



Part I

Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes )

Section A


A) T

B) F

Script: Mr. Doherty always dreams of writing about life on the farm so he moved to a farm with his family.



A) T

B) F

Script: Living on the farm gives them more opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities and get close to nature.



A) T

B) F

Script: Mrs. Doherty has to give up writing to maintain the farm because her husband is too busy writing to make more money.



A) T

B) F

Script: The first winter on the farm was miserable because it was cold and boring.



A) T

B) F

Script: Mr. Doherty decided to give up his fulltime job and depend totally on freelance the second year on the farm because he had to spend more time on the farm.



A) T

B) F

Script: Mr. Doherty doesn’t make enough money now to maintain their living standard in the past but their life is not seriously affected.



A) T

B) F

Script: Three parts of our lives have changed: the way we work, the way we eat, and the way we entertain ourselves.



A) T

B) F

Script: Today’s working men and women are commuters who travel to work early and return home late.



A) T

B) F

Script: Fast food, takeout, and heat-and-serve dishes now take up the table of most American families.



A) T

B) F

Script: The Cleaver’s household is a fantasy both for the 1950s and now and therefore, too ideal to learn from.


Section B

Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a

(11)_________________ activity. Many things make gardening a national hobby for both young and old. For a large number of people, the (12)_________________ of spring gardening provide a happy escape from winter (13)_________________ . Vegetable gardeners agree that many (14)_________________ vegetables are superior to those (15)_________________ from markets. From spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a (16)_________________ of fresh vegetables. Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be (17)_________________ at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area. Having vegetables (18)_________________ makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families. One should not plant a garden that is too large to care for. A small well-kept garden is more enjoyable and profitable than (19)_________________ one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day. (20)_________________ results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible the garden should be near the house so that the gardener can work in it at odd moments.

Script: Vegetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love for growing plants into a productive activity. Many things make gardening a national hobby for both young and old. For a large number of people, the thoughts of spring gardening provide a happy escape from winter boredom. Vegetable gardeners agree that many home-grown vegetables are superior to those purchased from markets. From spring through late fall, a well-planned and well-kept garden can provide a supply of fresh vegetables. Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjoyed at a later date. Other vegetables can be stored for a few months in a cool area. Having vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appealing for many people. In addition, vegetable gardening provides exercise and fun for both urban and suburban families. One should not plant a garden that is too large to care for. A small well-kept garden is more enjoyable and profitable than a large neglected one. Vegetables do well in full sunlight and need at least five or six hours of sun during the middle of the day. Too much shading results in poor plants and few vegetables. If possible the garden should be near the house so that the gardener can work in it at odd moments.








正确答案:in the backyard

正确答案:a large neglected

正确答案:Too much shading

Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )

Section A

In the past fifty years, American society has changed a great deal. Fifty years ago, most Americans lived in small communities. They 21 moved from one area to another and knew their neighbors at least by 22 if not by close, personal 23 . Life was so personal in those days that people often 24 about it. They said that a person could not even stay home from church on Sunday without the whole town knowing about it. It was difficult to have 25 in a small community like that, but there was usually a sense of security, of belonging, and of community togetherness in such places. Except for church and the local movie theater, there was not much in the way of entertainment. Some people dreamed about moving to the 26 life of the big cities, but most people were happy to live all their lives in the same community. Few people 27 this type of lifelong social interaction or sense of community togetherness now. People often move from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, and coast to coast. It is rare to find people who have lived all their lives in one community. Because people move so 28 , they do not have a chance to get to know their neighbors. Perhaps this is also why Americans tend to have a more casual 29 about friendships than people from some other cultures. Americans are 30 to leaving friends and making new friends.

A) attitude

B) interaction

C) frequently

D) name

E) joked

F) rarely

G) experience

H) exciting

I) comparatively

J) correspondence

K) privacy

L) cheated

M) accustomed

N) isolation

O) challenged

21. ______________________ 正确答案:F

22. ______________________ 正确答案:D

23. ______________________ 正确答案:B

24. ______________________ 正确答案:E

25. ______________________ 正确答案:K

26. ______________________ 正确答案:H

27. ______________________ 正确答案:G

28. ______________________正确答案:C

29. ______________________ 正确答案:A

30. ______________________ 正确答案:M

Section B Passage One

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our men unfortunately miss that beneficial branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It dose not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself. Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is "aim high." Say to yourself, "My place is at the top." Be king in your dreams. And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is all wrong. I tell you "put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket." Look around you and take notice; men who do that do not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that break most eggs in the country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tremble and trip (摔倒) him up.

31. The author will be glad to see a young man ______ the first day he is at work.

A) trying his hand at a broom B) walking around the office C) reading books D) absent from work


32. The author ______.

A) started his career by sweeping out the office B) looks down on the janitors and janitresses

C) pays respect to the janitors and janitresses D) thinks it unnecessary to have a professional sweeper


33. According to the passage, ______ is an indispensable part of business education.

A) being a good janitor or janitress B) starting from sweeping in the office

C) learning to use the computer D) getting familiar with the Internet


34. ______ is essential in your way to success.

