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A.either;neither B.neither;one C.neither;either D.either;both 4. We __h_a_d_p_a_in_t_ed__(paint) the house before we __m_o_v_e_d______ (move)
in. 5. That rich old man __h_a_d__m_a_d_e____ (make) a will before he
a private secretary Secretary-general 秘书长 Secretary of State (美)国务卿
☆nervous 精神紧张的
(= restless or uneasy) 紧张的;害怕的
The exam is coming, so I feel very nervous. adj. 担忧的,紧张的 • I felt very nervous when I went into his office. • 当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。 • Get nervous 变得紧张 • I always get so nervous about going on stage. • 我上台就会变得很紧张。 • Don't be nervous! 别紧张!
secretary n.秘书 (英)大臣,(美)部长
☆secret n.秘密
tell a secret keep a secret
the secret of success an open secret ☆secret adj.秘密的,保密的,不公开的
a secret marriage a secret document secret(秘密)+ ary(人)=secretary(秘书) ☆secretary n.秘书,书记
• 跳舞给我们带来快乐。
• ask & ask for
• except & except for & besides & apart from
• either of & neither of & both of & all of
1.The man of___experience said he had___very interesting experience the other day.
Don’t be nervous --- the doctor won’t 4) 她h对ur乘t 飞yo机u旅. 行感到紧张。
She was nervous about travelling by air.
☆afford [ə‘fɔːd] 担负得起a)
a:( = to be able to buy or pay for) 买得起,
nervous&worried&upset: nerve [nə:v]
nervous:事情正在发生 worried:为以后的事情担心 upset:不安的,事情发生以后
n. 神经
1) 考试使我感到紧张。
2) 他害怕陌生人。 Examinations make me nervous. 3) 别紧张——大夫不H会e弄’s痛n你e的rv。ous of strangers.
付得起, 通常和can, could, be able to 连用
I have a lot of money, so I could afford an apartment. v. 买得起,经受得住,承担得起
afford sth: e.g. I can afford the book. afford money/ time: e.g. I can afford five yuan. afford to do sth: e.g. I can afford to buy the book. (注意:一定要加情态动词can) • They took a bus because they couldn‟t afford to take a taxi. • v.提供,给予 • Dancing offords us pleasure.
____d_ie_d____ (die). 6. The robbers _ha_d__ru_n_a_w__ay__ (run away ) before the policemen _a_r_riv_e_d__
7. Paul _w_e_n_t___ (go) out with Jane after he ___h_a_d_tu_r_ne_d_o(ftfurn off) the light.
8.When I a_r_ri_v_e_d_______(arrive) at the station, he _h_a_d_l_e_ft____(leave).
Lesson 15 1 secretary ['sekrətəri, -teri] n.秘书 2 nervous ['nə:vəs] a.精神紧张的 3 afford [ə'fɔ:d] v.负担得起 4 weak [wi:k] a.弱的 5 interrupt [intə'rʌpt] v.插话,打断
A./; /
பைடு நூலகம்
B.a; /
C./; a
D.a; a
2.He___in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.
A.works B.had worked C.will work D.has worked
3.I like___of the books, that is, I don't like___of the designs.
Lesson 14 Do you speak
★Key structure: • 过去完成时(9AUnit5):
时间状语从句中,如果两个动作都发生在过去,同时发生 ,要用过去进行时态;如果一先一后发生,先发生的动作 用过去完成时,后发生的动作用一般过去时。 ★Special difficulties: