



The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.

As the economy and technology develop at an incredible speed in today’s society, there are an increasing number of people believing that the most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. In my view, however, this is out of the question and the three most significant problems affecting the society, namely war, environmental destruction and disease, will still influence us and may not be entirely resolved forever.

War is a problem afflicting humans since they took into being in the first place. Wars take place when different countries have conflicting benefits, which is unlikely to be eliminated as long as the boundaries between countries still exist. For instance, in the Middle East where water is extremely scarce, many countries are in conflict in contention for water resources. Since every country acts for the sake of its own benefit, it seems that people in the region are incapable of living together in harmony. Eternal world peace, therefore, is unlikely to be achieved in our lifetime.

Environmental destruction emerged not long before but it is becoming increasingly severe and can not be ignored. With the large-scale utilization of fossil fuels and rapid development of industry, huge amounts of pollutants are being produced, contaminating the environment to a large degree. The disposal of these pollutants being a tough task, it is hardly possible that we can completely get rid of them within a short period of time. Furthermore, even if we can come up with optimal methods for dealing with these substances, there remains the problem that these methods may cost too much and obstruct the development of economy.

Last but not least, the well-being of people around the world is threatened by a variety of diseases, ranging from AIDS to cancer, the cures for which have not been discovered yet. Diseases set off

panics among humans, affect their normal life and leave people badly off with the high medical expenses. There are thousands of scientists devoting themselves to finding cure for diseases, but new types of diseases keep emerging and there is no eliminating all of them.

In summary, the problems with the most significance today are going to be passed on to our offspring. To eliminate these problems thoroughly, there is still a long way to go.


Some people think that a university professor should focus time on doing research, while others think that the main role of a professor is to educate students in a university.

What is the main role of a university professor, to educate students or to do research? Some people believe that professors should focus their time on doing research, but as far as I am concerned, it is educating that deserves more devotion of professors.

To begin with, professors are teachers in universities, so it is their responsibility to teach students with absolute dedication and enthusiasm. University professors play an critical role in students’ learning knowledge and the methods for learning, by giving lectures in class as well as assigning them tasks to do using what they have learned. A good professor should be someone who can teach well and is patient with students.

In addition, taking education as the main responsibility does not mean that professors are not supposed to do research. On the contrary, those who have achieved success in research tend to be better teachers. Doing research allows professors to have a broader horizon, enabling them to seize the point of the science and technology today and to have a deep understanding of the knowledge they are going to teach. Furthermore, professors who do research well may offer their students better opportunities to do research in the field they study.

Admittedly, there are scientists who cannot teach well but stand out in their specialized field.

Rather than teaching and doing research at the same time, I believe that they should concentrate on their research and not take the position as professors. There are many people who are merely researchers and whose achievement in their specialized areas is without parallel. As for professor, this occupation should be left to those who can give quality lectures and help students to learn well.

In conclusion, professors should regard educating students as their main responsibility and devote themselves to teaching. In today’s society, however, there are some professors who do not teach students with dedication. They focus on research merely for money, which will not only do harm to students’ study, but will hinder the development of science as well.


It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.

Many people have had the experience of moving from one place to another. Some feels it a bad thing because they will lose their old friends in the place they move from. In my view, however, it is anything but a bad thing. Not only will we keep in touch with our old friends, but we will make new friends as well.

With the modern communicating technology, distance is never a barrier that keeps people from contacting others. Even if people to a new town or a new country, telephone, email and instant message will allow them to keep in constant touch with their old friends without any inconvenience. Take myself for example. When I entered college, I had to leave my hometown for Beijing, thus I was separated from my friends in my hometown. But I called them every weekend and we often chat online when we are both free. So distance did not make me lose touch with them at all.

Furthermore, it could even be a good thing to move away for people and their old friends. Instead

of becoming estranged from each other, they will miss each other and thus become even more intimate. Not having conflicts over trifles, people will appreciate the merits of their friends more. There is a saying that ‘distance makes the heart grows fonder’, which means that when people are separated by distance, they may like each other more. So distance is never a obstacle between friends.

Moving to a new place allows people to make new friends, and that does not necessarily mean that people cannot maintain their old friendship. On the contrary, people can still stay in touch with their old friends, because one can never have too many friends. When it comes to my case, my old friends even came to be familiar with my new friends and they became friends before long.

In conclusion, moving to a new town or a new country will not make people lose their old friends. Friendship is one of the most precious things that we have and deserves to be cherished by us all our life.


The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. 1,As the economy and technology develop at an incredible speed in today’s society, there are an increasing number of people believing that the most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime.

Some people think that a university professor should focus time on doing research, while others think that the main role of a professor is to educate students in a university.

2,What is the main role of a university professor, to educate students or to do research? Some people believe that professors should focus their time on doing research,

It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.

3,Many people have had the experience of moving from one place to another. Some feels it a bad thing because they will lose their old friends in the place they move from.

It is more enjoyable to have a job which requires you to work only three days a week with long hours rather than to have one which demands you to work five days a week with

shorter hours.

4,I would rather choose a job which demands me to work five days a week with shorter hours. Since people care public recognition more than money, they will work harder to obtain public recognition even though there is no more money given.

5,People usually work hard in pursuit of money as well as public recognition.

TOPIC Some people choose friends who are different from them. Others choose friends who are similar to them. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

6,There are two different groups of people in selecting friends: people who make friends who are similar to them, and people who make friends who are different from them. Both people have their own advantages and disadvantages.

TOPIC Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 7,Most people agree that it is important to get an academic education. But what is a matter of debate is whether or not exercise should be part of this academic curriculum.

TOPIC It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree?

8,Many people like to live in the countryside because of many conditions.

TOPIC Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

9,Learning is a great tool. Grades are great reward for a good learning. Attending school is a great way to access your learning ability and performance.

TOPIC How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

10,Movies and television have changed the ways of people’s living enormously since they were first invented. Opinions over their virtues differ from person to person. Some people say that they have enriched our lives, while critics blame them for their poisonous effects.


