


一.用is, am 或are 填空

1.Excuse me. What _______ this in English?

2. ________ the your coat, Mr Green? No, it _________ not.

3. What ________ these? ___________ they maps?

4. This __________ your bike. Where __________ my bike?

5. I __________ in Class Eleven. What class ___________ you in?


1. –What’s your name, please? ---- ________

A. It’s Tom

B. My name is Tom

C. Thank you

D. Fine, thank you

2. ----Hello, Lin Tao. How are you? ---- _________.

A. hello. Li Ming. How are you?

B. Good morning. Li Ming.

C. Thank you

D. Fine, thank you

3. ----It is _________ ruler. ---- It is not __________ eraser.

A. /, an

B. a; an

C. the; the

4. ---- Is that your watch over there? ----No, it’s _______ watch.

A. my

B. this

C. my sister’s

5. ----What _______ do you speak? ---- I speak Chinese.

A. language

B. science

C. subject

6. Thanks ______ your present.

A. of

B. from

C. for

D. to

7. Is ______ your aunt? What’s ________ name?

A. he; his

B. she; her

C. he; her

D. she; his

8. The movie is very _______ and I like it.

A. boring

B. interest

C. interesting

D. difficult

9. ________ your brother __________ a soccer ball?

A. Do; has

B. Do; have

C. Does; has

D. Does; have

10. --- Let’s ___________ basketball. ---- Good idea!

A. plays

B. to play

C. play

D. playing

11.Mike doesn’t play sports. He only ______ them on TV.

A. sees

B. watches

C. looks at

D. find

12.I need to write a lost note. Can you _______ me _________?

A. take; a pencil

B. bring; some book

C. take; some papers

D. bring; a pen

13.He wants _________ the art club.

A. to join

B. join

C. joins

14.---How does your father go to work every day? ---- _________ taxi.

A. In

B. By

C. On

D. With

15.Yesterday after class I ______________ my homework.

A. do

B. did

C. make

D. made


A boy and a girl catch a bird and ___1___ it in a birdcage (鸟笼). They like it ___2___ and __3___ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants ___4___ her supper. ___5___ the bird is in the cag e. She can’t catch it. So she is very ___6____.

One day, she opens the door of the cage ___7___ wants to catch it. But the bird fillies away. The cat ____8_____, and she has ____9_____. The two children

___10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They ar e very angry and put the cat into the cage.

1.A. take B. put C. carry D. bring

2.A. well B. very C. much D. very much

3.A. see B. look C. have a look D. have a look at

4.A. have it for B. has is for C. to have it for D. to has it so

5.A. But B. And C. So D. Then

6.A. angry B. happy C. glad D. tired

7.A. but B. and C. so D. or

8.A. can to fly B. can fly C. can’t to fly D. can’t fly

9.A. no ways B. some ways C. any way D. not way

10. A. come back to home B. come back home

C. come to home

D. back home



An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to get him something to eat.

He sees a monkey and says, “I’m hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and ge t me a fat pig.”

“Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”

“What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will eat him.”

“Come with me,” says the monkey.

The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river.” Says the monkey. “Do you see it? The tiger?”

“Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river.

1. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?

A. Two tigers and one monkey

B. Two tigers and two monkeys

C. Only one tiger and one monkey

D. Two monkeys and one tiger

2. Why does the tiger tell the other animals to get him food? Because


A. only they can look for some food

B. he is old and they are afraid of him

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger

D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

3. The monkey _____________________

A. goes to the village to get a pig

B. knows there is another tiger

C. gets to the bridge with the tiger

D. tells the tiger to jump into the water

4. Which of the following is right? __________

A. The monkey eats up the tiger

B. The tiger eats up another tiger

C. The tiger jumps into the water

D. The tiger is clever


Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party to Mary. Mary is her daughter. She will be ten years old. A lot of her friends are coming to the party. Twenty of them are girls.

Mrs Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.

“That’s a big nice cake,” says Mrs. White to Mrs Green.

“Thank you very much.”

Mrs Green is going shopping now. She is going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys a lot of pears, apples. Oranges and bananas. Then she goes home.

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to begin in thirty minutes.


1.Who is Mrs Green going to give a birthday party to?


2.How old is Mary?


3.What does Mrs Green buy fruit for?


4.When is the party going to begin?


