

Book review 英文书书评

Alice in wonderland

Plot summary

Alice and her sister are sitting under a tree when Alice sees the White Rabbit hurry down a rabbit hole. Alice follows the White Rabbit into Wonderland, where she has a series of marvelously imaginative adventures.

While searching for the White Rabbit, Alice meets the Cheshire Cat, a playful feline who can appear and disappear at will.

On the advice of the Cheshire Cat, Alice attends a tea party at the March Hare's house. After the Mad Hatter tries to cut Alice's hair, she runs away and finds herself in a garden.

After a croquet match, Alice is called on to testify against a tart thief in court. She becomes so flustered that she angers the Queen of Hearts, who orders that her head be cut off. Alice then wakes up to discover that it was all a dream. Favourite Character

The Cheshire Cat has to be my favorite. His personality is just too delectable. But its personality really is similar to mine. And I appreciate it becuase I learn a lot from it. The Cheshire Cat is a smiling cat who can disappears and reappears at will. The Cheshire Cat is the ironic middle between adulthood and childhood. He reveals to Alice how, after you have mastered the rules then rules can start to master you. He sends her forward to the Mad Hatter and then to the Queen as a lesson in what happens when the rules get out of hand: madness, a sort of childhood for adults. Reflections

Though the story is a dream, it shows me many different ideas and truth. I was deeply impressed that as a seven-year-old girl Alice doesn’t cry like a common girl when she falls down the hole, on the contrary she shows her bravery side to us. We’ll have no choice but to face the difficulties when we grow up, but we can’t lose our inherent pure heart. Wonderland is a nice place. It is a place I can follow my heart and do anything I want .That’s why I like this book. I always believe, the world follows your heart, if you think it’s beautiful, then, it would be.

A Perfect Life by Danielle Steel

Plot summary

Blaise McCarthy a single mother who managed her well-ordered career meticulously,

always prepared on the air or interviewing world-renowed figures. But privately, there is another untold story she has kept hidden for years. Blaise's teenage daughter, Salima, was blinded by Type 1 diabetes in childhood, and her needs have kept her in a year-round boarding school with full-time medical care and assistance. When Salima's school closes after a tragedy, they face challenges they're never had to deal with before. A new caretaker, Simon Ward, questions how mother and daughter view themselves and each other, turns their world upside down, but the three eventually become friends. Then everything starts to unraval. Her career as she has known it is threatened, she married Simon, and her previously well-ordered life feels totally out of control. For the first time, Blaise's life is not perfect , but real.


I've read some Danielle Steel books since I was a teenager, and I've loved them. She has some truly great reads. This is not one of them.

A part of me was worried about this book when the daughter was described as a type one diabetic. My grandmother is also a type one diabetic, so I wondered how Danielle Steel would explain the disease. But when I go ahead, I find I don’t the main character very much. Strong, overachieving female character has the perfect, cosmopolitan life and doesn't need a man. But I don’t admire a woman that has put her career over every facet in her life, including her child. For me, she wasn't admirable, because she completely rendered her daughter helpless by sending her away to a special school so she wouldn't have to deal with the realities of her illness.

The plots are mundane and predictable and I don't feel the passion that I once did when I read her books.

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

Plot summary

Mango Street, describes Esperanza, the oldest child in a Hispanic family who moves from apartment to apartment each year with her family. Mango Street is her family's first house and the neighborhood becomes a part of her life. Esperanza faces pressure at school, at home, and with her friends in her new life.


A House on Mango Street began to give Latin American women their voice. “You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky.”I’m caught in this world that Cisnero’s painted for me. I really enjoyed the narrator, Esperanza. She felt believable and real. What I liked most about Cisneros using a child as a narrator for the story which makes me feel natural, and Esperanza trying to figure out her world honestly. This book is short, sweet and poignant. It will stay with

me for a long time, and I want it to.

