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21. What worries him is that ___ little money he makes can't support ____family as large as his.


B.a,the c./,a D.the, a

22. If you can spenk English well,you will have a great _____ over others while looking for a job.

A. activity




23. The population of our city has increased ______ 30%, compared with _______ of 3 years ago. A, by,that B. to, that C. with,those D. of,those

24. _______ the invention of the washing machine, people don't need to wash clothes _______

their hands.

A. With; by

B. By ;by C; With,with D.By; with

25. -We can save power by using air conditioners less.

——________turning off the computers when we do not use them is also a good way.

A. Moreover

B. However.



26. He used to travel far and ________,so he got ________on geography.

A. wide, a number of knowledge

B. wide, a great deal of knowledge

C. widely, a large number of knowledge

D. widely, a great deal of knowledge

27. We planned to meet at 9: 30 at the station last Sunday, but Jim didn't ________ until 12: 00.

A. turn up.

B. give up

C.stay up

D.grow up

28. -The manager has come back from his business trip. He's asking you for the report.

-Oh, my god! I haven't finished it yet. But he ________back at the company tomorrow.

A.will expect

B. expected

C.was expected

D. will be expected

29. -Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?-Go straight ahead, you ________miss it

A mustn't B.can't. C. needn't D. shouldn't

30. The patient was hurt so badly that he needed________ at once

A. operating

B. to operate on

C.to be operated

D. operating on

31. Rather than ________to school in a car, I preferred_____a bike.

A. to go, to ride

B. going, riding

C.going, to ride.

D. go, to ride

32. It took ________ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too

A. other than

B. more than

C. rather than.

D.less than

33.-I believe you'll regret ________to my advice.

---Then I regret ________you that I won't change my mind.

A. not listening, telling.

B. not to listen. to tell

C. not listening, to tell.

D.not to listen, telling

34. Could you tell me ________?

A what she had done with the newspaper B. how we can call this lady

C. Where the other students went to

D.what’s the matter with the little boy?

34.Tell me your experience, please. ________.

A.Actions speak louder than words

B. I'm all ears

C. The grass is always greener on the other side

D. Better late than never


In a used furniture business, unlike new, you cannot order stock from a catalogue(录). People call in, and you have to go out and make an offer.You can't 36_____ what you don''t have."my father would say.

When I was aged thirteen, my father lost his store 37_____a one-armed guy who could do more with his one arm than many will do with two. With his manager gone, my father came to me. "will you come in while I go out to 38_____ the day's calls until I flnd the 39_____ person?" he asked. The store has tens of thousands of goods.People like to bargain(价还价), he told me So don't 40 _____prices. You just have to know range(范围) He took me around.a quarter-horse motor you can sell for four dollars. For a refrigerator, depending on the 41____ you can sell for thirty-five dollars to sixty dollars. However, if it has a freezer that goes well, sell it for eighty dollars, in 42______condition maybe one hundred dollars, Dishes come in with a houseful of funiture, und I don't even figure them in when I give a pricé. You can sell them for a cent to a dollar. Something is really nice."

Every day after 43_____ would ride to the store. Soon after,I was writing up a sales slip for an attractive plate when my father walked in. I had asked a dollar and the guy did not hesitate. I was very pleased. My father glanced down at what was doing, 44_____ to the customer and said, "You sure got a bargain today. My employee gave you the 45_____ and that's the price."

Afterward, I asked my father, what was that all about?" It turned out that it was anantique(古董) plate, worth a few hundred dollars.I was 46_____ Here I was 47_____ to help my father in the business and instead I was losing money for him.

He said, "I could have 48 _____ the sales if l’ d wanted to. You were just writing up the slip and hadn't yet taken the money. Besides, by civil law, you're under 49_____ . But, a man stands by bis word and the word of his agent(代理)."

The deal cost my father a small amount of money, but I learnt a 50_____ lesson in integrity(正直)
