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1.The internationalisation of the economy is not as recent as the buzzword

globalisation would have us believe.


2. Liability losses can reach extreme proportions when pharmaceutical products cause dangerous side effects in patients.


3. Insurance companies that cover such large risks need a secondary market where they can place them.


4. The insurance of large and accumulation risks is a definite advantage for the sustainable development of economies.


5. Countries with an underdeveloped system of insurance suffer immeasurably more from major catastrophes than those where a good part of the material losses can be covered by professional risk carriers.



1.I like people who represent the best of what they do, and if that turns you into a

perfectionist, then maybe I am," Wintour replied.


2. "lt's a group of people coming together and presenting ideas from which I pick, what

I think is the best mix for each particular issue, but in the end, the final decision has to be mine."


3. There's on-duty time and off-duty time, and we're drawn together by our passion for the magazine.


4. She is not a person who's going to show you her emotions ever.


5. She's like a doctor, when she's looking at your work, it's like a medical analysis."



1. When cutting-edge companies want to foster team spirit, relax or even entertain clients, breaking bread together is no longer enough - they now bake that bread themselves.


2. Masele Siatu’u, CPW's Human Resources Vice-President, says having your elbows in flour and eggs brings together fellow employees who are dispersed across the world. Masele Siatu’u是共面波导的人力资源副总裁,他表示当你把胳膊和鸡蛋和在面粉里时,就是将分散在世界各地的同伴汇集在了一起。

3. 'We look for something that cuts across ages and backgrounds and cultures.


4. Constructing a bridge across a stream when there is a perfectly good one 50 metres away may seem a little pointless, but cooking a three-course meal you intend to sit down and eat certainly isn't.


5. She says that for cash-rich, time-poor business people, fine dining has become rather pedestrian. But cooking a three-course meal for oneself is more unusual.


第9单元翻译A What do you think these sayings mean? Do you agree with them? 1. Money talks.

Money is very persuasive.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Don't put all your money in the same investment. If your only investment fails, you'll be in trouble.

3. You have to speculate to accumulate.

If you want to make money, you have to invest.

4. Don't throw good money after bad.

If you see that what you are investing in is not working, stop investing in it.

5. Lend your money and lose a friend.

Don't lend to friends.