The No. Ladies’Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith Plot summary

Precious Ramotswe has only just set up shop as Botswana's No.1 lady detective when she is hired to track down a missing husband, uncover a con man, and follow a wayward daughter. However, the case that lands her in danger, is a missing eleven-year-old boy, who may have been snatched by witchdoctors. Reflections

I am a big fan of detective books and I am glad I had a chance to read this first book of the series, and I understand why it is popular. The main character, Precious, is a wonderful character, so likeable, smart, and able to face anything without panic. I also like that the novel is more than a collection of detective stories, but is about the life in Botswana and its people. Lastly, I enjoyed the humor.

I look forward to reading more in the series sometimes. I really enjoyed this book, I found it thoroughly entertaining. Sometimes, while reading, I'd get so involved with the case Mma Ramostwe was solving that I wouldn't leave my chair until the case got over. Some of the mysteries are really quite funny and a bit scary.

Plot summary

At the beginning of the book, Tom is one of the more fortunate slaves working for the very kind Shelby family who treat their slaves as human beings. Unfortunately, the head of the family, Arthur Shelby, is considerably less kind than his wife and son and one day decides to sell Tom and Eliza’s young son Harry, to a slave trader. Eliza makes a run for it, taking her son with her, but Tom—incredibly pious man that he is—stays put and meekly goes with the slave trader. During his voyage with the slave trader down the Mississippi River Tom meets Augustine St. Clare, a very kind man traveling with his little daughter Eva. Augustine buys Tom and takes him to his home in New Orleans where Tom lives happily for a couple of years, and is promised his freedom by Augustine. Before the emancipation could happen, however, Augustine dies and Tom is sold again. This time, he is bought by the evil plantation owner named Simon Legree, leading to the most harrowing part of the book.

This book is one of the most moving, provocative pieces of literature I've ever read, and it's the first time that I can recall being moved to tears from a book. As long as I live, I will never be able to remove from my mind the vision of Eliza, panicked and frenzied, in the dead of the night with her baby boy in her arms, leaping across the frozen ice of the Ohio river to escape the trader her baby had been sold to.


The Great Gatsby Information about this novel: The novel is told us the story of Gatsby by Nick’s tone. Nick came to New York from his hometown the America Middle West, and he rent a small house nearby Gatsby’s luxurious mansion where hold a grand banquet every night. The story began with the meet between Nick and Gatsby. And Nick had an exploratory interest to Gatsby and understood that there was a lost love in Gatsby’s deep heart. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other when Gatsby was young, but because of Gatsby’s poor family they were broken up. Then G. joined the First World War. While Daisy was married to Tom who was a rich dandy, but her marriage was not happy because Tom had a mistress. Therefore, the material couldn’t satisfy her spiritual empty. Gatsby was very painful and he believed that Daisy betrayed the pure heart for the money, so he resolved to be a man of wealth and a few years later he managed it. What’s more, in the opposite direction of Daisy’s house Gatsby built a mansion. In order to attract Daisy and aroused the lost love, Gatsby spent money like water. Nick was moved by Gatsby’s passion of love, so he visited to his young female cousin Daisy and told her Gatsby’s mind. Then Gatsby made date with Daisy, often. Finally, Gatsby found Daisy’s vanity, vulgar and selfish. Gatsby’s pink dream finally broke up, but he still insisted it, still retained


如何用英语介绍一部电影 【写作任务】 假定你是李华,你校英文爱好者协会准备在电影周期间展播一部英文电影。请你根据提示,给该协会负责人Ted写一封信,向他推荐美国电影《马戏之王》(The Greatest Showman)。 注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Ted, I’m writing to recommend The Greatest Showman to you for our school Film Week. _____________________________________________________________________ _________________ I am looking forward to your consideration of this film. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 介绍一部电影时,我们常用夹叙夹议的方式,即用记叙的方式介绍电影的剧情,用议论的方式发表自己的看法。介绍电影情节时要抓住重点,电影评论部分要客观公正。 在介绍电影情节时,多用一般现在时和一般过去时,人称多用第三人称。二、谋篇布局