A) Patience B) Concentration C) Perseverance D) Modesty


35. In the second paragraph, "concerns" is most close in meaning to ______.

A) firms B) worries C) businessmen D) deals


Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Despite a cooling of the economy, high-technology companies are still crying out for skilled workers. The Information Technology Association of America projects that more than 800,000 technology jobs will go unfilled next year. The lack of qualified workers poses a huge threat to the . economy. The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country's agrarian-age (农村时代) education system fails to prepare students in the primary and secondary grades for twenty-first-century work. Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem. A less tangible but equally powerful cause is an antique classification system that divides the workforce into two camps: white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers. Blue-collar workers emerged in the United States during the Industrial Age as work migrated from farms to factories. White-collar office workers became a significant class in the twentieth century, outnumbering the blue-collar workers by mid-century. Corporations increasingly require a new layer of knowledge worker: a highly skilled multi-disciplined talent, who combines the mind of the white-collar worker with a solid grounding in mathematics and science (physics, chemistry, and biology). These "gold-collar" workers — so named for their contributions to their companies and to the economy as well as for their personal earning ability — apply that knowledge to technology. The gold-collar worker already exists in a wide range of jobs. The maintenance technician who tests and repairs aircraft systems at American Airlines; the network administrator who manages systems and network operations at Procter & Gamble; the engineering technologist who assists scientists at Sandia National Laboratories; and the advanced-manufacturing technician at Intel can all be regarded as gold-collar workers.

36. In the first paragraph, the word "projects" can be best replaced by _____.

A) throws B) predicts C) concludes D) claims


37. Compared with a blue-collar worker, a gold-collar worker _____.

A) is more skillful in technology B) has received higher education

C) used to be a white-collar worker D) learnt more in high school


38. A gold-collar worker _____.

A) knows more than one kind of knowledge or skill B) knows only one kind of knowledge or skill

C) earns less than a blue-collar worker D) earns less than a white-collar worker


39. The first group of blue-collar workers were most likely to be _____ in the past.

A) migrants B) educators C) servants D) farmers


40. When did the number of white-collar workers become bigger than that of the blue-collar workers in America? A) Recently. B) In 1970 or so. C) In 1950 or so. D) During the Industrial Age.


Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )

41. The twin brothers are quite alike, I can’t find any _____ difference between them.

A) apprehensible B) appreciative C) appropriate D) appreciable


42. His long service to the company was _____ with a present.

A) admitted B) appreciated C) acknowledged D) accepted


43. Many university courses are not really _____ to the needs of students or their future employers.

A) associates B) relate C) geared D) qualified


44. Freed of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and _____ to the South.

A) drifted B) flowed C) followed D) lifted


45. ____________, this essay is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes. Which one of the following choices is NOT appropriate to fill in the blank?

A) On balance B) Generally C) Generally speaking D) In balance


46. Toronto residents are already wary of going to restaurants, ridership has dropped on public ______, and industry watchers say the decline in tourism has been devastating.

A) transit B) rendezvous C) gratitude D) territory


47. The page had so many corrections and comments on it that the original text was virtually ______.

A) unloaded B) unreadable C) unpredictable D) undone


48. He, a former ABC News science editor, now supports himself by _____ writing for British publications. A) freelance B) evil C) successive D) extraterrestrial


49. It takes the poor gentleman several months to _____ his being down-and-out.

A) come to terms with B) face up to C) get through with D) look back on 正确答案:A

50. Her objection _____ the plan is based on the misleading facts.

A) to B) for C) towards D) upon


51. The team are ten points ahead of their closest _____ in the league.

A) enemies B) fugitives C) watchmen D) pursuers


52. Nobody encourages a man to dissect his appearance, feature by feature. _____ perfection, that is considered trivial — almost unmanly.

A) As for B) As of C) As from D) As by


53. Because the road was being repaired, barriers were ______ to prevent people from driving in that area. A) played up B) closed up C) put up D) picked up


54. Following him through the door were three frightening men wearing those horrible stocking masks, one of whom in front was carrying a(n) ______.

A) instrument B) pistol C) sled D) machinery


55. In fact, with its earpiece and speakerphone, the color-screen ______ functions for most people as the principal mobile phone as well as data organizer.

A) bonnet B) symbol C) device D) utensil


56. Teachers are on strike in protest at the pay settlement _______ by the government this year.

A) added B) stressed C) forced D) imposed


57. We shall not yield to any outside pressure or enter into _______ with any big power or group of countries, nor shall we establish any military bloc, join in the arms race or seek military expansion.

A) arrangement B) terror C) discussion D) alliance


58. Every year at this time, the peasants began their long religious pilgrimage to Geed-leh. They walked or rode in _______; they crowded the roads leading to the holy town, for Geed-leh was famous in Poland as a place where God did miracles.

A) rockets B) wagons C) cultivators D) canoes


59. I want to buy a new tie to __________ this brown suit.

A) go into B) go after C) go by D) go with



Tim is good, smart and hardworking. __________, I can't speak too highly of him. A) As a result B) In a word C) By the way D) On the contrary


Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

61. 这对老夫妻就靠一点养老金度日是有点困难的。________________________________________

正确答案:It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension.

62. 我觉得,在大学的头两年里学生应该要抵制兼职的诱惑。________________________________________

正确答案:In my view, students should resist the temptation to take part-time jobs in their first two years at college.

63. 在论文中请用例子来证明你的观点。________________________________________

正确答案:Please illustrate your point in the essay with examples.

