人教版八年级上册单词表 英译汉

人教版八年级上册单词表  英译汉
人教版八年级上册单词表  英译汉

Unit1 Where did you go on


anyone ['eniw?n] pron.

anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv.

wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj.

few [fju?] adj.

most [m??st] adj.

something ['s?mθ??] pron.

nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] pron. myself [ma?'self] pron.

everyone ['evriw?n] pron.

yourself [j??'self] pron.

hen [hen] n.

bored [b??d] adj.

pig n.

diary ['da??ri] n.

seem [si?m] vi.

someone ['s?mw?n] pron.

quite a few

of course [?vk??s]

activity [?k't?v?ti] n.

decide [d?'sa?d] v.

(decide to do sth.)

try [tra?] v.

(try to do sth. /try doing sth.)

bird [b??d] n.

paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n

bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n.

building ['b?ld??] n

trader ['tre?d?(r)] n.

wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v.

difference ['d?fr?ns] n

top [t?p] n

wait [we?t] v.

umbrella [?m'brel?] n.

wet [wet] adj.

below [b?'l??] .

as [?z] conj.

enough [?'n?f] .

duck [d?k] n.

hungry(反full) ['h??ɡri] adj.

feel like(doing sth.)

dislike [d?s'la?k] v. n.

because of

have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)

Unit2 How often do you

exercise housework ['ha?sw??k] n.

hardly ['hɑ?dl i] adv.

ever ['ev?(r)] adv.

once [w?ns] adv.

twice [twa?s] adv.

Internet ['?nt?net] n.

program ['pr??ɡr?m] n.

full [f?l] adj.

swing [sw??]

maybe ['me?bi] adv.

swing dance

least [li?st] adj.

at least

hardly ever

junk n.

coffee ['k?fi] n.

health [helθ] n.

result [r?'z?lt] .

percent [p?'sent] adj.

online [??n'la?n] adj.

television ['tel?v??n] n.

although [??l'e??] conj.

through [θru?] prep.

body ['b?di] n

mind [ma?nd] .

such [s?t?] adj.

together [t?'ɡee?(r)] adv.

die [da?] v.

writer ['ra?t?(r)] n.

dentist ['dent?st] n.

magazine ['m?ɡ?zi?n] n.

however [ha?'ev?(r)] adv.

than [e?n] conj.

almost ['??lm??st] adv.

none [n?n] pron.

less [les] adj.

point [p??nt] n.

such as

junk food n.

more than

less than

Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.

outgoing ['a?tɡ????] a dj.

better ['bet?(r)] adj. adv.

loudly ['la?dli] adv.

quietly ['kwa??tli] adv.

hard-working [hɑ?d'w??k??] adj. competition [?k?mp?'t??n] n. fantastic [f?n't?st?k] adj.

which .

clearly ['kl??li] adv.

win [w?n] .

though .

care about

talented ['t?l?nt?d] adj.

truly ['tru?li] adv.

care [ke?(r)] v.

serious ['s??ri?s] adj.

mirror ['m?r?(r)] n.

necessary ['nes?s?ri] adj

both [b??θ] .

should [??d] aux.

touch [t?t?] vt.

reach [ri?t?] v.

heart [hɑ?t] n.

fact [f?kt] n.

break [bre?k] v.

laugh [lɑ?f] v. n.

similar ['s?m?l?(r)] adj.

share [?e?(r)] vt.

loud [la?d] .

primary ['pra?m?ri] adj.

be different from

information [??nf?'me??n] n.

as long as

bring out

the same as

in fact

be similar to类似于;与...相似

Unit4 What's the best movie


theater ['θ??t?] n.

comfortable ['k?mft?bl] adj.

seat [si?t] n.screen [skri?n] n.

close [kl??s] v.

worst [w??st] adj.

cheaply ['t?i?pli] adv.

song [s??] n.

choose [t?u?z] v.

carefully ['ke?f?li] adv.

reporter [r?'p??t?(r)] n.

fresh [fre?] adj.