5.How many girls are there at the party?



1.In our school, we have many ___________ (club).

2.Helen can _______________ (speak) three languages.

3.The Whites have four ___________ (child), two daughters and two sons.

4.My pen pal _____________ (live) in Japan.

5.I want to eat _____________ (a) apple.

6.Please come and __________ (help) me.

7.She _________ (have) a dictionary.

8.There isn’t _____________ (some) tea in the cup.


1.are, brothers, those, my


2.table, backpack, the, my, is, under


3.number, phone, your, is, what


4.this, black, how, much, is, T-shirt


5.has, she, a, car, blue



A: Can I help you?

B: ________, ______. I want a pair of pants.

A: What _________ do you ________?

B: Black

A: Here _______ _________.

B: _______ _______ are you?

A: 35 dollars.

B: I’ll take them. _________ you.

A: You’re ___________.


1.Can you play the violin? ____________________________________

2.Do you like English or maths? Why? ___________________________

3.What sports do you like? _____________________________________

4.When did you start to learn English? ____________________________

5.What are you going to do this summer vacation?__________________


A girl may pass easily through the first grades.While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades.Girls seem to have“better brains”in school.Why do so few girls become scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人) world done by men?

According to(根据) scientists,the answer is aggression(敌对行为).Boys usually refuse to accept other people's conclusion(结论).They insist on solving problems by themselves.while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own ways.Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age.

41.Girls get better marks at school than boys because _________.

A.boys are lazier

B.girls are better at remembering things than boys

C.girls are cleverer than boys

D.teachers care more for girls than for boys

42.There are so few women scientists because __________.

A.boys are cleverer than girls

B.girls are less cared for

C.girls are lazier

D.few of them are trained to be aggressive

43.According to the scientists,__________.

A.boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things

B.boys Can easily get food jobs while girls can't

C.girls insist on doing things on their own

D.the nature of the boys and girls is the same.but their education is different

44.In the view of the writer,__________.

A.girls have better brains

B.boys have better brains

C.neither boys nor girls have better brains

D.usually great scientists are men and most important things are done by men 45.Which of the following is right?

A.Boys are cleverer in school.

B.Girls are cleverer at an early age.

C.Boys and girls have good points in different ways.

D.Boys have good points only when they enter the adult world


Answer the questions according to the poster at the next page.

46.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A.Five B.Six C.Seven

47.A child under 12 Can go to the zoo __________.

A.with a ticket of $1.00B.with a ticket of $2.00 C.freely

48.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one aged 14 and the other 10,how much are the tickets together?

A.$2.00B.$3.00 C.$4.00

49.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:00 a.m. Monday.

B.9:30 a.m.Friday.

C.3:00 P.m.Sunday.

50.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A.To give some food to the fish.

B.To take a few nice photos.

C.To throw things at animals.



51.I’m ten years old and my sister is two years older than me,so she is t_____ years old。

52.Chinese people are very good at table t_____,and it's our favorite sport.53.Lingling is now reading books in the school l__________.

54.I have a pen friend,and we always send e_____to each other by computer.55.Ice-cream and candies are not healthy food.They are u_____ food.

56.What’s the w_____ like in spring? It's warm.

57.When you see foreign friends in our school,you can say to them “W_____ to my school”.

58.My uncle is a worker.He works in a f_____.

59.Your father and your mother are your p_____.

60.Don't take this book because it is mine.Y_____ is on the table.


“Early to bed,early to rise”makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.It's good for the body.

This is an old saying.Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich and clever.

That is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have enough sleep,or they can't do their work very well.They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!

The body also needs exercise: walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing

games and all other exercise.Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body.This is very important.Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better.


61.What does“early to bed.early to rise”mean?

62.What must the body have to be healthy?

63.What will happen to Children of young age who don't have enough sleep?

64.What keeps the body strong?

65.What takes food to all parts of our body?




Dear John,

How are you recently?

I'm writing to introduce my new school to you.


