

全新版第二版听说BOOK3 Part I Listening Comprehension ( 28 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.


A) She will rewrite the paper.

B) She will go to the professor to check some problems.

C) She will revise her paper before handing in the final version.

D) She will drop this topic and start another paper.

Script: Woman: I just got my paper back from Professor Rodriguez and it's all marked up.

Man: Let me see. It doesn't look too bad. This is a draft, right? His note at the top says to make revisions before handing in a final version. He's trying to help you get a better grade.

Question: What will the woman probably do?



A) Father and Mother.

B) Teacher and Parent.

C) Student and Parent.

D) Teacher and Student.

Script: Woman: In this parent-teacher conference, I want to go beyond Marco's report cards and his standardized test scores to talk about his general performance in the classroom.

Man: That's great. I want to know how he's doing.

Question: What is the possible relationship between the woman and the man in this conversation?



A) Her money was stolen.

B) Her bank account was closed.

C) Her checks cannot be used.

D) Her bank has given her some notice.

Script: Woman: I don't understand it. I got a notice from the bank that two of my checks bounced. I've never had an overdraft in my life.

Man: That doesn't sound like you. You're always so careful with your money.

Question: What happened to the woman?



A) She does not like the present.

B) She prefers to go hiking.

C) She would like to spend her birthday with the boy.

D) She loves the birthday present.

Script: Boy: Mom and Dad bought us a BMX bike for our birthday!

Girl: Wow! I always want to cycle with my friends!

Question: What does the girl mean?



A) She tinks the man looks like his mother.

B) She is complimenting on the mother's picture.

C) She believes that the man does not resemble his mother.

D) She likes the family album.

Script: Woman: I'm looking at your baby pictures and your family portraits. You're the spitting image of your mother.

Man: That's not my mother. That was our neighbor.

Question: What does the woman mean by saying "spitting image"?


Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Louise: Hi, Gil, you look quite down. What's up?

Gil: I just got off the phone with my mom and she says they're planning a welcome-home party for me next week ―at a restaurant!

Louise: What's wrong with that?

Gil: After living on campus for a year, I was really looking forward to a home-cooked meal.

Louise: Why didn't you just tell your mother that?

Gil: I didn't have the heart to do that. She was so excited about the party, and who am I to tell her she has to slave over a hot stove to cook me a lavish dinner?

Louise: I'm sure she wouldn't mind. It'd be a labor of love.

Gil: You don't know my mother. She doesn't cut corners and makes everything from scratch. She uses these recipes that were passed down to her from her mother. She can make the most intricate dishes, but what I'm craving are the comfort foods she always made for us when we were kids. It makes my mouth water just thinking about her cooking.

Louise: After a year of living on instant noodles and take-out food, I'm not surprised you want something home-cooked. I tell you what. After the party, come over to my house and I'll have a home-cooked meal ready for you.

Gil: You, cook for me? Thanks, but no, thanks!


A) Because he missed the home-cooked meals.

B) Because he does not like parties.

C) Because his mother does not cook good meals.

D) Because he wants his mother to cook a lavish dinner for him.

Script: Why is Gil not happy about the arrangement of restaurant dinner party?



A) She does not know how to cook complicated dishes.

B) She is good at cooking.

C) She wants to cook a lavish dinner for her son.

D) She uses recipes from the cooking books to cook for the family.

Script: What can be inferred from the conversation about Gil's mother?



A) She asks Gil to go out shopping.

B) She would like to take Gil to have instant noodles and take-out food.

C) She suggests Gil go to her place to have a home-cooked meal.

D) She suggests that Gil tell his mother what he really desires.

Script: What activity does Gil's friend suggest after the party?


Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Woman: Help! Pablo. I still need to buy a gift for my mother and I can't seem to think of the perfect present, something that'll really knock her socks off.

Man: Well, Fae, Why don't you just get her a gift certificate or a gift card? That way, she can

pick out her own gift.

Woman: Oh, she would hate that. She would think that I didn't put any thought into buying her a present at all, while I've been racking my brain to think of something she'll like. Maybe I should buy her a car!

Man: Now, don't get carried away. You get like this every year. I know you want to please your mother, but remember, it's the thought that counts.

Woman: I wish that were true. If I get her the wrong gift, I'm afraid she'll be disappointed, or worse, she'll hold it against me for the rest of my life.

Man: I'm surprised at how you can work yourself up like this every year.

Woman: How can I not? You know my mother.

Man: Yes, I do, and I have one piece of advice for you: Buy her a gift she can return.


A) She does not think it is a good idea.

B) She thinks her mother may like the gift.

C) She believes that gift certificate is a better choice.

D) She is convinced that there's no other options.

Script: How does Fae think of Pablo's suggestion of gift card?



A) She's afraid she cannot return the gift.

B) She's afraid that her mother may get disappointed.

C) She wants to think about something special.

D) She wants to buy her mother a car.

Script: Why is Fae concerned about buying a wrong present?



A) Don't buy any gift certificate or gift card.

B) Buy something with some thoughts in it.

C) Buy a returnable present for the mother.

D) Let the mother pick her own gift.

Script: What is the final advice by Pablo?


Section B

Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose

the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: When my parents took me out of school and told me they were going to teach me at home I thought they were mad. I mean, all my friends were there. But that's a year ago, now and it feels like such a long time. I love home schooling now. Other kids have to get up early and go to school ―sometimes it takes them over an hour just to get there! But me, I don't have to travel to school. I can stay in bed! All I have to do is go downstairs! And there's no stupid uniform to wear, either. And better food for lunch. I think I enjoy studying more because my mum knows what I like and how I learn best. My grades are better, anyway. So something must be working! I see more of my parents than I would if I was at school, so I think I'm closer to them ―especially my mom ―than other kids who go to school all day. When other kids ask me "what school do you go to?" and I say "I don't go to school." They think I am sad and like, deprived or something. Some think my parents must be religious nuts, or like really controlling. But they're not. Thousands of children are taught at home in this country. No one realizes that. Anyway, I think I'm really lucky, and I know my parents want the best for me.


