




1. Why is it important to study international financial management?

Answer: We are now living in a world where all the major economic functions, i.e., consumption, production, and investment, are highly globalized. It is thus essential for financial managers to fully understand vital international dimensions of financial management. This global shift is in marked contrast to a situation that existed when the authors of this book were learning finance some twenty years ago. At that time, most professors customarily (and safely, to some extent) ignored international aspects of finance. This mode of operation has become untenable since then.

2. How is international financial management different from domestic financial management?

Answer: There are three major dimensions that set apart international finance from domestic finance. They are:

1. foreign exchange and political risks,

2. market imperfections, and

3. expanded opportunity set.

3. Discuss the three major trends that have prevailed in international business during the last two decades.

Answer: The 1980s brought a rapid integration of international capital and financial markets. Impetus for globalized financial markets initially came from the governments of major countries that had begun to deregulate their foreign exchange and capital markets. The economic integration and globalization that began in the eighties is picking up speed in the 1990s via privatization. Privatization is the process by which a country divests itself of the ownership and operation of a business venture by turning it over to the free market system. Lastly, trade liberalization and economic integration continued to proceed at both the regional and global levels.

4. How is a country’s economic well-being enhanced through free international trade in goods and services?

Answer: According to David Ricardo, with free international trade, it is mutually beneficial for two countries to each specialize in the production of the goods that it can produce relatively most efficiently and then trade those goods. By doing so, the two countries can increase their combined production, which allows both countries to consume more of both goods. This argument remains valid even if a country can produce both goods more efficiently than the other country. International trade is not a ‘zero-sum’ game in which one country benefits at the expense of another country. Rather, international trade could be an ‘increasing-sum’ game at which all players become winners.

5. What considerations might limit the extent to which the theory of comparative advantage is realistic?

Answer: The theory of comparative advantage was originally advanced by the nineteenth century economist David Ricardo as an explanation for why nations trade with one another. The theory claims that economic well-being is enhanced if each country’s citizens produce what they have a comparative advantage in producing relative to the citizens of other countries, and then trade products. Underlying the theory are the assumptions of free trade between nations and that the factors of production (land, buildings, labor, technology, and capital) are relatively immobile. To the extent that these assumptions do not hold, the theory of comparative advantage will not realistically describe international trade.

6. What are multinational corporations (MNCs) and what economic roles do they play?

Answer: A multinational corporation (MNC) can be defined as a business firm incorporated in one country that has production and sales operations in several other countries. Indeed, some MNCs have operations in dozens of different countries. MNCs obtain financing from major money centers around the world in many different currencies to finance their operations. Global operations force the treasurer’s office to establish international banking relationships, to place short-term funds in several currency denominations, and to effectively manage foreign exchange risk.

7. Mr. Ross Perot, a former Presidential candidate of the Reform Party, which is a third political party in the United States, had strongly objected to the creation of the North American Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which nonetheless was inaugurated in 1994, for the fear of losing American jobs to Mexico where it is much cheaper to hire workers. What are the merits and demerits of Mr. Perot’s position on NAFTA? Considering the recent economic developments in North America, how would you assess Mr. Perot’s position on NAFTA?

Answer: Since the inception of NAFTA, many American companies indeed have invested heavily in Mexico, sometimes relocating production from the United States to Mexico. Although this might have temporarily caused unemployment of some American workers, they were eventually rehired by other industries often for higher wages. Currently, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is quite low by historical standard. At the same time, Mexico has been experiencing a major economic boom. It seems clear that both Mexico and the U.S. have benefited from NAFTA. Mr. Perot’s concern appears to have been ill founded.

8. In 1995, a working group of French chief executive officers was set up by the Confederation of French Industry (CNPF) and the French Association of Private Companies (AFEP) to study the French corporate governance structure. The group reported the following, among other things “The board of directors should not simply aim at maximizing share values as in the U.K. and the U.S. Rather, its goal should be to serve the company, whose interests should be clearly distinguished from those of its shareholders, employees, creditors, suppliers and clients but still equated with their general common interest, which is to safeguard the prosperity and continuity of the company”. Evaluate the above recommendation of the working group.

Answer: The recommendations of the French working group clearly show that shareholder wealth maximization is not a universally accepted goal of corporate management, especially outside the United States and possibly a few other Anglo-Saxon countries including the United Kingdom and Canada. To some extent, this may reflect the fact that share ownership is not wide spread in most other countries. In France, about 15% of households own shares.

9. Emphasizing the importance of voluntary compliance, as opposed to enforcement, in the aftermath of corporate scandals, e.g., Enron and WorldCom, U.S. President George W. Bush stated that while tougher laws might help, “ultimately, the ethics of American business depends on the conscience of America’s business leaders.” Describe your view on this statement.

Answer: There can be different answers to this question. If business leaders always behave with a high ethical standard, many of the corporate scandals we have seen lately might not have happened. Since we cannot fully depend on the ethical behavior on the part of business leaders, the society should protect itself by adopting the rules/regulations and governance structure that would induce business leaders to behave in the interest of the society at large.

10. Suppose you are interested in investing in shares of Nokia Corporation of Finland, which is a world leader in wireless communication. But before you make investment decision, you would like to learn about the company. Visit the website of Yahoo (,) and collect information about Nokia, including the recent stock price history and analysts’ views of the company. Discuss what you learn about the company. Also discuss how the instantaneous access to information via internet would affect the nature and workings of financial markets.

Answer: As students might have learned from visiting the website, information is readily available even for foreign companies like Nokia. Ready access to international information helps integrate financial markets, dismantling barriers to international investment and financing. Integration, however, may help a financial shock in one market to be transmitted to other markets.