1,Is it better for children to choose the job similar to their parents' job or different from their parents?(2010,1.16)

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 11.09.25ML

2,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is much easier to for parents to raise children now than fifty years ago. (Family)

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3,2012.8.26 ML (2011.2.11 NA)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents should allow children to make mistakes, and let them learn from their own mistakes.

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People learn about one person from books and movies that person like

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The most important problems affecting our society today could be solved within our lifetime. 1,In my view, however, this is out of the question and the three most significant problems affecting the society, namely war, environmental destruction and disease, will still influence us and may not be entirely resolved forever.

Some people think that a university professor should focus time on doing research, while others think that the main role of a professor is to educate students in a university.

2,but as far as I am concerned, it is educating that deserves more devotion of professors.

It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.

3,In my view, however, it is anything but a bad thing. Not only will we keep in touch with our old friends, but we will make new friends as well.

It is more enjoyable to have a job which requires you to work only three days a week with long hours rather than to have one which demands you to work five days a week with shorter hours.

4,Though three days of work a week will allow people four days of holiday in a row, during which they can go on trips,

Since people care public recognition more than money, they will work harder to obtain public recognition even though there is no more money given.

5,But it would be radical to say that they will work harder to obtain public recognition even thought there is no more money given. Public recognition is what we obtain naturally while money is a must in our lives.

TOPIC Some people choose friends who are different from them. Others choose friends who are similar to them. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

6,In this essay, I will compare each advantage and present my preference.

TOPIC Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies.

Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 7,During a regular school day when students take classes such as Biology, Mathematics, History, Language Arts, and Social Studies, administrators should allow these same students to engage in physical exercise. Physical exercise will increase the overall wellness of the students, it will teach the children teamwork, and it will give them a chance to release some stress from their rigorous academic studies.

TOPIC It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree?

8,However, if they live in the countryside, their children cannot get a good education and job. The following essay will demonstrate why children should grow up in a big city.

TOPIC Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

9,I believe that grades are great indicators of a good learning for the following reasons: They prove how well he or she has learned the topic, area of weakness, and what it needs to be done to improve.

TOPIC How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

10,In fact, their influences depend on variables such as the viewer’s personality, the quality of programs, and the length of viewing time.


1,Is it better for children to choose the job similar to their parents' job or different from their parents?(2010,1.16)

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2,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is much easier to for parents to raise children now than fifty years ago. (Family)

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

3,2012.8.26 ML (2011.2.11 NA)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Parents should allow children to make mistakes, and let them learn from their own mistakes.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People learn about one person from books and movies that person like

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部编版(人教版)三年级下册语文导学案 -第二单元导读课 人教部编版

第二单元整读课导学案 【导学目标】 1.认识32个生字,读准4个多音字,会写32个字, 写30个词语。积累寓言故事或成语故事。 2.能读准文言文字音、读好“因释其耒而守株”。背诵课文。 3.能借助注释,结合插图,疏通文意。懂得不要心存侥幸,不要不劳而获,要靠自己的劳动去创造美好的生活。 4.了解铁罐的傲慢无礼和陶罐的谦虚而不软弱,懂得每个人都有长处和短处,要善于看到别人的长处,正规自己的短处的道理。 5.根据词语提示,用自己的话讲述故事。 6.理解鹿对自己的角和腿的前后不同态度,体会故事中所蕴含的道理。 【导学重难点】认识生字、体会故事中所蕴含的道理。 【导学过程】 一、激发兴趣,预习反馈 1.出示图片,把图画的意思说清楚,引出本单元主题。 2.浏览这一单元的内容,明确本单元要求学习的课文。出示本単元课题《守株待兔》《陶罐和铁罐》《美丽的鹿角》《池子与河流》目标定向,自主学习 1.自由朗读这四篇课文。出示阅读提示:(1)初读课文,划课文中的生字新词并多读几谝,难读难认的词语做好标记。(2)再读课文,

画出喜欢的句子和段落,多读几遍,并把课文读正确,读通顺。2.自主学习,教师巡视指导。合作交流,点拨指导设计闯关游戏,检预习情況。 二、课堂探究 第一关:小组合作学生字 1.借助学习单,同桌之间你指我认、我指你认 难读词语重点读。 2.归类出示学生认为难读的词语 3.指名读,小老师领读,比赛读,开火车读等多种方式读生字。重点指导多音字“称"和“禁”。 第二关:交流展示 1.学生交流识字方法。预设形近字归美识字法。 2.观察这些字的特点,明确偏旁。 3.教师范写,重点指导“艳”和“霜”。横画:从左向右书写,要写的平稳,多条横排列时要注意长短变化。 4.学生练写,注意书写经势。 三、当堂检测,课文朗读我最棒 (一)小组交流喜欢的句段。把喜欢的句子读给小组内的同学听,有困难的句子小组内共同解决。 (二)出示生字较多和难读的句子。 1.因/释其耒/而守株,冀/复得兔。 2.“何必这样说呢?”“我们还是和睦相处吧,有什么可吵的呢!”


小学美术课程标准 一、课程的性质与价值 一)、陶冶学生情操,提高审美能力; 二)、引导学生参与文化的传承与交流; 三)、发展学生的感知能力和初步的形象思维能力; 四)、形成学生的创新精神和技术意识; 五)、促进学生的个性形成和全面发展。 二、基本理念 (一)使学生形成基本的美术素养 (二)激发学生学习美术的兴趣 (三)在广泛的文化情境中认识美术 (四)培养创新精神和解决问题的能力 (五)为促进学生发展而进行评价 三、设计思路 (一)完善体例,使结构更完整,表述更明确 (二)以学生学习活动方式划分学习领域,加强学习活动的综合性和探究性 (三)在保证基本规定性的同时,给予教师更大的教学空间 (四)注意《标准》实施的可行性 四、总目标 学生以个人或集体合作的方式参与各种美术活动,尝试各种工具、材料和制作过程,学习美术欣赏和评述的方法,丰富视觉、触觉和审美经验,体验美术活动的乐趣,获得对美术学习的持久兴趣;了解基本美术语言的表达方式

