



1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第Ⅰ


第 I 卷 (共103分)

I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. A policewoman. B. A waitress. C. A shop assistant. D. A worker.

2. A. Disappointment. B. Disapproval. C. Sympathy. D. Passion.

3. A. At a police station. B. At a car rental house.

C. At a post office.

D. At a bank.

4. A. Go to work. B. Take a break. C. Try another problem. D. Keep doing.

5. A. The woman congratulated the wrong person.

B. The woman should get another job.

C. The woman should be more patient.

D. The woman was waiting in the wrong place.

6. A. Reading a magazine. B. Writing an article.

C. Buying clothes.

D. Preparing for a maths test.

7. A. The guest has to pay in cash. B. The fee will be added to the hotel bill.

C. The guest can pay by check.

D. It’s free to watch the hotel movie channel.

8. A. The woman will enjoy the trip. B. The woman will be exhausted after the trip.

C. The woman had better cancel the trip.

D. The woman should go to Los Angeles.

9. A. 4 pounds. B. 6 pounds. C. 8 pounds.

D. 10 pounds.

10. A. Compare notes with his classmates. B. Review the details of all his lessons.

C. Focus on the main points of his lectures.

D. Talk with her about his learning problems. Section B

Directions: In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Sending magazines to friends.

B. Sending text messages through mobile phone.

C. Sending greeting cards to friends.

D. Giving orders to children.

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

When did the applicant

leave school? 21 .

What kind of work did the applicant have in the toy factory? 22 .

Where will the applicant go if she passes the tests?

To go to 23 twice a week.

How will the woman’s salary be changed during the three-year training period?

She’ll get 24 of a hundred dollars a month.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.


How I Turned to Be Optimistic (乐观的)

I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunt’s house, and my mother said that we (25)would leave___(leave) for America soon. We were on the bus then. I was crying, and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to (26)______ I listened every morning .

little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to see. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then.

The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism, but (28)______ idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried, and things became even (29)______(complex) for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. However, my responsibilities in the family increased a lot since my English was superior (30)______ an yone else’s at home. I translated at interviews with immigration officers, and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives.

From my experiences, I believe that my life will turn out all right (31)______ ______ it is not that easy.


How Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feeling Architects have long had the feeling that the place we live in can affect our thoughts, feeling and behaviours. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical(实证的)basis. They are discovering how (32)______(design) spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused, and lead to relaxation.

Researches show aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2012, Joan Meyers-Levy reported that the height of a room’s ceiling affects (33)______ people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, (34)______(lead) them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook. Besides ceiling height, the view (35)______(afford) by a building may influence an occupant’s ability to concentrate.

Using nature to improve focus of attention

ought to pay off academically, and (36)______ seems to, according to a study. Students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students (37)______ classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots.

Recent study on room lighting design suggests that dim light helps people loosen up. (38)______ that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation.

So far public buildings (39)______(focus) on by scientists. “We have a very limited number of studies, so we are almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管),” architect David says. “How do you take answers to very specific questions and make broad use of them? That is (40)______ we are all struggling with.”

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

fines of up to £900 for breaking the traffic law to be carried out next month.

If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card, their vehicles will be clamped(扣留)until they pay —and they will face a(n) 41 fee of £80 for getting back their vehicles.

The law will also be 42 to British citizens. The fines will be described officially as “deposits” when the traffic laws take 43 , because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty. In practice, very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to deal with their cases.

Foreign drivers are rarely 44 because police cannot take action against them if they fail to appear in court. Instead, officers often 45 give warnings. Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be in a crash than British-registered vehicles. The number of crashes caused by foreign vehicles rose by 47 percent between 2008 and 2013. There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 46 injuries from accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2013.

The new law is partly 47 to settle the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits to weight and hours at the wheel. Foreign lorries are three times more likely to be in a crash than British lorries. Recent spot checks found that three quarters of lorries that failed safety tests w e r e 48 overseas.

The standard deposit for a careless driving 49 —such as driving too close to the vehicle in front or reading a map at the wheel—will be £300. Foreign drivers will not get points as 50 added to their licenses, while British drivers will.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.


In any planning system, from the simplest budgeting to the most complex corporate planning, there is an annual process. This is partly due to the fact that firms 51 their accounting on a yearly basis, but also because similar 52 often occur in the market.

Usually, the larger the firm, the longer the planning takes. But 53 , planning for next year may start nine months or more in advance, with various stages of evaluation leading to 54 of the complete plan three months before the start of the year.

