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As is known to us all, there are three main religions in the world, which includes Christianity, Islam, and buddhism. In a sense, these three religons including many followers exert a great influence on human-beings around the world. For many people, the belief in these religions has been incorporated into their daily lives. Whenever they awake from their dream and wherever they go to, they wil never forget to worship their Gods. How powerful the religion is! When it comes to some western countries, we have to focus on the significant religion----Christianity. The reason why we should refer to Christianity in this situation is that not only does it offer the spirit guide to many westerners, but also it can help us to comprehend these countries deeply. Also, Christianity can Be found everywhere in western world, espicially for politcs , economy, culture and society. The western politics is formed in the process of western culture.Therefore ,there is a close connection between Christianity and western politics from the very beginning. If you read books about western politics, you will know that some priciples used in western countries is derived from Christianity. For instncance, the concept of freedom and equality, dmocracy, and political structure.

At the very begining, inspired by Christianity ,many people dare to venture their lives to fight with tyrant and appeal for freedom .Since Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, it had turned into a kind of official ideology. At that time, great changes have taken place in different areas of this country. it is a milestone in the history of Roman Empire. Since then, the religious system of Roman changes from polytheism to monotheism. The ruler makes full use of the religion to strengthen his regime. At the same time, what the average people have to do is to submit to the doctrines that serves the emperor. Thus, there is no doubt that Christianity and western politics is inseperable at any time.

First of all,Human rights and democracy play an important part in the field of today’s politics in western countries. In other words, it is the foundation of western political civilization. At present, a handful of people think that the idea of human rights and democracy must trace back to Greek and roman cultures. However, it is Christianity that promotes the development of these ideas. Although not a single of these items does Christian put forward, we can find the core content in Christianity. When we read Deuterononomy in the Holy bible, we will see the sentences like“If your fellow Hebrew, whether male or female, is sold to you and serves you for six years, then in the seventh year you must let that servant go free. ”and “If you set them free, you must not sendthem away empty-handed. You must supply them generously from your flock, your threshing floor, and your winepress—as the L ORD your God has blessed you, you must give to them.”As you can see, from the doctrine of the Holy bible, a great importance has been attached to hunma rights. This is the reason why people claim that these valuable ideas come from Christianity. What is more, thanks to the ideas in the Holy bible, many people in western countries seek ways to overturn the Monarchy and colonists. In the past, People in British created the constitutional monarchy to guarantee human rights and democracy. People in france also overturnde the king and established a system called bourgeois republic. After getting rid of the british rule, in order to gurantee human rights of American people, they enacted the Declaration of Independence. In this official document, we will find the sentences like “We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the pursui t of Happiness. --That to secure these rights,Governments are instituted among Men,deriving th eir just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government bec