和方法,表达自己的情感和思想,美化环境与生活。在美术学习过程中,激发创造精神,发展美术实践能力,形成基本的美术素养,陶冶高尚的审美情操,完善人格。 五、阶段目标 本《标准》的阶段目标具体从“造型·表现”、“设计·应用”、“欣赏·评述”和“综合·探索”四个学习领域加以描述。 第一学段(1~2年级) ▲尝试不同工具,用纸以及身边容易找到的各种媒材,通过看看、画画、做做等方法大胆、自由地把所见所闻、所感所想的事物表现出来,体验造型活动的乐趣。 ▲尝试不同工具,用身边容易找到的各种媒材,通过看看、想想、画画、做做等方法进行简单组合和装饰,体验设计制作活动的乐趣。 ▲观赏自然和各类美术作品的形与色,能用简短的话语大胆表达自已的感受。▲采用造型游戏的方式进行无主题或有主题的想像、创作、表演和展示。 第二学段(3~4年级) ▲初步认识形、色与肌理等美术语言,学习使用各种工具,体验不同媒材的效果,通过看看、画画、做做等方法表现所见所闻、所感所想的事物,激发丰富的想像力与创造愿望。 ▲学习对比与和谐、对称与均衡等组合原理,了解一些简易的创意和手工制作的方法,进行简单的设计和装饰,感受设计制作与其他美术活动的区别。▲观赏自然和各种美术作品的形、色与质感,能用口头或书面语言对欣赏对象进行描述,说出其特色,表达自己的感受。


病句学案补充案(表意不明) 链接高考 1、 [2012山东卷]下列各句中,没有语病,句意明确的一句是 A、近视患者都应当接受专业医师的检查,选择合适的眼镜,切忌不要因为怕麻烦、爱漂亮而不戴眼镜。 B、本市国税局绘制出“税源分布示意略图”,解决了税源管理辖区划分不清、争议扯皮等问题的发生。 C、为加强国际交流,提高山东环保产业水平,省政府拟举办“生态山东建设高层论坛”暨第五届环保产业博览会。 D、日本在野党强烈指责财务大臣“口无遮拦”、公开谈及政府去年入市干预日元具体汇率的行为是极不付责任的。 2、他背着总经理和副总经理偷偷地把这笔钱分别存入了两家银行。(全国卷) 3、今年4月底,墨西哥和美国的部分地区相继爆发力甲型H1N1流感,世界卫生组织对此高度重视,并迅速采取了一系列应对措施。(2009年高考安徽卷第17题B项) 4、近日新区法院审结了这起案件,违约经营的小张被判令赔偿原告好路缘商贸公司经济损失和诉讼费三千多余元。(04全国) 5、刘老先生热心支持家乡的教育、慈善等公益事业。他这次返乡,主动提出要与部分福利院参加高考的孤儿合影留念。(2010广东卷C项) 6、今年4月23日,全国几十个报社的编辑记者来到国家图书馆,参观展览,聆听讲座,度过了一个很有意义的“世界阅读日”。(2008年安徽卷第3题C项) 7、数百位死难者的亲属出席了隆重的葬礼。(04全国卷Ⅰ) 8、电影《英雄》上映以后,李冯的同名小说也备受青睐,观众认为其画面精美,善于营造视觉氛围。 9、这一桩发生在普通家庭中的杀人悲剧在亲戚当中也有着不解和议论,要说小丽的妈妈不爱她家里人谁也不相信。(04全国卷) 方法总结 巩固达标 1、不准在车站、码头、机场、公园和商业区以外的地方设立广告牌。 2、部门领导对他的批评是有充分的准备的。 3、我看见张原扶着一位老人走下车来,手里提着一个黑色皮包。 4、记者否认外星人光临W国N城是有根据的 5、随着经济的发展,传统道德还要不要?在义与利面前如何选择?我们的答案是肯定的。 6、李秀成被清兵抓住砍头时是不是表现得很英勇呢?从一些历史记载来看,并不是这样的。 7、搜集史料比容易,鉴定和应用史料更不容易,中国过去的大部分文学家主


学案导学课堂教学改革的实践与思考 摘要:素质教育的生命线是课堂教学,课堂教学质量的高低决定着学校教育教学质量的高低。两年来,梁家墩中心学校借鉴外地经验以学案导学为基本模式,实践以学定教、先学后教的教育理念,在全校进行课堂教学改革。本文从学案、导学案、学案导学的基本概念界定,学案的命制与使用,导学案的命制与使用、学案导学的基本教学流程,以及存在的问题与思考对该校学案导学课堂教学改革实践进行总结与思考。 关键词:学案导学课堂教学改革实践思考 素质教育的生命线是课堂教学,课堂教学质量的高低决定着学校教育教学质量的高低。自2010年以来,我校就牢牢抓住提高课堂教学的质量从而提高学校的整体教育教学质量这一发展主线,从2011年下学期起启动实施以“学案导学”为载体的高效教学改革,现介绍我校实施“学案导学”的实践经验与成果,和大家交流。 一、三个概念 (-)学案 学案是教师根据《九年义务教育课程标准》的目标要求结合教材内容, 根据学生的实际情况按照章节课时进度为学生设计的一套学习方案。基本上以课时为单位设计,包括学习方案、重难点分析和自主尝试、课堂探究、课堂检测等环节的学习内容设置和目标达成设置,是学案导学课堂教学的有效载体。

