Offer of Sales Employment Letter 录用通知英文 销售岗位

Offer of Sales Employment Letter 录用通知英文 销售岗位
Offer of Sales Employment Letter 录用通知英文 销售岗位


The Offer of Sales Employment letter is a letter which makes a written offer of employment to a prospective employee. The written offer ensures that the terms of the offer are properly communicated and gives the employee the terms of reference. It should be used when hiring

full-time employees and it should not be used with individuals who may be hired as independent contractors or with temporary employees hired from an agency.

(To be written on company letterhead)



[Employee’s Name]


[City, Province, Postal Code]

Dear [Name]:

Congratulations! I am very pleased to confirm our offer of employment to join [company’s name], as a [position title] within our [department name] effective [start date]. We believe that you will be a fine addition to our sales team and that this represents an excellent opportunity for you.

As discussed, you will be a full-time employee, with a starting salary of $[base amount]. You will be paid on a bi-weekly basis and your commissions will be paid to you on the 15th day of the following month as per outlined in the attached commission schedule.

In addition you will be covered by our comprehensive employee benefits package (see enclosed benefits summary] and given a business vehicle allowance reimbursement in the amount of $[amount] per month. You will be entitled to 15 vacation days, 10 sick days and 2 personal leave days per annum. More complete information about all of these valuable benefits and entitlements will be provided at your benefits registration. [HR contact name] will contact you to schedule this appointment.

You will be required to sign a Company Confidentiality and Non-Compete Agreement, which is enclosed. The first 90 days of your employment will be considered probationary and provides a means by which you and your supervisor can evaluate the suitability of this placement/or work situation. We encourage you to use this opportunity to discuss issues and questions with your supervisor.

Please contact me should you have any questions regarding this offer. To confirm your acceptance of this offer, please return a signed copy of this letter [if applicable and/or any enclosed forms] to [name, title], no later than [insert date].

We look forward to a mutually rewarding employment experience for you here at [company’s name]. It is our hope that you will find this position exciting and rewarding.





My signature indicates my acceptance of this position and my acknowledgement of the terms and conditions attached.


Signature Date

Offer Letter

聘用要约 尊敬的__________女士/先生: 您好!非常感谢您对本公司的信任和支持,我们非常荣幸地通知您: 您已通过武汉浦江筑城房地产经纪有限公司面试阶段。我们意向:聘请您担任公司_____________部门____________职位。 为便于您享有充分地知情权和熟悉这一具有挑战性的工作,现将职位相关信息告之给您: 工作地点 您的工作地点是:XXX省XXX市。 携带资料 (一)录用通知书; (二)居民身份证; (三)最高学历证书原件; (四)资历、资格证书(或上岗证); (五)体检合格证明(区以上医院血液肝功能体验证明); (六)非本市户口需携带外出就业证明、未婚证(计生证); (七)一寸相片三张; (八)如需公司解决住宿,请自带床上用品。 薪酬 您每月税前工资是RMB________元,试用期税前工资是 RMB________元,从报到之日起计算。 福利 1.带薪假日:员工可享受员工手册中所规定的重要节假日,期间照常支付薪金; 员工转正后可享受婚假、丧假、产假及护理假; 在公司工作满一年后,员工可以按规定享受探亲假、年休假,这些假期均为有薪假期。 2.社会保险:国家法定的养老、工伤、失业、生育、医疗等保险福利;

3.一年一次的员工体检; 4.贺仪与奠仪(限转正后):结婚、生育、重病、死亡或亲人去世,公司发给相应的贺礼金、济困金或奠仪金; 5.享有节日慰问和生日礼物、旅游费补贴、车费报销、员工购房贷款管理制度; 6.职员活动:每年适时举办的各项集体活动:不定期旅游、拓展、篮足球等技能比赛。 其它 1.我们将为您提供必要的工作环境和条件,您所从事的工作没有职业危害; 2.您已通过公司发布的招聘启示(广告)和面试等渠道,充分知悉了您具体的工作内 容。 说明 1.公司享有对您职业背景调查等与建立劳动关系相关的知情权。 2.请您参加体检并收到公司录用通知后,再与原公司办理解除劳动关系、调转人事档 案等手续。 3.本要约具有代替双方就前期沟通过程中所订立的口头或书面协议的法律依据。 我们真诚希望您能接受上述条款,请您在下方签字确认,以表示您对此要约的认同。 前列事项若有疑问或困难,请与本公司人事课联系: 0573- 签字:______________ XXXXXX有限公司 日期:年月日日期:年月日

