


1教科书;课本__________ 2交谈;会话__________


5 病人_________ adj._________ 6表情;表达方式;表示_________

7秘密;秘诀________ adj._________ 8 语法_________

9笔记;记录_______ v. __________10 朋友;伙伴_________

11 物理;物理学_________ 12模式;方式_________

13速度________ 14 搭档;同伴__________

15能力;才能___________ 16 大脑_______

17注意;关注_________ 18 回顾;复习n.&v.__________ 19 知识;学问_________ 20发现;发觉__________

21 重复;重做__________ 22 记忆;记住________

23 发音__________ 24 增加;增长__________

25出生;天生的v. &adj. _________ 26创造;创建__________

27 (使)连接;与……有联系_________ 28 终生的;毕生的________

29活跃的;积极的____________ 30大声地;出声地_________

31 明智地;聪明地__________ 32化学_________

33一夜之间;在夜间_________ 34(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看______________ 35天生具有_______________

36 把……和……连接或联系起来________________

37 注意;关注_________________________


1月饼n. ____________ 2 灯笼n. ___________


5磅;英镑n._________ 6 女神n._____________

7甜点n._________ 8花园;园子n.__________

9.传统n.________10偷;窃取_____/_______/______ 11领带,捆;束v. & n. _________ 12民间的;民俗的adj.__________ 13无论谁;不管什么pron.____ 14放置;安放;产卵;下蛋v.______/_______/___ 15鬼;鬼魂n. ________ 16 蜘蛛n._________________

17 花招;把戏n._________ 18 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的adj.____ 19请客;款待;招待n. & v._________ 20 存在;平躺;处于v.____/___/____ 21圣诞节n.____________ 22死的;失去生命的adj. _______ 23 (长篇)小说n.___________ 24前夕;前夜n._______________ 25 生意;商业n.________________ 26 处罚;惩罚v.____________ 27 传播;展开;蔓延v. & n. ______ 28现在;礼物;现在的n. & adj._______ 29 警告;告诫v.____________ 30温暖;暖和n._____________


1(美)洗手间;公共厕所n. ___________ 2邮票;印章n. ______________

3书店n._________4明信片n.__________________ 5洗手间;厕所n._________ 6浴室;洗手间n.____________

7葡萄n.____________ 8管理人员;职工n._________

9在旁边;在附近prep. _______ 10 原谅;请再说一遍v.& interi.____ 11通常;正常情况adv.__________ 12 仓促;急促v. & n.____________ 13 邮寄;信件n. &v.________ 14 东方n. & adj. &prep .__________ 15 传播;蔓延v. &n. ____________ 16 附近的adv. & adj.____________ 17商场;购物中心n._________ 18 职员n.__________

19 拐角;角落n._________ 20便利的;方便的adj._________ 21 迷人的;极有吸引力的adj._________ 22 不昂贵的adj.________________ 23.不拥挤的;人少的adj.____________ 24礼貌地;客气地adv.__________ 25有礼貌的;客气的adj.________________26 要求;请求.n. &v.__________ 27正确的;恰当的adj.________ 28 方位;方向n.________

29 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者n.________ 30.地址;住址;通讯处n._______ 31 地铁;地下的n. & adj._________ 32.谁;什么人pron._______ 33.直接的;直率的adj.___________ 34.不礼貌的;粗鲁的adj.________ 35.课程;学科n.___________ 36一对;一双;一副……______ 37路过;经过__________ 38抱歉;对不起;什么;请再说一遍39停车场;停车区_____ 40.意大利(人)的adj. 意大利人;意大利语_______ Unit4

1有幽默感的__________ 2 沉默的__________

3 有用的;有帮助的____________

4 得分;进球v.&n._______

5 采访;面试面试;面谈v. & n.___________ 6背景_________________

7亚洲人;亚洲(人)的n. &adj.________ 8 对付;对待_________

9 害羞;腼腆____________10 敢于;胆敢_________

11人群;观众_________ 12 私人的;私密的_________ 13警卫,看守;守卫,保卫n. & v.________ 14 需求;要求__________ 15欧洲(人)的;欧洲人adj. &n.______ 16 非洲(人)的; 非洲人adj. &n.__ 17 英国(人)的_________ 18 民众公开的;公众的adj.& n.___ 19 讲话;发言n._________ 20 不常,很少___________

21 影响n.& v.__________ 22 缺席;不在____________

23 失败;不及格;未能做到__________ 24 考查;审核_____________ 25 确切地,精确地_________ 26自豪;骄傲n.__________

27 自豪的;骄傲的_________ 28 蚂蚁_______________

29昆虫____________ 30吨;大量;许多____________ 31总的;普遍的;常规的n_________________32.将军__________

33介绍n._________________ 34寄宿学校________________ 35公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前________ 36 亲自;亲身_______________ 37为……感到自豪______________/_______ 38时常;有时_______________ 39应对;处理___________________

1筷子n. __________________ 2 硬币n. __________

3餐叉,叉子n.____________ 4 银;银器n._______/ 银色的adj. ___ 5完成v.___________ 6玻璃n._________

