

Lesson 40 Who's who真假难辨

New words and expression 生词和短语

hoax [h??ks] n.骗局,戏弄(v. 捉弄,欺骗)(小孩说“狼来了”)

(A false warning of danger, mischievous trick played on sb for a joke)

play a hoax/trick on sb. 戏弄

play a joke on sb. 开玩笑The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate.

a bom

b hoax 声称有炸弹的骗局

hoax call : a telephone call that gives false information 电话骗局

eg. Dickey’s private collection of modern paintings was nothing but a hoax.

coax [k??ks] v.(耐心地)说服(vt. 哄;哄诱;慢慢将…弄好vi. 哄骗;劝诱)

(to persuade sb to do sth that one is not willing to do by talking to him in a kind, gentle, and patient way)coax sb into doing sth

coax sb out of doing sth

eg. The mother coaxed the baby into a sound sleep.

fool n/v (n. 傻瓜,愚人vt. 欺骗,愚弄,戏弄vi. 开玩笑,犯傻)

make a fool of sb愚弄某人,欺骗某人

eg. He is no fool. eg. Their strong accent couldn’t fool a native speaker. 当地人一听就知道他们是外地的。trick n./v.

1) 戏法,把戏,圈套

magic trick 魔术


play a trick on sb 对某人搞恶作剧

a dirty trick/a rotten trick 恶意的玩笑

trick sb into doing sth 骗,坑(to deceive someone in order to get sth from him or to make him do sth)

eg. Mum tricked me into taking the medicine.

trick sb out of sth

eg. The corporation was tricked out of $20 million.

deception [d?'sep?(?)n] n.欺骗,骗局(指无关紧要的欺骗,有时也指利已的不诚实行为)

She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.

deceit [d?'si:t] 强调一个人对另一个的故意欺骗(指歪曲实情,惯于说谎或蓄意欺骗。)

We are incapable of deceit.

fraud 一般用于犯罪行为的欺骗,通常指政治或经济活动中的舞弊行为。

trickery 语气上比deception严厉,着重指有步骤的诡计以追求私利

He had gained control of the company by trickery.

deceive [d?'si:v] v. 欺骗;行骗

deceive 表示隐瞒真相或以假相骗人。如:The boy deceived the teacher by lying.

cheat 欺骗,常用词,主要指为了自己的利益欺骗人。

trick 哄骗,表示耍手段进行欺骗,强调在行骗时使用计策,有时也指并非出于恶意的欺骗。如:

Tom cleverly tricked his mother into approval.

self-respecting a.自重的

self-taught adj.自学的

self-confidence 自信←→self-distrust 不自信

eg. Worry, fear, self-distrust忧虑,恐惧和不自信

self-reliant [r?'la??nt] adj. 自力的reliant 依赖的; 依靠的(rely的形容词)be reliant on

reliable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

self-contained 独立自足的(do not need help or resources from outside.);设施独立的(独门独户的指毋须与他人共享厨房、厕所等))注意:独立自主是independent

a self-contained flat 独立的公寓

self-sacrifice 自我牺牲

indulge [?n'd?ld?] v.使沉迷(to let yourself do or have sth that you enjoy, especially sth that is considered bad for you)(1、做某事或者于某物,2、引出对象的介词用in)

indulge oneself in尽情享用,沉溺于== be indulged in

He was indulged in smoking and drinking. He indulged himself in smoking and drinking.


She indulges her only son.

abandon oneself to sth 放纵,放肆,尽情(to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completely)eg. He abandon himself to grief 他不胜悲痛。(恣意,忘情)

abandon oneself to alcohol 酗酒

take to sb/take to doing sth attend to照看,照料

1)like sb/doing sth 开始喜欢上…

eg. He took to her at the first sight.

2)to start doing sth as a habit开始有…习惯,开始上瘾

eg. All this bad news is enough to make him take to drinking. 就这个坏消息足以让他借酒消愁。

eg. I have taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.

pneumatic [nju:'m?t?k] a.气动的(2、充气的)(worked or driven by compressed air)

pneumatic drill 风钻

pneumatic tires 充气轮胎

pneumatic pump 气泵

pneumatic brake 空气制动器; 电动气动制动器; 气闸; 气刹

pneumonia [nju:'m??n??] 肺炎atypical pneumonia [e?'t?p?k(?)l; ?-] 非典型的

drill n.钻(n. 训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机;演习(操练) vi. 钻孔,钻探;训练vt. 钻孔;训练;条播)drill 侧重进行有系统的,严格和重复的练习(消防演习a fire drill 军事演习a military drill)

training 普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。

practice 指把所学的理论或知识用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。

exercise 主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。

pneumatic drill气钻参考水钻(高压水枪,金属可以切割)广泛用应用于家电制造,房屋装修,汽车船舶制造,航空航天工业制造及维修行业,功率大,无火花,在高瓦斯矿井中,尤其能体现其安全性。

silly a.无意义的,无聊的

1) not sensible 愚昧的,愚蠢的,不明智的

a silly thing to do做了一件蠢事,说了一句蠢话/a silly thing to say

eg. I left my keys at home, which was a pretty silly thing to do.

