that, it is hard


英语口语情景对话,职场常用英语句型大盘点 外企职员必备的一项基本技能。很多员工头疼自己的英文过不了关,一碰到要用英文进行文书或是要和老外进行交流就六神无主,今天小编特地为大家搜罗了一些经典且常用的句型,大家不妨做个有心人收藏着,莫到用时方恨少呢! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…

8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 今天我们要讲的习惯用语都是以thin这个单词为主。Thin就是瘦,或者是很薄。要是人们有选择的话,恐怕许多人都喜欢瘦一点,而不愿意太胖。但是,今天我们要讲的前两个习惯用语都包含消极的意思。 1. wear thin 打折扣;逐渐消失 Wear在这里的意思是某一样东西在一段时间里,它的功能和价值在逐步降低,也就是中文里说的损耗。这可以指具体的东西,也可以用在其他方面。举例来说吧。 例句-1:Your patience with another person may wear thinif he keeps doing something you don't like. 要是一个人老是做你不喜欢的事,那你对他就会越来越没有耐心。 我们再来举一个例子。要是一个人问你借钱,他保证在一个月后还给你。但是,到了时候他没有还。而且还不断地找借口,拖延不还。过了半年,你对他实在没有耐心了,于是你对他说: 例句-2:Joe, remember that money you borrowed six months ago. You told me you'd pay it back in 30 days. But you keep finding reasons not to return it. Now I really need it back, and I must say that all your excuses for delay are beginning to wear thin.


翻译及说明: (上午,A 收到了通知,自己没有被任何一所大学录取。他来到妹妹的卧室来寻求安慰。)A:我简直不能相信我竟然没有被任何一所大学录取!我选择的学校,是最保底的,万无一失的啊! B:也许你确实太平庸了 A:太平庸了?好…好…,记住你在和谁说话,我是你哥啊!我整整一年不用去上体育课,因为我宣称我要为了学习而奋斗!还有我成功地从医生那里开到证明说我有夜行症,于是被允许可以边做梦边学习。我是说,这是纯粹的天才行为。 B:也许你真的需要做一些锻炼并且自己放聪明点。 A:嗯,这是事实。你知道吗?关于我的余生将怎样度过,我一无所知。 B:爸妈会杀了你的。 A:对我有点信心,他们不会杀了我的。 B:是吗? A:我只要编个理由,用一种他们可以理解的方式解释。 情景2 (晚饭饭桌上) C:我不明白。 D:我也不明白。 A:好吧,这么说吧。大学平均每年学费是多少?两万元?(将纸质材料递给每个人)一个只有高中学历的人,在目前就业情况下,一年可以挣两万元,也就是说,接下来的四年,你们可以选择话费八万元,或者,我可以挣八万元。(大声笑) C:你是说你不想上大学吗? A:不,我是说我上大学在经济上不科学,知道吗? C:你发烧了? A:奥,天呐,没有! D:你喝醉了? A:没有,我既没发烧也没喝醉,事实上我比任何时候都清醒。 C:那好,社会都有自己的准则,而第一条准则就是:上大学! D:嗯。 C:你想拥有快乐而成功的人生吗?那就上大学。你想出人头地?那就上大学! A:嗯,你知道吗?也许我进不去大学。 D:你什么意思? A:所有的学校都拒收我。 D:哦,天呐! C:该死! D:我就说了他应该从初中开始准备上大学,就像她妹妹。 B:(自豪地)我做得很好。 D:(点头)她做得很好。 A:大家听我说,有很多成功的人,他们并没有上过大学,爱因斯坦,你们知道的,路易斯从没有上过大学,还有克拉克和比尔,他们都事业有成。 D:我得去看看皮鞋匠那里是不是收学徒。 A:“皮鞋匠”,哈哈…… C:你知道吗?我并不关心他们做了什么或没做什么,你得上大学。


共三人(医生、护士、病人) 患失眠症Dialogue Four Suffering from insomnia 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:失眠。 Patient: I’m suffering from insomnia.. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem? 病人:三个月了。 Patient: Three months. 护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗? Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? 病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。 Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. 护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。 Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that. 病人:每问题。请问我应该挂哪科?

Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam? 护士:您最好挂内科。 Nurse: You’d better go to the medical department. 病人:表填好,给你。 Patient: Here is my registration card. 护士:谢谢。挂号费是一美圆。 Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar., 病人:好的。请问我该怎么走? Patient: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please? 护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿着走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。 Nurse: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right. 病人:多谢了。 Patient: Thanks a lot. 护士:不客气。 Nurse: You’re welcome. 病人:早上好,大夫 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 医生:早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:最近有点失眠。


口语对话 1赶时髦(go after fashion) A:Fashion show is around the corner,I’m so excited!时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B:Are there any good!这有什么好的! A:I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes;they looked pretty nice to me.I think you don’t like it!Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B:It was dumb.I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that.这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A:The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.仁者见仁,智者见智。B:Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A:Yes,I do.At least,some people certainly can.They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B:Well.I still think they're dumb.It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A:So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B:If you wear it I must speak nice!如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A:I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B:Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!
