


写作95—10年: 16次

一、立场选择型: 7次—43.75%




一、立场选择型: 7次—43.75%

(97) More Pressure from Academic Studies

Does (or Does No) Good to Us

(99) A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of

Advertising on TV

(04) Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?

(06) Saving Money or Using Tomorrow Money?

(07) Is It Wise to Make Friends Online?

(09) Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment?

(10) Should college students hire cleaners?

Example : A Major Advantage of Advertising on Television

When it comes to advertising on television, different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that advertising on television can bring benefits. In their opinion, TV advertising promotes consumption. However, others hold that advertising on television spoils their enjoying excellent performances. Weighing up two opinions, I think TV advertising benefit producers and consumers greatly.

On one hand, it is an efficient way for manufacturers to publicize their products. TV is a medium, through which information can be spread quickly, vividly, and in a large scale. For example, when WaHaHa, a kind of children’s drink, is released on TV, the song is imitated by children all over the nation nearly overnight. Along with its release the sale of the drink increases greatly. Without TV ads, a product would get a longer time to be acknowledged by a limited number of people.

On the other hand, it provides a good way for consumers to learn the products. Without TV ads, customers will spend large quantity of time looking for the goods they want, and choosing from the alternatives. TV ads give them much information about the products, the manufacturers, the things they can purchase or enjoy, and the possible effects.

Therefore, as stated above, we can easily see the consumption promoting function of TV ads.


(98) One Way to Solve the Pollution

(02) The Best Way to Stay Healthy

(05) My Idea of a University Arts Festival

Example : The Best Way to Stay Healthy

It is true that nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of

health. However, different people have different ways to keep healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. I think the best way to stay healthy is the combination of proper physical exercise and a balance diet. The reasons can be listed as follows.

For one thing, physical exercise not only builds a person’s body, but also helps to reduce his or her unnecessary fat. Indeed, this is very important since the redundancy of fat has been medically proved to be a cause of various disease, some of which are even fatal. For another, a balanced diet can provide a person with the right kind and amount of nutrition required for the operation o four organs. As we know, a multitude of elements are effective in keeping our body running properly. A deficiency in any of them will result in some unpredictable diseases. Yet a balanced diet may prevent this from happening.

There is no doubt that the best way to keep fit is taking proper physical exercise plus staying on a balanced diet. In a word, both physical exercise and proper diet are essential to health.


(00) The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

(01) Travel Broadens the Mind

(03) The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

(08) The Benefits of Volunteering

Example : The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

A common ground has been reached that college life should be varied and colorful. Some people consider that extracurricular activities mean nothing to them. However, I think extracurricular activities are very important for the all-round development of college students.

Evidently, the importance of extracurricular activities embodies the following three aspects. Firstly, such activities can enrich the students’ college life. As an effective way of bot h physical and mental relaxation, extracurricular activities provide students with different opportunities to enjoy themselves and relax themselves. For instance, after class students can participate in various ball games or colorful recreation activities. Secondly, such activities can help develop students sense of teamwork and cooperation with each other. For example, when involved in group activities, students will realize the limitation of their individual effort and the strength of group work. Finally, such activities provide the students with an opportunity to be sociable, which is surely helpful for them to communicate with different people in the future after they graduate from college.

In brief, extracurricular activities are of great importance to college students. Only when college students are fully aware of the importance can they really enjoy their college life and have an all-round development of their physical strength and mentality.


(95) The Advantage and Disadvantage of Part-Time Job

(96) The Main Difference Between My College Life and MY Middle School Life

Example : The Advantage and Disadvantage of Part-Time Job

Recently, more and more college students are inclined to take part-time hobs in their spare time.

And it has aroused a heated discussion. Some are for it, but others are against it. As far as I am concerned, I think that taking a part-time hob can be beneficial and harmful.

On one hand, taking a part-time hob may help college students in many respects. Firstly, it can help them to relieve the burden on their family, with the money they have earned, they can pay for part of tuition and some daily necessities. Secondly, they can explore the knowledge outside the books and accumulate some work experience, which will be a perfect preparation for their future hob-hunting competition. And part-time hob can also help them modify their career orientation.

