


来源:翻译资格【学而优则进,考试大以成!】 2010年11月30日


1.elder 与elderly

两者都为“年老的”,但有细微的差别。elderly 指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,因此,这词常用来代替old。如:an elderly gentleman. 一位年长的绅士。elder指年龄稍长者,适用于家庭的兄弟姐妹之间。如:Tom is the elder of the two. 汤姆是两个孩子中较大的一个。

2.precious 和expensive

expensive 表示“昂贵的”。如:The drink was cheap , but the food was very expensive . 饮料很便宜,但食物很贵。precious 表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”。如:The children are precious to me . 孩子们对我来说很重要。

3.regret to do 和regret doing

egret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing 动作发生在regret 之前。如:I regretted missing the train. 我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。如:I regret to tell you that we can 't stay here any longer. 我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。

4.day by day 和day after day

两词组意思很近,但有区别:day by day 只用作状语,表示“一天天地”, 有逐渐转变的意思。如:Day by day she seems to grow a little taller.她似乎一天天地长高了。day after day 可作主语,宾语等,亦可作状语,表示“一天又一天”,强调动作的重复,表示时间的长久。如:We do the same work day after day. 每天我们做着同样的事情。/ Day after day went by , and I still don't receive her letter. 一天天过去了,我还是没有


5.damp 与wet

两者都表示“潮湿的”,但有细微差别。wet 指曾浸泡在液体中或布满了液体的东西,或指多雨的天气。如:It's a wet day. 今天是一个雨天。/ wet clothes 湿衣服。damp 指未湿透但潮湿的东西。The damp in the air makes me uncomfortable. 潮湿的空气使我感到不舒服。

6.hunger 与starvation

两词都表“饥饿”。hunger 指人对食物的迫切要求,是一种正常的生理现象。如:Hunger is the best sauce. 肚子饿了吃什么都香。而starvation 指长时间缺乏食物引起痛苦,与hunger 相比是不正常的生理现象,而是人为的灾难。如:The old man died of starvation. 那个老人活活饿死了。

7.boring 与dull , tiresome

三词都为“令人厌烦的”,但有区别:boring 概念最广,尤指引起人厌倦、枯燥的谈话文章,也指令人生厌的人。如:The talk was very long and boring. 这篇谈话冗长,毫无趣味。dull 与boring 极为相近,也指因呆板或缺乏趣味性而令人感到厌倦。如: a dull book 一本枯燥的书。tiresome主指单调沉闷而产生疲倦厌烦。如:It's tiresome to be funny for a whole evening整晚上都逗笑取乐是很疲劳的。

8.gift 与present

两词都为“礼物”,但有细微的差别。gift 既指免费捐赠给团体或机构的物品,也指亲友间互赠礼品。如:a gift to the museum一件捐给博物馆的赠品。present 指亲友间互赠, 如:Here is a little present for you. 这儿有你一份小小的礼物。

9.handsome 与beautiful

两词都表“美丽”,但有区别。beautiful 指优美和谐、高贵,多形容妇女、地方、事物,很少用来形容男子。如:a beautiful woman 一位美丽的妇女/ a beautiful scene美景。而handsome 用于形容男人,表示英俊潇洒。如:He is a tall and handsome man. 他是一个高大英俊的男人。

10.country 与nation

country 表示国家,包括领土和人民,着重指疆土。该词概念极为广泛,可用于各种文体,有时作“祖国”讲,带感情色彩。如:China is a great country with a long history .中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。/ His father s country was France. 他父亲的祖国是法国。/ After many years abroad,he wanted to return home to his country. 在国外呆了多年以后,他想回到自己的祖国去。country 来源于拉丁文contra,是对立的意思,即某地区与其他地区极不相同从而独立存在。nation指在某一国土上定居的人民,以及代表他们的独立政权。nation 来源于拉丁文nasci,意思是出生,nation原指具有相同血源的民族,因此它强调一个国家中的人民,概念较country 狭窄。如: the Chinese nation 中华民族。The whole nation rose to resist aggression. 全民奋起抗击侵略。/ The president spoke on radio to the nation. 总统通过广播向全国人民讲话。但在国际交往正式场合下,ation 语体庄重,较country 用得多。如:the United Nations 联合国/ a most favoured nation 最惠国/ the law of nations 国际公法。

11.among 与between

between 的意思是在……中间,在……之间,一般指在两者之间。例如:There is a table beween the two windows. 在两扇窗户之间有一张桌子。/ We have our breakfast between seven and half past seven. 我们在七到七点半之间吃早饭。between 有时也表示在多于两个以上的事物之间,但那是指在每二者之间。例如:therelationship between different provinces and municiplities 省市和省市之间的关系(这里是指每两个省市之间的相互关系。) among 的意思是在……中间、在……之中,一般是在三个或三个以上的同类事物之中。例如:Divide these among you three. 这些东西你们三人分吧。/ Theteacher distributed them among the students. 教师把这些东西分给了学生。

12.disease 与illness

disease 泛指各种原因已查明的急性或慢性疾病,又可指传染病,甚至动植物的各种病害,概念十分广泛。如:an acute disease 急性病/ a chronic disease 慢性病/plant diseases 植物病害/ His suffering is caused by the wound and not by the disease. 他的痛苦是由创伤而非疾病所引起的。/ The ultimate causes of cancer and other diseases are still unknown. 癌症与其他某些疾病的根本原因始终不明。illness 泛指疾病,极为普通常用,多指慢性病,或身体的极度虚弱等,但不影响日常的活动。它有时可与disease 交替使用。如:There has been a lot of illness in the family recently. 最近以来这家人常生病。/ An illness that caused him little difficulty in his youth beganto take its toll as he reached middle age. 有种病在他年轻时影响并不大,但等他到了中年,却成了他的负担。

13.university 与college

university 大学,综合性大学,通常指由多个学院( college)组合而成的综合性大学。它概念广泛,指最高水平的学校,可授予各种学位,也指大学的全体教师和学生。如:Beijing University 北京大学/ Harvard University 哈佛大学/ He graduated from YaleUniversity in 1965. 他在1965年从耶鲁大学毕业。/ The whole university is against the changes. 整个大学都反对这种变革。college 既可广泛地指高等学校,也可专门指独立的学院或附属于综合性大学的学院。在美国college 可以授学士学位,在英国规模庞大的中学也可称college。a medical college 医学院/ teachers training college 师范学院/ business college 商学院/ There are many colleges at Oxford and Cambridge.牛津大学和剑桥大学有很多学院。


这两个词都有“获胜,打败”的意思,但其后宾语不同。beat是“打败,优于”的意思,后面接人或队,如:We beat them.我们赢了他们(打败了他们)。Class 1 beat Class 3 at football.一班踢足球赢了三班。win指“赢,获胜”,后面接比赛、名次,如:We won the match/game/race/the first place. 我们赢了这场比赛(获胜了第一名)。

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6712176399.html,ed to和would do

used to do和would do都可用来表示过去习惯性动作。used to用于客观表示过去的一种惯常化了的行为状态。而would只表示过去一直反复发生的动作,且感情色彩较浓。如:I'm surprised to see you smoking,

you didn t use t o.看到你吸烟,我很吃惊。你以前不吸烟的。John would sit for hours without saying a word.约翰总是一声不吭地一坐就是几个小时。再者,used to不仅表示“过去经常性的习惯”,也可用于表示“过去的状态”,而would则无表示“状态”的用法。He used to be a quiet boy. He would be a quiet boy.



pleasant①指(物)“快乐的”“畅快的”“愉快的”。如:a pleasant summer day一个愉快的夏日。②(人、态度、性情)“给人好印象的”“令人满意的”。如:a pleasantperson to talk to令人愉快的谈话对象。pleased“高兴的”“满意的”。多指人的心情或因人的心情而产生的反应。如:It s pleasant to see a pleased smile on his face.看到他脸上有微笑,令人快乐。


specially ad v.“特别地”“特地”“专为”,如:I came here specially to see you.我特地来看你。especially, adv.“特别地”“格外地”“尤其”,如:Our garden is beautiful, especially in fall.我们的花园很漂亮,尤其在秋天。This time I came back specially to see my family, especially my little daughter who was ill.这次我专程回来看望我的家人,尤其是我生病的小女儿。



area与district两个词都有“地区”的意思,但所指地区有所不同。area指(地球表面的)地域,(城市等的)地区,如:an industrial area工业地区,a picnic area野餐区。district主要指行政区域。如:Wuchang District 武昌区。


这两个词都有“劝说”之意,两者不同的是:persuade是“劝说”并使之“听从”,若只有劝说的动作而没强调“使之服从”的结果,便要用advise或try to persuade。即advise为“劝说”但不一定说服。如:We advised him to leave Mary, but he was not persuaded.我们劝他离开玛丽,但他并没被说服。


receive是“收到”的意思,有“客观地收到……”之意;而accept是“接受”之意,有主观接受之意。如:receive a gift收到礼物(是否接受没提)。accept侧重于以“愉悦的态度”或是“由自己去争取来”而得到,强调取得的事实。如:I received an invitation from them, but I didn t accept it.我接到他们的邀请,但并未答应


这两个近义词都是形容词,都是“电的”意思,二者不同的是:electric指“由电产生的”或“带电的”,而electrical指“有关电(学)方面的”,如:My brother is an electric engineer. My brother is an electrical engineer.