64. 我们不是因为想挣钱才移居此地,我们来此居住是为了提高生活质量。________________________________________

正确答案:We didn't move here primarily to earn money though. We came because we wanted to improve the quality of our life.

65. 追求艺术上的完美是他毕生的事业,虽然在这个世界上,“完美”并不存在。________________________________________ 正确答案:Her life-long career is to pursue artistic perfection, though there is no "perfection" in the world.


现代新理念英语少儿版③期末测试卷 (满分100分,含卷面分1分。限时60分钟) 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择所听到的单词.(12分) ( ) 1. A. now B. new C. nose ( ) 2. A. doctor B. daughter C.door ( ) 3. A. banana B. behind C. brown ( ) 4. A. another B.answer C. afternoon ( ) 5. A. where B. well C.welcome ( ) 6. A. brown B.brother C.black ( ) 7. A. chair B. China C. class ( ) 8. A. eight B. eighteen C. eleven 二、听录音,选择所听到的句子(8分) ( ) 1. A. The cap is black. B. The cap is brown. ( ) 2. A. Let’s go shopping. B. Let’s play football. ( ) 3. A. The cap is black. B. The cap is brown. ( ) 4. A. We are from America. B. They are from China. 三、听问句,选答语(10分) ( ) 1. A. She’s my little sister. B. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. It’s red. B. It’s on the chair. ( ) 3. A. I don’t know. B. We’re from Beijing. ( ) 4. A. It’s nine. B. I can see nine.


卷A Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes ) 41. Steam turbines (涡轮机) are used for the _____ of electricity. A) construction B) manufacturing C) change D) generation 正确答案: D 42 Jo hn says that his present job doesn’t provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability. A) scope B) opening C) capacity D) range 正确答案: A 43. The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think is best to _____. A) engage B) devote C) seek D) pursue 正确答案: D 44. One foolish mistake can _____ you in a good deal of trouble. A) release B) involve C) evolve D) empower 正确答案: B 45. The doctor suggested __________ my diet with vitamins E and A. A) supplement B) supplementing C) add D) adding 正确答案: B 46. ____________, this essay is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes. Which one of the following choices is NOT appropriate to fill in the blank? A) On balance B) Generally C) Generally speaking D) In balance 正确答案: D 47. Up the chimney roared the fire, and ______ the room with its broad blaze. A) brightened B) lingered C) furnished D) fused 正确答案: A 48. Now the cheers and applause _____ in a single sustained roar. A) mingled B) concentrated C) assembled D) permeated 正确答案: A


信息技术学科信息学奥赛社团培训计划 制定人:玄王伟 2018年10月

信息学奥赛培训计划方案推进信息技术教育是全面实施素质教育的需要,是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的新型人才的需要。信息学奥赛的宗旨为:“丰富学生课余生活,提高学生学习兴趣,激发学生创新精神。”为此,我们应以竞赛作为契机进而培养学生综合分析问题、解决问题的意识和技能。 为响应学校号召,积极参与信息技术奥林匹克竞赛,校本课程特别开设C++语言程序设计部分,利用社团活动时间对部分学生进行辅导。教学材料以信息学奥赛一本通训练指导教程为主,力图让学生们对编写程序有较深入了解的同时,能够独立编写解决实际问题的算法,逐步形成解题的思维模式。因学习内容相对中小学学生具有一定的难度,本课程采用讲练结合的形式,紧紧围绕“程序=算法+数据结构”这一核思想,以数学问题激发学生学习兴趣,进而达到学习目标。为更好地保证信息学奥赛的培训效果,特制订本培训计划。 一、培训目标 1.使学生具备参加全国信息学奥林匹克竞赛分区联赛NOIP(初赛、复赛)的能力。 2.使学生养成较好的抽象逻辑推理能力、严谨的思维方式和严密的组织能力,并使学生的综合素质的提高。 3.使学生初步具备分析问题和设计算法的能力。 二、培训对象 我校小学及初中对信息学感兴趣且初赛成绩较好的学生,人数共

计14人,其中小学组12人,普及组2人。 三、培训要求 严格培训纪律,加强学生管理;信息学社团的组建由学生自愿报名、教师考察确定;培训过程中做与培训无关的事如打游戏、上网聊天等,一经发现作未参加培训处理;规定的作业、练习必须按时保质保量完成,否则按未参加培训处理。 四、培训内容 1.深入学习计算机基础知识,包括计算机软硬件系统、网络操作、信息安全等相关知识内容,结合生活实际让学生真正体会到参加信息学奥赛的乐趣。 2.全面学习C++语言的基础知识、学会程序的常用调试手段和技巧,在用C++解决问题的过程中引入基础算法的运用。 3.深入学习各类基础算法,让学生真正理解算法的精髓,遵循“算法+数据结构=程序”的程序设计思想,在算法设计的教学实例中引入数据结构的学习,从而形成一定的分析和解决问题的能力。 4.以实例为基础,展开强化训练,使学生开始具备运用计算机独立解决实际问题的能力。用计算机解决现实问题的最重要的一个前提就是数据模型的建立和数据结构的设计。数据模型的建立、数学公式的应用,是计算机解决问题的关键。因此,加强与数学学科的横向联系非常必要。 五、培训时间 自2018年10月份第三周开始至2018年11月中旬结束,包括每