(二)导学案 导学案是教师在学案的基础上,为了实现学案的学习目标,精心设计的课堂导学方案,其本质上是一份教学设计,突出体现在“导学”上,体现了教师在各个环节上的导学思路预设,包括教材学案内容的再次整合处理,导学思路设计,重难点环节突破与处理等内容,也包括传统教学中多媒体课件和板书设计,是教师实施学案导学的有效载体。 (三)学案导学 是指导学生以学案为载体综合运用教材,辅助材料和工具在课前课中、课后进行的一系列学习活动,包括课前学生的自主尝试学习,课堂上师生、生生之间的合作互动探究、质疑答难、精讲点拨、课堂检测和课后拓展等学习活动,其中课堂教学中的“学案导学”活动是我们关注和研究的重点。 二、学案导学的理论基础 学案导学的理论基础来源于这几年我国课堂教学改革中的各种学派内容,包括以学定教,先学后教,尝试在先,充分暴露、教其不会等内容, 并非我校首创。 三、学案的构成及命制 (-)学案的构成 1 .学习目标:由教师根据课程标准结合教材和学情确定,是学生学习和教师导学的依据。 2.难点分析:教师根据教学内容和学情制定。 3.自主尝试:学生在本节课学习过程中要用到的旧知识的复习回顾; 用 于引出本节课学习内容的情景问题;学生通过预习可能学会的一些基本概


Unit 3 Science and nature Reading The second period Language points 1. On the one hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo, you can … ____ ____ _____ _____,many people, ________ some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind _______ ______ nature in this way, they may be _____ ______ ________ _______ _______ a real-life Frankenstein?s monster.(Lines2-7)另一方面,包括一些科学家在内的许多人则持不同意见,他们担心如果人类用这种方式干涉自然,那就可能离制造一个现实生活中的弗兰肯斯坦怪物不远了。 ①on (the) one hand…on the other (hand)…一方面…另一方面… On one hand, rapid development of the economy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction. (短语) at hand在手边,在附近 by hand亲手,手工 in hand手头现有的,正在进行,在处理 hand in hand手拉手 Hands up! 举起手来! Hands off! 请勿动手!不许干涉 ②point out 指出 He pointed out my mistake. 他指出我的错误。 point at/point to 指着,指向某人或某物(两个词组可互换使用) He pointed at/ to a picture. point at 对准,瞄准(某人用枪对准某人某物等) They pointed at her head but she was not afraid. point to 表明,指向(主语为证据、时针以及宾语为某一方向时) The evidence points to him as the criminal. The hands of the clock pointed to half past three. The compass needle points to the north. ③toy with 戏弄;摆弄, 轻率地对待 She toyed with her pencil while she listened on the phone. You shouldn’t to y with great issues. He toyed with the idea of writing a play. ④on one?s (the) way to doing sth. “正在做某事的过程中;即将,快要”. to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词短语 on one’s/the way to something/ doing something 快要,将(close to doing something) 1) I’m well on the wa y to completing the report. 我就快把报告写好了。 3)He is on the way to becoming a doctor. 他就要成为医生了。 2) More changes are on the way. 更多的变化就要发生了。 (短语) on one?s (the) way to在去…的途中 by the way顺便问问,顺便说说 by way of途经 in a way 在某种意义上,在某种程度上


小学美术学科常规教育 摘要 探索指导学生掌握科学的学习方法、挖掘学生学习潜能、培养学生的创新精神和实践能力的有效方法,提高学生的审美能力和美术素养、促进学生学习能力的终身可持续发展,不断提升学生的人文意识。从美术学科常规教育着手,加强学习习惯的养成教育,促进学生学习行为的有序变化,培养学生的良好的学习准备习惯、上课习惯、作业习惯,从而提高教学效率,有效地促进学生素质的和谐发展。 关键词 美术教学常规教育习惯养成 上海二期课改中小学美术课程标准将美术课程定位为:美术教学是义务教育阶段全体学生学习艺术的基础课程。以视觉形象为载体,体验感悟为途径,审美教育为核心,美术知识和技能为基础,陶冶学生的情操,弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,培养学生创新精神和人文精神,提高学生美术素养和实践能力,对学生全面、和谐发展具有独特的作用。 本文就小学美术学科常规教育中学习准备、上课、作业三个主要方面的学习习惯的养成作一些探索。 小学美术常规教育之一——学习准备习惯 一、学习准备的概念 学习准备是指学生在学习新知识、新技能或参加某一新学习活动之前,引导学生进行的相关学习的一组教和学的、有序变化的准备活动。在这个过程中,学生相关的旧知识将变得清晰、稳定和可利用;在这个过程中,学生新学习所需要的旧技能得到复练,变得熟练准确,有利于开展实践性、探究性学习;在这个过程中,学生对新材料的了解而产生的兴趣和疑问组成了强烈的学习心向,知道学什么,怎么学,如何算学好。 二、学习准备习惯养成的具体要求和内容 1、学习工具的准备 美术课的学习是一定要借助于工具的,“赤手空拳”不能完成学习目标,而且根据学习内容的差异性课前所准备的工具也不尽然。因此在每个新学期初要求教师在黑板上写出本学期美术课使用的学习工具,如:包装好的书本、笔(HB铅笔、黑色勾线笔、蜡笔、水彩笔)、剪刀、胶水等。告诉学生美术学习用品放置的位置,要求听到预备铃声,及时放好用品,并在唱歌声中,调节心情,等候上课。 2、“双基”学习的准备 (1)根据美术课程创造性、实践性的特点,通过学生策划、设计、制作以及对多种工具、材料的感知、应用,使学生了解新材料,知道将要学什么,如何学,怎样算学好。因此很多教学内容要求学生自己准备材料,如:《拆开的纸盒》一课就要求学生课前收集废旧的纸盒进行重新装饰,既复练了相关的剪、裁、粘等美术技能,又让学生感悟美,激发学习美术的兴趣和创造热情。 (2)引导学生自觉查寻与美术课内容相关的信息材料,可以通过上网查寻或到图书馆查阅等多种途径,鼓励学生多角度收集美术知识和美术技能信息,美术作品的的欣赏信息,并与已知的美术知识作比较而产生联想,使原有的美术知识更清晰、稳定和可利用。教师要在美术课上留出充分的时间和空间给学生交流收集到的各种材料,同时了解学生认知准备情况,调整教学设计。 本文得到上海浦东教育发展研究院张汉涛老师多次悉心指导,在此深表感谢。 小学美术常规教育之二——上课习惯


