


1) What will you study in the United States?

2) What is your major?

In what aspect of your major will you study?

Can it be used to military utilities?

What is your favorite subject? (*)

3) What will you do in USA?

4) Are you going to study in USA?

5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?

6) What/where are you working now? (*)

7) How long will you study in USA?

8) Have you any scholarship?

9) What do you want to study in USA?

10) What will you do with your phd work?

11) What is your purpose for the visa?

12) What is your academic background?

13) How do you know this Univ.?

14) What is your plan?

What will you do after graduation? Why?

What kind of job can you find in the future?

15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

17) Why do you choose this Univ.?

18) Why do you like your major?

19) Why do you want to study in USA?

20) Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?

21) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

22) What is the difficult class do you have?

23) Do you want your wife to go with you? (*)

24) What's your name?

25) What institution did you attend and what was your major?

26) What have you done after you graduated from university? (*)

27) Why do you want go to the United States for further study?

28) Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master's/doctoral degree now?

29) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?

30) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?

31) What is your ultimate academic goal?

32) How many institutions have you applied, and who are they?

Did any other school admit you?

33) Why did you choose xxxxxx University?

How much do you know about the university?

34) Do you have any relatives in the United States?

35) What do your parents do?

36) How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States? (*)

37) How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?

38) Do you plan to seek Financial support in the US? (*)

39) Who will be your sponsor? (*)

How much is his annual income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? (*)

Do you have a bank deposit certification? (*)

40) Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?

41) How long does it take to commute to your work place? (*)

42) What do you think of the West Development in China?

43) How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview

in New Oriental?

44) How long have you prepared for GRE? Did you cheat?

45) Are you a worker or a student now?

46) Where are you from? Where is your hometown?

47) How much do you earn now? (*)

How much will you earn when you come back?

48) Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else?

49) What does your major mean?

50) What will you study in this major? What courses?

51)If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?

52) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

53) When are you going to enter US?

54)What is your dream?

55) What is the thing you like best in America, or the thing you like best in China?

56) Then what is the thing you don't like most about China?

57) Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?

58) Why do you change your major? (*)

59) What is your favorite pet?

Why? (*)

60) What's your best or worst quality?

61) What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?

62) Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?

63) What's your favorite food?

64) Have you any bank deposit? (*)

65) What kind of works you will do for this assistantship?

What's your duty as a TA/RA?

66) Is your transcript original?

67) How old are you?

68) Do you have any relatives in US?

69) When did you take the T/G test?

70) What score did you get among T/G test?

71)课程概述. Can you talk something about the course XX? (*)

72) Do you have sisters or brothers?

73) How long have you been in Beijing?

74) Why you live in Beijing?

75) What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?

76) What is your current project in your company? (*)

What are you responsible for in your present post? (*)

77) How many years have your worked? (*)

78) Can you tell me which assistantship they give you? TA or RA.

79) What will you teach? (*)

80) What is your favorite American movie?

81) Who do you think is the best president of the US?

82) Where is your HUKOU(户口)?

83) Do you have a girlfriend?

Where is she?

Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?

84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?

85) Who is your advisor?

86) Have you any scholarship?

87) Which is your favorite restaurant or cafe?

88) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

89) Where do you live or where will you live?

90) Why did you choose your present job? (*)

91) What w ill you do if you can’t find a position in the big company/xxx university?

92) Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years?

93) What is your dissertation about?

What is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?

94) You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don't you want to earn more?

Why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?

95) Where is your company located in? (*)

96) So what development/programming tools do you use?(CS) (*)

97) Have you business card? Do you have a name card? (*)

98) Why have you quit your job? (*)

99) How did you take the GRE?

100) Is xxxxxxx the first university to give you an offer?

101) Will you come back to this company after graduation? (*)

102) What have you done in your research?

103) Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your class? 104) Do u have a cup of coffee every morning?

105) What kind of computer do you have?

106) What is your favorite color?

107) (Set up my own company about****) Is it dificult? (*)

108) Would you like to accept the yellow card and go to window 10?


