



1、在Word 2010中能将文档保存成扩展名为ABC的文件。

A.docx B. txt C. dot D. wps

2、在Word 2010中,下面关于“页眉页脚”的几种说法,正确的是:ABC A.页眉和页脚是打印在文档每页顶部和底部的描述性内容




3、在Word 2010的标尺栏上可以实现的功能是:ABCE

A.设定制表位 B. 改变段落的缩进 C. 改变左右页边框

D.设定编辑窗口拆分 E. 改变表格列宽F. 制作表格

4、在word2010文档窗口中,若选定的文本块中包含有几种字体的汉字,则格式工具栏的字体框中显示 A

A.空白 B. 第一个汉字的字体

C. 系统缺省字体:宋体

D. 文本块中使用最多的文字字体



B.Word 2010编辑状态中,要把两个相邻的段落文字合并为一段,应进行的操作是将插入点移到前一段的段尾,按Delete键C.在Word 2010文本中,一次只能定义唯一一个连续的文本块

D.在用Word 2010编辑文本时,若要删除文本区中某段文本的内容,可先选取该段文本,再按Delete键

6、Word 2010具有分栏功能,下列关于分栏的说法不正确的是ABD

A. 最多可以分4栏

B. 各栏的宽度必须相同

C. 各栏的宽度可以不同

D. 各栏间的间距是固定的


1、在Word 2010中,当需要对文档的某一


2、Word 2010文档文件的扩展名默认为

docx 。

3、在Word 2010中,给已有文字加下划线,






档的最快方法是Alt+F4 。






10、Word2010 有5种文字对齐方式,他们




1. Excel 2010工作簿默认的扩展名为


A. docx

B. xlsx

C. dot

D. xlt

2. Excel 2010复制单元格数据的快捷键为


A. Ctrl+X

B. Ctrl+V

C. Ctrl+Y

D. Ctrl+C

3. 在Excel 2010公式运算中,如果要引用第6行的绝对地址,第D列的相对地址,则应为___B___。

A. 6D

B. D$6

C. $6$D

D. $D6

4. 对Excel 2010工作表中区域A2:A6进行


A. SUM (A2:A6)

B. A2+A3+A4+A5+A6

C. =SUM (A2:A6)

D. =SUM(A2,A6)

5. Excel 2010工作表中,___C____是单元格的混合引用。

A. B10

B. $B$10

C. B$10

D. 以上都不是

6. Excel 2010单元格的地址是由___A___来


A. 列标和行号

B. 行号

C. 列标

D. 任意确定

7. Excel 2010选定不连续单元格区域的方法是,选定一个单元格区域,按住___B__键的同时选定其他单元格或单元格区域。

A. Shift键

B. Ctrl键

C. Alt键

D. 任意键

8. Excel 2010行号是以____B____排列的。

A. 英文字母序列

B. 阿拉伯数字

C. 汉语拼音

D. 任意确定

9. Excel 2010单元格中输入公式必须以


A. 等号


C. 加号

D. 单元格地址

10. Excel 2010中如果某单元格显示为若干个“#”号(如########),这表示___D___。

A. 公式错误

B. 数据错误

C. 行高

不够 D. 列宽不够


1. 向Excel 2010工作表任一单元输入内容后,都必须确认才认可。确认的方法有:BCDE


2. 在EXCEL2010中,下列公式正确的有ABCDE。

A.=SUM(A1:D5) B.=SUM(D1:H4, F2)



E.=COUNTIF(C2:C10, "中文")


1.要对Excel 2010工作簿的某个工作表进



2.Excel 2010可进行非当前工作表单元格



选定的单元格中输入Sheet4!B6:B8。3.当Excel 2010进入编辑状态时,编辑栏


4.在Excel 2010单元格中输入的数据有两

种类型,一种常量,可以是数值或文字,另一种是以“=”开头的公式。5.清除Excel 2010单元格时,有下列选项:全部、格式、内容、批注和超链接。6.Excel 2010公式“=A1+A4+B5”,用绝