On the other hand, doing a part-time hob can also do harm to eh students. If they can’t balance part-time hobs and academic studies, jobs can become a barrier to their college life. When part-time hobs, which may exert great pressure on students, are done at he cost of their study time, they can affect students’ academic studies and all-round development.

In my opinion, the worthiness of a part-time hob depends on students’ ability to deal with both study and hob itself. I do suggest that we should create more chances to improve ourselves by taking some part-time hobs on the condition that we have finished our study well.


英语考试作文 2019英语专四作文范文:教育的职能 2019英语专四作文范文:教育的职能 2019英语专四作文形式为题材性话题作文,答题时间45分钟,分值为20分。复习英语专四作文基础阶段可以多借鉴范文中的优秀例句及行文结构,为日后复习做好储备。 Education is one of the largest items of government spending. It is regarded as the pathway to economic prosperity, an instrument for combating unemployment and the driving force behind scientific and technological advance. Given the importance of education for individuals and society, its scope, constituents and configuration have long been the subject of research, studies and discussion. Theoretically, a student is expected to acquire knowledge of a specific subject or profession at school, but throughout the learning process, education should focus on the development of their skills. A successful school leaver should show exceptional abilities to acquire, organize, interpret,


“________,触动了我的心灵”半命题作文写作指导 【考题展示】 芊芊芦苇,触动了文人的心灵;巍巍“神舟”,触动了国人的心灵;眷眷亲情,触动了游子的心灵;殷殷师恩,触动了学子的心灵……同学们,相信五彩斑斓的大千世界里,一定也会有许多触动你心灵的人或事。 请以“________,触动了我的心灵”为题,写一篇文章。 要求:①根据自己所写文章内容,将题目补充完整;②选择你最能驾驭的文体抒写真情实感;③不少于600字。 【思路指导】 此题是半命题的作文,这中形式的作文题目越来越受到命题者的青睐。其特点是:它既有一定的限制,又给广大考生提供了自由选择的空间。一般有前填式和后填式两种,不过也有填在中间的。上题就是前填式。第一步就要补充完题目,所填的内容必须和后面的“触动了我的心灵”相联系。首先,所填必须是让人心灵受到巨大触动的人、事、物,其次必须是写我自己的经历和感受,这样易于表达自己的真情实感。 在选材上,自然、社会时时处处都有着让我们感动的地方,只要我们有一双善于观察的眼睛,有一颗敏感的心灵,整个生活都可以成为我们“取之不尽,用之不竭”的写作源泉。一抹夕阳,一朵野花,一丛杂草,一眼山泉,一丝细雨,一缕春风…… 都是大自然的语言。家庭中父母关爱我们的的一个眼神;学校里同学、老师的一举一动;就是社会中一个陌生人的微笑,都有可能让我们终生难忘。