


My aunt told me a great story today. There were a big old tree in her yard. She was afraid of that it would fell on her house。 It was in badly shape and she knew it had to cut down. However, she was worried about the cost. Two days ago, a young man appeared at his door ready to cut the tree down for her. When she asked what it would cost, the young man replies,“I want neither money or the wood. All I ask is that you pay it forward (传递正能量)!” Heard that, she was very moved and encouraged。

答案: 1. were—--was 2。 of去掉 3. fell-—-fall 4. badly———bad 5. cut down前加be 6。day——-days 7. his—-—her 8。replies—--replied 9. or—--nor 10. Heard--—Hearing


I had been practicing the song for several week。 I sang it in the shower,

in my bedroom, and on way to school. I thought I would feel calm when I was on stage, so my heart beat very fast, and my shoes feel uncomfortable。

I was so much nervous that I thought I would forget the words。 Final, it was time for my appearance. I took an deep breath to calm down and went on

stage。 I saw Mom and my teacher smiling for me and knew I would do well。

I smiled and began to sang。 Before I knew it, the song were almost over。

I heard the great cheers of the audience for me.

答案:1。 week-—-weeks 2。 way前加the/my 3. so-—-but/yet 4. feel---felt 5. much去掉 6。 Final—--Finally 7。 an—-—a 8. for———at 9。 sang-——sing 10. were——-was


My grandpa was a firefighter for a long time。 Besides controlling and put out fires, he saved people from burning buildings。 He did a lot of another things, too。 After the fire, he had to check and clean his tools so that they were always ready to the next fire. He also learned of new ways to put out fires and new things to help him did his job。 Now, he has new job。 He does not go into burning buildings anymore. Grandpa visits schools to share knowledges about fire safety。 He showed students the burn marks on his old coat. He tells everyone how to prevent fires and how to do if there is a fire and how to be safety。 My grandpa is a hero.

答案:1。 put--—putting 2。 another-—-other 3. to —--—for 4.

of---about 或把of去掉5。did---do 6。has后加 a 7. knowledges-—-knowledge 8。 showed—--shows 9。第一个 how--—what 10. safety——-safe


My sister and I had always loved animals。 Even when we were very young, we would rescue some injured or lost creature we found on the farm。 We learned take care of animals from our parents. We helped it with food, baths and medicine. As we grow older, we continued to rescue animals, often provide

a place for them to live until a home could be found。 By the time we were ready to graduate for junior high school, we had helped over 100 dogs, even more cats and other animals。 My parents were not exactly surprising when

we told them we would like to open a animal hospital in the future. They

all agreed that it was a great idea.

答案:1。 creature—--creatures 2。 learned后加to 3. it-—-them 4. grow-—-grew 5。provide-——providing 6。for---from 7. another—-—other 8。 surprising--— surprised 9。 a—-—an 10。all—--both或把all去掉


Last month I move to a new apartment. I had been sharing a two-bedroom apartment for two years with a friend that I’d known her since childhood. We had first moved in together because none of us could afforded to live alone. So before making a finally decision to move out I talked things over with her and she agreed. In the beginning, I worried about feeling lonely,

so I knew it was important to have the experience of be on my own. I looked

at several apartment before making up my mind. At last I found one I like——-a affordable one—bedroom apartment in very good shape, with a

lot light.

答案:1。move-—-—moved 2. her去掉 3.none-—-neither 4。afforded-—-afford 5。 finally---final 6. so-—-but 7. be—-—being 8. apartment—-—apartments 9。 a-—-an 10.a lot后加of


The journey was long and tired. We left London at five o’clock in the evening and spend eight hours in the train。 We had been travelled for 3

hours after someone appeared selling food and drinks。 It was darkness all the time we were crossing Wales, but we could see nothing through the windows. When we finally arrived Holyhead nearly everyone was slept。 As soon as the train stopped, everybody come to life, grabbing their suitcase and rushing onto the platform。

Key:1.tired-—-tiring 2.spend-——spent 3.去掉been 4.after-—-before 5. darkness--—dark 6.but 7.在arrive

后加in或at 8.slept———sleeping 9.come-——came 10.suitcase —--suitcases


Reading newspapers have become an important part of our life. Many people read it to begin their day。 They learn from what is going on in the world。Sometime they do not have time to read the news, but they just take a quickly look at the front page。 There are newspapers to every reader。 In big cities there are many kind of newspapers. In small towns there are few. In some places, people can read newspapers only once in a week.