comfortably ['k?mft?bli] adv

worse [w??s] adj.

service ['s??v?s] n.

pretty ['pr?ti] .

menu ['menju?] n.

act [?kt] v.

meal [mi?l] n.

so far

no problem

creative [kri'e?t?v] adj.

performer [p?'f??m?(r)] n.

talent ['t?l?nt] n.

common ['k?m?n] adj.

magician [m?'d???n] n.

beautifully ['bju?t?fli] adv.

role [r??l] n.

winner ['w?n?(r)] n.

prize [pra?z] n.

everybody ['evrib?di] pron.

example [?ɡ'zɑ?mpl] n.

poor [p??(r)] adj.

seriously ['s??ri?sli]

give [ɡ?v] v

crowded ['kra?d?d] adj.

have…in common

all kinds of

be up to

play a role

Make up

for example


Unit5 Do you want to watch a

game show

sitcom ['s?tk?m] n. (= situation comedy) news [nju?z] n.

soap [s??p] n.

educational [?ed?u'ke???nl] adj plan [pl?n] .

hope [h??p] ..

discussion [d?'sk??n] n.

stand [st?nd] v.

happen ['h?p?n] vi.

may [me?] aux.

expect [?k'spekt] v.

joke [d???k] .

comedy ['k?m?di] n.

find out

meaningless ['mi?n??l?s] adj. action ['?k?n] n.

cartoon [kɑ?'tu?n] n.

culture ['k?lt??(r)] n.

famous ['fe?m?s] adj. appear [?'p??(r)] vi.

become [b?'k?m] v.

rich [r?t?] adj.

successful [s?k'sesfl] adj might [ma?t] aux.;

main [me?n] adj.

reason ['ri?zn] n.

film [f?lm] n.

unlucky [?n'l?ki] adj.

lose [lu?z] v

ready ['redi] adj.

character ['k?r?kt?(r)] n. simple ['s?mpl] adj.

army ['ɑ?mi] n.

action movie

be ready to

dress up

take sb.’s place

do a good job

Unit6 I'm going to study computer science.

doctor ['d?kt?(r)]n.

engineer [end??'n?r]n.

violinist [?va??'l?n?st] n.

pilot ['pa?l?t]n.

pianist ['p??n?st] n.


college ['kɑ?l?d?] n.

education [?ed?u'ke??n]n.

medicine ['medsn]n.

university [?ju?n?'v??rs?ti] n.

article ['ɑ?rt?kl]n.

send [send] v.

grow up

computer programmer

be sure about

make sure

resolution [?rez?'lu??n] n.

foreign ['f??r?n] adj.

able [?eb?l]

discuss [d??sk?s]v.

promise [?prɑm?s] v. n.

beginning [b??ɡ?n??] n.

improve [?m?pruv] v. n.

physical ['f?z?kl]adj. selfimprovement [self?mp'ru?vm?nt]n. hobby ['hɑ?bi] n.

own [o?n] .

personal ['p??rs?nl]adj.

relationship [r?'le??n??p] n.

write down

have to do with

take up

agree with

be able to

Unit 7 Will people have robots paper['pe?p?r] n.

pollution [p?'lu??n] n.

prediction[pr?'d?k?n] n.

future ['fju?t??r] n.

pollute[p?'lu?t] v.

environment [?n'va?r?nm?nt] n. planet ['pl?n?t] n.

earth[??rθ] n.

plant [pl?nt] n/v.

part [pɑ?rt] v/n.

peace [pi?s]n.


play a part

astronaut['?str?n??t] n. apartment[?'pɑ?rtm?nt] n. rocket ['rɑ?k?t]n.

space[spe?s] .n.


human ['hju?m?n]adj/ n. servant['s??rv?nt] n.

dangerous ['de?nd??r?s] adj. already[??l'redi]

factory['f?ktri] n.

believe [b?'li?v] v.

disagr ee [?d?s?'ɡri?]v.

shape [?e?p] n.

fall [f??l] v.

