西安邮电 期末 英美概况

西安邮电 期末 英美概况
西安邮电 期末 英美概况

The Final Examination Paper for the Course of “An Introduction to the Society and Culture of Major English-speaking


I.Fill in the blanks (20 points)

1.Britain consists of (1) nations, including England, (2) , (3) , and (4) .

2. To pursue Irish independence, the most spectacular event in the Irish history was (5) of 1916, in which the rebels occupied Dublin’s (6) and forced the British to take it by military means.

3. The U.S. federal government consists of the following three branches: the (7) , the (8) and the (9) .

4. A government in Britain cannot stand for longer than (10) years except in exceptional circumstances.

5. (11) was not conquered by the Romans, nor was it conquered by Anglo-Saxons.

6. The UK economy can be broken down into three main areas: (12) industries, (13) industries and (14) industries. In Pharmaceuticals, the British company GlaxoWellcome is the biggest (15) company in the world. ICI is the second largest (16) manufacturer in the world.

7. (17) set up the colony of Pennsylvania in America. (18) set up the colony of Maryland.

8. One of the developments brought about by the Industrial Revolution in America is the emergence of new forms of business organizations, notably the (19) and the (20) .

II. Choose the correct answer from each of the following, and write down the corresponding letter in the brackets. (20 points)

( )1. Which of the following statements about the UK economy is NOT true?

(A)Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large industrial economies.

(B)Britain has experienced a relative economic decline since 1945.

(C)There has been a period of steady decreasing of living standards.

(D)Some smaller economies have overtaken the UK in terms of output per capita.

( )2. Which of the following livestock has the biggest number in the UK?

(A) beef cattle (B) diary cattle

(C) chicken (D) sheep

( )3. The “American system” of mass production was first used in .

(A)car industry (B) textile industry

(C) firearms industry (D) agriculture

( )4. The latest technology that American farmers have adopted is .

(A)artificial fertilizers(B) pesticide

(C) tractors (D) computers

( )5. Which group of people can NOT vote in the general election in Great Britain?

(A)members in the house of Commons

(B)Lords in the House of Lords

(C)the UK citizens above the age of 18

(D)the UK resident citizens of the Irish Republic

( )6. Who is the last leader of the Labor party in Great Britain at present?

(A)John Major (B) Tony Blair

(C)Harold Wilson (D) Margaret Thatcher

( )7.The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except .

(A)challenging the authority of the Pope

(B)salvation through faith

(C)salvation through the church

(D)establishing a direct contact with God

( )8.Both public and private universities in the United States depend on the following sources of income except .

(A) investment (B) student tuition

(C) endowments (D) government funding

( )9.In the United States school systems, which of the following divisions is true?

(A)elementary school, grammar school

(B)elementary school, junior high school

(C)elementary school, secondary school

(D)junior high school, senior high school

( )10.The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by .

(A)teachers (B) students

(C) headmasters (D) boards of education

III. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What are the major invasions in the British history? (8 points)

2. What are the three major national parties in Great Britain? And what are the two major political parties in the U.S.? (5 points)

3. Who cannot vote in the general election in the U.K.? (4 points)

4. What is the background in the 16th and 17th century Europe against which the colonists began to set up permanent settlements in North America? (6 points)

IV. Matching (10 points)

The left column is a list of people’s names, and the right one is some information about these people. Match them and write down the letter of the information on the line before the names.

1. Robert Burns a. the UK’s first woman Prime Minister and the former

leader of the Conservative Party

2. King Harold b. the king of England in the 5th century and united the

British and drove the Saxons back

3. William Penn c. the leader of the SCLC during the civil rights move-

ment of the 1960s in the U.S.

4. Lord Baltimore II d. an outlaw who hid himself in the forest and robbed

from the rich to give the poor

5. Richard Nixon e. the Saxon king who was defeated and killed in the

battle of Hasting in 1066

6. Robin Hood f. a poet who wrote in Scots dialect and the author of

“Auld Land Syne”

7. King Arthur g. a legal political party in Northern Ireland which

supports the IRA to fight for the union of Ireland

8. Margaret Thatcher h. the founder of the colony of Maryland

9. Martin Luther King, Jr. i. the former President of the U.S., who was involved

in the Watergate scandal

10. Sinn Fein j. the man who set up the colony of Pennsylvania

V. Write an essay of about 300 words choosing from one of the following topics. (27 points) 1. Make a comparison between the British educational system and the American educational system.