答案:1. have--—has 2. it -——them 3. from——-about或去掉from 4. Sometime--—Sometimes 5. but—--so或then 6。把quickly—

--quick 7. to—--for 8。 kind—--kinds 9。 few--—fewer 10. 去掉a week前的in


Da d’s birthday usually falls in June,near Father’s Day。 Last year,they were even on the same day. I thought this was unfair for my dad to only have one speci al day in June. My friends' dads had Father’s Day parties

in June or birthday parties in difference months。 I thought of a way to fixing this problem. I would surprise Dad on autumn with Dad's Day. I talk

to my mom about cooking a breakfast for Dad。 She showed to me how to cook eggs and make bread。 I made special card for Dad。 I was careful to keep my plan secretly. One day in October, I woke up early, cooked Dad's breakfast and took it to his room with my card。 She loved the surprise very much.

答案:1。 this———it 2. or——-and 3。 difference-——different

4. fixing-——fix 5。 on—--in 6。 talk———talked 7。 showed

后的 to去掉 8。 special前a *9 secretly---secret 10. She--—He


高考英语短文改错精炼20篇 一、 I am good at all the subjects, and always ready help others.At school I get along well with my classmates.Therefore, I have a problem that troubles myself all the time.It’s the relationship among my desk mate and me.He is a hard-working student, who keeps school rule well.But he’s a person with few words.What’s more, he got angry easily.I don’t know what to deal with him.Maybe that ’s why we’ve seldom sat down to exchange our feelings and thoughts.I value our friendship.I hope we can know more about with each other and understand each other better.I do hope we will be close to each other than before. 【答案】 【小题1】加上to 【小题2】Therefore--However 【小题3】myself--me 【小题4】among--between 【小题5】rule--rules 【小题6】got--gets 【小题7】what--how 【小题8】why--because 【小题9】去掉with 【小题10】close--closer 二、 Dear mum and dad, I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize I won last year. I have to remind yourself constantly that I am real in AD 3008. Worrying about the journey, I was unsettled for the first a few days. As a result, I suffer from “time lag”. This is similar with the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems that you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. So I was very nervous and uncertain at first. However, Wang Ping, my friend and guide, were very understanding but gave me some green tablet which helped a lot. Well-known for their expertise, his parents company transported me safely into the future in a time capsule. … Yours, Li Qiang 【答案】 【小题1】yourself—myself 【小题2】real—really 【小题3】Worrying--Worried 【小题4】去掉a 【小题5】suffer--suffered 【小题6】with--to 【小题7】were--was 【小题8】but--and 【小题9】tablet--tablets 【小题10】parents—parents’


高中英语短文改错专题练习40篇(附答案及解析) 短文改错(每篇文章共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 (1) Today is Sunday. The sky is full of sunshine, so does my life. At about 9:00 a.m., I go to the bookstore with my friends. There was a lot of new books. I didn’t know what one to buy because these books were all useful to me. At 10:00, we went to cinema. The film was called The Earthquake of Tangshan but some people were waiting outside the booking office. It took us about two hours to see it. Having been seen the film, everyone was deeply moving. Some of my friends even burs t into tear. That’s a really wonderful film. It is very worth seeing. What a happy day! I hope tomorrow I will be even happier. (2) Dear Mary, Our city had changed a lot in the past 5 years. Firstly, more high buildings have appeared, that are modern and beautiful. Many overpasses have set up, so it has become very convenient for people to travel. However, many families have got car of their own. The people’s life here has become rich or colorful. People can enjoy themselves traveling on the holiday. To my delighted, I can taste delicious food of different countries. And now it is easy for me to keep touch with you than before, for I can email you in my office. Yours, Christine (3) Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past, but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on feet. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the effort that we have put it in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience.