现代新理念英语少儿版③测试卷 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选择所听到的单词(5分) ( ) 1. A. brown B. brother C. black ( ) 2. A. chair B. China C. class ( ) 3. A. eight B. eighteen C. eleven ( ) 4. A. sheep B. shop C. ship ( ) 5. A. red B. ride C. rest 二、听句子,判断对错,正确写T,错误写F(5分) ( ) 1. Lily is in Class One, Grade Two. ( ) 2. Don’t close the window, please. ( ) 3. We can fly a kite. ( ) 4. Mr Black is a worker. ( ) 5. I’m Sorry I’m late, Miss Liu. 三、听问句,选答语(5分) ( ) 1. A. She’s my little sister. B. My name is Eve. C. Yes, he is. ( ) 2. A. It’s red. B. It’s on the chair. C. It’s eight. ( ) 3. A. I don’t know. B. We’re from Beijing. C. They’re from America. ( ) 4. A. He has many pens. B. It’s twenty. C. I can see twenty. ( ) 5. A. I’m nine. B. I can see nine. C. It’s nine. 四、听录音,写单词补全句子(5分) 1. My coat is ______. 2. It’s ______ today. 3. What can you see in the _______? 4. How many ______ can you see? 5. Let’s go ______, OK? 笔试部分(80分) 一、选出下列每组单词中画线部分的读音不同于其他三个的选项(5分) ( ) 1. A. find B. tiger C. white D. window ( ) 2. A. late B. cake C. Japan D. table ( ) 3. A. sock B. another C. knock D. from ( ) 4. A. now B. brown C. how D. bowl ( ) 5. A. thing B. then C. these D. they 二、选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项(5分) ( ) 1. next A. well B. we C. open ( ) 2. pupil A. but B. use C. ruler ( ) 3. family A. rabbit B. any C. grade ( ) 4. house A. know B. coat C. down ( ) 5. worker A. bird B. teacher C. morning


现代新理念英语少儿版少儿版 1、注重语音教学(659个单词,445个四会单词,214个三会单词) 系统的语音教学体系,让学生在最短的时间内获得独立拼读单词的能力。 2、结构功能结合 系统的语法体系,并将语法知识在交际中运用,使知识和能力同时得到提高。 3、强化阅读训练 重视阅读训练,每课都有一篇有趣的文章,能有效地提高学生的阅读能力。 互动教学 互动式教学法,也称“听、说、读、写、译、唱、画、演、玩、做”十字教学法。通过组织这十个方面的活动,让学生积极参与,亲身体验,创建师生互动、生生互动的活动课的教学模式,大大提高学习英语的乐趣,提高学习效率。 现代新理念英语三位一体 字母、音素、音标三位一体教学法通过迁移法学习字母,通过汉语拼音学习音素,通过音素学习音标,大大降低了英语语音的学习难度,让学生轻松过语音关 现代新理念英语手工学具 专门为儿童版教材设计的手工学具,每册教材一套,共4套。该手工学具内容丰富,包括简笔画、手工模型、手工折纸、头饰等,为低年级儿童学习英语提供生动活泼的辅助材料。学生通过这些活动材料的使用,大大提高课堂学习的效率,充分体现活动课的教学模式,让学生在玩中学,增强对英语学习的兴趣。 现代新理念英语少儿手册 专门为少儿版教材配备的活动手册,每册教材一册,共8册。该活动手册紧扣教材内容,安排有听力、语法、阅读、书写等方面的练习。不但可以使学生在听、说、读、写、语法等方面的能力有所提高,而且还可以培养学生对英语知识综合运用的能力,为今后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。 现代新理念英语能力训练



信息学奥赛(NOIP)必看经典书目汇总! 小编整理汇总了一下大神们极力推荐的复习资料!(欢迎大家查漏补缺) 基础篇 1、《全国青少年信息学奥林匹克分区联赛初赛培训教材》(推荐指数:4颗星) 曹文,吴涛编著,知识点大杂烩,部分内容由学生撰写,但是对初赛知识点的覆盖还是做得相当不错的。语言是pascal的。 2、谭浩强老先生写的《C语言程序设计(第三版)》(推荐指数:5颗星) 针对零基础学C语言的筒子,这本书是必推的。 3、《骗分导论》(推荐指数:5颗星) 参加NOIP必看之经典 4、《全国信息学奥林匹克联赛培训教程(一)》(推荐指数:5颗星) 传说中的黄书。吴文虎,王建德著,系统地介绍了计算机的基础知识和利用Pascal语言进行程序设计的方法 5、《全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛模拟训练试卷精选》 王建德著,传说中的红书。 6、《算法竞赛入门经典》(推荐指数:5颗星) 刘汝佳著,算法必看经典。 7、《算法竞赛入门经典:训练指南》(推荐指数:5颗星) 刘汝佳著,《算法竞赛入门经典》的重要补充 提高篇 1、《算法导论》(推荐指数:5颗星) 这是OI学习的必备教材。