2. What are the reasons for the success of the American economy?

3. What are the reasons for the problem in Northern Ireland?

4. What do you think is the relationship between English language learning and culture study? What can you learn from this course?


第7章工业革命、美国独立战争和法国革命 7.1 复习笔记 I. The American Revolution II. The French Revolution III. Prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution IV. The Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences 1. The Industrial Revolution 2. Its Consequences I. The American Revolution (美国独立战争) 1. The Navigation Acts (passed in 1651) were intended to increase the prosperity of English merchants and ship builders. 1651年通过了《航海条例》,有利于英国商人和轮船制造者的发展。 2. The process (过程) ①The war broke out in April 1775. ②In October, 1777, the American army won a great battle at Saratoga, which was a turning point. ③By the Treaty of Paris in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

①战争开始于1775年4月。 ②1777年10月,美国军队取得萨拉托加大捷,这是美国独立战争的转折点。 ③1783年《巴黎和约》,英国承认了美国的独立。 II. The French Revolution (法国革命) 1. The French Revolution broke out in 1789 and Thomas Paine published “The Rights of Man”. 2. In 1793 Britain became the chief leader of a military alliance with Austria and Prussia against revolutionary France. 3. The allies met at the Congress of Vienna and fought for the spoils of victory. England obtained Ceylon, the-Cape of Good Hope, and a number of Spanish, Dutch and French colonies. 1. 1789年,法国革命爆发,潘恩发表《人权宣言》。 2. 1793年,英国联合澳大利亚和普鲁士,反对法国革命。 3. 盟国在维也纳分赃会议上瓜分胜利品。英国得到锡兰,好望角,以及西班牙,荷兰和法国的殖民地。 III. Prerequisites for the Industrial Revolution (工业革命的必要条件) 1. The conditions for the Industrial Revolution : ①the accumulation of capital; ②the development of capitalist farming and the appearance of a labor reserve; ③the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign. 2. Britain’s population grew fast in this period and the people were skilled in


I.Explain the following terms: 1.the British Isles 2.Poets’ Corner 3.EU 4.the Conservative Party 5.the Seven Year’s War 6.WASPs 7.“roaring 20s” 8.melting pot 9.British Empire 10.system of US politic I.Translate the following into Chinese: 1.Westminster Abby 2.the Church of England https://www.360docs.net/doc/714136135.html,monwealth 4.Mr. Speaker 5.Judicial System 6.the Great Charter 7.the House of Plantagenet 8.Puritans 9.monopoly capitalism 10.the first Pan-American Conferencce II.Multi-choices: 1.The longest river in Britain is the _____ River. (Severn, Thames, Mersey, Humber) 2.The leading anthracite coalfields in Britain are in__ (Scotland, England, Wales, ) 3.The English people are descendants of____ (Celts, Roman, Anglo-Saxons) 4.The established church of Britain is___ (the Church of England, Free churches, ) 5.Easter is kept, commemorating the __ (coming, birth, death, resurrection) of Jesus Christ. 6.In Britain, government cannot spend any money without the permission of___. (the Queen, the Prime Minister, the House of Commons, the House of Lords) 7.All the government ministers of Britain must be members of_____. (the House of Lords, the House of Common, the Privy Council, Parliament) 8.___ is the largest state of the US in area.(Hawii, Texas, Alaska, Pennsylvania) 9.The dominant ethnic group in the US today is_____. (the black people, WASPs, Asian Americans, Hispanics) 10.People in the US have kept moving westward for reasons except___. (religious freedom, fertile soil in the West, good climate in the west, discovery gold) 11.The Constitution of the United State was framed in ___in 1787. (Washington, Boston, New York, Philadelphia) 12.The President of the US exercises the ____ power. (legislative, executive, judicial, veto) 13.Congress can veto the President’s veto by a ___ vote of the full membership of Both houses.(two-fifths, two-thirds, three-fourths, three-fifths) 14.The Constitution of US says that only___ can declare war upon other nation.