阅读在于思考与积累 ——《童年》课外阅读指导课导学案 一、学习背景及学法指导: 课外阅读对学生拓宽视野,性情的培养,人生的成长等具有深远的意义。然而从同学们写的读后感看,大家对所看的书理解并不透彻,写起读后感来更是草草了事。同学们学业负担不少,看书时间有限,如何能让同学们利用这有限的时间去看有用的书,把书真正看懂,看明白,提高阅读效率?这是迫切面临的问题。结合新课标人教版五年级下册语文第二单元感受童年的主题。我们开展阅读高尔基的《童年》,希望以此为例学习如何读好一本书。 《童年》是外国名著,由于文化差异等原因同学们阅读可能起来有点困难,自觉阅读兴趣也不浓。老师设计一个学习方案:先明确读一好一本书需要思考与积累;然后运用浏览、略读、粗读等方式了解故事大意,人物特性等;最后运用精读与品读让你深刻或精彩部分进行分析评价,并积累好的词句与精妙写作方法。简而言之就是先整体后部分。 二、学习资源: 1、《童年》的基本常识。 高尔基(1868—1936),前苏联伟大的无产阶级作家,列宁称赞他:“无产阶级文学最杰出代表”,社会主义现实主义文学奠基人,无产阶级革命文学导师,苏联文学的创始人。他早年丧父,生活在社会的底层,对底层人民痛苦生活有着深刻的体验。这成为了他创作的源泉。根据他不平凡的早年经历,他创作了著名的自传体三部曲:《童年》《在人间》和《我的大学》。他还有著名的散文诗《海燕》。 2、《童年》的内容简介。 《童年》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲中的第一部。小说讲述阿廖沙三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活。小说从“我”随母去投奔外祖父写起,到外祖父叫“我”去“人间”混饭吃结束,生动地表现了俄罗斯19世纪七八十年代下层小市民丑陋和愚昧的生活风貌生活状况。 它讲述的是阿廖沙三岁至十岁这一段时期的童年生活。小说从“我”随母亲投奔外祖父写起,到外祖父叫“我”去“人间”混饭吃结束。生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况。如写“我”刚到外祖父家时见舅舅们为争夺家产而争吵斗殴的情景,批判了小市民的自私残暴;写“我”在母亲死后与外祖母相依为命的一段生活,作者刻画了外祖父的贪婪吝啬(该他出钱买的那天,午饭照例要坏些;十分注意倒给他的茶的浓度;连敬圣像点的长明灯的油也是各买各的),外祖母的宽厚善良(该她出钱买的全是好肉;对着“我”挣来的钱默默流泪)等等。


《老王》导学案 主备人:顾广师时间:2010年11月25日 授课人:课型:新授 一、学习目标: 1、把握老王忠厚善良的性格特点与不幸的命运遭际,理解作者对老王这样一位底层劳动者的深厚感情。 2、品味语言,理解刻画人物形象的方法,把握中心。 3、关注像老王这样的人,献出自己的爱心,同情心。 教学重点: 把握老王忠厚善良的性格特点与不幸的命运遭际,理解作者对老王这样一位底层劳动者的深厚感情。 教学难点: 品味语言,理解刻画人物形象的方法,把握中心。 二、知识准备: 1、导入语: 同学们,我们每个人都渴望得到别人的关爱,那我们是不是也献出了自己的爱了呢?爱是一种情感,更是一种美德,在我们身边有着很多生活艰难但心灵美好的人,他们平凡、普通,不引人注意也不被人注意,你是怎样对待他们的呢?今天,我们就一起走进杨绛女士的一篇散文《老王》。看看其中讲了怎样的人,怎样的事,怎样的情。 出示教学目标: 2、作者简介: 3、扫清文字障碍: 伛.()攥.()惶.恐()荒僻.() 取缔.()翳.()骷.髅.()()滞.笨()愧怍 ..()()塌.败() 三、学习过程: 1、整体感知: 请大家以自己喜欢的方式自读课文,然后思考: ⑴、老王是一个什么样的人?用两个词语概括。(不幸、善良) (提示:从基本情况,谋生手段,健康状况,居住条件,所做的事情等方面考虑) ⑵、老王的不幸表现在哪些方面? A、靠一辆破旧的三轮车活命。 B、“文革”期间载客的三轮车被取缔, 他的生计就更加窘迫,只能凑合着打发日子。生活艰苦 不幸 C、打了一辈子光棍,孤苦伶仃。心境凄苦 D、眼睛不好,瞎了一只眼。 E、住在荒僻的小胡同,塌败的小屋。 ⑶作者通过哪些事例体现老王的善良的? A、愿意给我们家带送冰块,车费减半。(老实厚道) B、送钱先生看病,不要钱,拿了钱还不大放心,担心人家看病钱不够(知恩图报); C、用平板车拉人,加半寸边(善良淳朴) D、受了人家的好处,总也不忘,总觉得欠了人情,去世前一天还硬撑着拿了香油、鸡