2、《算法艺术与信息学竞赛》(推荐指数:5颗星) 刘汝佳著,传说中的黑书。 3、《学习指导》(推荐指数:5颗星) 刘汝佳著,《算法艺术与信息学竞赛》的辅导书。(PS:仅可在网上搜到,格式为PDF)。 4、《奥赛经典》(推荐指数:5颗星) 有难度,但是很厚重。 5、《2016版高中信息学竞赛历年真题解析红宝书》(推荐指数:5颗星) 历年真题,这是绝对不能遗失的存在。必须要做! 三、各种在线题库 1、题库方面首推USACO(美国的赛题),usaco写完了一等基本上就没有问题,如果悟性好的话甚至能在NOI取得不错的成绩. 2、除此之外Vijos也是一个不错的题库,有很多中文题. 3、国内广受NOIP级别选手喜欢的国内OJ(Tyvj、CodeVs、洛谷、RQNOJ) 4、BJOZ拥有上千道省选级别及以上的题目资源,但有一部分题目需要购买权限才能访问。 5、UOZ 举办NOIP难度的UER和省选难度的UR。赛题质量极高,命题人大多为现役集训队选手。


现代新理念英语少儿版2试卷 姓名:分数: 听力部分20’ 一.写出你所听到的音标的正确选项。(5分) ( ) 1.A./?:/ B./θ/ C./ k/ ( )2.A./ h/ B./ɑ:/ C./ t/ ( )3.A./i:/ B./z/ C./?/ ( ) 4.A./?/ B./?/ C./s/ ( ) 5.A./g/ B./ts/ C./dr/ 二.写出你所听到的单词的正确选项。(5分) ( ) 1.A.window B.open C.tree ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/698181826.html,e B.her C.yellow ( ) 3.A.sing B.do C.mother ( ) 4.A.we B.are C.you ( ) 5.A.near B.what C.green 三.写出你所听到的句子的正确选项。(10分) ( ) 1.a.What’s this? b.Who is the boy? c.It’s a book. ( ) 2.a.It’s green. b.Who’s that girl? c.Yes,I am. ( ) 3.a.What time is it? b.Thank you. c.Is it yellow? ( ) 4.a.Sorry!I can’t. b.He’s Jim. c.Let’s go. ( ) 5.a.Nice to meet you. b.It’s an apple. c.How old are you? 笔试部分80’ 一.连线(10分) Jeep girl teacher book boy 二.读句子,选择正确的答句,并将选项选在括号内。(10分) 1.Is this a cake? ( ) A.Yes,it is. B.It’s a bun. 2.What colour is it? ( ) A.I can sing. B.It’s red.


信息学奥赛数据结构教程PASCAL版第二课堆栈和队列 一、堆栈 1(概述 栈(stack)是一种特殊的线性表。作为一个简单的例子,可以把食堂里冼净的一摞碗看作一个栈。在通常情况下,最先冼净的碗总是放在最底下,后冼净的碗总是摞在最顶上。而在使用时,却是从顶上拿取,也就是说,后冼的先取用,后摞上的先取用。好果我们把冼净的碗“摞上”称为进栈,把“取用碗”称为出栈,那么,上例的特点是:后进栈的先出栈。然而,摞起来的碗实际上是一个表,只不过“进栈”和“出栈”,或者说,元素的插入和删除是在表的一端进行而已。 一般而言,栈是一个线性表,其所有的插入和删除均是限定在表的一端进行,允许插入和删除的一端称栈顶(Top),不允许插入和删除的一端称栈底(Bottom)。若给定一个栈S=(a1, a2,a3,…,an),则称a1为栈底元素,an为栈顶元素,元素ai位于元素ai-1之上。栈中元素按a1, a2,a3,…,an 的次序进栈,如果从这个栈中取出所有的元素,则出栈次序为an, an-1,…,a1 。也就是说,栈中元素的进出是按后进先出的原则进行,这是栈结构的重要特征。因此栈又称为后进先出(LIFO—Last In First Out)表。我们常用一个图来形象地表示栈,其形式如下图:

通常,对栈进行的运算主要有以下几种: (1) 往栈顶加入一个新元素,称进栈; (2) 删除栈顶元素,称退栈; (3) 查看当前的栈顶元素,称读栈。 此外,在使用栈之前,首先需要建立一个空栈,称建栈;在使用栈的过程中, 还要不断测试栈是否为空或已满,称为测试栈。 2(栈的存储结构 栈是一种线性表,在计算机中用向量作为栈的存储结构最为简单。因此,当用编程语言写程序时,用一维数组来建栈十分方便。例如,设一维数组STACK[1..n] 表示一个栈,其中n为栈的容量,即可存放元素的最大个数。栈的第一个元素,或称栈底元素,是存放在STACK[1]处,第二个元素存放在STACK[2]处,第i个元素存放在STACK[i]处。另外,由于栈顶元素经常变动,需要设置一个指针变量top,用来指示栈顶当前位置,栈中没有元素即栈空时,令top=0,当top=n时,表示栈满。 3(对栈的几种运算的实现方法: (1)建栈 continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs


英博尔英语少儿六级期末学期测试卷 考试时间:100分钟满分100分 命题人:Jervis English Name Marks I.听力部分(30分) 1.Listen and choose the word you hear.听录音,选择所听到的单词。(10分) ()⒈A. number B. nest C. west D. list ()⒉A. bright B. wide C. ride D. dive ()⒊A. boat B. born C. bowl D. bow ()⒋A. move B. mouth C. month D. mount ()⒌A. listen B. pick C. afraid D. sad ()⒍A. try B. worry C. father D. believe ()⒎A. because B. before C. become D. between ()⒏A. letter B. never C. better D. bitter ()⒐A. photo B. bottle C. potato D. picture ()⒑A. than B. then C. that D. this 2.Listen and choose the sentence you hear.听录音,选择所听到的句子。(10分) ()⒈A. Lily’s picture is the best of all. B. Lucy’s book is the best of all. C. Lily’s bike is the nicest of all.