对地址表示为=$A$1+$A$4+$B$5。7.Excel 2010的运算符优先级从高到低顺


符,同级运算符按从左到右的顺序运算,可以通过添加括号改变运算顺序。8.Excel 2010中进行数据填充时,只有当鼠标移动到单元格粗线框右下角的


9.在Excel 2010中,单元格地址有3种引用方式,它们是相对引用和绝对引用或


10.在Excel 2010中,计算A1~B5、D1~E5这20个单元格中数据的平均值,并填入A6单元格中应输入



=IF(AND(A1="XYZ", B1<100), B1+10,





1. 在幻灯片放映时,用户可以利用绘图笔在幻灯片上写字或画画,这些内容_D__。A. 自动保存在演示文稿中 B. 不可保存在演示文稿中

C. 在本次演示中不可擦除

D. 在本次演示中可以擦除

2. PowerPoint 2010中可以对幻灯片进行移动、删除、添加、复制,但不能编辑幻灯片中具体内容的视图是_B__。

A. 普通视图

B. 幻灯片浏览视图

C. 幻灯片放映视图

D. 大纲视图

3. Powerpoint 2010文档默认的扩展名为


A. .pptx

B. ppt

C. .potx

D. .ppsx


1.PowerPoint 2010为演示文稿提供的几种母版是( ACD )

A.幻灯片母版 B.批注母版C.讲义母版 D.备注母版

2.可以为PowerPoint 2010中的动作按钮设置以下动作(ACDE)

A.链接到下一张幻灯片 B.改变当前放映类型

C.结束放映 D.运行计算器程序calc.exe


3.在PowerPoint 2010中,用户可以利用“动画”选项卡的各命令项,为

(ABCD)设置动画效果。A.文本 B.图形 C.表格 D.图表

4.PowerPoint 2010有多种视图方式,以下(ABCDFG)是PowerPoint 2010提供的视图。

A.幻灯片视图 B.普通视图C.幻灯片浏览视图 D.大纲视图E.页面视图 F.备注页视图G.幻灯片放映视图 H.联机版式视图5.在PowerPoint 2010中,以下叙述正确的有(BC)。





6.在PowerPoint 2010中,采用“另存为”命令,可以将文件保存为(BCD)。A.文本文件(*.txt) B.Windows


C.大纲/RTF文件(*.rtf) D.PowerPoint 2010放映(*.ppsx)



2.PowerPoint 2010的普通视图可同时显示幻灯片、大纲和_备注_,而这些视图所在的窗格都可调整大小,以便可以看到所有的内容。


4.在PowerPoint 2010中,幻灯片的切换是指从一张幻灯片变换到另一张幻灯片的过程,可以在幻灯片视图或



Unit 1 Listening skills (1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1BDBCA Task 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6 Task 3 1. In order to gain admission to a study course. 2.To corner him. 3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult. 4.He was jolted / shocked. 5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question. Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leave Let’s talk Further listening and speaking Task 1 1.new and different 2.on his own 3.a bit confused4.talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT 第一单元Unit test Part I BDCDB

Part II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What about Part III DBCAC Part IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBD Unit 2 Lead in task 1 baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skills DACBD Listening in Task 1 DBCDA Task 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different (5)tastes and needs (6)careful Task 3 went golfing together. 2. He was giving him tips. 3. On Hole 8. 4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started. 5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time. Task 4 Department 6. exercise opportunity Let’s talk Jack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6 Further listening and speaking Task 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 FTTFT


Unit1 Text A Reading Comprehension 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B Language Focus V ocabulary Ⅰ 1.realize 2.challenges 3.flow 4.involve 5.arrival https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,munication 7.fortunate 8.desire 9.ensure 10.culture Ⅱ 1.in order to 2.make sense 3.at least 4.fall in love 5.is essential for 6.as well as 7.started with 8.in addition Ⅲ. 1.at 2.at 3.with 4.in 5.of 6.up 7.from 8.in 9.at