108个美国留学签证面试问题集锦 美国留学签证面试的注意事项 1、签证照片一定要照好。 在签证官见到你本人之前,从照片得到对你的第一印象,这在一 定水准上将影响签证官对你的初步看法。 2、面试时一定要注意自己的仪表、气质和态度。 穿着要得体,学生应在着装上充分显示自己的身份。男士要显得 精干,不要打扮得油光水滑;女士尽量淑女一些,不要太前卫,化妆不 可过于美丽耀眼。美国人欣赏成熟理性的人。 在等候的时候,应不卑不亢,安静等候,显出你的气质。 3、要面带微笑,表现信心。 当然,信心是建立在你对各种签证问题的精心准备基础上的,但 现场表情也非常重要,笑一笑能拉近人与人的距离,会让人感到放松,会感染签证官的情绪。 4、说话时声音要清晰,语速要慢。 声音清晰意味着说话有底气,分量足,显示出你的自信。语速要慢,对英语口语不太好的人来说,能够让签证官听清楚你要表达的意思,还能让自己有时间来思考签证官的问题。 5、心态一定要坦然。 不要受当前形势的影响,无论前边有几个人签过都与你没相关系,你要做到的就是保持正常的心态去迎接面试。 6、不要有侥幸心理。

有时候签证官因为主观因素,由他面谈的申请者通过得多,称之为“放水”。但一心想着靠签证官放水是不行的,因为放水的窗口和时间是你永远无法预料的。 只有精心地实行签证准备,按照最严格的模式来实行模拟面试训练。 108个美国面签问题集锦: 一 你是谁? 1.简单个人历史 24)What'syourname? 43)Howlonghaveyoupreparedyourvisainterview?Haveupreparedthein terviewinNewOriental? 46)Whereareyoufrom?Whereisyourhometown? 62)HaveyoueverbeentonationsasideofChina?Haveyouevergoneabroad? 63)What'syourfavoritefood? 67)Howoldareyou? 73)HowlonghaveyoubeeninShanghai? 75)What'syourhobby?Whatdoyoudoinyoursparetime? 82)WhereisyourHUKOU(户口)? 87)Whichisyourfavoriterestaurant(cafe)? 89)Wheredoyoulive?Wherewillyoulive?


万城国际咨询服务(北京)有限公司 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6217447018.html, 许多学生都会在拒签后不知所措,不能确定接下来是否还应该继续,在我看来,不同背景的学生应该采取不同的策略。众所周知,拒签的原因有很多种,在这里,我将它们大致分成三大类: 1.移民倾向,这是大部分人被拒签的原因,而导致签证官下此结论的原因很多,大多数时候是因为申请人留美目的不明确,对学校,专业不熟悉,没有具体可行的归国计划,以往的探亲拒签史,资金存在问题等等。 2.申请人自身的一些客观条件,比如:语言能力差,导致与签证官交流很困难,资助人问题,多次的拒签经历等等。 3.其他:材料不齐,I-20过期,跨区签证,所申请的美国学校存在问题,向签证官提供虚假信息等等。 ——美国签证拒签再签强势办理,无论您是拒签一次还是多次的美国签证申请人,本公司向您强势推出美国签证拒签分析套餐服务。由从事美国签证方面的专家为您讲解美国签证上的大事小情,排除大顾虑,解决小细节。最大程度上的帮助您获得美国签证。 美国签证难是出了名的,第一次去美国签证的都需要到大使馆与签证官进行面谈。由此来决定是不是给您签证。可是很多客户筹备不足,导致被拒签,增长了往后的签证难度,还需要再交签证费。所以倡议去签证笔试之前,先做一个培训。 我们可感触客户进行培训和教学,签证摹拟操练,完整摹拟操练操练各类突发状态,面签培训,以求保障成功顺遂的经过过程签证官的查核。我们将对笔试存在的不足问题问题进一步摹拟操练操练,以求与摹拟考官沟通加倍***,进行现实操练操练后,总结不足的处所,提早做好筹备。有用的筹备是有需要的,我们供给的这项处事本着让打点签证者熟谙景象的愿望,以求获得完善的功效--签证顺遂成功。 很多签证申请人感触申请美国签证是一段令人头疼的履历。排队期待时,他们很是严重,常常事前操练头脑里熟记的讲话。若是你存在正当的赴美参观方针,面谈时根柢不用严重。排队期待时,你可以闭上眼睛,做几个缓慢的深呼吸来辅助你舒适下来。请记住,这不是一场测验或测验,而是有关你为甚么去美国和你在中国景象的一段和睦的扳谈。 将针对您对于笔试存在的不足问题问题进一步摹拟操练操练,以求与摹拟考官沟通加倍***,进行现实操练操练后,总结不足的处所,提早做好筹备。 有用的筹备是有需要的,我们供给的这项处事本着让打点签证者熟谙景象的愿望,以求获得完善的功效--签证顺遂成功。 1.经过过程实景的摹拟,让您体味签证笔试的流程与签证笔试的焦点部分。 2. 辅助客户懂得签证最重要的措辞手艺实行编制,和领导签证官及其耳濡目染的传递概念的能力。


