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七年级第23期 第2版
Step 3: 第一,一般过去
七年级第23期 第2版
Step 4: One possible version: Saturday, 22 December Sunny Today, the Photography Club held an activity in Guangzhou Library. I took part in it with my classmates. After we arrived there, we first attended a lecture. In the lecture, the teacher taught us how to take good photos.
七年级第23期 第2版
Then we went to visit the photo exhibition. There were photos of all kinds of animals on show, such as monkeys, lions and butterflies. It was wonderful to see these amazing photos. We all felt excited because we learnt a lot about photography.
七年级第23期 第3版
After that, he played games and took pictures. He really enjoyed himself.
七年级第23期 第3版
Unit 7 单元知识专练 词汇 一、1. attended 3. another 5. boring 7. information 9. disappeared
七年级第23期 第2版
Unit 7 基础训练(二) Grammar 一、1. did, do, watched, read 2. went 3. began 4. fell, hurt
七年级第23期 第3版
二、1. Did, eat any, they didn’t 2. didn’t wash 3. wrote 4. What did, do 三、1-5 ACDAA 6-10 BCBDA
2. surprised 4. rockets 6. Fair 8. skills
七年级第23期 第4版
二、1. amazing 3. recent
2. taught 4. butterflies
七年级第23期 第4版
短语 一、1. hurried to 2. waited for 3. go on an adventure 4. going for a walk 5. enjoyed themselves
七年级第23期 第2版
Step 2: 1. The teacher taught us how to take good photos. 2. There were photos of all kinds of animals in the exhibition. 3. It was wonderful to see these amazing photos. 4. We all felt very excited because we learnt a lot about photography.
七年级第23期 第3版
Speaking 一、1-5 ADBDA 二、(1)-(5) EDCAB
七年级第23期 第3版
More practice 一、1. sleep 3. wait
2. enjoyed
七年级第23期 第3版
二、1. hurried to 2. a long walk 3. going on an adventure 4. packed her lunch, left for 5. the night before
七年级第23期 第1版
二、1. The night before 2. hurried to 3. look up 4. goes for a walk 5. got to / arrived in
七年级第23期 第1版
《知识点滴》 1. so, that 2. on Thursday evening 3. in the afternoon 4. on a snowy morning 5. D 6. enjoy yourselves
七年级第23期 第1版
《语法梳理》 一般过去时 一、1. attended 3. ate 5. killed 7. tied 9. stayed 11. brought
2. swam 4. rode 6. blew 8. worried 10. hurt 12. put
七年级第23期 第2版
二、1-3 BCD
七年级第23期 第3版
三、One possible version: Leo went on an adventure last Sunday. The night before, he was so excited that he could not sleep! He left for Lucky Island by boat. When he got to Lucky Island, he went on a long walk and saw some pretty flowers. After the hike, he sat on the beach and ate his lunch.
七年级第23期 第2版
《导写桥》 Step 1: 1. hold an activity 2. take part in 3. attend a lecture 4. take photos / pictures 5. such as / for example 6. feel excited 7. learn about
《短语收藏夹》 1. look up 2. go for a walk 3. go on an adventure 4. the night before 5. hurry to ...
七年级第23期 第1版
【巩固练习】 一、1. took pictures 2. go on an adventure 3. left for 4. wait for
七年级第23期 第4版
二、1. learn about 2. looked up 3. all the way 4. left for 5. feels excited 6. Of course 7. remote controls
七年级第23期 第4版
句型 1. so, that 2. to watch 3. Where did, meet 4. Was, in, he was, he wasn’t 5. It is time to
七年级第2百度文库期 第4版
语音 1-5 ACBCA
七年级第23期 第4版
语法 一、1. C → join 二、(1) was (3) tasted (5) spent
2. A → were (2) bought (4) drove (6) enjoyed
七年级第23期 第4版