这两个词都是形容词,“每日的”意思,在句中作定语。daily指每天或每个工作日发生的事,侧重于每天的事。everyday指事物的正常、普通,并不强调每日发生的事,但有时也可互换。如:He likes reading the daily newspaper at breakfast each morning.他喜欢每天在吃早餐时看日报。He gets daily wage.他每日取酬。He learn everyday English from daily newspaper every day.他每日从日报上学习日常英语。every day为时间副词短语,意为“每天”。


二者均为late的比较级,但latter只许用于特殊的用法,且不与than连用。later作形容词或副词时,意为“较迟的(地)”,“较后的(地)”,如:in one's later life在晚年。He came later than usual.他比平时晚来一点。latter作形容词时,通常用于名词前,意为“后者的,末尾的”,如:in the latter part of a speech演说的后半段,the latter half of the year下半年。latter还可用作代词,the latter与the former是一组反义词组。

24.pick, pick out, select与choose

这几个词都表示“挑选”“选择”。pick是口头用语,指无需仔细考虑或鉴别就能作出的选择。如:You can pick whichever one you like.你喜欢哪个就挑选哪个。pick out着重强调从数或量很多的东西中挑选,意为“选出”,如:He was picked out from thousands of applicants.他是从众多的应聘者中挑选出来的。choose表一般性的选择或挑选,强调作出决定的意愿行为。如:She chose the red sweater rather than the pink one.她宁愿选那种红色的毛衣而不选那件粉红色的。select语气较强,指经仔细斟酌和淘汰,审慎地从许多同类事或人中择取最好者。如:Customers selected the best apples.顾客精心地挑选苹果。


这两个词均可表示“仿佛”“好像”,常可互换,其细微区别如下:appear强调视觉印象,是一种表面印象,表面看来如此,实际怎么样就不知道了,有时这种视觉印象可能是错觉或不符实际。seem是暗示有一定根据的判断,用于讲话人主观认为“好像”的场合。如:He appears happy.他看起来很幸福。He seems to be happy.谈话者主观认为他很幸福。下面例句足见其区别:He appears pale but he seems not to be sick.他虽然面色苍白,但好像没病

26.on sale与for sale

for sale(个人所有物)“出售的”“待售的”,a house for sale房屋出售,not for sale(告示)非卖品。He put his car up for sale.他把汽车拿出来卖。on sale“销售中”“上市”“廉价的”“特价的”,如:They sell eggs on sale today.今天那家店鸡蛋大减价。on sale多指商品性质的东西。The summer wear is on sale.夏装正在销售。

27.all together与altogether

all together是一个形容词短语,多表示其原义,“所有的人在一处,同时在一起”。如:Today we are all together for the Spring Festival.因为春节,今天我们都聚集在一起了。altogether是个副词,表示“总共,完全”,如:How much is it altogether?这一共多少钱?


invent指创造发明以前不存在的东西或方法。如:Bell invented the telephone.贝尔发明了电话。invent 还可指“虚构”或“捏造”一个情况。如:He invented an excuse for being absent.他捏造了一个缺席的借口。而discover则指发现不为人们所知但实际存在的事物。如:Do you know who discovered America?你知道是谁发现美洲的吗?I discovered that she was a good cook.我发现她很擅长烹饪。


两词都有“包含”的意思。区别在于:contain可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分(have or hold within itself);而include则只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分(have…as part of a whole),如:The parcel contained a dictionary.那包裹里装的是一本字典。Does the price include postage?这价钱包含有邮费吗?另外,contain有“克制,抑制”之意。如:She could hardly contain her excitement.她抑制不住内心的激动。与include有关的including, included用法如下:We all went to the museum, Lily included.我们去了博物馆,莉莉也去了。The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.乐队演奏了很多曲子,包括我最喜欢的几首。

30.job, work, labour与task


①job是可数名词,work是不可数名词,一般情况下可通用。如:His job (work) is as a teacher.他的职业是教师。但下面情况不可通用,如:I heard he changed jobs.我听说他已换了许多工作。I go to work (at) 7∶

20.我七点二十去工作。He has a good job in a bank.他在银行里有个好职业。out of a job/out of work失业。

②labour一般指体力劳动,work泛指体力或者脑力劳动,如:It took many months of labour to build the house.建筑这房屋花了好几个月的劳动。The majority of men earn their living by physical labour.大多数人靠从事体力劳动谋生。

③task多指困难的或令人疲倦的工作,如:It’s a difficult task.这是一件(令人)困难的工作。Mary’s task is to tend the children.玛丽的任务是照料孩子。


两词都是表语性形容词,意为“一定的,确实的”(certain还可作定语),后接of/about,动词不定式和that 引导的从句。如:We are sure/certain of winning the game.我们确信会赢。I’m not sure/certain about some of the English idioms.我对英语的某些成语没有把握。We are sure/certain to win the game.我们一定会赢得比赛的胜利的。She is sure/certain that his lecture will be warmly welcome.她确信他的讲座一定会受到热烈欢迎。certain 可以用于It is certain that…句式中,而sure则不可以。如:It is certain(此处不能用sure) that the project will be

a success.工程会成功,这是确定无疑的。

32.spend, pay与cost

三词都作“花费金钱”解,差异如下:①spend与pay必须由人来作主语,而cost却由物(即it)来作主语,如:He has spent all his money on books.他把全部的钱都买了书。During the next ten years we both worked night and day to pay for it.为了还债,10年来我们俩夜以继日地干活。What will it cost me? It will cost you 20 dollars.这要花我多少钱?要花你20元钱。②spend与pay搭的介词不一样,前者常与on连用,后者常与for连用。而cost的花费,可以是金钱,还可是时间、精力或劳力等。主语是物,后接的宾语是人,不需任何介词。

33.because, since与as

because语气最强,着重说明原因或理由,引导的从句一般放在主句之后,用以回答why的问句。as 的语气比because稍弱,只说明一般的因果关系,引导的从句放在主句之前、之后都可。since语气最弱,所说明的有时不是根本或直接原因,而是一种“附带原因”,引导的从句往往放在主句之前。一般译为“既然,鉴于”。

34.take, bring与fetch

三个词都是及物动词,都有“拿”的意思,但用法有所不同,主要表现在运动的方向上。①take指把人或物从说话人的地方带到别的地方去,意为“拿走”,如:Don’t forget to take the schoolbag with you.别忘了把书包带去。Please take this book to the library.请把这本书带到图书馆去。②bring指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在的地方,意为“带来”,如:He brought me some sweets.他给我带来了一些糖。To do such a thing will only bring trouble.做这样的事只能带来麻烦。③fetch指从说话人所在的地方到别处去把人或物带回来,意为“去取”,如:Go and fetch a doctor.去请医生来。Who can fetch me some chalk?谁去给我拿些粉笔来?


两词都是“每个”的意思,但着重点不同。each着重个别的情况,every着重全体,有“所有的”意思。如:She knows each student of the class.她认识这个班的每一个学生。She knows every student of the class.她认识这个班所有的学生。①each可作形容词,也可作代词,可用作主、宾或同位语。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,each可用于两个或两个以上的人或物,所以它的全部否定是none或neither。②every只是形容词,后接名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。因为是形容词,所以不能说every of us,而要说each of us.③each/every…与not连用,表示部分否定,意为“并不是每个都”,如:Each of them doesn't swim.他们并非都游泳。Every student is not able to swim.不是每一个学生都会游泳。

36.no one与none

①no one没有人(只指人,不能用来指物),意思与nobody相同,作主语时不需跟of短语连用,如:No one believes him since he is not honest.没有人相信他,因为他不诚实。No one else but I went.除我以外,谁也没去。②none一个也没有(既可指人,也可指任何东西)。作主语时,代替不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式,代替可数名词,谓语动词单、复数都可以。但在“主 系 表”句型中,如表语为复数,则系动词要用复数形式,如:None of us are (is) afraid of difficulties.我们谁也不怕困难。There is none of it left.那东西一点也没剩下。③在回答“一个都没有”时,除了注意人或物的区别外,还要看提问的角度,也就是用how many/much来问,习惯上用none来否定回答,用Is there any…来问,就用no one来回答。

37.trip, travel, tour与journey

①trip是非正式用语,常可作journey的替换词,强调一次往返的短途旅程。如:He went on a trip to the

nearest seaside during his vacation.假期中他到最近的海滨作了一次旅行(远足)。

②travel泛指旅行、游历,尤指国外旅行,但无路程的含义。如:We plan to travel to Africa.我们计划去非洲旅行。

③tour作“游历、观光、参观访问”解,强调在“漫游,巡视”。如:The play will tour the countryside in the autumn.这出戏将于今秋在农村巡回演出。

