





班级学号: L141 14L1351034
















职业生涯规划书 目录 前言 第一章自我探索 1.1个人简历 1.2测评工具评估 第二章职业认知 2.1目标职业分析 2.2目标职业前景 第三章职业定位 3.1职业目标 3.2职业目标间的关系 第四章行动计划 4.1职业预备期 4.2职业初期 4.3职业成长期 结束语 规划人:郁扬 二○一一年九月二十一日

前言 作为一名新时代的大学生,今天若不是生活在未来,就是生活在过去。尽管我们涉世不深,但至少我们可以对职业生涯进行较为客观详尽的规划。这样,我们关于飞翔的梦想就不再是水中月,镜中花。 第一章自我探索 1.1个人简历


A、基本技能(basic skills):一个英文翻译员最基本的还是能牢固的掌握和运用自己的专业知识。这些技能包括听力理解、方案范文整理能力(listening),只有能够听懂外国人在说些什么才有可能跟他们沟通和交流,同时也要了解西方的应用文体;表达自己观点的技能(Speaking),一个有思想的人必须具备正确表达自己的能力;写作能力 (Writing);阅读并理解方案范文、整理文章的技能(Reading); B、提升技能(Skills for promotion):各种证书(Certifications),虽然有时候证书只是一中形式,但却起着极大的作用.各种等级证书是必须的,尤其是翻译证书,当然还有专业八级等证书;责任心 (Responsibilities),对于每个行业来说都是必须的.一个优秀的翻译员尤其要热爱翻译行业,责任心强,性格稳重细致.合作项目的洽谈、翻译及英文撰写等工作;交流沟通能力(Communication),翻译员被誉为“沟通的桥梁”,所以积极和人进行沟通,并参与相关活动等都是必须的.良好的人际沟通与组织协调能力;具有较强的公共能力;团队合作精神( Teamwork),人际交往能力强,和自己团队搞好关系;母语(Mother language)中文书写能力强,翻译员最终还是为了帮助中英双方的沟通,所以较好的中文是必须的;礼节,礼貌 (Manners),举止要得体,毕竟英文翻译员有时代表的不止是自己有时还代表着一定的团体甚至是一个国家的形象;谦虚( Be modesty or appreciate other’s perspectives),谦虚并能容纳别人观点;态度 (Attitude),做事认真负责,为人正直;


毕业设计外文资料翻译 题目POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES 抛光瓷砖 学院材料科学与工程 专业复合材料与工程 班级复材0802 学生 学号20080103114 指导教师 二〇一二年三月二十八日

MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 17(3), 401–413 (2002) POLISHING OF CERAMIC TILES C. Y. Wang,* X. Wei, and H. Yuan Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Guangdong University ofTechnology, Guangzhou 510090, P.R. China ABSTRACT Grinding and polishing are important steps in the production of decorative vitreous ceramic tiles. Different combinations of finishing wheels and polishing wheels are tested to optimize their selection. The results show that the surface glossiness depends not only on the surface quality before machining, but also on the characteristics of the ceramic tiles as well as the performance of grinding and polishing wheels. The performance of the polishing wheel is the key for a good final surface quality. The surface glossiness after finishing must be above 208 in order to get higher polishing quality because finishing will limit the maximum surface glossiness by polishing. The optimized combination of grinding and polishing wheels for all the steps will achieve shorter machining times and better surface quality. No obvious relationships are found between the hardness of ceramic tiles and surface quality or the wear of grinding wheels; therefore, the hardness of the ceramic tile cannot be used for evaluating its machinability. Key Words: Ceramic tiles; Grinding wheel; Polishing wheel


P384答案 把下面的短文加上标点并翻译成现代汉语: 标点: 陈康肃公尧咨善射,当世无双,公亦以此自矜。尝射于家圃,有卖油翁释担而立,睨之,久而不去。见其发矢十中八九,但微颔之。康肃问曰:“汝亦知射乎?吾射不亦精乎?”翁曰:“无他,但手熟尔。”康肃忿然曰:“尔安敢轻吾射!”翁曰:“以我酌油知之。”乃取一葫芦置于地,以钱覆其口,徐以勺酌油沥之,自钱孔入而钱不湿。因曰:“我亦无他,惟手熟尔。”康肃笑而遣之。(欧阳修《卖油翁》) 译文: 陈康肃公尧咨善于射箭,当世没有人能跟他相比。康肃公也以此自负。他曾经在家中菜园里射箭,有一个卖油的老人放下担子站在那里,用眼睛斜视很久没有离去。看见康肃公射箭十中八九,只是微微点头。康肃公问他说:“你也懂得射箭吗?我射箭技术不是很精湛吗?”老人说:“没什么,只是手熟罢了。”康肃公很生气地说:“你怎么敢轻视我的射箭技术!”老人说:“根据我的舀油就知道。”于是就拿了一个葫芦放在地上,用一枚铜钱盖在葫芦口上,慢慢地用勺子舀了油滴进葫芦里,油从钱孔滴入而钱却没有湿。老人于是说道:“我也没什么,只是手熟罢了。”康肃公笑着打发他走了。 标点: 平公射鴳不死,使竖襄搏之,失。公怒,拘将杀之。叔向闻之,夕,君告之。叔向曰:“君必杀之。昔吾先君唐叔射兕于徒林,殪,以为大甲,以封于晋。今君嗣吾先君唐叔,射鴳不死,搏之不得,是扬吾君之耻者也。君其必速杀之,勿令远闻。”君忸怩,乃趣赦之。(《国语·晋语八》) 译文: 晋平公射鴳没有射死,命令仆人襄去抓它,没有抓到。平公很生气,把襄抓起来要杀了他。叔向听说了,晚上赶去拜见晋平公,晋平公告诉了他这件事。叔向说:“您一定要杀了他。从前我们的先君唐叔在徒林射犀牛,射死了以后,用犀牛皮做了一副铠甲,因此被封在晋。如今您继承我们的先君唐叔,可是射鴳射不死,抓又抓不到,这件事是宣扬我君的耻辱啊。您一定要赶快杀了他,不要让这事传扬出去。”晋平公很不自在,就赶快放了竖襄。 标点: 后特征为洛阳令。时湖阳公主苍头白日杀人,因匿主家,吏不能得。及主出行,而以奴骖乘,宣于夏门亭候之。乃驻车叩马,以刀画地,大言数主之失,叱奴下车,因格杀之。主即还宫诉帝。帝大怒,召宣,欲箠杀之。宣叩头曰:“愿乞一言而死。”帝曰:“欲何言?”宣曰:“陛下圣德中兴,而纵奴杀良人,将何以理天下乎?臣不须箠,请得自杀。”即以头击楹,流血被面。帝令小黄门持之,使宣叩头谢主,宣不从。强使顿之,宣两手据地,终不肯俯。主曰:“文叔为白衣时,藏亡匿死,吏不敢至门。今为天子,威不能行一令乎?”帝笑曰:“天子不与白衣同。”因敕“强项令”。出,赐钱三十万。宣悉以班诸吏。由是搏击豪强,莫不震慄。京师号为“卧虎”。歌之曰:“枹鼓不鸣董少平。”(《后汉书·酷吏列传》) 译文: 后来特地征召董宣为洛阳令。当时湖阳公主家的奴仆白天杀人,因藏匿在公主家里,官吏不能抓捕到。等到公主出行,用这个家奴当随从,董宣就在夏门亭等候他们。于是就拦住车马,用刀在地上画着,大声数落公主的过失,呵斥那个家奴下车,就杀了那个家奴。公主立即回宫向皇帝告状。皇帝很生气,召来董宣,要用鞭子打死他。董宣磕头说:“请让我说