Planning continues, however, throughout the year, since managers 55 progress against targets, while looking forward to the next year. What is happening now will 56 the objectives and plans for the future.

In today’s business climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to 57 , some analysts believe that long-term planning is 58 . In some markets they may be right, as long as companies can build the sort of flexibility into their operations which allows them t o 59 to any sudden changes.

Most firms, however, need to plan more than one year ahead in order to 60 their long-term goals. This may reflect the time it takes to commission (委任) and build a new production plant, or, in marketing 61 , it may be a question of how long it takes to research and launch a range of new products, and reach a certain 62 in the market. If, for example, it is going to take five years for a particular airline to become the 63 choice amongst business travellers on certain routes, the airline must plan for the various 64 involved.

Every one-year plan, therefore, must be 65 in relation to longer-term plans, and it

should contain die stages that are necessary to achieve the final goals.

51. A. make up B. carry out C. bring about D. put down

52. A. patterns B. guides C. designs

D. distributions

53. A. surprisingly B. contrarily C. equally D. typically

54. A. approval B. permission C. admiration D. objection

55. A. value B. confirm C. review

D. survey

56. A. restore B. promote C. influence

D. maintain

57. A. guess B. advocate C. recognize

D. predict

58. A. pointless B. meaningful C. realistic D. inevitable

59. A. lead B. respond C. refer

D. contribute

60. A. share B. handle C. develop

D. benefit

61. A. expressions B. descriptions C. words D. terms

62. A. reputation B. position C. situation

D. direction

63. A. reserved B. selected C. preferred

D. supposed

64. A. acts B. steps C. means

D. points

65. A. handed over B. left behind C. made out D. drawn up

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


My dad loved pennies, especially those with the elegant stalk (茎) of wheat curving around each side of the ONE CENT on the back. Those were the pennies he grew up with during the Depression.

As a kid, I would go for walks with Dad, spying coins along the way—a penny here, a dime (一角硬币) there. Whenever I picked up a penny, he’d ask, “Is it a wheat?” It always thrilled him when we found one of those special coins produced between 1909 and 1958, the year of my birth.

One gray Sunday morning in winter, not long after my father’s death in 2002, I was walking down Fifth Avenue, feeling bereft. I found myself in front of the church where Dad once worked. I was warmly shown in and led to a seat. Hearing Dad’s favorite “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, I burst into tears. We’d sung that at his funeral.

After the service, I shook the pastor’s(牧师) hand and stepped onto the side walk—and there was a penny. I bent to pick it up, turned it over, and sure enough, it was a wheat. A 1944, a year my father was serving on a ship in the South Pacific.

That started it. Suddenly wheat pennies began turning up on the sidewalks of New York everywhere. I got most of the important years: his birth year, my mom’s birth year, the year he graduated from college, the year he met my mom, the year they got married, the year my sister was born. But alas, no 1958 wheat penny—my year, the last year they were made.

The next Sunday, after the service, I was walking up Fifth Avenue and spotted a penny in the middle of a crossing. Oh, no, it was a busy street;cabs were speeding by—should I risk it? I

just had to get it.

A wheat! But the penny was worn, and I couldn’t read the date. On arriving home, I took out my glasses and took it to the light. There was my birthday!

I found 21 wheat pennies on the streets of Manhattan in the year after my father died, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

66. The writer’s father loved pennies with wheat because ________.

A. when he first saw it, he began to love it

B. when he saw the wheat, he thought of his time during the Depression

C. when he was young, he had a lot of pennies with wheat

D. when he was a child, he never got a coin with wheat

67. The underlined word “bereft” (in Para.3) means ________.

A. protested

B. disappointed

C. grieved

D. offended

68. Which of the following statements about the

author is NOT true?

A. He was born in 1958.

B. He knew the church well.

C. He once worked in a church.

D. He went to church because of his father.

69. The best title for the passage would probably be ________.

A. Pennies from Heaven

B. My father’s life story

C. My father’s hobby

D. Living in New York


Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone’s life? If yes, don’t care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you’ll ma ke it!