北京小升初分班考试英语试题及答案 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.----I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空: ( ) 1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( ) 2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by ( ) 3. My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me? A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C.lend; from D. lend; to ( ) 4. Do you know___________? A. who he is B. who is he C. what he like D. what does he like ( ) 5. There are about six bridges over Yangtze River in Jiangsu. One is for trains, __________ are all for cars and tricks. A. the other B. the others C. another five D. Others ( ) 6. ----I am very sorry but I can't help you now. ----_________. A. That's right B. You're welcome C. Thank you all the same D. How sorry I am. ( ) 7. _______ weather we are having these days! A. What a bad B. How nice a C. How nice D. What bad ( ) 8. Mr Green is a new teacher at our school. His job is __________. A. teach our English B. teaching us English C. teach us English D. to teach our English ( ) 9. Stop ________. The teacher is coming for the new class. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. Talks ( ) 10. I didn't think she had _______ more CDs __________ Mike. A. so;as B. much; than C. as; as D. many; than ( ) 11. We all like him because he says __________ but does much. A. little B. a little C. much D. Many ( ) 12. _______ is the most interesting of _________. A. Unit Three; Book Three B. The Unit Three; the Book Three C. Third Unit; Third Book D. The Third Unit; the Three Book 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1. Jim is good at P.E. He gets up early and __________ (do) some sports every morning. 2. ----_________ Timmy __________(visit) his friends next Sunday? ----Yes, he is. 3. Millie __________(go) the park by herself and had a good time there. 4. The workers at the repair shop say our car needs ___________(mend). 5. I have no homework this afternoon. How about _________(fly) kites in the park? 6. Many students are in the room now. They ___________(watch) Kungfu Panda on TV. 四、完形填空: Do you like to shop on the Internet? Things online are very cheap. I often


小升初分班考试英语模拟试题 一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(1×5分) ()1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ()2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ()3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ()4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom () 5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats 二、根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(1×5分) 6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have ? 7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔细) as his cousin. 8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day. 9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day. 10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_________

at 3:00 p.m.. 三. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(1×5分) 11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake. 12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister. 13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ? 14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ? 15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’t he? 四. 选择最佳答案。(1×10分) ( )16.--- Could you help me , please ? --- _____________________. A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re welcome . ( )17.There is _____________sheep on the hill . A. little B. a few C. a little D. few ( )18.There is ______ “h ”, ______ “o”,


小升初分班考试英语试题汇编 一、选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(1×5分) ( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats 二、根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(1×5分) 6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have 7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔细) as hi s cousin. 8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well ever y day. 9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busies t day. 10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 . and f_________ at

3:00 .. 三. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(1×5分) 11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the la ke. 12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister. 13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they 14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your bod y 15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the his tory of China tomorrow, isn’t he 四. 选择最佳答案。(1×10分) ( ) Could you help me , please --- _____________________. A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. Y ou’re welcome . ( ) is _____________sheep on the hill . A. little B. a few C. a little D. few


英语能力测试 客观题部分(共55 分) 一、单项选择:请从每小题的A,B或C 三个选项中,选择一个最佳选项,并把选项代码A,B或C填到答题纸上。(每题1分,共10分) 1. I gave John a nice toy on ________ birthday. A. he B. his C. him 2. She goes to visit her grandparents ______ Sundays. A. in B. on C. at 3. Tom is ______ boy in the family. A. tall B. taller C. the tallest 4.There ________ a lot of milk in the bottle. A.is B.are C. am 5. ----- ________ does your father work ? ----- He works in a big company. A. How B. Who C. Where 6. They got up early, ________ they missed the school bus. A. but B. and C. so 7. ----- ________ butter do you need ? ----- Only a little. A. How many B. How much C. What 8. ----- Where are your parents ? ----- They ________ in the supermarket. A. shop B. go shopping C. are shopping 9. He is taking the book ________ his schoolbag. A. out B. out of C. in 10. Mother often helps me ________ my Chinese. A. to B. for C. with 二、完形填空:请阅读下面两篇短文,并根据短文内容从每小题的A,B或C三个选项中,选择一个最佳答案。把选项代码A,B或C填到答题纸上。(每题1分,共15分) (A) Venice is a great city in Italy. It is a “Water City”. You can’t see ___11___ cars or taxis there. When you ___12___ to a far place, you can take a boat. There are many rivers around the city and there are many ___13___ of boats. The best way to visit Venice is walking. ___14___ you are tired, you can buy some ___15___. The ice cream in Venice is good to eat. Venice is a good place for ___16___ to have fun. You can let your kids ___17__ food to pigeons on San Marco Square. They are all beautiful. Or you can also take a water-bus to some nice places. Guggenheim Museum is near San Marco. It is a good place for kids to go, too. There kids can learn ___18___. Don’t wait ! Go to Venice to have a good time soon. 11. A. lot of B. some C. any 12. A. go B. want C. come 13. A. kinds B. colors C. lots 14. A. And B. But C. When 15. A. Food B. fruits C. ice cream


小升初英语分班考试模拟试题及答案(二) 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.----I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空: ( )1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( )2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by ( )3. My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me?


