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Vibration Testing System Based on LabVIEW Signal


Abstract : Virtual instrumentation is modern computer technology combined with the deep-seated instrument technology new concept instrument , in essence, the use of the computer monitor 's display traditional analog instrument control panel to output measurement results of various forms of expression , the use of powerful computer software functions the operation data for signal analysis and processing is completed for all test functions of a computer system apparatus .

The design takes advantage of LabVIEW -based virtual instrument technology designed a vibration test systems, next-bit machine using AT89C52 microcontroller for data sampling , and to achieve data transmission signal via RS-232 serial communication with the PC , PC software development based on LabVIEW platform. Which has a signal acquisition, waveform display , data processing, data storage , signal parameter detection and other functions, with a simple, intuitive interface, applicability, and other characteristics. By design, the data can be displayed in time domain and frequency domain analysis.

Ke ywords: Virtual Instrument, vibration test, LabVIEW, SCM


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 (1)

1.3 论文主要设计内容 (1)

第2章虚拟仪器和LabVIEW (3)

2.1 虚拟仪器 (3)

2.1.1 虚拟仪器的概念 (3)

2.1.2 虚拟仪器的组成 (3)

2.1.3 虚拟仪器的特点及优势 (4)

2.2 LabVIEW (5)

2.2.1 LabVIEW简介 (5)

2.2.2 LabVIEW的基本特点 (6)

第3章振动测试分析系统 (7)

3.1 振动测试分析系统的组成 (7)

3.2 信号测试与分析 (7)

3.3 振动测试系统总体设计 (8)

第4章硬件设计 (9)

4.1 系统总体设计方案 (9)

4.2 压电加速度传感器 (9)

4.3 电荷放大器 (10)

4.4 A/D转换器TLC2543性能介绍 (10)

4.5 单片机模块 (12)

4.5.1 AT89C52性能介绍 (12)

4.5.2 A/D转换电路 (15)

4.6 基于AT89C52单片机的串口硬件采集接口电路设计 (15)

4.6.1 串口简述 (15)

4.6.2 串口硬件采集接口电路设计 (17)

4.7 单片机数据采集软件程序设计 (18)

第5章LabVIEW软件设计 (20)

5.1 LabVIEW软件总体设计方案 (20)

5.1.1系统主界面设计 (21)

5.2 LabVIEW程序设计 (22)

5.3 数据采集模块设计 (22)

5.4 信号预处理模块设计 (23)

5.5 时域分析模块设计 (23)

5.5.1信号的时域统计分析 (24)

5.5.2 时域程序框图 (25)

5.6 频域分析模块设计 (26)

5.6.1 幅值谱和相位谱分析 (27)

5.6.2 功率谱分析 (28)

5.6.3 频域分析程序框图 (28)

第6章系统仿真调试 (30)

6.1 仿真系统运行原理 (30)

6.2 时域分析模块测试 (30)

6.3 频域分析模块测试 (31)

6.3.1 幅度与相位谱显示 (31)

6.3.2 功率谱显示 (31)

总结 (33)

致谢 (34)

参考文献 (35)

附录 (36)