70. What does the underlined part mean?

A. You’ll make others’ lives more meaningful with this job.

B. Y ou’ll arrive home just in time from this job.

C. You’ll earn a good salary from this job.

D. You’ll succeed in getting this job.

71. The volunteers’ major responsibility is to help

people with learning disabilities ________. A. to get some financial support B. to properly protect themselves

C. to learn some new living skills

D. to realize their own importance

72. Which of the following can first be chosen as a


A. The one who can drive a car.

B. The one who has done similar work before.

C. The one who has patience to listen to others.

D. The one who can use English to communicate.

73. The text serves as ________.

A. a reminder to social workers

B. an advertisement for helpers

C. a document on appealing for volunteers

D. an introduction about a social care organization


There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of droughts in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50℃ are often recorded.

The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch. Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres. Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates (挥发). Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetres long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates.

If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another year, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival.

74. Which of the following is the most distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps?

A. They live a brief and tough life.

B. They feed on plant and animal organisms.

C. Their eggs can survive years of drought.

D. They lay their eggs in the mud.

75. The word “dormant” (in Para 4) most probably means ________.

A. inactive

B. strong

C. alert

D. soft

76. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. appearance and size are important factors for life to survive in the desert.

B. a species must be able to multiply quickly in order to survive in the desert.

C. for some species one life cycle in a year is enough to survive the desert drought.

D. some species develop a unique life pattern to survive in severe conditions.

77. The passage mainly deals with ________.

A. the life span of the Mojave shrimps

B. the survival of desert shrimps

C. the creatures living in the Mojave desert

D. the importance of water to life in the desert Section C

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women in America, or probably in the world.

During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,

and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by modern living conditions.

This important change in women’s life-pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left schools at the first chance, and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry younger, more married women stay at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards return to full or part-time work.

Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with the both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home in terms of the abilities and interests of each of them.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the

statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)

78. At what age did most women get married in the late nineteenth century?

79. A woman today can still take care of her

children when doing paid work in their forties because of ________.

80. Of “such changes” today, one is that many more mothers ________ after their first child is born.

81. What are the factors that cause a couple to share economic and family affairs in an equal way?

第 II 卷 (共47分)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 据我所知,他们学校的面积是我们的两倍。(size)

2. 如果你忘记通知他面试时间了该怎么办?(what if)

3. 在现代社会中,手机不仅是通讯工具,也是一种娱乐工具。(Not only…)

4. 这位经济学家在调查中发现,有些人赚得越

多,消费的欲望也更强烈。(the more …)

5. 既然选手们已投入比赛,即使结果不尽如人


II. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given in Chinese.







II Grammar and Vocabulary

25. would leave/be leaving/were leaving 26. which 27.crying 28. the

29. more complex 30. to 31. even though/if 32. to design

33. How 34. leading 35. afforded 36. it

37. whose 38. if 39.have been focused 40. what



III. Reading Comprehension

66-69 BCCA

70-73 ADBB

74-77 CADB

78. in their middle twenties

79. her age and the lightened work

80. return to full or part-time job

81. Their abilities and interests



82. As far as I know, the size of their school is twice that of ours.

83. What if you forget to inform him of the time for interview?

84.Not only are mobile phones a means of communication in modern society but also a means of entertainment.

85. The economist has found in the survey that the more some people earn, the more they want to buy.

86. Since the participants have devoted themselves to the match, you had better not find fault with the result even if is far from


上海市复兴高级中学2016学年第一学期10月月考 高三英语试卷 2016.10 II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20% Section A 10% Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. It’s estimated that 300 million people in China are studying, or have studied English. That’s an impressive number and I can’t think of any oth er country in the world (1) one quarter of the population is so dedicated to (2) (learn) a second language. But some people are questioning whether this “craze” for studying English is worthwhile. Professor Zhang Shuhua of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says that too much emphasis is placed on learning English and (3) it is a waste of education resources as well as a threat to the study of Chinese. He says that having English as a compulsory course in university “has distracted much of students’ attention (4) specialized subjects,” and that some students have been denied access to postgraduate education because they failed English. Others have admitted that studying so much English has made them (5) (poor) Chinese speakers. Both of these criticisms are legitimate, but they beg the question of why so many Chinese still want to learn English. English, they recognize, (6) (be) the lingua franca of the modern world. It is the language of business and has become the language of international relations and culture. When people from different countries get together, they frequently speak in English (7) try to translate their native languages. It seems that everyone everywhere can speak at least some English. For China to be part of that international conversation, it is necessary that some level of English proficiency (8) be achieved. But what, you may ask, about (9) who will never speak a word of English once they leave school? Well, for good or ill, they will still be surrounded by English. It is there in signs, in music, in movies and in the casual conversations they overhear of the increasing number of foreigners on the city streets. To know English is (10) (include) in the rest of the world, even if your world is limited to China. 1.where 2.learning 3 .that 4 .from 5.poorer 6 .is 7. rather than 8.should 9.those 0.to be included 解析 1.考察定语从句,先行词是the world 2.考察搭配,be dedicated to doing致力于做某事 3.考察宾语从句,此处that不可省略