2) 无聊的,没有意义的

play a silly joke on sb 同某人开无聊的玩笑

3) not practical 不实用的

foolish 强调愚蠢的,笨的,不明智的I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish.

Silly 表示无意义的,无聊的,无知的Being called silly is not compliment. Don't play such a silly play. stupid 强调人及言行缺乏良好的判断力,及一般的智能(主要指天生迟钝)His son is as stupid as all.

dull 指理解迟钝,或健康状况不佳、工作过度而导致的缺乏敏锐的头脑

The old man's hearing has become dull. She is a dull girl.表示人很呆

advance a.n.预先的,事先获得的

advance information 预先获得的信息/ in advance 提前

v./n./ adj.

1) to move forward 向前

eg. The troops advanced on the enemy. 部队朝敌军开进。

2)to develop and improve 发展,提升

eg. A month has passed and the investigation has not advanced. 一个月过去了,调查毫无进展。

3) give someone money before they have earned it 预支(薪水)

eg. He begged his boss to advance him a salary for a month.

in advance ; before, beforehand

book a table in advance

ahead of time/ahead of schedule 提前

(earlier than planned)

make preparations in advance 预先做好准备/make preparations in anticipation

advance adj.

given or made in advance

advance planning 预先计划advance warning 预先警告advance booking 预定

advance payment 预付款advance information 事先通报advance troops 先头部队

an advance agent 先遣人员,打前站的

advanced adj. 高深的,先进的

advanced weapon 先进的advanced in years 上年纪(长的着急,在年龄上处于领先地位)

archway ['ɑ:t?we?] n.拱形门楼

arcade n.有拱廊的街道(两旁常设商店)[ɑ:r’ke?d]


arc [ɑ:rk] (几何) 弧;弧(度/型); 天穹; 电弧,弧光。vi 作弧形运动;呈弧形;形成电弧

The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific [?’lu:??n]

remonstrate ['rem?nstre?t] v.规劝,告戒(非常正式的用词)

remonstrate sb. to do sth.

remonstrate with sb about/on/upon/over sth

eg. His parents remonstrated with him about his bad habits.

eg. The police remonstrated with the careless driver who won’t listen to reason.

demonstrate v.

1) to show sth clearly by giving proofs or examples 证明

eg. Recent findings clearly demonstrated that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.

2) to march through the streets with a large group of people in order to protest against sth openly游行示威demonstrate against 游行反抗

eg. Large crowds demonstrated outside the American embassy against racial discrimination.

illustrate v.(用实物,例子,图片)阐明,解释,表明; 显示(to be an example which shows that sth is true)eg. The teacher illustrates his lesson with a map. a beautifully illustrated book 插图设置非常漂亮的一本书。

ironically adv.讽刺地

eg. Ironically, he broke his left leg on a piece of ice with his right one still in plaster.

eg. Ironically, she finally found that she fell in love with the man who she held in contempt.

ironic adj. 讽刺的;反话的(using words that are opposite of what you really mean, especially in a joking way)eg. As the rain lashed down, my mother’s one ironic comment was:” An ideal day for a wedding”.

irony 讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事(eg:运用反讽的手法)

ironist 讽刺家;讽刺作家

sarcastic adj. 讽刺的(贬)(挖苦的;尖刻的,辛辣的)(that are the opposite of what you mean in order to make an unfriendly joke)

a sarcastic reply a sarcastic smile

Sarcastic 表示苟刻伤人的讽刺和嘲笑:.通常是直接性的

Ironic 意味着一种微妙的间接表达出来的讽刺:.通常是间接性的(反话,一个相反的结果)

permission n.许可(允许,准许)(sir, permission to execute him)

ask sb. for permission to do sth

give/grant sb. permission to do sth

ask permission from sb

permit [p?'mit] n./v. ( to allow sth to happen, especially by an official order or decision)

permit sb sth

permit sb to do sth

e g. My parents won’t permit me access to you.

eg. The millionaire won’t permit his daughter to marry a tramp.

permit of 容许

eg. The situation permits of no delay 形式紧迫,刻不容缓

['p?:mit] n.许可证

driver’s permit 驾驶证work permit 工作许可证export permit 出口证

driving license 驾驶证practice license 营业执照

permission n.

grant [grɑ:nt] v. 同意,准予(特别指官方的同意和许可)(to give, especially official permission to do sth) (v.(合法地)授予,允许;(勉强)承认,同意n.(政府)拨款,补助;授予,给予;正式授予)

grant sb permission to do sth 同意,给予,答应…请求

eg. The police granted him permission to have an interview with his family.

take it/sth/sb for granted 理所当然的认为…

eg. The noble man took it for granted that all men are at his service.

