

MBA是“Master of Business Administration”的缩写,即工商管理硕士。在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,MBA学位被许多人认为是提升职业发展的有效途径。然而,为了获得这一学位,学生需要通过一系列考试,其中英语考试是其中之一。下面将讨论一些真题及其答案解析,帮助考生更好地准备考试。



第三题是语法题:“I wish I ________ more time to spend with my family.”正确答案是选项A:“had”。这个题目考察了对虚拟语气的掌握,使用了“wish”从句的特殊结构。






mba在职考试英语真题及答案解析 MBA是“Master of Business Administration”的缩写,即工商管理硕士。在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中,MBA学位被许多人认为是提升职业发展的有效途径。然而,为了获得这一学位,学生需要通过一系列考试,其中英语考试是其中之一。下面将讨论一些真题及其答案解析,帮助考生更好地准备考试。 第一题是阅读理解,题目为:“消费者行为分析对企业的重要性”。这个题目考察了考生对市场营销领域的了解程度。正确答案是选项B:“消费者行为分析可以帮助企业更好地理解和满足顾客需求,从而提高市场份额和盈利能力。”这个答案强调了消费者行为分析在企业营销战略中的关键作用,帮助企业更好地把握市场机会。 接下来是逻辑推理题目:“如果公司要在市场上保持竞争优势,应该注重哪些因素?”正确答案是选项D:“产品质量、创新能力、市场营销策略和供应链管理。”这个答案提供了多个关键因素,说明了保持竞争优势需要全方位的考虑。 第三题是语法题:“I wish I ________ more time to spend with my family.”正确答案是选项A:“had”。这个题目考察了对虚拟语气的掌握,使用了“wish”从句的特殊结构。 第四题是写作题:“描述一个领导力的例子,并解释其重要性。”这个题目要求考生运用自己的思考和经验,撰写一个关于领导力的例子,并解释其重要性。考生可以描述一个自己亲身经历过的领导者,或者提到一个有影响力的领导者的例子,然后解释他们对组织或团队的重要作用。这个题目展示了考生的思考能力和应用能力。

MBA在职考试英语部分的题目涵盖了从理论到实践的广泛领域,考察了考生的商业思维、语言运用和逻辑推理能力。通过对这些真题及其答案的解析,考生可以更好地理解考试内容,有针对性地准备考试。 最后,值得注意的是,准备MBA考试不仅仅依赖于做题,还需要广泛阅读商业相关的书籍和文章,培养专业知识和商业思维能力。同时,积极参与商业项目或实践经验也是提升个人能力和增强竞争力的重要途径。通过有系统的学习和实践,考生才能真正掌握商业管理的精髓,为自己的职业发展打下坚实的基础。 通过对MBA在职考试英语真题及其答案的解析,我们了解到考试的考察范围和重点,同时也意识到准备这一考试需要广泛的知识储备和实践经验。只有综合运用各种学习方法和提高自身的综合素质才能更好地应对这一考试,并在职业生涯中取得更大的成功。


MBA英语历年真题阅读理解及参考答案详解 Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000; a year later she became president of Brown University. For the rest of the decade she apparently managed both roles without attracting much criticism. But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on GoLd man's compensation committee; how could she have let those enormous bonus payouts pass unremarked? By February the next year Ms. Simmons had left the board. The position was taking up too much time, she said. Outside directors are supposed to serve as helpfuL, yet less biased, advisers on a firm's board.Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere, they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executive's proposals. If the sky, and the share price, is falling, outside directors should be able to give advice based on having weathered their own crises.


一Use of English: 1.A findings 前文有”a study found that…”, 后面自然要说,这个发现(findings)… 2.B attribute attribute…to…把…归因于… 3.D with 快餐和电视机伴随我们很久了。amongst相当于among,意为“在…中间” 4.B related related to: 与…有关 5.D shrinking a shrinking of the green: 绿色植被的减少。 6.A published 这个新的调查研究发表在了美国预防医学杂志上。 7.B to get close to: 接近;让我们进一步甄别什么管用及其原因。 8.B simply 9.A vital 孩子们有更多的场所去玩耍是很重要的。 10.C too 11.A benefits cognitive benefits for children with attention-deficit disorder: 给患有注意力缺损症的儿童带来了福音。 12.D outside 在户外的草地上读书 13.C Exposure exposure to grassy areas: 去草地上 14.B less 15.C analysis