二模翻译专练 【虹口区】 1、现在人们已经习惯于将坏天气与空气污染联想到一起。(associate) 2、学生们难得有机会目睹那位著名的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。(Seldom) 3、上海迪士尼乐园肯定会成为一个值得多次游览的旅游景点。(worth) 4、正是因为社会过分重视外表,不少年轻人改变了他们原有的饮食习惯。(It) 5、汤姆错过了那场公众评价很高的电影,并非因为买不到电影票,而是因为交通堵塞。(available) 【黄浦区】 1、在假期学生也能使用图书馆。(access) 2、新政策会给我们带来好处还是危害还拭目以待。(remain) 3、让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(who) 4、如果我们换个角度来看问题,也许能找到切实可行的解决办法。(who) 5、他有着如此坚强的意志,定会不遗余力,力争提前完成任务。(such...that)

1、这家超市的特色是24小时服务。(feature v.) 2、趁一切还来得及,去赞美你爱着、关心着的人吧。(before) 3、直到那位母亲确信她的儿子已安然无恙地到家,她才松一口气。(Not...until) 4、是不是正是老师的鼓励才使你下定决心去报考你心仪的大学?(强调句) 5、因为人们坚信食物对健康是至关重要的,所以好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡。(belief) 【杨浦区】 1、当你独处在外时,记得让手机保持开机状态。(keep) 2、他不顾新颁布的法律,坚持在春节期间燃放烟花。(regardless) 3、任何情况下父母都不能强迫孩子去做超出他们能力范围的事情。(circumstances) 4、正是他在一家IT公司的经历才使他在众多的申请者中脱颖引而出。(enable) 5、人工智能程序AlphaGo打败顶级职业选手的消息引起了全世界的关注。(concern)


2016虹口区高考英语二模试题 2016虹口区高考英语二模试题 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. A “Time,” says the proverb, “is money”. This means that every moment well spent may put some money into our pockets. If our time 25 ________(employ), it will either turn out some useful and important piece of work which will fetch its price in the market, or it will add to our experience and increase our capacities so as to enable us to earn money when the proper opportunity comes. Let those, 26________ think nothing of wasting time, remember this. Our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide. We are shocked 27_________ we think of death, and we spare no pains, no trouble, and no expense to preserve life. But we often care nothing about the loss of an hour or of a day, 28_______(forget) that our life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live. Our life is a brief period measuring some seventy or eighty years in all. So a day or an hour 29______(waste)is therefore so much life lost. But nearly one third of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be


2019虹口区初三英语二模 普陀区2018学年第二学期高三英语质量调研 英语试卷 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2.本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题 纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3.答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上, 在 答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. A new movie. B. A roommate. C. A new game. D. A new watch. 2. A. Researcher. B. Experimenter. C. Shop assistant. D. Makeup artist. 3. A. He agrees with the woman. B. The team performs well.


Section B Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. (C) The poet Lovelle Drachman once said, “blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.”, which is certainly true of people with wanderlust. ‘Wanderlust’ is derived from a German word meaning ‘a love of hiking’ and now used to describe the burning desire to escape the everyday and explore the unfamiliar. Wanderlust is a common, but not universal experience. What makes some people catch that travel bug while others are apparently unaffected? One theory is to do with our genes. Scientific research has identified a variant of the DRD4 gene that affects sensitivity to dopamine(多巴胺), the neuro-transmitter often released in the brain when we do something we enjoy. Actually, it’s not that the 7R version of the DRD4 specifically creates a thirst for travel, but people with the 7R variant are less sensitive to that delicious dopamine hit. So simple things that bring other people pleasure, like a jog in the park or a cheeky chocolate treat, might not cut it for them, which makes those with the 7R type of the DRD4 gene more likely to be risk takers to get increased dopamine levels. That’s way DRD4-7R has been called the wanderlust gene. Other researches have also linked the same 7R variant to far riskier behaviours, such as addiction and offensive behaviour. By comparison, the strong sudden desire to go travelling seems like the better end of the Theory of Evolution. But another theory looks at the psychology of living in our inter-connected human society, one in which we are constantly aware of what friends and social media influencers are doing and keep comparing ourselves to them in two distinct ways. Upwards social comparisons, comparing ourselves to those we see as more successful than us. And downward social comparisons, comparing ourselves to those we see as worse off than us. In the age of social media, it’s very easy to compare ourselves unfavourably with the idealized version. How can we compete with influencers, with their