10.with Structure 1.This log is twice as heavy as that one. 2.Their house is about three times as big as ours. 3.The red box is four times as light as the yellow one. 4.Father is three times as old as his daughter. 5.Mary weights twice as much as Ann. Translation 1.学习者热爱目标语文化,他的语言学习将会更成功。 2.直到现在,我还是很难理解为什么所有的一切注定发生。 3.一旦感情受到伤害便很难恢复,无论你做出多么大的努力。 4.只要你还没有失去奶牛,你泼了多少牛奶都是无所谓的。 5.学习者说的越多,提高的越快。 Grammar Focus Exercises 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. D 10.D Word Power Practice Ⅰ 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5.B Ⅱ 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B


一、选择题 1._____________是现代通用计算机的雏形。 A. 宾州大学于1946年2月研制成功的ENIAC B.查尔斯?巴贝奇于1834年设计的分析机 C.冯?诺依曼和他的同事们研制的EDV AC D.艾伦?图灵建立的图灵机模型 2.计算机科学的奠基人是_____________。 A.查尔斯?巴贝奇B.图灵C.阿塔诺索夫D.冯,诺依曼 3.物理器件采用晶体管的计算机被称为_____________。 A.第一代计算机B.第二代计算机 C.第三代计算机D.第四代计算机 4.目前,被人们称为3C的技术是指_____________。 A. 通信技术、计算机技术和控制技术 B.微电子技术、通信技术和计算机技术 C.微电子技术、光电子技术和计算机技术 D.信息基础技术、信息系统技术和信息应用技术 5.下列不属于信息系统技术的是_____________。 A. 现代信息存储技术B.信息传输技术 C.信息获取技术D.微电子技术 6.在下列关于信息技术的说法中,错误的是_____________ 。 A.微电子技术是信息技术的基础 B.计算机技术是现代信息技术的核心 C.光电子技术是继微电子技术之后近30年来迅猛发展的综合性高新技术 D.信息传输技术主要是指计算机技术和网络技术 7.在电子商务中,企业与消费者之间的交易称为_____________。 A.B2B B.B2C C.C2C D.C2B 8.计算机最早的应用领域是_____________。 A.科学计算B.数据处理C.过程控制D.CAD/CAM/CIMS 9.计算机辅助制造的简称是_____________。 A.CAD B.CAM C.CAE D.CBE 10.CBE是目前发展迅速的应用领域之一,其含义是_____________。 A.计算机辅助设计B.计算机辅助教育 C.计算机辅助工程D.计算机辅助制造 11.第一款商用计算机是_____________计算机。 A.ENIAC B.EDV AC C.MARK I D.UNIV AC 二、填充题 1.图灵在计算机科学方面的主要贡献是建立图灵机模型和提出了_____________ 。 2.最近的研究表明,电子计算机的雏形应该是由阿塔诺索夫和他的研究生在1941年 制作成功的_____________计算机。 3.以“存储程序”的概念为基础的各类计算机统称为_____________。 4.第一款商用计算机是1951年开始生产的_____________计算机。 5.第一代电子计算机采用的物理器件是_____________。 6.大规模集成电路的英文简称是_____________。 7.未来计算机将朝着微型化、巨型化、_____________和智能化方向发展。


视听说教程1参考答案 ——第三四单元 第三单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1)living in London (2)how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2 (1)Living (2)Much (3)interesting places (4)Something (5)feel about Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 4 1.(1) exciting (2) amazing concert (3)incredible 2. the theater/the theatre 3. (1) the best place (2) different

(3) compared to 4. play football 5. (1) interesting things (2) the best thing (3) tickets (4) culture Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia (2) Outback (3) go further (4)frightened (5) Don't move (6) the dogs (7) frightening Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Keys: 2, 4 Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 biggest island nervous women 1500 money overwhelmed Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It is there leave a message call speak、moment、ring、number、this、picking up Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Row