Text 课文

Who’s who 《世界名人录》is the title of a reference book containing short biographies of prominent people. eg. I don’t know who is who in the class.

It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else.

It has never been explained why…why连接副词引起主语从句(在上节课我们强调了it做形式主语的主语从句,为了引出更加丰富,复杂的表达形式)

there is no knowing why…没法知道,理解…的原因(注意这种形式,虽然是名词,但表达的意思是动作)eg. It has never been explained why young girls would like to marry rich men advanced in years. 上年纪

It is indicated that…被表明(相反意思的句型)

It is illustrated that …/It is demonstrated that …被证明

eg. It is illustrated that heavy pollution has given rise to a worldwide Green House Effect. 温室效应

It is predicted that 有人预言It is expected that 预计

It is proposed that 建议It is found that 被发现

eg. It has been found that the obscured maid-servant was really the hero’s mother.

practical joke 恶作剧

Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax.

specialize 1、在某事上有专长,特长2、详细说明3、使特殊化,使专门化specialization 专门研究specialize in 专门从事,专门研究,专攻,专长,专修

eg. He made up his mind to specialize in contract law.

engage in: to take part or become involved in an activity 从事(某活动),参与

eg. My friend engaged in detective story writing.

Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in.

put out fire 扑灭,熄灭(注意对象)

put out a cigarette put out a light put out a lamp

feel put out/be put out (to feel upset or offended)恼火

eg. We were a little put out at not being invited to the wedding.

put oneself out 不辞劳苦,不厌其烦(to make an effort to do sth that will help others; to take the trouble to do sth)eg. The eccentric, though with few words, always puts himself out to help people whenever they are in need.

put down 1、记下(本意是打字机打出)2、镇压(暴动,叛乱)3、杀死(危险或病重的动物)

put down a revolution 镇压革命put down a revolt镇压起义put down rebellion 镇压反抗

extinguish [?k’st??gw??](正式)(vt. 1、熄灭(正式)2、使破灭; 消除~ a feeling or idea, it destroys it.)The message extinguished her hopes of Richard's return.

extinguish a fire extinguish all cigarettes

Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire…

nonexistent adj.不存在的(non-not, without)exist—existent--existence

nonaligned [,n?n?'la?nd] adj.不结盟的align [?'la?n] vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配ally ['?la?] 盟友nonaligned countries


…a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in.(注意no否定的是谁!)

no self-respecting student would ever…不(没有),任何…也不会

eg. No man is born wise.

eg. No one with a strong will would indulge himself in an easy life.有强烈上进心的人不会贪图生活安逸。

Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims.


When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the

road with a pneumatic drill.


telephone==call==ring up

dress up as workmen

dress up as a ghost

tear up 本意是“撕毁,撕碎”,引申出条状物的,拆除; 拆毁,比如铁路,道路,或者“区域”

rip tear split(本意是使分开,分离)

As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously.

…they were not to take him…

be to do sth (最常见是三种1. should2. must3. intend,这三个词的意思)


eg. They are to send more people to help us.(be going to)

eg. Everyone is to die.人必有一死。

要注意“was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,这层用法文学作品中常用,类似was supposed to

They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again. 不知道以后再也不会见面了。

二、表示语气轻时“应该”表建议(相当于should, ought to。),语气重时表“命令”(相当于must, have to。)。可译为“必须”或“不准”。

1、You are to report to the police.你应该报警

2、No one is to leave the room without permission.未经允许谁也不准离开房间。

三、表示“可能性”。(相当于may, can)

1、Are you to pay the debt for your wife? 你能为妻子还债吗?

四、表示“想,打算”,相当于intend, want。例如:if you are to win the game, you must exercise harder.

If we are to be there before ten, we’ll have to go now.如果我们要在十点前到,我们现在就得走。

take him seriously 把他当回事

take life seriously 认真对待生活take family seriously take education seriously

eg.You can’t be so serious! 你开玩笑吧!(used to say that you think what sb has said is silly or impossible)eg. I’m dead serious!我可是当真的!dead adv. 完全地

He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. play all sorts of silly jokes on sb

play a practical joke on sb play a silly joke on sb play a trick on sb

Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information.

be grateful to sb for sth


The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away.

nearby adj. 附近的,邻近的adv. 在附近prep. 在…附近

that went on== that happened

sure enough

…Needless to say…不必说,肯定是

it goes without saying 后话自不必说

sure enough 果不其然,不出所料==/as expected

on the scene 在现场注意这里的arrive是不及物动词,出现,并非arrive in arrive at的抵达

eg. The police arrived on the scene very quickly after the car accident.

eg. A news reported on the scene.

on the spot

1) 在现场,到出事地点

eg. The police was called and an ambulance arrived on the spot within 10 minutes.