精读单元测试——Level 3 Unit 5 Listening Directions: There are ten statements in this section. Number 1 to 6 are based on the main text while the rest are based on the passage in Reading Activity. Listen carefully and decide if each of the following is true or false. (10 points) 1. True False The boy never had any doubt about his mother's ability to do everything successfully. 正确答案:T 得分:1分 2. True False Mother cried because she was going to lose her new job for not knowing how to type. 正确答案:F 得分:1分 3. True False The full enrollment and a waiting list of the day nursery proved that nothing could stand in mother's way once she set her mind to do it. 正确答案:T 得分:1分 4. True False In order to earn enough money to get their children well-educated, the boy's mother had 80 acres of land to farm besides her fulltime jobs. 正确答案:F 得分:1分 5. True False Seeing his mother crying in his presence, the boy gradually got aware that she bore a heavy pressure for the family. 正确答案:T


那是个正规的宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了 As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉 His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。 Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇 It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水的可能性 It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.


目录 令狐文艳 青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛情况简介 信息学奥林匹克竞赛是一项旨在推动计算机普及的学科竞赛活动,重在培养学生能力,使得有潜质有才华的学生在竞赛活动中锻炼和发展。近年来,信息学竞赛活动组织逐步趋于规范和完善,基本上形成了“地级市——省(直辖市)——全国——国际”四级相互接轨的竞赛网络。现把有关赛事情况简介如下: 全国青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克分区联赛: 在举办1995年NOI活动之前,为了扩大普及的面,并考虑到多数省、直辖市、自治区已经开展了多年省级竞赛,举办了首届全国青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克分区联赛。考虑到不同年级学生的知识层次,也为了鼓励更多的学生积极参与,竞赛设提高组、普及组,并分初、复赛进行,这样可以形成一个梯队,确保每年的竞赛活动有比较广泛扎实的基础。 从1995年起,至2001年共举办了七届全国青少年信息学奥林匹克分区联赛,每年举办一次(下半年十月左右),有选手个人奖项(省、国家级)、选手等级证书、优秀参赛学校奖项。 安徽省青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克复决赛(简称AHOI): 省级信息学奥赛是一个水平较高的、有较大影响力的学科竞赛。由各市组织代表队参赛,参赛名额实行动态分配制度,每年举办一次(上半年五月左右)。从1984年起安徽省奥林匹克竞赛活动得到了蓬勃发展。奖项有个人一、二、三等奖,女选手第一、二、三名,奖励学校团体总分1-8名、市团体总分1-8名。 全国青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克竞赛(简称NOI):由中国算机学会主办的、并与国际信息学奥林匹克接轨的一项全国性青少年学科竞赛活动。1984年举办首届全国计算

机竞赛。由各省市组织参赛,每年举办一次。奖项有个人一、二、三等奖,女选手第一、二、三名,各省队团体总分名次排队。 国际青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克竞赛(简称IOI):每年举办一次,由各参赛国家组队参赛。 全国青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克分区联赛竞赛大纲 在初赛的内容上增加以下内容(2008年修改稿):


综合教程部分 第一单元 : 卷A 全新版第二版综合 B3U1-A Part I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes ) Section A 1. A) T B) F Script: Mr. Doherty always dreams of writing about life on the farm so he moved to a farm with his family. 正确答案:B 2. A) T B) F Script: Living on the farm gives them more opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities a nd get close to nature. 正确答案:A 3. A) T B) F Script: Mrs. Doherty has to give up writing to maintain the farm because her husband is too busy writing to make more money. 正确答案:B 4. A) T B) F Script: The first winter on the farm was miserable because it was cold and boring. 正确答案:B 5. A) T B) F Script: Mr. Doherty decided to give up his fulltime job and depend totally on freelanc e the second year on the farm because he had to spend more time on the farm. 正确答案:A 6. A) T B) F


全国青少年信息学奥林匹克联赛 算法讲义 算法基础篇 (2) 算法具有五个特征: (2) 信息学奥赛中的基本算法(枚举法) (7) 采用枚举算法解题的基本思路: (7) 枚举算法应用 (7) 信息学奥赛中的基本算法(回溯法) (14) 回溯基本思想 (14) 信息学奥赛中的基本算法(递归算法) (18) 递归算法的定义: (18) 递归算法应用 (19) 算法在信息学奥赛中的应用(递推法) (25) 递推法应用 (26) 算法在信息学奥赛中的应用(分治法) (32) 分治法应用 (33)