7 棉花;棉n._________ 8钢;钢铁n._______

9草地;草n._______ 10.自然环境;有关环境的adj.________ 11展览会;交易会n. _________ 12生产;制造;出产v._____________ 13叶子n. ______ 14 广泛地;普遍地adv.____________ 15 材料;原料n.________ 16 包装;装箱v.________

17产品;制品n. _______ 18它的adj.________

19当地的;本地的adj._________ 20 品牌;牌子n.________

21 回避;避免v._______ 22 小手提包n.____________

23 可移动的;非固定的adj._________ 24 每天的;日常的adj._____________ 25 老板;上司n._________ 26 德国n.__________

27 表面;表层n._________ 28加工;处理;过程v. & n. __________ 29 n.交通;路上行驶的车辆_________ 30 邮递员n.____________

31 帽子n._____________ 32手套n.____________

33法国n.______ 34 adj.国际的___________

35 参赛者;竞争者n.___________ 36 形式;类型n._______

37黏土;陶土______ 38 庆典;庆祝活动n.__________ 39 气球n.______ 40 剪刀n.______

41 生机勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的adj.______ 42 (有关)历史的adj._____________ 43 热;高温n.______/ v.加热;变热______ 44 磨光;修改;润色v._________ Unit6

1鞋跟;足跟_______________ 2勺;铲子n. ____________

3电;电能n.________________ 4样式;款式n.____________

5项目;工程n._______________ 6愉快;高兴n._____________

7拉锁;拉链n.______________ 8网站n.__________________

9先锋;先驱n._______________ 10每日的;日常的.adj.________

11名单;清单n. ______/v._______ 12提到;说道v._________

13顾客;客户n._______________ 14几乎;差不多adv._____________ 15统治者;支配者n.___________ 16煮沸;烧开v.________________ 17保持不变;剩余v. ___________ 18国家的;民族的adj.____________ 19低的;矮的adj._________ 20酸的;有酸味的adj. ___________ 21翻译v___________ 22突然(的)adj.________________ 23. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的adj.______ 24做买卖;从事贸易v.贸易;交易n.__ 25冰箱n.__________ 26怀疑v.疑问;疑惑n._________ 27某人;重要人物pron. ____________ 28锁n.锁上;锁住v. __________

29地震n.____________ 30脆的;酥脆的adj.___________

31器械;仪器;工具n.____________ 32加拿大(人)的;加拿大人adj._____ 33受欢迎;普及n._______________ 34职业的;专业的adj._____________

1证件___________ 2 吸烟;冒烟;烟_______

3 兼职(的)___________

4 扎;刺破;穿透__________

5耳环;耳饰________________ 6 安全性;安全______________ 7闪光灯;闪光______________ 8 闪耀;闪光_______________ 9 极小的;微小的____________ 10叫喊;哭______________

11田野;场地______________ 12 拥抱;搂抱___________

13 举起;抬高v.电梯;搭便车__________ 14 严重地;差;非常__________ 15 很坏的;讨厌的______________ 16.感到遗憾;懊悔_________

17 诗;韵文______________ 18 社区;社团____________ 19 机会;可能性_______________ 20 教育;教导_____________ 21 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)______ 22进来;进去_________

23支持______________ 24选择;挑选_____________ 25青少年______________ 26 回嘴/顶嘴______________ Unit8

1谁的adj. & pron. ________ 2 卡车;货车n.__________

3 贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的adj._________4兔;野兔n.__________

5野餐n. _________ 6 粉红色n..粉红色的adj ____

7 任何人pron.___________ 8 出席;参加v._______________ 9事件;发生的事情n.____________10 声音;噪音n.______________ 11男警察n.___________________ 12狼n._________________

13担心的;不安的adj.___________ 14 着陆;降落v._____________ 15 外星人n.___________ 16西服;套装n. _____________ 17 表示;表达v.___________ 18圈出;圆圈n.&v.____________ 19 大不列颠n.____________ 20 奥秘;神秘事物n.__________ 21收到;接受v.__________ 22历史学家;史学工作者n._____ 23努力工作的;辛勤的adj.__________ 24 n. 领导;领袖_______________ 25仲夏;中夏n._________ 26医疗的;医学的n.____________ 27目的;目标n._________ 28阻止;阻挠v.______________ 29力量;精力n.____________ 30位置;地方n.______________ 31埋葬;安葬n._____________ 32尊重;表示敬意;荣誉;荣幸_____ 33祖宗;祖先n._________ 34 胜利;成功n.______________ 35敌人;仇人n.______________ 36一段时间;时期n.____________ 37属于______________________ 38. 追逐;追赶________________ 39. 同时;一起 ________________ 40拾起;捡起_________________

1更喜欢v. _________ 2澳大利亚(人)的;澳大利亚人____ 3歌词n ____________ 4推断;料想v.__________

5电子的;电子设备的n._________ 6悦耳的;平滑的adj. ________

7空闲的;不用的adj.___________ 8抽出;留出v. _______________

9导演;部门;负责人n ____________ 10. 谁的adj. & pron.______________ 11战争;战争状态n._______________ 12粘贴;将……刺入v. ____________ 13悲哀;沮丧adj. &n.___________ 14对话;对白n. _______________ 15结局;结尾n.___________ 16纪录片n.___________________ 17戏;剧adj.___________ 18大量;众多pron.____________ 19关闭;关上v.____________ 20超级英雄n. _______________

