




)T he children are playing in the park.


It s the Mid-Autumn Festival.


People get together and eat mooncakes on this day.



( ) 1..f_ mi _y A. a, l B. i, a C. o, i

( ) 2..s_i_g A. w, a B. w, n C. u,n

( ) 3..picni_ A. o B. i C. c

( ) 4. qu_ tly A. i, r B. i, o C. i, e

( ) 5. worr _d A. i, e B. a, t C. q, o








7.wanted(原型)____________ 8.magic (翻译) _____________

9. 80centimetres(翻译) _______10.miss(翻译)_____________

四. 判断下列翻译与所给句子是(√)否(X)符合’。(10分)

( ) 1. The children are playing happily. 孩子们正玩的很开心。( ) 2. Please speak loudly. 请不要大声说话。

( ) 3. Let’s go to the park. 让我们去动物园吧

( ) 4. How tall are you? 你很高。

( )5. I feel so lonely here. 我在这里感觉到很孤独。


1. He can’t hear his friend clear. ( )____________


2. What is y ou dong ? ( )____________


3. Mrs Gao is dances happily. ( )____________


4. She wants to fly at the moon. ( )____________


5. Let’s go to the park to a picnic. ( )____________



Come here ! 你有多重?

Make the bed 中国茶

I’m late. 起床

How heavy are you? 叠被子

Wake up. 我迟到了

Chinese tea 过来!

We can’t go so lonely here.

I feel anywhere now!

I want to the park.

Let’s go to go swimming

七、选择,从三个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成下题。(20分)( ) 1. Katie always ______ early every day.

A. gets up

B. get up

C. getting to

( ) 2. It’s raining_______.

A. heavy

B. heavys

C. heavily

( ) 3. The children are _______ in the living room.

A. swim

B. swims

C. playing

( ) 4. Peter’s mother _____him to the doctor.

A. took

B. /

C. about

( ) 5. We are drinking _______.

A. milk

B. tea

C. Chinese tea

( ) 6. We ____ to the park last week.

A. go

B. went

C. going to

( ) 7. --_____ tall are you?

--- I don’t know.

A. How

B. What

C. Why

( ) 8. Let’s go to the _____ .I want to read.

A. library

B. park

C. zoo

( ) 9.My father always leaves _____ work at 7:00

A. to

B. for

C. at

( ) 10. I want ______ fly to the moon.

A. for

B. go

C. to


1. I, to, fly, the, to, moon, want (.)


2. children, noisily, the, playing, are (.)

______________________________________________________ 3. how, you, old, are (.)

_______________________________________________________ 4. let’s, shopping centre, the, to, go (.)

_______________________________________________________ 5. old, is, man, sitting on, a, bench, an (.)

________________________________________________________ 九、阅读短文判断正误(对的填T,错的填F)(10分)

Amy is my best friend. She’s a nice girl.She’s ten. She’s tall and quiet. She has long hair and a small mouth. She has big eyes and a small nose. She likes music, computer games and swimming. She likes books, too. She has fifty story-books. She is a good student. I like her very much. ( ) 1. Amy is my sister.

( ) 2. Amy is not quiet.

( ) 3. Amy has 50 story-books.

( ) 4. Amy likes painting and books.

( ) 5. Amy has long hair and a small nose.


Unit 1 We are going to read stories. Period 1 一、教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、认读listen to , talk about , read , write about ,put on a play , short , interesting。 2、能用“What are we going to do ?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算。 二、重点难点: 重点:能听懂、会说、认读listen to , talk about , read , write about ,put on a play , short , interesting ,能用“What are we going to do ?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算,能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 难点:理解be going to 结构的用法。 三、教具准备: 戏剧的场景图片和音乐、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 四、教学过程设计: Step 1 Warm-up/Revision 1 . Greetings 2 . activities Step 2 Presentation 1 . New words (1)学习listen to