短文改错专练(一) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A My mom and I were out driving when we saw a car ahead of us slow down sudden and then came to stop as it reached the side of the road. We pulled over and asking the woman inside the car if she needed any helps. She said “Yes, please!” Since we were right next by a parking lot, we tried to push h er car into it. We weren’t very successful, as it is a heavy car. Then a man and his kids came over and offered his help as well as! Together we got the woman’s car into the parking lot, which she was safe and could get the help she needed. We both smiled at each other and then went on our way. B One morning when I took the bus to meet a friend in town. When I boarded, a young foreigner rushed catch the bus and just made it right behind me. I pay my fare, and started looking for the seat, when I heard the young man ask the bus driver whether he could change a 50-yuan bill for his ticket. I already knew it was possible, as it was writing on the fare box. Being told the driver didn’t have enough changes, the young man seemed very disappointing. I told him I was going to pay his fare. He was relieved and thanked me. Dig in his pocket, he found one euro and insisted on giving it to myself. We both made it into town. C I was in the supermarket queue yesterday when the member of staff came to me and directed me to a checkout where had just opened. When I arrived, the cashier was allowing a little girl to scan through the shopping. My first thoughts were that I’d have got served much quick if I’d just stayed where I was. Eventual it was of my turn. The cashier was sweet and apologized for the delay. We chatted as she packed up my items. Then she explained me that the little girl, a customer from a few days ago, had lost her purse. She, like a cashier, paid for his shopping. And the girl just came to return the money but volunteered to help. D There was one class that I think I will never forget. It was the piano class. In the last class of that term, each student was required play two tunes on the piano, according to that the teacher, a pretty lady, was going to give us marks. Soon it was my turn. In spite of all the prepare


高三短文改错专练10篇(有答案) 1 My aunt told me a great story today. There were a big old tree in her yard. She was afraid of that it would fell on her house。 It was in badly shape and she knew it had to cut down. However, she was worried about the cost. Two days ago, a young man appeared at his door ready to cut the tree down for her. When she asked what it would cost, the young man replies,“I want neither money or the wood. All I ask is that you pay it forward (传递正能量)!” Heard that, she was very moved and encouraged。 答案: 1. were—--was 2。 of去掉 3. fell-—-fall 4. badly———bad 5. cut down前加be 6。day——-days 7. his—-—her 8。replies—--replied 9. or—--nor 10. Heard--—Hearing 2 I had been practicing the song for several week。 I sang it in the shower, in my bedroom, and on way to school. I thought I would feel calm when I was on stage, so my heart beat very fast, and my shoes feel uncomfortable。 I was so much nervous that I thought I would forget the words。 Final, it was time for my appearance. I took an deep breath to calm down and went on


高三短文改错专练10篇 1 Two days before, our school had an opening ceremony in the school auditorium. All the teachers and students as well as some famous scientists and government official attended to the ceremony. Ours principal made a speech, in which he hope everybody in our school will make the greatest efforts and make even more progress in the new term. At the ceremony, excellent students were present with prizes and our principal also announced that some honour students had won medals in various competitions, who is the pride of our school. Eventually a famous scientist told the students about their learning experience and what he achieves success in his research work. So moving was I by what he said that I made up my mind to learn him and study harder in the new term. 答案: 1. before---ago 2. official---officials 3. to去掉 4. hopes---hope 5. present---presented 6. who---which 7. their---his 8. what---how 9. moving---moved 10. learn后加from 2 My name is Ann. I’ve been in China in a few ye ars. With the help of Li Hua, a good friend of mine, I’ve been used to live in China. Li Hua, like many girls, are beautiful and lively. We became friends after we meet each other a few years ago. Although her English isn’t very easy to understand, but we enjoyed chatting and we usually talk a lot about our own family. We’re both surprised that Chinese culture or American culture are so differently. Now we are planning nice party for next Sunday. There, I will introduce Li Hua to my friends, one of who has been to China several times. 答案:1. in---for 2. live---living 3. are---is 4. meet---met 5. but去掉