“一滴水就能折射出整个世界”,用理性的思考去探究,我们就能发现自然中蕴藏着深刻的人生哲理。 在文体的选择上,可叙可议,也可叙议结合。用深情的故事感染人;用深刻的哲理警示人;用形象的事物启迪人,这些都不失为好的选择。 这是一道渗透人文精神的好题,选材范围非常广泛。在现实生活中,我们一定听到过或看到过以及经历过许多强烈震撼过自己心灵的事件,这些事件一定在你的心灵深处刻下了深深的烙印,我们可以此为触发点,生发开来,表达自己的观点和看法。比如:环境污染,土地沙化,水资源匮乏,战争与灾难,亲情,友情,师生情,爱国情……等皆可入文。可以写成记叙文,选取一体典型事例表现周围人对自己的关爱;也可以写成议论文,通过身边发生的一些令人警醒的事件唤醒人们的责任意识,生存意识。在写作时,要着重写出自己的心灵感受,增强文章的感染力。一定不要忘了把题目补充完整。补充文题时,要尽量选取自己最熟悉的,最有话可说,最容易出彩的内容。 【习作点评】 母爱,触动我的心灵 明天就要进行中考了,我坐在写字台前,一刻也静不下来。爸爸出差了,妈妈在医院上晚班。我一下人待在家里,真是孤独得有点可怕。想到刚才妈妈走时,我苦苦地请她留下来陪陪我,可她还狠心地“丢”下我,一个人走了。 唉!在这种关键时刻,我竟然无法得到父母的特殊关照。谁会想到,一个所谓的幸福之家还会如此的“不幸”呢?我只能无奈地苦笑,又深深地埋下头,面对桌面上那堆厚厚的书本。 “丁东、丁东、丁东!”门铃急促地响了三下。一听到熟悉的声音,我浑身一震,从椅子上蹦了起来。我知道,一定是妈妈回来了。兴奋地打开门,果真是妈妈!我亲爱的妈妈奇迹般地站到了我的面前。我伸出双手,想把妈妈迎进屋。妈妈却站着没动,说:“孩子,把妈妈的包拿来,我忘记带钥匙了。” 听完妈妈的话,我的心凉了半截,兴奋的心情一时跌落了下来。我机械地走进里屋,把包拿了出来。望着妈妈渐渐远去身影,我无可奈何地摇了摇头,只得又静静地关上了那扇沉重的门。 刚坐下一会儿,门铃又响了起来。会是谁呢?我轻轻地走到门口,满怀疑惑地打开门。“呀,怎么又是妈妈啊!又出什么事了?”妈妈也许并没有看到我绷紧的脸,说:“孩子,天下雨了,给我拿把伞过来。”“知道了。”我有气无力地说完这三个字,毫无表情在把伞递到了妈妈手上。妈妈一边撑伞,一边还在唠叨着。不过,我一句也没有听进去。妈妈一转身,我便“砰”地关上了大门,我对妈妈算是彻底地绝望了。 我还没有坐稳,门铃又响了。我不由暗暗地咒骂起来,早不来,晚不来,偏偏在我想静一静的时候有人来打忧,我猛在找开门,怎么又是妈妈?!“妈妈,你又忘了带什么来了?干脆进来拿齐吧。”我不耐烦地说。妈妈就是这样,不管你怎么生气,她总能平静得像一泓湖水,她用手摸了摸我的脸,说:“看来,我这粗心的毛病是改不了。你看,一个晚上就回来了三次。”说完,她又利索地把我领进厨房,说:“明天就要中考了,一定要注意好身体,我为你准备了一些宵夜,你别忘了吃一点!”说完又心惯性地吻了吻我。我惊讶地望着妈妈,好像望着一个来自远方的陌生人。蓦然间,我发现,母亲瘦多了,皱纹也多了。 我还沉浸在飞扬的思绪里,妈妈却早已消失在茫茫在雨幕中,缓缓地回到写字台旁,我才发现,自己不知何时流下了泪水。 点评:本文采用了以小见大的写作方法。作者只抓住考试前一无晚上一件小事来写,切入的角度虽小,却能让人在细微处看到真情。文章综合运用了多种手法,如心理描写、动作描写、对比描写,真实而又准确地写出了自己独特的内心感受,像“静静在关上”“砰地关上”“猛地打开门”等细节描写得非常好,传神地反映了“我”由“怨”、“恨”到“爱”的心理变化过程。 母爱,触动我的心灵 母亲下岗了。 那天,我回到家,屋子里很昏暗。母亲默默地坐在沙发上发呆。“妈,不舒服吗?”我放下书包想去倒开水。母亲拉住我,让我坐在她身旁:“你……想念大学吗?”“啊?”我感到惊讶,“想呀,您不是说将来竞争激烈,非让我考大学吗?”“妈……”母亲勉强笑了笑,说道:“妈就盼你有出息。” 又是一个周末,我早早回到家,却发现家里一个人也没有。我便问一旁剥豆的邻居叁妈:“我妈呢?她不上班了呀!”大妈一脸疑惑,“你不知道?你妈下岗托我替她在菜场里找了份临时工,就在拐角,你去找……”我不等大妈说完,早就飞奔出去。穿过弄堂,“越”过菜市,刚到拐角处,我怔住了。 母亲穿着一身破旧不堪的工作衣,正弯腰洗鱼,沾满血污的手麻利地干着,一绺干枯而又焦黄的头发随风飘拂。突然母亲微微咳嗽起来,腰也伛偻着。咳了好一会儿,母亲捶捶胸,又直起腰来。一切我都明白了。我和妈妈的目光相遇,她尴尬地笑了。 我只觉得让妈妈为了我干这份差事,太伤一个男子汉的自尊。我的眼泪出来了。我走上前抚摸着母亲那双冰凉而又粗糙的手说:“妈,别干了,我……不考大学了!”母亲吃了一惊,嗫嚅着想说什么,但终究什么也没说。她陪我离开柜