信息学奥赛中的基本算法(贪心法) (38) 贪心法应用 (39) 算法在信息学奥赛中的应用(搜索法一) (44) 搜索算法应用 (45) 算法在信息学奥赛中的应用(搜索法二) (48) 广度优先算法应用 (50) 算法在信息学奥赛中的应用(动态规划法) (56) 动态规划算法应用 (58) 算法基础篇 学习过程序设计的人对算法这个词并不陌生,从广义上讲,算法是指为解决一个问题而采用的方法和步骤;从程序计设的角度上讲,算法是指利用程序设计语言的各种语句,为解决特定的问题而构成的各种逻辑组合。我们在编写程序的过程就是在实施某种算法,因此程序设计的实质就是用计算机语言构造解决问题的算法。算法是程序设计的灵魂,一个好的程序必须有一个好的算法,一个没有有效算法的程序就像一个没有灵魂的躯体。 算法具有五个特征: 1、有穷性:一个算法应包括有限的运算步骤,执行了有穷的操作后将终止

运算,不能是个死循环; 2、确切性:算法的每一步骤必须有确切的定义,读者理解时不会产生二义性。并且,在任何条件下,算法只有唯一的一条执行路径,对于相同的输入只能得出相同的输出。如在算法中不允许有“计算8/0”或“将7或8与x相加”之类的运算,因为前者的计算结果是什么不清楚,而后者对于两种可能的运算应做哪一种也不知道。 3、输入:一个算法有0个或多个输入,以描述运算对象的初始情况,所谓0个输入是指算法本身定义了初始条件。如在5个数中找出最小的数,则有5个输入。 4、输出:一个算法有一个或多个输出,以反映对输入数据加工后的结果,这是算法设计的目的。它们是同输入有着某种特定关系的量。如上述在5个数中找出最小的数,它的出输出为最小的数。如果一个程序没有输出,这个程序就毫无意义了; 5、可行性:算法中每一步运算应该是可行的。算法原则上能够精确地运行,而且人能用笔和纸做有限次运算后即可完成。 如何来评价一个算法的好坏呢?主要是从两个方面: 一是看算法运行所占用的时间;我们用时间复杂度来衡量,例如:在以下3个程序中, (1)x:=x+1 (2)for i:=1 to n do


《活动手册》参考答案 听力录音材料及参考答案 Lesson 1 1.听录音,标序号 1. ___ Look! What’s that over there? ___ Oh, there’s a bike under the tree. 2. There are three girls in the classroom, they are talking. 3. ___ How many birds are there in the tree? ___ One, two, three, four. There are four! 4. ___ Here is a box for you. ___ What’s in it? ___ Open it and see. ___ Oh, it’s a toy fox. 5. There are three buses near the tall building. 6. ___ Where’s my cat? ___ She’s under the chair. Hush! She’s sleeping now. Keys: 364215

2.听录音,完成句子 1. How beautiful the sea is! 2. There’s a blackboard in front of the classroom. 3. My hometown is really a good place. 4. How many people are there in your family? 5. My mother plants many flowers in the garden. Keys: 1. sea 2. in front of 3. place 4. people 5. flowers 3.听问句,选答语 1. What’s under the bed? 2. Where is your hometown? 3. What are you doing, Bob? 4. What would you like? 5. What does your father do? Keys: 1~5 ABCAB Lesson 2 1.听录音,选择所听到的单词


PASCAL程序设计 第1章计算机的发展与应用 1.1 计算机发展简史 1.1.1 第一台电子计算机的诞生 1946年,世界上第一台数字式电子计算机由美国宾夕法尼亚大学的物理学家约翰·莫克利(John Mauchly)和工程师普雷斯伯·埃克特(PresperEckert)领导研制成功,取名为ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator)。它可以在1秒进行5000次加减运算,3毫秒便可以进行一次乘法运算,能存储20个字长为10位的十进制数。 1.1.2 计算机发展的几个阶段 第四代计算机以大规模集成电路VLSI为计算机的主要功能部件,用16K、64K或集成度更高的半导体存储器作为主存储器。 新机器要继承原有机器指令系统中的全部指令,使得同一系列计算机的指令系统越来越复杂,这些计算机被称为“复杂指令系统计算机”,简称CISC。 日趋庞大的指令系统降低了系统性能,而机器中最常常的是一些简单指令,这些指令仅占指令系统中指令总数的20%,1975年提出了精简指令系统,简称RISC。 冯·诺依曼型计算机是采用存储程序方式进行工作。 研制中的第五代计算机,是一种智能计算机,具有自动识别自然语言、图形、图像有能力,具有理解和推理能力,具有知识获取、知识更新能力。研制朝两个方向努力:①创建非冯·诺依曼式语言,LISP、PROLOG、F.P.;②创建以人脑神经系统处理信息的原理为基础的非冯·诺依曼式的计算机模型,生物计算机、光子计算机、量子计算机。 1.2 计算机对现代社会的影响 1.2.1 计算机应用概述 1、科学计算:利用计算机解决科学研究和工程技术中所提出的复杂的数学问题。 2、数据处理:利用计算机对所获取的信息进行记录、整理、加工、存储和传输等。 3、人工智能:利用计算机来模仿人类的智力活动。 4、自动控制:利用计算机对动态的过程进行控制、指挥和协调。