16.C necessarily not necessarily:不一定 17.C approved 众议院通过了这一提议。 18.B always 19.A advantage take advantage of : 利用… 20.D grateful be grateful to: 对…表示感激。这里的意思就是,孩子的身心健康要归功于你。二.Reading comprehension: Passage1 21.B 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C 总体分析 本文介绍了现代社会美容手术的普及及其原因。 第一段:引用专家的话指出大多数人做美容手术的目的。 第二段:引用专家的话指出适合做美容手术的年龄。 第三段:指出费用的降低促进了美容手术的普及。 第四段:技术的发展促进了美容手术的普及。 试题精解 21. 根据文章内容,做美容手术的原因是为了_________。 [A] 身体健康[B] 看起来更正常 [C] 满足胃口[D] 被媒体接受 [精解]本题考查事实细节。第一段第二、三句引用戴维斯博士的观点指出,大多数人做整形手术不是为了追求身体的完美,而是希望看起来比较正常(a desire to look normal)。因此[B]正确,排除[A]。该段最后部分引用戴维斯博士的话,指出正常的标准是被广告媒体等所界定的,因此它们告诉我们什么是被人认可的外观。这只能说明媒体的宣传影响了我们的审美标准,不能说明做手术最终是为了迎合媒体。[C]明显错误,它只是出现了文章中的个别词汇。 22. 根据第三段的内容,戴维斯博士暗示________。 [A] 美容手术虽然昂贵,却是值得的 [B] 美容手术太昂贵 [C] 美容手术甚至对普通人来说都是必要的 [D] 美容手术的对象主要是富人和名人 [精解]本题考查文中人物观点。第三段最后部分戴维斯博士说,“手术虽然要花很多钱,但它也是一种生活的投资。”因此可知[A]是他的观点。该段第二、三句提到,美容手术费用大幅度下降,使除了最先进的激光技术外所有的手术都


2021年mba英语二真题答案解析MBA 英语二真题答案解析 本文将详细解析 2021 年 MBA 英语二真题的答案,帮助考生更好地理解、掌握考试要点,提高备考效果。毋庸置疑,MBA 英语二是考生备考过程中的一大难点,但通过深入分析真题、总结答案解析,有助于考生应对考试中的各类题型。 首先,我们来看一下 2021 年 MBA 英语二的题型特点。整体上,2021 年的英语二试题延续了往年的出题风格,主要包含阅读理解和写作两个部分。阅读理解部分共有三篇短文,涵盖了商务管理、市场营销、金融等领域的话题。写作部分则要求考生根据提供的信息、图表以及题目要求,撰写一篇短文或者完成一封信函。 接下来,我们进行具体的答案解析。请注意,以下解析仅供参考,考生在备考中还应根据自己的实际情况进行针对性的练习和提高。 阅读理解部分的第一篇文章是关于商务管理的。文章主要探讨了企业内部沟通的重要性以及有效沟通的方法。在题目要求中,我们需要根据文章内容回答一系列问题。第一题问到了企业内部沟通的重要性,正确答案是 A:Effective internal communication is critical to the success of an organization. 文章开篇直接提到了这一观点。第二题要求我们列举一种有效的沟通方式,答案是 B:Establishing regular team meetings and encouraging open discussions. 在文章的第二段中,可以找到相应的信息。 第二篇文章是关于市场营销的,主要介绍了客户关系管理 (CRM) 的概念和重要性。文章中提到,CRM 可以帮助企业建立良好的客户关


在职mba英语二真题答案解析 在职MBA英语二真题答案解析 在职MBA英语二是MBA考试中的一项英语考试科目。通过此项考试,对考生的英语听力、阅读、写作和翻译能力进行评估。在此,我们将对MBA英语二真题的答案进行详细解析,帮助考生更好地备考。 一、听力部分解析 听力部分是MBA英语二考试的第一部分,需要考生听录音,并选择正确答案。主要考察考生对于英语口语和听力的理解和应用能力。听力部分通常会包含对话和独白。 解析策略: 1. 注意听每个选项,并与录音中的信息进行对比。 2. 理解上下文,抓住对话的主要内容。 3. 注意纠错,如果发现之前做错了,尽快更正。 二、阅读部分解析 阅读部分是MBA英语二考试的第二部分,需要考生阅读一篇长文,并回答相关问题。主要考察考生的阅读理解和分析能力。 解析策略:

1. 仔细阅读文章,抓住主题和主旨。 2. 注意标记关键信息,如数字、人名、地点等。 3. 使用上下文推断词义。 4. 答题时注意细节回溯,找到具体答案。 三、写作部分解析 写作部分是MBA英语二考试的第三部分,需要考生根据提示,写一篇短文。主要考察考生的写作能力和逻辑思维能力。 解析策略: 1. 阅读问题和提示,确保理解要求。 2. 进行大致的写作框架规划,包括引言、主体和结论。 3. 注意逻辑连贯和句子结构的合理性。 4. 语法和词汇的正确运用。 四、翻译部分解析 翻译部分是MBA英语二考试的第四部分,需要考生翻译一篇中文短文成英文。主要考察考生的翻译能力和对语言的理解能力。 解析策略: 1. 仔细阅读中文短文,确保理解内容。

2. 确定主旨,理解句子结构和用法。 3. 用简洁、准确的句子表达中文短文的意思。 4. 注意语法、拼写和标点符号的准确性。 总结: 通过以上对MBA英语二真题的答案解析,我们可以看出备考MBA 英语二的关键是对考试内容的理解和运用。通过多做练习题,提高听力、阅读、写作和翻译能力,同时合理安排备考时间,提高应试技巧,相信考生们可以取得理想的成绩。祝愿所有考生都能顺利通过MBA英 语二考试,实现自己的职业发展目标。


mba英语历年真题及答案解析 MBA English: Past Exam Questions and Answer Analysis Introduction: The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is widely recognized as a stepping stone for professionals seeking to advance their careers in the field of business management. As part of the admission process, many institutions require prospective students to take an English exam to assess their language proficiency. In this article, we will discuss some past MBA English exam questions, as well as provide detailed answer analysis. Section 1: Reading Comprehension In this section, candidates are usually presented with a series of texts followed by a set of questions to test their reading ability. It is important to carefully analyze the passages and understand the context before attempting to answer the questions. Let's take a look at an example: Passage: Companies today are faced with the challenge of maintaining a competitive edge in a rapidly changing business environment. One strategy that has proven successful is innovation. By continuously developing new products and

mba英语 翻译 真题及答案解析

mba英语翻译真题及答案解析 MBA英语翻译真题及答案解析 随着全球化的深入,MBA英语翻译作为商科考试的一部分变得越 来越重要。掌握好翻译技巧可以提高我们的分数,也能够在商业领域 中更好地与国际同行交流。本文将从MBA英语翻译的特点和要求开始,然后对一些常见的MBA英语翻译真题进行分析,并提供答案解析。 MBA英语翻译的特点和要求 MBA英语翻译相较于一般的英语翻译有其独特的特点和要求。首先,MBA英语翻译中的词汇和表达主要涉及商业和管理领域,需要掌握一定的商业词汇和专业术语。其次,翻译的内容通常具有一定的难度 和复杂性,需要我们具备较高的语言功底和逻辑思维能力。最后,时 间压力也是MBA英语翻译考试的一大特点,我们需要在有限的时间内 高效地完成翻译任务。 MBA英语翻译真题及答案解析 1. 题目:对公司在市场上的竞争优势进行翻译。 答案解析:对于这类题目,我们首先需要理解“竞争优势”和 “市场”两个词的含义。竞争优势可以翻译为"competitive advantage",而市场可以翻译为"market"。因此,正确的翻译应为"competitive advantage in the market"。 2. 题目:翻译以下句子:"公司希望扩大在国际市场的份额。"

答案解析:这道题要求我们翻译一个比较复杂的句子。首先,我 们需要理解"公司"、"扩大"、"国际市场"和"份额"这几个词的含义。" 公司"可以翻译为"company","扩大"可以翻译为"expand","国际市场"可以翻译为"international market",而"份额"可以翻译为"market share"。因此,正确的翻译应为"The company aims to expand its market share in the international market."。 3. 题目:翻译以下短语:"供应链管理" 答案解析:这道题要求我们翻译一个专业术语。"供应链管理"的 英文翻译是"supply chain management"。因此,正确的翻译应为"supply chain management"。 4. 题目:翻译以下句子:"我们应该注重客户的需求并及时作出 调整。" 答案解析:这道题要求我们翻译一个比较常见的句子。首先,我 们需要理解"客户"、"需求"、"及时"和"调整"这几个词的含义。"客户"可以翻译为"customer","需求"可以翻译为"demand","及时"可以翻 译为"timely",而"调整"可以翻译为"adjust"。因此,正确的翻译应为"We should focus on customers' demands and make timely adjustments."。 总结 通过以上几道题目的分析,我们可以看出MBA英语翻译考试的难 度和要求。在备考过程中,我们应该注重积累商业词汇和专业术语, 提高语言表达和逻辑思维能力,并且熟悉常见的翻译题型和解答方法。只有不断练习和提升,我们才能在MBA英语翻译考试中取得好成绩, 为未来的商业发展奠定基础。