“学案导学教学模式”研究报告 [作者:佚名转贴自:本站原创点击数:2143更新时间:2007-12-10文章录入:admin ] 一、前言 学科教学是素质教育主战场,文化科学知识素养也是学生全面素质中的一个最基本的组成部分。应试教育向素质教育的转轨并不意味着课堂教学重要性的降低,如果单纯以减少学科教学时间、牺牲或者降低学科教学质量的方法来培养学生其他方面的素质,那很可能是得不偿失,学校也会因此而承受来自社会、家庭甚至是学生本人的巨大压力。如果课业负担没有减少的情况下再增加其他的课程和活动,势必造成原有的教育活动抢占时间,从而进一步增加学生的负担。因此,我们认为,实施素质教育决不能忽视对课堂教学活动的研究,相反应该更加重视。在当前形势下对课堂教学模式的研究不仅是进一步改进学科教学方法、提高和改善学科教学质量的重要途径,也可促使我们重新审视课堂教学目标的设置,以使我们的课堂教学能够培养学生真正符合素质教育要求的、新的知识和技能体系。 我校就是从最基本的课堂教学入手,设计提出了提高课堂教学效果和学生学习效率、培养学生学习能力的课题。他们首先分析了“学生、教师、教学内容(教材)”等几方面之间的关系,认为从“教材(教学内容)—教师—学生”的链条是不合理的,仅仅凭借教师的讲授学生也不可能很好地掌握教学内容。就学生而言,尽管有教材做依据,但他们并不清楚教师将要讲什么、怎么讲,这将直接影响学生的听课效果;由于教师在讲课过程中往往比较注重教案内容的落实,很容易使学生沦为记笔记的机器,课堂根本没有多少思考和消化的时间;而且由于教材本身往往过于抽象和概括,对教材上的概念、原理、法则、定律及其他知识点一般只进行严密的阐述和简要的解释,而对如何分析、理解和运用知识点往往语焉不详,只能借助于各种教参,即便如此学生在预习和复习的过程中常常会遇到很多困难,如目标不明,负担加重等。据此金华一中的领导和教师于1997年秋在全国首次提出了一种用以帮助学生学习的、相对于教案的概念即“学案”,并将借助学案进行教学的方法称为“学案教学法” 。从此,学案教学法的研究就作为本校的重点研究课题,集中了全校的优秀教师集体攻关,1998年在初步总结试点成果的基础上,申请并被正式确立为浙江省教育科学规划立项课题。 我们认为,学案是学生的学与教师的教之间的中介,借助学案改进现行的教学模式,可以有效地改进教学过程中的师生互动模式,引导学生正确地确立学习目标和和适合自己的学习策略,增强学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生的主动探索精神和自主学习能力,并能最终提高学习效率和教学效果。这些方面本身是学生素质的重要方面,也可为全面实施素质教育提供时间上和空间上的保证。 本课题的研究尽管开展时间不长,但很快引起了各方面的关注,1999年5月25日的《中国教育报》在头版头条从“培养学生的自主人格和主动学习能力”高度报道了我校开展“学案教学法”研究的情况,在全国引起了极大的反响。 二、学案导学教学法的基本内容 随着现代认知心理学对学习策略研究的深入以及人们对学会学习或说“学会求知”的关注,中小学教育界也开始受到重视培养学生学习策略和自主学习能力的研究,强调通过改进教学设计和教学方法实现对学生学习活动的指导、培养学生的自主学习能力。近年来以各种“导学”名目出现的教学研究也不断面世,如“目标导学” ,“目标导向教学” 等。这


一、怎样理解“美术综合课程体系”? (提示:它是以美术教育为主体,综合多学科而形成的一种具有综合性质的课程体系。可以从知识、能力、学科、教法、学法、多媒体等方面各自综合来理解) 参考答案:美术综合课程体系包括六个方面:①知识的综合(历史与美术史、文学与美学、传统与现代、欣赏与批语学等);②能力的综合(观察与思维、想像与创造、理论与操作等); ③学科的综合(美术与语文、与劳技、与数学、与地理、与英语、与音乐等);④教法的综合(讲授与演示、练习与交流等);⑤学法的综合(课上与课外的自学、分组与个别研究);⑥多媒体教学(软件的应用与开发)。 二、从那几个方面来培养学生学习美术的良好习惯? 参考答案:学生学习美术,必须养成良好的习惯: (1)保持正确的作画姿势,如写生画、图画等。 (2)合理使用绘画工具。 (3)学会观察、分析与比较:①对象的整体与局部比例;②物体的结构特征或相似形体; ③画面物象的透视状况;④画面的基本色调。 (4)注意画面的形式美感。 三、如何在美术教学中培养学生的审美能力? 首先,要激发学生的好奇心和想象力。教师可以各种形象的教学手段,如电影、电视、录像、范画、参观、访问等引导学生增加直观形象感受,提高其审美的能力。 第二、要让学生从小接触大量高水平的美术作品,丰富学生的形象贮存。中小学的美术欣赏可以是专题欣赏,也可以通过绘画、工艺、设计等课业,进行随堂欣赏。同时,也可以举办美术作品陈列展,经常陈列展示学生自己的作品、教师的作品等。有条件的地区或学校还可以带领学生参观美术馆、博物馆,甚至访问画家,参观画家的画室或工作坊。 第三、要培养学生学会欣赏自然、学会欣赏生活,在自然与生活中寻找美、发现美。 第四、在教学中,应遵循审美规律,多给学生感悟艺术作品的机会,引导学生展开想象,进行比较。 四、儿童绘画教学有哪一些的种类,请列举说明各自方法。


《南亚》导学案 学习目标 1、熟悉南亚的地理位置。 2、熟悉南亚的地形与河流。 3、熟悉南亚的气候类型及分布。 学习重、难点 1、学会分析南亚热带季风气候的成因和特征。 2、学会分析南亚季风对农业的影响。 学习过程 一、地理位置(自主思考、展示答案) 1、经纬度位置:南亚大致范围为 0°-35°N以及60°E-97°E ,北回归线和80°E 从中间穿过。 2、海陆位置:南亚位于亚洲的南部,临印度洋,阿拉伯海,孟加拉湾。 3、国家和位置:南亚共包括了 7 个国家,内陆国为不丹、尼泊尔,临海国为印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国,岛国:斯里兰卡、马尔代夫。 二、地形与河流(自主思考、展示答案) 2 三、气候类型及分布(合作探究、展示答案) 1、主要气候分布 南亚大部分地区为热带季风气候,西北部地区为热带沙漠气候,北部地区为高原山地气候。 2、季风气候的成因及特征