V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 用过的人大都说这种钢笔书写流利。(write) 73. 最近十年形形色色的社交软件接二连三地开发了出来。(see) 74. 他现在退休已经七、八年了,可他总是闲不住,还在积极参加社会公益活动。(It) 75. 在室内养一些心仪的绿植既有助于人们放松心情,缓解压力,又能净化空气,可谓居家必备。(which) Keys: 72. Most of the people who have used it/ this kind of pen say this kind of pen / it writes fluently / smoothly. 73. The last / past / recent ten years have / decade has been the continuous development of all kinds of social software / social software of all kinds. 74. It is / has been seven or eight years since he retired (from work), but he is / has been still / always (keeping himself) busy. (and) actively participating in / taking an active part in social welfare activities / public benefit activities. 75. Raising / Growing / Cultivating some favourite green plants indoors/ in the room can not only help people get relaxed / to relax (mood / themselves), and relieve pressure, but also can / but can also purify the air, which is / can be described as / which is said to be a must at home.


绝密★启用前 上海市普陀区2021届高三英语二模试题 注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、短对话 1. A.In a hospital. B.In a bank. C.In a hotel. D.In a supermarket. 2. A.$8. B.$12. C.$40. D.$80. 3. A.A local artist. B.The man’s salary.C.An apartment to lend. D.A flat for sale. 4. A.Work at a restaurant. B.Quit delivering flowers. C.Bring her flowers every day. D.Leave his job to work for her. 5. A.Giving lectures. B.Preparing class notes. C.Conducting research. D.Doing office work. 6. A.She doesn't agree with the man. B.She is good at finding a place to stay. C.She could hardly find the truth. D.She had no travel experience in Britain. 7. A.The man is planning a trip to Santa Cruz. B.The man has been to Santa Cruz before. C.The man doesn’t like Santa Cruz. D.The man hasn’t been to Santa Cruz before. 8. A.Promising. B.Isolated. C.Crowded. D.Modern. 9.


徐汇区2016年高三年级第二学期学习能力诊断卷 高三英语试卷2016.4 考生注意: 1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。 2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷和第II卷,全卷共11页。所有答题必须涂(选 择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写某某号和某某。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening prehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. At a restaurant.B. At the cinema. C. At the airport. D. Atthe laundry. 2.A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.D. Friday. 3.A. Take a walk.B. Clean the backyard. C. Fill in some forms. D. Enjoy the beautiful day. 4.A. She has every confidence in Susan. B. She is a little bit surprised at the news. C. She has not read the news on the Net. D. She is not as bright and diligent as Susan. 5.A. He is a very successful businessman. B. He has changed his business strategy. C. He is making plans to expand his operation. D. He was twenty when he left the pany. 6.A. To prevent the woman from going there.B. To make the man’s mother happy. C. To make the woman feel sorry. D. To help controlthe conversation. 7.A. He did not attend today’s class either.B. His notes are not easy to read. C. Nobody has seen his handwriting before. D. He is very pleased to be able to help. 8.A. Mike is a person difficult to deal with.B. Mike dislikes any formal gathering. C. Mike is unwilling to speak in public. D. Mike often keeps his distance from others. 9.A. It is the first time they have been on a trip.B. They feel tired about travelling everywhere. C. They don’t have to worry about the time. D. They have to travel by schedules now. 10.A. He is anxious to find a cure for his high blood pressure. B. He doesn’t think high blood pressure is a problem for him. C. He did not take the symptoms of his illness seriously. D. He was not aware of his illness until diagnosed with it. 1 / 14