①欣赏一小段欢快活泼的音乐,引出listen to的学习。 ②板书listen to 一词,引导学生观察这个动词短语的组成,先分别读再组合读。 (2)学习read , read stories , interesting ①T: We’re going to read.板书read一词并带读。 ②T: What are we going to read ?We are going to read stories . (教师用课件或实物呈现各种各样的儿童故事书,引导学生边看图片边操练stories , read stories , We are going to read stories .) ③T: There are so many storybooks . They are interesting .教师板书interesting 一词并带读,单词拼写填空。 (3)学习talk about , put on a play , short , write about 教师板书并带读talk about 教师板书并带读put on a short play (4)学生跟读B部分的词汇,模仿原声带的地道发音. 2.Dialogue 第一步Listen and count T: The children are having an English class . What are they going to do in the English class ? Listen and count . 不打开书,只听录音。听录音前,给出问题,孩子们在英语课上准备做哪些事情。 第二步Listen and find 打开书,听录音。画出所有孩子们在英语课上准备做的事情,检查刚


六年级期末测试卷(A) 英语 (时量:40分钟;总分100分) 听力部分(40分) I..听音,圈出正确的图片。(6分) 1.


3. 4. 5. 6. Ⅱ.听音标号。请根据所听句子的顺序,用数字1-5给相应的图片标号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ()Ⅲ.听音写词。根据所听内容在横线上填写数字或单词,完成句子。(4分) 1. Lingling often returns home at . 2 .Let’s bring some .

3. There will be a wind in Xi’an. 4. How much is a of cakes. Ⅳ.听音判断。所听对话与图片相符的打“√”,不符划“×”。(10分) 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) Ⅴ听音划勾。在表格中勾出你所听到的信息。(10分) 笔试部分(60分) VI.根据字母表的顺序写出相邻的两个字母的大小写形式。(10分) 1. Dd 2. Yy 3. Rr 4. Mm

5. Vv VII.连词成句。(5分) 1. enjoy music let’s the 2. mooncake good tastes this 3. Katie six up gets always at 4. than it’s one third bigger the 5. shouldn’t we wild animals kill VIII.从方框中选择合适的单词序号填在句子的横线上。(5分) 1. I enjoy the lotus seed mooncakes. 2. I will bring a few of Coke. 3. People buy a lot of for their relatives and friends. 4. We should bikes instead of cars. 5. Mike’s hair is than Tom’s. IX.看图读句,在括号里标出表达图片意义的句子序号。(10分) 1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.()Ⅴ.读问句,选择相应的答句序号填在括号里。(10分) A. use B. cans C. longer D. presents D.eating A. I can sing to them and make them happy. B. I practiced listening during the holiday. C. We can search for a lot of things. D. You should take some medicine. E. Here’s a Christmas present for you.


湘少版六年级英语下册全套试卷 特别说明:本试卷为最新湘少版小学生六年级试卷 全套试卷共12份。 试卷内容如下: 1、第一单元使用 2、第二单元使用 3、第三单元使用 4、第四单元使用 5、第五单元使用 6、第六单元使用 7、第七单元使用 8、第八单元使用 9、第九单元使用 10、小学六年级期中检测卷 11、小学六年级期末检测卷(2份) Unit 1检测卷 电听力部分 一、听录音,选择正确的单词或短语。每小题听一遍。(10分) )1、A、together B、weekend C today A grandpa B、grandma C、grandparents A family outing B、have a look look at the flowers A watch a movie B、watch TV C、take a walk

( )5、A、have a picnic B、have a look C、have a walk 二、听录音,给下列句子排序。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出您所听到的句子。每小题听两遍。(10分) ( )1、A、Where are we going today? B、What are we going to do today? ( )2、A、We'll go to the park、B、We are going to the park ( )3、A、My family watches a movie together、 B、My family goes to the library together、 ( )4、A、Shall we ride bicycles? B、Let's ride bicycles ( )5、A、Many families go shopping at weekends B、Many families go on an outing at weekends 笔试部分 四、根据首字母及汉语提示填写单词。(10分) 1、My father's parents are my g 祖父母)、 2、I like to r(奇)a bike at the park 3、Mrs Liu b 带)food and drinks、 4、Many f 俊庭)like to go on an outing at weekends 5、They are happy to have time t C起)、 五、单项选择。(20分)


