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②在私人信件中,如果写信人与收信人关系比较密切,则称呼可以比较随意,一般是“Dear”后面直接加人名,如“Dear Anna”。



女士:Mrs. Ms. Miss




不知对方姓名:Dear Sir/Sirs Dear Madam/Madams Dear Sir or Madam To Whom It May Concern


①美式英语的日期格式为“Mar.20,2007”(适用于备忘录、便笺等前面的时间格式),英语中的12月份的缩写如下:Jan. Feb. Mar.

Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.


There is going to be a lecture , title…in the meeting room of the English Department from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Monday ,July 11th.

An international conference on globalization will be held from Feb.3rd to 6th in Beijing,the venue of which will be in our university.

We will meet at the west gate of the university at 9:00 a.m., Sunday ; a bus has been arranged. As a result , it has been decided that all full-time employees are to attend a computer course-which will take place every Monday night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the company meeting room A and B -for the duration of two months.

The dinner starts at 6 p.m. so that we can have a long and nice evening.

The concert starts at 7 p.m. this Saturday evening , and I have left ticket on your desk beside you laptop.

Please register for the course at the company reception desk before May 13th.

If you are enthusiastic about obtaining a fresh experience in international conference, please send your resume to xxx@. by Jan.20th.


开头:I am much delighted to learn that you have been elected the Chairman of our University Students’Union. This is a special and happy moment for you and I am very proud of your achievement

⑶结束语:Please accept my most sincere congratulations.


开头:I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to my 23rd birthday party at my house on this Saturday night , May the 8th.

I wonder if you could come to…

结束语:I would love you to attend, so please let me know your decision.

I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision.

Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come?

I would feel honored if you could come.

掌握一个结束语“Yours sincerely”,这个结束语普遍适用于私人和公务信件。

⑷签名:一般考试中只能用“Li Ming”