Load and Ultimate Moment of Prestressed Concrete Action Under Overload-Cracking Load It has been shown that a variation in the external load acting on a prestressed beam results in a change in the location of the pressure line for beams in the elastic range.This is a fundamental principle of prestressed construction.In a normal prestressed beam,this shift in the location of the pressure line continues at a relatively uniform rate,as the external load is increased,to the point where cracks develop in the tension fiber.After the cracking load has been exceeded,the rate of movement in the pressure line decreases as additional load is applied,and a significant increase in the stress in the prestressing tendon and the resultant concrete force begins to take place.This change in the action of the internal moment continues until all movement of the pressure line ceases.The moment caused by loads that are applied thereafter is offset entirely by a corresponding and proportional change in the internal forces,just as in reinforced-concrete construction.This fact,that the load in the elastic range and the plastic range is carried by actions that are fundamentally different,is very significant and renders strength computations essential for all designs in order to ensure that adequate safety factors exist.This is true even though the stresses in the elastic range may conform to a recognized elastic design criterion. It should be noted that the load deflection curve is close to a straight line up to the cracking load and that the curve becomes progressively more curved as the load is increased above the cracking load.The curvature of the load-deflection curve for loads over the cracking load is due to the change in the basic internal resisting moment action that counteracts the applied loads,as described above,as well as to plastic strains that begin to take place in the steel and the concrete when stressed to high levels. In some structures it may be essential that the flexural members remain crack free even under significant overloads.This may be due to the structures’being exposed to exceptionally corrosive atmospheres during their useful life.In designing prestressed members to be used in special structures of this type,it may be necessary to compute the load that causes cracking of the tensile flange,in order to ensure that adequate safety against cracking is provided by the design.The computation of the moment that will cause cracking is also necessary to ensure compliance with some design criteria. Many tests have demonstrated that the load-deflection curves of prestressed beams are approximately linear up to and slightly in excess of the load that causes the first cracks in the tensile flange.(The linearity is a function of the rate at which the load is applied.)For this reason,normal elastic-design relationships can be used in computing the cracking load by simply determining the load that results in a net tensile stress in the tensile flange(prestress minus the effects of the applied loads)that is equal to the tensile strength of the concrete.It is customary to assume that the flexural tensile strength of the concrete is equal to the modulus of rupture of the


中国石油大学(华东) 本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学生姓名:王辰 学号:0607XXXX 专业班级:信息与计算科学06-2班 指导教师:陈华 2010年6月24日

(原文复印或打印材料,B5纸) In this paper based on the unique geometry and mechanical movement of beam pumping unit,we have presented a simple swing equation and computed motorial parameter;meanwhile under the conditions of the static load and inertial load of the polished-rod of a conventional pumping unit,we have also presented on equivalent dynamic model of the pumping unit system and the type-curves of net torque of the crankshaft with the characteristic of inertial counterbalance have been computed;Based on features and mechanical analysis of belt,a simple model for calculating belt transmission efficiency is developed the model can provide a theoretical base for study on the other transient variable of beam pumping unit;the cyclic loading coefficients is defined once and compute the nominal Power of the motor; at last we compare the beam pumping unit and the adjustable diameter and changeable toque pumping unit, based on this a program have been finished,and we also introduce other power saving pumping units. This graduation project mainly completes through the high accuracy data acquisition, the gain installs on the oil well oil extraction equipment the electric current, the voltage, the temperature, the pressure, the fluid position, the contact surface, the current capacity, contains water data and so on sensor, corresponds the connection with the many kinds of wireless communications (for example GPRS/CDMA) transmits it to the observation and control center, as well as will receive in the central server to the parameter carries on the real-time analysis and the processing parallel intergrowth becomes the database and the curve report form. Is advantageous for the oil field management level to carry on the prompt accurate management to the scene equipment. This system depends on in the Beijing Kunlun passing condition automation software science and technology limited company's entire center cultural work