④journey常指陆地上由一地到另一地的旅行,也指旅行的路程,是个较正式的用法。如:We made a journey to the Northeast of China.我们在中国的东北作了一次旅行。


①destroy主要在于“破坏,摧毁”的严重后果,具有主观意识,同时还有“打破(希望、计划),消灭,歼灭(敌人)”之意,如:We’ll destroy the old world and build the new.我们将打破旧世界,建设新世界。All the hopes were destroyed.所有的希望都破灭了。The hurricane destroyed the whole town.飓风摧毁了整个镇子。

②damage“损害,破坏,损失”,主要表示“某事给……带来损害”,如:The storm caused great damage.暴风雨造成了巨大损失。His words have done a lot of damage to the government’s popularity.他的讲话给政府的声望带来很大损害。

39.be about to do sth.与be to do sth

①be about to do=to be just ready to; be going to正要,马上就,使用时不可再与表示时间的词语连用。如:We were about to leave when it started to rain.我们正要离开时,天突然下起雨来了。I was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door.我正要上床睡觉,这时有人敲门。

②be to do sth.表示“一定会发生”,“将来的安排”,“将来可能发生”。例如:We are to get married next week.我们将于下周结婚。What am I to do?我该怎么做?I'm to see him today at 6 o'clock.我今天将在6点钟去看他。Am I to go on with my speech?我要继续讲下去吗?

40.go on doing, go on to do与go on with

这三个动词短语都有“继续做某事”的意思,其区别如下:go on doing表示“继续做,一直在做的事(中间无间断)”;go on to do表示“接着做某事”,即某事已做完,接着做另一件事;go on with也表示“继续做某事”,其含义是某一动作一度中止后,又继续下去。如:He told Dr Bethune not to go on operating any more.他告诉白求恩大夫不要继续手术了。After reading English, I went on to do maths exercises.读了英语之后,我接着做数学练习。After having a break, we went on with our lessons.休息之后,我们继续上课。

41.too much与much too

二者都表示“太”,“非常”之意,much too为副词词组,修饰形容词、副词,但不可修饰动词。It’s much too cold.天气实在是太冷了。too much作“太多”讲有以下三种用法。

①作名词词组,如:You have given us too much.你给我们的太多了。

②作形容词词组修饰不可数名词,如:Don’t drink too much wine.不要饮太多的酒。

③作副词词组修饰不及物动词,如:She talks too much.她说话太多。



①fairly主要与“令人有愉快感”的形容词或副词连用,如:good, bravely, well, nice等。而rather作此意解时,则用于“令人不愉快”的形容词或副词,如:bad, ugly等。如:Tom is rather lazy, but John is fairly diligent.汤姆很懒惰,而约翰却相当勤奋。

②如果一个单数名词有形容词修饰,不定冠词须放在fairly前面,而rather却是放前放后皆可。如:This is a fairly interesting book.这是一本很有趣的书。This book is rather an interesting one.(同前。)

③有些词本身无所谓“令人愉快”或“不愉快”之意,如:fast, show, hot, cold等,说话人则可用fairly来表“赞许”,用rather来表示“不以为然”。

④fairly往往表示“恰到好处,恰当”,而rather含有“太过分,有过之”之意。试比较:This book is fairly easy for you to read.(正好合适你读。) This book is rather easy for you to read.(太简单以致不合适了。)

⑤rather还可用在alike, like, similar, different等词和“有”前,此时含义是“有点儿”或“稍微”之意。如:The weather was rather worse than I had expected.这天气比我所预料的要糟糕些。

43.lively, living与alive

①lively adj. 生动的,活泼的,可作定语或表语。如:What lively colours!多么鲜艳的颜色啊! she is a lively girl.她是个活泼的姑娘。

②living adj. 活着的,健在的;n. 谋生,生计。如:living things生物;make a living谋生;earn one's living 谋生度日;That man is still living.那人还健在(在世)。

③alive adj. 活的,活着的,表语性形容词,一般可与living互换。若作定语,要放在所修饰的词之后。如:That man is not dead, he is still alive.(=he is still living.)那人没死,他还活着。He is the greatest musician alive.他是活着的最伟大的音乐家。

44.instead of, in place of与take the place of

①instead of是介词短语,意思是“代替”,“而不是”,作介词短语后接名词、动名词和宾格代词;作连词短语后接不定式(一般不省略to),谓语动词、形容词、副词和介词短语等。如:John will attend the meeting instead of his manager.约翰将代替经理出席这次会议。You should have some exercise instead of staying indoors all day long.你应多锻炼身体,不要整天呆在家里。The temperature has risen up instead of fallen down.温度上升了而并没有下降。This is dull instead of interesting.这不但没趣,反倒枯燥。

②in place of介词短语“代替”,通常后接名(代)词,可与instead of互换。如:People often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or metal.人们常用塑料来代替木材和金属。但instead of sb./sth.可略去介词of及其宾语,而in place of通常不能将其省略。

③take the place of动词词组,“代替”(职务,工作等),如:Most scientists agree that computers can’t completely take the place of humans.大多数科学家认为,计算机并不能完全代替人。作“代替”解时,不可将the去掉或改换为one’s,那样会引起歧义,要注意区分。

45.pain, ache和hurt

这三个词都和疼痛有关。ache和pain多作名词,hurt只能作动词。ache指“(人)身体疼痛”,往往用于持续的疼痛或因一些小病引起的感觉,常指“局部的”疼痛。back(背)、ear(耳)、head(头)、heart(心)、stomach(胃)、tummy(肚)、tooth等词与ache构成复合词,表示身体部位的疼痛。如果指身体其他部分之疼痛则用pain或ache表示,如:a pain /ache inmy foot脚痛。单数ache可与不定冠词连用,也可以不用不定冠词,如:He has got an ache in his foot.他脚痛。He has aches on his back.他背上痛。ache也可作动词,如:I ache all over.我全身疼痛。My head aches.我头痛。pain指“肉体或精神上的痛苦、悲痛”,比ache要严重些,如:She is in great pain.她深为痛苦。The boy broke his arm and cried with pain.那个男孩摔断手臂,痛得大叫。pain也可以当及物动词,指“使痛苦”,如:My foot is still paining me.我的脚还在痛。aches and pains指“疼痛”,如:I have aches and pains all over.我全身疼痛。hurt只作动词,可以指“(使)受伤,(使)疼痛,伤害”,如:He hurt his back when he fell.他跌倒时伤了背部。He was badly hurt in this traffic accident.在这起交通事故中,他受了重伤。Did you hurt yourself?你弄伤自己了吗?hurt也可以指“伤害(某人的感情);使伤心”,如:My feelings were hurt when he didn't ask me to the party.他没邀请我参加宴会,我很伤心。hurt还可以指“受损伤、有害、有不良影响”,如:It won't hurt to wait a bit longer.再等一会儿(对你)没有什么关系。Some Chinese big companies have seen their business hurtby NA TO's air strike on Yugoslavia.一些中国的大公司看到了他们的生意因北约空袭南斯拉夫而受损。

46.before long和long before

before long和long before形式构成上相差不大,但其意义差别较大,也导致了它们在决定句子时态上的差异。before long“不久”,句子时态用将来时。如:This park will be open again before long. 这个公园不久将重新开放。Our school will have a lot of new computers beforel ong. 我们学校不久将会有大批的新电脑。long before “很久以前”,句子时态用过去时。如:Long before I received an E-mail from my American friend Mary. 很



二者都可表示“孤独”,“独自”这一意思,alone指客观存在的“孤独”,而lonely更偏重一种主观感受上的“寂寞”。如:I went alone. 我是一个人去的。Mary lived alone,but she didn't feel

lonely. 玛丽孤身一人生活,但她并不感到孤独!


ill有病的,常用作表语,如:You look ill these days. 近来你的气色不太好。I fail ill. 我生病了。 sick 有病的,既可作表语又可作定语,如:a sick man 病人;Mary has been sick for three weeks. 玛丽已生病了三周。 sick也可表示“恶心的,呕吐的”,用作表语,如:I feel sick. 我觉得要呕吐;I am sick in the car. 我晕车。

49.happen,take place与occur

happen 常常有“偶然”的意思,多用于客观事物、情况的发生。例如:Whatever has ha ppened to your arm?It's all swollen.你的手臂怎么了?肿得好历害。

occur 指有计划使某些事或效果“发生”。有时强调“呈现”于人的知觉中。例如:Did it occur to you to phone them about it?你难道没想到就这事给他们打个电话?