possible ['pɑ?s?bl] adj

probably ['prɑ?b?bli] adv

holiday ['hɑ?l?de?] n.

word[w??rd] n. ;

space station

over and over again

hundreds of

fall down

look for

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake

blender['blend?r] n.

peel[pi?l] vt.

pour [p??r] pour[p??r] v;.

yogurt['jo?ɡ?rt] n.

honey ['h?ni]n.

watermelon ['w??t?rmel?n]n.

sp oon [spu?n] n.

add[?d] v.

finally['fa?n?li] adv.

salt[s??lt] n.

sugar['??ɡ?r] n.

cheese[t?i?z] n.

popcorn ['pɑ?pk??rn] n.

corn [k??rn] n.

machine[m?'?i?n] n.

sandwich['s?nw?t?] n.

butter['b?t?r] n.

turkey ['t??rki]n.

lettuce ['let?s] n.

piece[pi?s] n.

traditional [tr?'d???nl] adj

traveler ['tr?vl?] n.

England['??ɡl?nd] n.

celebrate['sel?bre?t] v.

pepper ['pep?r] n.

oven['?vn] n.

cover['k?v?r] n. /n

gravy['ɡre?vi] n.

serve[s??rv] v/n.

temperature ['tempr?t??r] n.

Unit 9 Can you come to my party

prepare [pr?'per]v.

exam[?ɡ'z?m] n.

available[?'ve?l?bl] adj.

hang[h??] [?n't?l]

catch[k?t?] v.

invite [?n'va?t]v

accept[?k'sept] v

refuse [r?'fju?z] v.

invitation [??nv?'te??n]n.reply [r?'pla?] n.

forward['f??rw?rd] adj/v

delete [d?'li?t] v.

preparation [?prep?'re??n]n.


guest[ɡest] n.

concert ['kɑ?ns?rt] n.

headmaster[?hed'm?st?r] n.

event[?'vent] n.

calendar['k?l?nd?r] n.

Unit10 If you go to the party,you 'll have a great time! video ['v?dio?] n.

organize['??rɡ?na?z] v.




travel['tr?vl] v./n

agent['e?d??nt] n

expert ['eksp??rt]n.

teenager ['ti?n?e?d??] n.



certainly ['s??rtnli] adv

wallet['wɑ?l?t] n.

worried ['w??rid]adj

angry ['??ɡri] adj

careless['kerl?s] adj understanding [??nd?r'st?nd??]adj trust[tr?st] v.


careful['kerfl] adj

advise [?d'va?z] v

solve [sɑ?lv] v.

experience [?k'sp?ri?ns] n.

halfway [?h?f'we?] adj/adv.

else[els] adj.


1 八年级上册英语词汇清单(记住他们的汉语意思,是最后关头对自己最低的要求) UNIT1(有梦所以坚持,有梦方有远方) □ anyone__________________ □ anywhere__________________ □ wonderful__________________ □ few__________________ □ quite a few__________________ □ most__________________ □ something__________________ □ nothing__________________ □ everyone__________________ □ of course__________________ □ myself__________________ □ yourself__________________ □ hen__________________ □ seem__________________ □ bored__________________ □ someone__________________ □ diary__________________ □ activity_________________ □ decide__________________ □ try__________________ □ paragliding__________________ □ feel like__________________ □ bicycle__________________ □ building__________________ □ trader__________________ □ wonder__________________ □ difference__________________ □ top__________________ □ wait__________________ □ umbrella__________________ □ wet__________________ □ because of __________________ □ below__________________ □ enough_______ □ hungry ________________ □ as __________________ □ hill __________________ □ duck__________________ □ dislike ___________ □ Central Park __________________ □ Hong Kong_________ □ Malaysia __________________ □ Malaysian _________________ □ Tian’anmen Square__________________ □ The Palace Museum________________ UNIT 2自觉就是不需要也不喜欢让人提醒。 □ Housework __________________ □ hardly __________________ □ ever __________________ □ hardly ever __________________ □ once __________________ □ twice__________________ □ Internet __________________ □ Program □ swing dance __________________ □ maybe __________________ □ least ________________ □ at least __________________ □ junk ________________ □ junk food __________________ □ coffee __________________ □ health ______________ □ result __________________ □ percent __________________ □ online __________________ □ television __________________ □ although __________________ □ through __________________ □ mind __________________ □ such_______________ □ such as __________________ □ together __________________ □ die __________________ □ writer __________________ □ dentist __________________ □ magazine __________________ □ however_________________ □ than__________ □ more than __________________ □ almost __________________ □ none __________________ □ less__________________ □ less than __________________ □ point __________________ □ Claire__________________ □ Sue __________________ □ American Teenager UNIT3生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野 □ outgoing __________________ □ better __________________ □ loudly _________________ □ hard-working __________________ □ competition__________________ □ fantastic__________________ □ which__________________ □ clearly__________________ □ win__________________ □ though_______________ □ talented__________________ □ truly__________________ □ care__________________ □ care about __________________ □ serious __________________ □ mirror __________________ □ kid__________________ □ as long as __________________ □ necessary __________________ □ be different from________________


