


We have been in Australia for three days. We’re having a g time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. There is so m to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big t and beautiful flowers around the houses and they

l _____ really beautiful. There are also some special a in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are really lovely.

During the past three days we’ve v isited many p of interest around Sydney. I’d like to spend more time here. But we will f to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds (珊瑚礁) tomorrow. It is said that words cannot

d _______ th

e beauty o

f the colourful corals. Many famous cartoon films were made there. Now we are b packin

g our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave. We can enjoy o in Cairns this time tomorrow, I’m looking forward to going there!

根据短文内容及首字母提示, 填写所缺单词。

Advertisements are everywhere! They’re on the r____ and TV, in newspapers and magazines. on buses and buildings. They’re on websites and mobile phones. Companies g______ their products to film stars, pop stars and sports stars to u____ so that fans will buy them in order to copy the stars.

Advertisements have become so common(常见的) that they aren’t w____ any more. We don’t like advertisements. so we try not to see them. We turn o____ the advertisements on computers. We refuse(拒绝) to watch them on TV, or read them in magazines. We no longer pay attention to the posters all around us. We don’t copy the stars b____ we know they don’t really like the things they advertise.

This means that advertising companies need a new w____ to sell. They can’t make their products “cool” by advertising. Advertisements aren’t cool, and teenagers won’t buy the things in advertisements i____ because the advertisements say they are fashionable. The latest way to advertise is not to advertise.

I____ of using stars, companies are using teenagers. They pay them to tell their friends about new products. Teenagers don’t want to dress like everyone else and buy the things that everyone else has. They want to look d____ and create their own style. Teenagers don’t think it’s cool to copy the stars or bu y things they’ve seen in advertisements.


In many big cities in the world, the overuse of cars is thought to be one of the major causes


When the Great Library of Alexandria burned, the story goes that one book was saved. But nobody thought it was a v________ book. A poor man, who could read a little, bought it for a few coins.

The book wasn’t very interesting, but between its pages there was something very interesting i__________. It was a thin strip of vellum(羊皮纸) on which was written the secret of the “Touch stone”!

The touchstone was a small pebble(卵石) that could t____________ any common metal into pure gold. The writing e_________ that it was lying among thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it. But the secret was that the real stone would feel w________, while ordinary pebbles were cold.

So the man camped on the seashore and began testing pebbles. He knew that if he picked up ordinary pebbles and threw them down again b____________ they were cold, he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of t______________. So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea. He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. Y______________ he went on and on this way.


You may open your electronic mail and find information about how to buy medicine, cheap airline tickets, books and, of course, computers and computer products(产品). But the use of electronic spam(垃圾邮件) to _______ products has become a major problem to many people as it makes computer c_______ more difficult.

Many computers who want to send a lot of advertising may u____________ the services of “spammer”. A spammer is a p_______ or company that uses computers to send out m illions of copies of the same sales information. Spammers find e-mail a_________ from websites, news groups and “chat room”, where people send m__________ to each other. Most spam is sent by companies that try to get you to buy their products. Some of these are h_______ companies that offer good products for fair prices. These companies can offer their products for a l________ price than you might find in a store. However, much of the spam on the Internet is sent by criminals trying to sell products that do not exist or offer things they will not p___________. They are only interested in stealing your money. One country in Africa has become famous for the criminals who try every known trick to cheat people.


As we know, museums are buildings where many valuable and important objects are kept so that people can go and see them. For examples, art museums are places where people can learn about v______ cultures. More and more popular “design museums” that are opening today, however, perform quite a different role. U________ most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines.

The a_______ of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品). Being different from the art museum visitors, design museums visitors s________ feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量生产) work and look as they do, and how design has i________ the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b________ their understanding.

Several new design museums have opened their doors in r_______ years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy(满足) the public’s growing interest in the field with new i________. London’s Design Museums, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choice open to design museums seem f_________ less strict than those to art museums, and visitors may also sense the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys c __________from our everyday life.


Your local community is the area near your home where you work, play, and go to school. The neighbourhood where your f make coonnections with other people, and the place you feel like you belong to. People are very social animals. We need to t__73__and interact(交往)with other human beings. We often understa nd ourselves b _74__when we discuss our opinions. emotions, and activities with other people. Making more connections with friends and family let us put aside our worries and focus(关注) on things that are more i_75__: The people we care about.

Communities grow and c_76__ over time. Families move from one city to another because of children have grown up and moved out to s __ families of their own. New families move in when others I 79

Basic(基本的)community s___ 80 ,such as police, fire , post office, health, and public schools, remain steady(稳定的)force in the community,a__81__some people may retire(退休) or move on. Businesses provide services to the community, too. Stores sell things that people need, restaurants sell prepared food, and offices provide different kinds of skilled work.


62. family 63. talk 64. better 65. important 66. change

67. work 68. start 69. leave 70. services 71. although


various, Unlike, advantage, seldom, improved, beyond, recent, ideas, far, collected


sell,communication, use, person, addresses, messages, honest, lower, However, provide


valuable, indeed, turn, explained, warm, because, times, Yet, before, Unless


like. because . made . open . won't . speed . colours . sure . before . long


radio,give,use ,working ,on because ,way,just ,Instead ,different


good/great much trees look animals places fly describe busy ourselves


M people like to travel by p , because it is fast. But I don’t like it because an airport(机场)is usually far f the city. You have to g there early and wait f hours for the plane to take off(起飞)and it is often late. Y ou can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes a fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. I l traveling by train. I think trains are safe(安全的). Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are l for a train, you can catch another one .You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You c see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes(花费)a little more t . Water is very important to u . We must d water every day. We c live without water. Water is everywhere aroun d us. A home, w e use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook meals, to make drinks, to c our teeth, to have a bath(洗澡)and so on. A work, people use water to put out fires, to g vegetables, to make things in factories(工厂)and so on. We can s in the sea, too. However, there isn’t m water on the earth(地球). It is very valuable(宝贵的). We must s it. If we waste too much water, one day in the future, the l drop(滴)of water on the planet will be our tears(眼泪). Tom is a little boy, and he is only s years old. One day he w to the cinema. It was the first time for h to do that. He was late. He b a ticket( 票) quickly and ran into the cinema. But after two or three minutes( 分钟) he came out, bought a second ticket and ran into the cinema again. After a f minutes he came out again and bought a t ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and bought another (另一张) ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,”W do you buy so many tickets? How m friends do you meet?” Tom answered, “ No, I h no friends here. But a big boy always stops m at the door and tears ( 撕) my ticket.” Mr. Smith h a nice , blue coat. He l it very much , but his wife d not like it , because it is old .She often says ,”Give it t a poor man .” But Mr. Smith always says,”No, I like this coat .” Then a cigarette (香烟) falls on it and m a hole in it . Mr. Smith t it to a small tailor shop and says to the tailor , “Please make another coat l this one .” The tailor makes the coat very c . Then he lights ( 点燃) a cigarette and makes a hole in it in the s place. One night , a small green c to our planet. He was f another planet . The computer on his body said that there were many trees o our planet. The green visitor looked f water , his computer


上海初三中考英语首字母填空专项练习 Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place. Fire fighters also make it a place for practice. They learn how to p 68 out fires from bur ning build in gs. They try to c 69 up the outside of the tower as fast as possible. They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise carry ing imagi nable victims dow n f 70 high ladders. There are reas ons that firefighters are called for help. Maybe a buildi ng or a forest is o 71 fire. A train accide nt happe ns and people are t 72 in side. Still, people n eed to be rescued from floods or an earthquake. When ever there is an emerge ncy situati on, they can be see n f 73 there. Being a fire fighter n eeds a lot of t 74 .In the first place, firefighters should know how to educate the com mun ity (社区)by visit ing schools, com munity cen tres and people in their own homes to p 75 fire and accide nts from starti ng. They have to lear n how to deal with differe nt dangerous situations. Above all, it ' s necessary for firefighters to exercise everyida76o be and strong. _ 、 Man has a big brain. He can think and s 72 Ianguages. Scientists once thought that man isn ' t the same as ani mals b 73 man can think and lear n. They know now that dogs, mon keys and birds can lear n, too. They are beginning to u 74 that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can ' t speak. They make much 75 when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿)can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But they can not join words to make s 76 . They cannot think I 77 us because they have no Ianguage. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a 78 to build a modern world because he has Ian guage. Every child can speak his own Ian guage very w 79 when he is four or five, b 80 no ani mals lear n to speak. How do childre n lear n it? Scien tists don ' tweal8/1 kno wappe ns in side our body whe n we speak. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain. 三、 Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wan ted to come into the garde n he would bark u 72 some one ope ned the gate. As the n eighbours compla ined of the noise, my husband s 73 weeks training him to press his paw on the latch (门闩)to let himself in. Rex soon became good at o 74 the gate. H 75 , when I was going out shopping last week, I n 76 him in the garden near the gate. This time he was bark ing so that some one would let him o 77 ! Since the n, he has developed ano ther bad h 78 . As soon as he ope ns the gate from the outside, he comes i 79 the garde n and waits un til the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks un til some one lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begi ns bark ing a 80 . Yesterday my husba nd removed the gate and Rex got so a 81 that he disappeared. Since the n, we have not see n him. 四、 Elizabeth lived with her six childre n in a small house. One win ter, there was a big flood and quite a f 72 houses were washed away, but Elizabeth ' s houee was high escape it. Elizabeth took in one of the families which had lost everything. She shared her home until the family could build a 74 house. Elizabeth ' s friends could not un derwtan75 she wan ted to give so much whe n she already had so many childre


首字母填空讲解 首字母填空类短文题是近几年中考试题经常采用的题型之一,因为它有非常好的信度和效度,又能拉开考生间的分差、提高区分度。这种题型属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。这种试题的首字母已给,所填的就必须是该字母开头的单词。这既是一种限制,又是一种提示。 可是这种题型因难度相对较大,考生失分现象比较严重。学生要仔细阅读全文,利用上下文提供的有关信息,再仔细阅读相关句子,判断所缺单词的句子成分,才能完成练习。完型填空式中考试卷中最难的题型,最能测量考生实际运用语言的能力。要做好此类题目,考生不但要有较强的语感,善于体会上下文的内在联系,而且要有扎实的语言知识储备和较大的词汇量。 考查重点是名词、动词、形容词、副词和代词这几大词类。 做好首字母填空要注意以下几点 1. 单词量。 很多学生做不好首字母填空很重要的一点原因是学过的单词没掌握。每当看到一个首字母,脑子中应该迅速闪过好几个词,然后根据句意选择最合适的一个。或者反过来,用意义对单词,先看句子是什么意思,然后根据意思填出合适的单词。 2.平时注意积累词组、习惯用法和固定搭配。 3. 一定注意上下句的联系。 很多情况下。你要填的单词在上文或者下文出现过了,所以说试卷中不是没有答案,而是你要有一双发现答案的眼睛。还有一个情况是在一句话中,可能会出现反义词,也就是说你要填的单词是上文或下文中一个词的反义词。 4. 利用词性帮助判断。 根据上下文及该句判断词性,再结合首字母确定该词的意思。(要有一定的句法知识) 5. 注意检查。 这里有个方法可以一试,默读,利用语感和自己的语法知识填空。如果读着不顺,就有可能有错误。


K6联赛 首字母填空: 1.When l jump into water, I shall be a w . 2.What do you have for b . 3.This is Peter’s h life. 4.Math is e for me. l think it’s very interesting. 5.Lucy borrows a book from school l every week. 6.You had better take an u with you.It is raining now. 模考一 首字母填空 1.We are c and we are in the same class. 2.September is the n month of year. 3.Math is d for me,but l think it’s very interesting. 4.I have a good eating habit and I’m very h . 5.---When is your birthday ,Linda. ---My birthday is in F . 用适当形式填空. 1.June 1st is (children)Day. 2.What about (have)some fruit salad? 3.I can play basketball (good). 4.She enjoys (eat)hamburgers for lunch.

5.Tom wants (play)tennis after class. 模考二 首字母填空 1.It is d to swim in the river because it is not only deep but also dirty . 2.December is the t month of the year. 3.A q means fifteen minutes. 4.Sciences is the most interesting of all the s 5.I don't have e money to buy all those things 用适当形式填空. 1.It's easy for her (learn )Chinese well. 2.Listen!Some girls (sing)in the classroom 3.He plays the drums (good )than Tom. 4.It's snowing (heavy)when he got home today 5.I don't know what (happen)in ten years 模考三 首字母填空: 1.If you are f this afternoon,let’s go shopping. 2.She likes steak vevy much because she thinks it is vevy d .


2019年中考英语首字母填空真题练习 (名师精选全国真题+详细解析答案,值得下载打印练习) 第一篇 For thousands of years, poems have been the favorite types of literature in China. There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese h 1 , and most of their poems are s 2 read and enjoyed today. To remind people o 3 those classic Chinese poems, CCTV has produced a TV p 4 called Chinese Poem Competition. The final of the show’s second season was shown in February. A girl named Wu Yishu w 5 studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan University, came out to be the w 6 of the competition. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry (《诗经》): “In July, the crickets in the field; In A7 , they are in the yard; In September, they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our “I r eally admire her k8 of poems. The first time I saw her w 9 beds.”  traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She always keeps said Huang Zijin after so calm through the show, which is very u 10 for her age,”  watching the final show. Mr. Huang also said we would find Chinese cultures and taste the beauty of life by enjoying poems. 参考答案 1. history 2. still 3. of 4. program(me) 5. who 6. winner 7. August 8. knowledge 9. wearing 10. unusual 第二篇 At some time in your life, you might have a roommate. It is a good idea to share a flat, e _1__ for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And money is not the only reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.But life with a roommate can also be a t _2_ _ experience. Some experts did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their


2012初中(小升初)英语首字母填空讲练100篇 如何突破英语首字母填空 首字母填空是小升初考试中常考的题型之一,也是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象严重。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧。 首字母填空属于能力测试的范畴,它能全面考查学生的英语水平。这类测试要求学生不仅要具备一定的词汇量、句型和语法等方面的知识,还要求学生有一定的阅读能力,能灵活运用所掌握的语言知识去分析语篇。常用的答题技巧如下: 1.通读全文,掌握大意 每篇短文必然是有逻辑性的,短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文是必要的,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。反之,只在一点、一处做文章的话,会导致断章取义。但我们要注意通读全文只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过,切忌逐字逐句的反复细读。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。 2. 认真分析,巧填单词 我们在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。要想填出每个空的单词,我们要注意以下方面: (1)依据习惯用法与固定搭配进行填词:如…W his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very much. 从句意我们就知道是“在他的帮助下”,with his help. (2)依据语法知识进行填词:如…It was a l earlier. 从句中的earlier可以看出它是比较级,我们应该会想到修饰形容词比较级有哪些词,前面有a,那肯定就是little.


2017中考专题练习----短文首字母填空 Passage 1 Most people want to work, but it has become m 1 difficult in today's world to find work for e 2 The economies(经济)of the world n 3 to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not p 4 and so more people are w 5 work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can d 6 the work of many people in a shorter time. Also, machines don't ask for more money and l 7 holidays. In all of the countries of the world machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on f 8 One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75000 people are m 9 to the cities a day to look for jobs, but o 10 70% of them can find jobs. Passage 2 Someone says, “Time is money,” but I think time is even more i 1 than money. Why? Because when money is s 2 we can get it b 3 However, when time is g 4 it’ll never return. That’s w 5 we mustn’t waste(浪费) time. It’s sure that the t 6 is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do something u 7 But some people don’t know the importance of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l 8 In a word, we should save time, we shouldn’t l9 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to l 10 . Passage3 Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be t 1 to do a number of simple jobs. They s 2 that in a film or on TV we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doing a lot of things. If you w 3 carefully, you may find that those animals are given something to eat in return for d 4 them. The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they will get something to eat. Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy j 6 And we can also teach animals to work in f 7 . Apes, for example have b 8 used in America to help make cars and scientists b 9 that these monkeys may one day get in crops and e 10 drive trains. Passage4 If you don’t use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they will gradually (逐渐地)become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that it is the s 1 with memory. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he d 2 give it enough chance to become stronger. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k 3 that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his p 4 are to blame, and f 5 of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you e 6 found some people can’t read or write but they usually have b 7 memories? This is b 8 they cannot read or write and they h 9 to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want a good memory, l 10 from these people : practise remembering. Passage5 When I was walking down the street one day, I s 1 a small bag on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see w 2 I could find out the owner’s name. There was n 3 inside it except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station. Before I left, the policeman wrote down my name and my a 4 . He thought the owner might want to thank me. That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us. Her face was familiar, but I couldn’t r 5 where I had seen her. D____6____ our talk, the young woman happened to say that she had l 7 her bag that afternoon. All at once I remembered w 8 I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photo, though she looked now much o 9

精选·中考首字母填空练习 提升训练

首字母填空专项训练 1 Li Ming is a middle student. He is one of the t_____ students in his class. He likes reading very much. He reads f_____ and science books as well. His school h____ a very nice library. He often b_____ books and reads there. Li Ming h_____ has a lot of books at home. Most of them were given to him as p______ by his parents and friends. He also bought some new books himself. He takes care of books. He takes e____ more care of the library books. He never makes them d____. He always r_____ them in time. He knows they are r_____ by many students. 2 One Sunday afternoon Peter put on his hat, took hi stick and went to the park. He w____ for half an hour and felt a little tired. He saw a chair u____ a big tree and went towards it. S______ he saw a man in front of him walking towards the chair too. He s_____ to run for fear that the man would take the seat b____ him. When he saw a man running towards the chair, that man b____ to run too. But Peter ran even f______ and soon got ahead of him. That man ran after him and told him loudly not to sit down. But Peter did not pay any a______. That man came up. Peter saw he was a workman of the park. He had a b____ in his hand. It said, “WET PAINT” How s_____ Peter was!


09牛津中考英语专项训练及答案(9)(缺词填空) (1) At different times in a man’s life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (1) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man’s food is spent on growing t (2); we grow upwards only d (3) the first twenty years of our l (4), not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (5), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (6) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p(7) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man r (8) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (9) restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f (10). 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying “animals” in the world. It is known to all that they cannot see very well. “As b_______(1) as a bat” is often h_________(2). Yet, they have no trouble flying on the d___________(3) nights and finding their way r___________ (4) very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly by “radar(雷达)”. The bat's radar w_________ (5) the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t____________(6) the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t__________(7), they will come back and the bat's e___________(8) will receive the message. In this way, the bat is a____________(9) to know where the things are. Bats go out for f____________________(10) at night. In the daytime, they hang in some dark places. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game began in France. The name of the game comes from the French word “tennez”. The English men c___1____ the game “tennis” when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts(球场)were built in every park, in every city, just like today. The two countries played against each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w__2___ money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a_____3___ disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned w___4____ they could do about the game. They liked the game as the Englishmen had b___5____. After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts.