英语专业职业规划范文3篇 其次,英语专业面对的择业范围较为狭窄。一般,只能选择与英语专业有关的职业,而与英语专业相关的职业部外乎就是翻译、新 闻英语之类等。总之,相对与许多专业来说,英语专业的狭窄的。 最终选择还是从事英语方面的工作主要是因为自己的专业是英语专业,而且将来考研是方向极大可能是以上的第二方面。基于英语 专业且在国外读研究生这一因素,决定选择在外企从事有关翻译的 工作。 在对自我进行分析方面,主要考虑的是自我性格,以性格确定自己是怎样的一类人群,从而确定比较适合自己的职业群。在上课过 程中的各种性格等测试都证明我是个随和的人,比较适合的工作是 交流、沟通等方面的工作,于是确定可从事翻译工作。其次考虑的 是我的技能。我目前拥有的技能、特长,我的工作需要使我拥有而 我不具备的技能,通过这一分析给自己定一个目标,把自己不具备 的技能列举出来并且把提高方法列举出来,在日后的训练过程中着 重提高这些方面的技能,从而能更好的胜任这个职业目标。再次, 个人价值观问题对自己价值观进行一个全面透彻的分析。 在择业过程中家庭的影响也是个重要因素。儿女总是父母的希望所在,在择业时也会考虑到父母的期望,我爸爸就希望我做个教师,他说这份工作比较稳定,比较适合女生。在初期,也确实想到要做 教师,然而随着自己对自己的了解越来越来深刻,最终还是决定第 一择业目标是个英文翻译员。职业目标初步定了下来,接下来的就 是如何实现这个具体实践了。我在网上找到关于作为一个外企的英 语翻译员必须具备以下素质: a、基本技能(basicskills):一个英文翻译员最基本的还是能牢固的掌握和运用自己的专业知识。这些技能包括听力理解能力(listening),只有能够听懂外国人在说些什么才有可能跟他们沟通 和交流;表达自己观点的技能(speaking),一个有思想的人必须具备


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development


外文出处: 《Exploiting Software How to Break Code》By Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : February 17, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-78695-8 译文标题: JDBC接口技术 译文: JDBC是一种可用于执行SQL语句的JavaAPI(ApplicationProgrammingInterface应用程序设计接口)。它由一些Java语言编写的类和界面组成。JDBC为数据库应用开发人员、数据库前台工具开发人员提供了一种标准的应用程序设计接口,使开发人员可以用纯Java语言编写完整的数据库应用程序。 一、ODBC到JDBC的发展历程 说到JDBC,很容易让人联想到另一个十分熟悉的字眼“ODBC”。它们之间有没有联系呢?如果有,那么它们之间又是怎样的关系呢? ODBC是OpenDatabaseConnectivity的英文简写。它是一种用来在相关或不相关的数据库管理系统(DBMS)中存取数据的,用C语言实现的,标准应用程序数据接口。通过ODBCAPI,应用程序可以存取保存在多种不同数据库管理系统(DBMS)中的数据,而不论每个DBMS使用了何种数据存储格式和编程接口。 1.ODBC的结构模型 ODBC的结构包括四个主要部分:应用程序接口、驱动器管理器、数据库驱动器和数据源。应用程序接口:屏蔽不同的ODBC数据库驱动器之间函数调用的差别,为用户提供统一的SQL编程接口。 驱动器管理器:为应用程序装载数据库驱动器。 数据库驱动器:实现ODBC的函数调用,提供对特定数据源的SQL请求。如果需要,数据库驱动器将修改应用程序的请求,使得请求符合相关的DBMS所支持的文法。 数据源:由用户想要存取的数据以及与它相关的操作系统、DBMS和用于访问DBMS的网络平台组成。 虽然ODBC驱动器管理器的主要目的是加载数据库驱动器,以便ODBC函数调用,但是数据库驱动器本身也执行ODBC函数调用,并与数据库相互配合。因此当应用系统发出调用与数据源进行连接时,数据库驱动器能管理通信协议。当建立起与数据源的连接时,数据库驱动器便能处理应用系统向DBMS发出的请求,对分析或发自数据源的设计进行必要的翻译,并将结果返回给应用系统。 2.JDBC的诞生 自从Java语言于1995年5月正式公布以来,Java风靡全球。出现大量的用java语言编写的程序,其中也包括数据库应用程序。由于没有一个Java语言的API,编程人员不得不在Java程序中加入C语言的ODBC函数调用。这就使很多Java的优秀特性无法充分发挥,比如平台无关性、面向对象特性等。随着越来越多的编程人员对Java语言的日益喜爱,越来越多的公司在Java程序开发上投入的精力日益增加,对java语言接口的访问数据库的API 的要求越来越强烈。也由于ODBC的有其不足之处,比如它并不容易使用,没有面向对象的特性等等,SUN公司决定开发一Java语言为接口的数据库应用程序开发接口。在JDK1.x 版本中,JDBC只是一个可选部件,到了JDK1.1公布时,SQL类包(也就是JDBCAPI)