2) 立即,当即,当场

eg. He felt put out at his boss’s sarcastic remarks and resigned on the spot.

the scene of a crime 作案现场(scene有画面感)spot coverage现场采访(spot只是说明位置)

When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. threaten v.威胁(对不服者给予惩罚)

threaten to do sth

threaten sb with sth

eg. Every time the young couple have words, the wife will threaten to divorce him.

menace ['men?s] (n.威胁;恐吓vi. 恐吓;进行威胁vt. 威胁;恐吓)(系正式用词,用某种意志给以威胁) menace sb with sth/menace sb to do sth

eg. Two gangsters menaced us with weapons.

eg. Heavy smoking menaces a person’s health.威胁到(you mean that the first thing is likely to cause the second thing serious harm. 威胁)

intimidate v. 恫吓,威胁做某事(you deliberately make them frightened enough to do what you want them to do)(突出使害怕)

timid ['t?m?d] adj. 胆小,害羞的

intimidate sb into doing sth

eg. The witness was intimidated into giving false testimony.

…he threatened to remove them by force.

remove : to get away or take away 1、移开[书面] 2、脱下,摘下[书面] 3、去除(痕迹); 洗掉(污渍)(除去)4、把…免职(除去)5、去除(障碍或限制); 解决(问题)(除去)6、搬家

eg. The biscuit was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry.

remove one’s hat and gloves 脱下帽子,摘下手套

remove a tumor 切除肿瘤remove poverty 消灭贫穷

eg. Our home has removed from Boston to New York

malignant [m?'l?gn?nt] adj. 恶性的[医学];恶毒的

a malignant tumor 恶性肿瘤 a benign tumor 良性肿瘤benign [b?'na?n] adj. 良性的;和蔼的,亲切的The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help.

do as he pleased to do as引导方式状语从句

eg. He just does as he pleases and never thinks of anyone else.他做事随心所欲,毫不顾及他人的感受。

eg. Do as you please, but I don’t care anyway. 悉听尊便,我不在乎。

eg. The era when America could do as it pleased has gone.

Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen.

remonstrate sb. to do sth.

remonstrate with sb about/on/upon/over sth

As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill.


attempt to do 尝试做某事,这里是试图


take v. 拿,抓最普通用词,指用手拿、取、抓或控制某物,不带任何感情色彩。

clutch v. 紧抓,抓牢指因不想失去而紧紧地抓住某物,或因害怕、疼痛、危险等而突然抓住某人或某物。grasp v. 抓牢,抓紧指紧紧地、牢牢地抓住某物。

grab v. 抓住,攫取指突然抓住某人或某物,强调动作粗野,此义时常可与snatch 换用;有时也指紧紧抓住某人或某物。

snatch vt.抢, 夺取(= catch sth/sb suddenly and violently)指突然地抢、夺、抓,强调动作迅速或具有暴力性质。-- The big bird snatches the hen from the ground.

Seize v.抓住, 逮住, 夺取(强调抓住、抓到的结果)[si:z]

-- Fear seized her. 她突然感觉很恐惧。seize the moment

catch vt.捕获, 赶上(车船等) (= get hold of sth/sb moving)-- catch mouse / catch bus / catch a thief Grasp 强调“掌握”-- We have already grasped six thousand words.

Hold强调抓牢、抓紧(catch hold of 抓住)-- He is holding an umbrella.

The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper.


1) to try hard to achieve sth 努力奋斗(奋力获取struggle for sth)

struggle for fame努力成名struggle for fortune努力致富

2) 挣扎eg. The child struggled in his arms.

3) 斗争,争斗struggle against poverty struggle against illness

eg. The thief struggled fiercely against the police.小偷与警察负隅顽抗。

lose one’s temper==go mad 发脾气,火了

He threatened to call the police. At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest.

at this 听到这儿,听了之后

when hearing this==at these words==with this 就这样



⑴at后的名词或动名词,一般是sight, thought, sound, hearing, idea或者see,hear,think等情感、感观动词, 组成结构为:at the sight/hearing/sound/(bare)thought/idea of或者at seeing/hearing/thinking等,翻译为:一看


如:At hearing the news, he rushed out. 一听到这个消息,他就冲出去了。

At the sight of the police officers they ran off.一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。

I was so miserable at the idea of you in trouble.一想到你有麻烦,我就很痛苦。

⑵另外还可以用at the(mere)/(very) mention of当说到…;一提到…就…, at the first opportunity(chance)一有机会就…等, 例如:

I feel sick at the mere mention of blood 一提到血,我就恶心


At seeing her mother,the girl burst into tears. 一见到母亲,那女孩就放声大哭起来。

He was in tears at the news that his grandpa died yesterday. 他一听到他爷爷昨天过逝的消息就哭了。

At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. on/upon +名词/动名词(短暂性动作,实意动词)

on/upon为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语,表示它所表达的动作刚一发生或完成,句子谓语所表示的动作就接着发生,所接动词基本是短暂动作,如:arrive, reach, hear, see, receive, enter, get, step, leave等。它相当于as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,意为immediately after, at the time of。例如:

On his arrival at the school, he was warmly welcome by all the teachers and students.