1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is. 3. Why do you choose *** University? 1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***. 2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs). 3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency. 4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability. 4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US? It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama. 5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for? In what aspect of your major will you study? Can you briefly explain what you will learn? Can you talk something about the course? Why do you like your major? My major in USA will be MBA with International economic development. The courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.


https://www.360docs.net/doc/6217447018.html, 美国留学签证问题答案 美国签证面签回答问题技巧,美国留学签证面试是非常重要的,在美国签证面签中问题五花八门,各位申请者需要了解一些美国签证面签回答问题的技巧,下面太傻留学专家详细的为大家介绍一下。 美国留学签证面试解答: 首先,同时也是最重要的就是证明自己是一位合理、合法的学生,也就是说,同学们要在展示过程中及时出示自己的相关证据,比如自己的I-20表格等信息。签证官并不会要求学生提交这些材料,同学们需要在对方提及相关问题的时候将自己的材料递交给对方。此外,同学们在参加美国签证面试之前,要整理好相关材料,保证不要少带一些相关材料。 其次,同学们要尽量避开劣势。当签证官不去询问相关问题的时候,自己最好不要主动提及,尽量将自己比较有优势的一面展现给对方,而不去展示自己的弱势。尤其是一些表示不清楚目的的材料,不要主动展现给签证官。 第三,美国签证面签中不要逃避问题,要直接回答问题。对于一些比较容易出现误解的问题,同学们也不要逃避,而要直接回答问题,之后再去仔细解释相关问题。如果有可以解除误解的材料,同学们也应及时提交。 第四,主动对容易产生误解的情况进行解释。同学们在准备签证面试之前,最好能够到网上了解一下一些常见的拒签原因,了解一些可能产生误解的情况。如签证官提问到相关情况,同学们直接解释就可以。如签证官并未提到这些情况,同学们也可以在方便的时候顺带提及,为自己进行辩解。 以上就是美国签证面签回答问题技巧的介绍,希望本篇文章能够为大家了解美国留学签证带来帮助,如果您还有关于美国签证的疑问,可以和太傻留学专家进行咨询。 太傻美国留学:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6217447018.html,/abroad/usa/


美国签证面试问题及答案 1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcom#e the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have com#pletely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is. 3. Why do you choose *** University? 1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***. 2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs). 3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency. 4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability. 4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US? It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama. 5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?