西安郵電大学 认知实习报告书 院系名称:计算机学院 学生姓名:张帆帆 专业名称:计算机科学与技术 班级:1506班 实习时间:2016年6月20-216年6月22

认识实习报告 2016年6月20日我们开始了我们为期三天的认识实习,从学校一些重要的实验室到学校的网络中心室,还有西安软件园和中兴手机。 虽然说我们从来到这所学校已经快一年了,但是我们对学校的了解还是微乎其微,比如各种各样的实验室,他们有自己不同的发展方向和侧重点,还有各种各样高级的实验设备和经验丰富的指导老师,这些都是一个学校,一个学院甚至一个专业的精华所在,是无数代前人和学长学姐努力的产物,他们把它赋予价值并且发扬光大。相比于对自己学院的核心一无所知,整天待在宿舍,能见识一下自己所在地方的魅力,显得意义非凡。 第一天我们参观的是自动化学院的实验室,参观的同时有老师或者学长进行讲解,我们首先参观的是217-221实验室,他们的侧重点是测控和计控原理,其中自控原理的核心思想是闭环控制,老师讲解的时候举了一个空调的例子。一个闭环控制主要部件有控制器、执行器、被控对象和监测系统。即由监测系统检测并反馈给CPU,CPU启动执行器,执行器执行其所控制的被控对象,比如空调会制冷,形成一个闭合的执行系统。211实验室主要是单片机,也叫单板机,是一个装置的核心控制部分。然后还参观了无线传感实验室,主要承担智能传感网、物联网技术等,面向测控技术与仪器。中途老师还带我们参观了航模实验室,虽然核心地区在一个非常小的屋子里,但是里面墙壁,桌面上,地上,摆放着各种各样的飞行器组件及成品,虽然有些成品看起来非常简单,但它却能完成各种各样的飞行任务,保持双翼平衡及旋转角度控制,真的非常神奇,因为完成它们的不是什么传说中的科学家或教授,而是在校大学生,是一些为了梦想不断学习的普普通通的大学生。最后参观的是非常有意思的一个实验室,叫机器人创新实验室,他们主要是做一些有目的性的“机器人”,可以完成特定任务,当然它们的长相不一定是人的形态,是一个比较形象的称呼,主要是由一些传感器和电机以及单片机焊接电路组成,学长还展示了他们的功能,比如避障,摇尾巴,电子秤,会踢足球的机器人,还有门禁系统,我觉得这些和我们东区的嵌入式其实差不多,可是我却并不了解! 在这个过程中,老师还展示了一些学长学姐由一个思想的火花把它变成现实


英语国家概况(2)期末模拟试卷A ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin n 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D The Blue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden


西安电子(高西全丁美玉第三版)数字信号处理课后答案 1.2 教材第一章习题解答 1. 用单位脉冲序列()n δ及其加权和表示题1图所示的序列。 解: ()(4)2(2)(1)2()(1)2(2)4(3) 0.5(4)2(6) x n n n n n n n n n n δδδδδδδδδ=+++-+++-+-+-+-+- 2. 给定信号:25,41()6,040,n n x n n +-≤≤-?? =≤≤??? 其它 (1)画出()x n 序列的波形,标上各序列的值; (2)试用延迟单位脉冲序列及其加权和表示()x n 序列; (3)令1()2(2)x n x n =-,试画出1()x n 波形; (4)令2()2(2)x n x n =+,试画出2()x n 波形; (5)令3()2(2)x n x n =-,试画出3()x n 波形。 解: (1)x(n )的波形如题2解图(一)所示。 (2) ()3(4)(3)(2)3(1)6() 6(1)6(2)6(3)6(4) x n n n n n n n n n n δδδδδδδδδ=-+-+++++++-+-+-+- (3)1()x n 的波形是x(n)的波形右移2位,在乘以2,画出图形如题2解图(二)所示。 (4)2()x n 的波形是x(n )的波形左移2位,在乘以2,画出图形如题2解图(三)所示。 (5)画3()x n 时,先画x(-n)的波形,然后再右移2位,3()x n 波形如题2解图(四)所示。 3. 判断下面的序列是否是周期的,若是周期的,确定其周期。 (1)3()cos()78 x n A n π π=-,A 是常数; (2)1 ()8 ()j n x n e π-=。 解:


America The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立 First Inhabitants:American Indians Discovery of the New World: 1492 Christopher Columbus →the discoverer of America (Italian)Spanish Queen’ s support 1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci →the new land was name after him as America. reached the mouth of Amazon River America—the New World Europe—the Old World 13 colonies: New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies: Massachusetts →(2nd colony,1620)New York Maryland New Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia →(1st colony,1607)Rhode Island Delaware North Carolina Connecticut South Carolina Georgia →(the last colony,1733)New England Region(6个): Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont 建立原因: Virginia, 1607 Virginia Company For foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England 105 men (no women) Jamestown in honor of the king Massachusetts In 1620 102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers”), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to America First in Plymouth (today’s Massachusetts); and then Boston Seek religious freedom Mayflower Compact <五月花号公约>:self-government Hardships when arrived the help of the Indians Thanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protection The next three colonies Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire Reasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified 2. more immigrants