新视野大学英语视听说教程1答案Unit1 II. Listening Skills Listening for Names 1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,ura Tish Hill 5. Anthony McDonald III. Listening In 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A Task 1: Enrolling Task 2: Living on Campus 1. She thinks it’s easy to make friends. 2. It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities. 3. It’s near the shopping center. 4. They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home. 5. It seems all the same every day. Task 3: Learning to speak English 1.formal 2.formally 3.casual https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,mon 5.native 6.relaxed 7.friendly Task 4: An Announcement 1.attention 2.closing 3.five 4.checkouts 5.leave V. Let’s Talk Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition Source Michael Travel and tourism To work for a travel agency Working his way through school Jane Computer science


上外综合教程第三册第一单元练习答案 Integrated Course Book 3 Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) On balance 2) resist 3) haul 4) wicked 5) illustrated 6) budget 7) lowering 8) boundary 9) involved 10) economic 11) blasting 12) just about 2. 1) cut back / down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5) face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up 3. 1) While farming, Benneker pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy. 2) Misused words often generate misleading thoughts. 3) We attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work. 4) A person who thinks that money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. 5) A person surely has to face a good many bitter disappointments before he gets through life. 4. 1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in 2) device, the improvement, on a global scale 3) stacked, temptation, never dined out II. Confusable Words 1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household 2. 1) doubt 2) suspected 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect III. Word Formation 1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search Comprehensive Exercises Cloze I. 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. improvements 5. aside from 6. suspect 7. supplement 8. profit 9. stacking II. 1. replaced 2. consider 3. quit 4. world 5. tough 6. fuels 7. provide 8. luxuries 9. balance 10. ideal Sentence Translation 1.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.


全新版大学英语视听说教程1 学生用书答案 知乎(答主纯手工打字,有错误请小可爱们多包涵,有错误欢迎指出) U1 Listening A: 1、Answers will vary. (e.g. He is picking an asparagus plant; he is a farmer.) 2、Answers will vary. (e.g. Some people have too much rain; other people do not have enough water. 3、Answers will vary. C: 1、crucial 2、resources 3、huge 4、on average 5、conserve 6、requires 7、cut 8、leak 9、wastes 10、statistics D: 1、C 2、BC 3、B E: 1、70 2 2、7.5 billion 3、9 billion 4、1,799 5、3,000 13 F: 1、water brush your teeth 2、shorter showers 3、meat 4、leaky faucets Extended Listening Exercise A: 1、C 2、B 3、D 4、C Exercise B: S2: 6、20、25、80 S3:put off、dripping、leaky、leave、brushing your teeth、shorter showers、laundry Exercise C: 1、C 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A Exercise D: wasteful a、leave the lights on b、drink half of it c、go bad Exercise E: 3 2 1 4 Exercise F: 1、D 2、B 3、A Exercise G: 1、36 2、140,000 3、15.4 3 17 Exercise H: 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、C Exercise I: 1、agreement world greenhouse emissions 2、February 2005 3、air conditioning jackets and


Unit 3 Active Reading 1 Reading and understanding 3 Choose the best answer to the questions. 1 (b) 2 (c) 3(c) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (c) Dealing with unfamiliar words 4 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to move your body so it is closer to or further from someone or something (lean) 2 a total amount made by adding several numbers or amounts together (sum) 3 the ability to think about and plan for the future, using intelligence and imagination (vision) 4 used for emphasizing that something refers to one specific situation (particularly) 5 a feeling that you do not trust someone or something (suspicion) 6 to press or move your hands or an object over a surface (rub) 5 Answer the questions about the words and expressions in the box. 1 If you are doing an advanced course in something, is it at (a) a high level, or (b) a low level? 2 If you peer at something, is it (a) difficult, or (b) easy to see? 3 If you get a glimpse of something, do you see it (a) clearly and for a long time, or (b) not very clearly and for a short time? 4 Is a radical idea (a) traditional and widely accepted, or (b) new and different? (This word indicates some fundamental changes in ideas or actions.) 5 If you are in agony about something, do you feel (a) in pain and uncomfortable, or (b) happy and comfortable? 6 If you do something in the presence of someone, are they (a) with you, or (b) somewhere else? 7 If someone affirmed something, did they (a) show they respect and approve of it, or (b) not respect or disapprove of it? 8 If you do something on purpose, do you (a) mean to do it, or (b) do it by