21有才智的;聪明的adj.__________ 22感觉;意识n. 感觉到;意识___ 23悲伤;悲痛n __________ 24痛苦;疼痛;苦恼n. __________ 25反映;映出v.________________ 26动人的;令人感动的________ 27表演;执行v._______________ 28一生;有生之年n.____________ 29遗憾;怜悯n.同情;怜悯v.____________ 30总数;合计n.______________ 31大师;能手;主人v.掌握_____________ 32表扬;赞扬v./n.______________ 33回忆起;回想起v.______ 34伤;伤口;创伤n. 使(身体)受伤;伤害_ 35令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的adj.________ 36既然那样;假使那样的话________ 37坚持;固守______________________ 38. 大量;充足___________________ 39. 关闭;停止运转________________ 40偶尔地;间或_________________ Unit10

1风俗;习惯n. __________________ 2鞠躬v.&n. ________________ 3亲吻;接吻v.&n. ____________4和……打招呼;迎接v._________ 5放松的;自在的adj. __________ 6重视;珍视;价值v.&n. ________ 7首都;国都n.___________ 8正午;中午n. ______________ 9很生气;疯的adj.____________10. 努力;尽力n._______________ 11护照n._______________ 12粉笔n. _____________________ 13黑板n._________________ 14北方的;北部的adj.__________ 15海岸;海滨n.___________ 16季;季节n.___________________ 17敲击;敲击声n.___________ 18东方的;东部的adj.___________ 19值得;有……价值的adj._________ 20方式;方法n.(pl.)礼貌;礼_ 21基本的;基础的adj. ____________ 22交换v.&n.___________________ 23十几岁的;青少年的adj. __________ 24(外)孙女n.__________________ 25表现;举止v. ________________ 26除……之外;除了;只是________ 27肘;胳膊n._______________ 28逐步地;渐进地__________

29建议n.__________________ 30顺便访问;随便进入____________ 31毕竟;终归___________________ 32大动肝火;气愤_________________ 33作出努力_______________________ 34把……擦掉____________________ 35脱下;起飞_______________________ 36特地;格外费力_________________ 37使(某人)感到宾至如归_______________ 38. 习惯于____________________

1友谊;友情n. ___________________ 2相当;相反adv. _____________ 3国王;君主n ___________________4迫使v.___________________

5最近;不久前adv._______________ 6权利;力量v.&n. __________ 7首要的;基本的adj.______________ 8大臣;部长n.________________ 9银行家n._________________10. 名声;声誉n. ____________ 11苍白的;灰色的adj._____________ 12王后;女王n. ______________ 13(仔细地)检查;检验v.______________ 14也不adv.&conj.____________ 15王宫;宫殿n.________________ 16财富n.___________________ 17(天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的_____________ 18柠檬n.______________

19使人不舒服的;令人不舒服的____________ 20重量;份量n. ___________ 21肩;肩膀n. ________________ 22球门;射门;目标n._________ 23教练;私人教师n. ________________ 24踢;踹v.__________________ 25而且adv.________________ 26同队队友;队友n.__________ 27勇敢;勇气n._______________ 28家伙;伙计们n.___________ 29拖;拉v.___________________ 30轻松;解脱n.____________ 31点头v.___________________ 32(意见或看法)一致;同意n.______ 33过失;缺点n._____________________ 34使失望v.____________________ Unit12

1出乎意料的;始料不及的__________ 2背包;旅行包_________

3睡过头;睡得太久___________ 4.鸣;响v. 街区__________

5.工作者;工人n. _________

6.盯着看;凝视v. ___________



9. 着火;燃烧v.__________ 10.着火的;燃烧的adj. _________ 11.活着;有生气的adj.__________ 12.机场n. ___________________ 13.到;直到______________ 14.向西;向西的;西部的; 西方________ 15.奶油;乳脂n. ______________ 16.工作日n.___________

17.果馅饼;果馅派n. __________ 18.豆;豆荚n.___________

19.市场;集市n. ______________ 20. 蠢人;傻瓜n.愚弄v. _________

20.戏装;服装n._______________ 21.窘迫的;害羞的adj. __________ 22.宣布;宣告v.______________ 23.意大利面条n. ________________ 24.可相信的;可信任的adj.___________ 25.发现;发觉v. _______________ 26.骗局;恶作剧n.__________________ 27.取消;终止v.________________ 28.军官;官员n.____________________ 29.消失;不见v. _______________ 30.使人害羞的(难堪的或惭愧的)adj. 31.在……以前_________________ 32.捎……一程___________________ 33.(与……)成一排_______________ 34.赶到;露面_______________________ 35.在(某时间点)以前_____________ 36.化装舞会_________________________ 37.卖光________________________

1. 乱扔v. 垃圾;废弃物n.____________ 2底部;最下部n. _____________ 3.渔民n.________________________ 4.煤块;煤n. ________________ 5.有利条件;优点n. ____________ 6.丑陋的;难看的adj._________ 7.木制的;木头的adj. __________ 8.花费v. 花费;价钱n. _________ 9.塑料的adj.塑料;塑胶n. __________ 10.外卖食物n._________________ 11.垃圾箱n. _________ 1