在以具体事物、事件作主语时,happen和occur可以通用。例如:The accident happened (occurred) yesterday.事故是昨天发生的。

take place 指事件发生,但常用来表示“举行”的意思,带有非偶然性。例如:The mee ting took place last night.会议昨晚举行。

50.apart from,besides,except for与except

apart form作“除……以外(= besides)”,作“只是,除掉(=except for)”,例如:Apart from sport,my other interest outside class is music.除体育外,我课外的其他爱好是音乐。/Apart from the location,we like everything about the project.这个设计的各方面我们都喜欢,只是位置不太好。

besides意为“尤进一层;除……之外还有”,例如:I know nothing besides what I'v e told you.除了我对你讲过的之外,我别无所知。

except for 亦作but for,意为“除……外”,例如:Except for your presence, I wo uld be bored.若没有你在这里,我会感到厌烦。

except“除去,除……之外”,意味着从整体里“减去”一部分。例如:They all went except David.除了大卫,他们都去。

51.in the case of,in case of与in case

in the case of:as for; in a particular occasion of 至于;就……而言

例:a.Most of the students are very diligent, but it’s different in the case of Mary.大多数学生很勤奋,但就玛丽而言却不是这样。b.In the case of the population.China is the largest county in the world 就人口而言,中国是世界上最大的国家 c.In the case of a physical change no new substance is formed.就物理变化来说,没有新的物质产生

in case of: for fear that sth. should happen; if sth. should happen 以防;万一例:a.I n case of rain, you’d better take an umbrella.你最好带把雨伞,以防下雨。

b. In case of fire, dial 119.如果发生火灾,拨打电话119。in case:if,for fear that如果,以防

例:a.In case he comes,let me know.如果他来的话,告诉我一声。b.Take your umbrella with you in case it rains.带上雨伞,以防下雨。



如:her relationship with her husband;这两个词都可以指相互关照、互为依赖的事物,如:the relation/relationship between temperature and humidity温度和湿度的关系。如果指人和组织之间的一种比较正规或松散的关系,就多用relations,如:The local community has good relations with the police. / Relations betweenour countries are improving. comrade同志,志同道合者,显然不对。


recall和remind 容易混淆,也是经常出现的考点,它们的区别如下:

①recall,bring (sth/sb) back into the mind,recollect 使想起,使回忆

例如:I can't recall his name. 我想不起他的名字

She recalled that he had left early. 她回忆起他已经早早走了。

②remind,inform (sb) of a fact,or tell(sb) to do sth he may have forgotten,提醒……要做

例如:Do I have to remind you yet again?还要我再一次提醒你吗?

Travellers are reminded that malaria tablets are advisable. 旅客被提醒最好服用防虐疾病药片。

54.due to, owing to与thanks to

目前普遍认为due to与owing to为同义词,但用法不同。

due to可用在be之后,如:His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.她迟到是因高速公路上车辆过多所致。

due to也可用作状语,而owing to只用作状语,如:He was late owing to /due to the very heavy traffic.因交通拥挤,他迟到了。

due to可直接用在名词后:Accidents due to driving at high speed were very commonthat weekend.在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。

thanks to相当于“on account of; because of因为”,多用于褒义。



habit指个人的“习惯”,通常用于表示做事、思考问题或行为举止的不自觉的方式方法,如:I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen.不久就回到在电视屏幕前打瞌睡的坏习惯去了。

practice 既可表示个人的也可表示社会的“习惯”,这种“习惯”从性质上看是一种反复不断的或是有选择性的行为或者方法。On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat—the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.在另一方面,一想到用动物油煎马铃薯,你便会作呕。然而在许多北欧国家里,这是为大家接受的通常习惯。I had coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice.我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的习惯。

custom 具有habit 和practice 的一切含义,此外,custom 还包含这样一层意思:长期而广泛采用的行为或方法,即风俗习惯,按照某地区人们共同生活及其行为的准则或规范,它不仅有指导意义,而且具有必须遵循的意义。Don't be a slave to custom. 不要做风俗习惯的奴隶。It is difficult to get used to another country’s custom.要适应另一个国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。

56.method, manner与way


method所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指抽象概念“条理,规律”。例如:We must get some method into our office filing.我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来。

manner主要表示个人喜欢采用的方式,与mode意义相近,但mode更为正式。而且manner不用于表示传统或习俗所形成的方式方法。例如:I don't object to what she says, but Is trongly disapprove of her manner of saying it.我不反对她说的话,但她说这话的方式我很反感。Do it in a businesslike manner.要郑重其事做这事。

way 常常出现在固定词组中,故使用频率很高,虽然在不少含way的词组中,way的意思相当于method, mode,或manner,但只用way,这是约定俗成的。例如:Civilized man like such a way of living.文明人喜欢这样的生活方式。She smiled in a friendly way.她友好地笑了笑。

57.damage, destroy与ruin

都含“破坏”、“毁坏”的意思。damage 指“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等, 不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复”例: The heavy rain damaged many houses.大雨毁坏了许多房子。destroy 指“彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”例: That town was destroyed in a big fire.那个城镇在一场大火中被毁了。ruin现在多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄坏了”例: He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄脏了。

58.at last, in time, finally与in the end

这几个词语都有“终于”或“最后”的意思。at last 强调久等之后例: a. When the fire had at last been put out, the forest authorities ordered several tons of special type of grass seed which would grow quickly.在火终于被扑灭的时候,森林管理局订购了好几吨特殊速生草籽。b. When the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wrong tooth.在牙科医生终于把药棉从我嘴中取出时,我才勉强地告诉他说,他把牙拔错了。c. At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.消防队员终于扑灭了加利福尼亚州的一场森林大火。in time 表示经过一段不定的时间之后例: a. In time, all Sam s money was paid back in this way.山姆所有的钱终于都用这种办法归还了。b. You will learn how to do it in time.这项工作你最终总能学会做的。注:in time 还有“及时”的意思。finally 也表示久等之后,但有时表示在一系列因素的最后一个之后。例: a. After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.推迟了三次度假之后,我们终于在希腊度了假。b. We need to increase productivity. We need to reduce unemployment. And finally, we need to make our exports competitive on world markets.我们需要增加生产率,减少失业率,最后我们需要使我们的出口产品在国际市场上具有竞争力。in the end 和finally 同义,但finally 一般位于谓语前。这些词除finally 之外,其他三个都可以用在谓语前,也可位于谓语后。例: a. In the end, we stay at home and look after everything.最后,我们还是呆在家里照看着一切。b. He tried many ways of earning, in the end he became a farm labourer.他试过许多谋生之道,最后他做了农场工人。

59.delay, postpone与put off

均含“推迟”、“延期”、“延缓”的意思。delay 指“暂时阻挠或阻挡, 稍后可再继续进行”例:The steamer was delayed by bad weather.汽轮因天气不佳而延期。postpone是正式用语, 语义较强, 指“有意识地延至将来某一特定时间”, 在多数情况下, 后面说明改在何时进行例:The meeting has been postponed to Friday.会议推迟到星期五举行。put off与postpone大致同义, 但较通俗口语化例:Let's put this off till some other time.我们还是把这搁一搁, 以后再说吧。


它们的一般含义是致力于可能成功也可能失败的某件事。attempt 的含义是去做自己希望会成功的事,常常包含冒险的意义。例:a. It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be attempted 试图在火星上着陆是一件遥远的事。b. Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. 一年多的时间过去之后,才作了首次尝试。try 比attempt 普通得多。在口语中使用try 比使用attempt 显得浅近通俗。但这两个词有着明显的差异。try 表示试一试,意即欲证明或检验某件事,这是attempt 所不能表达的。在表示致力于某事时,try 并不包含冒险的意思。例:a. You can try on the new coat. 这件新上衣,你可以试一试。b. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton wool.我想说句话,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。

61.remain 与stay


remain 常可与stay 互换, 但它强调“继续停留于一处或保持原状态、情况性质而不改变”,

如:This place remains cool all summer.这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。


如:He stayed to see the end of the game.他一直呆到比赛结束。



如:We take a nap in the shade of a large tree.我们在树荫下打了一个盹。

We took a nap in the shodow of a large tree.我们在树影下打了个盹。

63.get, acquire, gain 与obtain

这些词表示获得某物。在这些词中,get 最为普遍,用途很广,可用于这里讨论的每一个场合。它可用于强有力的夺取,也可用于消极的接受:The police trying to get their man警察试图抓住他们要抓的人;getting the joke after everyone else in the room was in hysterics 直到屋里的每个人都狂笑起来以后才理解那个笑话。当然,get 在成语短语中的用法很多。由于某些成语可能不正式,有人觉得有必要尽可能多的换用obtain。obtain 较为正式,但是作为get 的替换词,常令人觉得夸张或做作:getting her to sign the paper 请她在文件上签字;obtaining her signature on the paper 得到她在文件上的签字。


两者作为形容词,都有“整个的…,完全的”的意思,但两者用法有所不同。当与复数名词连用时,whole 的意思是“整个的”,而all表示的是“所有的”,近乎于“每一个”,例如:All my books are here. 我所有的书(每一本书)都在这儿。 两者在句中的位置不同,all放在the或物主代词或that 之前,例如:all the children 所有的孩子.all that afternoon整个下午。 whole则紧接名词,放在the或物主代词或that之后,例如:the whole story整个故事