某外资公司英文offer letter模板

Ref. No.: 3rd September 2008 XXX (HKID No.:) Assistant Buyer Service Manager Buyer Service Department WRITTEN OFFER OF NEW EMPLOYMENT We refer to the notice served by Datawin Limited (“Datawin”) to you dated 21st August 2008 with copy to us (“Notice”). Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Notice. Pursuant to the Notice and subject to the execution of the new employment contract to be entered into between you and the Company (as defined below), we send you this offer for re-engaging you under a new contract with us (the “New Employment Arrangement”). The major terms and conditions of the new employment contract are as follows: 1.Termination of employment with Datawin: Subject to the completion of the S&P Agreement, your employment with Datawin will terminate with effect from 23rd September 2008 and your employment with the Datawin shall thereafter cease to continue (“Termination”). 2.Date of commencement of new employment: Immediately after the Termination and with effect from 23rd September 2008, you shall commence employment with us, Global Market Group (Asia) Limited (the “Company”). In respect of your rights relating to severance payment and long-service payment (if any) under the new employment with the Company under Hong Kong laws, your length of service with Datawin will be recognized and carried forward to your new employment with the Company, and for the avoidance of doubt, the continuity of your employment with Datawin will not be disrupted as a result of the New Employment Arrangement. A new employment contract between you and the Company will be presented to you for signature on 23rd September 2008. 3.Position of new employment: You will be employed by the Company as Assistant Buyer Service Manager, which is your current position with Datawin before the Termination. 4.Place of new employment:The office of the Company will be located in the existing premises situated at 20 & 21/F., Pan Asia Centre, No. 137 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) and therefore the place of your new employment with us will not be changed from your employment with Datawin prior to Termination.

阿里巴巴Offer Letter

尊敬的XXX: 欢迎您加入阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司 / 阿里云计算有限公司 / 其他 [根据员工实际签署的公司名称变更](以下称公司),本文件列举了您和公司和/或任何公司指定的关联公司关于聘用的概括性条款。 本文件生效后,公司将与您另行签署《劳动合同》及《保密及竞业限制协议》等,您还需遵守公司各项规章制度,包括但不限于《阿里人守则》及《阿里巴巴集团商业行为准则》等。 1.职责: 1.1您在公司的职位为:XXXX, 您在公司的岗位层级为XXX,您的工作地点在中华人民共和国XXX市。您将直接汇报给XXX 。 (公司有权视实际情况进行调整) 1.2您应该忠于职守、勤勉忠诚地履行职责;将您所有的时间、精力及注意力集中于您的工作并严格 地按照公司相关人员和/或您直接主管的要求工作。 1.3在您聘用期间,您应严格遵守公司颁布地有关政策及规章制度,包括可能发生的也许影响您的职 务名称、职责和汇报关系的组织变动。 1.4您不能从事任何损害公司声誉和业务的行为。 1.5您在此确认您没有签署任何将影响您在本公司履行职责的与其他任何公司、个人、团体或前任雇 主的约定或合同。 2.报到: 您应当在公司指定的日期(“报到日”)XXXX年XX月XX日携带个人身份证、学历证明及离职证明等文件至公司办理入职手续。公司将与您签署为期三年的劳动合同,您的试用期为六个月。3.薪酬福利 工资 3.1.您的月工资为人民币XXXX元,按照公司正常付薪期每月支付给您。公司会依据公司的标准工资调 整时间表和您对公司的贡献和表现来确定您未来的工资调整。 3.2.公司将按照国家有关法律规定从支付给您的所有款项中进行必要的代扣代缴,包括但不限于社会保 险和个人所得税。 3.3.您在此表示同意,公司有权从公司依据本文件应支付给您的有关款项中直接扣除您有可能欠公司的 有关款项。 奖金 3.4.公司将依据公司的财务状况和您对公司的贡献决定是否发放年终奖金。 3.5. X年内离职,您必须在离职日前一次性向公司归还全部津贴;如果您在公司服务超过X年但未满X年离职,您必须在离职日前一次性归还此笔津贴的XX%,即XXXX元。 员工股票期权 3.6.在聘用生效日后的合理时间(该时间由阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司2011股权激励计划管理人决 定)内,您将获得Alibaba Group Holding Limited(简称“阿里巴巴集团”)授予的涉及XXXX 股阿里巴巴集团普通股的限制性股份单位。授予的限制性股份单位所适用的条款和条件遵循阿里巴巴集团2011股权激励计划以及您与阿里巴巴集团签署的有关股权激励奖励协议的规定。 3.7.从授予日起,限制性股份单位 的生效(或归属)期为4年。无论劳动合同因任何原因终止或提前终止后,所有未生效的限制性股份单位即被取消。 3.8.限制性股份单位行使的方法和程序依据“限制性股份单位”的详细规定执行。