作为翻译的职业生涯规划范文 职业生涯规划书对于翻译个人的职业生涯发展至关重要。下面是由分享的作为翻译的职业生涯规划范文,希望对你有用。 作为翻译的职业生涯规划范文(一) 其实在高考以前的很久很久,我就想学语言类专业了,我觉得自己对语言有着莫名喜爱,妈妈也说我有学语言的天赋。那时候也许是高看了自己,以为自己一定能去上想去的大学,学自己喜欢的专业。可是08年6月的高考让我的梦想碎成了一地的狼藉。我甚至无法表达出来当时有多么的难过。原来其实,成绩比想象中要差的很多很多。后来,我被语言类专业拒之门外。有那么一段时间,我甚至忽略了自己的梦想,就抱着自暴自弃的态度,学着自己不喜欢的专业,度过了大一的上学期。 寒假的时候我一直在思考,我应该干什么,我能干什么,我想干什么。梦想在模糊混沌中苏醒,我本不是个堕落的人,我应该向着梦想的方向去前进,让未来按着我憧憬的方向去发展。为了梦想,我必须开始奋斗。即使现在学的不是英语类的专业,但是我想,只要付出努力,总会有回报,哪怕只是一点点回报,哪怕我要付出多么艰辛的努力。3年,5年,10年我还有那么多那么多的时间去努力,年轻真好。我最庆幸的是我现在刚大一,那意味这我还有很多的时间去学习自己想学的东西。 我的梦想是做一名同声传译者,呵呵,很高的梦想。好像现在语言类专业超级热门,很多很多的人在学英语,除了专业英语以外,还有很多非英语专业的人在学习。颇有一种学好英语可以走遍全天下的感觉。这是否意味着我将成为芸芸众生中最不起眼的一粒尘埃呢?我不要这样,我也不能这样。一旦决定了的事情就要去做好它,不管这条路有多难。千军万马度过独木桥的时候又来了,为了创出自己的一片天地,我已经准备好奋斗。 一、梦想定义 同声传译是指口译员利用专门的同声传译设备,坐在隔音


中文2500字 本科毕业设计翻译 学生姓名:***** 班级:*****班 学号:***** 学院:材料科学与工程学院 专业:材料成型及控制工程 指导教师:***** 副教授 2011年3月25日

Section 4 – Die Design and Construction Guidelines for HSS Dies General Guidelines for Die Design and Construction Draw Dies Higher than normal binder pressure and press tonnage is necessary with H.S.S. in order to maintain process control and to minimize buckles on the binder. Dies must be designed for proper press type and size. In some cases, a double action press or hydraulic press cushion may be required toachieve the necessary binder forces and control. Air cushions or nitrogen cylinders may not provide the required force for setting of draw beads or maintaining binder closure if H.S.S. is of higher strength or thickness. Draw beads for H.S.S. should not extend around corners of the draw die. This will result in locking out the metal flow and cause splitting in corners of stamping. D raw beads should “run out” at the tangent of the corner radius to minimize metal compression in corners, as shown in figure 16 on page 47. Better grades of die material may be necessary depending on the characteristics of the HSS, the severity of the part geometry, and the production volume. A draw die surface treatment, such as chrome plating, may be recommended for outer panel applications. Form and Flange Dies Part setup in form and flange dies must allow for proper overbend on all flanges for springback compensation. Springback allowance must be increased as material strength increases; 3 degrees for mild steels, but 6 degrees or more