总复习题 班级:姓名: 一、选出不同类的单词(10’) 1、()A、mooncake B、milk C、tea 2、()A、man B、boy C、water 3、()A、headache B、feel C、fever 4、()A、sunny B、snowy C、heavy 5、()A、that B、this C、plan 二、选择正确的选项补全单词(20’) 1、()d__p(滴) A、or B、oo C、ro 2、()pi_ni_(野餐) A、c,c B、k,k C、k,c 3、()__an(比) A、th B、ch C、sh 4、()b__(条) A、ar B、br C、cr 5、()r_st(休息) A、a B、e C、i 6、()i__a(主意) A、ed B、di C、de 7、()tr__(树) A、ee B、ea C、ie 8、()m__ry(快乐的)A、er B、re C、ee 9、()s__d(发送) A、en B、an C、ee 10、()af__r(在...之后) A、te B、et C、ta 三、单项选择(20’) 1、()I enjoy ______ apples. A、eat B、eating C、to eat 2、()My coat is ______ than yours. A、big B、bigger C、biggest 3、()I ______ to the cinema last week.

A、go B、went C、goes 4、()I’ll bring ______ orange juice. A、a piece of B、a bar of C、a bottle of 5、()A:Is that Tom? B:Yes,______ A、This is Tom. B、I’m Tom. C、He’s Tom. 6、()Shall we ______ to the theatre? A、go B、going C、went 7、()Let’s meet at the park ______ 9:00 a.m. A、at B、on C、during 8、()______ will ______ clear in Shanghai. A、There,be B、It,is C、It,be 9、()He is a good boy, so he is ______ late for school. A、sometimes B、always C、never 10、()I don’t feel ______. A、good B、well C、great 四、写出下列单词的适当形式(10’) 1、candy(复数形式)____________ 2、do(过去式)____________ 3、have(第三人称单数形式)____________ 4、look(ing形式)____________ 5、long(比较级)____________ 五、找出下列词语的中文意思(20’) 1、()have a headache A、沏茶 2、()Christmas card B、种更多的树 3、()make tea C、音乐会大厅


六年级英语六年级下学期教学计划 一、学情分析: 六年级的学生已经接触了三年半的英语学习,有一定的基础。而且高年级同学相对年龄比较大一些,知道自觉学习。但是也有部分同学觉得英语是一门副课,不计算成绩,没有引起足够重视。 二、教材分析 本册教材由9个话题和3个评估单元组成。全册词汇(含词组)共50个。教材出现的语法(1)一般现在时(2)一般将来时(3)一般过去时(4)现在进行时(5)现在完成时。(6)形容词比较级、最高级。 教材阅读材料以对话和故事为主,着眼于培养学生初步的阅读能力,培养学生获得信息和加工处理信息的能力,从而激发学生学习英语的深层兴趣。为学生升入初中学习打下基础。 各单元设计由以下几个部分组成: A部分(Let’s listen and say)单元的基本故事,书中的小朋友们在用英语互相交流。要求同学们要认真听,认真看,理解小朋友在干些什么,说些什么,然后努力去学着说。 B部分(Let’s learn)以图片的方式列出了A部分新单词、词组或短语等。老师要以直观的方式帮助学生学会这些词并理解课文。。 C部分(Let’s practice) 设计了一些针对该单元的语言结构进行操练课堂活动,让学生按照书中的范例,运用学到的表达方法进行交流,进一步巩固和提高用英语听说做玩演的技能。旨在培养学生准确使用英语进行交际的能力。 D部分(Let’s read.)设计了一些问题,让学生按照书中的范例,进行操练. 旨在检测对课文细节的理解及初步的语言组织能力。 E部分(Let’s write.)形式比较多样,总体来说,旨在对学生进行写的训练,培养学生初步的笔头组织语言的能力。 F部分(Let’s have fun.)为一些活动,旨在让学生在活动中巩固所学知识和技能。三、本册教学目标(二级目标) 听:1、能在图片、手势的帮助下,听懂语速较慢语调自然的话语或录音材料。 2、能听懂简单的配图小故事。 3、能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。 4、能听懂常用指令和要求并作出适当的反应。