八年级上册英译汉Unit 1 a nyone________________ wonderful______________ quite a few_____________ something______________ everyone_______________ myself_________________ hen__________________ seem__________________ someone_______________ activity_________________ try_________________ feel like_____________ bicycle_________________ trader__________________ difference_______________ wait__________________ wet_____________ below_________________ duck__________________ hungry _______________ hill _____________anywhere_____________ few__________________ most_________________ nothing_______________ of course______________ yourself_______________ pig__________________ bored________________ diary_________________ decide_________________ paragliding___________ bird__________________ building_______________ wonder________________ top__________________ umbrella_______________ because of ______________ enough dislike as _________________


八年级英语上册单词Unit 1 1.how often 2.exercise 3.skateboard. 4.hardly. 5.ever. 6.once 7.twice.. 8.time. 9.surf. 10.Internet. 11.program 12.high school 13.result 14.active. 15.for. 16.as for 17.about. 18.junk. 19.junk food https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,k 21.coffee. 22.chip 23.cola. 24.chocolate. 25.drink 26.health. 27.how many 28.interviewer. 29.habit. 30.try 31.of course 32.look 33.lifestyle 34.grade. 35.better. 36.same 37.as. 38.different. 39.difference. 40.unhealthy. 41.yuck. 42.maybe 43.although (=though) 44.for 45.grandpa 46.a lot of 47.keep 48.must 49.less Unit 2 1. matter. 2. have. 3.cold. 4.have a cold 5.stomachache 6.sore. 7.back. 8.arm 9.ear. 10.eye 11.foot 12.hand. 13.head. l4.leg 15.mouth. 16.neck. 17.nose. 18.stomach. 19.tooth 20.throat. 21.toothache 22.fever. 23.rest. 24.honey 25.dentist. 26.should. 27.headache 28.shouldn't=should not 29.ago 30.so 31.illness 32.advice 33.thirsty 34.stress 35.be stressed out 36.early. 37.problem 38.way 39.traditional 40.believe. 41.balance. 42.yin 43.yang 41.weak 45.Dangshen 46.Huangqi 47.herb. 48.angry 49.tofu 50.medicine 51.western. 52.everybody. 53.get 54.few. 55.a few 56.stay 57.important 58.balanced. 59.diet. 60.moment 61.at the moment 62.until (=till) 63.dear 64.host family 65.hear Unit 3 1. babysit. 2.camp 3.plan 4.Tibet 5.hike 6.Hong Kong 7.yeah 8.how long 9.away 10.get back 11.send 12.postcard 13.San Francisco 14.Hawaii


Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? anyone ['eniw?n] pron. anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv. wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj. few [fju?] adj. most [m??st] adj. something ['s?mθ??] pron. nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] pron. myself [ma?'self] pron. everyone ['evriw?n] pron. yourself [j??'self] pron. hen [hen] n. bored [b??d] adj. pig n. diary ['da??ri] n. seem [si?m] vi. someone ['s?mw?n] pron. quite a few of course [?vk??s] activity [?k't?v?ti] n. decide [d?'sa?d] v. (decide to do sth.) try [tra?] v. (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [b??d] n. paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n. building ['b?ld??] n trader ['tre?d?(r)] n. wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v. difference ['d?fr?ns] n top [t?p] n wait [we?t] v. umbrella [?m'brel?] n. wet [wet] adj. below [b?'l??] prep.adv. as [?z] conj. enough [?'n?f] adj.adv. duck [d?k] n. hungry(反full) ['h??ɡri] adj. feel like(doing sth.) dislike [d?s'la?k] v. n.because of have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.) Unit2 How often do you exercise? housework ['ha?sw??k] n. hardly ['hɑ?dli] adv. ever ['ev?(r)] adv. once [w?ns] adv. twice [twa?s] adv. Internet ['?nt?net] n. program ['pr??ɡr?m] n. full [f?l] adj. swing [sw??] n.v maybe ['me?bi] adv. swing dance least [li?st] adj. at least hardly ever junk n. coffee ['k?fi] n. health [helθ] n. result [r?'z?lt] . percent [p?'sent] adj. online [??n'la?n] adj. television ['tel?v??n] n. although [??l'e??] conj. through [θru?] prep. body ['b?di] n mind [ma?nd] . such [s?t?] adj. together [t?'ɡee?(r)] adv. die [da?] v. writer ['ra?t?(r)] n. dentist ['dent?st] n. magazine ['m?ɡ?zi?n] n. however [ha?'ev?(r)] adv. than [e?n] conj. almost ['??lm??st] adv. none [n?n] pron. less [les] adj. point [p??nt] n.


人教版新目标八年级下册英语单词默写(英译汉) Unit1 What’t the matter 1.matter____________ 2.What’s the matter?_______ 3.sore _______ 4.have a cold _______ 5.stomachache_________ 6.have a stomachache__________ 7.foot ________8.neck _______ 9.stomach________10.throat____ 11.fever_________12.lie__________ 13.lie down_________14.rest______ 15.cough_________16. X-ray_______ 17.toothache________ 18.take one’s temperature______ 19.headache__________ 20.have a fever______21.break_____ 22.take breaks_______________ 23.hurt______24.passenger________ 25.off_______26.get off__________ 27.to one’s surprise____ 28.onto ________29.trouble_______ 30.hit_______31.right away_______ 32.get into______33.herself______ 34.bandage______35.sick_______ 36.knee_______37.nosebleed_______ 38.breathe________39.sunburned________ 40.ourselves___________41.climber_____ 42.be used to_______43.risk_________ 44.take risks(take a risk)__ 45.accident______46.situation_________ 47.kilo/kilogram__________48.rock_____ 49.run out (of)________50.knife________ 51.cut off________52.blood__________ 53.mean/meant________54.get out of_____ 55.importance_________56.decision_____ 57.control_____58.be in control of_____ 59.spirit_____ 60.death_____ 61.give up_____ 62.nurse____63.Utah______ Unit2.I’ll help to clean up the city parks 1.clean up_________ 2.cheer__________ 3.cheer up_____ 4.give up___________ 5.volunteer____ https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,e up with______ 7.put off___________ 8.sign___________ 9.notice_________10.hand out_________ 11.call up___________https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,ed to________ 13.lonely__________14.care for________ 15.several_____16.strong________ 17.feeling________18.satisfaction_____ 19.joy_________20.owner_________ 21.try out_______22.journey_____ 23.raise________24.alone__________ 25.repair__________26.fix________ 27.fix up_________28.give away_________ 29.take after_____30.broken_____ 31.wheel_____32.letter_____ 33.Miss_____ set up_____ 34.disabled_______ 35,make a difference_____ 35.blind_____36,deaf_____ 36.imagine_____37,difficulty_____ 38,open_____39,door_____40,carry_____ 41,train_____ 42,excited_____ 43,training______44,kindness_______ 45,clever_____ 46,understand/understood___ 47,change _____48,interest_____ 49,sir_____50,madam_____ Unit3 Could you please clean your room ? 1.rubbish__________ 2.take out the rubbish_________ 3.fold_______ 4.sweep/swept__________ 5.floor_________ 6.mess_________ 7.throw_______.all the time_________ 9.neither________10.shirt_________ 1


