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study for a test do one’s homework go to the cinema go boating

go to the beach play badminton

work as a guide How interesting! the National History Museum living habits

stay up late a family of mice run away it’s important to do sth.

a second language two weeks ago.

put up tents put up

make a fire to keep warm each other

so+形容词/副词 + that从句

get a terrible surprise look out of our tent.

wake up start to do sth

jump up and down learn a lesson

feel sb. doing sth.

【答案】从左至右:go camping; camp by a lake;为考试而学习;

做作业;去看电影;打羽毛球;当导游;好有趣啊;国家历史博物馆;生活习惯;熬夜到很晚;一窝老鼠;逃跑;做某事重要;一门第二外语;两周前;搭帐篷;张贴/举起/搭建;生火保暖;互相=one another; 如此以致于;大吃一惊;向帐篷外看;醒来/叫醒;开始做某事=start doing; 上蹿下跳;得到教训;感觉某人正在做


一.How interesting! “好有趣啊!”


How + 形容词+主语+谓语+其他!

What+ (a/an)+ 形容词+主语+谓语+其他!


What she is!

How is!



【答案】What an interesting history book it is!

How interesting the history book is!

二.I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 我是如此疲倦以致于我很早就睡了。

句型结构:so+形容词/副词 + that从句“如此……以至于……”

e.g. I am so busy that I have no time to watch TV.

【考点】常与too……to do sth.及not+形容词/副词 enough to do sth.换同义句。

She is so young that she can’t go to school.

=she is too young to go to school.

=She is not old enough to go to school.


1.Linda was so tired that she couldn’t get up early.(同义句)

Linda tired get up early.

2.The movie is so boring that Tom has no interest in watching.(同义句)

The movie for Tom to watch.

【答案】was too to; isn’t interesting enough

三.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。

e.g.we see our teacher walking up and down the classroom. “我们看见老师在教室里走来走去”(看的时候老师正在走)

see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事,看到是整个过程。

I often see you buy something in the school shop.我经常看见



see/watch/notice/hear + sb + doing sth”表示动作的连续性、进

行性;→ 正在做!!!

see/watch/notice/hear + sb + do sth”表示动作完成的完整性、

真实性。→ 真实发生过!!!




③When we went by the park, we saw a lot of people

games. (易错题)

A.is playing

B. playing

C. are playing

D. to play

[答案]When I pass the classroom, I see Tom eating food.

I see Lisa go shopping every Saturday.


四.shout v.动词“叫喊”

【搭配】shout at sb. 冲……大喊(生气,警告)→带有不满情绪

shout to sb. “冲……大声喊话”(着急的喊)→目的是让对方听见

e.g. shout to sb for help “向某人高呼救命”



It’s impolite to your parents.


The driver the passers-by help just now.

【答案】shout at; shouted to for



do/does see go

ride milk feed

take tell talk ask grow eat

am/is are watch stay have/has worry get come visit