2.鲨鱼n. ____________________ 1

3.鱼鳍n. _____________ 1

4.残酷的;残忍的adj.__________ 1

5.有害的adj. ___________ 1

6.链子;链条n. _______________ 1

7.科学上的;科学的adj.________ 1

8.生态系统n. _________________ 1

9.工业;行业n. ___________ 20.法律;法规n. ______________ 21.外卖食物n. ____________ 22.承担得起(后果);买得起v._____ 23.可重复使用的;可再次使用的adj.________24.运输业;交通运输n.__________ 25.回收利用;再利用v. ___________ 26.餐巾;餐巾纸n. ____________ 27.大门n.________________ 28.瓶子n. ____________________ 29.负责人;总统;主席n. ____________ 30.灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)._____ 31.铁n. ________________ 32.作品n. ____________________ 33.金属n. _________________ 34.创造力;独创力n. ____________ 35.垃圾箱n. 36.对……有害__________ 37.在……顶部或顶端____________ 38.食物链_________________________ 39.参加______________________ Unit14

1.调查n. _____________________

2.标准;水平n. __________________



5.方法;措施n. ____________




9.克服;战胜v._____________________ 10.毕业;获得学位v.____________ 11.体贴人的;关于他人的adj.__________ 12.我们的pron. ________________ 13.课文;文本n.____________ 14.水平n._____________________ 15. 级别高的adj. (大学)学位;度数;程度n. _____16.经理;经营者n. _________ 17.绅士,先生n. ____________________ 18.毕业n. _______________________ 19.典礼;仪式n. _______________ 20.祝贺n. _______________________ 21.渴望的;口渴的adj. ______________ 22.感谢的;感激的adj._____________ 23.最后adv.______________ 24.任务;工作n._________________ 25.向前面;在前面adv. ______________ 26.有责任心的adj.________________ 27.单独的;分离的adj. ______________ 28.翅膀;翼n._____________________ 29.连续几次地___________________ 30.回首(往事),回忆;回顾_____________ 31.弄得一团糟_______________ 32.沉住气;保持冷静_________________ 33. 高中___________________ 34.(时间)逝去;过去__________________ 35.信任;信赖_____________________36.首先___________________________ 37.渴望;渴求______________________38.对某人心存感激___________________ 39.在……前面______________ 40.连同;除……以外还_________________ 41.对……有责任;负责任________________ 42.出发;启程________________ 43分离;隔开_________________________


一、选择题 1.The exam is over and the results will be on Friday afternoon. A.put down B.put off C.put up D.put away 2.The ice hotel built in Canada is _________snow and ice, so it doesn't last long. A.covered with B.made up of C.connected to D.provided with 3.—How much chocolate ice cream would you like, Linda? —, please. It’s my favorite. A.Only a little B.Just a few C.A lot D.None 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 6.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 7.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 8.--- It’s getting dark. Could you please ____ the light for me? --- All right. Just a minute. A.keep on B.turn on C.try on D.put on 9.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 10.--You hate that TV play, don’t you? --Not _______. I just think it’s a bit boring. A.likely B.exactly C.nearly D.carefully 11.Susan _______ her friend’s invitation, for she has an important meeting to take part in. A.cut down B.pulled down C.turned down D.wrote down 12.—What do you think of your English teacher? —She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she


九年级单词 Unit l 1.教科书;课本 2.交谈;谈话 3.大声地;出声地 4.发音;读音 5.句子 6.病人 7.表达(方式);表示 8.发现;发觉 9.秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的; 保密的 10.爱上;与??相爱 11.语法 12.重复;重做 13.笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 14.朋友;伙伴 15.模式;方式 16.物理;物理学 17.化学 18.搭档;同伴 19.发音 20.增加;增长 21.速度 22.能力;才能 23.大脑 24.活跃的;积极的 25.注意;关注 26.注意;关注 27.(使)连接;与??有联系 28.把??和??连接或联系起来 29.一夜之间;在夜间 30.回顾;复习 31.知识;学问 32.明智地;聪明地Unit2 33.灯笼 34.陌生人 35.亲属;亲戚 36.增加(体重);发胖 37.磅(重量单位);英镑(英 国货币单位) 38.民间的;民俗的 39.女神 40.偷;窃取 41.放置;安放;产(卵);下 (蛋) 42.摆开;布置 43.(饭后)甜点;甜食 44.花园;园子 45.欣赏;仰慕 46.领带v. 捆;束 47.有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 48.鬼;鬼魂 49.花招;把戏 50.款待;招待v. 招待;请(客) 51.蜘蛛 52.圣诞节 53.蠢人;傻瓜v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 54.平躺;处于 55.(长篇)小说 56.前夕;前夜 57.书店 58.死的;失去生命的 59.生意;商业 60.处罚;惩罚 61.警告;告诫 62.现在;礼物adj. 现在的 63.没有人 64.温暖;暖和 65.传播;展开n. 蔓延;传播 66.澳门 67.清迈(泰国城市) 68.万圣节前夕 69.情人节 70.圣诞老人 Unit3 71.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 72.邮票;印章 73.明信片 74.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起 75.洗手间;厕所 76.浴室;洗手间 77.快的;迅速的adv. 快速 地;迅速地 78.仓促;急促 79.建议;提议 80.管理人员;职工 81.葡萄 82.中心的;中央的 83.邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件; 信件 84.东方的;东部的adv. 向东; 朝东n. 东;东方 85.迷人的;极有吸引力的 86.便利的;方便的 87.购物中心 88.职员 89.拐角;角落 90.有礼貌的;客气的 91.礼貌地;客气地 1 / 6