说完申根签证,就发现好多小伙伴对美签地疑问也很多.所以贴心地本周为大家整理了关于美国签证地一些常见问题地解答. 不过在开头就先说明,想拿美签?哈哈哈,看人品,看签证官心情.因为美签需要面签,所以有了很多不可避免地主观因素.可能两个人类似地条件也会有不同地结果,尽管需要天时地利人和,之前你也必须要好好准备,打好基础! 以下整理地问题地答案,仅供大家参考(本篇只讲类签证). .什么是签证? 美国签证可分为移民签证和非移民签证.在非移民签证中,申请最多地为类签证——短期访客. 签证:签证签发给从事短期商务活动地申请人.商务活动包括签订合同,参加展览或会议,短期培训或与客户洽谈业务.该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业.申请人应出示其拟在美从事商务活动地相关文件,包括发自美国邀请方地邀请函,表明访美目地和证明申请人个人情况地文件.b5E2R. 签证:签证签发给赴美国旅游地申请人,包括观光、治病、探亲访友以及参加会议.该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业.因此,除了法律另有规定来证实外,非移民签证地申请人应该举证他并没有移民美国地企图.而-签证又是由美国领事当场决定,带有浓厚地主观色彩,所以很容易被认为有"移民倾向"而拒签.这也使得许多申请者在面谈时非常紧张.p1Ean. .美国签证地新规是什么? 根据新规定,自年月日起,持有中国护照及年有效商务或旅游签证(/、或)地旅客,入境美国前须在“签证更新电子系统”()上登记个人信息.DXDiT. 什么是? 签证更新电子系统是指持有十年有效或(访问者)签证地中国公民所使用地个人基本信息在线定期更新系统,以协助其赴美旅行.除了有效签证以外,在年月之后,上述旅客必须完成登记,以便获得许可进入美国.RTCrp. 是否对目前地签证持有人、新申请人或两者都有影响? 两者都会受到本项新规定地影响.持有年月之前签发地十年有效期、或签证地申请者,必须在该规定生效后登陆登记,方可使用签证.自年月起获得十年有效期、或签证地申请者,必须在首次前往美国旅行前登记.所有申请者地登记维持两年有效,若旅客地签证或护照两者中有任何一者过期,登记地信息便失效.那么签证持有人必须在前往美国前再次登陆更新个人信息.5PCzV. 旅客需要多久更新一次地信息? 每次信息更新视为一次登记.一次登记一般保持两年有效,若旅客地签证或护照两者中有任何一者过期,登记地信息便失效.持有十年有效期、或签证地中国公民在前往美国旅行(如果两年期登记已过期)或获取新护照时,需要更新信息.jLBHr. 旅客在哪里可以找到关于地更多信息? 最新信息可查见.请查看此网站来获取最新信息. .国内哪些城市可以办理美签? 办理地点:


DS160表格(中文翻译版) (2011-11-01 16:51:21) 转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 选择签证申请地: (北京、上海、广州、成都、沈阳) 个人信息1 姓名:是否有曾用名:否□是□ 性别:男□女□ 婚姻状况:已婚□单身□丧偶□离异□合法分居□ 出生日期:日月年 出生地:市省国家 个人信息2 国籍: 是否有其它国籍:否□是□国家名称 身份证号码: 美国社会安全号: 美国纳税人身份号码: 地址和电话 家庭地址:街道城市省国家 (英文家庭地址):街道(street)城市(city) 省(province) 国家邮编: 邮寄地址是否与家庭地址相同:是□否□(其他地址及邮编)电话:(注明区号)家庭电话 工作电话 工作传真 移动电话 电子邮件地址: 护照信息 护照号: 护照本号: 护照签发地:城市省国家 签发日期:日月年 有效期至:日月年 护照是否曾遗失或被盗:否□是□ 旅行信息 您是主申请人:是□不是□ 访美目的:商务会议□游客个人□商务个人旅游□过境卡激光签证□ 学生交流学者□其他□

您是否已经制定了详细的旅行计划? 是□否□ 计划到达日期:日月年(可不填) 到达航班信息: 到达城市: 离开美国日期: 离开航班信息: 离开城市: 请提供在美期间计划访问的地点名称: 停留期限:2周 在美停留住址:(可不填) 城市州邮编(可不填) 支付您行程的个人或组织名称:个人□其他人□公司/组织□ 随行人员信息 您是否有随行人员:是□否□ 您是否作为一个团队或组织的成员:是□否□ 随行人员姓名: 随行人员与您的关系:父母□配偶□子女□其他亲属□朋友□商业伙伴□其他□ 赴美信息 您是否去过美国:是□否□ (选择是,请填写:曾经到美的信息:到达日期:停留时间: ) 您是否获得过美国签证:是□否□ (选择是,请填写:曾经的签证信息:) 上一次获得美国签证的日期:日月年 签证号码:(可不填) 您此次是否申请同类签证:是□否□ 您是否在签发您上次赴美签证的国家再次申请,并且这个国家是否为您的主要居住国家?是□否□ 您是否留取过十指指纹?是□否□ 您的美国签证是否曾经遗失或被盗?是□否□ 您的美国签证是否曾经被注销或者撤消过?是□否□ 您是否曾被拒签、被撤回入境申请:是□否□ 美国联络人(如果您在美国有朋友,填写朋友的信息或酒店的信息:如果没有,此区域可不填) 姓名: 组织名称: 与您的关系:配偶□亲属□商业伙伴□学校官员□朋友□雇主□ 联系人地址: 城市州邮编 电话:()