《现代新理念英语》系列教材融入了国内外多种先进教学方法,融合西方先进的教学理念和中国人学英语的成功经验,弥补了传统教学方法和学习方法的不足,克服了引进版“洋教材”不能和中国国情相结合的弊端,更加适合中国学生使用。这些独特的教学方法的运用,保证学生省时高效地学好英语。下面介绍其中的几种教学法: 1.直呼法:通过强化字母在单词中的发音,让学生在短短几十个课时的时间内学会拼读单词,掌握音标,为进一步学习奠定良好基础。 2.互动式教学法:教师通过听、说、读、写、译、唱、画、演、玩、做这十个方面的活动,组织学生积极参与,亲身体验,并用英语去做事,让学生在玩中学,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和运用英语能力。 3.阶梯式教学法:一切教学活动均是由易到难、由浅入深、循序渐进地安排的。“语音、词汇、语法、阅读、写作”五项教学活动阶梯式安排,由易到难,不断前进。用阶梯式教学法进行教学,可以使学生在最短的时间内取得最大的收益,是省时高效的好方法。 4.简笔画情景教学法:通过几何图形简笔画为语音、单词、句型和文章等教学活动创设情景,让学生的学习过程更具体,充分发挥视觉的作用,提高学习效率。

2008年中小学教师招聘考试教育法规、教师职业道德真题 一、解释(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1、义务教育 2、中小学教师继续教育 3、素质教育 4、“八荣八耻” 5、国家规定的中小学教师职业道德规范 二、填空(本大题共10小题,每空1分,共20分) 1、党和国家对基础教育十分重视,近七年来出台了一系列有关基础教育改革与发展的文件,如1999年颁发了《中共中央国务院关于全面深化教育改革、全面推进素质教育的决定》;2001年颁发了《》;2003年颁发了《》;2005年颁发了《》等。


《活动手册》参考答案 Lesson 1 1. 听录音,根据所听内容选出正确的图画 1. My name is Meg, 2. I’m eight. 3. I am in Class Two. 4. It’s five now. Key: 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 2.听录音,选择你所听到的句子并划“√” 1. My name is Lele. 2. Are you Tom? 3. How old are you? 4. Good morning, Miss Li. 5. Nice to meet you. Key: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A? 3. 听录音,选择恰当的答语 1. Are you Tom? 2. What’s your name? 3. How old are you ? 4. Nice to meet you. 5. Thank you. Key: 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B Lesson 2 1. 听录音,选择你所听到的单词 1. four 2. do 3. son 4. father 5. Mr Key: 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 2. 听录音,根据所听内容判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F 1. I can fly a kite. 2. He is Mr Li. 3. It’s a bus. 4. Lili is in Class Four. 5. Miss Liu is a teacher. 6. Ann is a girl. 7. This is a bike. 8. How do you do? Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T Lesson 3 1. 听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语并划“√” 1. My father is a teacher. 2. This is a window. 3. Mrs Zhao is my teacher. 4. I am a doctor. 5. I’m ten.


中学信息学奥林匹克竞赛培训教程 Pascal语言和程序设计基础 (第一部分)

第一部分 Pascal语言和程序设计基础 预备知识 基本程序结构和几个概念:: 标识符保留字常量变量运算符表达式标准数据类型 Pacal语言程序结构 Program prog_name; var变量申明; begin 程序体; end. 例如: program pname; const n=4; type arr=array [1..4] of integer; var i:integer; a:arr; begin for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); readln; for i:=n downto 1 do write(a[i]:4); writeln; end. 以上是一个PASCAL程序。从键盘读入4个数据,逆序输出。 一般来说,一个PASCAL程序包括以下几个部分: 程序头:program pname; 其中,program是保留字,表示程序从这个地方开始,pname是标识符,是程序的名字,可由程序员自定。保留字是PASCAL选定的,具有固定意义和用法的专用单词或缩写,这些单词不允许作其它使用。如上,“program”就有“程序从这里开始”这样一种特别的意义,而“const”就有“常量说明从这里开始”的意义。我们不能再用“program”、“const”来作为其它变量、常量等的名字。标识符是以字母开头的字母数字串,其长度最大为8个字符。用来表示常量、变量、类型、文件、过程、函数和程序的名字。如“pname”、“i”、“j”、“a1”就是合法的标识符;但“1a”、“#a”是非法的标识符。有一点要注意的是,在PASCAL中,字母除了作为字符值或字符串值之外,其大小写是无关的。如标识符“A1”和“a1”在PASCLA看来是同一标识符。在PASCAL中除了保留字和自定义的标识符外,还有一类有特殊含义的标识符,这类标识符称为标准标识符。它们是用来标记程序中经常引用的处理对象,如常量、函数。(PASCAL定义的保留字和标准标识符附后) 标识符在命名的时候要注意: 1、名字要易记易读,有意义。如8皇后问题程序名可以是“queen”也可以是“huanghou”等; 2、不能用保留字、标准标识符作为自定义的标识符。 说明部分: const n=4; type ar=array [1..4] of integer; var i:integer; a:ar; 其中,const部分是常量说明,说明一些在以下部分用到的,在整个程序执行过程不改变值的量。这些量PASCAL称为常量。在程序中用到这个值的地方均用常量名来代替。如上题中定义“n=4”指本程序处理4个数值,在下面的程序体中就用“n”来代替具体的值(如for i:=1 to n)。如果要改变处理数据个数,则只在常量说明部分修改“n=4”这一句就行了,而不用在程序中每一个用到的地方都加以修改。这样不但在编写程序的时候很方便,也增加了程序的可读性,修改时更方便。