65.first与at first

两者都可表示“首先”。first用来表示一系列动作或事物的开始,例如:First turn right,then turn left at the second turning.首先向右转,然后在第二个转弯处向左转。first还可用于列举,表示“第一”的序列关系。at first 多暗示后来发生的事情或动作与以前不同,甚至相反,意为“起初”,例如:At first he knew nobody, but now he has many good friends.开始他谁也不认识,但现在他有许多好朋友。

66.in front of与in the front of

in front of意思是“在……前面”,如:There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵树。而in the front of意思是“在……前部”,如:There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室里前部有一块黑板。因此,in the front of是指在某个空间范围内的前面。


这两个词都是名词,lesson意思是“课,功课”,如:There are four lessons every morning.每天上午有四堂课。Lesson One第一课。class的意思比lesson广泛一些,除了作“课”讲以外,还作“班”讲,如:no classes 没有课,in front of the class在全班同学前面。

68.find与find out

两者都有“发现”的意思,但语义有差别。find有偶然发现某物的意味,如:He found a bag on the floor.他发现地板上有个书包。find out指经过,探听,询问,调查之后的“发现”或“弄清楚”。如:Please find out who took my book by mistake.请查清楚谁拿错了我的书。

69.at night与in the night

这两个短语同义,都作“在夜间”讲,但at night是泛指的,相当于during any night的意思,而in the night 则是特指的,相当于on a particular night的意思。试比较:We all go to sleep at night.到了晚上我们大家都去睡了。There was a full moon in the night.那天晚上明月当空。

70.can和be able to

这两个词(词组)都表示能够,但can只能用于一般现在时,用于一般过去时要用could,如:I can swim. 我会游泳。I could speak a little English when I was young. 当我小的时候,我就能讲一点英语。而be able to除了用于一般现在时和一般过去时外,还可以用于其他所有时态,如:Lucy has been able to write letters in Chinese for a long time. 露西已经能够用汉语写信有很长一段时间了。You will soon be able to do it well. 你将

很快能够把它做好。另外was able to 有成功地做成什么事的意思。

71.special, particular, especial与peculiar

这四个词都表示“特殊的”,“特别的”。 special“特别的”,“特殊的”,“特设的”,“专门的”,着重指某事物具有自己特有的性质、性格或个性,非同一般的,不同寻常的,与同类明显相异。常用介词about,to 等。例如:You must have special permission to photograph these paintings. 你必须有特别许可证才能拍照这些画。It's not like ordinary photographs.There's something special about it.这不同于一般的照片,这张照片有一些独特的地方。

particular“特别的”,“特殊的”,“某一特定的”,“过于讲究的”,强调同类中某一个体所具有的独特性质,常用介词about,as to,over,to等。例如:Bacteriology,in particular,microbiology had fascinated him. 细菌学,特别是微生物学使他陶醉。The manager is particular about quality. 经理对质量要求十分严格。

especial“特别的”,“特殊的”,含有优越或偏好的意义,多用于书面语。例如:Oxford architecture receives especial attention. 牛津大学的建筑特别引人注目。She has no especial personal ambition. 她没什么特别的个人奢望。

peculiar“特别的”,“独特的”,“独有的”,强调某一个体或某一集团所独有的或特有的、独特的或与众不同的,在同类事物中与其它相异而又非同寻常的。常用介词about,in,to等。例如:Language is peculiar to mankind. 语言是人类特有的。There's something peculiar about him. 他这个人有点特别。

72.ordinary, common, general, popular和unive

ordinary“普通的”,“平常的”,“平凡的”,词义与common相近。指符合一般或常规事物标准或相同的规格,因而只具有普通的特性。如:That is quite an ordinary event.那是件很平常的事。The book describes the way of life of the ordinary people of Mexico. 这本书描述墨西哥平民的生活方式。

common“普通的”,“平常的”,“共有的”,指从质量或品德上无特殊,显眼或杰出之处,因而是大多数人或事物所具有的,常见的。如:It s an error quite commo n among scholars. 这是学者们常犯的错误。It 's too common to mention. 这是司空见惯的,不值一提。

general“一般的”,“普通的”,含有例外情况较少之意或暗示包括全部的同一范畴的事物。如:She referred to her trip in a general way. 她只是概括地谈了下她的旅行情况。There is no general rule without some exception. 凡普通规律都有例外。

popular“常见的”,“普通的”,“大众的”,“受欢迎的”,指属于、存在于或代表大众的某事物,强调常见的,大众化的特征。如:He speaks in popular language. 他用通俗的语言讲话。He is popular for his kindness. 他因心地善良而受人爱戴。

universal “一般的”,“普通的”,“普遍的”,有完全没有例外之意。如:It s the universal truth. 这是一名普遍的真理。There was universal recognizing at his victory. 人们普遍为他的胜利高兴。

73.respond, answer和reply

respond“应答”,“作出反应”,往往指对号召、职责、请求等自发的或自觉的用书面或口头作出反应或响应。如:He responded briefly to the questions. 他简短扼要地回答了问题。They declared that they responded with resolution to this statement.他们宣布响应这个声明。

answer回答,是使用最广泛的词,凡是书面或口头回答问题争论,指责等都可以用answer.回答可能同意、不同意,甚至反对。如:He asked me some personal questions and I did not answer him. 他问了我几个私人问题,我没有回答他。The professor answered the question with a nod. 教授点头示意,回答了这个问题。

reply “回答”,比answer正式,多用于书面语,主要指经过考虑针对所提问题的内容作出正式的回答或答复,所答复的内容可能是一种解释,也可能是一种反驳。如:For a moment, Arthur was at a loss how to reply it. 亚瑟一时不知如何回答这个问题。Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请尽早回信。



intend: 强调"意欲"做某一件确定的事,或者"决意"达到某一确定的目的。此外这个词常用于表达"意欲


e.g. Erna intends to take short rests every two hours. 欧娜打算每隔两小时休息片刻。

The dictionary is intended for the beginners. 这本词典是为初学者编的。

mean: 常常可以和intend互换使用。但不强调决心达到某一目的。

e.g. He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay. 他总想某一天回去,但不住下。

design: 强调为达到某目的,事先作过精心安排和仔细考虑。此外,这个词还包含"预谋" 、"策划"或"以阴险的手段"达到自己的目的这一意义。

e.g. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally,

but to give them electric shocks as well!这些奇怪的造型设计,似乎不仅用来在感情上给人们以强烈的震撼,而且给人以电击般的刺激。

Did you design this, or did it just happen itself? 这件事是你有意安排的还是它自行发生的?


二者均指宽阔的。两词虽时常互用,但wide强调从一边到另一边的距离;broad强调两边之间面积的广大,尤指比一般的大,例如:A wide ocean separates America from Europe. 广阔的大洋隔开美洲与欧洲。Ships sail on the broad ocean.船航行于广袤无垠的大海上。

注意:open one's eyes wide / one's broad shoulders

76.be familiar with 和be familiar to


be familiar with, having a good knowledge of 熟悉的,对……熟谙的,例如:facts wi th which every schoolboy is familiar每位学童所熟悉的事实。/I am not very familia r with botanical names.我不太熟悉植物学方面的名词。

be familiar to,sth be well known to sb.某事为某人所熟知,例如:These subjects a re familiar to you.这些科目为你所熟知。

77.affect, effect与influence

affect 首先可以指三种情况:①对某物或某事产生不良的影响,通常以被影响的词作为宾语。例如:hot weather affects his health.炎热的天气影响了他的健康;②使之改动,使之变化,用于这层意思时没有好坏的意思,例如:He wasn't affected by the news.他听了这消息后无动于衷;③感动,例如:His speech affected the audience deeply.他的讲话深深打动了观众。

effect 通常以改进和变化之类的词作宾语,着重造成一种特殊效果。

influence 的影响与上两个不同,它是指通过劝说、行为、事例等对另一方的行为、性格、观点产生潜移默化的影响,例如:What we read influences our thinking.我们阅读的书本会影响我们的思想。


两词都有“停留”的意思,有时可通用。如:He will remain (stay) to dinner.他将留下来吃晚饭。两词作为连系动词,表示“保持某一状态”时,可以通用。如:The door remained (stayed) open.门继续开着。remain着重指在别人已离去,或其他人或物都有变动以后,其主语“仍继续停留”或“保持原来状态”。它可以表示出一种对比的含义。如:The others had gone, he remained and put back the chairs.别人都离去后,他留下来把椅子放回原处。He has lived in France for two years. However, his French remains poor.他已在法国居住了两年,但他的法语仍然很糟糕。stay无法表示这种对比。如:It’s too hot outside. Why not stay at home and watch TV?外面太热了。何不就呆在家里看电视呢?