2018英语专四作文万能模板14类 2018英语专四作文模板:对比选择型 1、适合Advantage / Disadvantage题型 People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of 主题词vary greatly. Some believe that 观点1 , while others support that 观点2 . As for me, I agree to the latter idea because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. There are dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据一. 理由一. The second reason that can be seen by every person is that 论据二. For example, 理由二. From the above, we can easily see that 主题词is beneficial to 总结理由一二. 2、适合Yes / No题型 It has long been a contentious issue as to whether 题目陈述. Some people are of the opinion that 观点一, while others point out that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据一. 理由一. For another, 论据二. 理由二. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that 总结观点. Therefore, as a university student, we should 提出意见. 3、适合A / B题型 Nowadays, 通过想象引出话题. As a result, some people are worried that A与B之间的矛盾. However, I don’t think their concerns are necessary, because A has some exclusive advantages over B. First of all, A 与B比较优势一. A 的优点. However, B的缺点. Furthermore, A 与B比较优势二. For example, 举例说明优势二. Last but not least, A 与B比较优势三. A的优点. In contrast, B 的缺点. In short, A has some merits that B doesn’t have. Therefore, 结论. 2018英语专四作文模板:给定观点型 Nowadays, with 现象, people are becoming increasingly aware of the significance of 主题词. In my point of view, 把标题变为陈述句. There are numerous reasons to support my point of view, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.


英语专业四级作文模板 【篇一:英语专业四级考试之写作万能模板:开头结尾 篇】 英语专业四级考试之写作万能模板:开头结尾篇 一开头万能公式: 1.开头万能公式一: 名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的, 包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道 理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:a proverb says, “ you are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)it goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:as everyone know s, no one can deny that… 2.开头万能公式二: 数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原 则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管 那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不 妨试用下面的句型:according to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题 目我们都可以这样编造: honesty 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78% 都是假的。 travel by bike 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选 的交通工具是自行车。 youth 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。 five-day work week better than six-day work? 根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。 更多句型:a recent statistics shows that …


2018英语专四作文万能模板汇总 2018英语专四作文万能模板:对比选择型 1、适合Advantage / Disadvantage题型 People’s views towards the advantages and disadvantages of 主题词vary greatly. Some believe that 观点1 , while others support that 观点2 . As for me, I agree to the latter idea because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. There are dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据一. 理由一. The second reason that can be seen by every person is that 论据二. For example, 理由二. From the above, we can easily see that 主题词is beneficial to 总结理由一二. 2、适合Yes / No题型 It has long been a contentious issue as to whether 题目陈述. Some people are of the opinion that 观点一, while others point out that 观点二. As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据一. 理由一. For another, 论据二. 理由二. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that 总结观点. Therefore, as a university student, we should 提出意见.