新版外研英语八年级下单词表---英译汉单词汉语 Module 1 1.Smell 2.Soft 3.Sour 4.Cookie 5.Mm 6.Pizza 7.lovely 8.Done 9.Try 10.Have a try 11.Pie 12.Sound 13.Sweet tooth 14.Salt 15.Jam 16.For 17.fovourite 18.ear 19.Glasses 20.jeans 21.nervous 22.Fair 23.Pretty 24.Proud 25.Be proud of 26.Stranger 27.Message 28.Sb. can’t wait 29.Hobby 30.At school 31.in 32.mark 33.love Module 2 1.ever 2.enter https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,petition 4.prize 5.first prize 6.dream 7.afford 8.write about 9.make up 10.invite 11.move 12.send(sent) 13.Germany 14.France 15.tower 16.ancient 17.king 18.queen 19.Arabic 20.way 21.mix 22.miss 23.count 24.count down Module 3 1.none 2.environment 3.that 4.solar 5.system 6.solar system 7.group 8.galaxy 9.universe 10.light 11.impossible 12.out https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,municate 14.earth 15.moon 16.news 17.reach 18.planet 19.yet 20.just 21.model 22.spaceship


2015 八年级下册英语英译汉 Unit1 What’t the matter 1.matter____________ 2.What’s the matter?_______ 3.sore __________ 4.have a cold ____________ 5.stomachache___________ 6.have a stomachache__________ 7.foot _______________ 8.neck _____________ 9.stomach________________ 10.throat________________ 11.fever_______________ 12.lie_______________ 13.lie down______________ 14.rest__________

15.cough________________ 16. X-ray___________ 17.toothache______________ 18.take one’s temperature______ 19.headache_______________ 20.have a fever____________ 21.break________________ 22.take breaks_______________ 23.hurt___________ 24.passenger______________ 25.off_______ 26.get off_____________ 27.to one’s surprise____ 28.onto ________ 29.trouble___________ 30.hit_______ 31.right away__________


八年级下册英语单词英译 汉

2015八年级下册英语英译汉 Unit1What’tthematter 1.matter____________ 2.What’sthematter_ ______ 3.sore__________ 4.haveacold____________ 5.stomachache___________ 6.haveastomachache__________ 7.foot_______________ 8.neck_____________ 9.stomach________________

10.throat________________ 11.fever_______________ 12.lie_______________ 13.liedown______________ 14.rest__________ 15.cough________________ 16.X-ray___________ 17.toothache______________ 18.take one’stemperature______ 19.headache_______________ 20.haveafever____________ 21.break________________ 22.takebreaks_______________

24.passenger______________ 25.off_______ 26.getoff_____________ 27.toone’ssurprise____ 28.onto________ 29.trouble___________ 30.hit_______ 31.rightaway__________ 32.getinto__________ 33.herself_____________ 34.bandage_______ 35.sick__________