入职通知单Offer Letter

录用通知书 Letter of Employment Mar 10th, 2015 亲爱的先生: Dear Mr : 1. 我们将非常高兴地授予您XXXX公司的职位。您的工作将直接汇报。 We are pleased to offer you the position of for XXXX Co., Ltd. You will report to of the Company. 2. 您在2015 年3月10 日前到任,本次协议期为3年,其中到任的前3个月为试用期。试用期间的表现和工作评估将作为您的转正依据。 You are expected to report on job no later than March 10th, 2015 . This employment contract period for you will be 3 years, and the first 3 months will be probationary. Your continuing employment thereafter will depend on your performance and evaluation report during the probationary period. 3. 您在该岗位的月薪总额在试用为税前RMB ,转正后为税前RMB ,个人所得税由个人承担,公司每月代扣。 Your monthly payroll package in this position will be RMB before tax during probation period, and RMB before tax after been permanent, You will be responsible for your individual income tax. The company will withhold the amount on your behalf. 4. 工作时间为周一至周六,单、双休。 The working time is from Monday to Saturday 5. 绩效奖金在试用期间根据工作业绩评估同步考核,薪资调整及年终奖金的发放的依据为公司的业绩和个人表现。 Performance bonus during the probationary period assessment appraisal synchronization according to job performance, Salary further adjustment& bonus provide will depend on factors including the Company’s and your individual performance. 6. 公司按照法律要求缴纳社会保障金,为您代办交纳社会保障金(养老保险金、医疗保险金、失业保险金、生育保险金、工伤保险金和住房公积金)。 Company will be in accordance with the law to pay social security benefits, as your agent to pay the Social Security Fund (pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, industrial injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing accumulation fund). 7. 您每年均可享受5 天的带薪年休假。通常情况下,该年休假次年休完,过期作废。


Offer Letter Dear Wangjing: Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Project Leader. We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the appointment. 1.Position: Project Leader 2.Commencement Date: Jul.1 2014 3.Responsibilities: Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon commencement. 4.Reporting: You will report directly to General Manager. 5.Salary: RMB 6000/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 12-month basis per year after confirmation. A review of your salary will take place in MAY each year. 薪金: 您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。 每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。 6.Annual Leave: You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy. 7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund: You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour Law. 8.Probationary Period: The probationary period is 3 months from commencement date. 试用期:从入职日起计算,前三个月是您的试用期。 9.Contract Period: The contract period is three years from commencement date. 合同期:合同期为三年,从入职第一天开始计算。 12.Hours of Work:


Date Employee name and address Dear employee name: Re: Employment with college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan I am very pleased to offer you a permanent/seasonal/term position as position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, based on the following terms and conditions: 1. Position: You are appointed to the position of position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, and in this capacity, you will report directly to name of direct supervisor. This is a permanent/seasonal/term position, and as discussed and agreed with you, your start date in the position will be start date. This position is in-scope of the ASPA bargaining unit. In this assignment of position title, your key responsibilities will be to provide a brief description of the primary purpose of the position (if available, attach the Job Profile, and refer the employee to it).. 2. Remuneration: Your base salary $X per month or $X per year (less statutorily required deductions). Your salary is payable once a month at month end in accordance with the University’s standard payroll practices. Your position is in Phase X of the Specialist/Professional, Managerial, IT, or Instructional job family. The current salary range for this phase is $X to $X per month. Your hours of work are based on the normal operating hours of the University and are expected to be for example, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one-half hour unpaid lunch break, amounting to 37.5 hours per week. Please refer to the provisions of Article 9.2.1 regarding the development of work plans and determination of hours of work. 3. Benefits and Pension: As a permanent/seasonal/term employee, you will be eligible to participate in University of Saskatchewan group benefit plans for employees in-scope of ASPA, according to the terms of the plans. You are also eligible to participate in the University of Saskatchewan’s Money Purchase Pens ion Plan in accordance with the plan requirements. Please refer to the Human Resources website for Benefits and Pension information specific to your appointment. A snapshot of benefit eligibility may be found in Table 12 of the collective agreement with ASPA, also found on the Human Resources website. 4. Vacation: You will receive X weeks of vacation per vacation year (May 1 to April 30), pro-rated for the current vacation year, according to the terms of Article 19.2 Annual Vacation. Vacations are to be taken at such time or times as are mutually convenient to you and the college/department/unit. Please note that carry over of unused vacation is not encouraged, and should be discussed with your supervisor. 5. Professional Allowance: In addition, you are eligible to receive an annual Accountable Professional Development Account in the amount of $X per year (prorated for the current year), per Article 12.4, to support your on-going career development needs. 6. Assessment Period: FOR APPOINTMENTS TO PERMANENT & SEASONAL POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8 Probationary Period for Permanent & Seasonal Appointments, the first X months of your appointment to this position is a probationary period. We will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback. We will be in a position to confirm continued employment upon successful completion of the probationary period.

Offer Letter 入职确认函中英文模板

Offer Letter Dear Mr. (XX先生): Following our interview discussions, we are offering the position of Area Sales Manager 根据我们在面试时的协定,现在我们聘请您为:地区销售经理 We outline below the term and conditions, which will apply upon your acceptance of the appointment. 有关职位具体描述如下,将会在您正式接受 职位:地区销售经理 2.Commencement Date: MAR.30 2006 开始日期:2006年3月30日 3.Responsibilities: Your specific responsibilities have been discussed with you, and are summarized in the position description which will be provided to upon commencement. 职责:(参照〈职位描述说明〉) 4.Reporting: You will report directly to National Sales Manager. 汇报:您将直接向全国销售经理汇报。 5.Salary: RMB 13500/month(Gross salary pre-tax)per month paid on a 13-month basis per year after confirmation. A review of your salary will take place in MAY each year. 薪金: 您将每年获得13个月的基本薪金,每月的薪金为税前13500元。 每年5月我们将对您的薪酬水平进行回顾和调整。 6.Annual Leave: You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy. 年假:根据公司规定,您将会享有公司的年假。 7.Social Insurance and Housing Fund: You will be entitled to social insurance benefits in accordance with Chinese Labour Law. 社会保险:根据中国的相关劳动法规,公司将为您办理国家规定的社会保险福利。 8.Medical Scheme: You will be enrolled in our company medical scheme classified as staff. 医疗计划:根据公司的制度,您将享受公司的医疗报销福利。

Offer Letter录用通知函(优选.)

