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21.sponsor 赞助,捐助launch 发射

ment on 对...评论approve 赞成,许可

polish 修改,润色

23.whistle 吹口哨hold up举起keep up保持,使不低落

set up建立=establish take up 拿起,处理

24.in person亲自lead to导致see to负责

turn to 向...求助refer to 参考

25.out of question毫无疑问out of order出故障,次序混乱

out of sight 看不见的,超出视野范围

out of place 与。。。不相称的

26.tentatively 试探性地thoughtlessly 欠考虑地

definitely 肯定地

27.get puzzled 迷惑的dramatic 戏剧性的

subtle 微妙的,微小的

28.controversial 有争议的contradictory 矛盾的,对立的

29.symptom 症状

30.perspective 远景


31.put forward (idea) 提出(想法,主意)propose 提议,倡议

consume 消费consumer 消费者bachelor 单身汉

32.victim 受害者eventually 最后,最终immediately 立即,马上


33.as =when 当...的时候

plicated 复杂的stressful 有压力的tough 艰苦的


36.natural 自然的(与后文的fresh air, sunshine 相对应)

38.amazed 惊奇的amused 愉快的

confused迷惑的concerned 关注的

39.cover long distances 经过漫长的路程

41. odometer 里程表unreliable 不可靠的impractical 不切实际的

unprepared 没有准备的inaccurate 不准确的

44. An odometer without a speedometer is like a fork without knife.


45.distribute 分配,分发convert转换apply申请attach 绑,系47.You can’t leave the back part bare. 你不能使后座部分空着。72. regarded as one of the best (分词做状语, the God father 与 regard之间是被动的关系,故用被动语态)

73.hard I tried ( however让步状语从句)

77. in response to 作为对……的回答

will be put on (考查的是谓语部分,本题为被动语态)

41.inaccurate 不精确的

55.be forbidden 被禁止

You can’t take any means of transportation more than once (故答案选B)

56.vehicle 交通工具

benefit 利益

above all,a failure of confidence... (本题为细节题,故答案选A)

57.paralyze vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹;使不能正常活动答案选D

58.dis approve 不赞成

68. imply 暗示(本题答案选C)Once at the office, you glance(浏览) through the newspaper with depressing (令人沮丧的)stories or reports of disasters(灾难).

69. By not giving yourself time to tune(调整;

使和谐,使一致) into your wandering mind, you’re missing out on the surprising solutions it may offer. 如果我们不让自己停止集中注意力,我们将错失令人惊讶的好对策。

concentrate on 专注于。。。(本题答案选D)

70. practical 实际的summarize 总结

advocate 提倡diverse 多种多样的

establish 建立routine 路线


21. panic恐慌,惊恐

22. commitment承诺,保证,献身competition 竞争

ambition 抱负,志向

23.casual 随意的steady 稳定的

24.permanent 永恒的,持久的beneficial 有益的,受益的

25.transparent 透明的reasonable 合理的

26.direct 指导limit 限制

27.criminal 罪犯negotiate 协商consult 咨询

28.clinical 临床的,诊所的strengthen 加强approve 赞同

accumulate 积累,集聚

29.take measures to 采取措施做...

take down写下bring down 降低

and down 把...传下去tear down拆

30.in terms of 就...而言in need of 需要

in favor of 支持,赞同in praise of 赞扬


essential 基本的break down (指心情)崩溃howling 嚎叫(本文指狼的叫声)

behaviour 行为observe 观察

71.did she find

72.There is no need to

73.frozen face

74.Holding the keys in his hand/ With the keys held in his hand

75.I hadn’t drunk

76.What delighted the fans

77.to have been destroyed