表示“暂住(某处)……”,“客居(某地)”时,只能用stay。如:He stayed there for a couple of weeks.他在那里暂住了两个星期。

79.as 和like

as 和like 一样,都可以用作介词。但是其意思却不完全相同。like 意思是“像……一样”,侧重人或事物之间的比较。as 意思是“作为”,“如同”,侧重人或事物的同一性,意味着属于一类或完全相似。比较:

Now, I’m talking to you like a father.现在我象父亲一样对你说话(说话的人不是父亲)。Now, I'm talking to you as a father.现在我作为父亲(以父亲的身份)对你说话(说话的人是父亲)。

又如:You are of a cool temper like your father.你脾气冷静得像你父亲似的(指相似)。You are of a cool temper as your father.你的冷静脾气与你父亲一样(指程度相同)。



normal指正常的,强调与一般情况差别很小的。如:The normal temperature of human body is about 37℃.人体的正常体温大约是37℃。

regular指定期的,有规律的,如:You must keep regular hours.你生活要有规律。

81.worth, worthy 与worthwhile

worth价值,可贵之处,作形容词时与worthy和worthwhile都是“值得……”的意思,但用法不同,如:This book is worth reading./This book is worth 3 yuan ./It's wort hwhile to visit (visiting) this place./This place is worthy of a visit (visiting ).

worth只作表语,它后面一般接动名词,也可接名词,但只限于钱数,不接不定式。如果用不定式或动名词作主语,则要用It's worthwhile…结构,把不定式、动名词放在句末;


worthwhile和worth虽均有“值得的”意思,worth只作表语,用于be worth sth.短语中,如:It's worth the trouble.麻烦一点值得。This watch is worth this much money.这块手表值这么多钱;而worthwhile意为“值得一做的(worth doing)”,既可作表语,如:T hese results were not worthwhile. 也可用作定语。

82.rise 与raise

这两个词虽不同义,但因意义上有联系而易被混淆。rise 上升,上涨,起床,站立。含义较广,总的意思是指依次上升,如自然界的日、月、星、雾、云的上升,人体从睡、跪、坐、躺等姿势站立起来等。该词为不及物动词,其过去式与过去分词分别是rose 和risen。例如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 日出于东而落于西。/ Prices rise every day in those countries. 那些国家里的物价天天上涨。/The chairman rose from his chair. 主席从椅子上站了起来。raise 及物动词,其基本含义是“使升起来,举起”,它的过去分词和过去式都是raised。例如:Heavy rains raised the river. 暴雨使河水水位升高。/ We must raise the living standard of the people. 我们必须提高人民的生活水平。/ His speech raised my interest. 他的发言激起了我的兴趣。与raise 常搭配的固定说法有:raise a subject 提出一个问题/ raise one's voice 提高嗓门/ raise a family 养家糊口/ raise money 筹款/raise price 提高价格/ raise one's spirits 打起精神。

83.goal 与aim

goal 目的,目标。常用于文学作品中,强调个人精心选定的目标,含有不达目的不罢休、与困难拼搏的意思,该词本身使人联想到参加赛跑的人,他们必须跑到终点。goal 也指赛跑的终点。如:He sticks stubbornly to his goal of education reform. 他不屈不挠地坚持他的奋斗目标——教育改革。/ His goal in life is to become a writer. 他一生的目标就是成为一个作家。aim 目的,目标。呈单数形式时,指目标,但较goal 具体、简单、近期,决心也稍弱。该词修辞色彩也较朴素。呈复数形式时,指笼统的理想与目标。如:What is your aim in working so hard? 你这样拼命工作,图的是什么? / She showed steadiness and courage in the pursuit of her aims. 她在追求自己的目标时表现出坚定性与勇气

84.hurt injure harm 与damage

1)hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。如:

The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。

注意:指肉体上的伤害时,hurt可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。


A bullet injured his left eye.一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。


Don't harm your eyes by reading in dim light.不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。


He damaged my car with a stone.他用石头砸坏了我的汽车。


The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。

85.much too和too much

much too: much用在too之前加强语气,该词意思为“实在太,非常”,常用在形容词和副词前。例如:It’s much too cold here in winter,这儿冬天非常冷。

That book is much too dear. I don’t want to buy it.那本书实在太贵,我不想买。

He drove the car much too fast.他车开得实在太快了。

too much:too用在much之前,说明“多”的程度。该词意为“太多”,常用在不可数名词前或动作名词后。例如:

There’s too much snow and ice in winter.冬天有太多的冰雪。

Watching TV too much is bad for your health.看电视太多对身体不利。

86.live alive与living


living 用于生物时, 指“活着的”, 即可作定语也可做表语。如:

The living are more important to us than the dead.


She has no living relatives.


alive 指“活着的”、“在世的”, 着重于状态, 它只用作表语, 如:

The spy was caught alive though he died from wounds the next day.

特务被活捉, 不过第二天便因重伤而死。

live 只用于物, 指“活的”, 如:

a live rat 一只活鼠。

87.agree with ,agree on , agree to

agree on表示"就......取得一致意见",如:

We all agree on (making) an early start. 我们一致同意及早出发。

agree with 表示"与......意见一致","与......相符",后面既可以跟表示人的名词或人称代词,也可以跟表示意见、看法的名词或what引出的从句,如:

I agree with you without reservation.


We agree with what you said just now.


agree to后面不能接人,只能接"提议;计划;方案"等词句。

I agree to the terms proposed. 我同意拟议的条件。


include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。例如:The bill includes tax and


contain指一个整体包括的内容,侧重“内有”的意思。例如:Try to avoid foods which contain a lot fat.



clothing是衣着的总称,无复数形式,如:man''s clothing






This is a big/large room.这是一个大房间。


She is big enough to ride a bike.她长大了,足可以骑自行车了。

huge 是庞大的;巨大的意思。例如:

I have a huge pile of letters to deal with.




eg. I’m learning to skate on real ice .



eg. The news is true . 这个消息是真的。

He told me a true story . 他给我讲了一个真实的故事。

92.year by year与year after year

The boy grows taller year by year, and he visits his

grandmother in the country on her birthday year after

year. 男孩逐年长高了,但他年年去乡下庆祝奶奶的生日。


year by year与year after year的区别

year by year = each year, one following on another 每年(把时间分开看待,一年接着一年)。例如:Year by year we grow a little older.每年我们都变老了一些。

而year after year = one year after another, without brea 年年;年复一年(把时间作为整体看待,期间没有间断)。例如:

We have been to that place for a holiday year after year, for I don''t know how long.我们年年到那个地方度假,我不知道有多少年了。



I heard a sound/noise/voice(我听到一个声音)。


* sound 作“声音”解,含义最广,指可以听到的任何声音。

a weak sound 微弱的声音

a sharp sound 尖锐的声音

an eardeafening sound 震耳欲聋的声音

* noise 作“噪音”,“嘈杂声”、“吵闹声”解,特指不悦耳,不和谐的声音(loud and unpleasant sound)。它既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。

Another kind of pollution is noise.


* voice 作“声音”解时,多指人发出的声音,包括说话声、歌声和笑声,有时也用于引申意义,作“意见”、“发言权”解。

He shouted at the top of voice.


I have no voice in the matter.


94.none 与no one


None of us are (is) afraid of difficulties .

None of these books (is) interesting .

None of the money is mine .

None of the students has (have) seen the film.

no one 是两个单词,不能写成一个单词。no one=nobody ,只能指人,不指物。动词指能用单数。

No one wants to go.

No one will make friends with me

95.kind sort 与type

kind 可以译作“种类”,一般指属于同种性质和特质的东西,以便把一个种类的事物与其它种类的事物区分开。

type 则指比kind更具体的东西,译作“型”“类型”。

例如:1 A cow is a kind of animal .(牛是一种动物。)

2 This is a new type of dictonary .


按英语习惯用法,凡表带有轻蔑的意思时,要用sort而不用kind。当然,在一般情况下,二者可以互换。例如:There are all kinds(sorts)of trees and flowers in the San Su Park(三苏公园)。

96.opinion thought idea view

opinion view 都含“对某人、某物的看法或想法”的意思。

opinion系常用词, 指“对事物或问题经过思索后提出的意见、主张、看法”, 含有“初步的”、“不十分肯定”的意味, 如:

What''s your opinion of Mr Li? 你对李先生的看法如何?

view 指“见解”、“观点”, 侧重“对较广泛、重大或有关公众的问题所采取的态度”, view 比opinion更为肯定、全面和有系统, 如:

May I know your views on the question?


idea和thought 都含“念头”、“想法”、“观念”的意思。

idea为一般用语, 指“由于理解、思索、推理、幻想而产生于脑中的思想、念头、主意、想法”, 如: The idea of death is frightening to most people. 死的想法对于大多数人都是可怕的。

thought指“经过思考或推理而形成的思想、看法或想法”, 如:

He has many thoughts on the matter. 他对这事有许多想法。

97.result in和result from


The damage resulted from the fire. 这损害由火灾造成。

Their efforts resulted in failure. 他们的努力归于失败

98.specially especially particularly

especially相当于in particular做“特别地”;specially相当于on purpose 做“专门地、特意地”;particularly=especially指“特别、尤其”,especially指用于正式问题,particularly既可用于正式问题,也可用于日常口语。

99.view sight 与scene

sight指"景色"是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的"景"和"名胜",但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。


如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?