A) His experience of home schooling.

B) People's attitudes towards the boy's education.

C) The performance of the boy as a student.

D) His parents are different educators.

Script: What is the speaker mainly talking about?



A) They think the boy is crazy.

B) They feel sorry for the boy.

C) They think the parents are controlling.

D) They believe that the parents are nuts.

Script: What do other children think about his experience?



A) They are loving and caring to the son.

B) They do not care about the boy's education.

C) They want the boy to have good performance.

D) They are religious and controlling.

Script: What can be inferred about the boy's parents?


Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: The earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600's, England celebrated a day called "Mothering Sunday," celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent. "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England.

During that time many of the England's poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

People began honoring their mothers as well as the church. All across the world, more than 46 countries honor mothers with a special day, but not all nations celebrate on the same day. We honor mothers with cards, candy, flowers and dinner out.


A) Ancient Rhea.

B) Ancient Rome.

C) Ancient England.

D) Ancient Greece.

Script: When can the earliest Mother's Day be traced back to?



A) In 15th century.

B) In 16th century.

C) In 17th century.

D) In 18th century.

Script: When was Mothering Sunday celebrated?



A) A special dinner.

B) A special cake.

C) Cards, candy, flowers and dinner.

D) Cards and flowers.

Script: On Mothering Sunday, what did the servants bring back to their mothers?


Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Script: Parents who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong climate change tax to offset the effect of their extra greenhouse gas emissions, an Australian medical expert has proposed. They should pay 5,000 dollars (4,400 US dollars) a head for each extra child and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter, according to the plan published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

In contrast, contraceptives and sterilization procedures would be eligible for carbon credits, suggested Professor Barry Walters at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth.

"Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being," he wrote.

Walters made his proposal in a letter in which he criticized the government's payment of a 4,000-dollar "baby bonus" in a bid to boost the birth rate in this sparsely populated country of 21 million people.

Paying parents extra for every baby fuelled more emissions and contributed to global warming, he said, adding that the bonus should be replaced with a "baby levy" in line with the "polluter pays" principle. And Professor Garry Egger, director of the New South Wales Centre for Health Promotion and Research, agreed. "Population remains crucial to all environmental considerations," he said. "The debate (around population control) needs to be reopened as part of a second ecological revolution."


A) 5,000 dollars.

B) 5,000 dollars and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter.

C) 5,800 dollars every year.

D) 800 dollars every year.

Script: According to the proposal, how much carbon tax should the parents pay if they have three children?



A) 5,000 dollars.

B) 1,400 dollars.

C) 4,000 dollars.

D) 800 dollars a year.

Script: How much money does the government of Australia pay for a baby bonus?



A) To push the economy of the country.

B) To INCREASE the birth rate.

C) To make the country more sparsely populated

D) To reduce global warming.

Script: Why does the government provide the baby bonus?


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

How can gratitude help us in our everyday lives as moms?

Think about the (21)_________________ you can make in your family life just by noticing and being (22)_________________ for all the great things they do. When you express gratitude, you show your love and (23)_________________ . Everyone needs to feel these things every day. Sometimes as moms we feel that no one appreciates us ―and it is true that moms are usually last on the list to be thanked. One way you can teach gratitude is by example. Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and (24)_________________ to look for the good. Think about the things that your family does that (25)_________________ a "Thank you." You might say to your husband, "Thank you for working so hard for our family," or, to your child, "I really appreciate your sense of (26)_________________ ―it feels good to laugh." (27)_________________ your gratitude helps family members to understand how it feels to be appreciated. And if they still don't (28)_________________ on, let them know when you feel unappreciated. You can also tell them how great it makes you feel when they do express gratitude.

Gratitude is a wonderful motivator when you need cooperation. When enlisting the help of my two-year-old, I praise him often and with (29)_________________ . I let him know that he is a great helper. I know I am teaching him appreciation because he expresses it to me. The other day I brought a (30)_________________ of multi-colored roses home. For five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers. There is power and healing in gratitude.

Script: How can gratitude help us in our everyday lives as moms?

Think about the difference you can make in your family life just by noticing and being thankful for all the great things they do. When you express gratitude, you show your love and appreciation. Everyone needs to feel these things every day. Sometimes as moms we feel that no one appreciates us ―and it is true that moms are usually last on the list to be thanked.

One way you can teach gratitude is by example. Even on the days when it seems your children or husband are doing everything wrong, find a reason to thank them. Take the time and energy to look for the good. Think about the things that your family does that deserve a "Thank you." You might say to your husband, "Thank you for working so hard for our family," or, to your child, "I really appreciate your sense of humor ―it feels good to laugh." Expressing your gratitude helps family members to understand how it feels to be appreciated. And if they still don't catch on, let them know when you feel unappreciated. You can also tell them how great it makes you feel when they do express gratitude.

Gratitude is a wonderful motivator when you need cooperation. When enlisting the help of my two-year-old, I praise him often and with enthusiasm. I let him know that he is a great helper. I know I am teaching him appreciation because he expresses it to me. The other day I brought a bunch of multi-colored roses home. For five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers. There is power and healing in gratitude.











Part II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )

Section A

Directions: Interpret the following Chinese passage into English. You can either interpret it sentence by sentence or give out the main points in your own words. You will have TWO minutes

for preparation and THREE minutes for interpretation.

31. 在美国,父母总是鼓励子女最大限度地发挥他们的潜能――简而言之,去“梦想”。爸爸妈妈们时常向孩子灌输既要有雄心又要有信心,这二者是朝着自己的目标努力工作所必需的,是极其重要的。


Section B

Directions: Describe, comment or elaborate on the following pictures, phenomenon, event or epigram. You will have TWO minutes for preparation and THREE minutes for presentation.