Nike, a company headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, is a major force in the sports footwear and fashion industry, with annual sales exceeding $ 12 billion, more than half of which now come from outside the United States. The company was co-founded in 1964 by Phil Knight, a CPA at Price Waterhouse, and Bill Bowerman, college track coach, each investing $ 500 to start. The company, initially called Blue Ribbon Sports, changed its name to Nike in 1971 and adopted the “Swoosh” logo—recognizable around the world—originally designed by a college student for $35. Nike became highly successful in designing and marketing mass-appealing products such as the Air Jordan, the best selling athletic shoe of all time.

Nike has no production facilities in the United States. Rather, the company manufactures athletic shoes and garments in such Asian countries as China, Indonesia, and Vietnam using subcontractors, and sells the products in the U.S. and international markets. In each of those Asian countries where Nike has production facilities, the rates of unemployment and under-employment are quite high. The wage rate is very low in those countries by U.S. standards—the hourly wage rate in the manufacturing sector is less than $ 1 in each of those countries, compared with about $ 20 in the United States. In addition, workers in those countries often operate in poor and unhealthy environments and their rights are not particularly well protected. Understandably, host countries are eager to attract foreign investments like Nike’s to develop their economies and raise the living standards of their citizens. Recently, however, Nike came under worldwide criticism for its practice of hiring workers for such a low rate of pay—“next to nothing” in the words of critics—and condoning poor working conditions in host countries.

Initially, Nike denied the sweatshop charges and lashed out at critics. But later, the company began monitoring the labor practice at its overseas factories and grading the factories in order to improve labor standards. Nike also agreed to random factory inspections by disinterested parties.

Discussion points

1.Do you think the criticism of Nike is fair, considering that the host countries are in dire needs

of creating jobs?

2.What do you think Nike’s executives might have done differently to prevent the sensitive

charges of sweatshop labor in overseas factories?

3.Do firms need to consider the so-called corporate social responsibilities in making investment


Suggested Solution to Nike and Sweatshop Labor

Obviously, Nike’s investments in such Asian countries as China, Indonesia, and Vietnam were motivated to take advantage of low labor costs in those countries. While Nike was criticized for the poor working conditions for its workers, the company has recognized the problem and has substantially improved the working environments recently. Although Nike’s workers get paid very low wages by the Western standard, they probably are making substantially more than their local compatriots who are either under- or unemployed. While Nike’s detractors may have valid points, one should not ignore the fact that the company is making contributions to the economic welfare of those Asian countries by creating job opportunities.




1. Country C can produce seven pounds of food or four yards of textiles per unit of input. Compute the opportunity cost of producing food instead of textiles. Similarly, compute the opportunity cost of producing textiles instead of food.

Solution: The opportunity cost of producing food instead of textiles is one yard of textiles per 7/4 = 1.75 pounds of food. A pound of food has an opportunity cost of 4/7 = .57 yards of textiles.

2. Consider the no-trade input/output situation presented in the following table for Countries X and Y. Assuming that free trade is allowed, develop a scenario that will benefit the citizens of both countries.




X Y Total

________________________________________________________________________ I. Units of Input


_______________________ ______________________________

70 60


Textiles 40 30

________________________________________________________________________ II. Output per Unit of Input

(lbs or yards)

______________________ ______________________________

17 5


Textiles 5 2

________________________________________________________________________ III. Total Output

(lbs or yards)


______________________ ______________________________

Food 1,190 300 1,490


Textiles 200 60

________________________________________________________________________ IV. Consumption

(lbs or yards)


_____________________ ______________________________

Food 1,190 300 1,490


Textiles 200 60



Examination of the no-trade input/output table indicates that Country X has an absolute advantage in the production of food and textiles. Country X can “trade off” one unit of production needed to produce 17 pounds of food for five yards of textiles. Thus, a yard of textiles has an opportunity cost of 17/5 = 3.40 pounds of food, or a pound of food has an opportunity cost of 5/17 = .29 yards of textiles. Analogously, Country Y has an opportunity cost of 5/2 = 2.50 pounds of food per yard of textiles, or 2/5 = .40 yards of textiles per pound of food. In terms of opportunity cost, it is clear that Country X is relatively more efficient in producing food and Country Y is relatively more efficient in producing textiles. Thus, Country X (Y) has a comparative advantage in producing food (textile) is comparison to Country Y (X).

When there are no restrictions or impediments to free trade the economic-well being of the citizens of both countries is enhanced through trade. Suppose that Country X shifts 20,000,000 units from the production of textiles to the production of food where it has a comparative advantage and that Country Y shifts 60,000,000 units from the production of food to the production of textiles where it has a comparative advantage. Total output will now be (90,000,000 x 17 =) 1,530,000,000 pounds of food and [(20,000,000 x 5 =100,000,000) + (90,000,000 x 2 =180,000,000) =] 280,000,000 yards of textiles. Further suppose that Country X and Country Y agree on a price of 3.00 pounds of food for one yard of textiles, and that Country X sells Country Y 330,000,000 pounds of food for 110,000,000 yards of textiles. Under free trade, the following table shows that the citizens of Country X (Y) have increased their consumption of food by 10,000,000 (30,000,000) pounds and textiles by 10,000,000 (10,000,000) yards.