There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。

There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。


beat 打,敲击,指用手或物等连续地打,敲击,如殴打或体罚,敲鼓/桌子等。

hit 打,打中,击中,表示瞬间的动作,着重打中或击中这一结果或强调敲打、打击对象的某一点。只作及物动词用。

strike 指用力地“打击”,表示短暂的动作,含有急速的或突然的一次性的殴打、打击或敲击,是普通用词,有时与hit通用,并用于比喻意义。

101.such as 和for example

这两个短语都可以作“例如”解。for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,可位于句首,句中或句末。例如:

Ball games, for example, have spread around the world.


What would you do if you met a wild animal??a lion, for example?


such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as后面不可有逗号。例如:

Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, rots away over a long period of time.


注意:使用这个短语时,后面列举的事物的数量不能等于它前面所提到的总和,一旦相等就要用that is 或namely。如不可以说:I have three good friends, such as John, Jack and Tom. 应该说:I

have three good friends, that is, John, Jack and Tom。我有三个好朋友,即约翰、杰克和汤姆。

102.reason 和cause

The ____ of the big fire was his carelessness.






103.when while 与as


When I came into the room, I found him lying there asleep.

Mary was having dinner when I saw her.

When you meet a word you don''t know, consult the dictionary.

She was beautiful when she was a girl.


When(you are)in trouble, ask her for help.

When(I was)sleeping, I never heard a thing.



As he stood there, he saw two men enter the bar.

She dropped the glass as she stood up.

As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for directions to the nearest station.


He sang as he worked.

The students took notes as they listened.

3,While表示"在……的时候"、"在……期间"。它强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中。While从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词。如:Never get on or off a bus while it is in motion.

The weather was fine while we were in Beijing.

She called while I was out.




It gets coldr。天气变冷了。


His face truned red。他的脸变红了。


He becomes a teacher 。他成了一名老师。


She will be a teacher。她将成为一名老师。

105.near 与beside



Suzhou is near Shanghai.

There is a post office near our school.


He was sitting beside her.

neo-colonialism 新殖民主义

assert 宣称;维护

declaration 宣告,声明

the Asia-Pacific region 亚太地区

severe test 严峻的考验

message of condolences 唁电

consistent policy 一贯的政策

take history as guidance and look into the future 以史为鉴,面向未来ideology 意识形态

never yielding 永不屈服

increase; strengthen; promote; expand; boost 增进

enhance mutual understanding 增进了解

strategic relationship 战略关系

strategic partnership of coordination 战略协作伙伴关系

normalization 正常化

correct foreign policy 正确的对外方针

an official visit 正式访问

transfer of government 政权交接

political dialogs 政治对话

political and moral support 政治和道义上的支持

medium and long term cooperation 中长期的合作

the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约apartheid; racial segregation 种族隔离

racial tensions 种族矛盾

racial discrimination 种族歧视

approach (a problem) 着手处理

reevaluation 重新评估

sovereign states 主权国家

garrison 驻军

self-determination 自觉自主

self-reclusive 自我封闭

least-developed countries (LDCs) 最不发达国家

the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项基本原则equality and mutual benefit 平等互利

mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity 互相尊重和主权领土完整non-aggression 互不侵犯

non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries 互不干涉内政peaceful coexistence 和平共处

Abstract Expressionism 抽象表现主义

Art Deco 装饰派艺术

Art Nouveau 新艺术主义

Ashcan School 垃圾箱画派

Assemblage (Collage) 装配艺术品

Barbizon School (Landscape Painting) 巴比松画派

Baroque 巴罗克艺术风格

Classicism 古典风格

Constructivism 构成派

Cubism 立体派


一、选择题 1.—What do you think of the performance today? —Great! ________ but a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 2.My email ________ to you last night. Have you received it ________? A.sent; too B.is sent; already C.was sent; yet D.was sent; either 3.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 4.That path ________ directly to my house.You won't miss it. A.leads B.forms C.repairs D.controls 5.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 6.People who always do sports are in spirits than those who don't. A.high B.higher C.tall D.taller 7.You should be careful to pay over the Internet, ________it’s not always safe. A.so B.because C.after D.as soon as 8.Danny looks sad. How I________ telling him the bad news! A.remember B.regret C.refuse 9.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 10.Wang Dong didn't go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if C.because 11.Kangkang gets up early every day and he is ________ late for school. A.sometimes B.often C.never D.usually 12.Remember to return the book to the school library in time, ________ you will be fined(罚款). A.or B.and C.but D.so 13.—Do you know what the meeting is about? —Yes, of course. It will ________ some important rules we need to know about our new senior high school. A.talk B.achieve C.memorize D.cover 14.—Do you like English? —Yes, I think it is difficult ________ interesting. A.and B.but C.because 15.—Billy, you are very confident all the time, how do you make it? —I think confidence is more than just an attitude, it comes from a strong ________ to take


老板要我查出明天飞机起飞的时间。The boss wants me to find out the plane took off time tomorrow. 首先,我们需要买些食物。 First, we need to buy some food. 所有人都确切的说是。 Everyone be exact. 这件事永远改变了我的生活。 It changed my life forever. 例如,机器人可以为人类作为危险的工作。 For example, the robot can work as a dangerous for humans.

从现在开始你就是我的搭档了。From now on you are my partner. 那个聪明的小孩会从1数到100. The clever child can count from 1 to 100. 人与自然和平相处时必须的。 Man and nature live in peace when necessary. 厨师们正在为晚餐做准备。 The chefs are preparing for dinner. 你能告诉我什么地方下车吗? Can you tell me where to get off? 快点,坐上那辆公交车。 Come on, sit on the bus. 那个电话没有接通。 The phone is switched on.

我们要多花时间和家人聚在一起。We should spend more time together with my family. 你能告诉我如何到达那家旅馆?Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? 每天早晨,许多人清早起床锻炼身体。 Every morning, many people get up early in the morning exercise. 明天记得把我的笔记本归还给我。Remember to return my laptop tomorrow to me. 当你帮助别人的时候,你一定会很快乐。 When you help others, you will be very happy.


广告英语翻译常用词汇 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peo ple's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; prov iding amenities for the people; making life easier for the popula tion 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specific ations 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) de sign; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance 美观耐用 attractive and durable 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 品种多样 numerous in variety 品种繁多 great varieties 品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods


一、选择题 1.I didn't know which dictionary was better, so I took ________. A.none B.neither C.each 2.一Where is Mr. Brown? 一I think he's _____________ the music hall. A.on B.in C.over D.from 3.Many people think Erquan rngyue is too sad, _____________ it's my favorite. A.and B.so C.or D.but 4.Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________ plants can spread to new places. A.so B.or C.but D.for 5.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t se en him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 6.When I as well as my cousins __________ as a volunteer in Beijing, I saw the Water Cube twice. A.were treated B.treated C.was served D.served 7.He is wearing his sunglasses to himself from the strong sunlight. A.prevent B.stop C.keep D.protect 8.—The 30 firefighters’ brave action ________ their lives in the forest fire on March30, 2019.—The people of Muli County will never forget them. A.took B.cost C.save D.solve 9.Gina didn’t stud y medicine. ________, she decided to become an actor. A.Instead B.Again C.Anyway D.Also 10.These oranges looks nice, but _____ very sour. A.taste B.smell C.sound D.look 11.He can’t wait to get a ticket to the movie, so he________ for it yesterday. A.spent B.paid C.took D.cost 12.It’s ________ of the soldiers to rush into the fire to save people. A.stupid B.proud C.honest D.brave 13.Wang Dong didn't go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if C.because 14.—Mum, I don’t want the trousers. They’re to o long. —Sorry. I’ll buy a ________ pair for you. A.big B.small C.short 15.We 'll have a trip to America ______ February. A.of B.at C.on D.in