On arriving home I found they had gone. 我一到达家就发现他们已经离开了。

hardly be nessary:大可不必

Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station.


pretend v.

eg. Don’t pretend to know what you don’t know!

eg. He who knows nothing but pretends to know everything is indeed a good-for-nothing!



Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a pay phone.

a pay phone 一个投币的话(have to pay for the telephone call)

phone book 电话簿phone booth 公用电话亭[bu:e; bu:θ]n. 货摊;公用电话亭

phone card 电话卡 a collect call 对方付费电话operator电话接线员

Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax.

only when 只有…时候…才,直到…才

eg. Only when you lose your health can you realize how precious it is.

eg. Only when you experience the pain of pain can you enjoy the happiness of happiness.

1. A fraudulent ['fr?:dj?l(?)nt] adj. 欺骗性的

disguise [d?s'ga?z] vt. 伪装,假装;掩饰;隐瞒n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西

2. C A选项的时间顺序不对,警察来之前就藏起来了。

3. C 直到打电话,才相信ring v. 打电话;发出铃声;回响;充满;嗡嗡作响;包围;圈起来

4. D seem在这里是系动词

5. A 虚拟语气,省略if。C选项不是虚拟语气

6. D 如果有to引出对象,那么for后面的动作往往是该对象作出的。

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. A retort [r?'t?:t] v&n 反驳,顶嘴harsh 严厉的,苛刻的;严酷的protest against反对,对…提出抗议

11. D

12. A


Text over adv 越过,横越 for the first time 第一次 first and foremost 首要的是 first, last and all the time 始终如一,贯彻到底 fly over 飞跃 that lay below 是一个定语从句,修饰mountains,意思是位于飞机下面的山脉。 take photos 拍照 were able to take a great many photographs 成功拍了许多照片,表示动作(拍照成功了。 a great many + (pl. 许多,大量 ran into trouble 陷入麻烦 get into trouble 陷入麻烦 ask for trouble/ask for it 自找麻烦 shake off the trouble 摆脱麻烦 At one point , it seemed certain that their plane would crash. At one point 在某个地方 有关 at 的短语 eg At first Byrd and his men were able to take photographs.

起初伯德和助手们拍下来许多照片。 eg Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two food sacks. 伯德立刻命令助手们把两袋食品扔掉。 eg Bill is not at home at present . He’s at school . 现在比尔不在家,还在上学呢。 eg After walking for several hours, we arrived at the village at last. 走了几小时后,我们终于到达了那个小村子。 eg It’s a pity you can’t come to the concert, At any rate , you’ll be able to hear it on the radio. 真遗憾,你不能听音乐会。但不管怎么说,你可以在收音机里听到它。 eg I know he’s often rude to people, but he’s a very pleasant person at heart . 我知道他有时对人粗鲁,但从本质上来讲他是个好人。 eg I didn’t know you wouldn’t be coming. At least you could have telephone me 我不知道你不能来,至少你该给我打个电话。 eg eg. He behaves very strangely at times . 他有时候举止古怪。 eg eg. I don’t know what I can do about it. I’m completely at a loss . 我不知道我能做什么,我真地不知如何是好。 at a loss 不知如何是好;茫然;困惑 It seemed certain that 看起来是确定的 It seemed to be sure that 看起来是确定的


新概念英语第三册课本习题答案(21~40 课) Lesson 21 新概念 3 课后习题答案: Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d 新概念 3 课后习题解析: Multiple choice questions 多项选择 1.. .D grasp vt.抓住,掌握,领会n.抓住,掌握,领会 establish vt. 建立, 设立 , 确定 , 证实 2.. .D in favor of adv. 赞同, 有利于 3.. .C apart from 除什么之外还有 supplement vt. 补足, 补充 7.. .B owe people money = owe money to people 8.. .B vivid adj. 生动的 , 鲜明的 , 鲜艳的 , 活泼的 , 逼真的 personality n. 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人 character n. 特性, 性质, 特征, 人物 image n. 图象 , 肖像 , 偶像 imaginative adj. 想象的 , 虚构的 adj. 富于想象的 , 有想象力的 9.. .C exceptionally(adj. 例外的,异常的)Cl UnUSualIy(adv. 显著地,不同寻 常的) -- An exceptionally beautiful girl. marvelously(adj. 不可思议的 , 非凡的) = wonderfully(adv. 奇妙的 , 奇异的) singly adv. 单独的 unequally adv. 不相等地 , 不公平地 , 独一无二的 10.. .A rise vi.n. 11.. .A jealous adj. 妒忌的 , 猜疑的 , 警惕的 , 嫉妒的 disinterested adj. 无私心的, 廉洁的 , 公正的 adj.[ 美口]不关心的 , 不感兴趣的 revolt v. 反抗, 起义, 反叛 revolted adj. 起来反抗的 , 起义的 , 厌恶的 12.. .D