美国签证问题回答 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

1.Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA? (Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?) 1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis. Why do you choose US but not Europe? Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice. (I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.) 2.To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you? I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my

对照听力(有中文)108 1

听力108问听力材料 1) What will you study in the United States? 你去美国学什么? 2) What is your purpose for the visa? 你的签证目的是什么? 3) What is your academic background? 你的学术背景是什么? 4) How do you know this Univ.? 你如何知道这所学校的? 5) What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 6) What will you do after graduation? Why? 毕业后你准备做什么? 7) What kind of job can you find in the future? 在将来你可以找到什么样的工作? 8) Give me three reasons why you will come back to China? 给我三个回国理由 9) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students don't come back? 你能给我解释一下为什么90%的中国学生没有回来? 10) Why do you choose this Univ.? 为什么选择这所大学? 11) Why do you like your major? 为什么喜欢你的专业? 12) Why do you want to study in USA? 为什么想要去美国学习? 13) Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree? 你为什么想要一个硕士学位或博士学位呢? 14) Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?你为什么从这所学校受到资金资助呢? 15) What is the difficult class do you have? 你上的什么课最困难? 16) What's your name? 你叫什么名字?


基于美国旅游/商务签证常见问题,特别编辑一个常见问题解答,希望对各位有所帮助 一,基本签证问题 ●Q1- 我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证 要前往美国旅行,须持有有效期超出预定停留期至少六个月的有效护照。 ●Q2- 美国签证免签国家都有哪些? 安道尔 澳大利亚奥地利 比利时 文莱 捷克共和国丹麦 爱沙尼亚芬兰 法国 德国 希腊匈牙利 冰岛 爱尔兰 意大利 日本 拉脱维亚 列支敦士登 立陶宛 卢森堡 马耳他 摩纳哥 新西兰 挪威 葡萄牙 韩国 圣马力诺 新加坡 斯洛伐克 斯洛文尼亚 西班牙 瑞典 瑞士 台湾 荷兰 英国 成员国家/地区的公民如满足以下要求,则可以免签证去美国旅游或出差,并最多可停留90天。 ●Q3-是否所有非移民签证申请人都必须到大使馆或总领事馆进行面谈? 大部分申请人均需如此。仅有少数例外情况: 例如:14以下儿童或80岁以上老人 任何有资格使用代传递服务续签的申请人 ●Q4-我的护照已经到期,但是其中的美国签证仍然有效。我是否需要申请新的签证?不需要,如果您的签证仍然有效,则您可以使用新旧两本护照到美国旅行,前提是签证未损坏,且旅行主 要目的与签证类型相符(例如:如果主要旅行目的为旅游,则签证必须为旅游签证)。另外,两本护照 上的姓名与其他个人信息必须一致,且两本护照必须是同一国家签发的同一类型护照。

●Q5-我拥有双重公民身份。去美国旅行应该使用哪个护照? 如果您不具有美国国籍,则可使用任意国籍申请签证,但是需要在申请表上向大使馆或总领事馆写明您的全部国籍。美国公民(即使拥有双重国籍)出入美国必须使用美国护照 ●Q6-签证可否办理延期 美国签证有效期为一年,任何类型的签证都无法延期。您必须重新申请签证,或办理代传递(免面谈)业务 ●Q7- 如果我在美国停留期间签证过期,会有什么问题吗? 根据美国国土安全部官员在您入境时作出的决定,您可以按照I-94表(入境时填写)上注明的时间和条件在美国境内停留,即使签证过期也没有问题 二, 如遇到拒签,客人提出的问题解答 ●Q1- 怎么证明客人被拒签了(签证官会口头告知,但有个别申请者会询问) 在美国签证面试后如遇到拒签情况,客人的护照会被返回手中,并由使馆发给客人一张 “1 214(b)条款”的拒签信,拒签信内容无差别,具体拒签原因不会被告知,但可以通过询问签证官所提问题,进行分析 ●Q2-拒签信上的214(b)条款是指什么? 214(b)是美国《移民与归化法案》(INA)中的条款,其中规定: 所有外国人在申请签证时都将首先被假定具有移民倾向,除非他/她能使签证官确信其具有非移民资格。大多数情况下,签证官只需简单面谈并审查申请人提供的约束力证明材料,即可处理签证申请。拒签最常见的原因是,访客或学生签证申请人无法证明其在美国境外拥有没有理由放弃的居住权。申请人必须证明上述居住权的存在,表明他/她们具有必然的约束力,可迫使其在短期停留后离美回国。依据美国法律,申请人有责任提供此类证明 ●Q3-,.如果本次被拒签,近期还可否申请同种类型签证 可以,但需要重新缴纳签证费,如果申请人能重新提供在美国境外有牢固约束力的证明材料,签证官将予以酌情考虑。不过,对某些申请人而言,除非其个人生活、工作和经济状况发生重大改变,否则无论重新申请多少次,也不具备获得非移民签证的资格。