虹口区2016学年度第一学期期终教学质量监控测试 高三英语试卷2016.1 第 I 卷 (共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a library. B. In a theater. C. In a cinema. D. In a classroom. 2. A. 40 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 20 dollars. D. 10 dollars. 3. A. Doctor and nurse. B. Cashier and customer. C. Dentist and patient. D. Conductor and passenger. 4. A. The weather was miserable all day. B. The trip was really a hard one. C. They had a wet and cold trip. D. They were not caught in the rain. 5. A. She is popular with children. B. She has always been popular. C. She had a surprising party. D. She was surprised at the party. 6. A. Engineering. B. Business. C. Education. D. Manufacturing. 7. A. He needs some change. B. He seldom counts his money. C. He doesn’t have that much cash. D. He owes the woman twenty dollars. 8. A. Jack is clever. B. Tom is reliable. C. Tom is honest. D. Jack is dependable. 9. A. Heavy jackets are now on sale. B. She is waiting for winter to arrive. C. It’s hard to get a heavy jacket. D. She needs a warm jacket. 10. A. He will continue his work on vacation. B. Papers piled while he was on vacation. C. He has too much work to do. D. He has made his vacation plans. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. Last night. B. At the age of 20. C. At the age of 9. D. A couple of weeks ago. 12. A. Because she liked it at their age. B. Because it was a story about animals. C. Because it was a fun story. D. Because it was a Disney film. 13. A. Romeo and Juliet. B. A love story between two dogs.

上海虹口区2016-2020年五年高考二模英语试题汇编 选词填空专题 含答案

上海虹口区 2016-2020年五年高考二模英语试题汇编-选词填空专题 2020届上海市虹口区高考二模英语试题 Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. An Effective Approach to Depressive Disorder No one can be happy and cheerful forever. So it’s important they see a mental-health ___11___ who can provide effective options for treatment when someone has clinical depression known as the state of feeling very sad, anxious and without hope. But there’s also a condition known as subthreshold depression in which someone ___12___ some symptoms of depressive disorder, but not enough for a clinical diagnosis. It’s estimated that between 10% and 24% of the population has this kind of mild depression at some point in their lives. And for those people, a new study suggests that practicing thinking ___13___ in silence may help improve their mood and reduce their risk of developing depression. The study, published in the Annals of Family Medicine, ___14___ yet another reason why deep thinking may be good for both physical and mental health. The study included 231 Chinese adults with subthreshold depression, meaning their ___15___ between five and nine out of a total of 27 points on a standard depression ___16___. Half received mindfulness training two hours a week for eight weeks, while the other half continued to receive their usual medical care. During the mindfulness training, participants were instructed on setting short-and long-term goals; ___17___ their activity and mood; planning out their activities; and body scanning. They were asked to practice them at home at least six days a week. These techniques combine traditional deep thinking with ___18___ activation, a type of therapy that uses


II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions:Read the following two passages. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct. (A) Accidents happen almost everywhere every day. Some accidents are not serious and some really are. We read about such accidents nearly every day in the newspapers. And people usually think that accidents take place only on the roads or highways until they (25) ______ come across accidents in their homes or even at work places. As a matter of fact, home accidents are just as common as those we see and hear on the roads, some of (26) ______ cause even much more serious consequences. Because very few home accidents are reported, people come to think that there are few accidents that happen in homes. There (27) ______ (be) many serious cases where people fall to their deaths from high-rise flats so far. In most cases, children and women often fall over while (28) ______ (step) down the stairs. Old people may slip on wet floors, getting badly hurt or even killed, if they are not careful. Nowadays there are a lot of modern electrical appliances at home (29) ______ ______ rice cookers, micro waves and washing machines, which make life easy for the modern housewives. These appliances can kill people (30) ______they are used in the proper way. Gas stoves used for cooking are also dangerous if they are not properly used. They may cause burns or, in more serious cases, even fires. But all such accidents (31) ______ be stopped if we are careful and follow simple rules of safety. For example, it is unwise for people to try repairing their own electrical appliances if they do not know how to repair them. Therefore, it is safer and more reliable (32) ______people get them repaired by an electrician. (B) A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106 foreign students. It shows that nearly all these students considered (33) ______ (understand) spoken English, especially in the first few weeks, to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking or communicating. Writing then increased as a big problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they (34) ______ (expect) to hand in. And at the same time, reading remained as a significant problem. The information (35) ______ (gain) helped us in determining where special attention should be paid to in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation, we considered it important to note (36) ______ seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching or teacher-centered English learning in their own country. It would be self-defeating (37) ______ (use) the same method, especially if it has failed in the past or it is too complicated to follow or imitate, (38) ______ it might reduce motivation and interest. Therefore a different method may help because it is different. (39) ______ variety of activities was also regarded as a way of maintaining or increasing motivation and interest. Several years ago we had the first timetable that operated throughout the course of English learning, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about half-way through