因为该信件的开头和结尾部分已给出,所以我们只需要写出正文部分即可。正文可分为三部分: 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等); 第二部分:剧情简介; 第三部分:发表评论。 三、组织语言 第一部分:电影简介(上映日期、类型、导演等)。 第二部分:剧情简介。 第三部分:发表评论。 【范文展示】 普通范文


《名利场》读后感 “名利场,名利场,万事无非空虚一场。”看完这本书,我也不禁发出与作者相同的感慨,心情难以平静。 这本书的作者是英国作家萨克雷,书中的故事发生于英国十九世纪初,辛辣讽刺了当时英国所谓上流社会中人们的自私贪婪、尔虞我诈的丑恶嘴脸。故事围绕夏普和艾米丽亚两位女主角展开。两个女孩都美貌无比、能歌善舞。贫穷的女孩夏普用美貌和不择手段进入上流社会富有的女孩艾米丽亚心地善良为人厚道。夏普野心、心机重,所有的女孩在她面前都黯然失色,最后夏普沉迷于上流社会的社交活动,最终被丈夫抛弃,而艾米利亚却拥有一个美满的婚姻,无比幸福。 书中的故事很现实,虽然是在十九世纪写的,但是读来却没有时代的隔阂,就是在今天,谁又不是为名利二字所累呢?娱乐圈中、网络上各种炒作搏出位、官场上的贪污受贿,这样为了名利的事不绝于耳。名与利固然可求,但是这并不是生活的全部。倘若名利从日常的需求变成了病态的追求,那么为了名利,人就可能会铤而走险,就如近日广受关注的薄熙来案件。名利场是一个浮华的世界,裹着一层诱人的面纱,人一旦陷于其中,便会被蒙蔽了双眼,将真情与友爱遗忘到九霄云外。金钱、权利成了他们唯一的追求,就如书中的夏普小姐,夏泼为了达到进入上流社会的目的,她利用自己的友谊、爱情、婚姻,又不惜出卖朋友,出卖丈夫来为自己铺着通向那“高贵社会王国”的红地毯。然而最后她也得到了报应,她的最好的朋友艾米莉娅最后也远离她,丈夫也不理睬她,儿子不想见她,为一时的华丽与虚

伪,她付出了多么大的代价! 时间会淘出本质,所谓名利不过是刹那烟花,在生活中,还有很多美好的事物值得我们追求。在家庭之中享受温馨的爱、在朋友中享受相知之乐、在学习或工作中享受劳动、提升自我的满足、在大自然中享受宁静和造物主的恩赐。 我们正处于人生中价值观、世界观、人生观的树立时期,这本书让我更明确了正确的人生观,人要知足常乐,不要被名利束缚自己的人生。

世界是平的 英文影评

Review of “Outsourced” “Outsourced”is a typical fish-out-of-water tale about a young American telemarketer who learns that his job is being shipped overseas. Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) spends his days managing a customer call center in Seattle until his job, along with those of the entire office, are outsourced to India. Todd rejects but when his boss informs him that quitting would mean losing his stock options, he has to go to train his Indian replacement Puro (Asif Basra). Out of constant cultural misunderstandings, Todd (Josh Hamilton) is frustrated with everything in India. He eats food by using left hand which is taboo in India. Left hand is considered as dirty hand, which is used for clean something. That’s why Todd (Josh Hamilton) can’t find toilet paper in washroom. It is quite different from America. Also Todd (Josh Hamilton) sees the personal questions, which asked by the hostess, as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy. She questions Todd during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. Because of cultural diversity, Todd (Josh Hamilton) has difficulty making the call center employees understand what their American customers expect. In order to get the length of a call down to six minutes, Todd (Josh Hamilton) teaches the Indian employees to speak in American way. While an employee Asha (Ayesha Dharker) questions Todd (Josh Hamilton) during his classes, tells him he needs to know more about India. She becomes his