College students have a little ways to pay their college fees. Many students have their parents to pay the fees. Some students may apply to a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs in and out of the campus. Apart from this, many good student can win a scholarship. By this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As to me, I will let my parents pay half of their fees because they are rich enough. Beside my study, I will take up a part-time job by teach some high school students math, physi cs, chemistry and English, as I’m very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to I can easily win a scholarship. 2 I am angry about the act of dishonesty in the exams. I’m not saying that I’m a good st udent and that I’ve never cheated. I once write the answer on my hand for a history test but, unluckily, caught by my teacher. Because she was one of my most favorites, there were no words to describe how sorry I felt at once. I thought cheat would help me keep my straight A’s. Little I know that I was hurting not only herself but also my teachers. From this lesson I know teachers want students to succeed by learning with their own and do the best they can, not by cheating. 3 Friendship is very importance. Everyone needs friendship. In all our lives we can’t live without friendship just as we can’t live without air and water. Friendship makes us getting on well with one another to go ahead under different kind of difficulties in the front of us. But real friendship is no easy to come by. True friendship must be sincerely and be based on understand each other but not on benefits of each other. A good friend can always be a good teacher to us. By his advices we are persuading to go the right way. Therefore more friends we have, the better we can improve ourselves. 4 My secret of staying young is simple: keeping your mind awake and you will stay young all over. Take an interest in world around you, and learn at least one old thing every day. Don’t think that you are ever very old to go back to school. I know a man who entered medical college in 70. He got his degree with honors and became a famous doctor. Other man went to law school at 71 and is now a active lawyer. You may say that staying young is easy only for those live in the future. In fact, you can do it whether you care enough to try to keep your mind awake and active, and which is the only way to be always young.


高考英语短文改错题20篇 短文改错练习(1) Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high school students . They study hard . They do extreme well on 76. achievement tests . And next year , Rowena will attending 77. Harvard University . Billy , her younger brother , hoe to go 78. to Cornell . That makes Rowena and Billy different from 79. most students is that they don’t go to school . In fact , 80. they've never been to school . Since a kindergarten , they 81. have studied at home . Neither Rowena or Billy feels as if 82. they have missed out on nothing by being taught at home . 83. As many of the more than one million people who receive 84. home schooling in the United States , they feel if they 85. have gotten a good education . 短文改错练习(2) Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I suppose you do. But I’d76. like to tell you what a bad day I had yesterday. Nothing 77. just went wrong. On the morning, my alarm clock didn’t ring,78. since I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burnt my 79. hand when I was cooking the breakfast. Then I ran out of the house 80. to catch the 8:30 buses. This is the bus I usually take. But, you 81. may laugh, I missed it of course. I am very unhappy, and scared 82. as well because teacher hates the students coming late to school. 83. So I ran three miles to school only to discover that nobody 84. was there. The school was quiet but peaceful. Our classroom was 85. locked. I realized that moment: It was Sunday. 短文改错练习(3) Get a good education is more important today than 76._______________ ever before .In Canada mostly children attend public 77._______________ schools. Public schools are mainly found by governments 78._______________ through tax income. Students in Canada taught in 79._______________ English and in French. The rests of Canadian children 80._______________ attend private schools, that are supported mainly by fees 81._______________ paying by parents .By law ,the children must attend 82._______________ the school from age 5 to 16. There are several different 83._______________ levels in the Canadian education system .The first was 84._______________ called Elementary Schools ,which include kindergartens 85._______________ through grade 7 or 8. 短文改错练习(4) Yesterday we went to plant trees on the hill near to 76. our school. The boys were made dig pits(坑).The 77. girls were told to plant the young trees into the pits. 78. All of us worked very hardly. Soon we were all wet 79.