32. Read the following quotation by George Washington. What mothers do for their children is out of their deepest love. What is your comment on the quotation and how does your mother influence you in your daily life. Give examples and relate your own experience to make your narration more vivid.

My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.

——George Washington (1732 ? 1799)



Part I Listening Comprehension ( 29 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best



A) A Father's Day card.

B) A Father's Day card and a new wallet.

C) Some family photos.

D) A card and a digital photo frame.

Script: Mary: Hi, Bob, have you decided on the gift to your father? Father's Day is just around the corner.

Bob: I am still working on that! I need to buy a Father's Day card and I was thinking of buying him a new wallet. You see, his old one is broken. But yesterday I saw this lovely digital photo frame in the department store and I guess it'll make a better gift with our family photos on it.

Question: What is Bob's decision on the Father's Day gift?



A) She will go with the man.

B) She will have a home-made lunch.

C) She will go for a snack.

D) She will have some canteen food.

Script: Man: What are you doing? Let's get into the hot lunch line.

Woman: See this lunchbox? My mom made me brown-bag it today. She says that the lunches served at school aren't nutritious enough.

Question: What will the woman have for lunch?



A) It is with brighter color and less noise.

B) It is with light weight and large screen.

C) It is with big screen and with better resolution.

D) It is with less noise and better picture.

Script: Man: This is what I'm talking about! It's time to upgrade to a big-screen TV and this is the perfect place to buy one.

Woman: They certainly have a large selection. These new TVs have pictures that are much sharper than our current one.

Man: There's no comparison. These new TVs have a much better resolution. Just look at the brightness and the contrast! Our old TV looks washed out by comparison.

Question: What are the advantages of the new TV?



A) He is sad.

B) He is angry.

C) He is happy for the woman's decision.

D) He is concerned.

Script: Woman: Okay, I'm ready to walk my way to better fitness!

Man: I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about starting to exercise.

Question: What is the man's attitude towards the woman's statement?



A) The father is caring and busy.

B) She thinks the children are naughty.

C) She would like to help because the children are young.

D) She gives permission to the man's request because the children are good mannered.

Script: Man: Hi, Josephine, it's Ray. We have a meeting today at 10 a.m. and I was wondering if you would mind if I brought my kids with me. Their babysitter didn't show up.

Woman: Oh, sure. That's no problem. Your children are so well behaved. Even at their age, they have perfect manners.

Question: What is the woman's opinion on the man's request?


Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Script: Man: You look rather pale. Aren't you feeling well?

Woman: Not very. I was sick most of the night. I didn't sleep very well.

Man: What seems to be the matter? Is it the flu?

Woman: No, I think it's something I ate. We ate at that new restaurant last night, and I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me.

Man: Was it that new restaurant over on Fourth Street?

Woman: As a matter of fact, it was. Why do you ask?

Man: Because Jerry ate there last week and had the same kind of problem. He was sick the next day, too.

Woman: That's interesting. Maybe the health authorities should investigate the place.

Man: That's what I think. Two people with similar problems in such a short time can't just be coincidence!



新理念外语网络教学平台第二版综合答案B U A 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

全新版第二版综合B2U5-A Part I Listening Comprehension ( 11 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The pole was set as high as Michael Stone's personal best record. 正确答案: B 2. A) T B) F Script: The pole vault competition is not important in the track and field competition. 正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F

Script: Coaches always dreamed of athletes' dedication, determination and discipline. Michael was a good example in this aspect. 正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F Script: When Michael felt nervous even afraid facing the height, his mother's words echoed in his mind and worked. 正确答案: A 5. A) T B) F Script: Michael didn't even think of winning the first place, as he thought that winning second place was not shameful. 正确答案: B 6. A) T B) F Script: Michael's life would be different, only as he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new record and won the media's attention and sponsorship.