X Y Total

__________________________________________________________________________ I. Units of Input


_______________________ ________________________________

90 0


Textiles 20 90

__________________________________________________________________________ II. Output per Unit of Input

(lbs or yards)

______________________ ________________________________

17 5


Textiles 5 2

__________________________________________________________________________ III. Total Output

(lbs or yards)


_____________________ ________________________________

Food 1,530 0 1,530



Textiles 100

__________________________________________________________________________ IV. Consumption

(lbs or yards)


_____________________ ________________________________

Food 1,200 330 1,530


Textiles 210 70



《国际财务管理》模拟试题(一)(选择题) 1.国际财务管理就是() A,组织国际企业财务活动,处理国际企业财务关系 B,研究财务管理原理和方法 C,比较不同国家财务管理制度差异 D,组织跨国公司财务管理 答案:A 2.评价国际企业财务活动是否合理的标准是() A,国际财务管理的内容 B,国际财务管理的环境 C,国际财务管理的风险 D,国际财务管理的目标 答案:D 3.国际企业财务管理的最优目标是() A,产值最大化 B,利润最大化 C,每股盈余最大化 D,企业价值最大化 答案:D 4.国际财务管理环境分为静态和动态财务管理环境的划分标准是() A,按环境与企业关系划分 B,按环境变化情况划分 C,按环境与国家关系划分 D,按环境包括范围划分 答案:B 5.某企业2003年度的税前利润为3200万元,该年度的利息费用为900万元,则该企业的利息保障倍数是() A,1.125 B,4.6 C,4 D,5 答案:B 6.将一种货币调换成另一种货币时,为了避免汇率变动风险,常常采用() A,掉期交易 B,远期交易 C,择期交易 D,即期交易 答案:A 7.假设某期权合约金额为DM20000,协定价格为$0.5520/DM,当即期价格为$0.6010/DM,则该期权合约的内在价值为() A,$61100 B,$980 C,$5900 D,$690 答案:B 8.一国货币单位兑换另一国货币单位的比率称为() A,外汇行市 B,标价方法 C,真实汇率 D,远期汇率 答案:A 9.当一定数额的本国货币只能兑换较少的外国货币时,说明() A,本国货币升值 B,国际汇率下降 C,外国货币贬值 D,本国货币贬值 答案:D 10.影响纯利率的最基本因素是() A,资金的时间价值 B,资金的风险价值 C,资金的供求数量 D,资金的投资回报答案:C 11.利率划分为市场利率和官定利率的标准是() A,利率之间的变动关系 B,按债权人取得的报酬 C,在借贷期内是否不断调整 D,利率变动与市场的关系 答案:D 12.出口商所在地银行向出口商提供的信贷被称为() A,出口信贷 B,进口信贷 C,卖方信贷 D,买方信贷 答案:C


第一章 1.(Q1) What is the difference between a host and an end system List the types of end systems. Is a Web server an end system Answer: There is no difference. Throughout this text, the words “host” and “end system” are used interchangeably. End systems inc lude PCs, workstations, Web servers, mail servers, Internet-connected PDAs, WebTVs, etc. 2.(Q2) The word protocol is often used to describe diplomatic relations. Give an example of a diplomatic protocol. Answer: Suppose Alice, an ambassador of country A wants to invite Bob, an ambassador of country B, over for dinner. Alice doesn’t simply just call Bob on the phone and say, come to our dinner table now”. Instead, she calls Bob and suggests a date and time. Bob may respond by saying he’s not available that particular date, but he is available another date. Alice and Bob continue to send “messages” back and forth until they agree on a date and time. Bob then shows up at the embassy on the agreed date, hopefully not more than 15 minutes before or after the agreed time. Diplomatic protocols also allow for either Alice or Bob to politely cancel the engagement if they have reasonable excuses. 3.(Q3) What is a client program What is a server program Does a server program request and receive services from a client program Answer: A networking program usually has two programs, each running on a different host, communicating with each other. The program that initiates the communication is the client. Typically, the client program requests and receives services from the server program.


CHAPTER 6 INTERNATIONAL PARITY RELATIONSHIPS SUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS QUESTIONS 1. Give a full definition of arbitrage. Answer: Arbitrage can be defined as the act of simultaneously buying and selling the same or equivalent assets or commodities for the purpose of making certain, guaranteed profits. 2. Discuss the implications of the interest rate parity for the exchange rate determination. Answer: Assuming that the forward exchange rate is roughly an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate, IRP can be written as: S = [(1 + I £)/(1 + I $)]E[S t+1?I t ]. The exchange rate is thus determined by the relative interest rates, and the expected future spot rate, conditional on all the available information, I t , as of the present time. One thus can say that expectation is self-fulfilling. Since the information set will be continuously updated as news hit the market, the exchange rate will exhibit a highly dynamic, random behavior. 3. Explain the conditions under which the forward exchange rate will be an unbiased predictor of the future spot exchange rate. Answer: The forward exchange rate will be an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate if (I) the risk premium is insignificant and (ii) foreign exchange markets are informationally efficient. 4. Explain the purchasing power parity, both the absolute and relative versions. What causes the deviations from the purchasing power parity?