九年级上册 Until n. 教科书;课本 n. 交谈;谈话 adv. 大声地;出声地 n. 发音;读音 n. 句子 adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 n. 表达(方式);表示 v. 发现;发觉 n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看______ n. 语法 v. 重复;重做 n. 笔记;记录 v. 注意;指出n. 朋友;伙伴 n. 模式;方式 n. 物理;物理学 n. 化学 v.记忆;记住______________ n. 模式;方式__________ v. 发音 v. 增加;增长 n. 速度 n. 搭档;同伴 v.出生adj. 天生的_________天生具有________ n. 能力;才能 v.创造;创建________ n. 大脑 adj. 活跃的;积极的

n. 注意;关注 注意;关注 ______________ v.(使)连接;与??有联系 把??和??连接或联系起来 adv. 一夜之间;在夜间 v. & n. 回顾;复习 n. 知识;学问 adj.终身的;毕生的____________ adv. 明智地;聪明地 Annie /{ni/ 安妮(女名)Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔 Unit2 n.月饼_______________ n. 灯笼 n. 陌生人n. 亲属;亲戚 增加(体重);发胖 n. 磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位) adj. 民间的;民俗的 n. 女神 pron.无论谁;不管什么人___________ v. 偷;窃取 v. 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)摆开;布置_________ n(饭后)甜点;甜食 n. 花园;园子 n.传统____________ v. 欣赏;仰慕 n. 领带 v. 捆;束 adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的


一、选择题 1.(2016●苏州市)If the customer rings up for me again, please the call to the sales department . A.run through B.look through C.go through D.put through 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.David promised that he would co me to the party, but he didn’t ________. A.stay up B.grow up C.wake up D.show up 5.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.________, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it’s widely used in every field. A.As usual B.At first C.After all D.So far 8.—Have you heard that there’s a big fire near y our home last night? — Sure. Luckily, the firemen came quickly and ______ the fire. A.came out B.broke out C.put out D.cut out 9.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 10.Millie Beijing now. A.don't live in B.doesn't lives in C.don't lives in D.doesn't live in 11.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 12.—What do you think of your English teacher? —She is a good and caring one. Though her teaching style that of most other teachers, she always has more creative teaching methods than others do. A.is similar to B.is similar as C.the same as


Until Unit2 textbook教科书;课本lantern灯笼 conversation交谈;谈话stranger陌生人 aloud大声地;出声地relative亲属;亲戚pronunciation发音;读音put增加(体重);发胖sentence句子pound磅(重量单位);英镑patient有耐心的folk民间的;民俗的expression表达(方式);表示goddess女神 discover发现;发觉steal偷;窃取 secret秘密;秘诀lay 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) fall in love with爱上lay out摆开;布置 grammar语法dessert n(饭后)甜点;甜食repeat重复;重做garden花园;园子 note笔记;记录 v. 注意admire欣赏;仰慕 pal朋友;伙伴tie领带捆;束 pattern模式;方式haunted有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的physics物理;物理学ghost鬼;鬼魂 chemistry化学trick花招;把戏 partner搭档;同伴treat款待;招待v.请(客)pronounce发音spider蜘蛛 increase增加;增长Christmas圣诞节 speed速度fool蠢人;傻瓜愚蠢的ability能力;才能lie平躺;处于 brain大脑novel n.(长篇)小说 active活跃的;积极的eve前夕;前夜 attention注意;关注bookstore书店 pay attention to注意;关注dead死的;失去生命的connect连接;与??有联系business生意;商业 connect with把??和??联系起来punish处罚;惩罚 overnight一夜之间;在夜间warn警告;告诫 review回顾;复习present礼物现在的knowledge知识;学问nobody没有人 wisely明智地;聪明地warmth温暖;暖和 spread传播;展开蔓延


九年级英语词汇专项练习题 练习一 A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。 1. Little Jim is ______________ (独自的) at home when his parents got to work. 2. The earthquake in Taiwan made a lot of people ________(无家可归). 3.Summer is his favourite season because he likes ______________ (游泳). 4. Be quiet! I heard someone _________(哭) in the bush. 5.There is more and more air ________( 污染) in the big cities. B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. I know only one of the ____________ (visit), how about you? 7. It’s _________(danger) for the boys to p lay on the street. 8. It’s _______(usual) for Sandy to stay at home at weekends because she is outgoing. 9. My father was watering flowers in the garden while I _________ (read) in it. 10. When his favourite match began, he stopped ________ (play) the computer game. 练习二 1. The food is (美味的). Will you have some? 2. Teachers always (鼓励) their students to practice speaking English in class or after class. 3. He (坚持认为) he shouldn’t give seats to the mid-aged woman because she is very impolite. 4. The trucks go through the street (吵闹地) 5. When giant pandas were born, they looked like little white (老鼠) B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。