高校网络教学平台的现状与应用研究 □杜海艳司玲玲王亚楠 【摘要】网络教学平台是网络教学过程中的支撑环境,是现代化教育发展的必然选择。本文首先对高校网络教学平台的现状进行了分析,然后对教学平台应用中的问题进行了探讨。 【关键词】高校;网络教学;教学平台 【基金项目】本文为河北省教育厅科学研究计划项目“高校网络教学平台的设计与研究”(编号:Z2009409)成果。 【作者简介】杜海艳(1974.5 ),女,河北文安人,邯郸学院软件职业技术学院副教授,硕士,研究方向:计算机网络技术司玲玲(1978.1 ),女,河北邯郸人,邯郸学院信息工程学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:计算机应用技术 王亚楠(1977.4 ),女,山东冠县人,邯郸学院信息工程学院讲师,学士,研究方向:计算机应用技术 一、引言 高校网络教学平台随着计算机及网络通讯技术的迅猛发展,自上世纪90年代中后期发展至今,已经从简单的课程展示和资源共享,过渡到了学生利用教学平台进行自主学习的模式。网络教学平台是真正实施基于Internet开展现代化远程教育的支撑环境,为网络教学的学习者和教师提供教授、学习、答疑、讨论以及作业处理等教学过程的支持。通过网络教学创造数字化教学环境,加速教育观念、教学方式和内容的改革,提高教育教学的质量和效率。网络教学平台目前在高校已经基本普及。 二、高校网络教学平台的现状 网络教学平台是网络教学过程中的支撑环境,是现代化教育发展的必然选择,我国早已明确的提出要以教育信息化引领教育改革,要以信息化带动教育的现代化,并相继出台了一系列关于推进我国教育信息化的政策和措施。目前在我国高校中应用较多的网络教学平台主要有以下几类,首先 交流与沟通,培养学生的合作意识、团队精神和职业道德,使小组之间取长补短,优势互补。 (三)建立开放的实验室。开放式实验教学是一种现代化教学方式,实验室在时间和空间上双重开放,变实验由“要我做”为“我要做”。这样学生在实验前就必须预习、查阅相关资料,精心准备,对于实验中出现的的问题也会主动想方设法解决,使学生养成良好的学习习惯,教师只起指导作用及提供技术服务。 (四)Proteus和Keil软件引入教学。针对有些学校的单片机实验设备数量上很有限,并且设备比较陈旧,随着招生规模的扩大,已经很难满足实际的教学要求,因此可以利用Proteus和Keil软件建立虚拟的单片机仿真实验室。Proteus 与Keil软件的整合过程就是建立一个软硬件联合仿真系统的过程。在单片机应用系统中,Proteus作为硬件仿真和调试界面,Keil作为软件调试界面。Proteus软件支持微处理器的仿真,并能与常用的编译器Keil进行协同调试。整个过程与真实的硬件调试极其相似,在动态外设支持下的实时输入和输出为实验者提供了一个最接近现实的调试环境。Proteus和Keil构建单片机实验仿真环境时,常用的方法有如下两种:一是Proteus和Keil离线联合使用;二是Proteus 和Keil在线联合仿真调试。利用Proteus软件绘制硬件电路原理图,利用Keil软件进行源程序的编辑、编译、调试等生成.hex文件,然后把.hex文件装载到原理图当中,进行单片机应用系统的仿真,在各种实验步骤正确无误的情况下,在Proteus界面中就可以观察到和实际设计相吻合的实验结果。利用这种虚拟单片机仿真实验室不但大大节省了硬件资源,同时提供了很好的开发环境。在进行具体项目开发的时候,完全可以先通过仿真设计验证,再进行实际项目的制作。 四、结语 本文针对当前单片机实践教学的现状及存在的问题,提出了单片机实践教学改革的具体措施。通过对单片机实践教学的改革,激发了学生学习的积极性、主动性,提高了学生的创新能力和综合素质。既体现了单片机课程的自身特色,又有助于学生有效掌握所学知识,缩短从理论知识到实际应用的过程,培养了学生的专业兴趣,有利于提高其实际应用能力,为培养符合社会急需的“应用型、技能型”高级人才起到积极的作用。 【参考文献】 1.李自清.“单片机原理”实践教学改革初探[J].科技信息,2008 2.陈刚.单片机实践教学的问题与对策[J].安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报,2005 3.龙志强,施晓红等.“任务驱动法”在单片机系统设计教学中的实践[J].实验室研究与探索,2008 4.刘兰波.“单片机原理及应用”实践教学改革的探索[J].经济与科技,2007 · 702 ·


网络教学平台总体建设规划 1课程建设与维护 1.1实现方式 教师登录系统,通过课程网站创建模块创建课程网站。 1.2创建/维护步骤 1.录入课程网站基本信息:包括课程网站名称、课程网站描述、适用课程等。 2.选择课程网站模板:在模板库中选择合适的课程网站模板。 3.设置课程网站栏目:在课程网站创建时,通过默认模板自动创建若干栏目,用户可根据实际 需要,对栏目进行修改、增加、删除。 4.维护课程网站栏目:对设置好的每个栏目进行栏目模式设定、对栏目进行详细设计。(栏目 模式包括:常规设计模式、外部链接模式、论坛式的交互模式) 5.课程网站的其他设置:包括在外网展示网站、删除网站、将网站设为外部链接模式等。 2课程展示 2.1访问人群 1.公众用户:直接通过外网链接访问网站(外网有多种形式的列表,如:可按教师查询、按院 系查询、按访问量查询、按精品课程类别查询等,可帮助用户快速定位到相应的课程网站)2.学生:登录系统后,可将自己关注的课程网站收藏至学生空间,便于快速定位至相应课程网 站。 3.教师:登录系统后,自己创建的网站直接显示在教师空间上,可快速进行网站浏览与网站维 护。 4.精品课程评审专家:通过评审课程列表,访问课程网站。

2.2实现方式 在访问教师创建的课程网站,其中论坛式的交互模式栏目需要权限才能访问。 3课程学习 3.1实现方式 学生登录系统后,访问课程网站,可进行课程学习 3.2内容 1.网上答疑、课程论坛:通过论坛式的交互栏目,学生与老师之间可进行互动,在学生、老师 的空间中对互动过程有详细记录,可通过相关链接快速进入相关互动内容。 2.网上作业(需网考系统支持,待定) 3.课程评价(本部分未实现) 4.参与调查(本部分未实现) 4课程考试(网考) 4.1本部分结合网考系统内容(待定) 5课程评审 5.1实现方式 1.教师在创建课程网站后,可选择将课程网站推荐进行评审。 2.管理员接收到评审请求后,选择评审专家、设定评审时间。 3.评审专家在课程网站评审列表中定位课程网站,进行评审。 4.评审完成后,由管理员设定评审结果。 5.2评审步骤 1.管理员设定精品课程申报表内容、以及评分标准、总分的计算公式。 2.教师在课程网站创建完成后,填写精品课程申报表。 3.完成申报表后,选择申报年度、申报等级、填写申报说明后,进行网站申报。 4.管理员接收到申报请求,分配评审专家、设定专家的评审时间。


综合教程4课后答案 Handouts and Key to book4 unit 1-4 Unit 1 Active reading (1) Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Background information About the passage: This is an article by an Education Correspondent, Alexandra Blair, published in September 2008 in The Times, a long-established British quality newspaper. In Europe generally, and in Britain in particular, for a number of years there has been a r i s i ng nu mber of stude nts who go to uni vers ity and therefore more new graduates seeking employment. However, for many graduates finding a job became harder in 2008 - 2009 because the economic downturn - then a rcccssion - meant that many employers werereducing their workforce. After their final exams, some students rested in the summer before looking for jobs and then they found that it was difficult to find employment in their field or at the level they wanted. The



