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96.Not only my cousin but also I can’t wait to attend the meeting.

97.The teacher advises us to look through our papers carefully before we hand them in.

98.How much did Xi Wang weigh/How heavy was.../What was the weight of...when she was born?

99. To protect wild animals in danger, we had better buy fewer fur coats.

100. The girl with smiling eyes never says a bad word about anyone.

96. 我认为游泳没有登山危险。

97. 你最好在卡片的另一面写上“教师节快乐”这句话。

98. 在我们四个人当中,她花在爱好方面时间最少。

99. 在公交车上,他乐意把座位让给需要帮助的人吗?

100. 当他们到达农场时,他们迫不及待地往篮子里装蔬菜。

96. I don’t think swimming is as dangerous as climbing.

97. Y ou’d better write the sentence “Happy Teachers’ Day” on the other side of the card.

98. Among the four of us, she spends the least time on hobbies.

99. Is he willing/ready to give his seat to people in need on the bus?

100. When they arrived at /got to/reached the farm, they couldn’t wait to fill the basket with vegetables.

96. 他通过分享他的快乐使我们快乐。


98.有了你们的支持, 我们会赢得这场比赛的。



96.He makes us happy by sharing his joy.

97.There are fewer apples in her basket than in mine./

She has fewer apples than me in the basket.

98.With your support, we will win the match.

99.You’d better read the instructions before making the card.

100.I will buy a new bike instead of repairing the old one.

96. 你花了最少的时间制作水果沙拉。

【答案】:You spent the least time making fruit salad.

【解析】:考查短语某人花费多长时间做某事sb. spend some time doing sth. 以及最高级least。

97. 不断尝试,你就会迷上DIY。

【答案】:Keep trying, and you will be crazy about DIY.

【解析】:考查祈使句以及短语对……着迷be crazy about…

98. 为什么不尽力去帮助需要帮助的人?

【答案】:Why not try your best to help people in need?

【解析】:考查句型why not do sth. 和短语try one’s best to do sth.以及in need

99. 他不但是我的老师,还是我最好的朋友。

【答案】:He is not only my teacher but also my best friend.

【解析】:考查not only…but also… 用法

100. 当有事困扰我时,我会让父母分担我的忧愁。

【答案】:When something worries me, I will share it with my parents.

【解析】:考查worry 的用法以及短语share sth with sb.

96. 当我们和朋友聊天时,时间似乎过得快些。

__________________________________________________________________________ 97. May 是一个真朋友,她从不说任何人的坏话。

__________________________________________________________________________ 98. 昨天在公园,Millie 迫不及待地拍照片。

__________________________________________________________________________99. 老师要我不要犯同样的错误了。

__________________________________________________________________________ 100. 你确定你能自己把你的房间收拾好吗?

__________________________________________________________________________ 96. Time seems to go faster when we are chatting with / chat with our friends.

It seems that time goes faster when we are chatting with /chat with our friends

97. May is a true friend. She never says a bad word about anyone/anybody.

lie couldn’t wait to take photos in the park yesterday.

99. The teacher asks/asked me not to make the same mistake .

100. Are you sure/ certain you can tidy up your room on your own / by yourself?

96. 我们学校暑假放假的天数比Tom学校少。

______________________________________________________________________________ 97. 你最好不要让门开着。

______________________________________________________________________________ 98. 孩子们迫不及待地把卡片着成粉色。

______________________________________________________________________________ 99. 她的嗓音和你的一样甜美吗?