精品文档 精品文档 2018-19新人教版九年级英语 6单元单词测试 Unit 6 1. n. 鞋跟;足跟_________________ 2. n. 勺;铲子_________________ 3. n. 电;电能_________________ 4. n. 样式;款式_________________ 5. n.项目;工程_________________ 6. n. 高兴;愉快 _________________ 7. n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁_________________ 8. adj. 每日的;日常的_________________ 9. n. 网站_________________ 10. n.先锋;先驱_________________ 11. v.列表;列清单n.名单;清单_________________ 12. v. 提到;说到_________________ 13. adj. 意外的;偶然的_________________ 14.n. 统治者;支配者_________________ 15. v. 煮沸;烧开_________________ 16. v. 保持不变;剩余_________________ 17. n.气味v.发出气味;闻到______ ______ ______ 18.n. 圣人;圣徒_________________ 19. adj. 国家的;民族的_________________ 20. n.贸易;交易v.做买卖;从事贸易______________ 21. n. 受欢迎;普及_________________ 22. n. 疑惑;疑问 v. 怀疑_________________ 23. n. 冰箱_________________ 24.adj.低的;矮的_________________ 25. pron. 某人 n. 重要人物_________________ 26.v. 翻译_________________ 27.v. 锁上;锁住_________________ 28. v.使发出钟声或铃声;打电话_____ _____ _____ 29.n. 地震_________________ 30.adj. 突然(的)_________________ 31. n. 钟声;铃声_________________ 32. n. 饼干 _________________ 33. n. 曲奇饼_________________ 34. adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的_________________ 35. n. 器械;仪器;工具_________________ 36. adj. 脆的;酥脆的_________________ 37. adj. 咸的_________________ 38. adj. 酸的;有酸味的_________________ 39. n. 顾客;客户_____________ 40. adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人 _________ 41. v. 分开;分散_________________ 42.n. 篮;筐 _________________ 43. n. 英雄; 男主角 _________________ 44. adj.职业的;专业的_________________ 45. adv. 几乎;差不多 _________________ 词组 46.有道理________________________________________ 47.偶然;意外地___________________________________ 48.发生;出现_____________________________________ 49.毫无疑问;的确_________________________________ 50.突然;猛地____________________________________ 51.错误地;无意中_________________________________ 52.奥林匹克运动会 _____________________________ 53.把…分开_____________________________________ 54.不但…而且…__________________________________ 55.钦佩;仰慕____________________________________


九年级单词 Unit1 1.n. 教科书;课本 _______________ 2.n. 交谈;谈话 _______________ 3.adv. 大声地;出声地 _______________ 4.n. 发音;读音 _______________ 5.n. 句子 ______________ 6.adj. 有耐心的n. 病人 ______________ 7.n. 表达(方式);表示 _______________ 8.v. 发现;发觉 _______________ 9.n. 秘密;秘诀 _______________ 10.adj. 秘密的;保密的 ________________ 11.v. 爱上;与??相爱 _______________ 12.n. 语法 ______________ 13.v. 重复;重做 _______________ 14.n. 笔记;记录 v. 注意; _______________ 15.n. 朋友;伙伴 _______________ 16.n. 模式;方式 _______________ 17.n. 物理;物理学 _______________ 18.n. 化学 ______________ 19.n. 搭档;同伴 _______________ 20.v. 发音 ______________ 21.v. 增加;增长 _______________ 22.n. 速度 _______________ 23.n. 能力;才能 ________________ 24.n. 大脑 ______________ 25.adj. 活跃的;积极的 _______________ 26.n. 注意;关注 ______________ 27.phra. 注意;关注 _______________ 28.v.(使)连接;与??有联系 ________________ 29.phra. 把??和??连接或联系起来 ____________ 30.adv. 一夜之间;在夜间 ______________ 31.v. & n. 回顾;复习 _______________ 32.n. 知识;学问 ________________ 33.adv. 明智地;聪明地 _______________ Unit2 1.n. 灯笼 ______________ 2.n. 陌生人 ______________ 3.n. 亲属;亲戚 _______________ 4.phra. 增加(体重);发胖 _______________ 5.n. 磅(重量单位); _______________ 6.n.英镑(英国货币单位) _______________ 7.adj. 民间的;民俗的 _______________ 8.n. 女神 ______________ 9.v. 偷;窃取 _______________ 10.v. 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)____________ 11.phra. 摆开;布置 __________________ 12.n(饭)甜点;甜食 _______________ 13.n. 花园;园子 ________________ 14.v. 欣赏;仰慕 ________________ 15.n. 领带 v. 捆;束 _____________ 16.adj. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 ______________ 17.n. 鬼;鬼魂 _______________ 18.n. 花招;把戏 ______________ 19.n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请(客) ______________ 20.n. 蜘蛛 ______________ 21./n. 圣诞节 ______________ 22.n. 蠢人;傻瓜 ______________ 23.v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 _______________ 24.v. 平躺;处于 _______________ 25.n.(长篇)小说 _______________ 26.n前夕;前夜 _______________ 27.n. 书店 _______________ 28.adj. 死的;失去生命的 _______________ 29.n. 生意;商业 _______________ 30.v. 处罚;惩罚 _______________ 31.v. 警告;告诫 _______________ 32.n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的 _______________ 33.Pron. 没有人 _______________ 34.n. 温暖;暖和 ______________ 35.v. 传播;展开n. 蔓延;传播 _______________ Unit3 1.n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 _______________ 2.n. 邮票;印章 _______________ 3.n. 明信片 _______________ 4.interj.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起 ____________ 5.n. 洗手间;厕所 _______________