名利场读后感3则 名利场读后感3则 范文一: 长篇小说《名利场》是萨克雷的成名作和代表作。它以辛辣讽刺的手法,真实描绘了1810~1820年摄政王时期英国上流社会没落贵族和资产阶级暴发户等各色人物的丑恶嘴脸和弱肉强食、尔虞我诈的人际关系。 这部小说篇幅宏大,场面壮观,情节复杂,心理刻画深入,其尖锐泼辣的讽刺风格更为精彩。《名利场》是萨克雷的成名作品,也是他生平著作里最经得起时间考验的杰作,在英国现实主义小说的发展史上开辟了新的天地。 不得不承认,这个故事很现实。名利场里的人看不清,名利场外的人同样看不清。所有的人都渴望金钱,地位。一旦你拥有了其中的一样,其他人都会对你另眼相看。 都宾用一生的爱等到了他心爱的人,他的青春,他的年华献给了那个名利场中的可怜人。艾米利亚的单纯和爱戴给她半生的苦痛。然而结局是好的。作者不忍心让好人受苦吧,善良的人得到了幸福,在名利场中出入。那些贪婪的,自私的,愚蠢的,骄傲的,不择手段的人得到了应有的报应。把结局看了几遍。有点高兴,有点伤心。 这不只只是一部小说,这是一个社会的缩影。不光那时的英国,就是今天。谁又不是为名利二字所累呢?其余的一切都是建立在这个基础上的。当物质生活问题没有解决时,又有谁去追求一种纯洁的莫须有的理想呢?所以,大学生学习的目的成了工作,工作的目的是有

一份可以让人另眼看待的生活。当然,这没有错,我们都是命运手中的一颗棋子。算计着自己的身价,算计着该怎么样去抬高自己的身价。无奈啊,人们只会去崇拜,谈论那些光鲜的人物,你不去做,会有人去做的。 萨克雷认为: 小说的艺术是表现本质,即尽可能强烈地表达真实的情感。他的这种理论主张在他的成名作《名利场》中得到了极好的体现。故事发生在19世纪初。在写出《名利场》以前的十余年对于萨克雷来说基本上是一个准备阶段,在这个期间萨克雷对社会上各式各样上等人的观察越来越深入细致,艺术手法也日益成熟。《名利场》便是在这个基础上完成的现实主义的杰作。《名利场》里创造了比较丰满的人物形象,描写了社会生活的广阔画面,并通过人物命运的交织而对生活作了总的评价。 《名利场》通过情节的安排企图说明一切都是浮名浮利,他揭开了资本主义社会五光十色的繁荣外表,让人们看到它的本质。萨克雷自己说过,他在《名利场》里要写一群极端愚蠢自私的人,不顾一切地为非作歹而又热烈追求浮名浮利,同时,他又说,书中所描写的全是死亡、争吵、金钱和病痛。《名利场》并没有严密的故事结构,故事的内容基本上是由两个女主人公利蓓加与爱米丽亚的生活道路串联起来的。爱米丽亚是一位资产阶级小姐,而利蓓加则是个一无所有、在资本主义社会里浑水摸鱼的女人,通过这两个主人公的命运,萨克雷描绘出了当时上流社会中形形色色的众生相。 范文二:


英文版名著读后感 英文版名著读后感(一)《双城记》 After reading "A tale of two cities". "A tale of two cities" is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength. The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually ,Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister……The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as


The comment of "Pride and prejudice" Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 an d died of Addison’s disease in 1817. Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfiel d, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth’s, for Elizabeth’s refuse to marry him. But One day Darcy send Elizab eth a letter, in which he justifies the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and make it clear that Wickham is. So Elizabeth changed her opinions and ideas toward him. Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England, she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors, no longer pride and become gentle and attentive, all these made their marriage arranged, and they also suitably provided for Bingley and Jane’s reunited and engaged. The story ends with both their happy marriages. Sir Walter Scott 评论 READ again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's very finely written novel of "Pride and Prejudice." That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The big bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.—From "The Journal of Sir Walter Scott," March, 1826. We bestow no mean compliment upon the author of "Emma" when we say that keeping close to common incidents, and to such characters as occupy the ordinary walks of life, she has produced sketches of such spirit and originality that we never miss the excitation which depends upon a narrative of uncommon events, arising from the consideration of minds, manners, and sentiments, greatly above our own. In this class she stands almost alone; for the scenes of Miss Edgeworth are laid in higher life, varied by more romantic incident, and by her remarkable power of embodying and illustrating national character. But the author of "Emma" confines herself chiefly to the middling classes of society; her most distinguished characters do not rise greatly above well-bred