超星2018大学计算机基础答案 (修正版) 电子计算机的诞生 1物理器件采用晶体管的计算机称为第()代计算机。A、一 B、二C、三D、四正确答案:B 2时至今日,计算机仍采用存储程序原理,原理的提出者是()。 A、莫尔 B、冯.诺依曼 C、比尔.盖茨 D、图灵 正确答案:B 3计算机科学的奠基人是()。A、查尔斯.巴贝奇B、莫奇利和埃克特 C、阿兰.图灵D、冯.诺依曼 正确答案:C 4世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于()年。A、1939 B、1946 C、1952 D、 1958 正确答案:B 5计算机的发展经历了 4个时代,各个时代划分的原则是根据()。

A、计算机所采用的电子器件 B、计算机的运算速度 C、程序设计语言 D、计算机的存储量 正确答案:A 6 ()是现代计算机的雏形。 A、查尔斯.巴贝奇于1834年设计的分析机 B、宾夕法尼亚大学于 1946 年2月研制的ENIAC C、冯.诺依曼小组研制的 EDVAC D、阿兰.图灵建立的图灵机模型 正确答案:A 计算机系统的发展 1下列()是衡量微处理器的主要指标。A、主频B、字长C、速度D、工 艺正确答案:A , C 2计算机系统的发展趋势不包括()。A、巨型化B、微型化C、智能化D、复合化正确答案:D 3将CPU集成在一块芯片上所形成的元器件称为()A、微处理器B、ROM C、CMOS D、Cache 正确答案:A 4下列()不属于输入设备。 A、扫描仪B、键盘C、硬盘D、体感设备正确答案:C 5负责解释和执行程序的部件称为()。A、内存B、中央处理单元C、输入设备D、输出设备正确答案:B 6下面对计算机特点的说法中,不正确的是()。A、运算速度快B、计算精度高C、具有逻辑判断能力 D、随着计算机硬件设备及软件的不断发展和提高[其价格也越来越高正确答案:D


大学计算机基础模拟题 一、单选题 1、完整的计算机系统由(C)组成。 A、运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备 B、主机和外部设备 C、硬件系统和软件系统 D、主机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机 2、以下软件中,(D)不是操作系统软件。 A、Windowsxp B、unix C、linux D、microsoft office 3、用一个字节最多能编出(D)不同的码。 A. 8个 B. 16个 C. 128个 D. 256个 4、任何程序都必须加载到(C)中才能被CPU执行。 A. 磁盘 B. 硬盘 C. 内存 D. 外存 5、下列设备中,属于输出设备的是(A)。 A、显示器 B、键盘 C、鼠标 D、手字板 6、计算机信息计量单位中的K代表(B)。 A. 102 B. 210 C. 103 D. 28 7、RAM代表的是(C)。

A. 只读存储器 B. 高速缓存器 C. 随机存储器 D. 软盘存储器 8、组成计算机的CPU的两大部件是(A)。 A、运算器和控制器 B. 控制器和寄存器 C、运算器和内存 D. 控制器和内存 9、在描述信息传输中bps表示的是(D)。 A、每秒传输的字节数 B、每秒传输的指令数 C、每秒传输的字数 D、每秒传输的位数 10、微型计算机的内存容量主要指(A )的容量。 A.RAM B.ROM C.CMOS D.Cache 11、十进制数27对应的二进制数为( D )。 A.1011 B. 1100 C. 10111 D. 11011 12、Windows的目录结构采用的是(A)。 A、树形结构 B、线形结构 C、层次结构 D、网状结构 13、将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到(D)。 A、桌面上 B、“我的文档”中 C、内存中 D、被删除的位置


