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前言 (2)

一、上市公司资本结构的概述 (3)

(一)资本结构的含义 (3)

(二)资本结构相关理论 (3)

二、格力电器资本结构分析 (3)

(一)总体结构分析 (3)

(二)股权结构分析 (4)

(三)债权结构分析 (5)

三、格力电器资本结构存在的问题 (7)

(一)资产负债率较高,偏好债务融资 (7)

(二)股权结构过于集中 (8)

(三)流动负债比重高 (8)

四、格力电器资本结构优化建议 (9)

(一)合理降低公司的资产负债率,构建多元化的融资渠道 (9)

(二)合理降低企业股权集中度 (9)

(三)增加长期负债筹资,改变期限结构 (10)

结论 (10)

参考文献 (11)

谢辞 ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。






In recent years, China's socialist market economy is booming, and listed companies are also having a great effect on China's market. Whether a company has a proper capital framework is significant to its business performance and far-reaching development for a long time. But China's current capital market is incomplete, and capital framework problems are common among companies. Therefore, it is the primary task to study whether the capital framework among listed companies is proper. Papers on the interrelated theoretic of capital framework and expatiates on its background or research purpose, as a case study of Gree electric appliances, from the overall structure, equity, liability composition to analyze it, explore the problems facing the company in the capital structure, and then one of the questions are given and a corresponding optimization measures recommended. After in-depth analysis of the company's data, it can be found that the capital structure of Gree electric appliances mainly has problems in financing, such as preference for debt financing, high asset-liability ratio, relatively concentrated equity and high current debt ratio. The running and administration of enterprise are far from normal and scientific. Therefore, for the long-term development of listed companies in the future, it is necessary to study the capital framework of similar companies.

Keywords:Listed company;Capital structure;Gree electric appliances