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全新版第二版综合B2U5-C Part I Listening Comprehension ( 11 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: In Michael's childhood, he always dreamed of flying as his father often read him stories about flying. 正确答案:B 2. A) T B) F Script: Before this National Junior Olympics, Michael's personal best record was three inches off 17 feet. 正确答案:A 3. A) T B) F Script: In rearing children, Michael's mother hoped that he could be a free pursuer of dream, while his father disagreed on this point. 正确答案:A 4. A) T B) F Script: He was vain about his clearing the bar at 17 feet. 正确答案:B


网络教学管理系统的主要功能 1.教务管理 教师教学、学生学习的在线管理要花费教师和管理人员大量的时间和精力,而网络教学师生比例要远远小于课堂教学的师生比例,因此实现教学信息的自动管理是十分必要的,如记录、跟踪师生活动、自动管理人员档案、自动记分、自动反馈、自动建议、自动答疑、学生作业管理及学生学籍自动管理等。教务管理工作主要由3个子模块完成: ⑴教师管理模块 主要功能是支持教师教学和进行教师档案管理。系统支持教师根据教学需要,设定学生的行为权限,如可以做什么,不可以做什么,提出研究性课题,启发、培养学生的探究、创新能力,组织小组协同工作解决难题,组织学生分组讨论,交流思想,如老师只要设定分组条件,系统就自动将学生分组,同时自动初始化小组参数设置,等等;教师档案管理包括建立教师授课账号,记录教师的个人信息,进行任课资格、教学计划、教学活动记录、工作业绩等方面的管理,配置相应的授课资源,记载教师的授课情况,建立和维护教师科研档案,等等。 ⑵学生管理模块 主要功能是注册认证和学籍管理。注册认证提供在线注册功能,注册用户名,指定用户名称,建立用户账号,登录系统时对不同的用户进行认证,并根据不同的角色确定赋予用户相应的操作权限。学籍管理以学生为单位,利用系统的信息管理功能,通过建立和维护学生的电子学习档案来管理学习过程,电子学习档案包括学生身份信息、选课信息、学习任务信息、学习活动记录、学习评价信息、电子作业集等。 ⑶教学评估模块 网上教学评估模块包括测验试卷的生成工具、测试过程控制系统和测试结果分析工具。有些系统具有随机出题功能,可以为每个学生产生不同的试卷;测试过程控制系统主要完成对网上测试过程的控制,如在需要时锁定系统,不允许学生进行与测试无关的浏览,控制测试时间,到时自动交卷,等等;测试结果分析工具一般是根据题目的知识点和学生的答题情况,对具体学生给出诊断,对下一步学习提出建议。功能更强的网上教学评价系统还具有根据考试测验的统计数据,运用教学评估理论进行试卷分析和项目分析(如计算题目的区分度、难度)以及自动批改即时反馈等功能,还可以根据学生的答案提供个性化的反馈内容。 此外为了更好地为教师学生服务,教务管理系统还提供如下功能: ①行政公文管理:包括发布公告信息、公告文档的管理等。 ②信息查询:包括查询开设的课程信息、课程任课教师的情况、课程内容的简介、个人的某些开放档案记录等。 2.教学管理 教学管理是教学活动的中枢,完整的网络教学管理系统应当在提供教学服务管理这一核心功能的同时,还提供教学分析功能,并可与相关的组织机构共享和交换教学信息。因此,网上教学管理系统必须集成数据库工具。网络教学管理功能主要包括课程管理、学习信息管理。 ⑴课程管理 课程管理包括设置、修订专业,专业课程的设置、管理、专业资源分配以及设立课程,指定课程相关人员如开发人员、授课人员、助教人员和学生的权限和口令,分配建立与课程相关的设施,如邮箱、讨论区、网址等,处理添加、修改新课程,制定修改培养计划,设置相关课程的先导关系等日常事务。对校际课程的管理包括课程共享管理,培养计划扩展管理(将外校共享课程纳人本校培养计划),使得本校学生可以在多校课程中进行有一定条件限制的选择。对本校及外校共享课程的需求信息分析,为培养计划的调整提供信息〔通过对外


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3.5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it's a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3. 1 4. 5 5. 3 6. 4 2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC

2.Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1.Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3.5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1.Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics

新理念外语网络教学平台第二版综合答案B U B

全新版第二版综合B2U6-B Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The author was expected to go to college and was interested in engineering when she was a kid. 正确答案:B 2.

A) T B) F Script: In high school, the author was glad to take her car to the mechanic when it needed some work. 正确答案:B 3. A) T B) F Script: The summer program designed to interest girls in engineering helped her become an engineer. 正确答案:A 4. A) T B) F Script: In the author's eyes, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it means you are not good at it.