甲: 冬 季,受 海陆热力性质差异的 影响,吹 东北 季风,较 干燥 。 具体:冬季陆地形成冷高压,海洋形成热低压,风从陆地吹向海洋,又受到向右的地转偏向力,最终偏转为东北季风。 乙: 夏 季,因 气压带、风带季节性移动 ,吹 西南 季风,较 湿润 。 具体:夏季气压带、风带向北移,赤道以南的东南信风越过赤道后,受到向右的地转偏向力,最终偏转为西南季风。 读图回答以下问题: 1、该地降水集中在哪几个月?为什么? 6-10月,受西南季风影响。雨季 2、该地哪几个月气温较低?为什么? 11月—次年2月,太阳直射南半球,离该地较远。凉季 3、该地哪几个月气温较高?为什么? 3-5月,太阳直射点北移辐射变强。热季 乞拉朋齐因降水丰富被称为“世界雨极”,原因是什么? 乞拉朋齐处于西南季风的迎风坡。 四、南亚季风对农业生产的影响(合作探究、展示答案) 当带来主要降水的 西南季风 强度适中时,当地风调雨顺,农业丰收。当 西南季风强劲时,表现为早来晚退 ,雨水就过多,容易造成 洪灾 ;当 西南季风势弱时,表现为晚来早退 ,雨水过少,容易造成课堂总结 南亚


1、物质发生了什么变化教材内容:六年级科学下册第二单元第2课 教材设计:

课堂实录: 一、谈话导入 师:上节课我们知道世界是物质构成的,物质是不断在变化的。今天这节课我们继续研究物质的变化。 师:在我们生活中,经常要混合一些物质,比如说:巢菜的时候要将调料与菜进行混合。 那么物质之间混合在一起会不会发生变化呢,这就是我们今天这节课所研究的:物质发生了什么变化。 今天是以实验为主的,因此我们需要认真观察,才能保证实验的顺利进行。 二:探究新知 (出示一杯豆子和一杯沙子)这是一杯的豆子和沙子,如果将他们混合在一起会不会发生变化?我们首先要知道什么? 生:豆子和沙子的原来样子?/豆子和沙子混合后的样子 师:全部都混合在一起吗 生:先放一部分样品在那里。漫漫混合 师:为什么要先留一部分? 生:可以与后来的进行对比,看到底有没有发生版画。 师:怎么样才能更观察的清楚些? 生:搅拌(已经搅拌了)用筛子将它们分离开来。 师;给你们5分钟的时间,来观察豆子和沙子在混合后的样子。将表格1填写好。 学生观察。

汇报 师:经过混合后有没有发生变化? 生:混合前是………我们的预测是。。。。。。混合后的样子是。。。。。。(东西粘在黄豆上。教师板书) 生:黄豆味道变咸了 师:你怎么知道味道变咸了 生:尝了 师:你的精神是好的,但这样是不卫生的 生:我们认为没发生变化。原先是黄略带灰,我们的预测是没变化,混合后颜色不变化生:我们认为有变化只是微小的变化。并且这种变化是物理变化 师:我们不能简单的说觉得,我们需要有事实为依据。其实刚才很多同学都发现了细微的东西,比如豆子的皮裸露出来了。。。。。。不管是大小,形状都会发生变化。那么这个过程中有没有产生新的物质?混合前与混合后的沙子与豆子的性质有没发生变化? 生:没 师;原先是豆子,现在 生:还是豆子,沙子还是沙子 师:板书:向这种没有产生新的物质的变化,我们称为物理变化。也只是形状,大小发生了变化。在我们生活中,哪些变化也属于这种物理变化 生:沙子与绿豆 生:好的铁定与生锈的铁钉? 师:我现在问的是,象豆子和沙子这样没有产生新的物质的。 生:把纸剪了。冰变成水。 师:冰变成水,是状态变了,而本质没有发生变化。这类变化我们称其为物理变化。


《语文园地》第一课时导学案 设计者:丛台区广安小学冯玲玲 学习目标: 1.学习分清主次的阅读方法和详略得当的写作方法。 2.揣摩优美的语句,体会不同词语表达相同意思有什么好处。 3.积累一些传统习俗及其寓意。 学习重点: 1.分清内容主次,学习详略得当的写作方法。 2.体会不同词语表达相同意思的好处。 学习过程 一、自主学习“交流平台” 1.我能读通顺“交流平台”中的内容,画出读懂的语句并在旁边做批注,我 的感受是 。 2. 我还知道文章也运用了详略得当的写作方法,详写的是 略写的是作者这样安排的原因是 3. 如果我来介绍家乡的一种风俗,我会从以以下几方面来介绍 重点介绍简单介绍 我这样写的原因是: 二、走进“词句段运用” (一)词语运用 1.我能读通顺句子,比较句中加点的词语我发现了_____________________ 2. 读一读下面的句子,在括号里填入与加点词语意思相同但说法不同的词 语。 (1)节日期间,北京各个景点迎来了大批国内外游客。故宫博物院人头攒 动,八达岭长城(),南锣鼓巷(),什刹海()。

(2)花园里,各色的月季欣然怒放,艳丽的桃花(),热情的杜 鹃花(),美丽的海棠(),到处花香醉人。 (二)习俗寓意 1.读一读,结合生活经验和知识储备说说下面两种习俗的寓意。 过年的时候吃鱼:_______________________ 建筑上雕刻蝙蝠:________________________ 2.我还知道下面的习俗和寓意: __________________________________________ ______________________________ _


市优质课一等奖-教学设计:收入分配与社 会公平 《政治生活》第三单元收入与分配 第二框 第七课个人收入的分配 市优质课一等奖 1 收入分配与社会公平《教学设计》【内容标准】 《收入分配与社会公平》是普通高中课程标准《经济生 活》必修模块一第三单元第七课第二框的内容。随着经济社会的发展,原有的“效率优先兼顾公平”政策已经不适应 当前社会的形势,当前形势下我们应该做到兼顾效率与公平。本节课我主要根据《20XX年山东省高考新考纲》的变化,突出对学生正确的政治方向立场的把握,发挥社会主义核心价值观的引领作用。 【教学目标分析】 1.知识目标 知识目标: ①通过“老师的烦恼”这样一个生活中的事例的分析,理解公平与收入分配公平、效率的含义。