名利场读后感(共9篇) 高二年级读后感:读名利场后的心得 上流社会风雷动追名逐利几时休? ——英·萨克雷《名利场》读后感 我迫不及待地想要结束这个绵长厚实的故事,想要一窥尊贵的多宾少校的人生结局,看他是否在别处获得了应得的幸福;想要了解谎话连篇、机灵多变的丽贝卡是否恶有恶报,最终被印度文官约斯驱逐,归于流浪。至于那个天真可怜的阿米莉亚我并不关心她接下来过着什么样的生活,因为目前看来她的生活还挺不错,在小说里她已时来运转,重新过上贵族生活,金钱匮乏的时期于她一去不复返,无论何种处境在小说里关于她的戏份总是比较乏味,虽然作者在前面部分对他赞赏有加。 阅读《名利场》这部小说花了我两个多星期的时间,包括十几个夜晚和业余空闲时间。我是奔着这本吸引人的书名和萨克雷的名号而去的。我最早看的一部外国小说《简·爱》的作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特就曾直言尊崇萨克雷先生,此番我也借由此领略了他的小说之气度与风采。 且不谈小说关于十九世纪初英国上流社会事无巨细的描绘,对尊贵场面与名流宴饮的宏大叙事,也不谈小说描写的人物覆盖之广,上至欧洲各国皇室、达官贵人,中至发达商人及其亲属家眷,下至小摊小贩、佣人婢女的行为心理刻画,皆活灵活现、真实可触。作者光是对几位主要人物的塑造就能深入人心,造就世界小说人物画廊里的典型。几位主要人物形象皆立体丰满,血肉丰沛,故事绵长

完整,一波三折,趣味性与知识性并具。 军官多宾是作者塑造的正面人物形象之一,虽然作者并未故意划分,但事实就是如此。这位军官至始至终保持着诚实、勇敢、善良、虔诚的高尚品质,有过些许人生经历的人大概都知道一直保持诚实品质是罕有而不易的,可是我们这位尊贵的先生做到了,他虽然身为英国绅士,可是却值得冠以“东方君子”的美称,这是一位真正具有君子品格的男士,故事里几乎每个诚实而善良的人都热爱他。 多宾对天真善良的阿米莉亚一见钟情,他的钟情不只于相貌,更多的集中在对阿米莉亚善良品格和温柔性格的倾慕,两人还同为虔诚的基督教徒。多宾在彼此相识之后的十八年中以乔治·奥斯本(此时阿米莉亚为乔治的女友)最好朋友的身份为他俩提供尽可能多的帮助,这位可怜的人儿为心中那份羞涩的爱情做过很多疯狂的事情:在得知乔治变心、阿米莉亚父亲经商失败倾家荡产之后,竭尽全力说服乔治迎娶阿米莉亚,因为单纯的阿米莉亚只为乔治茶饭不思、神魂颠倒,多宾忍痛将心爱的人亲手送进别人的婚礼;在阿米莉亚家道中落乃至穷困潦倒后暗地里拿出大笔资金接济可怜的寡妇和她和乔治的孩子,为他们购买、寄送数不清的高贵礼物;他的朋友乔治·奥斯本在世时多宾没有动过一点歪念头,只是虔诚地希望他心爱的阿米莉亚物质充裕、心灵快乐。在乔治去世已久在十八年之后,在阿米莉亚一如既往地践踏他的好意和尊严的时候,他幡然醒悟:她对他从来只懂索取,而不考虑任何回报,十八年来一直如此残忍而自私。 可是我们的作者不知出于何种意图,在故事的结尾还是让这对善良的人儿走到了一起,多宾盼了十八年,终于遂愿取到了心爱的姑娘,虽然此时他已年届四十,她已为人母,儿子跨入大学殿堂。作者还安排阿米莉亚与多宾成婚,并有幸为他生了个女儿,从此他对女儿视若珍宝,宠爱至极。也许看到这样的结局我们读者应该感到欣慰,为多宾坎坷的命运而多一点庆幸,可是这样的安排似乎显得突兀而不够真实,终究我还是对阿米莉亚一直愚昧的虔诚与坚守表示不屑。她虽