高校网络教学平台选择与应用策略1 李胜利1,姚金鑫2,孙名松1 1.哈尔滨理工大学网络信息中心,哈尔滨 (150080) 2.黑龙江科技学院利民校区,哈尔滨 (150025) 摘要:通过比较国内外几种知名的网络教学平台,根据现阶段高校信息化与数字化校园建设需求,提出高校网络教学平台的选择与应用策略。 关键词:网络教学信息化教学教学平台 网络教学平台又称在线教学平台、网络教学管理系统、数字化教学系统等,是紧密结合网络教学的实际需求构建的基于互联网的教学管理与沟通平台,包括网上备课、课程制作、教学素材建设、网络授课、网上交流、网上作业、网上学习、网上考试以及质量评估等多种服务的综合教学支撑平台,全面支持教学各个环节。 网络教学系统是数字化校园建设的一个重要应用系统,是教育信息化建设的基石,是教学环境的重要组成部分,是基于互联网实现数字化教学的必要条件。系统拥有校内最大的用户群,几乎包括学校的所有教师和学生。校园网络教学系统的建设,将极大地促进和配合学校的教学改革,在充分利用教学资源、提高教学效率和质量、培养学生自主学习和创造性学习方面发挥积极的作用[13]。同时,为创建学习型社会提供资源基础,为社会需求强烈的终身教育提供不竭的教学资源。 近几年,越来越多的高校开始关注和使用网络教学系统,这标志着我国的信息化教育从上世纪90年代的多媒体课件与信息化教案设计阶段进入信息化课程设计与教学实施阶段[13]。 目前,网络教学平台有很多。有商业公司开发的,也有开源免费使用的。比较流行的有Blackboard、WebCT、LearningSpace、Moodle、Sakai、清华教育在线、eduCommons、LAMS、Desire2Learn、Eledge、Focus/SIS、Centre/SIS、Online Grades、SchoolTool、ATutor、Angel、eCollege、Virtual-U、科建脉望网络学习平台LearningField、北京网梯多媒体网络教学系统、南京易学的天空教室等。 1. 主要网络教学平台介绍与特性分析 1.1 Moodle(中文译名魔灯) Moodle 是英文Modular Object – Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment的缩写,即模块化面向对象的动态学习环境,是澳大利亚Martin Dougiamas博士在汲取了WebCT和Blackboard的成功经验基础上,基于社会建构主义学习理论,专门针对广大教师在信息化环境中设计、管理、实施、评价自己的课程和教学而开发的课程管理系统和学习管理系统,是一个开放源代码的软件,完全免费。它是一个用来建设基于Internet的课程和网站的软件包。它的功能强大,目前已在来自198个国家和地区的36411个站点中广泛应用,其中在中国已有339个[10]。2007年底,美国路易斯安那州立大学通过正式评估决定采用Moodle作为唯一的教学管理系统[1]。2007年3月改版的Moodle中国社区(https://www.360docs.net/doc/7a4226559.html,)为国内的Moodle爱好者提供了一个交流和学习的平台。随着国内Moodle平台方面资料的陆续增 1项目支持:哈尔滨理工大学2005年教育教学研究招标课题--哈尔滨理工大学网络教学研究与实践。


Blackbaord网络教学平台简介 Blackboard教学管理平台(Blackboard Learning System?)是一套专门用于加强网络教学、辅助课堂教学并提供互动、交流的网络教学平台。在完善教学的功能外,具有交流、评价等关键教学环节,使教师可以有效地管理课程、制作内容、创建和布置作业和加强协作,使学生可以轻松学习、快乐交流、热情参与,使学校实现网络教学的现实控管和提升,使教与学更富乐趣、更有效果,不再受空间和时间的限制。 教学:支持个性化学习 为了提高教与学的效率,提升教与学的质量,Blackboard教学管理平台推出了一系列好学易用的功能,从课程的分析设计开始,涉及课程的制作、编辑、发布、管理,还有针对学生设计的学习单元设定、个人信息管理等功能,使老师不必再为网络课程建设耗费太多的精力,使学生不必在学习课程外还要额外普及使用办法。 课程管理 ?创建和设置课程; ?复制、循环使用课程; ?导入、导出课程;课程存档、备份。 课程内容制作 ?提供具有丰富编辑界面的文本编辑器,具备WYSIWYG(所见即所得)和拼写检查等功能; ?提供快速编辑功能帮助教师迅速在编辑界面和浏览界面之间切换; ?支持教师将由外部制作工具(如Macromedia Dreamweaver)生成的内容导入到课程中。 选择性内容发布 ?支持教师根据课程内容和活动定制教学路径,如先学什么再学什么,哪些用户学什么等; ?系统根据教学路径中设定的条件有选择地将内容发布给学生。 课程大纲编辑器 ?支持教师上传已经编辑好的教学大纲; ?提供内置的大纲制作功能,支持教师设计开发新的课程大纲。

学习单元 ?支持教师创建有序的课程内容,控制学生按顺序进行学习; ?能够保存学生在学习单元中的进度位置,便于学生以后继续学习。 在线教材内容(出版商的课程包) ?支持大多数全球教育出版商开发的课程内容资料,如多媒体资源、题库、 交互式应用等; ?支持用户对下载到课程网站中的资料进行定制。 教学工具 ?支持特定教学活动的多种工具,如术语表、电子记事本等。 个人信息管理 ?提供日历,支持教师管理和浏览课程、学院以及个人的事务; ?提供任务工具,帮助教师分配任务并监督任务进展; ?提供平台内部短信功能,发送课程内部邮件无须经过外部地址。 网络学习书签(Scholar) ?与Blackboard教学管理平台集成 ?提供网页标记功能,用户可随时随地收藏喜欢的网页,并显示在Bb平台上; ?支持用户之间共享收藏的网页书签; ?支持教师将Scholar添加到课程内容区,从而便捷地搜索相关主题的网页 书签; 交流:支持协作学习 Blackboard教学管理平台支持异步交流——讨论板工具;同步交流——虚拟课堂两种方式,突破时间和空间的限制,帮助师生实现随时随地沟通交流、传递资源信息、解惑答疑、分享心得、创造革新。同时通过增加的协作工具,老师可以把学生分成不同的小组,并为各个小组配备合作工具,确保学习和项目分工可以高效、顺利地进行


Unit 1 Outside view Activity 1 3。5 Activity 2 one of the best universities most talented students well-known around the world have open doors good social life you want it to be on another campus it’s a fun place go to concerts during the week Activity 3 library system online three / 3 four / 4 Brian leisure purposes the libraries listening in Passage 1 1. 2 2. 6 3.1 4.5 5.3 6.4