高考英语 新课标短文改错精练(10篇)

短文改错精练 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。在每行的下面改。 A One day I went to the market and find many beautiful birds in few cages for sale. I heard two young men talked. One said, “I caught eight bird like these last Sunday, but not a single one was alive n ext morning.” Oh, God! The birds are being killed. The number is reducing year to year. Birds, like other animals, are our friends. They set a lot of pests and make our nature beautifully. So we must do something to protect it from killed. We hope how everyone will care about them. B Before I came to Finland to attend this meeting two weeks before,I had no ideas what kind of clothes I should take along. Fortunately, my friend Julia had gone to Northern Europe. Yes,she was a great help. She bought for me some warm suits and dress, business type of clothes, of course, of dark colours. She also bought me some skirts and blouses so that I could wear same clothes in several ways. Live coloured dresses would give me a nicer change time to time. She also helped me to choose a very warm raincoat and a pair of boots. Oh, how luck I am to have such a helpful friend. He saved me a lot of trouble. C Dear Stephen, It’s very kind for you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like tell you something about my hometown Zhengzhou.The city stood on the bank of the Yellow River. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapid in the past ten years. New factories, houses and roads have built. More schools and hospitals are available for its people. Therefore, there is still some problems, such as air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion, Zhengzhou should develop their economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be bring under the control so that we’ll have a better hometown in future. Yours,


1. Three friends and I was driving on a highway. While we were going at least 50 miles per hour, we passed over a car. It had broken down, stopped on the side of the road. My friend slows down, and pulled behind the other car. He got out of the car immediate and before I knew it he was helping the other person push the car down the road to a spot where wasn’t so close to the passing cars. From the way they were pushing the car, it looked as if my friend was pushing them all by himself. I thought my f riend help a complete stranger like this was a great thing, but I won’t forget his good nature or character. 2. Dear Brad, I’m very glad to hear from you. In your last letter you ask about the post-80s in China. Actually I am the boy who belongs to this group. Comparing with our parents, life for us is getting much hard. The job market is tough and the house is expensively to afford. Now many girls prefer to marry with a man who owns a house and a car. Therefore, I don’t think love built on house and car s is true love, and I doubt how long it will last. As a matter of fact, though situations are tough today, a lot of we post-80s are making great efforts live a good life. I believe we will have a nice future. Li Hua 3. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Some of us are having problems about our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries. I fully understand why we are comfortable about it, but it is no need to feel too sadly. Our parents are checking in our bags or diaries to make sure we’re not getting into troubles. They have probably heard of some horrible stories about other kids and thinking we might do the same. Or perhaps they just want to connect with us and are doing it all wrong. My suggestion is: Tell them we want them to trust us as many as we’d like to trust them. If you don’t think you can talk to them, write them a letter and leave it lie around --- they are bound to read it. Thank you!


07年各地高考短文改错专练精选附答案详解(30篇) 短文改错(每题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 1 This is a story told by my father: “When I was boy, 76.___________ the most exciting thing was when to celebrate the Spring 77. ___________ Festival. My grandma was the best cooker in the world 78. ___________ but could make the most delicious dishes. One time, I just 79. ___________ couldn’t wait for the Spring Festival dinner. As I was

80. ___________ about take a piece from a cooked duck, I saw Grandma in 81. ___________ the kitchen looking at me. Shake her head, she said, ‘ It 82. ___________ isn't a good time to do that, dear.’ At once I apologize 83. ___________ and controlled me at my best till the dinner started. You 84. ___________ know, that was a dinner we had waited for several month.” 85. ___________ 2 Friendship is importance. Everyone needs friendship. In all 76. our lives we can’t live without friendship just like we can’t77. live without air and water. Friendship makes us getting on 78. well with one another to go ahead under different kind of 79. difficulties in front of us. But real friendship is easy to 80.