②通过问题的分析,以及视频资料的归纳,理解社会主义社会 重视收入分配公平的重要性。 ③通过对收入分配中存在问题的分析,利用小组和合作、探究理解实现社会公平的主要途径。 ④通过把蛋糕做大和把蛋糕分好这一过程,理解公平与效率的关系。2.能力目标 ①通过图表以及材料的分析培养学生获取和解读信息的能力 ②通过对材料的分析、判断、推理、归纳等思维过程,培养学生解决问题的能力以及调动和运用知识的能力。 ③通过分析和解决我国收入分配中存在的问题,培养学生通过思维过程,把握事物的本质特征,并使用简明、准确的学科术语加以叙述的能力。 ④能够运用所学知识,分析和论证身边政治现象的能力。3?情感、态度和价值观目标 ①了解社会主义分配制度的优越性;通过学习,感悟共享发展,增强社会责任感。 ②从学生正确认识和处理效率与公平的关系,树立效率意识,培养公平精神。 2 【教学内容分析】 《收入分配与社会公平》是普通高中课程标准《经济生活》必修模块一第三单元第七课第二框的内容。经济增长和收入分配的关系,是公平与效率关系的集中表现。“效率” 在经济方面主要体现


学案导学课堂教学模式 学案导学教学模式的关键是学案的编制,而学案导学教学模式的落实则主要体现在课堂教学过程中,因此在教学过程中如何体现学案的作用、发挥学案本身的价值则是学案导学教学模式研究的核心。我们认为,这种借助于学案进行的课堂教学模式应该是一种主体性的教学活动,它尽可能缩减教师的讲授时间而让学生更多地参与讨论和相互质疑。我们在实践中大致采用了三种具体的教学程序。 1.诱导式:提问—讨论—归纳—练习 诱导式教学模式一般用于新授课的教学,就是在学生预习的基础上,首先通过提问和讨论解决学生普遍存在的问题,无须教师做全面的讲解,也避免了课堂中过于沉闷的教学气氛,同时也可使教师有时间解决个别学生存在的问题。归纳环节是在讨论的基础上作出的,要求学生能够在教师的帮助下自己得出规律性的结论。因此,在这种教学模式中,我们一般要求由学生自己来阐述最后的结论。 实际上,学生在学案的指导下已经初步形成了自己的认识,这种教学环节的设计实质上是为了进一步巩固和加深认识,完善和纠正各种错误的观念和观点。这种课型是目前使用最多的一种。 2.开放式:质疑—探究—小结—应用 开放式教学模式一般用于单元复习课,目的是为了形成完整的知识体系和学会如何将知识应用于具体的问题解决活动,带有研究性和实验性。此种课型的学案所涉及的知识往往是一些高级知识,学案中设计的问题也往往具有开放性,甚至没有唯一正确答案,要求为学生介绍一些适当的科学研究方法,以利于学生充分发挥自己的创造性和想象力,培养学生的批判精神。在教学指导上常常采用合作学习和交互教学方式,教师一般扮演帮助者、启发者和指导者的角色,教师要充分为学生提供一个能够不受限制地发表自己的观点和见解的环境和机会(质疑),提供必要的探究条件和手段,让学生通过自己实践或实验验证所学的知识和所提出的解决问题方案。 开放性学案导学教学不限于一个课时,也不一定全部在课内完成。 3.技能式:示范—尝试—评价—作业 技能式教学模式一般用于程序性知识的学习和教学,特别适合于理科课程的教学。教师或者学生的示范不是简单的习题演算,而必须是将解决问题的思维过程尽可能完全地展示给学生,这里借鉴了近今年来关于认知学徒式教学模式的研究和实践。尝试不要求学生能够即刻解决教师或者其他同学提出的问题,主要目的在于能够通过尝试让学生充分暴露在认识的不足或者知识体系上缺陷,以便教师能够及时发现并调整教学进展和教学内容。评价环节是由教师和学生共同讨论和验证具体问题的解决方案,可由此充分调动学生的知识储备,加深对所学知识的理解。在这种教学模式中,学案通常以问题为核心来进行组织,教师在教学过程中则以学案中的问题为线索来组织教学活动。 上述三种教学模式各有自己的特色和价值,而从学生的学习过程来说,教师的教学活动实际上都是为了学生提供一种促进知识学习和运用的环境和条件,帮助学生形成良好的知识结构和体系,促进学生学习策略的形成和自主性的发挥。


Book3-Unit4 How do you get to school? Reading Comprehension A It seems that traveling is very important in modern life. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. You can travel by plane in one day to places which is took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable. Some people prefer to travel by sea sometimes. There are large liners or riverboats. You visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. Ships are not so fast as trains or places, but travelling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday. Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop wherever you wish where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why travelling by car is popular for pleasant trips , while people usually take trains or places when they are travelling on business. 1.What does the passage mainly talk about? 2.How many kinds of transportations can you find in the passage? What are they? 3.What does the author think of these transportations? 1)Travelling by plane is the _____________way. 2)Travelling by train can make the long journey _____________. 3)Travelling by sea is a _______way to spend your holiday. 4)It is _________ to travel by car because you can make your own timetable. 4.If you travel on business, what will be the best way for you? 5.Match the following words with the similar words according to the passage? 1)Advantage a trip 2)Journey happy 3)Liners schedule 4)Pleasant good things 5)Timetable ships B Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Most people feel that they are poor without cars. Though he is poor, he doesn’t feel really poor when he has a car. Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars. Maybe, he didn’t know how much the car was going to affect the United States. The cars made the United States a country on wheels. And they have helped to make the United States a rich and modern country. The car has become popular in the United States today. The country is a very large one. The Americans like to move around in it. It is the easiest and cheapest to travel in cars. With a car, people can go to any place without spending a lot of money. Answer the following questions: 1)What do American people think of cars? 2)What do cars mean to the United States? 3)Is it the best way to travel by car in America? Why?