2.Listen to Passage 1 again and rearrange the answers in the right column to match those questions in the left column. Ceahbgdf Passage 2 OC/O/C/O/C/C/O/C/O/OC 2。Listen to Passage 2 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences BDDBA Test CCBBD CDBCB C

Unie 2 Outside view Activity 1 1。Watch the video clip and match the speakers with the statements. K/K/T/S/T/K/S/K Activity 2 2.3。5 Activity 3 regarded along communicating But If during how as plays less LISTENING IN Passage 1 1。Listen to Passage 1 and match the colours with the characteristics


高校网络教学平台的研究背景意义与国内外研究现状 1 背景和意义 在知识大爆炸的现代, 怎样才能更好地学习是摆在大家面前的一个难题。随着计算机技术和宽带网络的飞速发展, 高校网络综合教学平台为高校教学提供了一种新的手段和方式。一定意义上说, 网络教学平台的使用对于高校教学来说是一场革命。20 世纪90年代中后期到现在,网络在高校中得到了普遍应用,各高校的校园网也相继 出现,但是校园网络在教学方面的发展相对较缓慢,未能起到其应有的作用。在教学对象上,偏重于更加功利的远程教育,不够重视学校的教育。大力开展网上教学,注重学生对教学资源的真实需求,推动信息技术与课程信息的集合,是推动教学改革,培养创新人才的有效途径,也是教育技术在教学中充分应用的体现。 网络教学不是取代传统方式的课堂教学,而是将网络教学模式和课堂教学融合在 一起,吸收传统课堂教学的优点,并克服其时间时空限制等弱点,发挥网络教学的优点,构建一种全新的教学模式。高校网络综合教学平台的实现主要有以下几点意义: 1(消除学习的时间和空间的限制,提高学生学习效率,并且极大限度的激发学生的学习潜能。 通过建立此平台,可以使学生在任何时间任何有网络的地点学习知识。消除了学 习在时间和空间上的限制。学生不必再因为没有听清楚内容或者忘记内容而耽误学习,极大的提高了学生的学习效率。教学平台的应用,使得教学资源可视化,这是对传统学习的一种颠覆,一场革命。以往传统的课堂教学模式学习者的学习是被动的接受,内化的过程难以得到个性化的支持,学习者的经验、思维能力、接受能力的差异导致学习效率降低和探索能力缺乏。学生通过教学资源,可以根据自身情况,自身特点和需求来学习,可以发散自己的思维,而不是一味的跟随老师的思想,这样激发了学生对学习的兴趣,有助于学生创新能力的提高,并极大限度的激发了学生的学习潜


灰色的表格单元(table cell)表示该单元无对应章节。
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打勾( )表示您已完成的练习。
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? ?
点击 或 可查看您该题的详细答题情况。 单元平均成绩 = 该单元计入教科书成绩的章节得分百分和 / 该单元需计入教科书成绩的章节总
Active reading 1
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
First reading Task 1
First reading Task 2
* 100%
! * ! * ! *! * ! *! * ! *! * Reading in detail: Vocabulary
exercises Task 1
71% 100%

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 ! * ! * ! *! * ! *! * ! *! *
100% 89%
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3
! * ! *! 100% 100%
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Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4
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Active reading 2
First reading Task 1
First reading Task 2
Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1
! *! *! 100% 100%
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Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2
! *! *! 75% 80%
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Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3
! * ! *!
Reading in detail: Vocabulary
exercises Task 4
Language in use
Task 1
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* !* * !*
Task 2
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Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7


全新版第二版综合B2U6-E Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The author was expected to go to college and was interested in engineering when she was a kid. 正确答案: B 2. A) T B) F Script: In high school, the author was glad to take her car to the mechanic when it needed some work. 正确答案: B 3.

A) T B) F Script: The summer program designed to interest girls in engineering helped her become an engineer. 正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F Script: In the author's eyes, if you find a subject is difficult to learn, it means you are not good at it. 正确答案: B 5. A) T B) F Script: The algebra teacher took the grades as a judgment of the ability of individual students. 正确答案: B 6. A) T B) F Script: Holding the belief that women's brains are as powerful as man's, the author reminds us that a woman can learn anything a man can. 正确答案: A 7. A) T B) F Script: After quitting her job, immediately, the author was filled with the mixed feelings with anxiety and a sense of hopefulness.


