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There is an increase in damand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our coun-trry. 译为:我国各地对各种消费品的需求量正大大增加。

We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectoymned to pur-sue it .译为我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门工业化。

They are deeply convinced of the ourrectness of this pocicy and firmly determined to pur-sue it. 译为:我们深信这一政策是正确的,并有坚定的决心继续奉行这一政策。

Weseek a deep-rooted understanding through the multiplication of our economic, cultur-al,scientific , technical and human ties.译为:我们要通过加强我们之间的经济、文化、科学、技术和人员等方面的交流来加深彼此的了解。

Rockets heve found applications for zhe exploration of the universe 译为:火箭已经用来探索宇宙。

If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom ,it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics 译为:如果我们不知道原子的结构,我们我们就不可能研究核子物理学。

Electronic control techniques can be designed to take full advantage of quick response in-herent in a gas turbine proulsion system 译为:电子控制技术可以充分地利用燃气轮机推进系统固有的反应快的优点。

His treatise aims at discussing the propertiesof the newly discovered elements译为:他着篇论文的目的是讨论新发现元素的特征。

These pumps are featured by their simple operation ,easr maintenance, low power con-sumption and durable service译为:这些水泵的


No one has ever seen a single atom or molecule even with the most powerful microscope译为:即使用倍数最高的显微镜,也没有人看到过一个单个的原子或分子。

Cargo insurance is to protect the trede foum losses that many dangers may cause.译为:货物保险就是保护贸易商免受许多风险所可能造成的种种损失。

English is the language of commerce and second language of many countnes whicih for-merlr had French or german in that position译为:英


Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man ;and writing an exact man译为:阅读使人充实,会话使人敏捷,写作使人精明。

The problem of acquiring ,tracking and discriminating all the targets needs the fuil capa-bility of the phased array radar译为:解决捕获、跟踪和识别所有目标的问题,要求发挥相控阵雷达的全部能力。

The princioal function that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification,amplify-cation, oscillation, modulation and detection译为:真空管的五大主要功能是:整流、放大、振荡、调制和检波。

A key is a piece inserted between a shaft and a hab to prevent relative rotation译为:键是一种装在轴和轮毂之间的零件,用以防止相对转动。

My work ,my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my


The former is more common in adult ,the latter in children译为:前


Tinghter tolerances are possible, but with lower yield and greater cost译为:使公差再小一些是可能的,但这会降低成品率,使成本增加。

This experience has been obtained in the realm of far less

stringent operational require-ments and conditions, particularly in regard to power dissipation 译为:这种经验是在极不严格的工作要求和工作环


The experience has told us that this lind of material is of good quality经验告诉我们这种材料的质量很好

The products should be sampled to check their quality before they leave the factory译为:产品在出厂之前就应该进行质量抽样检查。

They have fitted themselves to the land and the rhythm of its seasons译为:他们已经适应了当地的水土和季节。

Physics is the study of heat ,sound ,magnetism , electricity, light, the properties ofmat-ter and what it is composed of 译为:物理学研究的是热、声、磁、电、光、物质的性质和成份