The industrial revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to industrialize. The industrial revolution A period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, production, and transportation had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain. The Industrial Revolution, was a period of unprecedented technological, economic and social change that completely transformed British culture from a largely rural, static society with limited production and division of labour into the world's first modern industrial society. the Black Death It was the deadly bubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. It swept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing no victims. It killed between half and one-third of the population of England. Thus, much land was left untended and labor was short. It caused far-reaching economic consequences. The Black Death----It was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestisis and have started in Central Asia. It came without warning, and without any cue.The Black Death is estimated to have killed30% to 60% of Europe's population and had profound effects on the course of European history. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences. the Progressive Movement The Progressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with the support of large numbers of people across the country. It was not an organized campaign with clearly defined goals.(Rather, it was a number of diverse efforts at political, social, and economic reforms. In spite of limitations of the movement, it brought about changes and improvement in many fields.) Roman Britain was the part of the island of Great Britain controlled by the Roman Empire between AD 43 and about 410. Britannia already had cultural and economic links with Continental Europe, but the invaders introduced new developments in agriculture, urbanisation, industry and architecture, leaving a legacy that is still apparent today. The first Romans to campaign extensively in Britain were

电子生产实习报告 西安邮电大学

西安邮电大学 生产实习报告书 系部名称:电子工程学院 学生姓名: 专业名称:电子信息工程 班级: 实习时间:2013 年 2 月25日至2013 年3月8日

报告内容包括以下几方面: 一、生产实习的目的 1、通过实训熟悉原理图的绘制流程。 2、通过实训认识基本元器件的序号、封装形式。 3、通过实习制作原理图生成电路板。 4、通过实习学会自动布线,制作电路原理图元件和元件封装。 5、通过PROTELl 99 SE 完成几个简单的电路设计,建立和提高对SCH和PCB系统 的认识,并应用到自己的硬件电路设计中。 二、生产实习的内容 1、单片机板:原理图、两种封装形式(直插、表贴) 2、DSP板:符号库、封装库(表贴) 三、原理图设计步骤 (1)新建数据库文件:如mydesign2.ddb (2)建立原理图文件:File/new Schematic document sheet1.Sch (3)加载元件库:Miscellaneous Devices. lib; Protel Dos Schematic. lib; (4)绘制原理图,对于元件库中没有的元器件要自己创建。 (5)检查原理图:tools/ERC (6)添加器件封装:footprint,注意直插式和表贴式的封装形式是不同的。对于封装库中没有的封装,要注意利用向导自己建立。 (7)生成元件清单:reports/bill of material (8)产生网络表:Design/Create Netlist

四、印刷电路板设计步骤 (1)绘制原理图及生成网络表 (2)规划电路板 (3)启动印刷电路板编辑器 (4)设置参数 (5)装入网络表及元件的封装 (6)布置元件 (7)自动布线与手工调整 (8)印刷电路板文件的保存及打印输出 五、原理图符号库的设计 (1)进入元件符号库:design/make project library (2)利用绘图工具栏绘制所需元件。 (3)保存绘制元件,将元件置入电路图。 六、印刷电路板封装库的设计 (1)启动设计数据库文件,进入PCB元件编辑界面。 (2)从tools菜单中选择new component命令,进入封装创建向导。(3)根据实际的元器件确定封装形式,并按照向导的步骤创建元件封装。(4)保存添加。 各阶段电路原理图及封装结果如下: 1.单片机板: (1)原理图