新概念英语第一册1—42课综合测试 Name ________ Score _______ 一、听短文,在横线上写出你听到的词。(30分) 1.What's the ____, ____? We are ____ and ____, Mum. ____ ____ here. Are you ____ ____ now? No, we ____. Look! ____ an ice cream man. Two ____ ____ please. Here you are. Thanks, Mum. ____ ice creams ____ ____. Are you all right now? Yes, we are, thank you! https://www.360docs.net/doc/702988810.html,e in, Amy. ____ the door, please. This bedroom is very ____. What ____ I ____, Mrs. Jones? ____ the window and ____ the room. Then ____ these ____ in the ____. Then ____ the bed. ____ the ____ ____. Then ____ the ____. 二、根据要求变换:(15分) 1.shelf (复数) __________ 2. dish(复数) __________ 3. photo(复数) __________ 4.tooth(复数)________ 5. tall(反义词) __________ 6. young(反义词) ________ 7.take off (反义词) ________ 8. watch(复数) __________ 9. open (反义词)__________ 10. housewife(复数) ________ 11. children(单数) ________ 12. swim(现在分词) ________ 13. upstairs(反义词) ________ 14. toy (复数)_________ 15. dirty(反义词) __________ 三、按要求改写下面的句子:(10分) 1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句) ____________________________________________ 2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句) _____________________________________________ 3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________ 4.The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________ 5.Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________ 6.I am going to put it on this table.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________ 7.Whose is this shirt?(同义句转换) _____________________________________________ 8.It is eating a bone. (对划线部分提问)_ _____________________________________________ 9.Tim is climbing the tree. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________ 10.Drop it.(改为否定句)


裕兴新概念英语第一册笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg. It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。) ?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作“对不起”,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作“劳驾”。1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I bor row your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿 eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起”。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 ?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答) ?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示“什么事”。 ?eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事? ?is v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数 ?be : is am are ?is 用于单数名词或单数第三人称代词。 ?eg. He is a student. 他是一个学生。 ?eg. That?s an egg. 那是一个鸡蛋。(That?s= That is)


学乐教育2014年春七年级英语一对二讲义 Lesson 43 Over the South Pole How was the plane able to clear the mountains? 【Text】 In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. B certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,00 once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise a mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole whic without difficulty. 美国探险家R.E. 伯德在飞越北极3年之后, 于1929年第一次飞越了 南极. 虽然开始时伯德和他的助手们拍下了飞机下面连绵群山的大量照 片, 但他们很快就陷入了困境. 在有个地方, 飞机似乎肯定要坠毁了. 只有 在飞至10,000英尺的高度时, 它才能飞过这些山头. 伯德马上命令他的助 手们把两个沉重的食物袋扔掉, 于是飞机可以上升了, 它在离山头400英 尺的高度飞越了过去. 伯德这时知道他能够顺利飞抵300英里以外的南极 了, 因为前面再没有山了. 飞机可以毫无困难地飞过这片茫茫无际的白色 原野! 【New words and expressions】(8) 1 pole [p?ul] 2 flight [flait] n. 飞行,航班 3 explorer [?k’spl?:r?, -‘spl??r-] n. 探险家;勘探者 4 lie [lai] v. 说谎 l 5 serious ['si?ri?s] adj. 严肃的,正经的 6 point [p?int] n.地点,位置 7 seem [si:m] 看起来 8 crash [kr??] n. 相撞,(飞机的)坠毁,迫降,哗啦 声,轰鸣声 9 sack [s?k] n大口袋,大袋子 10 clear v. 移走 11. aircraft ['??krɑ:ft] n.飞机, 航空器, 飞行器 12. endless ['endlis] adj. 无尽的 n. 末端,尽头,极限 一.单词讲解 1. pole [p?ul] n. 1) Pole n.波兰人 Poland 波兰 2)(地球的)极,极地 the North Pole 北极


新概念第三册Lesson40~42课文及翻译 新概念第三册Lesson40课文及翻译 【课文】 It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and