半命题作文的写作技巧及方法 导读:【方法一】 半命题作文是指命题人限定了作文题目的一部分内容,然后留出一部分内容由作者按要求自己填写完整,再进行写作的作文命题形式。这种作文形式的主要标志是作文题目中留有空缺。其特点是有较大的开放度、灵活性,给人留下广阔的创作空间,又有一定的限制性。这两年中考全国有不少的省市采用了半命题作文的形式。半命题作文根据有无提示语可分为有提示语和没有提示语两种形式;根据题目空缺 的位置可分为前空式、中空式和后空式。 写这类作文的前提是要按要求补全题目。需要注意的问题是: 1.斟酌已给出的半个题目信息,再结合自己的生活经历、写作特长、写作内容等将其补全,成为全命题作文,巧妙地让陌生的新题变成自己熟悉的旧题,从容地完成一篇熟悉的作文。例如有关“读书”“亲情”“学校生活”之类的作文相信同学们已经写过不计其数的文章,我们可以将2005年重庆中考作文题“那是一首歌”写成“读书 经历是一首歌”“母爱是一首歌”“学习生活是一首歌”。也可以将2005年江苏省无锡市中考作文题“精彩”演变成相类似的形式。 2.注意审清题面要求,明确选材范围。如2003年湛江中考作文 题要分清“生活”与“生命”的不同。 3.标题切忌大而空,要力求展示个性风采。标题是一篇文章的“眉目”,它关系到一篇文章的格调、精神和色彩,好的标题能使人产生

强烈的阅读愿望。 4.立意要鲜明,集中,新颖。 例如:“生活因__更精彩”和“生命因__更精彩”都是半命题作文,限制较少。空缺处可以填名词、动词、形容词,如音乐、读书、挫折、爱等,也可以填短语,如得到关注、奋力拼搏、遭遇苦难等。题目一旦确立,就要善于从平凡的生活彩链中挖掘出最耀眼、最闪光的那一节来写,要写出精彩的一瞬、精彩的场面、精彩的心灵感悟。总之,要突出精彩,突出填写的词语,突出主题。 其次,表达的角度要巧。在突出主旨的前提下可以有选择地使用悬念、插叙、呼应、对比等技巧,要设计好文章的开头和结尾,适当穿插议论和抒情,行文中要注意反复点题。 另外,选材要新。要善于调动多种描写手段打动人,以此引起读者情感上的共鸣。 【方法二】 高考作文是非常重要的一个试题,是高考语文拉开分数的题目之一。记叙文是高考作文常考的文体,掌握一定的记叙文写作技巧是得高分的必要手段。下面文章为大家介绍高考记叙文的写作技巧。 一、一线串珠 内涵:记叙文的`线索是贯穿全文、将材料串联起来的一条主线,它把文章的各个部分联结成一个统一和谐的有机体。如果说丰富而生动的材料是一颗颗珍珠,那么线索就是将这些珍珠串联起来的一条线。


大作文历年真题 2011 Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution? 范文 Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution? With the development of society, many people can afford a car. As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems. One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cares. In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a "pollution tax" should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows: To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution. For example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed. The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax


英语专四系列:作文之范文赏析--出国留学的利与弊 题目:Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards 写作要求 Nowadays more and more students choose to go abroad after they graduate from colleges and universities. They say that they bene? t a lot from it, though some people argue that there are many hardships and dif? culties. What’s your opinion about it? Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards You are to write in three parts. In the ? rst part, state speci? cally what your idea is. In the second part, provide reasons to support your opinion OR describe your idea.

In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 审题思路 本题是一个观点选择型的题目,就目前大学生在毕业后选择留学的利弊孰大孰小进行分析。题目可以从以下几个方面入手: 思路1:利大于弊 虽然有困难,但整体上利大于弊,利体现在:1. 教学软件硬件优异;2. 有利于将来就业等。 思路2 :弊大于利 虽然有好处,但整体上弊大于利,弊体现在:1. 费用昂贵; 2. 文化差异,难以融入其中等。