英语专业考研英美概况自测题(一) British Survey Test Part I Geography 1. The total area of the U.K. is _____. A. 211,440 B. 244,110 C. 241,410 D. 242,534 2. England occupies the _____ portion of the U.K. A. northern B. eastern C. southern 3. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _____. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland 4. _____ is on the western prominence between the Bristol Channel and the Dee estuary. A. Wales B. Scotland C. England 5. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 6. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 7. Physiographically Britain may be divided into _____ provinces. A. 13 B. 12 C. 14 8. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 9. The main rivers parting in Britain runs from _____. A. north to south B. south to north C. east to west 10. Cheviot hills lie along the border between _____ and England. A. Scotland B. Wales C. Vale of Eden 11. The longest river in Britain is _____. A. Severn B. Clyde C. Bann 12. London is situated on the River of _____. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey 13. Edinburgh is the capital of _____. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales 14. The rivers flowing into the _____ are mainly short. A. North Sea B. English Channel C. Dee estuary 15. Mt. Snowdon stands in _____. A. Scotland B. Wales C. England 16. The source of the important River Thames is in the _____. A. Cotswolds B. Oxford Clay C. Pennines 17. About _____ of the water requirements are obtained from underground sources. A. 50% B. 38% C. 42% 18. Gaelic is mainly spoken in _____. A. Scotland B. England C. Northern Ireland 19. The Bank of England was nationalized in _____. A. 1964 B. 1946 C. 1694


内蒙古广播电视大学2010-2011学年度 第二学期《英语国家概况1》期末试题 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the AmericanRepublic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D TheBlue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden C The Scarlet Letter D The Fall of the House Usher 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 参 考 内 容 《英语国家概况1》第1页 共6页 《英语国家概况1》第2页 共6页


The United Kingdom I. Multiple Choice 1. The was “the greatest progressive revolution that mankind had so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion, and character, in universality and learning”(Engels). a. Renaissance b. Industrial Revolution c. Reformation d. Bourgeois Revolution 2. is regarded as the first English Prime Minster. a.D uke of Willington b.William Gladstone c.Benjamin Disraeli d.Sir Robert Walpole 3. The official head of Parliament is . a. the Prime Minister b. the Monarch c. the Speaker d. the Chancellor 4. The present sovereign of Britain is . a. Elizabeth I b. Elizabeth II

c. Elizabeth III d. Edward II 5. is a day to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. a. Christmas b. Good Friday c. Easter Monday d. Boxing Day 6. published his book On the Origin of Species which caused a stir in Victorian times. a. Adam Smith b. Charles Darwin c. Thomas More d. Francis Bacon 7. The largest section of Great Britain is . a. Scotland b. Wales c. England d. Northern Ireland 8. The Lake District is well known for . a. its wild and beautiful scenery b. its varied lakes c. the Lake Poets


上海海关学院 2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷 《英美概论》A卷 考试时间:90分钟考试形式:闭卷 __________系_____级专业班姓名学号____________ 我承诺,遵守《上海海关学院考场规则》,诚信考试。考生签名:________________ I. You will be given fifteen American states and then match them with their corresponding number on the map. (2% x15=30%) 30%)

1.Which invasion laid the foundation for English nation to be formed? A.Romans B. Anglo-Saxons C. Danes D. Normans 2. General election in the UK is held every____ years. A.2 B.3 C. 5. D.6 3. Wales was effectively united with England in the _____ century. A. 14th B. 15th C. 16th 4. By the Act of Union of _____ Scotland and the kingdom of England and Wales were constitutionally joined as the Kingdom of Britain. A. 1707 B. 1921 C. 1801 5.Which of the following is a holiday celebrated on November 5th in the UK and used to commemorate a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605? A. First Footing B.Guy Fawk's Day C. Queen’s Birthday 6. Mt. Ben Nevis stands in _____. A. the Scottish Highlands B. Wales C. England 7..Boston is situated in Boston Bay, _____. A. Maine B. Massachusetts C. Connecticut 8.The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____. A. Maryland B. South Carolina C. Delaware D. Colorado 9.The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774. A. Philadelphia B. Boston C. New York 10. Britain is basically an importer of _____. A. food B. raw materials C. manufactures D. both A and B 11. All of the following events are related to Henry VIII except: A. establishment of Church of England B. legal union of England and Wales C. beating Spanish Armada 12. Grand Canyon is in the state of ____. A. Arizona B. Utah C.Colorado 13. In 1689 the “Bill of Rights” was passed. _____ began in England. A. The Constitutional Monarchy B. All Estates Parliament C. House of Lancaster 14. England first became a sea power in the time of _____. A. Henry VII B. Elizabeth I C. Victoria 15. The Victorian Age began when the _____ was over. A. Edwardian Age B. Georgian Age C. Elizabethan Age 16. Public schools in the UK belong to the category of the _____ schools. A. state B. independent C. local 17. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to _____ school. A. grammar B. technical C. secondary modern 18. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _____ universities.