最新文件---------------- 仅供参考--------------------已改成-----------word文本 --------------------- 方便更改 赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 2015 年 6 月3 日 致:先生 自:总经理 聘用通知书 我们高兴地聘用您担任有限公司岗位并就您的聘用确立如下条款。请在五个工作日内签署本聘用书以表明接受该聘用。 1、工作开始日期 您将自年月日起开始工作。工作地点为,向汇报。 2、工资 您转正后的月工资为人民币元(税前),试用期为转正后的 80% 即元(税前)。工资将于第二个月10日前发放前。您的个人所得税根据国家法律由公司代扣代缴,工资发放银行为银行。 3、加班工资 您的正常工作时间是周一至周五,但因为您的职位和工作因素,会有加班情况,您的职位薪资待遇已包含可能的加班因素,加班工资以固定的形式体现在薪资待遇中。 4、假期 您在公司工作,每年可享受国家法定11天的带薪休假(春节3天、十一3天、元旦1天、五一1天、清明1天、端午1天、中秋1天)。年休假、事假、病假等遵从国家有关法律法规及公司的相关规定。 5、社会保险福利 公司与您个人将根据中华人民共和国有关法律法规缴纳社会养老保险、医疗保险、生育保险、失业保险金及公积金。保险费及住房公积金个人缴纳部分将从您的税前工资中由公司根据国家有关法律法规的规定代扣代缴。2014年社保个人缴费额约为元,住房公积金个人和单位分别扣缴元,日后将根据国家社保和公积金政策调整及时调整。

在您人事档案及各类文件完整提供的前提下,公司将为您办理社会福利的登记/转移手续。 6、试用期及终止 您将有3个月的试用期,期间任何一方可随时通知另一方立即终止雇佣关系。如在试用期后终止雇佣关系,须提前30天以书面形式通知对方。如任何一方在不提前通知的情况下或在要求的通知期间未结束之前终止雇佣,则该方可在支付另一方相当于一个月工资的款额后终止雇佣。 7、工作的专属性 在工作时间里,您必须倾注您全部的时间、精力和能力以做好企业工作,同时在任何时候您的行为都应该最有利于公司的利益。未经公司的书面允许,您不能以任何方式直接或间接地(i)参加或受雇于,或(ii)以任何精力关注,或(iii)提供服务给任何其他的企业或组织,无论这是否与本公司的利益冲突或者是否可能对您履行您的应尽职责造成不良影响。 同时,您应向公司承诺:未受聘于任何公司或其经济组织(包括专职和兼职,特殊情况,需提前书面申明并得到董事长的批准。),与其他公司或经济组织不存在劳动关系或可能发生或已经发生的劳动纠纷,并保证公司聘用后,不会因聘用而对其他公司或经济组织承担有关劳动争议或侵犯他人商业秘密的连带责任。 8、发明、知识产权及保密义务 在您的聘期内,任何知识产权,包括发明(不论是否取得专利权)、版权、向公司或第三方提到的专利揭密,都应向公司公开,并且公司拥有其所有权及使用权。 您在聘任期间及聘任合同终止后的任何时间内都应保守公司的一切秘密,包括但不限于技术秘密和商业秘密。您不能利用所了解或知悉的公司任何技术秘密和商业秘密自营或为他人从事经营活动,不论该行为是否会损害公司的利益。 9、入职前体检 本聘用应以入职前体检结果满意为条件,请在入职时提供近期(三个月内)体检报告,县级以上公立医院体检证明原件,体检项目中须包含肝功能、两对半、胸透、血常规、心电图、尿常规、内科、外科等项目。 10、所需携带的证件 身份证、毕业证、学位证、资质证书、职称证、荣誉证书、培训证书等原件以备审核、及四张一寸照片,以及银行卡复印件一张。 11、住宿 公司为异地员工提供住宿。