新概念英语第一册 笔记完整版 ?1)v. 原谅 ?eg. Excuse me. 请原谅,劳驾。 2)n. 借口 ?eg. It?s an excuse. ?me pron. 我(宾格:用来做宾语的。)?eg. He loves me. 他爱我. ?eg. She cheats me. 他骗我. ?eg. Please tell me. 他告诉我. Excuse me 的用法 这个短语经常被译作“对不起”,但它并不表示你有什么过错,而是说你要打搅别人,所以常被译作“劳驾”。 1)为了要引起别人的注意 ?eg. Excuse me. Is this you handbag? 2)要打扰某人或要打断别人话 ?eg. Excuse me . May I ask you a question? 3) 向陌生人问路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the railway station? 4) 向某人借东西 ?eg. Excuse me. Can I borrow your pen? 5) 需要从别人身边挤过或让别人给自己让路 ?eg. Excuse me. Could you please make some room for me? 6) 要求在宴席或会议中途中离开一会儿eg. Excuse me. May I lease for a little while? ?sorry 用于当你做错事而向别人道歉的时候,表示“对不起”。 1)请问几点了? ?eg. Excuse me. What time is it? 2) 不小心把水弄到了别人的身上。 ?eg. Sorry. 或者 I?m sorry! 3) 对不起,我先失陪一下 ?eg. Excuse me. 4) 误解了别人的意思 ?eg. Sorry. ?yes 1)adv. 是的(对一般疑问句的肯定回答)?eg. Are you mad? --Yes, I am. 2)经常用于应答,表示“什么事”。 ?eg. Excuse me? 请问/劳驾? ---Yes? 什么事? ?is v. be 动词现在时第三人称单数 ?be : is am are ?is 用于单数名词或单数第三人称代词。 ?eg. He is a student. 他是一个学生。 ?eg. That?s an egg. 那是一个鸡蛋。(That?s= That is) ?eg. This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。 ?your 你的,你们的(物主代词后面加名词)?your key 你的钥匙 ?eg. This is your key. 这是你的钥匙。 ?eg. That is your book. 那是你的书。 ?your room 你们的房间 ?eg. That is your room. 那是你们的房间。 ?pardon 原谅,请再说一遍 ?pardon=pardon me=I beg your pardon? 能再说一遍吗? ?eg. Is this your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗? --Yes, it is. 是的,它是。(it 指代 pencil) ?thank you 感谢你(们) 2)you 代词(你,你们) 主格-----作主语 ?eg. You are a good student. 你是一个好学生。 宾格------作宾语


v1.0 可编辑可修改 《新概念英语》第一册第43课Hurry up! 快点! 【课文】PENNY: Can you make the tea, Sam SAM: Yes, of course I can, Penny. SAM: Is there any water in this kettle PENNY: Yes, there is. SAM: Where's the tea PENNY: It's over there, behind the teapot. PENNY: Can you see it SAM: I can see the teapot, but I can't see the tea. PENNY: There it is! It's in front of you! SAM: Ah yes, I can see it now. SAM: Where are the cups PENNY: There are some in the cupboard. PENNY: Can you find them SAM: Yes. Here they are. PENNY: Hurry up, Sam! The kettle's boil ing! 【课文翻译】彭妮:你会沏茶吗,萨姆 萨姆:会的,我当然会,彭妮。 萨姆:这水壶里有水吗 彭妮:有水。 萨姆:茶叶在哪儿 彭妮:就在那儿,茶壶后面。 彭妮:你看见了吗 萨姆:茶壶我看见了,但茶叶没看到。 彭妮:那不是么!就在你眼前。 萨姆:噢,是啊,我现在看到了。 萨姆:茶杯在哪儿呢 彭妮:碗橱里有几只。 彭妮:你找得到吗萨姆:找得到。就在这儿呢。 彭妮:快,萨姆。水开了! Lesson 45 The boss's letter 老板的信 THE BOSS: Can you come here a minute please, Bob BOB: Yes, sir THE BOSS: Where's Pamela BOB: She's next door. She's in her office, sir. THE BOSS: Can she type this letter for me Ask her please. BOB: Yes, sir. BOB: Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela PAMELA: Yes, of course I can. BOB: Here you are. PAMELA: Thank you, Bob. PAMELA: Bob! BOB: Yes What's the matter. PAMELA: I can't type this letter. PAMELA: I can't read it! The boss's handwriting is terrible! 参考译文 老板:请你来一下好吗鲍勃 鲍勃: 什么事,先生 老板:帕梅拉在哪儿 鲍勃: 她在隔壁,在她的办公室里,先生。 老板:她能为我打一下这封信吗请问她。 鲍勃: 好的,先生。 鲍勃: 请你把这封信给老板打一下可以吗, 帕梅拉 帕梅拉:可以,当然可以。 鲍勃: 给你这信。 帕梅拉:谢谢你,鲍勃。 帕梅拉:鲍勃! 鲍勃: 怎么了怎么回事 帕梅拉:我打不了这封信。 帕梅拉:我看不懂这封信, 老板的书写太糟糕了! lesson 47 MRS YOUNG: Do you like coffee, Mrs Price MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want a cup MRS PRICE: Yes, please. Mrs Young. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any sugar MRS PRICE: Yes, please. MRS YOUNG: Do you want any milk MRS PRICE: No, thank you. I don't like milk in my like black coffee. MRS YOUNG: Do you like biscuits MRS PRICE: Yes, I do. MRS YOUNG: Do you want one MRS PRICE: Yes, please. 参考译文 克里斯廷:你喜欢咖啡吗,安