美国签证问含答案 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

签证108问修订版(含答案) 说明: 1、该答案经本人及几位生活在美国的朋友反复修改,既要考虑答案的合理 性,又要考虑语言的口语体,可谓呕心沥血,易稿无数,希望能对诸位有所帮助。 2、从网上下的108问顺序比较杂乱,本人删减了个别重复的和意思不明的 问题,新添了一些问题,并做了大致归类。分类有不当之处,见谅!可能问题已经超出108个,但考虑到大家已经习惯这个称谓,故未改名称。 3、签证时要尽量简洁明了地回答问题,但又忌讳沉默、无话可说的情景, 所以本人的宗旨是尽量把答案写长,但要明确哪些该说,哪些可说可不说。 文中凡是蓝色字体的句子,均属于“打破沉默句”。:) 4、提问频率最高的还是why this program, why this university, why choose America, 以及financial support,career plan 等问题。所以应该把重点放在对这些问题的准备上。 5、刷黄色的部分为新添加的问题。 6、镇定和微笑是最重要的。 Part 1 Visa for What 1) What will you study in the United States 2) What will you do in USA 3) What do you want to study in USA I willread thelanguageat New York University 4) Are you going to study in USA Yes,learningthe languagein the United States 5) What is your purpose for the visa I thinkaboutat New York Universityto pursueadegree inlanguageclass 6) What will you do if you don’t get this visa(如果没有得到这个签证你会做什么) If it failsI will notgive up,willcontinue to adhere toin the endbutdo not want tolose theopportunity to learn.如果失败我也不会放弃,会继续坚持到底但是不想失去学习的机会。 7) How long will you study in USA你在美国学习多久 Will takesix months 需要六个月 Why does the I-20 say the program is around 36 months That’s the duration of my program. It can be finished in 24 months if I take courses in the summer semester. Actually, my advisor told me that most students can make it within 2 years. 8) What will you study in this major What courses I will take courses like Corporate Accounting, Cost Accounting, Auditing, Income taxation, Accounting Information System, and other related courses. I will also take some business related courses, such as financial management, and marketing, Which course do you think is the most difficult one


美国签证“必答题”25问 1) What will you study in the United States? 2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? 3) What will you do in USA? 4) Are you going to study in USA? 5) When/where did you get your BS/MS? 6) What/where are you studying now? 7) How long will you study in USA? 8) Have you any scholarship? 9) What do you want to study in USA? 10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD? 11) What is your purpose for the visa? 12) What is your academic background? 13) How do you know this Univ.? 14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? 15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? 16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back? 17) Why do you choose this Univ.? 18) Why do you like your major? 19) Why do you want to study in USA? 20) Why do you want to pursue a doctor's degree? 21) Why do you receive fiancial aid from this Univ.? 22) What is the difficult class do you have? 23) Do you want your wife to go with you? 24) Why do you change your major? 25) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?