第1章引言 1.1 学习指导 1.1.1 要点 本章的要点有通信系统的数学模型,通信系统的分类及通信方式,信息及其度量,通信系统的主要性能指标。 1.通信系统的数学模型 通信系统是指传递消息所需的一切技术设备(含信道)的总和。通信系统的作用就是将信息从信源发送到一个或多个目的地。 (1)一般模型 以图1-1所示的功能框图来表示。 图1-1通信系统的一般模型 信息源。信源所产生的信息可以是声音、图像或文本。信息源一般包含变换器,将信源的输出变换成电信号。例如,用作变换器的话筒,可以将语音信号变换成电信号,而摄像机则将图像信号变换成电信号。这些设备输出的信号一般称为基带信号。在接收端,使用类似的变换器就可以将接收到的电信号变换成适合用户的形式,如声音信号、图像等。 发送设备。发送设备将原始基带电信号变换成适合物理信道或其他传输介质传输的形式。例如在无线电和电视广播中,通信部门规定了各发射台的频率范围,因此,发射机必须将待发送的信息信号转换到适合的频率范围来发送,以便与分配给此发射机的频率相匹配。这样,由多个无线电台发送的信号就不会彼此干扰。又如果信道是光纤组成的,那么发送设备就要将处理好的基带信号转换光波信号再发送。因此发送设备涵盖的内容很多,可能包含变换、放大、滤波、编码调制等过程。对于多路传输系统,发送设备中还包括多路复用器。 信道。信道用于将来自发送设备的信号发送到接收端的物理介质。信道可以分为两大类:无线信道和有线信道。在无线信道中,信道可以是大气、自由空间和海水。有线信道有双绞电话线、同轴电缆及光纤等。信道对不同种类的信号有不同的传输特性,但都会对在信道中传输的信号产生衰减,信道中的噪声和由不理想接收机引入的噪声会引起接收信号的失真 接收设备。接收设备的功能是恢复接收信号中所包含的消息信号。使用和发送端相


《国际财务管理》模拟考试题目答案 一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案,多选、错选、不选均不得分。本题共30个小题,每小题2分) 1. 国际证券组合投资能够降低()。 A .系统风险 B .非系统风险 C .市场风险 D .不可分散风险 【答案】B 2. 如果票面利率小于市场利率,现在债券应该()发行。 A .溢价 B .折价 C .平价 D .以上答案都能够 【答案】B 3. 以下风险中最重要的是()。 A .商品交易风险 B .外汇借款风险 C .会计折算风险 D .经济风险 【答案】D 4. 如果某项借款名义贷款期为10年,而实际贷款期只有5年,则这项借款最有可能采纳的偿还方式是()。 A .到期一次偿还 B .分期等额偿还 C .逐年分次等额还本 D .以上三种都能够

【答案】C 5. 在国际信贷运算利息时以365/365来表示计息天数与基础天数的关系称为()。 A .大陆法 B .欧洲货币法 C .英国法 D .时态法 【答案】C 6. 欧洲货币市场的要紧短期信贷利率是()。 A .LIBOR B .SIBOR C .HOBOR D .NIBOR 【答案】A 7. 一国政府、金融机构、公司等在某一外国债券市场上发行的,不是以该外国的货币为面值的债券是()。 A .一般债券 B .国内债券 C .欧洲债券 D .外国债券 【答案】C 8. 在对国外投资的子公司进行财务评判时,应扣除的子公司不可控因素不包括()。 A .转移价格 B .利率波动 C .通货膨胀 D .汇率波动

【答案】B 9. 在国际技术转让中,利润分享率一样认为应是()。 A .1/2 B .1/3 C .1/4 D .1/5 【答案】C 10. 美国A公司推测美元对英镑美元升值,美元对马克美元贬值,则A 公司()。 A .从英国的进口,应加快支付 B .对英国的出口,应推迟收汇 C .从德国的进口,应推迟支付 D .对德国的出口,应推迟收汇 【答案】D 11. "使用外资收益率"这一指标等于1减去()。 A .可偿还期 B .外资偿还率 C .补偿贸易换汇率 D .补偿贸易利润率 【答案】B 12. 国际商业银行贷款中不属于短期的是()。 A .同业拆放 B .授信额度 C .流淌资金贷款 D .国际银团贷款 【答案】D 13. 外汇风险的构成因素不包括()。


第一章半导体器件基础 1.试求图所示电路的输出电压Uo,忽略二极管的正向压降和正向电阻。 解: (a)图分析: 1)若D1导通,忽略D1的正向压降和正向电阻,得等效电路如图所示,则U O=1V,U D2=1-4=-3V。即D1导通,D2截止。 2)若D2导通,忽略D2的正向压降和正向电阻,得等效电路如图所示,则U O=4V,在这种情况下,D1两端电压为U D1=4-1=3V,远超过二极管的导通电压,D1将因电流过大而烧毁,所以正常情况下,不因出现这种情况。 综上分析,正确的答案是U O= 1V。 (b)图分析: 1.由于输出端开路,所以D1、D2均受反向电压而截止,等效电路如图所示,所以U O=U I=10V。

2.图所示电路中, E

解: (a)图 当u I<E时,D截止,u O=E=5V; 当u I≥E时,D导通,u O=u I u O波形如图所示。 u I ωt 5V 10V uo ωt 5V 10V (b)图 当u I<-E=-5V时,D1导通D2截止,uo=E=5V; 当-E<u I<E时,D1导通D2截止,uo=E=5V; 当u I≥E=5V时,uo=u I 所以输出电压u o的波形与(a)图波形相同。 5.在图所示电路中,试求下列几种情况下输出端F的电位UF及各元件(R、DA、DB)中通过的电流:( 1 )UA=UB=0V;( 2 )UA= +3V,UB = 0 V。( 3 ) UA= UB = +3V。二极管的正向压降可忽略不计。 解:(1)U A=U B=0V时,D A、D B都导通,在忽略二极管正向管压降的情况下,有:U F=0V mA k R U I F R 08 .3 9.3 12 12 = = - =