Unit 1 1.不喜欢,讨厌 2.鸭子 3.决定 4.努力,尝试 5.滑翔伞运动 6.等待 7.顶部 8.建筑物,房子 9.鸟 10.自行车 11.伞,雨伞 12.我自己 13.厌倦的 14.某人 15.日记 16.活动 17.想知道 18.商人 19.差别,差异 20.湿的,下雨的 21.足够的,足够地 22.饥饿的 23.当然 24.某事,某物 25.不多,很少 26.相当多 27.任何人 28.在任何地方 29.没有什么,没有一件东西 30.每人,人人 31.你自己 32.似乎,好像 33.母鸡 34.猪 35.因为 36.在。。。下面 37.小山 38.像…一样 39.天安门广场 40.故宫博物馆Unit 2 1.几乎,差不多 2.少于 3.得分,点 4.然而,不过 5.多于 6.垃圾食物 7.至少 8.摇摆舞 9.杂志,期刊 10.牙医 11.例如 12.几乎不 13.一次,曾经 14.互联网 15.节目 16.忙的,满的 17.两次,两倍 18.咖啡 19.在一起,共同 20.死亡v. 21.在线的 22.健康n. 23.结果 24.百分之 25.电视机 26.可能,大概 27.作者,作家 28.头脑 29.穿过,以 30.身体 31.家务劳动 32.虽然,尽管 33.没有一个,毫无 34.比 35.从来,曾经 36.摆动,秋千

1.外向的 2.工作努力的 3.比赛,竞赛 4.更好的 5.大声的 6.安静地 7.清楚地,明白地 8.赢,获胜 9.有才能的 10.真正,确实 11.哪个,哪些 12.关心,在意 13.镜子 14.严肃的,稳重的 15.与…不同 16.两个都 17.使显现,使表现出 18.应该 19.成绩 20.到达,伸手 21.手 22.极好的,了不起的 23.和…相同 24.谚语 25.小孩,年轻人 26.必要的,必须的 27.消息,细心 28.感动,触摸 29.手臂 30.分享 31.响亮的 32.事实上,实际上 33.内心,心脏 34.笑,发笑 35.与…相似的 36.小学 37.最初的,最早的


八年级上册英语单词Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 1.anyone 2.anywhere 3.wonderful 4.few 5.quite a few 6.most ; 7.something ; 8.nothing(=not…anything) 9.everyone 10.of course 11.myself 12.yourself 13.hen 14.pig 15.seem 16.bored 17.someone 18.diary 19.activity 20.decide 21.try 22.paragliding 23.feel like 24.bird 25.bicycle 26.building 27.trader 28.wonder 29.difference. 30.top 31.wait 32.umbrella 33.wet 34.because of 35.below 36.enough 37.hungry 38.as 39.hill 40.duck 41.dislike 42.have a good time Unit2 How often do you exercise? 1.housework 2.hardly 3.ever 4.hardly ever 5.once 6.twice 7.Internet 8.program 9.full 10.swing 11.swing dance 12.maybe 13.least 14.at least 15.junk 16.junk food 17.coffee 18.health 19.result 20.percent 21.online 22.television 23.although 24.through 25.mind 26.body 27.such 28.such as 29.together 30.die 31.writer 32.dentist 33.magazine 34.however 35.than 36.more than

人教版八年级上册单词表 英译汉

Unit1 Where did you go on vacation anyone ['eniw?n] pron. anywhere ['eniwe?(r)] adv. wonderful ['w?nd?fl] adj. few [fju?] adj. most [m??st] adj. something ['s?mθ??] pron. nothing(=not…anything) ['n?θ??] pron. myself [ma?'self] pron. everyone ['evriw?n] pron. yourself [j??'self] pron. hen [hen] n. bored [b??d] adj. pig n. diary ['da??ri] n. seem [si?m] vi. someone ['s?mw?n] pron. quite a few of course [?vk??s] activity [?k't?v?ti] n. decide [d?'sa?d] v. (decide to do sth.) try [tra?] v. (try to do sth. /try doing sth.) bird [b??d] n. paragliding ['p?r?ɡla?d??] n bicycle ['ba?s?kl] n. building ['b?ld??] n trader ['tre?d?(r)] n. wonder ['w?nd?(r)] v. difference ['d?fr?ns] n top [t?p] n wait [we?t] v. umbrella [?m'brel?] n. wet [wet] adj. below [b?'l??] . as [?z] conj. enough [?'n?f] . duck [d?k] n. hungry(反full) ['h??ɡri] adj. feel like(doing sth.) dislike [d?s'la?k] v. n. because of have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.) Unit2 How often do you exercise housework ['ha?sw??k] n. hardly ['hɑ?dl i] adv. ever ['ev?(r)] adv. once [w?ns] adv. twice [twa?s] adv. Internet ['?nt?net] n. program ['pr??ɡr?m] n. full [f?l] adj. swing [sw??] maybe ['me?bi] adv. swing dance least [li?st] adj. at least hardly ever junk n. coffee ['k?fi] n. health [helθ] n. result [r?'z?lt] . percent [p?'sent] adj. online [??n'la?n] adj. television ['tel?v??n] n. although [??l'e??] conj. through [θru?] prep. body ['b?di] n mind [ma?nd] . such [s?t?] adj. together [t?'ɡee?(r)] adv. die [da?] v. writer ['ra?t?(r)] n. dentist ['dent?st] n. magazine ['m?ɡ?zi?n] n. however [ha?'ev?(r)] adv. than [e?n] conj. almost ['??lm??st] adv. none [n?n] pron. less [les] adj. point [p??nt] n. such as junk food n. more than less than Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.