小学六年级英语下册教学计划 一、教学目标: 1.根据实物、图片说出所学单词要求读音正确。 2.能比较熟练地运用所学的日常交际用语。 3.能在非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 4.能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣. 二、学情分析: 学生接触英语三年了,大部分学生对英语有比较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习习惯也不太好,有待于端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法。所以,在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位。 三、教材分析: 六年级教材的特点:内容比较多,情景性强,语言知识点多,但是,它们都是在学生原有知识上的扩展。所经我们在教学时要注意联系学生已有的知识,由旧知识切入新知识的学习,由旧引新,温故而知新,这样才有利于学生的理解、记忆。 四、教学措施: 1.课堂教学要以学生为主体,充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性。 2.以课标理念指导教学,突出英语学科的人文性、工具性特点。 3.力求质量为先,面向全体学生,以训练促思维,促英语水平的提高,充分保证学生的自主、自学时间。 4.强化口语、听力训练,尽心辅导。 5.形成性评价列入学业学习评价,按照20% 的学习行为和口语学习评价,80%的双基评价。以促进学生的学习为主要目的。 6.单元卷练习:任务,可以提前完成,或者同伴合作。目的在于考核语言的掌握和兴趣的维持,不给学生太大的压力。 7.期末评价原则是:重兴趣,重双基,促能力。

Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词together, ride, grandparents; 2) 学习、运用新句型:Shall we? We’ll? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能向他人询问、回答出行计划; 2) 能理解课本A与B部分。 3、情感目标(Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties) 1) 重点:理解并运用生单词; 2) 难点:运用新句型。 三、课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。 四、教学过程(Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Talk about their experiences in winter holiday. Step two: presentation Introduce new words and phrases.


学校 班级 考号 姓名 ……………………………装………………………………………订……………………………………线…………………………… 2012年下期期末六年级教学质量监测模拟试卷 英 语 题类 Ⅰ、听力部分 Ⅱ、笔试部分 总分 题号 一 二 三 四 一 二 三 四 五 六 得分 (时量:60分钟 满分:100分) Ⅰ、听力部分 (40分) 一、听单词 选出相符的图画。(10分) ( )1 A B C ( )2 A B C ( )3 A B C ( )4 A B C ( )5 A B C ( ) 1. A. The boy was weak. B. The girl was worried. ( ) 2. A. Her singing is louder than yours. B. This bird was smaller than that one. ( ) 3. A. Dongdong ran after Lingling. B. Dongdong walked along

the street. ( ) 4. A. They’re waiting for a bus. B. Don’t swim after a meal. ( ) 5. A. I can’t wait to open my presents. B. They put presents for friends. 三、听问句选出问句的正确答语。( 10分) ( ) 1. A. It’s a film. B. In the living room. ( ) 2. A. No, I don’t. B. At six o’clock. ( ) 3. A. I’m twelve years old. B. I’m 150 centimetres tall. ( ) 4. A. Yes, I am. B. I want a robot. ( ) 5. A. On Sunday. B. A computer. 四、听对话选出对话中所包含的信息。(10分) ( ) 1. A. He’s looking at the dog. B. The children are playing in the park. ( ) 2. A. Tom is 32 kilogrammes. B. He isn’t very tall. ( ) 3. A. The horns are too small. B. The tea is too hot. ( ) 4. A. He’s going to pick up a purse. B. Lingling is going to shout at Peter. ( ) 5. A. They sit on the bench. B. We can’t have supper first. Ⅱ. 笔试部分(60分) 一、我能找出单词中漏掉的字母从A、B两项中选出正确答案。(6分) ( ) 1. l _ te A. a B. j ( ) 2. ph _ ne A. u B. o ( ) 3. _ orld A. w B. p ( ) 4. shou _ A. k B. t ( ) 5. li _ _ le A. tt B. mn ( ) 6. doct _ _ B. gk 二、我能找出句子中漏掉的单词从A、B两个选项中选出正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1. Tony is ____ than John. A. heavy B. heavier ( ) 2. The horns are ____ ugly. A. too B. much ( ) 3. - ____ are they going to the bench? – On Saturday. A. Where B. When ( ) ____is Dongdong going to do? – He’s going to cry. A. What B. When ( ) 5. They usually ____ breakfast at 6:40 am. A. has B. have