CHAPTER 3 BALANCE OF PAY MENTS SUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS QUESTIONS 1. Define the balance of payments. Answer: The balance of payments (BOP) can be defined as the statistical record of a country?s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping. 2. Why would it be useful to examine a country?s balance of payments data? Answer: It would be useful to examine a country?s BOP for at least two reaso ns. First, BOP provides detailed information about the supply and demand of the country?s currency. Second, BOP data can be used to evaluate the performance of the country in international economic competition. For example, if a country is experiencing per ennial BOP deficits, it may signal that the country?s industries lack competitiveness. 3. The United States has experienced continuous current account deficits since the early 1980s. What do you think are the main causes for the deficits? What would be the consequences of continuous U.S. current account deficits? Answer: The current account deficits of U.S. may have reflected a few reasons such as (I) a historically high real interest rate in the U.S., which is due to ballooning federal budget deficits, that kept the dollar strong, and (ii) weak competitiveness of the U.S. industries. 4. In contrast to the U.S., Japan has realized continuous current account surpluses. What could be the main causes for these surpluses? Is it desirable to have continuous current account surpluses? Answer: Japan?s continuous current account surpluses may have reflected a weak yen and high competitiveness of Japanese industries. Massive capital exports by Japan prevented yen from appreciating more than it did. At the same time, foreigners? exports to Japan were hampered by closed nature of


第1章 习题答案 1-1 题1-1图所示信号中,哪些是连续信号?哪些是离散信号?哪些是周期信号?哪些是非周期信号?哪些是有始信号? 解: ① 连续信号:图(a )、(c )、(d ); ② 离散信号:图(b ); ③ 周期信号:图(d ); ④ 非周期信号:图(a )、(b )、(c ); ⑤有始信号:图(a )、(b )、(c )。 1-2 已知某系统的输入f(t)与输出y(t)的关系为y(t)=|f(t)|,试判定该系统是否为线性时不变系统。 解: 设T 为此系统的运算子,由已知条件可知: y(t)=T[f(t)]=|f(t)|,以下分别判定此系统的线性和时不变性。 ① 线性 1)可加性 不失一般性,设f(t)=f 1(t)+f 2(t),则 y 1(t)=T[f 1(t)]=|f 1(t)|,y 2(t)=T[f 2(t)]=|f 2(t)|,y(t)=T[f(t)]=T[f 1(t)+f 2(t)]=|f 1(t)+f 2(t)|,而 |f 1(t)|+|f 2(t)|≠|f 1(t)+f 2(t)| 即在f 1(t)→y 1(t)、f 2(t)→y 2(t)前提下,不存在f 1(t)+f 2(t)→y 1(t)+y 2(t),因此系统不具备可加性。 由此,即足以判定此系统为一非线性系统,而不需在判定系统是否具备齐次性特性。 2)齐次性 由已知条件,y(t)=T[f(t)]=|f(t)|,则T[af(t)]=|af(t)|≠a|f(t)|=ay(t) (其中a 为任一常数) 即在f(t)→y(t)前提下,不存在af(t)→ay(t),此系统不具备齐次性,由此亦可判定此系统为一非线性系统。 ② 时不变特性 由已知条件y(t)=T[f(t)]=|f(t)|,则y(t-t 0)=T[f(t-t 0)]=|f(t-t 0)|, 即由f(t)→y(t),可推出f(t-t 0)→y(t-t 0),因此,此系统具备时不变特性。 依据上述①、②两点,可判定此系统为一非线性时不变系统。 1-3 判定下列方程所表示系统的性质: )()()]([)()(3)(2)(2)()()2()()(3)(2)()()()()() (2''''''''0t f t y t y d t f t y t ty t y c t f t f t y t y t y b dx x f dt t df t y a t =+=++-+=+++=? 解:(a )① 线性 1)可加性 由 ?+=t dx x f dt t df t y 0)()()(可得?????→+=→+=??t t t y t f dx x f dt t df t y t y t f dx x f dt t df t y 01122011111)()()()()()()()()()(即即 则 ???+++=+++=+t t t dx x f x f t f t f dt d dx x f dt t df dx x f dt t df t y t y 0212102201121)]()([)]()([)()()()()()( 即在)()()()()()()()(21212211t y t y t f t f t y t f t y t f ++前提下,有、→→→,因此系统具备可加性。 2)齐次性 由)()(t y t f →即?+=t dx x f dt t df t y 0)()()(,设a 为任一常数,可得 )(])()([)()()]([)]([000t ay dx x f dt t df a dx x f a dt t df a dx x af t af dt d t t t =+=+=+??? 即)()(t ay t af →,因此,此系统亦具备齐次性。 由上述1)、2)两点,可判定此系统为一线性系统。

国际财务管理 填有答案

《国际财务管理》章后练习题及参考答案 第一章绪论 一、单选题 1. 关于国际财务管理学与财务管理学的关系表述正确的是(C)。 A. 国际财务管理是学习财务管理的基础 B. 国际财务管理与财务管理是两门截然不同的学科 C. 国际财务管理是财务管理的一个新的分支 D. 国际财务管理研究的范围要比财务管理的窄 2. 凡经济活动跨越两个或更多国家国界的企业,都可以称为( A )。 A. 国际企业 B. 跨国企业 C. 跨国公司 D. 多国企业 3.企业的( C)管理与财务管理密切结合,是国际财务管理的基本特点 A.资金 B.人事 C.外汇 D成本 4.国际财务管理与跨国企业财务管理两个概念( D) 。 A. 完全相同 B. 截然不同 C. 仅是名称不同 D. 内容有所不同 4.国际财务管理的内容不应该包括( C )。 A. 国际技术转让费管理 B. 外汇风险管理 C. 合并财务报表管理 D. 企业进出口外汇收支管理 5.“企业生产经营国际化”和“金融市场国际化”的关系是( C )。 A. 二者毫不相关 B. 二者完全相同 C. 二者相辅相成 D. 二者互相起负面影响 二、多选题 1.国际企业财务管理的组织形态应考虑的因素有()。 A.公司规模的大小 B.国际经营的投入程度 C.管理经验的多少 D.整个国际经营所采取的组织形式 2.国际财务管理体系的内容包括() A.外汇风险的管理 B.国际税收管理 C.国际投筹资管理 D.国际营运资金管 3.国际财务管理目标的特点()。 A.稳定性 B.多元性 C.层次性 D.复杂性 4.广义的国际财务管理观包括()。 A.世界统一财务管理观 B.比较财务管理观 C.跨国公司财务管理观 D.国际企业财务管理观 5. 我国企业的国际财务活动日益频繁,具体表现在( )。 A. 企业从内向型向外向型转化 B. 外贸专业公司有了新的发展 C. 在国内开办三资企业 D. 向国外投资办企业 E. 通过各种形式从国外筹集资金 三、判断题 1.国际财务管理是对企业跨国的财务活动进行的管理。() 2.国际财务管理学是着重研究企业如何进行国际财务决策,使所有者权益最大化的一门科学。()