mba考试英语真题及答案解析 MBA考试英语真题及答案解析 一、简介 MBA(Master of Business Administration)是国际上商科教育 最高的硕士学位,也是许多企业高层管理人员追求的梦想。而MBA考 试则是进入MBA学校的门槛之一。英语是MBA考试的一项重要内容, 下面将结合真题及其答案解析,来帮助大家更好地准备和理解MBA考试。 二、真题及答案解析 1. 阅读理解题示例: 根据下面短文,回答问题: The concept of social entrepreneurship is gaining momentum as both individuals and organizations are increasingly seeking innovative ways to address social issues. Social entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to make a positive impact on society, and they create and manage ventures that combine market-based approaches with a focus on enhancing the common good. Question: What is the main character of social entrepreneurship?

答案解析:社会创业的主要特点是将市场导向的方法与促进社会福利的关注结合起来。 2. 完形填空题示例: 根据下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择合适的词或词组完成短文,并将其标号填入题后括号内。 A study conducted by the Harvard Business School has revealed that a well-designed office space can significantly (41) productivity and employee satisfaction. The study (42) that the physical environment directly affects work behaviors and attitudes. It has been discovered that the presence of natural light, comfortable furniture, and ample space (43) collaboration and communication among employees. 41. A. increase B. decrease C. sustain D. maintain 42. A. confirmed B. assured C. ensured D. proved 43. A. promotes B. denies C. disrupts D. ignores 答案解析:41. A;42. D;43. A 3. 阅读填空题示例: 根据下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择合适的词或词组完成短文,并将其标号填入题后括号内。 It is no secret that technology has (61) transformed the way we live and work. One of the most significant effects of


精心整理MBA英语历年真题阅读理解及参考答案详解二 We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War Ⅱas a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college World War 11 and took up posts at American architecture schools. These designers came to exert enormous influence on the course of American architecture. but none more so than Mies.Mies's signature phrase means that less

decoration, properly organized, has more impacts than a lot. Elegance, he believed, did not derive from abundance. Like other modem architects. he employed metal, glass and laminated wood - materials that we take for granted today The trend toward “less" was not entirely foreign, In the 193Os Frank Lloyd Wright started building more modest and efficient houses - usually around 1,200 square feet - than the spreading two-storey ones he had designed in the I 89Os and


mba英语二历年真题及答案解析MBA英语二历年真题及答案解析 随着中国经济的蓬勃发展和全球化的进程,越来越多的人选择攻读MBA学位,以增强自己在商业领域的竞争力。而在MBA考试中,英语是其中一个重要的组成部分。为了帮助大家更好地备考,本文将提供一些历年MBA英语二真题及其详细解析,希望能够对广大考生有所帮助。 首先,我们来看一道历年MBA英语二的完形填空题: Since the 1990s, __1__ has witnessed an urbanization process at an unprecedented rate, which has also brought about significant challenges. One of the most urgent challenges is how to manage the enormous amount of waste generated in these cities. While waste management practices vary from country to country, __2__ issues emerge. To address these challenges, many cities have __3__ to develop new waste management systems. One such system is waste separation, where different types of waste are sorted into designated containers to facilitate recycling. This method has proven to be effective __4__ reducing waste and conserving resources. Moreover, another approach is to transform waste into energy. __5__ advances in technology, waste-to-energy plants have been established in many cities, providing a sustainable


2023 年管理类专业硕士学位联考英语真题及答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark, or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 . As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals. I also found weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice significant changes in weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost. For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly


2023年1月MBA联考英语试题及答案解析 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The Internet affords anonymity to its users, a blessing to privacy and freedom of speech. But that very anonymity is also behind the explosion of cyber-crime that has 1 across the Web. Can privacy be preserved 2 bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasingly 3 Last month, Howard Schmidt, the nation’s cyber-czar, offered the federal government a 4 to make the Web a safer place-a “voluntary trusted identity〞system that would be the high-tech 5 of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled 6 one. The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential 7 to a specific computer .and would authenticate users at a range of online services. The idea is to 8 a federation of private online identity systems. User could 9 which system to join, and only registered users whose identities have been authenticated could navigate those systems. The approach contrasts with one that would require an Internet driver’s license 10 by the government. 谷歌 and Microsoft are among companies that already have these“single sign-on〞systems that make it possible for users to 11 just once but use many different services. 12.the approach would create a “walled garden〞 n cyberspace, with safe “neighborhoods〞 and bright “streetlights〞 to establish a sense of a 13 community. Mr. Schmidt described it as a “voluntary ecosystem〞 in which “individuals and organizations can complete online transactions with 14 ,trusting the identities of each other and the identities of the infrastructure 15 which the transaction runs〞. Still, the administration’s plan has 16 privacy rights activists. Some


MBA联考英语试卷 Part I Vocabulary and Structure Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. The poor lady was too and distressed to talk about the tragedy. A. engaged B. exhausted C. ignorant D. energetic 2. At fist , the famous painting doesn't impress the audience at all. A. glance B. gaze C. stare D. view 3. Delegates agree to the plan in , but there were some details they didn't approve. A. discipline B. theory C. principle D. nature 4. I took the medicine 10minutes ago, but the bitterness is still in my mouth. A. scattering B. felling C. maintaining D. lingering 5. Since the of human history, human beings have been asking questions like "What is the essence of life." A. dusk B. dust C. twinkle D. Dawn 6. The eldest son all the family members to discuss how to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents. A. Clustered B. resembled C. assembled D. rendered 7. I must leave now, , if you want that book I'll bring it you tomorrow. A. Accidentally B. Incidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently 8. My mother is a light sleeper, to any sound even as low as the humming of mosquito. A. alert B. acute C. keen D. immune 9. The newly built factory is in urgent need of a number of skilled and workers. A. consistent B. conscious C. confidential D. conscientious 10. As an outstanding scholar, he has become to the research team. A. senior B. junior C. indispensible D. independent 11. Sixteen days after the earthquake, 40people, in their village, were rescued. A. trapped B. confined C. enclosed D. captured 12. Working far away from home, Jerry had to from downtown to his office everyday. A. wander B. commute C. ramble D. motion 13. The finance minister has not been so since he raised taxes to an unbearable level. A. famous B. favorable C. popular D. preferable 14. It is unimaginable for someone in such a high in the government to behave so badly in public. A. situation B. position C. profession D. appointment 15. Information given to employees must be , clear and in easy-to-follow language. A. convenient B. continuous C. constant D. concise 16. John was very upset because he was by the police with breaking the law. A. sentenced B. arrested C. accused D. charged


2006 年1 月 1.In some countries girls are still_____of a good education. A denied. B declined C denved D deprived 2. As the years passed,the memories of her childhood ______away. A faded B disappeared C flashed D fired 3. Brierley's book has the________ of being both informative and readable. A inspiration B requirements C myth D merit 4.If I have any comments to make,I'll write them in the ______of the book I'm reading f A edge B page C margin D side 5. My________would really trouble me if I wore a fur coat. A consciousness B consequence C constitution D conscience 6. When the post fell_______。Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it. A empty B vacant C hollow D hare 7. Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most _________person in each family. A considerate B considerable C considering D constant 8. For ten years the Greeks _______the city of Troy to separate it from the outside. A captured B occupied C destroyed D surrounded 9. Other guests at yesterday's opening,which was broadcast______ by the radio station,included Anne Melntosh and Mayor. A live B alive C living D lively 10. A New Zealand man was recently _________to life imprisonment for the murder of an English tourist,Monica Cantwell. A punished B accused C sentenced D put 11. The past 22 years have really been amazing,and every prediction we've made about improvements have al come____ A truly B true C Truth D truthful 12. The teachers tried to ______these students that they could solve the complicated problem,however,they just didn't see the point. A convince B encourage C consult D inclined 13. I'm_________ to think that most children would like their teachers to be their friends rather than their commanders. A subjected B supposed C declined D inclined 14. She is under the impression that he isn't a _____________person for he wouldn't tell her where and when he went to university. A genius B generous C genuine D genetic 15. The first glasses of Coca Cola were drunk in 1886.The drink was first _____by a US chemist called John Pemberton A formed B made C found D done 16. These two chemicals _________with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion. A interact B attract C react D expel