重点中学小升初分班考试英语真题(附答案) 一.用is, am 或are 填空 1.Excuse me. What _______ this in English? 2. ________ the your coat, Mr Green? No, it _________ not. 3. What ________ these? ___________ they maps? 4. This __________ your bike. Where __________ my bike? 5. I __________ in Class Eleven. What class ___________ you in? 二.单项填空 1. –What’s your name, please? ---- ________ A. It’s Tom B. My name is Tom C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you 2. ----Hello, Lin Tao. How are you? ---- _________. A. hello. Li Ming. How are you? B. Good morning. Li Ming. C. Thank you D. Fine, thank you 3. ----It is _________ ruler. ---- It is not __________ eraser. A. /, an B. a; an C. the; the 4. ---- Is that your watch over there? ----No, it’s _______ watch. A. my B. this C. my sister’s 5. ----What _______ do you speak? ---- I speak Chinese. A. language B. science C. subject 6. Thanks ______ your present. A. of B. from C. for D. to 7. Is ______ your aunt? What’s ________ name? A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his 8. The movie is very _______ and I like it. A. boring B. interest C. interesting D. difficult 9. ________ your brother __________ a soccer ball? A. Do; has B. Do; have C. Does; has D. Does; have 10. --- Let’s ___________ basketball. ---- Good idea! A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing 11.Mike doesn’t play sports. He only ______ them on TV. A. sees B. watches C. looks at D. find 12.I need to write a lost note. Can you _______ me _________? A. take; a pencil B. bring; some book C. take; some papers D. bring; a pen 13.He wants _________ the art club. A. to join B. join C. joins 14.---How does your father go to work every day? ---- _________ taxi. A. In B. By C. On D. With


小升初英语分班测试知识总结 一、a number of ,the number of a number of 意思是“许多”,相当于a lot of ; the number of意思是“……的数目,……的数量”,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 A number of students like playing computer games. 许多学生喜欢玩电脑游戏。 The number of the students is about 1500 in our school. 我们学校学生的人数大约是1500。 二、基数词变序数词助记歌。 基变序,有规律,末尾加上th;一、二、三特殊记,八加h ,九去e ,ve要用f替;以e结尾变ie,后跟th莫忘记。要想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。 特殊变化: one—first ,two—second ,three—third ,five—fifth , nine—ninth ,twelve—twelfth ,forty—fortieth , eight-nine—eighty-ninth 三、概数(略数)表达法

数词+hundred/thousand/million/billion+名词复数 hundreds/thousands/millions/billions of+名词复数例: 1. __people go swimming in summer in Dalian. A、Thousands B、Thousand of C、Thousands of D、Thousand 2. __the students will take part in this English speech contest. A. Two hundred of B. Two hundreds of C. Hundreds of D. Hundred of 1、of sb.与for sb.的区别 (1)of sb.“对于(某人)”,用于It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth.句型中,形容词为clever, kind, nice等描述人物性格特征的词,of后的人物与形容词有主表关系。 (2)for sb.“对于(某人)”,用于It is +adj. +for sb. to do sth.句型中, 形容词为easy, important等不描述人物性格特征的词,for后的人物与形容词没有主表关系。 2、不能同时出现在一个句子中的连词 (1)、because(因为),so(所以)不能同时出现在一个句子里,只能用其一。 Because he was tired, he couldn’t walk there. = He was tired ,so he couldn’t walk there.