9A词汇练习 从方框内选出单词, 用其适当形式填空: 1.__________, John got back the notebook that he had lost at the café. 2.His ___________name is Mike. But I don’t know his family name. 3.Please tell me the ___________telephone number, I want to interview him. 4.His poor eyesight is a ________________ to him. 5.There are many kinds of dictionaries in the bookstore. I have difficulty __________ one. 6.The ___________in the bag seem bad and throw them away, please. 7.Jack is only five years and he can ____________ look after _________ now. 1.The mother looked ____________at her naughty daughter. 2.I like listening to light music. It can make me feel ____________. 3.I wonder why the ____________ on this tree have become yellow recently. 4.The dish __________by Mrs Green is very delicious. 5.This pair of shoes is too tight. Could I try a pair in __________size? Of course. Here you are. 6.My grandmother was born in the ___________ of last century. 7.To tell you the _________, my English teacher offered me some ___________ ___________on how to learn English well. Now I have made great progress in English. 1.My __________ are not in my bag. Can you help me look for them? 2.Did you have fun in the park yesterday? Yes, we enjoyed _____________. 3.I don’t think student s should be ___________ to go into the net bars. 4.The Chinese people held the Beijing Olympic Games ____________ in 2008. 5.It’s difficult for us to tell the ___________between these two words. 6.He is fond of sports now, so he is much ___________ than before. 7.Our maths teacher is also one of the __________workers in our school. 1.If you want to learn English well, from now on you’d better pay more attention to your _____. 2.Our old headmaster cared more about our ___________problems and he often told us to have ____________ with our parents and teachers. 3.Believe in ___________, Tony and Amy, and you are sure to ____________. 4.I found something important in __________newspaper. 5.D on’t worry, Kitty. With our help, you will do much _________ next time. 6.To have better results in mid-exams, from now on we have no _________ but to work harder and revise more. 7.Yesterday’s trip was really an ______________one. Most of us didn’t feel well.


2019新人教版九年级英语 1单元单词测试Unit One 1. n.教科书;课本__________________________ 2. n.交谈;谈话__________________________ 3. adv.大声地;出声地_____________________ 4. n.发音;读音 __________________________ 5. n.句子__________________________ 6. adj.有耐心的n.病人____________________ 7. n.表达(方式);表示_____________________ 8. v.发现;发觉__________________________ 9. n.秘密;adj. 秘密的______________________ 10. n.语法__________________________ 11. v.重复;重做__________________________ 12. n.笔记;记录v.注意;指出_________________ 13. n.朋友;伙伴_________________________ 14. n.物理;物理学______________________ 15. n.化学__________________________ 16. v.记忆;记住__________________________ 17. n.模式;方式__________________________ 18. v.发音__________________________ 19. v.增加;增长__________________________ 20. n.速度v.加速_______________________ 21. n.搭档;同伴__________________________ 22. v.出生adj.天生的_______________________ 23.n.能力;才能__________________________ 24. v.创造;创建__________________________ 25. n.大脑__________________________ 26. adj.活跃的;积极的______________________ 27. n.注意;关注__________________________ 28. v.(使)连接;与?有联系 ________________ 29. adv.一夜之间;在夜间___________________ 30. v. & n.回顾;复习_______________________ 31. n.知识;学问__________________________ 32. adj.终身的;毕生的______________________ 33. adv.明智地;聪明地_____________________词词组 34.查阅;抬头看__________________________ 35.天生具有__________________________ 36.注意;关注__________________________ 37.把?和?连接或联系起来____________________


人教版九年级英语单词表短语及默写版 Unit 1 1 pay attention to 注意;关注 2 connect … with 把??和??连接或联系起来 Unit 2 3 put on 增加(体重);发胖 4 lay out 摆开;布置 5 end up 最终成为;最后处于 Unit 3 6 pass by 路过;经过 7 pardon me 什么,请再说一次 Unit 4 8 from time to time 时常;有时 9 deal with 对付;应付 10 in public 公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前 11 be proud of 为??骄傲;感到自豪 12 boarding school 寄宿学校 13 in person 亲身;亲自 14 take pride in 为??感到自豪 Unit 5 15 be known for 以……闻名;为人知晓 16 no matter 不论;无论 Unit 6