21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程1 Unit 1 Part A Section A Ⅱ 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B Section B Ⅰ 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T Ⅱ 1.textbooks 2.list 3.bookstore 4.library 5.sell 6.Really 7.entrance 8.pay 9.meet https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,ter Ⅲ 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A Part B Section A Ⅱ 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F Section B Ⅱ 1.1701 2.undergraduates 3.winner 4.senior 5.same 6.remained 7.explain 8.hearts 9.conversation 10.chose Section C Ⅱ 1.marks 2.introduction 3.goals 4.assist 5.perform 6.quickly 7.guide 8.receive 9.international 10.arrival Ⅲ 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D Part C Ⅰ 1.what to eat 2.very likely 3.need to think about 4.Once in college 6.I see Part D Section A

Ⅰ 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B Ⅱ 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A Ⅲ 13.D 14.D 15.C Section B Ⅰ 16.C 17.D 18.B Ⅱ 19.C 20.A 21.B Ⅲ 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.B Section C Ⅰ 26.cultures 27.contacts 28.key pals 29.consideration 30.sites 31.research 32.nick 33.identity 34.never give your personal information to anyone 35.Tell your teachers,parents or classmates if problems arise 36.Ask appropriate questions that will also help you learn about other cultures Unit 2 Part A Section A Ⅱ 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D Section B Ⅰ 1.health 2.missing 3.soul 4.balance 5.journey 6.caring 7.views 8.firm 9.person 10.burning Ⅱ 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B Ⅲ 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F Part B Section A Ⅱ 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F Section B Ⅱ 1.couple 2.battle 3.recent 4.ocean 5.trip 6.superstars 7.prefer 8.realistic 9.Regardless 10.theater Section C Ⅱ 1.concern 2.scared 3.interrupt 4.assure 5.sight 6.stuck 7.move 8.trouble Ⅲ 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.E 5.B Part C Ⅰ 1.drawing 2.a much 3.a love letter 4.not much of a writer 5.Why not propose


第一册1234 第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher

(2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1 a small town Q 2 1993 Q 3 2008 Q 4 2003 Q 5 7/seven


1.The Eiffel Tower is such a distinctive of Paris that the two have become synonymous. Your answer Correct answer feature feature 2.I couldn't stop reading his new best-seller since I was so in the characters. Your answer Correct answer engaged engaged 3.I hope for your that you're not planning to make a surprise visit. Your answer Correct answer sake sake 4.Did you really just make a(n) between school and war? Your answer Correct answer analogy analogy 5.Please don't the truth—you made your decision and now you have to live with it. Your answer Correct answer distort distort 6.Settle down and stop being so ; the world is not going to end. Your answer Correct answer theatrical theatrical 7.It must've taken a lot of courage to independence like