六年级上册英语测试题 (总分100分,测试时间60分钟)姓名计分 一、抄写,请你认真地将下列句子抄写在四线三格上(15分) The children are playing in the park. It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival. People get together and eat mooncakes on this day.

二、找出不同类的单词(10分) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. 二、选择,从三个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成下题。(10分) ()1. Katie always ______ early every day. A. gets up B. get up to ( )2. It’s raining_______. A. heavy B. heavys C. heavily ( )3. The children are _______ in the living room. A. swim B. swims C. playing ( )’s _______ the zoo. A. go to B. to go C. going to ( )5. We are _______the moon. A. looking B. looking at C. looks ( )6. We ____ to the park last week. A. go B. went C. going to ( ) is throwing stones at the dog. The dog is very _______. A. happy B. hungry C. angry ( )8. Let’s go to the _____ .I want to read a book. A. library B. park C. zoo


Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标 (Knowledge Aims) : 1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词together,ride, grandparents; 2)学习、运用新句型: Shall weWe’ ll 2、能力目标 (Ability Aims): 1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划; 2)能理解课本 A 与 B 部分。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点 (Teaching Focus & Difficulties) 1)重点:理解并运用生单词 ; 2)难点:运用新句型。 1)课前准备 (Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。 2)教学过程 (Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2.Free talk. Talk about their experiences in winter holiday.

Step two: presentation Introduce new words and phrases. T: Do you want to do these things? Watch a movie? Go shopping? Take/ have a walk? Look at the flowers? I think, it is happy for us to do things together. Play games. I do, you say. Then I say, you do. The dialogue. Listen and find out who they are. Listen and read. Answer the question: what are Lingling’s family going to do? Listen and repeat. Listen and act. Step three: consolidation 1.Talk about what you are going to do this evening. 2.Talk about your plans to travel at weekend with your partner and act it out. Step four: homework 1.Listen and read Part A and B. 2.Copy the new words three times. 五、板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 1 A family outing together

湘少版五年级下册英语教案 第一单元2015最新版

课题一、Unit1 We’re going to read stories 一、教材分析(Teaching Material) 本单元主要学习使用be going to do句型来谈论将要发生或将要、打算去做的事情。课堂上可以安排各种情境如新学期来了同学们准备如何管理学习、同学要来做客你准备做些什么等等。 二、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、通过学习,能使用新句型来谈论将要发生或打算去做的事情; 2、在合作学习中,培养学生合作交流能力,鼓励学生多开口,敢于发言; 3、通过学习,培养学生的口语发音与交际。 三、教学重难点(Important & Difficult Points) 1、理解并掌握新单词story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 2、掌握并能运用句型am/ is/ are going to…; 四、课时安排(Periods Arrangement) 三到四个课时 五、教具(Teaching Aids) 录音机、图片、卡片、CD、课件等等。 Unit 1 We’re going to read stories Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):

1)能看懂、会读、会说新单词story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 2)学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to…, Are we going to …? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1)能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情; 2)能理解课本A与B部分。 3、情感目标(Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties) 1)重点:理解并掌握生单词; 2)难点:掌握并运用新句型。 1)课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。 2)教学过程(Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. T: Hi, boys and girls. Good morning. How are you? 2. Free talk. T: We just had our winter holiday. Tell me what did you do? S1: I visited my parents. S2: I went to Shenzhen. …