外国名著读后感英文版 Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic——a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters


Love will never change This is an inviting film. The plots of the film are ups and downs, which attract my attention from beginning to the end, and the film full of warm scene. Hallie Parker and Annie James meet each other for the first time on the summer camp. At the beginning they hate each other, but later they find they are twins. When the summer camp is over, Hallie Parker and Annie James exchange their identities. Hallie meet her mother and Annie also gets her wish. Their father, Nick, prepare to marry a lady Meredith, but the twins hope their parents remarried. The twins tell their parents their real identities arranging for their parents to meet. Then the climax of the story is appeared. The whole family members come together including Nick’s girl friend Meredith. The twins destroy the relationship between their father and his girl friend successfully, but their mother does not want remarry. She takes Annie back to London. We think the film is over and the will never meet each other any more, but we are worry. When Elizabeth and Annie step into the house they see Nick and Hallie. What an amazing time it is! Nick does not want lose Elizabeth again so he takes Hallie come to London. So the family members get together again and the story has a perfect ending. The film tells us that it is love that brings them back together. The love between family members will never change, and love can make anything

Vanity Fair 名利场 简介 英文情节

The story opens at Miss Pinkerton's Academy for Young Ladies, where the principal protagonists Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley have just completed their studies and are preparing to depart for Amelia's house in Russell Square. Becky is portrayed as a strong-willed and cunning young woman determined to make her way in society, and Amelia Sedley as a good-natured, loveable, though simple-minded young girl. At Russell Square, Miss Sharp is introduced to the dashing and self-obsessed Captain George Osborne (to whom Amelia has been betrothed from a very young age) and to Amelia's brother Joseph Sedley, a clumsy and vainglorious but rich civil-servant fresh from the East India Company. Becky entices Sedley, hoping to marry him, but she fails because of warnings from Captain Osborne, Sedley's own native shyness, and his embarrassment over some foolish drunken behavior of his that Becky had witnessed at Vauxhall. With this, Becky Sharp says farewell to Sedley's family and enters the service of the crude and profligate baronet Sir Pitt Crawley, who has engaged her as a governess to his daughters. Her behaviour at Sir Pitt's house gains his favour, and after the premature death of his second wife, he proposes to her. However, he finds that she is already secretly married to his second son, Rawdon Crawley.


Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。 Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。 Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。 Good people management and communication skills. Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。 Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。 Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。 With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。 The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。 Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。 With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力。 Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。


My favorite character in the My Fair lady Seeing the movie, I appreciate Eliza better. Eliza Doolittle, a main character of this film, a poor flower girl and a beautiful young lady. She is a girl with happiness, even the place she lived is dirty and crowd, she never let her smile slipped out from her face. She has a dream in which a warm house with her lover and a lot of chocolates to eat. From Eliza, I can learn something good qualities. The film shows the flower girl came across an English Linguistic professor----Henry Higgins, another main character of the film who is a typical English wealthy and defiant bachelor. He regards marriage as the most boring and troublesome thing in the world. Eliza became the bet goal of the Higgins and his friends actually. Higgins decides to improve Eliza’s cockney accent and train her to be an elegant lady. Through clever phrases such as ‘the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain’, Eliza slowly develops into a linguistically talented woman. To complete the transformation, she is given new clothes and a new look in hopes that she can pass for a refined lady. I think the Pygmalion effect is reflected that the professor hope the flower girl turn into a lady. Actually, the flower girl really become a lady. Eliza knows the chance that is all her hope and hope will be a great motivation. So she never complained for her difficulties and under self-esteem, but still leaded a happy and confident life. Thus in the