北京小升初分班考试英语 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.----I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空: ( ) 1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( ) 2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by ( ) 3. My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me? A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C.lend; from D. lend; to ( ) 4. Do you know___________? A. who he is B. who is he C. what he like D. what does he like ( ) 5. There are about six bridges over Yangtze River in Jiangsu. One is for trains, __________ are all for cars and tricks. A. the other B. the others C. another five D. Others ( ) 6. ----I am very sorry but I can't help you now. ----_________. A. That's right B. You're welcome C. Thank you all the same D. How sorry I am. ( ) 7. _______ weather we are having these days! A. What a bad B. How nice a C. How nice D. What bad ( ) 8. Mr Green is a new teacher at our school. His job is __________. A. teach our English B. teaching us English C. teach us English D. to teach our English ( ) 9. Stop ________. The teacher is coming for the new class. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. Talks ( ) 10. I didn't think she had _______ more CDs __________ Mike. A. so;as B. much; than C. as; as D. many; than ( ) 11. We all like him because he says __________ but does much. A. little B. a little C. much D. Many ( ) 12. _______ is the most interesting of _________. A. Unit Three; Book Three B. The Unit Three; the Book Three C. Third Unit; Third Book D. The Third Unit; the Three Book 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空: 1. Jim is good at P.E. He gets up early and __________ (do) some sports every morning.


小升初分班考试英语试题一 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ——Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ——What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.——Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.——What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.——I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.——Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.——Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.——Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.——What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.——I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( ) 2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by ( ) 3. My bike is not here. Will you _________ yours _________me? A. borrow; to B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. lend; to ( ) 4. Do you know___________? A. who he is B. who is he C. what he like D. what does he like ( ) 5. There are about six bridges over Yangtze River in Jiangsu. One is for trains, __________ are all for cars and tricks. A. the other B. the others C. another five D. Others ( ) 6. ——I am very sorry but I can't help you now. ----_________. A. That's right B. You're welcome C. Thank you all the same D. How sorry I am. ( ) 7. _______ weather we are having these days! A. What a bad B. How nice a C. How nice D. What bad ( ) 8. Mr. Green is a new teacher at our school. His job is __________. A. teach our English B. teaching us English


小升初英语分班考试模拟试题及答案(三) —找出划线部分发音不同的单词(5%) 1.( )A. look B. cool C. school D. zoo 2.( )A. mine B. with C. knife D. behind 3.( )A. teacher B great C clean D please 4.( )A. pear B. hair C. here D. wear 5.( )A. what B. which C. white D. whose 二、词型转换(10%) 1. country (复数) ____________ 2. far (比较级)______________________ 3. open (现在分词)_________ 4. quick (副词)______________________ 5. sea(同音词) _______________ 6. we(形容词性物主代词)____________ 7. one (序数词) _____________ 8. hear (同音词) _________________ 9 sun(形容词)_____________ 10. ran(原形)_______________________ 三.选择填空(10%) ( ) 1. After school we usually play _________ soccer for half _________ hour on _________ sports ground. A. /; an; the B. the; a; the C. /; a; / D. the; an; a ( ) 2. — Is she a bus driver? — _________. She is a postwoman. A. No, she isn't B. Yes, she is C. No, she is D. Yes, she isn't ( ) 3. Can you help my child ______ his science ______ Tuesday mornings? A. in; in B. with; on C. for; at D. with; at ( ) 4. — Is this your shoe? — Yes, it is, but where is _________? A. the others B. other one C. another D. the other one ( ) 5. That storybook is very _________. The children are _________ in it. A. interesting; interest B. interest; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting ( )6. There _________ a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box. A. be B. is C. are D. has


人教版(PEP)小升初分班考试英语模拟试题(二)A卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、用单词的适当形式填空 (共7题;共17分) 1. (3分)找出下列不同类型的单词。 ① ________ A. long B. wide C. about ② ________ A. England B. China C. London ③ ________ A. will B. so C. do 2. (1分)Everyone wants ________ (ill) teeth. 3. (1分)Sam ________ flying a kite in the park. 4. (1分) A: How ________ are you? B: I'm 1.45 metres. I'm shorter than you. 5. (5分)选出与每组同类的单词,将其序号填在横线上 A.doctor B.hospital C.read D.ice-cream E.heavier (1)watch jump climb ________ (2)thinner longer funnier ________ (3)singer farmer teacher ________

(4)park cinema school ________ (5)bread rice pizza ________ 6. (1分)short (反义词) ________ 7. (5分)将下列单词补充完整。 ①pl________yground ②c________oudy ③h________n ④________mbrella ⑤sh________rt 二、单选 (共5题;共10分)