常用模板 1. 问题解决型(如1998 ,2002) 引言段:复述题干中的背景 a. -------- has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their ways. b. Recently, -------- has become the focus of the society. And in this way, people swarm挤满to -------- and serious problems follow. c. -------- has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well. d.Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of t he seriousness of--------. I would like to suggest a way to solve the problem. We might as well (解决的方案). It is necessary that we do so for the following reasons. 主体段:For one thing, (方案的优势1). (详细阐述) For another, (方案的优势2). (详细阐述) 或者有3种以上优势和理由的,参考使用: To begin with, then, furthermore, finally To start with, next, in addition, finally First and foremost最重要, besides, last but not least Most important of all, moreover而且, finally 总结段:Above all, it is highly recommendable可推荐的that we solve the problem in/through ... for its advantages of A, B and C (这里再把理由压缩一下叙述一遍). 2. 建议型(如2005)


半命题作文构思技巧 半命题作文是与命题作文相对而言的。它是给岀一半题目,让考生补全题目后再去作文。 一、半命题作文的结构形式 从半命题作文的特点可以看岀, 把题目补充完整,就成了一道命题作文,接下来就按照命题作文 的写作策略来写 作了 写作半命题作文的关键是理解、 把握题目中已知的部分, 从而把题目变成一个自己喜爱, 乐 于去写、易于发挥的作文。 二、首先要审好已命题部分 要深入分析题目中已给的部分,理解其含义。特别应注意题目中的修饰、限定性的词语,为 补全题目做好准备。 1、在半命题作文中,有的文题限定了文章的体裁 例如,给 _________________ 的一封信”限定了作文的体裁是书信, 例如,给 ______________________ 的 一封信”限定了作文的体裁是书信, 论 ________________ ”限定了作文的体裁是议论文; 2 、 有 的 文 题 指 明 了 立 意 的 方 向 例如,“ _______________ 感动了我”这一命题表明文章要表达 感动”的心情,考生必须紧紧围 绕感动”选材、组材 难忘的 __________________ ”要表达 难忘”的情感,难忘”的是什么,为什么 难 忘”。 3、有的文题限定了选材的范围 例如,我最 ___________________ 的人”,在横线上可以填 欣赏”、敬佩”、感激”、喜爱”等等, 但是,不管填什么,抒情主体是 我”,所以,选材就要选与 我”有联系的人, 第一 次 _________________ ”,横线上可以填 做饭”、唱歌”、被误解” ??…但这些词语必须符合是 人生的 第一次”。根据对题目中已知部分的理解、把握,填充题目中的未知内容。 在分 析好命题中的已给出部分的内容后, 如果限定了体裁,要注意写作时不要改变文体, 如果规 定了选材的范围,写作时就不能信马由缰,越过雷池 限制的内容还有时间、空间、对象、内容、数量等,审题时要弄清楚。 三、审导语 半命题作文导语的作用:以精辟优美、蕴含深刻、情感浓郁的语句导入作文情境, 激发抒写 情思,界定选材范围。 例如:芊芊芦苇,触动了文人的心灵;巍巍“神舟”,触动了国人的心灵;眷眷亲情,触动 了游子的心灵;殷殷师恩,触动了学子的心灵……同学们,相信五彩斑斓的大千世界, 一定 也会有许多触动你心灵人或事。 以“ _______________ ,触动了我的心灵”为题作文。 四、补题原则 这一部分审题时考生应思考以下几个问题:2.给岀题目的后半部分:女口 改变了我” “ 是一把双刃剑 3.给岀题目的前后部分:女口 我在 的引领下” 让“ 走进心灵” 4. 给 岀 题 目 的 中 间 部 分 1.给岀题目的前半部分:如 假如我能 ________________ ”动力来自 如“ ________________ ,别再让我___________________ ” ______________ 是 _________________ ”。我想 让 更 ”,“ 来了, 还会远吗”。 1 .这一部分我们可以填哪些内容? 2.哪些


The advantages and disadvantages of college students----taking part-time job Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to taking part-time job in their spare time. I think this trend has advantages and disadvantages as well. The advantages of college students taking part-time job are as follows : By taking a part-time job,college students can earn some money for their daily necessities, so they can ease their families' financial burden and become economically independent. And by taking a part-time job, college students can get some working experiences and know how to use their knowledge in practical work , how to cooperate with the others and how to deal with some problems they may face. These experiences are surely helpful to their future work after graduation. However, the disadvantages of college students taking a part-time job can not be neglected. The main disadvantages are that if they spend too much time on their part-time jobs, their academic studies will be affected. They may not have enough time to digest what they have learned in class and they may not have enough time to extracurricular organized by their college after class. Since this trend has both advantages and disadvantages, college students should be careful when they decide whether they should take a part-time job or not. My suggestion is that they had better strike a balance between academic studies and a part-time job.