将文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) (1)于是废先王之道,焚百家之言,以愚黔首。(3分) 于是废除之前帝王的治国方法,焚烧毁各学派的著作,使百姓愚昧。 (2)良将劲弩守要害之处,信臣精卒陈利兵而谁何。(3分) (又派遣)良将手持硬弓,驻守要害之处,派遣忠实的大臣率领精锐的士兵,手执锐利的兵器盘问过往的行人(呵问他是谁)。 (3)斩木为兵,揭竿为旗,天下云集响应,赢粮而景从。(4分) (他们)砍下树木作武器,举起竹竿当旗帜,天下人如同云一样聚集起来,象回声似的响应他,(很多人)背负着粮食,如影随身般地跟从(陈涉)。 官舍竹 【宋】王禹偁 谁种萧萧数百竿? 伴吟偏称作闲官。 不随夭艳争春色,独守孤贞待岁寒。 声拂琴床生雅趣,影侵棋局助清欢。 明年纵便量移去,犹得今冬雪里看! 【注】此诗为作者受小人毁谤,被贬为商州团练副使时所作。 8、颔联主要用了什么表现手法?写出了竹的什么特点?表现了诗人怎样的情怀?(4分) 托物言志,竹“不随夭艳”“独守孤贞”,表现了清白、坚贞、高洁的特点,(2分)作者以竹自喻,表达了诗人孤独而坚贞不渝的情怀(2分)。 9、颈联的两个动词“拂”和“侵”用得十分生动传神,请简要赏析。(4分) 两字运用了拟人手法,“拂”,即吹拂,竹声萧萧拂琴,写出了竹声的美妙含情,令人神往;“侵”写出了竹的影子映在棋盘上,似与人同乐。(2分)营造了一种物我为友、物我同趣的意境。(2分) 四、(24分) 11.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是()(3分) A.敕.造/赦.免逡.巡/竣.工造诣./逃逸.少不更.事/耕.读传家 B.纤.细/鲜.艳炮烙/抛锚不肖./逍.遥六艺经传./传.道受业 C.滋润./蕴.含赡.养/瞻.仰调.试/调.和穿红着.绿/真知灼.见 D.讪.讪/蹒跚.湖畔./装扮.模.样/模.块度.长絜大/度.日如年


河南科技学院新科学院 2013届本科毕业生论文(设计) 英文文献及翻译 Foreign capital inflows and welfare in an economy with imperfect competition 学生姓名:王艳杰 所在院系:经济系 所学专业:国际经济与贸易 导师姓名:侯黎杰 完成时间:2013年4月15日

Foreign capital inflows and welfare in an economy with imperfect competition Abstract:This paper examines the resource allocational and welfare effects of exogenous inflows of foreign capital in a general-equilibrium model with oligopolistic competition and unemployment. Although the welfare impact for the short run is ambiguous and dependent upon the strength of excess profits and scale economies relative to unemployment in manufacturing, in the long run additional inflows of foreign capital always improve national welfare with capital mobility. Hence, attracting foreign capital remains a sound policy for economies characterized by imperfect competition, scale economies,and regional unemployment. Keywords: International capital mobility; Imperfect competition; Welfare 1.Introduction The welfare effects of exogenous inflows of foreign capital in the presence of trade restrictions have been extensively studied. Brecher and Diaz Alejandro (1977) show that when imports are subject to tariffs, an introduction of fo reign capital inflows accentuates the tariff distortion and hence reduces national welfare if the import-competing sector is relatively capital-intensive. In contrast, Dei (1985) shows that when imports are restricted by quotas,foreign capital inflows in the presence of foreign-owned capital always improve welfare by depressing the rental and so lowering the payments to existing foreign-owned capital. Recently, Neary (1981), using a common framework for both tariffs and quotas, obtains more general results of foreign capital inflows; the welfare effect of such inflows depends crucially on whether foreign-owned capital exists initially in the home country. In addition, Khan (1982) and Grinols (1991) have examined the effects of foreign capital inflows for a generalized Harris-Todaro economy under tariff protection. Khan finds that the result by Brecher and Diaz Alejandro is still valid even in the presence of unemployment, whereas Grinols argues that increased foreign capital need not be detrimental to welfare if the opportunity costs of labor are sufficiently low. Noteworthy is that the models used by these authors are all based upon the premise of perfect competition along with constant returns-to-scale technology. Although perfect competition serves as a useful assumption in crystallizing theoretical insights, it nevertheless fails to depict many of the real-world phenomena. The real-world economy is characterized, to a large extent, by imperfect competition and economies of scale. The policy implications of imperfect competition and economies