网络教学管理系统的主 要功能 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

网络教学管理系统的主要功能 1.教务管理 教师教学、学生学习的在线管理要花费教师和管理人员大量的时间和精力,而网络教学师生比例要远远小于课堂教学的师生比例,因此实现教学信息的自动管理是十分必要的,如记录、跟踪师生活动、自动管理人员档案、自动记分、自动反馈、自动建议、自动答疑、学生作业管理及学生学籍自动管理等。教务管理工作主要由3个子模块完成: ⑴教师管理模块 主要功能是支持教师教学和进行教师档案管理。系统支持教师根据教学需要,设定学生的行为权限,如可以做什么,不可以做什么,提出研究性课题,启发、培养学生的探究、创新能力,组织小组协同工作解决难题,组织学生分组讨论,交流思想,如老师只要设定分组条件,系统就自动将学生分组,同时自动初始化小组参数设置,等等;教师档案管理包括建立教师授课账号,记录教师的个人信息,进行任课资格、教学计划、教学活动记录、工作业绩等方面的管理,配置相应的授课资源,记载教师的授课情况,建立和维护教师科研档案,等等。 ⑵学生管理模块 主要功能是注册认证和学籍管理。注册认证提供在线注册功能,注册用户名,指定用户名称,建立用户账号,登录系统时对不同的用户进行认证,并根据不同的角色确定赋予用户相应的操作权限。学籍管理以学生为单位,利用系统的信息管理功能,通过建立和维护学生的电子学习档案来管理学习过程,电子学习档案包括学生身份信息、选课信息、学习任务信息、学习活动记录、学习评价信息、电子作业集等。 ⑶教学评估模块 网上教学评估模块包括测验试卷的生成工具、测试过程控制系统和测试结果分析工具。有些系统具有随机出题功能,可以为每个学生产生不同的试卷;测试过程控制系统主要完成对网上测试过程的控制,如在需要时锁定系统,不允许学生进行与测试无关的浏览,控制测试时间,到时自动交卷,等等;测试结果分析工具一般是根据题目的知识点和学生的答题情况,对具体学生给出诊断,对下一步学习提出建议。功能更强的网上教学评价系统还具有根据考试测验的统计数据,运用教学评估理论进行试卷分析和项目分析(如计算题目的区分度、难度)以及自动批改即时反馈等功能,还可以根据学生的答案提供个性化的反馈内容。 此外为了更好地为教师学生服务,教务管理系统还提供如下功能: ①行政公文管理:包括发布公告信息、公告文档的管理等。 ②信息查询:包括查询开设的课程信息、课程任课教师的情况、课程内容的简介、个人的某些开放档案记录等。 2.教学管理 教学管理是教学活动的中枢,完整的网络教学管理系统应当在提供教学服务管理这一核心功能的同时,还提供教学分析功能,并可与相关的组织机构共享和交换教学信息。因此,网上教学管理系统必须集成数据库工具。网络教学管理功能主要包括课程管理、学习信息管理。 ⑴课程管理 课程管理包括设置、修订专业,专业课程的设置、管理、专业资源分配以及设立课程,指定课程相关人员如开发人员、授课人员、助教人员和学生的权限和口令,分配建立与课程相关的设施,如邮箱、讨论区、网址等,处理添加、修改新课程,制定修改培养计划,设置相关课程的先导关系等日常事务。对校际课程的管理


Blackboard网络教学平台介绍 互联互动的网络学习环境 Blackboard致力于帮助院校打造一个真正的互联互动的网络学习环境(Networked Learning Environment,简称NLe),以实现互联网为教育带来的强大力量。在这个环境中,任何教师、学生和研究者都可以在任何方便的时间浏览内容、获取资源、评估教学效果、实现彼此的协作。 为实现NLe,Blackboard提供Blackboard教育软件(Blackboard Academic Suite?)以及与之配套的解决方案,为院校互联互动的网络学习环境提供专业技术支撑、赋予强大力量。 Blackboard教育软件是Blackboard公司基于NLe的理念精髓,体察全球各类院校的实际需求,并融入其在e-Learning行业多年的经验推出的全新力作。Blackboard教育软件提供了一套综合完整的解决方案,最大限度地优化和增强了此系列中每个独立产品的应用。该软件系列由以下3个平台组成:Blackboard教学管理平台、Blackboard门户社区平台、Blackboard资源管理平台 这3个平台涵盖院校教学信息化涉及的各个层面的需求:教学流程管理与监控、内容建设与共享、信息管理与发布、应用系统整合等。系列产品以“教学”、“联系”、“分享”为核心目标,为教育机构提供了丰富完善的工具和无限广阔的空间。

Blackboard教学管理平台(Blackboard Learning System?)是行业领先的软件应用,用于加强虚拟学习环境、补充课堂教学和提供远程教学平台。Blackboard教学管理平台拥有一套强大的核心功能,使教师可以有效的管理课程、制作内容、生成作业和加强协作,从而协助学校达到与教学、交流和评价有关的重要目标。这些关键的功能包括: 课程管理: 用于管理课程网站或者其主要组成部分。课程管理功能有效的创建和设置课程(课程创建向导,课程模板),同时提供学期间的课程转移工具(课程复制,课程循环使用)和文档工具(课程导入/导出,课程文档,课程备份)。 课程内容制作: 直观的文本编辑器提供丰富的文本编辑界面,包括WYSIWYG(所见即所得)和拼写检查,用来创建有效的学习内容。快速编辑功能使教师可以在学生课程内容界面和教师课程界面间迅速切换。教师还可以导入由外部制作工具生成的电子学习内容,如Macromedia Dreamweaver , Microsoft Frontpage, 或任何和SCORM配套的制作工具。 选择性内容发布: 教师可以根据课程内容和活动定制教学路径。内容项目、讨论、测验、作业或其他教学活动可以根据一系列的标准有选择的发布给学生。这些标准包括:日期/时间,用户名,用户组,机构角色,某一次考试或作业的成绩,或者该用户是否预习了下一内容单元。 课程大纲编辑器: 教师可以容易地创建课程大纲。他们可以上传已有的大纲,或者用内置的大纲制作功能设计和开发自己的课程大纲和课程计划。 学习单元: 教师可以创建有序的课程,控制学生是否必须根据该顺序学习所有的课程单元,或者允许学生从内容目录中选择单个的课程进行学习。学生可以保存他们在课程单元中的进度位置,以便以后从该位置继续。在线教材内容(出版商的课程包): 所有全球大的教育出版商都开发了Blackboard适用的课程内容资料,以补充他们相应的课程教科书。课程内容包括多媒体资料、测试、题库和教材以外的附加资源的链接,比如交互式学习应用。课程包一旦下载到课程网站中,就可以进行用户化定制。 教学工具: 支持特定教学活动的多种工具,比如术语表(生成可分享可定制的词汇列表);电子记事本(网络笔记本,学生在学习课程资料时可以在线记笔记);教员信息(详细的联系信息和教员及助教的办公时间)。个人信息管理: 日历用来管理和浏览教师安排的课程事件和个人以及学院的事件。任务工具方便教师给学生(个人或小组)分配任务以及截止日期,并观察他们的完成进度。Blackboard短信用类似email的方式在课程内部通信,不必使用外部的email系统或地址。 讨论区:
