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1.—He is a real sportsman______ he is not very well-known.

—______. Besides, he is young.

A.though; I am afraid not B.since; You are sure

C.even if; I agree absolutely D.because; That's that point





全同意。而且,他还年轻。根据第一个空格前后的内容,可判断出本句为though或者even if引导的让步状语从句;根据besides后的内容,可判断出空格处应填入表示赞同对方的话语,故选C。

2.— Shall we go for a drink downstairs?

—. Will two o’clock be OK?

A.Sorry, I’m not available now B.Sure, no problem

C.Sorry, I can’t make it today D.Sure, it’s up to you




考查情景对话。句意:---我们去楼下喝一杯好吗?-对不起,现在没空。两点可以吗? Sorry, I’m not available now. 抱歉,现在没空;Sure, no problem当然,没问题;Sorry, I can’t make it today对不起,今天不行;D. Sure, it’s up to you当然,由你决定。根据“两点钟可以吗”可知,现在没空,故选A。

3.---Hi, Bob! Thanks a lot for lending me the money!

---____! Oh, by the way the interest rate is 10%.

A.With regards B.With pleasure C.No sweat D.No way




考查交际用语。——嗨,鲍伯!——谢谢你借我钱!——没关系,哦,顺便提醒一下利率是10%。A. With regards致以问候;B. With pleasure好的;没问题;C. No sweat没关系;D. No way绝不。注意with pleasure 用以对还没做的事情的回答。故选B 。

4.--Was he _____when he got an A+ in the English exam?

--Absolutely! He even went to the cinema with his classmates to celebrate it .

A.On cloud nine B.hot under the collar

C.Down in the dumps D.as cool as a cucumber




考查习惯用语。句意:——当他在英语考试中得了A+时,他是不是非常高兴?——当然!他甚至和同学一起去看电影院庆祝。A. On cloud nine乐不可支;B. hot under the collar愤怒的;C. Down in the dumps气馁;D. as cool as a cucumber冷静沉着。故选A。

5.--Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?

-- You never ________ .

A.learn your lesson B.bite your tongue

C.eat your words D.cross your fingers




考查习语。句意:——哎呀,烦死了。我到底把我的钥匙放哪儿了?——你从来不吸取教训。A. learn your lesson从中吸取教训;B. bite your tongue欲言又止;C. eat your words食言;D. cross your fingers祈祷好运。根据语境可知第一人经常找不到钥匙,所以第二人说“你总是不长记性(从来不吸取教训)”,故A项正确。

6.---Shall we go for a picnic this Saturday?

---_____________. Will next Saturday be OK?

A.Sure,it's up to you B.Sure,it's no problem

C.Sorry,I can't make it D.Sorry,I'm not available today



C。解析:句意:---这个周六野炊好吗?--对不起,我去不了,下周六可以吗?由Will next Saturday be OK?可知,这周六去不了。A当然,你来决定;B当然,没问题;C对不起,我去不了;D对不起,今天我没空。根据题意选C。

7.--- Was he nervous during the interview?

--- He was _____, and he even made some jokes.

A.down in the dumps B.flying off the handle

C.on cloud nine D.as cool as a cucumber





A. down in the dumps垂头丧气;

B. flying off the handle勃然大怒;

C. on cloud nine非常高