习题 一、单项选择题 1. 在设计阶段,当双击窗体上的某个控件时,所打开的窗体是_____。 A. 工程资源管路器窗口 B. 工具箱窗体 C. 代码窗体 D. 属性窗体 2. VB中对象的含义是_____。 A. 封装了数据和方法的实体 B. 封装的程序 C. 具有某些特性的具体事物的抽象 D. 创建对象实例的模板 3. 窗体Form1的Name属性是MyForm,它的单击事件过程名是_____。 A. MyForm_Click B. Form_Click C. Form1_Click D. Frm1_Click 4. 如果要改变窗体的标题,需要设置窗体对象的_____属性。 A. BackColor B. Name C. Caption D. Font 5. 若要取消窗体的最大化功能,可将其_____属性设置为False来实现。 A. Enabled B.ControlBox C. MinButton D. MaxButton 6. 若要以代码方式设置窗体中显示文本的字体大小,可通过设置窗体对象_____属性来实现。 A. Font B.FontName C.FontSize D. FontBold 7. 确定一个控件在窗体上位置的属性是_____。 A. Width或Height B. Width和Height C. Top或Left D. Top和Left 8. 以下属性中,不属于标签的属性是_____。 A. Enabled B. Default C. Font D. Caption 9. 若要设置标签控件中文本的对齐方式,可通过_____属性实现。 A.Align B. AutoSize C. Alignment D. BackStyle 10. 若要使标签控件的大小自动与所显示文本的大小相适宜,可将其_____属性设置为True来实现。 A.Align B. AutoSize C. Alignment D. Visible 11. 若要设置或返回文本框中的文本,可通过设置其_____属性来实现。 A.Caption B. Name C. Text D. (名称) 12. 若要设置文本框最大可接受的字符数,可通过设置其_____属性来实现。 A.MultiLine B. Max C. Length D. MaxLength


《国际财务管理》章后练习题 第一章 【题1—1】某跨国公司A,2006年11月兼并某亏损国有企业B。B企业兼并时账面净资产为500万元,2005年亏损100万元(以前年度无亏损),评估确认的价值为550万元。经双方协商,A跨国公司可以用以下两种方式兼并B企业。 甲方式:A公司以180万股和10万元人民币购买B企业(A公司股票市价为3元/股); 乙方式:A公司以150万股和100万元人民币购买B企业。 兼并后A公司股票市价3.1元/股。A公司共有已发行的股票2000万股(面值为1元/股)。假设兼并后B企业的股东在A公司中所占的股份以后年度不发生变化,兼并后A公司企业每年未弥补亏损前应纳税所得额为900万元,增值后的资产的平均折旧年限为5年,行业平均利润率为10%。所得税税率为33%。请计算方式两种发方式的差异。 【题1—1】答案 (1)甲方式: B企业不需将转让所得缴纳所得税;B企业2005年的亏损可以由A公司弥补。 A公司当年应缴所得税=(900-100)×33%=264万元,与合并前相比少缴33万元所得税,但每年必须为增加的股权支付股利。 (2)乙方式: 由于支付的非股权额(100万元)大于股权面值的20%(30万元)。所以,被兼并企业B应就 转让所得缴纳所得税。 B企业应缴纳的所得税=(150×3+100-500)×33%=16.5(万元) B企业去年的亏损不能由A公司再弥补。 (3)A公司可按评估后的资产价值入帐,计提折旧,每年可减少所得税(550-500)/5×33%=3.3万元。 【题1—2】东方跨国公司有A、B、C、D四个下属公司,2006年四个公司计税所得额和所在国的所得税税率为: A公司:500万美元33% B公司:400万美元33% C公司:300万美元24% D公司:-300万美元15% 东方公司的计税所得额为-100万美元,其所在地区的所得税税率为15%。 请从税务角度选择成立子公司还是分公司? 【题1—2】答案 (1)若A、B、C、D为子公司 A公司应纳所得税额=500×33%=165(万美元) B公司应纳所得税额=400×33%=132(万美元)