新概念英语第三册 41-45 课后作文标准答案

Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace Key to Composition Special Note: Pram this point in the course, while the Students' Book suggests a choice of two compositions, only one is chosen as a model. A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition Title: Give the country Introduction: Never understood city-lovers — city a place to visit, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, etc. — not live in Development: Advantages — living in country — quiet — more healthy — less traffic — fresh air — fresh food from farms or village shops — people polite and friendly. . . Disadvantages —living in city —noisy —dirty —stressful —people always in rush —rude, unfriendly Conclusion: Always a mystery why some country people say — like to live in city Composition I have never understood city-lovers. For me a city is a place to visit for a few hours, to go shopping, to see special exhibitions, shows, plays and films. But it's not a place to live in, even though thousands do. Usually they are tied to the city by their jobs or perhaps even by family. There are so many advantages to living in the country. It is quiet and more healthy. There is far less traffic on the roads and the air is so much fresher. Instead of buying everything in packets from a supermarket, in the country we can always buy fresh food from farms or village shops every day — milk, fruit, fresh eggs, vegetables and meat. And we don't have to look at "Use by. . . " labels to see when we must use something by: we know that everything is fresh. And the people in the country are always so polite and friendly too — as long as you obey the unwritten rules of the countryside, that is. On the other hand, there are so many disadvantages to living in a town or city. The first thing most country people notice is the noise and dirt. It must be the traffic, but many country people find it difficult to breathe in the city. And it is stressful, too: people always seem to be in a rush, and they are so often rude and unfriendly. There are so many advantages to living in the country that it is a mystery to me why some country people say they would like to live the city. In fact, I just cannot understand how anyone can even consider living in the city. (282wards) Lesson 42 Modern cavemen Key to Composition A possible answer Plan and ideas for composition ( a ) Title: Caught in a cave Introduction: Went out for day on beach — walked round headland — found deserted beach —marvellous day swimming, sunbathing, reading — late afternoon began to pack up Development: Took time — began to walk to headland — suddenly realized — tide coming in fast — walked faster — tide reached head-land rocks



Lesson 43 Over the South Pole飞越南极 How was the plane able to clear the mountains? In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E. Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. Byrd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless white plains without difficulty. 参考译文


新概念英语第三册Lesson40重点句子及解析 【课文】 It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen. As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost


新概念英语第一册1-40课综合测试 单词填空(1分/题,共10分) 1. (手提包) 2. (伞) 3. (票) 4. (工程师) 5. (抓住) 6. (地毯) 7. (助手)8. (疲乏的)9. (厨房) 10. (沿着) 根据单词写音标 单词辨音 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

按要求填空 (复数)(复数)(复数) (复数)(复数)(复数) (复数)(复数) (反义词)(反义词)(反义词)(反义词)(反义词)(反义词)用单词的适当形式填空 me!Is this_________ (you) pencil is a new is_________ (France). is my_________ (teacher) friend. has a lot of_________ (orange). handbag_________ (be)it nationality_________ (be)you (can turn on)the radio ,I_________ (not know)the lady behind the desk. (be)some water in the glass. (not)any magazines on the table. 用正确的介词填空(2分/题,共10分) women are going_________ the shop.(on/into) house is _________ two village.(between/beside)

boats are going _________ the bridge.(over/under) children are jumping_________ the wall.(out of/off) cat is jumping_________ the tree.(along/out of) 用正确的疑问词填空 _________is that young man---He’s my brother. _________is this cup---It’s my ,there’s my name on it! _________pens are on the desk---The new ones. __________________is your new coat---It’s green. _________is my pencil---It’s in your bag. _________is her job---She’s a keyboard operator. _________are you today---I’m very well,thank you. _________is your car---It’s a Ford.


A.Dialogue:Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。 Sam: Is there any water in this kettle, Penny? Penny: Yes, there __ . And the tea's ___ there, ______ the teapot. Can you _____ it? Sam: Yes, and here's the tea. Where ____ the cups? Penny: There ______ some in the cupboard. ____ you find ______? Sam: Yes. ______ they are. Penny: Hurry _____, Sam! The kettle's _____ ! B. Vocabulary:Where can you see these things? Write them in the correct room. 为下列单词按所在房间分类排列。 a kettle, a teapot, a refrigerator, a wardrobe, a television, cups, books, an electric cooker, dishes, a bookcase, taps, clothes ,spoons, armchairs, beds, a dressing table, plates, knives , forks the kitchen: ________ the living room: ______________ the bedroom: _______________ C. 根据括号里的提示完成句子。 1. Is there any ________ on that table. (bread) 2. ____ there any newspapers behind that vase? (be) 3. There ______ some soap on the cupboard. (be)