2015 八年级 下册英语英译 汉 Unit1 What 't the matter 1. _________________ matter 2. _______________________ What's the matter? __________________ 3. ______________ s ore 4. _____________________ have a cold 5. _____________________ stomachache 6. __________________________ have a stomachache ________________ 7. __________________ foot 8. _________________ neck 9. _______________________ stomach 10. ____________________ throat 11. ___________________ f ever 12.lie ______________ 13.lie down _____________ 14. _____________ r est 15. ____________________ cough 16. X-ray __________ 17. ______________________ toothache 18. ___________________________ t ake one 's temperature ______________ 19. ______________________ headache


人教版八年级下册英语单词表默写版(英译汉) Unit 1 1.matter______________ 2.What ’s the matter?____ 3.sore________________ 4.have a cold__________ 5.stomachache_________ 6.have a stomachache___ 7.foot________________ 8.neck_______________ 9.stomach____________ 10.throat_____________ 11.fever______________ 12.lie________________ 13.lie down___________ 14.rest_______________ 15.cough_____________ 16.X-ray_____________ 17.toothache__________ 18.take ______________ one ’s temperature____ 19.headache___________ 20.have a fever________ 21.break______________ 22.take breaks (take a break)________ 23.hurt_______________ 24.passenger__________ 25.off________________ 26.get off_____________ 27.to one ’s surprise_____ 28.onto_______________ 29.trouble____________ 30.hit________________ 31.right away__________ 32.get into________ 33.herself_________ 34.bandage_______ 35.sick___________ 36.knee__________ 37.nosebleed______ 38.breathe________ 39.sunburned______ 40.ourselves______ 41.climber________ 42.be used to______ 43.risk___________ 44.take risks______ 45.accident_______ 46.situation_______ 47.kilo___________ 48.rock__________ 49.run out (of)_____ 50.knife__________ 51.cut off_________ 52.blood_________ 53.mean__________ 54.get out of______ 55.importance_____ 56.decision_______ 57.control________ 58.be in control of__ 59.spirit__________ 60.death__________ 61.give up________ 62.nurse__________ 63.Judy__________ 64.Nancy_________ 65. Mandy_________ 66. Aron Ralston____ 67. Utah___________ Unit 2 1.clean up__________ 2.cheer____________ 3.cheer up__________ 4.give _____________ 5.volunteer_________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,e up with______ 7.put off___________ 8.sign_____________ 9.notice____________ 10.hand out_________ 11.call up__________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e16947083.html,ed to__________ 13.lonely___________ 14.care for_________ 15.several__________ 16.strong___________ 17.feeling__________ 18.satisfaction______ 19.joy_____________ 20.owner___________ 21.try out__________ 22.journey_________ 23.raise____________ 24.alone___________ 25.repair___________ 26.fix_____________ 27.fix up___________ 28.give away_______ 29.take after________ 30.broken_____________ 31.wheel______________ 32.letter____________