课后作业答案 第一章 练习一 一、填空题 1、液体的表观特征有: (1)类似于液体,液体最显著的性质是具有流动性,即不能够象固体那样承受剪切应力; (2)类似于液体,液体可完全占据容器的空间并取得容器内腔的形状; (3)类似于固体,液体具有自由表面; (4)类似于固体,液体可压缩性很。 2、按液体结构和内部作用力分类,液体可分为原子液体、分子液体及离子液体三类。其中,液态金属属于原子液体,简单及复杂的熔盐通常属于离子液体。 3、偶分布函数g(r)的物理意义是距某一参考粒子r处找到另一个粒子的几率,换言之,表示离开参考原子(处于坐标原点r=0)距离为r位置的数密度ρ(r)对于平均数密度ρo(=N/V)的相对偏差。 4、考察下面右图中表达物质不同状态的偶分布函数g(r)的图(a)、(b)、(c)的特征,然后用连线将分别与左图中对应的结构示意图进行配对。 固体结构(a)的偶分布函数 气体结构(b)的偶分布函数 液体结构(c)的偶分布函数 5、能量起伏:描述液态结构的“综合模型”指出,液态金属中处于热运动的不同原子的能量有高有低,同一原子的能量也在随时间不停地变化,时高时低。这种现象称为能量起伏。

6、结构起伏:液态金属是由大量不停“游动”着的原子团簇组成,团簇内为某种有序结构,团簇周围是一些散乱无序的原子。由于“能量起伏”,一部分金属原子(离子)从某个团簇中分化出去,同时又会有另一些原子组合到该团簇中,此起彼伏,不断发生着这样的涨落过程,似乎原子团簇本身在“游动”一样,团簇的尺寸及其内部原子数量都随时间和空间发生着改变,这种现象称为结构起伏。 7、在特定的温度下,虽然“能量起伏”和“结构起伏”的存在,但对于某一特定的液体,其团簇的统计平均尺寸是一定的。然而,原子团簇平均尺寸随温度变化而变化,温度越高原子团簇平均尺寸越小。 8、浓度起伏:工业中常用的合金存在着异类组员;即使是“纯”金属,也存在着大量杂质原子。因此,对于实际金属及合金的液态结构,还需考虑不同原子的分布情况。由于同种元素及不同元素之间的原子间结合力存在差别,结合力较强的原子容易聚集在一起,把别的原于排挤到别处,表现为游动原子团簇之间存在着成分差异。这种局域成分的不均匀性随原子热运动在不时发生着变化,这一现象称为浓度起伏。 9、对于液态合金,若同种元素的原子间结合力大于不同元素的原子间结合力,即F(A-A、B-B) >F(A-B),则形成富A及富B的原子团簇,具有这样的原子团簇的液体仅有“拓扑短程序”;若熔体的异类组元具有负的混合热,往往F(A -B)>F(A-A、B-B),则在液体中形成具有A-B化学键的原子团簇,具有这样的原子团簇的液体同时还有“化学短程序”。具有“化学短程序”的原子团簇,在热运动的作用下,出现时而化合,时而分解的分子,也可称为不稳定化合物,甚至可以形成比较强而稳定化合物,在液体中就出现新的固相。 10、金属熔化潜热?H m比其气化潜热?H b小得多(表1-2),为1/15~1/30,表明熔化时其内部原子结合键只有部分被破坏。 二、判断题(括号中添“√”或“×”) 1、(√) 2、(×),因为Ga, Bi, Sb, Ce, Si, Ge等熔化时体积增大。 3、(×),理想纯金属液体中既有“能量起伏”,也有“结构起伏”。 4、(√) 5、(×),近年,人们发现液态Ga、Cs、Se、I、、Bi 、Te等元素以及石墨熔体的某些物理性质随压力出现异常非连续变化,Katayama等利用对液态磷进行高压X-衍射实验,证实了液态磷中发生压力诱导型非连续液-液结构转变;我国及国外的学者也以多种手段揭示,一些合金熔体的性质与结构随温度发生非连续变化。


Lecture 4 Exchange Rate Parity Problems: 6-2, 3, 4, 7, 8 Suggested Solutions 2. Option a: When you buy £35,000 forward, you will need $49,000 in three months to fulfill the forward contract. The present value of $49,000 is computed as follows: $49,000/(1.0035)3 = $48,489. Thus, the cost of Jaguar as of today is $48,489. Option b: The present value of £35,000 is £34,314 = £35,000/(1.02). To buy £34,314 today, it will cost $49,755 = 34,314x1.45. Thus the cost of Jaguar as of today is $49,755. You should definitely choose to use “option a”, and save $1,266, which is the difference between $49,755 and $48489. 3. a.(1+I$) =1.02 (1+I£)(F/S) = (1.0145)(1.52/1.50) = 1.0280 Thus, IRP is not holding exactly. b.(1) Borrow $1,500,000; repayment will be $1,530,000. (2) Buy £1,000,000 spot using $1,500,000. (3) Invest £1,000,000 at the pound interest rate of 1.45%; maturity value will be £1,014,500. (4) Sell £1,014,500 forward for $1,542,040 Arbitrage profit will be $12,040 c.Following the arbitrage transactions described above, The dollar interest rate will rise; The pound interest rate will fall; The spot exchange rate will rise; The forward exchange rate will fall. These adjustments will continue until IRP holds. 4. a.(1+ i $) = 1.014 < (F/S) (1+ i € ) = 1.053. Thus, one has to borrow dollars and invest in euros to make arbitrage profit. 1)Borrow $1,000,000 and repay $1,014,000 in three months. 2)Sell $1,000,000 spot for €800,000. 3)Invest €800,000 at the euro interest rate of 1.35 % for three months and receive €810,800 at maturity. 4)Sell €810,800 forward for $1,037,758. Arbitrage profit = $1,037,758 - $1,014,000 = $23,758. b.Follow the first three steps above. But the last step, involving exchange risk hedging, will be different. 5)Buy $1,014,000 forward for €792,238. Arbitrage profit = €810,800 - €792,238 = €18,562 7. a.ZAR spot rate under PPP = [1.05/1.11](0.175) = $0.1655/rand. b.Expected ZAR spot rate = [1.10/1.08] (0.158) = $0.1609/rand. c.Expected ZAR under PPP = [(1.07)4/(1.05)4] (0.158) = $0.1704/ran d. 8. a.First, note that (1+i €) = 1.054 is less than (F/S)(1+i €) = (1.60/1.50)(1.052) = 1.1221.