专四作文写作技巧——如何写好英文便条 英文书信有正式与非正式之分,英文便条为非正式书信。 TEM4( 英语专业四级考试)把写便条(note~writing)列入必考项目之一,其目的是按照((高等院校英语专业英语教学大纲>)的要求,测试英语专业学生在基础阶段末用英语书面表达思想的能力。便条成绩在TEM4笔试成绩中虽只占10%,却如同一面镜子,能反映出学生英语书面交际的能力。有关英文便条写作,国内外学者多有论述(可参见宁有权、刘永军,1999;王崇义,1995;杨俊峰,1997;Aired,Brusaw&Oliu,2000; Bates,1990)。学者们认为,便条是一种简短信函,多使用非正式语体,它的形式比一般书信简单。例如,写便条的人与收便条的人的地址、称呼中“Dear'’一词、日期中的年份以及结尾套语(complimentary close,亦称结束语),都可以省去;便条正文篇幅可小至一、两句话。可是,~TEM4便条写作而言,并不完全像以上说的那样,它有一定的限制。 英语专业四级考试大纲EM4写便条的要求是,“根据提示写大约50-60~]的通知、便条、请贴等。要求格式正确,语言得体。”英语专业四级考试大纲的要求其实也给TEM4便条制定了评分标准。1TEIM4便条的评分往往从格式、内容、语言、字数这四方面来考虑。因此,要想写好TEM4便条,就必须掌握TEM4便条的基本要求,注意TEM4便条写作中常见的问题,以便对症下药,充分发挥自己的英文写作水平。 一TEM4便条的基本要求 (一) 格式(format)正确TEM4便条的格式与普通英文书信格式基本相同。 具体来说,它应有日期(date)、称呼(saluwfion)、正文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语(complimentary close)和签名(signature)。 1.日期指写便条的日期。英文便条与汉语便条的日期写的地方有别,前者的日期一般写在便条的右上角,偶尔也见写在便条的左上角,而后者的日期则写在便条的右下角,即写在签名的下面。英文日期与汉语日期的写法也有不同,汉语一般先写年,然后再写月、日,而英文则一般把年份写在月、日的后面。另外,英文日期的月、日与年之间通常用逗号隔开。例如,2008年4月21日通常写成April 21,2008或April 21 st,2008;当然,由于是非正式书信,也可以去掉年份,写成Ap l 2l或April 21st(不过,这种写法,只是最近两年才被TEM4接受),或者写成21/4/2008或4/21/2008。日期能说明便条的有效度,没有日期,则会使人感到茫然。 2.称呼称呼是指写便条人对收便条人的称谓,一般都以Dear开头,写在日期下一两行、留出左页边空白,顶格写。TEM4试卷中一般对写便条人与收便条人之间的关系作了提示。提示中的“you”指的是写便条人,提到的另一方便是收便条人。称呼时,一般只需在其名字前加Dear即可,如Dear Susan,Dear Tom。若此人有头衔(social title),称呼时,便要保留其头衔,例如Dr.Herce,要称DearDr.Pierce,不称DearPierce。如果提示中的另一方是以MrsWang或MrWang出现,称呼时也只需在其前加Dear便可,即称DearMrsWang或DearMrWang,若只称DearWang则视为不妥。当对方为亲属时,在Dear 后面加上表示亲属关系大写的字眼即可,如DearGrandpa,DearAunt。值得一提的是,近年来TEM4也接受不带Dear的称呼。称呼后面可用逗号,也可用冒号。