六年级英语复习试卷(Unit1/Unit3/Unit5) 班级:姓名:学号: 1,( )A: Hello! B: . A: Hi B: Hello C: Bye 2,( )A: Nice to meet you. B: . A:Glad to meet you B: Good C. Nice to meet you. 3,( ) A: What’s your name? B: . A:My name is Anne. B: She’s Anne. C: This is Anne. 4,( ) A: Goodbye. B: . A. Bye B. Hi C. Thank you 5, ( )The children playing in the park. A: is B: were C: are 6, ( )Let’s the Underwater World. A,went to B, going to C. go to 7,( ) The children are playing . A, heavily B, noisily C, quietly 8,( )Mingming is stones at the dog. A,throw B, throwing C, throws 9,( )Let’s go to the . A, beach B, library C, too 10,( )当同学玩的声音太大时,你可以要求他: . A. Please play loudly B. Please play quietly C.Please play noisily 11, ( )Mingming the slide. A,is climbing up B, are climbing up C. climbing up

湘少版六年级英语下册《A family outing》

课题一、Unit1 A family outing 教材分析(Teaching Material) 本单元主要以家庭外出为话题。刚刚从寒假上来,这个话题非常地贴近学生的生活。在教学中可以创设多种情境,如家庭旅游、家族郊游等,促进学生的表达欲望,提升口语能力。 二、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、通过学习,能使用新句型新单词来谈论外出计划; 2、在合作学习中,培养学生合作交流能力,鼓励学生多开口,敢于发言; 3、通过学习,培养学生的口语发音与交际。 三、教学重难点(Important & Difficult Points) 1、理解并运用新单词together, ride, grandparent; 2、能运用句型Shall we…We’ll…; 四、课时安排(Periods Arrangement) 三到四个课时 五、教具(Teaching Aids) 录音机、图片、卡片、CD、课件等等。 Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 能看懂、会读、会说新单词together, ride, grandparents;

2) 学习、运用新句型:Shall we…We’ll… 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能向他人询问、回答出行计划; 2) 能理解课本A与B部分。 3、情感目标(Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties) 1) 重点:理解并运用生单词; 2) 难点:运用新句型。 1) 课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、CAI等等。 2) 教学过程(Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Talk about their experiences in winter holiday. Step two: presentation Introduce new words and phrases. T: Do you want to do these things? Watch a movie? Go shopping? Take/ have a walk? Look at the flowers? I think, it is happy for us to do things together. Play games. I do, you say. Then I say, you do. The dialogue. Listen and find out who they are. Listen and read. Answer the question: what are Lingling’s family


湘少版五年级英语下册复习重点 一、基础知识 1.十二个月份单词 January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July 七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月 2.方位介词 beside在…旁边behind在…的后面 near在…的附近outside在…的外面 inside在…的里面above在…的上方 on在…的上面in在…的里面 left左边right右边 under在…的下面infrontof在…的前面 3.对应关系下的名词性物主代词 主语:Iyouheshewethey(句首) 我你他她我们他们 名词所有格:myyourhisherourtheir句首、句中)-我的你的他的她的我们的他们的 4.常用动词的过去式(特殊记) Is→wasam→wasare→weredo→didhave→hadtell→toldtake→tooksee→sawsay→saidsing→songcan→couldbegin→began take→tookgo→wentcome→came

run→ranthink→thoughtread→read 直接加-d like→likeddance→dancedlove→loved 5.疑问词的区别 When什么时间?(用在问时间和问生日的句子) What什么?(what用于问做什么?) Where什么地方?(问地点、地方) How怎样?(问怎么做风筝和生日礼物的句子) who谁?(问是谁?)whose谁的? 6.十个序数词 One一first第一two二second第二 three三third第三four四ourth第四 five五fifth第五six六sixth第六 seven七seventh第七eight八eighth第八 nine九ninth第九ten十tenth第十 Unit1词组:ListentomusicreadastoryputonaplayWriteaplaysingsongsplaybasketball 句型: 1--Wearegoingto read stories. 2--Arewegoingto write? --Yes,weare. --No,wearen’t. Unit2词组:


