新应用大学英语unit 1

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Do you find it hard to adapt to college life? Or does college life meet your expectations? Tips: As a matter of fact, the first several weeks in college can be difficult for most students. Being nervous, lonely and homesick is probably the most common thing you will experience. And, a lot of things in college life is quite different from what you had expected.
5. 学科专业:
Fra Baidu bibliotek
basic course 基础课 specialized course / major course专业课 major 主修 minor 辅修 literature 文学 philosophy 哲学 history 历史 architecture 建筑学 psychology 心理学 art 艺术 sociology 社会学 linguistics 语言学 law 法学 economics 经济学 finance 金融学 accounting 会计学 marketing 市场调查 medicine 医学 gymnastics 体育 biology 地理 agriculture 农学

2. 老师场景:
professor deputy/associate professor 副教授 assistant professor 助理教授 lecturer / instructor 讲师 teaching fellow 教员 tutor 家教 / mentor 导师/ director / supervisor 指导老师 dean 系主任 / 院长 president 大学校长 faculty 全体教职员工
WarmUp (Survey)
As You Teach Text A
Pronunciation Focus
As You Teach Text B
Writing Focus
do you come from? Is this college far away from your homeprovince? Did you feel sad upon leaving home? Do you miss your parents? Friends? Or any other things related to your family? Did you pack anything special to bring with you - before you left home? If so, what was it? Have you ever suffered from homesickness? If so, how do you deal with it?
freshman sophomore junior student senior student undergraduate student 本科生 postgraduate 研究生 Master’s degree 硕士学位 Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 PhD 博士研究生 post doctor student 博士后
Campus vocabulary
4. 作业学习场景:

coursework / assignment 作业/ project 课题 book report 读书报告 presentation 课堂发言/ 展示 reading list 书单 turn in / hand in 交作业 to work on 做作业 deadline 上交的最后期限 due 即将到期 hold up 推迟 paper 论文 essay 小论文 term paper 学期论文 thesis 毕业论文 proposal 开题报告 scholarship 奖学金 grant / fellowship 助学金 tuition 学费
I. Warm-up Questions
What’s your first impression on your campus life? Tips: College life is quite different from high school. From now on you begin to make your way as a young adult, and make decisions by yourself. What’s more, as a freshman, you are curious about everything and full of passion.

Campus vocabulary
3. 上课、选课、听讲座、听报告场景:
to take the course 选课 to sign up for the course / to register for drop the course 退课 pick up = learn 学某一门课 full 报满 take attendance 点名 handout 讲义 selective course / elective course / optional course required course / compulsory course seminar 研讨会 credit 学分 introductory course 初级课程 advanced course 高级课程