1 Weather Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. For example, good weather makes people happy and gay, while bad weather makes people sick and depressed. Besides, on a fine day, one can get out for a walk or play a game in the open air. On a rainy day, however, he can only stay indoors. In a word, weather is part of life for all of us. The first thing that many people do after getting up in the morning is to see what the weather is like. With a knowledge of the weather, people can arrange work and life of the day. If it is fine, he may decide to go on a picnic. If it is cloudy, he will have to take a raincoat or an umbrella with him when he is leaving the house. Whatever the weather may be, one tends to adjust his activities to it accordingly. In order to know what the weather will be, special people are hired to provide this information. They collect data, analyze them and provide the weather of the coming day. This information, which is announced on the radio or on TV, is usually very accurate. Thanks to the efforts of those professionals, we can always know the weather in advance and get prepared for it. 2 Health or Wealth I prefer health to wealth if I have to choose between them. It is true that wealth makes life easier and more comfortable, but health is even more important. Only when one has good health can he pursue wealth and happiness. Wealth cannot be acquired without health. As we know, to gain wealth usually means working hard. If one does not have a strong body, how can he work hard? How can he have enough energy to overcome all the difficulties on his way towards success? Only with a sound body may one get a chance to enjoy the better life provided by his wealth because health ensure wealth but not vice versa. Therefore, health is the basis for attaining wealth. Even if one is born into a rich family, wealth alone cannot make him happy. Imagine a rich man who can do nothing but stay in bed. How can he enjoy his life? What can his money do for him? So long as one is healthy, there are always chances for him to attain everything including wealth. 3 Directions: For this part, you need to write a short passage with a title Spring Festival in not less than 100 words. You are given the opening sentence of each paragraph and required to complete the following three paragraphs. Spring Festival Spring festival is the new year in Chinese lunar calendar.


初三半命题作文写作技巧 半命题作文就是指作文题目只出现一半或一部分,另外一半或一部分由考生自己去补 充的一种作文。综观2021年各地中考作文试题,半命题作文占有相当的比例。以下教大 家一些半命题作文的写作技巧吧! 半命题作文的补题,有四种表现形式: 1.点示范围式补题 这种形式的补题所形成的一个完整命题,既不能表现题材,也不能表现主题。它只是 一个标准的宽泛的点示写作取材范围的文题。 如文题“在影响下”可补写为“在大伯的影响下”、“在同桌的影响下”。补写后的 文题是一个宽题,为什么有“影响”,“影响”下的“我”怎么样,需要自选题材,来进 行恰切的表现。 2.突现材料式补题 这种形式的补题突现了作者最为熟悉的题材,它表示作者没有取材的困难,全篇文章 将用作者选定的材料来表现一定的主题。 如文题“我这个迷”,填充后的文题可为“我这个象棋迷”、“我这个足球迷”、 “我这个电脑迷”、“我这个数学迷”、“我这个航模迷”等。作者必须通过写“象棋”、“足球”、“电脑”、“数学”、“航模”来表现自己的“迷”,来表现文章的主题。 3.立意角度式补题 此种形式的补题将文章的立意方向作了确定,作者必须选出一定的材料来表现这种立意。 如文题“我生活在”,完成题目后可写为“我生活在春天里”、“我生活在关爱之中”、“我生活在向往之中”等等,这“春天”、这“关爱”、这“向往”就是作者所要 表现的主要内容。 4.综合因素式补题 这种形式的补题最为自由,因为它既能为作者确定题材,又能为作者突现立意方向。 如文题“真”,可变为“欢乐‘五一’真令人难忘”,作者可选用“五一”长假中的 生活片断来表现那种令人难忘的愉快。 当然,以上四式不是绝然分开的。如文题“我生活在之中”,可以突出立意,如“我 生活在幸福之中”,着眼点在“幸福”;也可突出选材,如“我生活在勤劳的家庭中”, 着眼点在“勤劳”。填充时怎样顺手就怎样填,怎样有把握就怎样填。