外企offer letter

20_ -_ -_ OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT Dear , We are pleased to offer you employment with our company subject to your passing of medical examination and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of service: 1. APPOINTMENT You will be appointed to the post of at a monthly basic salary of(based on 12 months before tax), social benefits shall be as per local authority requirements. Your job grade is . Your employment will start on _________, 20 . You will be based in . You will report directly to . 2. CONTRACT AND PROBATION will sign a -year contract include four months probation with you from your joined date. 3. WORKING HOURS Your official working hours will be from 8.00am to 5.00pm (Monday to Friday). However, you may be, from time-to-time, required to work outside our normal office days/hours with overtime payment. 4. VACATION LEAVE You will be entitled to 7 days of annual leave per annum and an additional one day for one subsequent year of service subject to a maximum of 14 days. 5. TERMINATION OF SERVICE: This contract may be terminated by either party by giving to the other party one month written notice or one month salary in lieu of such notice. 6. RULES AND REGULATIONS You shall be subjected to the rules and regulations contained in the company's policies and practices manual, circulars and departmental instructions and any special regulations which apply to your appointment. We take this opportunity to welcome you to our organisation and wish you every success in your career with us. Please confirm your acceptance of these terms and conditions of employment by signing and returning the duplicate of this letter within 7 working days from the date of this offer of Employment to the Company. Failure to do so will render this offer of Employment void and null. Yours faithfully, HR Manager I,hereby accept your offer of appointment as in the Company's service and will commence work on ____________ I also hereby accept and agree to abide by all other rules and regulations of the Company. Signature Date

offer letter

Letter of Appointment PRIV ATE & CONFIDENTIAL NAME: Re: Appointment to the position of We have pleasure in offering you employment with Hong Kong Relaxops Limited (the “Company” or “we” or “us”) in the above position which, subject to your acceptance of this letter and its conditions, will operate commencing from the “Start Date”. Set out below are the basic terms which are to apply to your engagement. These terms are to be read together with the award /agreement. Together, these two documents will govern your employment. We recommend that you acquaint yourself with this award/agreement if you have not already done so. 1.Start Date a.You employment with the company will commence on 12 February 2018 (the “start date”) and you will have 3month probation period ,your commencement of you appointment is conditional and subject to: i.Our completion of all pre-employment screening processing to the satisfaction of the Company in its absolute discretion, including without limitation reference check or verification of the certificates and/or testimonials/ reference in relation to your personal background, academic education, professional qualification and/or past employment; and ii.You successfully applying for and being granted all necessary and appropriate visas permitting you to stay and work in Hong Kong during your appointment from the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the “visa”) and/or any other applicable authority. b.If you are approved to commence work prior to the finalization of the pre-employment screening and unsatisfactory result or verification is discovered by the Company afterward, your employment may be terminated by the Company without notice during the first month of your probation period, if any, and thereafter on seven (7) days’ notice or payment in lieu of notice. 2.Position and Division / Department Title: Division / Department: Operation Department The Company shall be entitled to transfer or second you to other division(s) / department(s). 3.Duties Page | 1

Offer Letter-模板

Offer Letter Private and Confidential 26th, June, 2015 Dear Ms. XXXXXXX Re: Offer Letter We take great pleasure in offering you the position of XXXXXXX with us here at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX where we hope you will enjoy your role and make a significant contribution to the success of the business. Commencement Date Your Employment will commence on 18th July 2015 Location You will be based at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (If there is no requirement from management.) Position XXXXXXXXX (Jobs assigned by your leader) The roles and responsibilities of this position will be described separately in an attached Position Description.

NOTE: You must be able to accept transfers and/or relocation between inter-department or our associate companies and accept and accept additional job responsibilities or job rotation as and when the company deems necessary and appropriate. Term This is a permanent position ▌Probationary Period o The statutory Three Month Probationary Period will apply to this role. During this time you will receive advice, training and guidance to help you become familiar with, and competent, in performing the work you have been appointed to do. The appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of the Probationary Period which itself is subject to termination during any stage, by either party, upon two week’s notice in writing, or by payment in lieu of notice. ▌The probation period shall be three (3) calendar months. During this period, either party could terminate by giving two (2) weeks notice or salary in lieu to the other party. Remuneration Your salary in probation is at a rate of RM XXX(Confidential to all staff). Your salary after probation is RM XXX(Confidential to all staff). ▌Payment o Your salary will be paid by end of month not more than 7th next month. Covering 27th the last month to 28th the current month. o For unconfirmed staff the salary will be calculate per day of work o Confirmed staff the salary will be calculate as per month basics