判断题 1.第一代计算机的主要特征是采用晶体管作为计算机的逻辑元件。(×) 2.第二代计算机的主要特征是采用电子管作为计算机的逻辑元件。(×) 3.美国Intel公司推出的第一个微处理器芯片是Intel 8086。(×) 4.以Intel 4004为核心的电子计算机就是微型计算机,简称为微机。(√) 5.对量子计算机的研究,主要目的是解决经典计算机中的存储容量问题。(×) 6.计算机的处理能力主要由两个方面来决定:一是计算机部件的运算速度,二是部件排列的紧密程度。(√) 7.?诺依曼计算机的基本工作过程是在控制器的控制下,计算机自动地从存中取指令、分析指令再执行该指令,接着取下一条指令,周而复始地工作。(√)8.第一台具有“存储程序”思想的计算机是1946年诞生的,其名称为ENIAC。(×) 9.未来计算机可能朝着量子计算机、光子计算机和生物计算机等方向发展。(√) 10.一个完整的计算机系统由硬件系统和软件系统两部分组成。(√) 11.软件逐步硬件化是计算机的发展趋势。(√) 12.当代计算机基本属于?诺依曼体系结构。(√) 13.第三代计算机的主要特征是采用集成电路作为计算机的逻辑元件。(√) 14.第四代计算机的主要特征是采用大规模集成电路作为计算机的逻辑元件。(√) 15.总线是连接计算机外部设备的一组私有的信息通路。(×) 16.第一台PC机是由IBM公司推出的。(√) 17.按照目前计算机市场的分布情况来分,计算机可以分为大型计算机、微型计算机、嵌入式系统等。(√) 18.一体微机计算机属于嵌入式系统的畴。(×) 19.生物计算机具有体积小、功效高、能自我修复、能耗低、没有信号干扰的特点。(√) 20.光子计算机具有无需导线,一小部分能量就能驱动、信息储存量大的特点。(√) 21.自动柜员机属于微型计算机的一种。(×) 22.个人计算机(PC机)属于微型计算机。(√) 23.R进位计数制共R个基本数元。(√) 24.八进制的基本数元是从1到8。(×) 25.(100)10和(64)16相等。(√)


大学视听说教程1答案 ——第六、七单元、单元检测答案解析 第六单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they have Sharing: Task 2 (1) exercise (2) full-time (3) running Sharing: Task 3 Keys: 1, 5 Sharing: Task 4 Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, b Sharing: Task 5 Q 1 Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth (2) sweet Q 2 Key(s): (1) coffee (2) chocolate Q 4 Key(s): too much Q 3 Key(s): (1) Eating late (2) regularly Q 5 Key(s): fast food Q 6 Key(s):(1) far too many (2) cake Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) eating problems (2) replace normal (3) food pills(4) taste different (5) its flavor(6) become common Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1 Key: c Question 2 Key: a Question 3 Key: c Question 4 Key: d Question 5 Key: d Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Row 1: 1 Row 2: 1 Row 3: 1 Row 4: 2 Row 6: 1 Row 7: 2 Row 8: 1 Row 9: 2 Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Q 1 Key(s): d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2 Key(s):(1) tea and coffee (2) one small cup (3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a day Q 4 Key(s): worry aboutQ 3 Key(s): Foot pain Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): feel relaxed Q 3 Key(s): sporting hero Q 2 Key(s): much exercise Q 4 Key(s): walk a day Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6 Short


新视野大学英语 视听说教程1答案 Unit1 II. Listening Skills Listening for Names 1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,ura Tish Hill 5. Anthony McDonald III. Listening In 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A Task 1: Enrolling Task 2: Living on Campus 1. She thinks it’s easy to make friends. 2. It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities. 3. It’s near the shopping center. 4. They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home. 5. It seems all the same every day. Task 3: Learning to speak English 1.formal 2.formally 3.casual https://www.360docs.net/doc/611459191.html,mon 5.native 6.relaxed 7.friendly Task 4: An Announcement 1.attention 2.closing 3.five 4.checkouts 5.leave V. Let’s Talk Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition Source Michael Travel and tourism To work for a travel agency Working his way through school Jane Computer science To work in the IT industry A four-year scholarship VI. Further Listening and Speaking Listening Task 1: University Life 1. new and different 2. on his own 3. a bit confused


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)university (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house

(8)TV Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1)teacher (2)cleaned houses (3)lost (4)visited (5)work (6)his wife (7)in his own words Viewing

a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1)home (2)country (3)relatives (4)foreigner (5)speak (6)passed on (7)heat (8)sea (9)happiness Role-playing 2.2 (1)It was great (2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful

1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations 一BABDD 二DBCD 三DDBA Passage 2 (1)programmes