说完申根签证,就发现好多小伙伴对美签的疑问也很多。所以贴心的UU本周为大家整理了关于美国签证的一些常见问题的解答。 不过在开头就先说明,想拿美签?哈哈哈,看人品,看签证官心情。因为美签需要面签,所以有了很多不可避免的主观因素。可能两个人类似的条件也会有不同的结果,尽管需要天时地利人和,之前你也必须要好好准备,打好基础! 以下整理的问题的答案,仅供大家参考(本篇只讲B类签证)。 1.什么是B1/B2签证? 美国签证可分为移民签证和非移民签证。在非移民签证中,申请最多的为B类签证——短期访客。 B-1签证:B-1签证签发给从事短期商务活动的申请人。商务活动包括签订合同,参加展览或会议,短期培训或与客户洽谈业务。该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业。B1申请人应出示其拟在美从事商务活动的相关文件,包括发自美国邀请方的邀请函,表明访美目的和证明申请人个人情况的文件。 B-2签证:B-2签证签发给赴美国旅游的申请人,包括观光、治病、探亲访友以及参加会议。该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业。因此,除了法律另有规定来证实外,非移民签证的申请人应该举证他并没有移民美国的企图。而B-2签证又是由美国领事当场决定,带有浓厚的主观色彩,所以很容易被认为有"移民倾向"而拒签。这也使得许多申请者在面谈时非常紧张。 2.美国签证的新规是什么? 根据新规定,自2016年11月1日起,持有中国护照及10年有效商务或旅游签证(B1/B2、B1或B2)的旅客,入境美国前须在“签证更新电子系统”(EVUS)上登记个人信息。 什么是EVUS? 签证更新电子系统是指持有十年有效B1/B2,B1或B2(访问者)签证的中国公民所使用的个人基本信息在线定期更新系统,以协助其赴美旅行。除了有效签证以外,在2016年11月之后,上述旅客必须完成EVUS 登记,以便获得许可进入美国。 是否对目前的签证持有人、新申请人或两者都有影响? 两者都会受到本项新规定的影响。持有2016 年11 月之前签发的十年有效期B1/B2、B1 或B2 签证的申请者,必须在该规定生效后登陆EVUS登记,方可使用签证。自2016 年


网上填写美国签证电子表格详细指南 一、新的网上签证申请表 为了节约签证申请人以及签证处职员的时间,美国启用新的网上申请表(只限于英文DS-156表) 。新的网上申请表含有条形码而这些条形码将可以允许我们电子传输信息从而减少了签证申请过程中的等候时间。对于那些在签证材料中提交新的印有条形码的申请表的申请人,他们的签证申请和面试预约将优先处理。 新的网上签证申请表可以从领事馆的网站上下载。 一旦申请表格在网上填写完毕,请在签证面试的当天递交打印出的已完整填写的网上申请表。目前其他申请表格(DS-157表和DS158表)以及所有的中文表格仍必须人工填写。

二、DS表的填写方法 1、Passport number护照号码 2、Place of Issuance护照的签发地点,City城市,Country国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND),State/Province省份(直辖市可以不填) 3、Issuring country护照签发国家(国内的,选择CHINA-MAINLAND) 4、Issuance Date (dd-month-yyyy)护照签发时间,这一项与普通DS156表格有一点区别,普通的156表格的日期格式为mmm,而网上的156,直接选择就可以了。 5、Expiration Date (dd-month-yyyy)护照过期时间(填写方法同上) 6、Surnames (As in Passport)护照上的姓(拼音) 7、First and Middle Names (As in Passport)护照上的名(拼音) 8、Other Surnames Used (Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases)其他姓 9、Other First and Middle Names Used其他名 10、Date of Birth (dd-month-yyyy)出生日期(“月份”那一项,直接选择就可以了) 11、Place of Birth出生地点 12、Nationality国籍(选择CHINA-MAINLAND就可以了) 13、Sex性别(直接选) 14、National Identification Number身份证号码 15、Home Address (Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country)家庭地址(包括房间号码,街道,城市,省份,邮编和国家) 16、电话号码(包括家庭电话、办公电话、移动电话、传真号码、工作传真号码、寻呼机Pager Number,有几个填几个,没有就不填) 17、Marital Status婚姻状况(Married——已婚,Single (Never Married)——单身(从未结婚),Widowed——寡居,Divorced——离婚,Separated——分居) 18、Spouse's Full Name (Even if divorced or separated. Include maiden name.)配偶的全名(即使离婚或分居了也要填,包括婚前姓)——外国女人结婚后,可能把自己的姓氏改为丈夫的姓
