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Challenge for China’s Community Health Nursing

Elderly care issues
2000 Population
2050 Population
China Adult Population
National Health Statistics

National Health Statistics


Maternal Mortality Rate 48.3/10万 (2004) Skillful Professional Handle delivery 97% (2003) Female : male children attending school 1:1, Junior school admission 0.92 (2002) Female children attending elementary school 95.8% (2002) 15-25岁妇女识字率 98% (2004) Newborn mortality rate 15.4/1000, 2004 < 1 year old infant death rate:30/1000 (2003) <5 years old children mortality: 37/1000 (2003)
The Top Five Major Cause of Death in China

Cardiovascular Diseases Malignant Tumor Cerebrovascular Disease Disease of Respiratory System Injury 、 Intoxication
Public Health Nursing Development in China

Early Stages: 1925 Beijing Union Hospital-Public Health Agency (Dr. Gland). 1930 rural Health Education
2000 Pay attention to city and rural areas community center development and practice model 2006-2007 Government emphasize the importance of Community health, improve community health centers, functions, farmer health insurances。
Introduction to community health nursing
School of Nursing Shanghai Jiao Tong University
History of Community Health Nursing
Before mid 1800s-Early Home Care with focus in Sick and Poor individual. Orientation: curative agencies: lay & religious orders *St. Phoebe Mid 1800s to 1900-district Nursing with focus in Sick and poor individual Orientation: curative/less in prevention agencies: voluntary & some government *William Rathbone
(Winslow, 1920)

现有宫颈癌患者40万人,死亡率达11.30% ;宫颈 癌每年新发病例约13.15万 目前的乳腺癌发病率也已经达到了每10万人口 35—40。 2007年中国糖尿病人约有3000万。据WHO最新数据 预测,到2010年中国糖尿病人将达到目前的4倍。 世界卫生组织预测,中国每年确诊的新增结核病 例为880万。
*Lilliam Wald
1970 to present-Community Health Nursing, focus in total community and oriented to population health, services address health promotion; illness prevention agencies: many kinds; some independent practice *Ruth Freedman
History of Community Health Nursing
1900-1970 public health nursing- Pubic Health Needs,
focus in family and orientation in Curative and Prevention agencies: government & some voluntary
Public Health Definition
Public health is the Science and Art of :

preventing disease, prolonging life,

promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort.
(National data, 2004)
Issues in Chronic Diseases

DM Hypertension Stroke Cardiovascular diseases Obese Smoking TB
Health Beyond Acute Care Settings-Community Care and Public Health