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Unit 2 Food, glorious food!

I.Time Allotment

6 periods

II.Teaching Objectives and Requirements

1.Develop the Ss’ awareness of involving of talking about Western-style cuisine

and their table manners;

2.Ask Ss to remember useful words and expressions;

3.Strengthen Ss’ ability to listen for the specific information;

4.Provide Ss some information about how to hold an informal discussion. III.Teaching Procedures

i.Starting points

Teaching tips

The activity can be done very quickly if the steps are explained to Ss clearly and the T gives them time limit to do the steps.

ii.Inside View

Conversation 1

Activity 2 Alternative activity

1.Play Conversation 1 for Ss to familiarize themselves with it.

2.Choose several Ss to describe the restaurant briefly, for example, the room of the

other diners.

3.Put Ss in groups of three and give each student a task: Student A reports the names

of t he dishes mentioned; Student B reports the ingredients of each named dish;

and Student C reports what dishes Janet has asked about.

4.Play Conversation 1 again.

5.Ask Ss to discuss and answer the questions together.

Activity 3 Teaching tips

Encourage Ss to answer the questions in full sentences first and then fill in the blanks.

Additional activity

1.Ask S to form groups of four and do a role-play using the completed table;

Student A is the interviewer, Student B is Janet, Student C is Kate and Student D is Mark.

2.Student A asks the Qs and Student B, C and D explain the dishes.

3.Choose one group to perform their role-play in front of the class. Conversation 2

Activity 6 Additional activity

1.Put Ss back in to their groups of four.

2.Ask Ss to read through the conversation, aiming for greater fluency.

3.Student A is Janet, Student B is Mark, Student C is Kate and Student D is the


Talking points

Additional activity

Challenge Ss to summarize the contrasts between Britain and China without looking at their notes.

iii.Outside view

Language and culture

A Creole is someone with European and African ancestors who live in the West Indies. The term also refers to someone with Spanish ancestors who live in the Caribbean, Central America or South America.

Creole is also the name of a language that is mixture of a European language and one or more other languages. It is spoken as the first language of a people.

The specific example in the video is the French Creole people of Louisiana who are generally descended from three heritages: early French settlers, African Americans and Native Americans. Many Creoles speak a variety of French, besides English. iv.Listening in

Passage 1

Activity 3 Teaching tips

Ask Ss to check their answers by reading the complete transcripts to each other. Encourage fluent and meaningful reading.

Passage 2

Activity 6 Teaching tips

Ask Ss to pay attention to the details while listening. The most important information is spoken with stress..

Activity 8 Teaching tips

For Q1, ask Ss to work in pairs: Student A expresses opinions which agree with the questions, while Student B disagrees. Encourage Ss to use the content of the unit and their own experiences. Ask Ss to switch roles for the question.

v.Presentation skills

Language support

Some basic English terms for some Chinese dishes which would be known by westerners:

Chinese fried rice (炒饭);stir-fried vegetables(炒青菜); fried noodles (炒面); hand-pulled / hand-stretched noodles(拉面); vermicelli(粉丝); dim sum(点心); spring rolls (春卷); steamed meat / vegetable buns (肉、菜包); fried / steamed