17 by accident 偶然;意外地 18 take place 发生;出现 19 without doubt 毫无疑问;的确 20 all of a sudden 突然;猛地 21 by mistake 错误地;无意中 22 divide ... into 把??分开 23 look up to 钦佩;仰慕 Unit 7 24 talk back 回嘴;顶嘴 25 get in the way of 挡??的路;妨碍 26 make one’s own decision 自己做决定 27 keep…away from 避免接近;远离 Unit 8 28 not only … but also 不但??而且 Unit 9 29 in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话 30 stick to 坚持;固守 31 plenty of 大量;充足 32 shut off 关闭;停止运转 33 once in a while 偶尔地;间或 34 look up (在字典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看 35 in total 总共;合计


仁爱英语九年级上词汇练习专项测试 Unit2 topic2 I ?词汇。(10分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. Don ' t throw the r ___ in the street, we should keep the street clean. 2. First you must dig a h __ before pla nting a tree. 3. His speech is the w ___ of the three. I don ' t like it at all. 4. Tom' s mother p ____ him, because he didn ' t pass the exam. 5. When the sun r ___ , everything is bright. (B)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 6. As we know, ___ (无一人) of us likes pollution. 7.In Sweden it is against the ___ (法律) to hit a child. 8. A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only ___ (沙子). 9. ___ (虽然) we have built the Great Green Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the environment. 10. After a long journey, we felt hungry and ___ (渴的). n .完成句子。(5分) 11. 不要到处吐痰。 Don' t __________and ____ . 2. 森林有利于防止水土流失。 Forests help to keep water ____ ___ the earth away. 13. 我们应该尽一切努力保护环境。 We should do ____ ____ to protect the environment. 14. 大量良田变成荒漠,遍地是沙子。 A lot of rich land has ____ into desert, _____ only sand. 15. 温室效应使地球变暖。 ____ ____ _____makes the earth warm. Unit2 topic3 I .词汇。(10分) (A)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1 .Never _________ (放弃) studying, you ' ll succeed one day. 2. Remember to ________ (关掉)all the electricities whe n you leave the room. 3. The bus has six ________ (轮子) . 4. My shirt was ________ (干燥的,干的)after several minutes under the sun. 5. There is a _______ (深的) hole in the tree. Maybe there are some animals in it. (B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.I asked him if he would help me and he ___ (nod). 7. They had an _____ (agree)never to talk about work at home. 8.She began to explain her plan of ______ (act) to the group. 9. The new medical _____ (technology) can save more people ' s lives. 10. Do you ______(require)anything else? n .英汉互译。(5 分) 11. 你们是怎样处理塑料袋的? How do you deal with ____ __ ? 12. 均衡的饮食和有规律的运动被视为健康的必要条件。 Balanced diet and regular sports _____ ____ ____ requirements for health. 13. 当你离开教室的时候, 应该随手关灯。 You ____ ____ turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. 14. 说比做更容易。 ____ said tha n______ . 15. 行动胜于言辞。 Well, _____ speak louder tha n ____ .


初中英语词汇测试一 单词匹配 1 achieve A 提供37 competition A (正式的)会议;讨论 2 afford B 使分开,使分离38 conference B 比赛,竞赛 3 change C 弄错39 edge C 边缘 4 mistake D 改变,变化40 enemy D 表面 5 offer E 负担得起41 museum E 博物馆,博物院 6 separate F 达到,取得 (美州)印第安人 42 surface F 敌人;敌军 7 alone A 的 43 article A 文章;东西;物品;冠词 8 elder B 安静的;寂静的44 choice B 形势,情况 9 Indian C 长者;前辈45 colour C 选择;抉择 10 quiet D 丑陋的, 难看的46 once D 颜色 11 ugly E 聪明的,英明的47 situation E 演讲 12 wise F 单独的,孤独的48 speech F 一次,一度 13 single A 单一的,单个的49 capital A 手术,操作 14 active B 电的50 condition B 首都,省会;大写;资本 15 ancient C 多云的,阴天的51 conversation C 说明,须知;教导 16 cloudy D 古代的,古老的52 culture D 谈话,交谈 17 electric E 光滑的;平坦的53 instruction E 条件,状况 18 smooth F 积极的,主动的54 operation F 文化 19 awake A 提及,提到,说起55 advise A 检查;诊察 20 camera B 模型,原形;范例56 count B 进入 21 courage C 勇气,胆略57 enter C 谋杀 22 guess D 照相机;摄像机58 examine D 数,点数 23 mention E 猜59 murder E 偷,窃取 24 model F 唤醒60 steal F 忠告,劝告,建议 25 attention A 注意,关心61 chemistry A 化学 26 gesture B 姿势,手势62 company B 机器 27 gold C 组,群63 industry C 广场 28 group D 标准(的)64 international D 工业,产业 29 score E 得分,分数65 machine E 公司 30 standard F 黄金66 square F 国际的 31 aloud A 有魔力的67 absent A 缺席;不在 32 available B 愚蠢的,笨的68 accident B 臂,支架 33 immediately C 可用到的, 可利用69 advantage C 动物 34 magic D 大声地70 agreement D 事故,意外的事 35 seldom E 很少,不常71 animal E 统一,一致;协定,协议