自考国际财务管理试卷及答案 国际财务管理试卷一、单选题(每题1分,共10分) 1、在取得外汇借款时,最为合算的是()。 A.利息率最低的货币 B.软货币 C.硬货币 D.资金成本率最低的货币 2、()是指以一定单位的外国货作为标准,折算成若干本国货币来表示其汇率的标价方法。 A.间接标价法; B.买入汇率; C.卖出汇率; D.直接标价法 3、可以反映将使用国内和国外两种资金的企业经济效益与只使用国内资金的企业经济效益进行比较的指标是()。A.外资偿还率B.使用外资收益率C.补偿贸易换汇率D.补偿贸易利润率 4、大多数国家对本国居民和企业向外国投资者和债权人支付的股息和利息征收的税种是()。A.资本利得税B.关税C.预扣税D.所得税 5、()是指以一定单位的外国货作为标准,折算成若干本国货币来表示其汇率的标价方法。 A.间接标价法; B.买入汇率; C.卖出汇率; D.直接标价法 6、以下不是国际财务管理的特点有() A新的环境因素;B新的风险来源;C新的经济机会;D新的财务原理 7、外国借款者在美国债券市场公开发行的中长期债券称为() A.欧洲债券; B.美元债券; C.杨基债券; D.武士债券 8、如果某项借款名义贷款期为10年,而实际贷款期只有5年,则这项借款最有可能采用的偿还方式是()。 A.到期一次偿还 B.分期等额偿还 C.逐年分次等额还本 D.以上三种都可以 9、在对国外投资的子公司进行财务评价时,应扣除的子公司不可控因素不包括()。 A.转移价格 B.利率波动 C.通货膨胀 D.汇率波动 10、在直接标价法下,远期汇率=() A即期汇率-升水;B即期汇率+贴水;C即期汇率+升水;D即期汇率 二、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分) 1、影响国际信贷成本率高低的因素有()。 A.利息率 B.费用率 C.所得税税率 D.汇率 E.发行差价率 2、国际补偿贸易的形式主要有()。A.产品返销B.产品回购C.加工费补偿D.借款补偿E.部分补偿,部分付汇 3、在国际融资租赁方式下,租金包括()。 A.出租人购买租赁设备的价款、运输费、保险费 B.出租人购买租赁设备的银行借款、利息和费用 C.承租人支付给出租人的融资利息 D.租赁手续费 E.租赁设备的修理费 4、在进行国外投资项目财务可行性分析时,要编制()。 A.投资费用和资金来源预测表 B.销售预测表 C.成本费用预测表 D.预计损益表 E.现金流量计划表 5、债券投资收益率计算的形式包括()。 A.认购者收益率 B.最终收益率 C.持有期间收益率 D.本期股利收益率 E.资产增值收益率 6、以下学科中与国际财务管理学有一定联系的有()。 A.国际信贷 B.国际结算 C.国际贸易 D.国际投资 E.国际税收 7、以下属于国际中长期商业贷款的是() A.双边贷款 B.联合贷款 C.国际银团贷款 D.买方信贷 E.卖方信贷 8、布雷顿森林体系的基本内容有()


第一章课后习题参考答案 (一)填空题 1. 除了“单片机”之外,单片机还可以称之为单片微控制器和单片微型计算机。 2. 专用单片机由于已经把能集成的电路都集成到芯片内部了,所以专用单片机可以使系统结构最简化,软硬件资源利用最优化,从而极大地提高了可靠性和降低了成本。 3. 在单片机领域内,ICE的含义是在线仿真器(In Circuit Emulator)。 4. 单片机主要使用汇编语言,而编写汇编语言程序要求设计人员必须精通和指令系统,单片机硬件结构。 5. CHMOS工艺是 CMOS 工艺和 HMOS 工艺的结合,具有低功耗的特点。 6. 与8051比较,80C51的最大特点是所用CHMOS工艺。 7. 微控制技术是对传统控制技术的一次革命,这种控制技术必须使用单片机才能实现。 (二)选择题 1.下列简写名称中不是单片机或单片机系统的是 (A)MCU (B)SCM (C)ICE (D)CPU 2.在家用电器中使用单片机应属于计算机的是 (A)数据处理应用(B)控制应用(C)数值计算应用(D)辅助工程应用 3.80C51与80C71的区别在于 (A)内部程序存储器的类型不同(B)内部数据存储器的类型不同 (C)内部程序存储器的容量不同(D)内部数据存储器的容量不同 4.8051与80C51的区别在于 (A)内部ROM的类型不同(B)半导体工艺的形式不同

(C)内部寄存单元的数目不同(D)80C51使用EEPROM,而8051使用EPROM 5.在下列单片机芯片中使用掩膜ROM作为内总程序存储器的是 (A)8031 (B)80C51 (C)8032 (D)87C51 6.80C51芯片采用的半导体工艺是 (A)CMOS (B)HMOS (C)CHMOS(D)NMOS 7.单片机芯片8031属于 (A)MCS-48系列(B)MCS-51系列(C)MCS-96系列(D)MCS-31系列 8.使用单片机实现在线控制的好处不包括 (A)精确度高(B)速度快(C)成本低(D)能与数据处理结合 9.以下所列各项中不是单片机发展方向的是 (A)适当专用化(B)不断提高其性能 (C)继续强化功能(D)努力增加位数