英语口语巧用 英语翻译常用语句

由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事的习惯用语 今天要讲的习惯用语都是用来描述“由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事”的。第一个是:slapdash。 这是个合成词,由slap和dash两部分组成。Slap最常用的意思是拍击巴掌,这当然是即刻间进行的行动,而dash这个词也常指某种来去匆匆的行动,所以这两个词合在一起必然是说一种匆忙的事儿了。 Slapdash可以用来描绘各种各样的事情,比如房屋建筑、汽车修理或者业务规划、论文写作等。我们来看个例子来体会slapdash这个习惯用法的确切意思吧。 As soon as I opened the front door, the doorknob came off in my hand. And it got worse! The more I walked around and looked, the more I realized what a poor, slapdash job the builders had done. 我一开前门,门把手就掉了下来。接下来的情况甚至更糟。我在房子里四处观看,越看越明白那些建筑工人只是马马虎虎地装修了一下。 这段话里的slapdash是修饰job这个名词的形容词,但是slapdash也可以当名词或者动词用。例如这个验收房子的人可以这样说那些建筑工人:The builders had done the job with slapdash.或者The builders slapdashed through the job. 这两句话的意思都是“建筑工人马虎了事”。 第二个表示匆忙行事的习惯用语: slap together。这个习惯用语跟slapdash不同的地方在于: slapdash带有急匆匆而草率从事的含义,而slap together却绝对没有因快就马虎的意思。 我们看个例子来探究一下slap together这个习惯用语的意思。这段话说的是美国内战期间的一次无人不知的演讲。有一天,忙于战事的林肯总统必须去宾西法尼亚州葛底斯堡镇为葛底斯堡国家公墓的落成典礼献词。这个国家公墓是为那些在葛底斯堡战役中的阵亡将士修建的。当时林肯只有坐火车的那几分钟时间作准备。那天的主要演讲人是一位著名的演说家,林肯要在他之后讲话,于是林肯在一个信封的背面匆匆写下了自己的讲话稿。 例句2: The little speech Lincoln slapped together was no more than three minutes long. But eve n today many Americans know it by heart, and it still echoes in the heart of the nation. 林肯匆匆写成的简单演讲还不到三分钟长,但是至今还有不少美国人能背诵这篇讲话,它仍然能在很多人心中引起共鸣。


1.素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy 26. 基本生活费:basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全:economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库:grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market 37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering


初中英语考试必考重点词语辨析汇总 1. after, in 这两个介词都可以表示“……(时间)以后”的意思。 after 以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间之后,常用于过去时态的句子中。 如: She went after three days. 她是三天以后走的。 in 以现在为起点,表将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子中。 如: She will go in three days. 她三天以后要走。 2. how long, how often, how soon how long指多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks 等)提问。如: How long ago was it? 这是多久前的事了? how often指每隔多久,主要用来对频率副词或状语(如once a week等)提问。如: —How often does he come here? —Once a month. 他(每隔)多久来一次?每月一次? how soon指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间(in an hour, in two weeks 等)提问。 如: How soon can you come? 你多快能赶来? 3. few, a few, little, a little, several, some few 和little的意思是否定的,表示“很少”或“几乎没有”; 而a few和a little的意思是肯定的,表示“有一些,有一点儿”。 few 和 a few修饰可数名词;little 和 a little 修饰不可数名词。 several用于修饰可数名词,语意比a few和some更肯定,含有“好几个”的意思。some可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,从数量上说,它有时相当于 a few 或a little,有时指更多一些的数量。 4. the other, another the other 指两个人或事物中的“另一个”,表示特指。


Unit1: 1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境。(illusion)Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来。(devastate)That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived. 3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情。(fill with)The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了 自己的生命。(leave behind) In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成。(off and on)The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来。(meet up with) In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree. 7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司。(find one’s way to) It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8.在电影界要达到顶峰时非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了。(make it) It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. U2: 1.如今许多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小汽车。(vain, be obsessed with) Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not rich enough to afford them. 2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了。(affair, fall apart) Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受。 (inspiration, deny oneself something) For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself


翻译常用词汇 高枕无忧resting without worries 史无前例unprecedented in the history 不可一世a conquering hero 毫不示弱equally firmly 量体裁衣to act according to actual circumstances 一刀两断to cut it clean 与虎谋皮to ask a tiger for its skin 六亲不认to disown all one’s relatives and fri ends 英雄本色the true quality of a hero 英雄所见略同Great minds think alike. 每逢佳节倍思亲On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones faraway. 上有好,下必有其焉。What the superior loves, his inferiors will be found to love exceedingly.大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。The Great River flows to the east: Its waves have washed away all the men of untrammeled spirit of a thousand ages. 上兵伐谋,其次伐交。What is supremely important in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances. 问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。I wonder how many sorrows you have. They are exactly like the Yangtze River unceasingly flowing eastward in spring. 千呼万唤始出来,犹抱琵琶半遮面。Only after a thousand entreaties does she appear. Her face half hidden behind the guitar (pipa) in her arms. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only if you can stand the hardest of hardships can you hope to rise in society. 是非经过不知难You never know how hard a task is almost until you have done it yourself. 满招损Pride goes before a fall. / Pride spells failure. 适可而止Bind the sack before it be full. 好汉做事好汉当A true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his own actions.知己知彼,百战不殆。To know one’s and the enemy’s situation ensures victory. 牵扯之覆,后车之鉴。The overturned car ahead is a warning to the ones behind. 山雨欲来风满楼The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains. 是故学然后知不足,教然后之困。Therefore, to learn makes us realize our deficiency, and to teach makes us know the difficulties. 人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其利、货畅其流。Our human, land and material resources should be used to the best advantage, and our goods should be in good circulation. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。Parents have the duty to rear and education their children who are minors, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 中华人民共和国公民有劳动的权利和义务。Citizens of the P eople’s Republic of China have the right as well as the duty of work. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings.


一、选择题 1.—Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying? —It is to the . The flight to Wuhan is boarding now. A.customers B.passengers C.members D.tourists 2.—Oh, my God! I have ________ five pounds after the Spring Festival. —All of the girls want to lose weight, but easier said than done. A.given up B.put on C.got on D.grown up 3.— Mr. Wilson, can I ask you some questions about your speech? — Certainly, feel __________ to ask me. A.good B.patient C.free D.happy 4.Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What __________ most is how you see yourself. A.matters B.minds C.cares D.counts 5.— Can you tell us about our new teacher? —Oh, I’m sorry. I know________ about him because I haven’t seen him before. A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 6.—Have you got Kathy’s________ for her concert? —Yes, I’d like to go and enjoy it. A.interview B.information C.invitation D.introduction 7.When you are________, you should listen to music to cheer you up. A.shy B.afraid C.strict D.down 8.Danny looks sad. How I________ telling him the bad news! A.remember B.regret C.refuse 9.World Book Day takes place ________ April 23rd every year. A.at B.in C.on 10.Wang Dong didn't go to school yesterday ________ he was ill. A.so B.if C.because 11.I didn't know which dictionary was better, so I took ________. A.none B.neither C.each 12.In modern life, shopping online is________ used by many people, especially for teenagers. A.exactly B.badly C.heavily D.widely 13.—Do you know what the meeting is about? —Yes, of course. It will ________ some important rules we need to know about our new senior high school. A.talk B.achieve C.memorize D.cover 14.—Bill, do you like________? —Yes. They’re healthy. A.ice-cream B.carrots C.salad 15.In 2018, trade between China and Hungary rose by 7.5 percent, and recently on Friday


2019届高考英语常用词汇辨析 高考英语常用词汇辨析500例a about around round 作副词时都含“四处”、“遍地”的意思。 about 系常用词, 如:look about 四处看。 around 具有 about 的基本意思, 因此 look about=look around, 但在下列短语里 around没有 about正式, 如:travel around 各处旅行 round 和 around在非正式用法中可以互换, 但一般用 round时 更简练。在正式用语中, 一般用 round指“旋转”, 而用 around指“处处”, “到处”, 如:she turned round at such a noise. 听到这样的吵声, 她回头看。i have been looking for it all around. 我到处都找过了。 另外, 英国人用 round的地方, 美国人倾向于用 around, 如:[英] winter comes round.[美] winter comes around. above all;after all;at all  above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是”,常位于句首或句中,作插入语,起强调作用。如: but above all tell me quickly what i have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。 a clock must above all keeps good time.时钟最重要的是必须走得准。  after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底”,在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如:after all,your birthday is only two weeks away.毕竟,两周后就是你的生日。 he is,after all,a small child.他毕竟还是个小孩子。 he failed after all.他终于失败了。  at all用于否定句时,意为“丝毫; 根本”,用于疑问句时意为“究竟;到底”,用于条件句时,常译为“当真;实在”。用于肯定句中,表示说话人的某种情绪或情感(如怀疑或惊奇等),意为“竟然”等。如:he doesn’t like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。 are you going to do it at all?你究竟做不做这件事? if you do it at all,do it well.若你真要做这件事,就得做好。 i was surprised at his coming at all.他竟然来了,我很惊讶。 add; add to; add…to; add up to  add作“加,增加”解时,既可作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词;作“又说,补充说”解时,与直接或间接引语连用。如: if the tea is too strong, add some more hot water.如果茶太浓了,再加点开水。 after a short while, he


U1: 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题做好了准备。(confront) He has well prepared answers to the questions that he might confront with in the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad story touched us so deeply that we nearly cry. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) They walked hand in hand along the river, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) Tears of joy welt up in his eyes after hearing this exciting news. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) The people of SH can understand Suzhou hua easily as they have many things in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter repeated request studying abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We have locked all the expensive things away before leaving for the holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part)Although we have parted from each other, I hope we will remain good friends to care and help each other just like we did in the past. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At that critical moment, the army leader summoned all the officers to work out strategies and tactics to fight with enemies. U2: 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。 (head) A government delegation headed by foreign minister arrived in South Africa yesterday,and began a 3-day friendly visit the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It’s awfully funny to see these comics about irony social drawbacks. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示 出来。(show on a screen)
