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Contemporary English:1789,1787
韦 氏 百 科 全 本 英 语 词 典
Yin and Yang (in Chinese philosophy and religion) two principles, one negative, dark and feminine (Yin), and one positive, bright, and masculine (Yang), whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things. ——Webster’s Encyclopedic

Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language:1656
接 纳 外 来 词 yin 和 yang

“阴阳者,天地之道也,万物之纲纪, 变化之父母,生杀之本始,神明之 府也”。
Yin and yang, they are the Way of heaven and earth, the fundamental principles [governing] the myriad beings, father and mother to all changes and transformations, the basis and beginning of generating and killing,

2.冲任之脉既起于胞内,阴阳过度,则伤 胞络,故风邪乘虚而入于胞,损冲、任之 经,伤太阳、少阴之血,致令胞络之间, 秽液与血相兼,连带而下。(《诸病源候
论· 妇人杂病诸候· 带下候》

英译:The conception and thoroughfare vessels both originate from the uterus. Excessive sexual activities harms uterine collaterals, and then pathogenic wind invades the uterus, impairing the two vessels, damaging blood of Taiyang and Shaoyin, causing turbidity and blood in the uterine collaterals, together with vaginal discharge flowing down out of the body
2. 中 医 古 典 文 献 中 “阴 阳” 的 翻 译

2.1 “阴阳”哲学概念的英译 “阴阳”的翻译:
Yin and Yang [the male and female elements in nature]; Yang, the element of light; Yin, the element of darkness; Yin and Yang, the negative and positive principles in nature; The element of light; the element of darkness; Yang, the lucid element of life; Yin, the turbid element of darkness; Yang, the male element; Yin, the female element;
朗 文 当 代 高 级 英 语 辞 典

yin, the female principle in Chinese PHILOSOPHY which is inactive, dark, negative, etc. and which combines with YANG (= the male principle) to form the whole world”;“yang, the male principle in Chinese PHILOSOPHY which is active, light, POSITIVE, etc. and which combines with YIN (= the female principle) to form the whole world. ——Longman Dictionary of
中医古典文献中“阴阳” 的源流与翻译
兰凤利 上海中医药大学
2018/9/15 1
1. 中 医 学 中 “ 阴 阳” 的 源 流

中医学继承、发挥了《周易》 的阴阳思想,中医古典文献中 的“阴阳”主要是指哲学意义 上的“阴阳”,而在具体的语 言环境中,又有具体的医学所 指,如指男女、性生活、阴经 阳经、阴邪阳邪、阴气阳气等 等。而其含义的确定是高度依 赖于语境的。

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu

Yin and Yang [the two elements in nature]; Yang, the lucid element; Yin, the turbid element; Yin and Yang [the two opposing principles]; Yang (the male principle of light and life); Yin (the female principle of darkness and death); ——Veith:97-253,1949

the palace of spirit brilliance. (Unschuld)
“阴 阳” 具 体 概 念 的 英 译

在具体的语言环境中, 如以“阴阳”指代具体概 念,如男女、性生活、阴阳经脉、(阴)血和

1.丈夫八岁,肾气实,发长齿更;二八, 肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故 能有子。(《黄帝内经素问· 上古天真论》) 英译:In the male, at the age of 8 the boy’s kidney qi is abundant, his hair grows and his baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. At the age of 16 the tian gui or sexstimulating essence matures, he begins to secrete semen; if at this point the male and female unite in harmony, a child may be conceived.