六年级英语毕业考试模拟测试卷 一、用手写体写出对应字母的大写字母或小写字母。(18’) h d J L A M t r U B Q C n f Y X g e 二、用手写体正确地将句子抄写在四线三格里(注意空格和大 小写字母的辨别及标点符号)。(8’) It’s small enough. I can put it in my schoolbag.三、图文匹配。(16’) ()A. a sock B. a book C. a dirty mark ()A. doll shop B. toy store C. bookstore ()A. hawkers B. soldiers C. doctors ()A. dog B. a piece of meat C. pig

四、用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。(20’) library 电影院watch TV 绘画station 图书馆wait for 包cinema 博物馆play 看电视museum 公园bag 等候park 车站draw 玩 五、将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。(10’) 1. The girl is my sister. 中文: 2. Don’t cry. 中文:____________ 3. Here is the money. 中文: 4. I learn 英语in a school. 英文: 5. My bag is 蓝色的。英文: 六、根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(14’) ()1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问: A. Where is the eraser? B. Where is the pen? C. Where is it from? ()2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说: A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming! B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!


新湘少版五年级英语下册全册教案 are going to read stories第一课时 一、教学目标 (一)语言目标 1、词汇:能听懂、会说、认读listen to, talk about, read, write about, put on a play, short, interesting。 2、句型:能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算。 (二)应用目标 1、能用be going to 结构谈论自己的计划。 2、能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 二、教学重、难点 1、重点:能听懂、会说、认读 listen to, talk about, read, write about, put on a play, short, interesting能用“What are going to do?”“We are going to …”谈论某人的计划或打算;能听懂、会说A部分的对话。 2、难点:理解be going to 结构的用法。 三、教学准备课件、单词卡片 四、教学过程Step1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1、Greetings 2、TPR activitiesStep2 新课呈现(Presentation)

1、New words(1)学习listen to①欣赏一小段欢快活波的音乐,引出listen to 的学习。T:Thank you, children、 You are working hard、Are you tired? We are going to listen to some music、②板书listen to 一词,引导学生观察这个动词短语的组成,先分别读再组合读。(2)学习read, read stories, interesting(3)学习talk about, put on a play, short, write about(4)学生跟读B部分的词汇,模仿原声带的地道发音。 2、Dialogue课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文。第一步:Listen and count不打开书,只听录音,听录音前,给出问题:孩子们在英语课上准备做哪些事情?第二步:Listen and find打开课本,听录音,画出所有孩子们再英语课上准备做的事情,检查自己刚才做的是否正确。第三步:Listen and number教师用课件呈现几张图片,请学生标号。第四步:Listen and repeat听录音,跟读,注意an eraser 的读音。第 五步:Read and act出示没有文字的课文插图1和插图2,引导 学生表演。Step3 趣味练习(Practise) 1、用闪卡复习已学过的动词短语。 2、谈论周末的计划安排。T: Today is Friday、 What day is it tomorrow?Ss: Tomorrow is Saturday、T: What are going to do, S1? Are you going to play ping-pong?S1:Yes, I am/No, I’m not、 3、游戏:你问我答教师做动作,学生猜教


湘教版六年级下册英语教案 Unit 1 A family outing Period 1 一、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)能看懂、会读、会说新单词together, ride, grandparents; (2)学习、运用新句型:Shall we… We’ll… 2. 能力目标: (1)能向他人询问、回答出行计划; (2)能理解课本A与B部分。 3. 情感目标:学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重点难点 1. 重点:理解并运用生单词; 2. 难点:运用新句型。 三、教学准备 课件、图片、卡片、教学录音等等。 四、教学步骤 Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Talk about their experiences in winter holiday. Step two: presentation Introduce new words and phrases. T: Do you want to do these things? Watch a movie? Go shopping? Take/ have a walk? Look at the flowers? I think, it is happy for us to do things together. Play games. I do, you say. Then I say, you do. The dialogue. Listen and find out who they are. Listen and read. Answer the question: what are Lingling’s family going to do? Listen and repeat. Listen and act.
